
Victoria jam recipe. Victoria jam, recipes for the winter. Traditional Victoria jam recipe

Date of publication: 07/04/2017

Today we will cook Victoria jam, but the recipes are suitable for both strawberries and wild strawberries. Although, I am sure that many of the readers do not know how the same strawberry differs from Victoria?! Mistaking large berries in markets or in the garden for strawberries. But is this really so... Share your opinion!

Below, you will learn several delicious and popular recipes. And even the best of them! Decide which one you like. But still, it would be better to cook them all and try them. Because any Victoria jam turns out - You'll be licking your fingers!

The most important. Since many are accustomed to calling Victoria strawberry, we will call it that in recipes. If you do not mind…

Thick strawberry (Victoria) jam for the winter with whole berries. How to cook?

So, first we will make strawberry jam with whole berries. I would like to note right away that it takes quite a long time to prepare, in several steps, but it turns out very beautiful and extremely tasty.

In this recipe we will need smaller strawberries, they will cook faster. And, it is advisable to choose berries of almost the same size, so that it does not turn out that some are already boiled, while others are not yet cooked. In this recipe we use 1 kilogram of strawberries and 1 kilogram of sugar.

1. We will lay out the strawberries in layers, alternating with sugar. And so, we first put a layer of strawberries (1/4 of the total amount) in a saucepan, then add exactly the same amount of sugar. Next, again a strawberry layer, on top of it with sugar. And we do this until the berries and sugar run out.

2. We cover the saucepan with a lid and let it sit like this for the whole night. Because we need the berries to release more juice. Already in the morning, as a rule, there is quite a lot of juice. Now, you need to mix everything very carefully so as not to damage the strawberries.

3. Next, we need to get the berries out of the syrup. To do this, take a slotted spoon and very carefully transfer them to a separate plate.

4. Next, we will deal with the syrup. We put it on the fire and stir continuously until the sugar dissolves completely. As soon as this happens, turn the heat to low and continue cooking for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the syrup should decrease by about 1/4. But you need to stir it at least occasionally, otherwise it may burn.

5. Turn off the heat and place the previously set aside strawberries in a saucepan with hot syrup.

6. Now, you need to repeat the entire process described above again. This means you need to leave the strawberries in the syrup overnight (at least 12 hours). Afterwards, remove the berries with a slotted spoon and boil the syrup further. And finally, add the berries to the hot syrup. We can observe that the strawberries have already decreased in size, and the syrup has become thicker.

Here, I have to disappoint you a little, because at this point, the preparation of jam is not finished yet. You need to repeat the whole process for the 3rd time, really for the last time. To begin with, again leave the syrup with strawberries for 12 hours.

7. After this time, the berries must be removed from the syrup and boiled for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

While it is cooking, prepare the jars and lids. They need to be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

Pour the hot jam into jars, close the lids and turn over. And in this state, we leave them to cool completely.

Recipe for strawberry jam without boiling berries (victoria, strawberries or wild strawberries)

It is no secret that strawberries are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. However, heat treatment destroys it. And so, I would like to offer you one very wonderful recipe for strawberry jam, in which we do not need heat treatment. It is perfect for making jam for the winter. And the cooking process is completely simple.

Required ingredients:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kilograms.
Keep in mind that in order for the jam to be stored for a long time, the jars with lids must be well sterilized.
  1. The berries need to be thoroughly washed and the stalks cleaned. Let them dry for a while. Then add sugar. For 1 kilogram of strawberries there is 1 kilogram of sugar.

2. Using a masher, preferably a wooden one, lightly grind the strawberries with sugar. We do not grind the berries too much; some of them should remain intact. Next, leave the pan for 2 hours. During this time, juice will appear and there will be practically no grains of sugar left, it will be dissolved.

3. And so, 2 hours passed. Now, pour the resulting jam into sterilized jars, but not completely. There should be some free space left in the jar, around the neck, about 1-2 centimeters, we will fill it with sugar. This way, we will get a kind of plug and the jam will not turn sour.

4. That’s it, seal the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Keep in mind, since the jam has not undergone heat treatment, it will only be stored longer in the cold!

Victoria or strawberry jam - five minutes for the winter. Strawberry jam recipe 5 minutes

There is another great way to preserve strawberries for the winter. And, unlike the previous one, it is quite fast. And it will take a lot less sugar. By the way, due to the fact that strawberries do not cook for long, they retain vitamins and amino acids in large quantities.

Required ingredients:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 600 grams;
  • water - 250 milliliters.
Please note that in this recipe the strawberries are not mixed, so we immediately put them in the container in which they will subsequently be boiled.
  1. And so, the berries need to be thoroughly washed and peeled. Large strawberries can be cut into halves or even quarters. It's up to you. Personally, I like to cook the berries whole.

2. Let's start with the syrup. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add sugar, put on low heat and cook until the sugar dissolves. Don't forget to stir. And, keep in mind, the water must boil!

3. Pour this hot syrup into the pan with the strawberries. No need to mix anything! This way the berries will remain intact. Now, the pan needs to be covered. To do this, use a towel or cling film. And leave for 2 hours for the mass to cool.

4. Next, let's deal with the jars and lids. They need to be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

5. And so, 2 hours have passed, the jars are ready, the strawberries and syrup have cooled down. Now, you need to put the saucepan with the mixture back on low heat and boil. But under no circumstances do we use a spoon for stirring; we simply rock the pan from side to side. A foam has appeared on the jam, it needs to be removed. After boiling, the jam needs to be cooked for another 5 minutes and removed from the heat.

6. That’s it, our delicious, aromatic jam is ready. Pour it into sterilized jars, close the lids and turn it over. Now all that remains is to cover them with a towel and leave them like that to cool completely.

As you can see, with such a gentle cooking method, absolutely nothing happened to the strawberries; they did not boil over.

Recipe for strawberry jam with large whole strawberries or Victoria berries

The next recipe that I want to offer you is also very tasty and wonderful. We need lemon and mint. But, we will use less sugar and lemon, so the jam will turn out a little sour.

Required ingredients:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 700 grams;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • mint leaves - to taste.
  1. And so, first we prepare the jars and lids: wash them well and sterilize them.
  2. Next, let's do the strawberries. It must be thoroughly washed and dried. To do this, you can use a paper towel and simply place the berries on it. Then, put them in a container, for example a pan, in which the jam will be cooked and add sugar. Don't mix! Leave them just like that for 8 hours.

2. After 8 hours, quite a lot of juice will appear. Gently mix the whole mass, very lightly, and put it on the fire. Then, add mint here and leave to cook for 5 minutes.

3. Now, take the lemon, wash it and dry it with a paper towel. Next, you need to carefully grate the zest and squeeze the juice out of the pulp.

We grate exactly the yellow layer, do not touch the white one, otherwise it will taste bitter!

Add all this to the jam and cook for another 10 minutes.

4. That's it, the jam is completely ready. All that remains is to pour it into jars and close the lids.

Victoria jam without boiling the berries

And I love this recipe the most, because the strawberries remain intact, and the syrup turns out transparent, transparent. And you can eat it as much as you want, since there is little sugar in this jam. Of course, it also has its own nuances, for example, the berries must be whole, beautiful, and healthy. Also, it should only be stored in a cool place.

Let's start cooking, as usual, with jars and lids. We wash and sterilize them well. Then, remove the stalks from the berries, wash and dry them, placing them on a paper towel.

For preparation, I will use 0.5 liter jars. And so, you need to put berries in them and pour 100 grams of granulated sugar on top, into each jar. That's it, now the strawberries with sugar need to be left like this for a while. I usually do it before bed and at night my jars sit like that.

During this time, juice is released from the berries and they become smaller. Usually, as happens, for example, you put three full jars at night, and in the morning you look, there is a little more than half of them. Then, you just need to take one jar and transfer its contents to the other two.

Next, cover the jars with lids. We take a fairly deep, convenient container, for example a saucepan, pour warm water into it and put jars of strawberries there. Turn on medium heat and let them sterilize in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

That's all, the delicious, unusually aromatic jam is ready!

Strawberry jam with gelatin. Recipe with whole berries for the winter

And, in conclusion, I want to offer another great recipe for strawberry jam. It is for those who like thick jam, since gelatin will be used during preparation.

To prepare, we will need the following ingredients:

  • strawberries - 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 300 grams;
  • gelatin - 10 grams;
  • sprig of dry mint (optional).

1. Sterilize jars and lids.

2. Strawberries must be sorted out, poor quality ones must be discarded and washed thoroughly.

3. Place the berries in a saucepan and cover with granulated sugar.

To enhance the taste, you can add a sprig of fresh or dried mint. Then we will remove it. And, put the pan on low heat. After some time, the strawberries will release juice and a foam will begin to form, which needs to be skimmed off. And so, after boiling, cook for another 5 minutes.

6. Put the pan on the fire again and cook the jam for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam.

7. Meanwhile, pour the gelatin into a bowl and add a small amount of warm water. Mix well, there should be no lumps left.

8. And so, 10 minutes have passed, remove from the heat and begin, stirring continuously with a spoon, gradually introducing gelatin.

9. Put it on the fire again and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

10. The jam is ready, pour it into jars, close the lids and turn it over. Let it cool down.

By the way, you probably already noticed that the jam is liquid. But, it’s only like that while it’s hot, when it starts to cool down, it starts to thicken!

I highly advise you to prepare and try Victoria jam, of all types presented in the article. And choose the best recipe for preparations for the winter.

Bon appetit!

What are the differences between strawberries and Victoria strawberries?

In fact, all these berries are from the strawberry family. Strawberry - developed by growing wild strawberries in gardens (the so-called Muscat strawberry). It took on a larger appearance by crossing green garden-type berries with small forest ones.

Then, garden strawberries appeared. Thanks to the crossing of Virginia strawberries with Chilean strawberries. It has won the hearts of many gardeners thanks to its larger berries and increased frost resistance. And the care of gardeners for garden strawberries, in terms of increasing productivity, subsequently resulted in the so-called Victoria. Completely homemade berry. But nevertheless, Victoria is a variety of garden strawberry, which gardeners love for its cold resistance and endurance in the harsh winters of Russia. At the same time, Victoria has larger bushes and wide leaves. And at the same time, large flowers turn into large berries.

In fact, all store shelves during the season are filled with various families of GARDEN STRAWBERRY.

Because growing strawberries separately is not profitable. It is less productive than Victoria. The thing is that Victoria is a monoecious plant. And on her bush there are both female and male flowers. And when they are pollinated, crossing occurs and the berries turn out to be very large and all the bushes are fruitful. But strawberries have little yield, because it is a dioecious plant and its bushes have either male or female flowers. And in order to get at least some harvest, it is necessary that 30% of male bushes be planted in the garden bed for pollination. Otherwise there will be no harvest! Moreover, strawberries have small berries, while Victoria berries are large.

So it turns out that those who consider large berries to be strawberries are mistaken. In fact, it is nothing more than Victoria (the most modern bred berry of the strawberry family. The so-called Garden Strawberry). And strawberries usually grow in fields and have a small appearance. It is practically not grown under industrial conditions. It is not profitable. Only a few summer residents, lovers of real Victoria, have small beds of real strawberries to make real strawberry jam. But you can’t cook a lot of it from garden bushes. Real strawberries are picked in the fields!

Wild strawberries and wild strawberries differ in that strawberries, even ripe ones, are difficult to pick from the stem. And usually, it will either be in a bucket with the stem, or with an umbrella and stem. They also have a different taste, and they look a little different than strawberries. You can see it in the photo below:

How do you distinguish this berry, and which one do you like best?..

The time has come to pick the berries beloved by many. Juicy, aromatic, sweet strawberries are intoxicating with their smell. And I want to save this piece of summer so that I can enjoy the wonderful berries in the cold winter. Therefore, we are in a hurry to make jam, compotes, jams...

Crushed Victoria (garden strawberries, wild strawberries) from IrishkaK

I don’t cook the berries at all and grind the sugar 1:1 with a masher with sugar (in a saucepan), put it in the refrigerator for a day or two. During this time, I pull out the pan several times and stir everything (so that the sugar disperses). Then I put the berries and sugar in jars (preheated in the oven, heat it to 250 C). I close the lids and store either in the refrigerator or in a cold cellar (so that the temperature is the same as in the refrigerator).

Victoria jam (garden strawberries, wild strawberries) from Nick

Victoria is covered with sugar overnight (I do it by eye, but the ratio is approximately 1 part Victoria + 0.8 sugar), then brought to a boil. It boils for about 5 minutes. I remove it from the stove, let it cool and bring it to a boil again. I cook for 5 minutes and pour into hot sterilized jars. I twist it (you can put it “under a fur coat” or you can leave it out). Sometimes I immediately add sugar and cook when it boils for about 15 minutes - and in sterilized jars.

Recipe from Sveta-sarsmis. Sveta's text:

  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 2 tbsp. l natural vanilla sugar
  • 5 black peppercorns (I added 10)
  • 500 g of special sugar for Dansukker jam (I took 800 g of regular granulated sugar)
  • 2 tbsp. l lemon juice

Place peeled strawberries in a saucepan, sprinkle with vanilla and regular sugar. Wait until the juice comes out. Grind black pepper coarsely in a mortar and add to strawberries. Pour in lemon juice and place the pan over low heat. Let it boil, skim off the foam. Cook for 5-10 minutes (depending on the type of strawberry, the more juice formed, the longer you cook) Remove from heat. Cool for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour into sterilized jars and close with lids. As you can see, I didn’t regret the pepper. It seems to me that 5 pieces will clearly not be enough) And the pepper, of course, can vary in spiciness. Mine was apparently kind of old and required exactly this amount in order to feel its aroma and spiciness.

  1. By chance I had a double portion.
  2. I didn’t have lemon, I really didn’t want to go out and get it in the heat, so I added a 10g sachet of citric acid to 2 servings of jam.
  3. The vanilla sugar had run out, so I didn’t want to go out in the heat to get it either. And I put a vanilla pod in the jam.
  4. Very tasty and aromatic!!

Victoria jam (garden strawberries, wild strawberries) with white chocolate “Kiss of Marlene Dietrich”

  • 1 kg strawberries (I had very small ones, so I didn’t have to cut them)
  • 500g of gelling sugar (I never had this before, I took 800g of regular sugar)
  • 5g citric acid
  • 1 bar of white chocolate (100g)

I sorted out the strawberries, washed them, dried them, sprinkled them with sugar mixed with citric acid.
Bring to a low boil over low heat. If with gelling sugar, then cook for 5-10 minutes, I cooked a little longer, about 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, turning off the stove, poured in finely chopped white chocolate. Stirred until dissolved, poured into sterilized jars, immediately closed with Twis lids and, as recommended in the original recipe, turned the jars upside down for 5 minutes.
They say that jam can be stored refrigerated for 4 months. I'm not going to keep it for that long, I feel like it'll run out soon.
The chocolate was white porous “Air” from the Rossiya factory.
The syrup turns out opaque, with matte chocolate stains.

Victoria jam (garden strawberries, wild strawberries) with basil from vikany

My friend went on a business trip to Michigan, and from there she brought us a gift of jam made at a local farm. The owners of the farm, husband and wife, grow all their food without fertilizers, all natural. And there, on the farm, they make jam, dry mushrooms and fruits. A friend brought 4 different jars of jam, her favorite was blackberry jam with shiraz (red wine) and strawberry jam with basil
Once upon a time I made a fruit salad from strawberries and basil, but I didn’t think of adding basil to the jam. Basil and strawberries are a wonderful combination, basil kind of adds a freshness to the taste. There was a farm phone number on the jar of jam - I tried to find out the recipe for the jam, but to no avail. I made the jam as I usually do, but added basil - it turned out almost the same as delicious jam from a jar.

From this quantity of products you will get 2.5 tbsp of jam

  • 1 kg strawberries, peeled
  • 1 tbsp + 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1-1.5 tbsp sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp coarsely chopped basil leaves

Mix strawberries and lemon juice and place in a saucepan. Turn on the gas and heat the strawberries and sugar over low heat, stirring frequently. The strawberries should release a lot of juice, it will take about 40 minutes.
Then add sugar and bring to a boil. Cook over medium heat, stirring for about 15 minutes, add basil 2-3 minutes before readiness. Then cool the jam completely, skim off the foam and put it in jars.
The jam can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-4 months. Or you can put the jam in sterilized jars, close with metal lids and store for about 1 year.

Victoria orange jam (garden strawberries, wild strawberries) from Kateryonok

  • 250g oranges
  • 650g sugar
  • 380g strawberries
  • 2 tbsp. chopped mint or lemon balm leaves
  • 2-3 tbsp. orange liqueur

Scald the oranges, cut them in half and slice thinly. Then, mix with 250g of sugar and leave to infuse overnight. Mix the washed, peeled and slightly mashed strawberries with the remaining sugar and let it brew for an hour. Then combine oranges with strawberries. Add mint or lemon balm, bring to a boil and cook for 4 minutes. Then add 2-3 tbsp. orange liqueur. After this, immediately pour the jam into clean jars with a screw cap and close tightly.

Victoria jelly (garden strawberries, wild strawberries) from Kateryonok

  • fresh strawberries - 300g
  • sugar - 150g
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon

Mash the washed berries, squeeze out the juice, strain it. Pour 1 liter of hot water over the remaining pulp, add sugar, and bring to a boil. Strain the broth. Add pre-soaked gelatin to the cooled broth, stir, bring to a boil and pour in strawberry and squeezed lemon juice. Pour into bowls, after rinsing them with cold water, and cool until cold.

Victoria (garden strawberry, wild strawberry) in its own juice from Eos

Sprinkle smaller berries with sugar (200-250g per 1 kg of berries) in layers and place in the refrigerator overnight. Then place the berries in jars up to the height of a hanger. Heat the remaining juice, but do not boil, and pour it over the berries. Cover the jars with lids and pasteurize in hot water (45-50 degrees). Bring the water temperature to 80 degrees and hold 0.5 jars for 7-8 minutes, 1 liter jars for 12-15 minutes, or sterilize (from the moment the water boils) for 4 and 7 minutes, respectively. Remove the jars, roll up the lids and place them upside down.
Or: Place small berries in jars and pour boiling water over them, cover with lids and sterilize in a pan with heated water: 0.5 liter jars for 9-10 minutes, and 1 liter for 10-12 minutes. Roll up and cool.

Victoria compote (garden strawberries, wild strawberries) from Nick

For 1 liter there is approximately 150g of sugar (i.e. for a three-liter jar we take 450-400g of sugar).
Fill a sterilized jar a third with berries, add sugar to the water, bring to a boil, pour the syrup into the berries in the jar, screw on the lid - and into a fur coat for a day.

It was an experiment, in my opinion, everything worked out. Dried strawberries taste sweet and very strawberry-like, on top they are dry (naturally) and a little “leathery”, and soft and chewy inside. I remember when I was a child, my grandmother dried apples, pears, apricots, and plums in the sun, but somehow they never dried strawberries. I wanted to bake a cupcake, one of the ingredients was dried strawberries. I have never bought or paid attention to how much dried strawberries cost, imagine my surprise when I saw $10.00 for 450 g on the price tag. I still bought strawberries, but they most likely had been left behind in the store - they turned out to be hard and with a strange taste. I decided to try drying strawberries myself. I made quite a bit, 600-700 grams for testing.

  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 2 tbsp ascorbic acid
  • 1 liter of water

Good afternoon I don't know a single person who doesn't love Victoria. Although many will probably now ask the question: “What is this?” And this is the well-known strawberry. It’s just that for me these are different concepts: I call strawberries those fruits that grow in the field, but I call victoria the berries that grow in the garden, at the dacha. Moreover, the latter option is larger than the first.

But for most residents of our country, the name strawberry is more familiar. But today we will not talk about the differences between these gifts of nature, but about what can be prepared from these berries. Moreover, now is the peak of Victoria sales, so have time not only to eat it fresh, but also prepare it for the winter, for example, make aromatic and healthy jam.

I’ll say right away that the most delicious option is considered to be a delicacy made from whole berries. And it is made using almost the same recipe. Today I will tell you everything in detail.

So, in order to prevent the strawberries from being overcooked and the jam from turning into jam, read the following recommendations carefully and try to follow them:

  • Choose fruits that are not very large, about the size of a hazelnut;
  • It is advisable that the berries are dry and clean so that they do not need to be washed;
  • If you do have to wash your Victoria, be sure to dry it well afterwards and remove the tails after washing and drying;
  • It is not recommended to cook jam in huge portions, as you risk damaging the berries during the cooking process. It is best to take 1 kg of strawberries. In this situation, you will not have to stir the fruits, but you can get by by simply shaking the container where the delicacy is being cooked;
  • It is best to cook the treat in several stages, alternating with standing;
  • The sugar syrup should be thick;
  • If you choose a recipe where the berries are covered with sugar in advance so that they release juice, then before adding, pour vodka over the Victoria (1 tablespoon per 1 kg of berries). Alcohol will make the fruit dense.

I repeat once again that the cooking technology is the same almost everywhere. The only difference is that in some recipes we will prepare the syrup separately, and in others we will simply cover the berries with sugar. I like the second option better, since the treat is natural and made without water.

And right away I want to answer the question that worries many:

How much sugar should I put in Victoria jam for whole berries? The answer is simple: 1:1.

For me it’s really very sweet, so I add a little less than a kilogram of sugar.


  • Sugar - 900 gr.;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Victoria - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. If you have dirty strawberries, first carefully wash them in small portions and dry them well. Only then remove the sepals.

The sepals must not be removed before washing, otherwise the berry will absorb a lot of liquid and the jam will turn out watery, and the Victoria will become soft.

2. Now prepare the syrup. To do this, pour clean water into the pan and add sugar. Place on the fire and cook, stirring the mixture occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Next, place the prepared berries in an even layer into the hot sugar syrup. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and wait until it cools completely. Repeat this procedure with cooking and cooling 5 times.

Please note that during cooking a lot of foam will form on the surface. It needs to be removed.

4. Cool the jam to room temperature and only then pour it into jars. Filled jars must be placed in a pan with water and sterilized for 15 minutes. Then close the jars, cool again and put them in a storage place.

Thick Victoria jam for the winter

And now the cooking option without water, so to speak, is my favorite. According to this recipe, our deliciousness really turns out thick and natural.


  • Strawberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Sort and rinse the berries. Remove the sepals and place in a large bowl. Cover everything with sugar.

It is better not to use rotten fruits, otherwise during the cooking process the jam will ferment and you will not get a sweet treat, but strawberry wine.

2. Leave the mixture for 3-4 hours so that the berries release juice.

3. After the time has passed, place the workpiece on low heat and bring to a boil.

4. Sugar should dissolve slowly. There is no need to stir the brew, just shake the bowl from side to side from time to time in which the treat is being cooked.

5. After boiling, the mass must be cooked for 5 minutes. Then remove the container from the heat and cool for 3-4 hours. Don't forget to skim off the foam during cooking.

6. When the mass has cooled, put it on the fire again and boil for 5-6 minutes and cool, that is, let it stand for 3 hours. Then continue cooking over low heat in 3 steps of 5 minutes at an interval of 5 hours. Don't forget to remove the foam from time to time.

After completing the above procedures, check the jam for readiness. Firstly, the berries should be transparent, and secondly, a drop of syrup should not spread.

7. The finished treat cannot be poured into jars right away, otherwise the Victoria will float to the surface. Therefore, wait until the brew has cooled down, and only then pour it into sterile jars. Cover with lids and store in a cool, dark place.

Step-by-step recipe for making strawberry jam

If you don’t like thick jam, but prefer liquid jam, then you can additionally add water to any cooking method, that is, prepare the delicacy according to the very first recipe photo. Moreover, the amount of water can then be increased.

Of course, I still recommend cooking the treat without any additives. And by the way, do not forget that during the cooking process the berries cannot be mixed, otherwise you will damage them and not get whole fruits. It is best to turn the container from side to side in which the delicacy is being cooked.


  • Victoria - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 800 grams.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, sort and rinse the strawberries. Dry and then remove the tails.

Don’t throw away the sepals; you can later use them to make healthy vitamin tea.

3. Leave the workpiece for 3-4 hours. During this time, the sugar will completely melt and Victoria will release juice. Now put the container on the fire and bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. When the jam has cooled completely, repeat the procedure.

As a result, the process of cooking and cooling must be repeated 3 times.

4. After the last cooking, cool the treat and pour into steamed glass jars.

5. Now close the workpieces with sterile lids and put them in a storage place.

Victoria jam with whole berries

I'll also tell you a little secret. In order for the brew to have a very beautiful color, add lemon juice or citric acid at the end of cooking.


  • Strawberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 900 gr.;
  • Lemon juice - 15 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the berries and rinse. Place in a colander to drain all excess water.

2. Carefully remove the sepals. Place the berries in a bowl and cover them with sugar. Leave the workpiece alone for 9 hours, or best of all, overnight.

Use an enameled basin with a wide, thick bottom.

3. In the morning, the berries will give juice, and the sugar will completely dissolve. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, immediately turn off and wait for the jam to cool completely. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times, do not stir the mass, but shake the bowl a little.

Add lemon juice during the last cooking step. Cool the natural product and pour into sterile jars and seal. Cover the jars with a blanket, wait until they cool completely and store in your usual place.

Video recipe for jam from Victoria “Five Minute”

And in conclusion, I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that strawberry jam is most often cooked in several batches of 5 minutes each. That’s why the recipes are called “Five Minutes”. Thanks to this technology, all vitamins are preserved and the berries do not become overcooked. And the blanks are stored for 3 years.

Also, according to the recipes described above, you can make jam not only from Victoria, strawberries, but also strawberries, and from other berries. There are a lot of benefits, and the taste is so finger-licking! That's all for today, bye, bye!

Every housewife should prepare tasty, aromatic and healthy jam from Victoria berries for the winter, the recipe of which has been developed and modernized since ancient times. In the cold season, it will remind you of the warm summer and enrich the body with missing vitamins. This delicacy is credited with many healing properties, and its taste is adored by adults and children.

To ensure that the delicacy is not only aromatic and tasty, but also beautiful, you should take into account certain features of its preparation. Ideally, the syrup should be transparent and the berries intact. When cooking, never add water. Victoria contains a lot of juice, and excess moisture will require additional cooking time to evaporate. As a result, the dessert will be overcooked.

You only need to prepare a delicacy from summer aromatic berries in a good mood, without unnecessary fuss. In order for it to last as long as possible and not spoil, you should know exactly the time required for cooking.

Victoria produces quite large fruits, and in order for them to be completely cooked, you need to accurately calculate the time. The prepared jam should be poured into jars while hot and then immediately rolled up. This will reduce the consumption of sugar during cooking. For one kilogram of berries you will need only 0.5 kg of granulated sugar.

If it seems that the jam is not thick enough, then during the last cooking it should be boiled to the desired consistency. As the dish cools, it becomes thicker, which is definitely worth taking into account. To check, you can drop a drop of syrup onto a plate. If it does not spread, then the dessert is ready.

Large berries are not suitable for making jam, so they are sorted in advance and medium-sized and well-ripened ones are selected. After this, the strawberries are placed in a colander and washed. The excess moisture should drain off after a while, after which Victoria should be placed on a paper towel and dried. The tails and stalks are removed from the fruits, and those that show signs of spoilage are discarded.

How to make Victoria jam

Over a long history, a huge number of recipes for making delicious and healthy jam from Victoria fruits (strawberries) have been created. Every housewife has the opportunity to surprise her household and guests by creating a unique recipe with the addition of one or another ingredient or spices.

A simple recipe for the winter

To cover this healthy treat with whole aromatic berries, you will need to take:

  • Victoria - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g.

Cooking technique

In order to make Victoria jam, the standard ratio of berries to sugar is 1:1. However, you can use less sugar. In this case, a dosage of less than 650 grams is not allowed. Otherwise, the fruits will “sparkle.” So, the dessert is prepared according to the following scheme. The berries are laid out in a suitable container in layers, each of which is sprinkled with sugar.

If it remains at the end, then simply pour it on top of Victoria and smooth it out. Leave to steep overnight until the juice is released. In the morning, boil and boil for 7 minutes, then remove the foam and let cool. This operation is performed 3 times. To make the delicacy thicker, cook it longer the third time. As soon as the drop does not spread on the plate, the dessert can be placed in a sealing container.

Recipe “Five Minute”

  • granulated sugar - 0.7 kg;
  • Victoria - 1 kg.

Re-sort the berries, wash them, cut large ones into slices. The syrup should be boiled separately in an enamel container over high heat, adding sugar and 250 ml of water. Pour the fruits into boiling syrup and cook for 5 minutes. The dish is stirred using a wooden spoon. Ready!

Jam from frozen Victoria

If during the summer for some reason it was not possible to prepare a delicacy from Victoria’s healthy berries, it doesn’t matter. You can always correct the situation and use frozen fruits for this. Required:

  • frozen Victoria - 1000 g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g.

Defrost the berries, rinse and sprinkle with sugar. Leave overnight to allow sufficient juice to release. In the morning, put the container on the fire and boil, then turn the heat up and simmer for 5 minutes. Periodically stir the dish and skim off any foam that has formed. At the very end, add lemon juice and mix thoroughly using a wooden spoon. Ready!

How to store Victoria strawberry jam

It is important not only to prepare, but also to properly store Victoria jam. If the dish was prepared without cooking or was closed with leaky lids, then such a product is best stored in the refrigerator. After opening, the container is stored only in the refrigerator and for no more than 2 weeks. The dessert can be used both for direct consumption and for preparing culinary masterpieces.

Hermetically sealed jars with well-cooked jam from Victoria are sent to a dark and cool room. The ideal place would be a basement with moderate humidity; in extreme cases, a pantry would be suitable. The shelf life of this delicacy is about 3 years.

Hello colleagues!

The very beginning of summer is behind us. And of course, now you can find a red, ripe and juicy berry at any market or on your personal plot - strawberries. Many people call it Victoria or strawberry. It is delicious in any form, even in, even fresh and of course in. Today I propose to learn how to make strawberry jam for winter storage, but only so that the berries do not lose their integrity.

After all, of course, they also make jams and confitures from it, which cannot make us all happy. But, probably, there is no person who would not like to eat this delicacy so that the berries are one to one and unharmed. You put a spoon in your mouth and sit and enjoy the juicy taste and aromatic syrup.

In fact, there are a great many ways to prepare it, remember last time you even did it with vodka or took it and added agar-agar. In general, they were completely weird. They added even more fruity notes to this dish and got an assortment.

This time there will also be many interesting recipes, each one will be different from the previous one. Accordingly, everyone’s shade and color will be different.

At the end of this note, you will find one rather original technology, according to which the original color of the jam will not change, and the berry will look like a berry. If you are intrigued, then be sure to read from beginning to end.

Remember that such gifts of nature can be collected in your garden and cooked from garden berries (they are the largest and fleshiest), or in fields (these are slightly smaller) and forests (just crumbs). In any case, you will get a tasty result if you prepare such fruits in a jar.

At the very beginning, I want to show you a classic version of cooking, but at the same time it will be fast at the same time. Take it and don’t worry if you’re cooking for the first time. This detailed instruction with a master class will only help you. If for some reason you are not satisfied with it, then read below, another option is described there.

Well, let's learn how to prepare this dessert so that it turns out not liquid, but thick. And by the way, I often now see options where this preparation is made in a frying pan, resulting in fried strawberry jam. If you don’t have a saucepan or want the syrup to be caramelized, cook it in one.

We will need:

  • Victoria (strawberry, wild strawberry) – 2 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg


1. Soak the strawberries in water before cooking to remove dirt and dust.

It is best to do this in a basin, and put the berries themselves in a colander and rinse them with up and down movements, this way the fruits will not be damaged and will remain safe and sound.

2. Then sit down comfortably and remove all the tails and stalks. If you suddenly see rotten or spoiled fruits, move them aside, they are not suitable, but the finished product will develop mold and destroy the entire jar.

3. Immediately after, fill the Victoria with granulated sugar so that the sugar begins to dissolve due to the released liquid. It should take about nine hours.

If you see that there is very little juice, add a couple of tablespoons of drinking water.

4. After that, proceed to the cooking process itself. Turn the heat to minimum and cook until the mixture forms foam, then remove it with a spoon. You can already taste it and enjoy the aroma.

Or you can cheat, so that foam does not form on the surface, you need to add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice before boiling, it will push this process aside and prevent it from appearing.

5. After boiling, cook for exactly 5 minutes, and then carefully remove the berries with a slotted spoon, and the liquid itself should still be boiled and reduced, that is, reduced by half.

Once you have achieved the desired consistency, add the berries again and bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes.

6. Then pour the resulting mass hot and wrap with lids. And of course, turn the jars upside down. You can even wrap it in a towel to infuse the jam even more.

7. This is such a beautiful summer dessert, it looks charming, and most importantly, any adult or child will enjoy it. Eat for your health!

Victoria jam Five minutes for the winter - a quick recipe

This is my favorite and one of the most requested recipes, which, as usual, are passed down from generation to generation. My great-grandmother cooked according to it, then my grandmother, my mother and now me.

You yourself understand that it is a pleasure to cook with it, firstly, the berry comes together, its integrity is not compromised at all, the taste is amazing, and the foam does not run away, since I like to add lemon juice to such a delicacy.

Did you know? It is a slice of lemon that will help avoid the formation of white foam on the surface of fried and boiling jam. Even though it tastes so great, without it nothing will escape and there will be less hassle.

And the color turns out to be strawberry, truly attractive and elegant, which makes the jam many times richer.

And yet, if you are still in thought and don’t know which jam is better, then 5 minutes will definitely not let you down. It is often also called the three-minute period. And for expressiveness, you can put a mint leaf or a slice of lemon on top when you put it in a vase. Choose it and cook it for joy!

We will need:

  • strawberries or Victoria berries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 0.9 - 1 kg


1. Wash large berries in running water, then cut off the stems; this is easy to do with your own hands. Then take a container, preferably deeper, even a multicooker cup will do. By the way, you can make such a delight in it, the main thing is to choose the right mode, for example, “Frying” and simmer at a temperature of 120 degrees.

Sprinkle the entire mass with granulated sugar, mix gently and leave in a warm place until juice forms.

2. Literally after 3.5 hours, put the saucepan on the fire and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. In principle, you can already take jars and roll the workpiece into them. But it’s still better to do it in three stages. That is, this procedure, namely, is recommended to be repeated two more times.

The first time you boiled it, boiled it for five minutes, cooled to room temperature, then brought it to a boil again and simmered for 5 minutes, cooled and boiled again.

3. And only after this can you roll the treat into jars under an iron lid.

4. And this is easier to do than you think if you take screw caps. Then turn the workpieces over and check that nothing is running up. Cover with a blanket and cool. It turns out to be really tasty, fragrant, and most importantly, all the berries remain uncrumpled and are not damaged during cooking.

On a note! Such a miracle is stored for more than a year. Imagine how cool it is, but it’s unlikely to stay on your shelf that long. Remember that it is afraid of the bright rays of the sun, so do not subject the jars to this process.

How to make jam from large Victoria so that the berries remain intact

Tell me what housewife doesn’t dream about this. Probably any, we have already considered in previous versions. This one will be a little unique, since I wanted to add a spice like cinnamon to the strawberry jam. Of course, if you are not a gourmet, you don’t have to add it.

The secret of this cooking method is a little different, namely in one ingredient. Find it below. And remember that the jam always comes out good and damn fragrant with a little sourness and an unusual smell.

We will need:

  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 300 g
  • citric acid - 1/3 tsp
  • Victoria large size - 500 g


1. Sort and rinse fresh, firm and non-watery berries. Transfer them to the pan. If you see that they have already become soft and have released a lot of juice, then make better confiture.

2. Fill the future workpiece with granulated sugar.

3. Stir gently and slowly with a wooden spatula. Let it rest in this state for 1-2 hours.

4. After that, you need to bring the pan with the contents to a boil, but so that the bubbles are small, so keep the heat on medium or minimal. Skim off the foam and add citric acid.

Using a slotted spoon, if foam appears, remove it and cook after boiling for 15 minutes. This is quite enough.

And for aroma at the very end, 5 minutes before turning off, add cinnamon. Stir and continue to simmer over low heat.

5. Now use a small ladle to transfer the mixture into a sterile jar and close tightly with a clean and dry lid.

Recipe for delicious jam with Victoria and lemon juice

Ah, summer, its aromas, swimming in the river... I could go on and on. And when it’s time for preparations, I start leafing through my notebook or open the Internet and leaf through various sites with descriptions. This time I was interested in this culinary masterpiece, which, as it turned out, is also called French.

I hasten with impatience to introduce you to him. Press the view button faster and sit back comfortably. Delicious preparations!

Thick Victoria jam for the winter - recipe with whole berries

It seems that all the options proposed above are also excellent, but this one will be unusual, because we will prepare it with the addition of balsamic vinegar. It will be possible to store such beauty in the apartment and, of course, in the cellar. The result will be berry-to-berry jam.

The dessert turns out to be quite appetizing, and its preparation is simple and uncomplicated. It won't take much time, so don't miss it.

Advice! To determine whether you have a quality berry or not, do the following: cover it with sugar and if it releases juice, it means it is not stuffed with anything.

We will need:

  • fresh strawberries – 3 kg
  • sugar – 0.9 kg
  • pectin – 45-60 g
  • balsamic vinegar – 300 g


1. Soak the Victoria in a basin or colander so that all the adhering dirt comes off and the twigs and sticks fall away. Then drain all the liquid and tear off all the tails from the berries. Sprinkle with sugar.

You probably think that not enough granulated sugar was taken, because the proportions are large and usually the ratio in recipes is 1 to 1. But pectin is used here, which means that then you need to take much less sugar. Pectin will give us a gelling effect. Cool!

Pour balsamic vinegar along with sugar, because it goes well in this case.

2. Stir and soak the berries in the sugar syrup for 15-30 minutes.

3. Now the fun begins, place the bowl on the stove and time it exactly 5 minutes after the mixture boils. Cook this time. When the boiling temperature reaches 100 degrees, the berry becomes dense and elastic. Therefore, do not be afraid to stir the jam with a regular spoon, nothing bad will happen, the puree will no longer come out.

After 5 minutes, add pectin to the surface and start stirring. And do it right away, otherwise you will end up with a strawberry lump. Pectin hardens quickly. Cook together with gelling ingredient for 6 minutes.

4. And then preserve the hot mixture in jars and screw on the lids. Turn over and wrap in a blanket for long-lasting warmth. Then store in the pantry or refrigerator. Bon appetit!

A simple and tasty recipe for Victoria jam - does not change color

It seems that such miracles do not happen, because anyway, when cooked, the delicacy changes color and turns out slightly brown. But if you add more rose petals, this will not happen. Or, as the second option, it’s boiled in syrup.

Note to beginner cooks! The berries should be washed in a colander, this way the fruits will not be damaged and will remain unharmed.

In principle, you can use the following homemade recipe, the color will definitely remain bright red, since it uses modern cooking technology in accordance with GOST. Here I would like to demonstrate an original cooking technique with rose petals.

After all, whatever one may say, rose petals contain quite a lot of vitamins, and they also have bactericidal properties. In general, there is no point in listing them; run to the kitchen and create.

We will need:

  • large strawberries – 600 g
  • light tea rose petals – 500 g
  • sugar - 780 g
  • drinking water – 800 ml
  • citric acid – 0.5 tsp
  • pectin – 2 dessert spoons


1. Prepare rose petals for work. If they have already withered, then do not use them, take freshly picked flowers. And the rest can be dried and then added to tea.

2. Rinse Victoria and remove the tails. Add sugar to all ingredients and stir. Add all remaining ingredients as listed. Due to citric acid, the color of this delicacy will be quite bright.

3. Place the saucepan on the fire and cook for 15 minutes after boiling over the lowest heat. You can even take about 20-25 minutes. When foam forms, remove and catch it with a regular slotted spoon.

After the required time has passed, place your favorite treat in sterile jars and screw on the lids. Wrap it upside down in a blanket and lower only cooled containers into the cellar. Great preparations, friends!

How to make jam from a large whole Victoria without cooking

Do you want to eat delicious strawberry delicacies with tea without harm and only with benefit? Then preserve the jam without pre-cooking using a quick recipe. Thus, you will get natural jam and delight your family!
And then any winter evening or night will pass unnoticed. And if there is still a cheerful company, even more so. In general, cook with joy!
The main thing is that the berries are dense and do not fall apart, and the juice is not liquid.
We will need:

  • water – 250 ml
  • Victoria (garden strawberry) – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp

1. Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, add 250 ml of water and mix thoroughly until all the sugar has dissolved and turn on low heat. And cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Important! During the first 15 minutes, you need to stir the syrup so that it does not stick to the bottom.

Then pour in citric acid and stir. Make the flame a little larger and the liquid should boil a little. You should see the first bubbles. Turn it off immediately.

2. Throw in the strawberries and let the berries sit in this decoction for 15 minutes. Dip thoroughly, the water will definitely turn red.

It is possible, even most likely, that all the sugar will not dissolve yet, this is how it should be, don’t worry.

3. Then, after infusion, carefully place the berries in a bowl with a slotted spoon.

4. Boil the juice over high heat, stir in the sugar that remains at the bottom. Cook for 15 minutes. Turn it off and immediately send Victoria here again. Let it float for about 15 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, sterilize the containers over steam or in the microwave. Boil the lids.

6. Then remove the berries from the saucepan and cover with lids. And now turn on the stove for the last time for 5 minutes, notice what a rich red color it has, exactly what everyone needs, it has not changed at all. And in terms of thickness, since it was cooked more than once, it turned out to be highly viscous.
So pour it into the jars of strawberries and then cover them tightly with screw caps.
As you can see, we made very cool and delicious jam quickly and easily in just 1 hour. Eat for your health and store in a cool place. From 1 kg of strawberries I got two half liter jars, one six hundred gram jar and a little bit for testing in a cup.

Homemade jam with Victoria and gelatin

And again, in conclusion, another story with a jelly-like component, I remind you that in addition to gelatin, you can take agar-agar or pectin. And even make real marmalade.
You can also store this delicacy in any cool place; it will last well all winter. So that then he will take a sample and smear it on the piquant one and the mood will immediately rise and a positive attitude will appear.