
Moscow Art Theater School. How to enter the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio in the acting department? Workshops of the Moscow Art Theater School

The standard period of study is 4 years.
Form of study: full-time.
Admission target figures (budget places): main places 14, quota for admission of persons with special rights - 2.
Under contracts with payment of tuition fees (paid places) – 16.
The artistic director of the course is Viktor Anatolyevich Ryzhakov, professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Before the start of entrance examinations, applicants must pass qualifying auditions in three rounds. For qualifying auditions, you must prepare a program: 3 passages of prose, 3-4 poems, 3 fables.
The first rounds of qualifying auditions are held:
in April – on Sundays April 5, 12, 19, 26, 2020;
in May on Sundays 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May 2020;
in June on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the month.
Registration for qualifying auditions is carried out in the form of electronic registration from March 15, 2020. Procedure for registration of applicants. Applicants who received a negative result based on the results of qualifying auditions in the first, second or third rounds will be required to re-audition not allowed.
Second and third rounds qualifying auditions take place in June, according to the schedule approved by the Admissions Committee. The schedule will be posted on the website of the Moscow Art Theater School in April 2020.
Applicants who have passed three rounds of qualifying auditions, are allowed to take entrance examinations. Before the entrance examinations, applicants submit the following documents to the Admissions Committee:
a) statement (in the application you must accurately indicate the Unified State Exam scores in Russian language and literature);
b) document proving identity and citizenship (passport);
c) document on education or education and qualifications;
d) six photographs (3x4).
Unified State Examination results are valid for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 gg.
Acceptance of documents from June 17 to July 7, 2020 from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 (on July 7, documents will be accepted from 10.00 to 16.00) at the address: Moscow, Kamergersky Lane, building 1, 3rd floor, office 3-4.
Entrance tests are held from July 1, 2020, as groups are formed from among those who have submitted the necessary documents.

List of entrance tests:

1. Creative test:
performance of literary works: reciting a poem, fable, excerpt from prose by heart (prepare several works of different genres).

2. Professional test:
voice and speech testing: the presence of a healthy voice, the absence of organic speech defects, and clarity of diction are established;
checking musical data: performing exercises on the instructions of the examiner to check the musical rhythm, performing a song of your choice;
checking plastic data: performing exercises on the instructions of the examiner to test plasticity, coordination of movements, performing a dance of one’s choice.
The exam results are assessed on a 100-point scale.
The minimum score for budget places is 50.
The minimum score for paid places is 50.
3. Russian language Unified State Exam
The minimum score is 56.
4. Literature Unified State Exam
The minimum score is 45.

Entrance test programs, criteria and grading scales are published in the Entrance Test Programs section

Nonresident students are provided with a dormitory for the duration of their studies.
Dormitory accommodation is not provided during admission.

Moscow Art Theater School: admission rules, entry requirements, required documents, program, list of required literature, tuition fees, contacts

About the Moscow Art Theater School, School-studio named after Vl.I. Nemirovich Danchenko at the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. Opened in 1943 on the initiative of Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. In the summer of 1943, the first competition for admission to the Moscow Art Theater School was held in the theater. The examiners were Moskvin, Kachalov, Knipper-Chekhova. The official opening of the school took place October 20, 1943.

The basis of teaching was the Stanislavsky system, designed to instill in the actor a sense of organic truth, spiritual creativity in order to instill in him a keen sense of living life on stage.

IN 1956 Students and graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School, inspired by the idea of ​​“living theater,” formed the Sovremennik Theater. His first performances were rehearsed in the auditoriums of the Studio School.

IN 2008 As part of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, Kirill Serebrennikov created an experimental acting and directing course. By 2012, the Seventh Studio was formed from this course, which then became a resident of the Gogol Center.

Moscow Art Theater School, faculties: acting, scenography and theater technology, producing.

Moscow Art Theater School-Studio acting department. The acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio prepares students in the specialty "acting art" and specialization "Artist of dramatic theater and cinema." The duration of study at the acting department is 4 years with full-time study.

Training at the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School can be carried out on a budgetary or commercial basis, depending on the results of entrance tests.

Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, international connections: International exchange is supported, students from the USA, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Norway, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan study at the institute.

Famous actors who graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School: Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Efremov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Daniil Strakhov, Sergei Bezrukov, Andrey Myagkov, Oleg Basilashvili, Maxim Matveev, Igor Vernik, Tatyana Lavrova, Galina Volchek, Igor Kvasha, Lev Durov, Leonid Bronevoy, Valentin Gaft, Mikhail Efremov, Andrey Panin , Vladimir Mashkov,

Rules for admission to the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School:

Requirements of the Moscow Art Theater School for applicants: completed secondary education, age up to 20-22 years.

Admission to the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio is underway in 4 stages: qualifying round, practical exam on artistic skill, oral colloquium and presentation of Unified State Examination results in Russian and literature

  1. Qualifying consultations (tours) and creative competition. Qualifying rounds take place in May and June. The Moscow Art Theater School-Studio requires 3 rounds of qualifying auditions. Auditions involve reciting the program: 3 passages of prose, 3-4 poems and 3-4 fables. The creative competition takes place after the qualifying rounds and involves checking plastic, musical and speech data (the presence of a healthy voice, the absence of organic speech defects, and clarity of diction are established).

Applicants who have passed the qualifying round are admitted to the entrance examination stage:

2. Itour. Mastery (practical exam). Evaluated on a 100-point scale. Involves reciting poems, fables (required by I.A. Krylov),

Consists of two sections:

  • performance of a reading program from literary works: poems, fables, prose passages. It is necessary to prepare several works of each genre.
  • voice and speech testing. The test is carried out by stage speech teachers with the participation of a speech therapist and a phoniatrist; the presence of a healthy voice, the absence of organic speech defects, and clarity of diction are established.

Additional entrance test "Singing and dancing." Evaluated on a 100-point scale. Consists of two sections:

  • checking music data. It involves the applicant performing a song of his choice, exercises to check the musical rhythm, and playing musical instruments is allowed
  • plastic data check. It involves the applicant performing a dance of his choice, participating in special exercises to test plasticity and coordination of movements.

3. Unified State Examination results in Russian and Unified State Examination results in literature for students graduating in 2013-2014.

If you have a higher education, graduated from a secondary educational institution (school) before 2009, have a secondary vocational education in your specialty of entry, or are citizens of neighboring countries, the applicant does not need Unified State Examination results. In this case, in addition to clauses 2 and 3, he takes general education exams at the Moscow Art Theater School: Russian Language and Literature.

List of documents for the Admissions Committee of the Moscow Art Theater School for full-time applicants of the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School:

  1. Application addressed to the rector (using a single form);
  2. Certificates of Unified State Examination results in Russian language and literature or their copies, certified in the prescribed manner (they must be replaced with originals before enrollment). Persons who successfully passed the entrance exams, but for objective reasons did not have the opportunity to participate in the Unified State Exam during the final certification period, can take the Unified State Exam after the completion of the entrance exams in the direction of the University, in July of the current year. They will be enrolled upon presentation of the certificate;
  3. Certificate or diploma (original);
  4. 6 photographs 3x4 cm (photos without headgear);
  5. Medical certificate (form 086/у), dated the current year;
  6. Passport and its photocopy (to be presented in person);
  7. Young men present a military ID or registration certificate and hand over copies of these documents.

Applicants who do not pass the competition may be offered paid training by decision of the Examination Committee. If the applicant has a diploma of higher education, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, training is possible only on a commercial basis.

is a prestigious theater educational institution that recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. During this time, several thousand first-class specialists emerged from its walls - talented actors, directors, producers. Consider such names as Leonid Bronevoy, Alexey Batalov, Galina Volchek, Oleg Tabakov, Tatyana Doronina, Nikolai Karachentsov, Evgeny Mironov...

was created on the initiative of V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and still bears his name. Training here is carried out in four specialties: acting, scenography, production design technology and production. Graduates Moscow Art Theater School work in the best theaters in Russia.

For those who cannot imagine their life without theater and dream of devoting themselves to the stage, admission to Moscow Art Theater School can become the very starting point from which a person’s life in art begins.

Of course, the number of applicants is many times higher than the target numbers for admission to all faculties. The students include only the most talented and worthy guys from among those who not only want to be an actor, but are eager to develop and improve themselves, to comprehend the secrets of art, to hone their skills and abilities.

To enter Moscow Art Theater School, it’s not enough to just come to the audition and read your program. Entrance tests should be preceded by long preparation and self-improvement. The applicant must be relaxed, expressive, erudite, must know the basic acting terminology, be familiar with the history of the theater, and have an understanding of books telling about the profession of an actor. Anyone who is going to enroll in the acting department must be able to control their voice and body well, be flexible, strong and flexible, have good coordination of movements, have clear diction, and correct pronunciation. The applicant’s voice must be well-produced, deep and pleasant, and most importantly, it must express emotions.

All of the above requirements are not excessive or unattainable. Compliance with them can be achieved by devoting a sufficient amount of time and effort to working on yourself. If you can get acquainted with the work of great actors and directors on your own, then for everything else you will need a teacher who will supervise your classes.

Now there are many theater studios that prepare children for. Each studio has its own director, and, accordingly, its own teaching staff and working methods. A theater studio has a great advantage over classes with a private teacher. Group classes promote emancipation and develop a sense of partnership. In addition, in theater studios classes are held in several disciplines at once, which allows children to work in several directions at once.

Theater Studio Kvadrat– a place with more than forty years of history. This acting school sets as its goal the pre-professional preparation of boys and girls for acting. This is where the kids study acting, stage speech, stage movement and choreography, develop comprehensively, take their first steps on stage, participate in staging performances of all genres - from New Year's fairy tales to Shakespearean tragedies. Having completed training in theater studio Square, the most purposeful studio students easily enter theater universities, including the Moscow Art Theater School.