
Areal of all books in order. Areal all books in order Sergey tarmashev arial

Sergey Tarmashev

Areal. Infection


Initially, I did not plan to make the Areal series, since the theme of all kinds of deadly, Chernobyl and other anomalous zones, as they say, is “not mine”. However, many readers have sent and continue to send letters with a request "to write something in the Stalker series." At first, I rejected such suggestions, but when the total number of messages united by the common thought “Give me Stalker!” Exceeded the mark of three and a half thousand, I realized that it was impossible to ignore such an insistent request from readers. Since the world of "Stalker" feels good even without me and is developing confidently, I found it more interesting not to join an existing series, but to create my own variation on a popular theme. As a basis for my new world, I took the ingenious creation of the immortal Strugatskys "Roadside Picnic", which is the ancestor of the very idea of \u200b\u200banomalous zones and stalkers exploring them. I hope that my "Areal" will not disappoint fans of the genre, but of course the reader will make the final conclusions.

Sergey Tarmashev


- Yes. And everything would be very good if we knew what the mind is.

- Don't we know? - Noonan was surprised.

- Imagine, no. Usually they proceed from a very flat definition: the mind is such a property of a person that distinguishes his activity from the activity of animals. A sort of, you know, an attempt to distinguish the owner from the dog, who supposedly understands everything, but cannot say. However, more witty ones follow from this flat definition ... For example: the mind is the ability of a living being to perform inappropriate or unnatural actions.

- Yes, it's about us ... - Noonan agreed sadly.

“Unfortunately… another definition, very lofty and noble. Reason is the ability to use the forces of the surrounding world without destroying this world.

Noonan winced and shook his head.

“No,” he said. - It's not about us. Well, what about the fact that man, unlike animals, is a creature with an irresistible need for knowledge? I read about it somewhere.

“Me too,” Valentine said. - But the trouble is that a person, at least a mass person, easily overcomes this need for knowledge. In my opinion, there is no such need at all. There is a need to understand, but knowledge is not needed for this. The hypothesis about God, for example, gives an incomparable opportunity to understand absolutely everything, knowing absolutely nothing. Give a person an extremely simplified system of the world and interpret every event on the basis of this simplified model. This approach does not require any knowledge ...

- Wait, - said Noonan ... - Don't get distracted. Let's do it this way. Man met an alien creature. How do they know about each other that they are both intelligent?

“I have no idea,” Valentine said, amused. - Everything I've read about this comes down to a vicious circle. If they are capable of contact, then they are intelligent. Conversely, if they are intelligent, they are capable of contact. And in general: if an alien creature has the honor of possessing human psychology, then it is intelligent ...

“So much for you,” Noonan said. - And I thought that everything was already laid out on the shelves ...

- Put it on the shelves and the monkey can, - said Valentine.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Roadside Picnic"

Missile Attack Warning System Command Post, Solnechnogorsk, USSR, March 27, 1991, 4 hours 52 minutes.

A half-asleep man in an impeccably ironed tunic with a colonel's shoulder straps and a red bandage of an operative on duty on his sleeve rubbed his eyes wearily and, grunting soundlessly, lifted his heavy body out of the working chair. He shook his head slightly, driving away drowsiness, then, stepping heavily, left the table, which was covered with secret communications equipment. His gaze flickered over the glass map tablets and electronic displays surrounding the combat posts of EWS operators on duty. Then he briefly walked through the displays of computers displaying real-time data from satellites designed to keep an eye on missile-hazardous areas of the territory of a potential enemy. And finally, he stopped at his reflection in the nearest map-tablet, which replaced one of the walls of his combat post.

The colonel straightened his shoulders and, as best he could, sucked in his voluminous tummy. “Hmm, good, you won’t say anything…” He grinned sarcastically. - Got it on a sedentary job, even though nervous. And doctors say that due to constant stress and frequent stress, the body is prone to severe weight loss. Apparently, my stomach knows nothing about this ... "He recalled his lieutenant youth, when a young wiry rocket officer, a tall handsome officer was able to tirelessly drive personnel for days, coaching yesterday's conscripts in training to deploy anti-aircraft missile systems into a combat position and their subsequent folding in the stowed position to exit the firing area before a retaliatory attack by enemy aircraft. Yes, there were times ... His unit then held the speed record for the deployment of the S-200, and in fact this system in those years was, no less, the country's anti-missile shield. The colonel smiled faintly as he remembered his first award for this achievement. The command marked him with a personal photo at the unit's Battle Banner. The general wrote on it with his own hand the inscription "The best rocketman of the regiment." It seems to be a trifle, just a photo, not even a medal. But until now, this award remained the most expensive for the colonel. Still the first.

He remembered the slender figure of the senior lieutenant, frozen at the Battle Red Banner, and again threw a reproachful glance at his reflection. I ought to take care of myself. At least to do gymnastics in the morning or something ... The Colonel sighed barely perceptibly and walked over to the safe standing in the corner of the combat post. He dialed his personal code, opened the door and took out his work briefcase from the armored storage, the bowels of which were hidden by a small thermos immediately taken out into the white light. Coffee, the most common one - soluble, soluble, will now come in handy. Painfully difficult time of day, the most sleepy hours. The colonel filled a mug and, somewhat contrary to the regulations and instructions, remained standing in the middle of the combat post of the operational duty officer, looking around the Command Post, not forgetting to take a sip of a barely warm drink from time to time. The operators, who also nibbled or rubbed their red sore eyes with their hands, immediately revived at the sight of the Operative and fidgeted in their chairs, shivering under the stern gaze of their boss, which did not promise them anything good. He smiled inwardly. “So that's it. I will cheer you up better than any coffee, you fool. It was necessary to sleep at home, before duty, and not to indulge in girls. And here we have to drag the service. And you need to drag it regularly! The threads of the colossal system converge in this CP. The consoles of operators of combat posts every second receive streams of data from many powerful radars scattered across the territory of the USSR, information is received from the satellites of the Outer Space Control Center, and in fact it continuously conducts almost six thousand different space objects in orbit of the planet, not to mention that that the orbital group does not take its eyes off the missile-hazardous directions of the potential enemy. The security of a huge country depends on us! "

The Colonel grimaced. The huge country plunged deeper and deeper into an equally huge chaos. The Soviet Union was collapsing before our eyes, and he decidedly did not understand what these idiots from politics were doing. It's no joke to say, they are going to ditch such a colossus! What for?! To kill a colossal state, a huge well-coordinated mechanism, before the power of which the entire West trembles, to smash it to smithereens into many helpless pieces-cogs, which will instantly turn out to be easy prey for crooks of all stripes - from unbelievable criminals released by newfangled amnesties to cunning politicians bought with giblets overseas probable enemy. And who benefits from it? Operational evil frowned. Just those whose territories are probed day and night by the satellites of his command post. Oh, evil jokers are not far from the truth, meaningfully asking in their anecdotes, they say, why is this a birthmark in the form of America on the bald head of the General? The colonel shook his head, mentally addressing the hero of the jokes. What are you doing, you fucking peasant ?! Do not break, do not build, you do not need a big mind ...

He once again scanned the KP with a menacing look and, clutching the empty mug in his hand, went to the thermos. “A little more coffee will not hurt. One hope is for the past all-Union referendum, - he reflected, unscrewing the flask of the thermos, - maybe at least these idiots will come to their senses as a result of it? Still, the overwhelming majority of the population of all republics voted for the preservation of the USSR. True, not all union republics held a referendum. " But this is not surprising, now there is such a mess in the country that at times it seemed that the only place where unshakable order was still preserved was its command post. The colonel carefully brought the mug to the neck of the thermos, and a brown liquid with the smell of coffee began to fill the mug.

The sharp howl of a battle alarm shattered the silence so suddenly that the Operative jerked in surprise, splashing coffee on the floor. The thermos and the cup flew somewhere to the side, and a second later he was already sitting in his chair, clicking the toggle switches of the microphones and the buttons of the monitoring systems. Outer Space Control System operators vied with each other to report on the situation, trying to hide the fear behind increased intonations.

I see the goal! - the speakers rang. - Single target! Ballistic! Can't be identified! Coming from the East! Heading for the USSR! A distance of forty thousand kilometers! Speed…

Distance thirty-nine thousand kilometers! - Immediately another voice intervened in the conversation and instantly corrected itself: - Thirty-eight thousand kilometers! It continues to shrink ...

-… approximately a thousand kilometers per second! - Reports came in hysterically-hasty shouts, almost interrupting each other. - I cannot define more precisely ...

- ... will enter the upper atmosphere in thirty se ... thirty six seconds! - The voices of the operators were already breaking into a scream.

-… the expected point of entry into the troposphere is above the eastern foothills of the Ural ridge! Coordinates…

-… the distance to the target is thirty-five thousand kilometers! Sokra continues ...

The hysterical scream of the speaker slashed across the ears:

The calculated point of contact is a district of the city of Moscow! - The operator tried his best to hide the fear that gripped him. - Until contact is thirty-three seconds!

Time for the Operative merged into a single machine-gun line of actions. He issued commands and performed the necessary actions as quickly as he had never worked in his life. Air defense units have already been alerted, the regiment covering Moscow is awaiting instructions, the Ministry of Defense has been notified, the generals on duty are probably now racking their brains over whether to deliver a retaliatory nuclear strike, but only on whom? The target appeared in space suddenly, the satellites did not detect either the launch or the launch of the rocket on a ballistic trajectory. Perhaps in these seconds the General Secretary is already being woken up, or whatever he is now, the President ... Only all this does not matter. The colonel was a good rocket scientist. And, like any competent professional who is now in the control room, he perfectly understood what would happen in thirty seconds. The target will strike at Moscow with all the ensuing consequences. And the point is not that half a minute is left before the strike, but the deployment time of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems is five minutes. There is always someone in a combat position, plus air defense squadrons in the air, plus a system of stationary missile systems designed to intercept in the atmosphere. We can get an enemy intercontinental ballistic missile on approach, seventy to seventy-five kilometers from Moscow. But none of the missiles existing today is capable of intercepting a target moving at a speed of a thousand kilometers per second. Maximum one thousand two hundred - one thousand three hundred meters per second. But not a thousand times more ... Is it possible that the Americans were able to develop and produce such a projectile, having managed to keep everything in the strictest confidence ... You can, of course, have a ghostly hope that the target will lose speed after entering the atmosphere, and we will have at least the slightest chance to intercept, but it is so clear that it will not slow down a thousand times. A blow to Moscow cannot be avoided. And that means ... The Colonel shrugged his shoulders painfully. Is it really a war? How, after all, they correctly calculated the blow. It is night in the capital, people sleep in their homes, the victims will be maximum. And no one is waiting with this restructuring ...

-… the distance to the target is twenty one thousand kilometers! Until contact is twenty seconds! The course is the same ...

Comrade Colonel! The pale liaison officer handed him a printout. “The Mission Control Center is in touch. From the MIR station they report that a large space object is moving in the direction of Moscow! MCC does not know where it came from, it suddenly appeared near the planet itself! They have a panic, they constantly ask what to do ...

Woke up! - The operative snatched the paper from his hands. - Well, at least not a nuclear war, and thanks for that! - He quickly ran his eyes through the lines and suddenly froze: - What ?! Diameter ten kilometers ?! - The Colonel rushed to the microphones: - Target size data! Immediately!

I cannot determine due to the high speed of the target! one of the operators shouted tensely. - The calculation will be possible through ...

Ten seconds before contact! The new report drowned out his words. - Distance nine thousand kilometers!

Nine seconds! - the operator began to count down.

Target dimensions to me, immediately! - roared the Operative, directly giving the command to the anti-missile cover units to attack the target in advance.

Eight seconds!

There are sizes! one of the officers shouted. - Almost eleven thousand meters across!

Six seconds!

The operative froze in his chair. Now it’s definitely over. Even if a miracle happens and the anti-missile missiles reach the target, for her it will be like an elephant's grain. Ten kilometers of rock will crash into the planet at a speed of a thousand meters per second. And it doesn't matter which part of the country they hit, there will still be nothing left of it. The colonel belatedly thought that if it were an American ballistic missile, he would probably be glad of it now.

Four seconds! The Command Post froze like a wax museum, and the voice of the cameraman conducting the countdown became the only sign of life in a crowded room.

Three seconds!

Two seconds!

There was a sudden pause.

Nothing ... - the operator involuntarily exhaled and immediately reported hastily: - The object entered the atmosphere and suddenly lost speed!

Observing separation of goals! - immediately followed by a report from another post. - Multiple target, multiple ... Hundreds of markers! Dropping fast!

It's falling apart in the air! - suddenly exclaimed someone not at all according to the charter, and the frozen command post immediately exploded with a whole storm of reports.

When, five minutes later, it finally became clear that the target, which turned out to be an unknown cosmic body, presumably a hollow meteorite consisting of icy gases, collapsed, entering the Earth's atmosphere, the Operative was determined to make today a second birthday for his children. He wearily leaned back in his chair and only now realized that he was sweating as if he had been in a pouring rain. From somewhere in the distance, the thought came that now he knows exactly what the doctors want to say when they say the word "stress". The colonel reached into the inner pocket of his tunic, took out a pack of Validol and sent a couple of pills under his tongue. He allowed himself to close his eyes for a few seconds, soothing his pounding heart, and trying to jump out of his chest. "No problem," thought the Operative. Of course, now a whole epic will begin with this meteorite, debriefing and distribution of slaps in the face. Where did they come from, why did they not immediately notice, because of what they were not ready later, where they fell, what they consisted of, what they left behind, how and thanks to what there was such a fantastic drop in speed that saved the lives of half of the planet, and the devil knows how many more questions ... After these analyzes, you can easily become a general or a lieutenant colonel. But now the colonel was not interested in all this. Then. All later. Now he will make time for himself to rest. Little. Just a short forty seconds. Just a little. This is nothing compared to how painfully long the endless forty seconds last.

Ukhta region of the Komi ASSR, March 27, 1991, 5 hours 3 minutes, ten kilometers north-west of the village of Kedvavom.

What is it, Blackie, what are you so unhappy with? - The old man took off his thick coat mitten with hare fur and tenderly patted the scruff of the whining dog. - Didn't you get enough sleep, eh, old sloth?

The Siberian husky, black as anthracite, tucked its front paw, plaintively pressed against the man and whined softly again. Petrovich straightened the ancient double-barreled gun hanging behind his back and, groaning, squatted down next to the dog.

Well, buddy, what's wrong with you? - The old man carefully stroked the dog on the head, trying to calm him down. - Since the morning I am not myself. You are capricious, old dog, just like me! - He smiled affectionately at the husky. - Yes, and that's right, who else would you grumble with? You and I alone, two old men, stayed with each other ...

The dog, as if understanding the man, licked him briefly on the cheek. Blackie has turned ten years old, and by his dog's standards he is almost the same age as Petrovich, who was in his seventh decade. Since his wife died three years ago, there has been no one closer to the dog. The daughters long ago moved to big cities and got married, they have their own life, in which there is almost no room for the old man. The last time he saw them was at a funeral, since then greeting cards have come only on holidays. The grandchildren of a village abandoned in a remote taiga at the end of the world were not interested, so it turned out that the aging Chernysh was all his relatives. Petrovich did not even want to think about what he would do when the faithful dog gave his soul to God.

The dog looked at the man devotedly, wagged its tail ring, but did not budge.

Come on, Blackie, look for the squirrel! the old man said to the dog, looking around. - And that better than an ermine, Semyon will pay you and me well for him. We'll bribe coal, yeast, sugar, we'll figure out the first nobleman, we'll give Fedka Red a litter box, he'll chop and train us for this business, otherwise I'm already old to wave a cleaver, don't hold my hands at all ... Come on, old, let's go, what are you standing for, like rooted to the spot? We still have to make a detour a good twenty kilometers, while we will check the snares!

Laika barked softly, as if agreeing with Petrovich's arguments, but did not take a step. On the contrary, Blackie sniffed the air, as if expecting something, sat down on the snow and whined softly again.


"Catastrophe" is the first novel from the cycle "Ancient" by Sergei Tarmashev. World conflicts and the struggle for resources have led to a nuclear disaster.

Humanity has almost completely died, but the rest of its representatives were able to escape in bunkers. Over time, when the underground life of people was organized, attempts began to rise to the surface.

Only the most courageous, experienced commandos, including the main character - the gallant Thirteenth - could agree to this. Now they will have to survive in a nuclear winter and face terrible monsters.

But the danger awaits them not only on the surface. In the bunkers, a revolution may just begin, which has long been planned by a mercenary power-hungry villain. Will the hero be able to prevent the coming disasters?


The thirteenth is an experienced and courageous special forces soldier, who at one time, together with his team, received an excessively large dose of radiation and therefore was transferred to suspended animation. This method is used only in extreme cases. And he introduced himself two thousand years after the War of Humanity.

The only salvation for humanity was the spacewalk. After all, our planet could no longer be safe for future life. Now, so that people can start all over again, it is necessary to deal with a terrible enemy. But who is this opponent: an alien or a man himself? The fate of all mankind is now in the hands of the protagonist ...


"War" is the third part of the series about the Ancient One, created by Sergei Tarmashev. The brutal corporation has lost the battle with the people, but the human troubles do not end there. After all, people always need a new bloody war. Brave special forces officer Thirteenth and his loyal comrades will have to become the savior of civilization and help the survivors find peace again.

"War" is a book in which Tarmashev finally moves from the genre of post-apocalyptic fiction to the genre of space opera. Fans will get acquainted with many interesting alien races, vivid battle scenes and a dynamic fascinating plot.


In the 4th novel of the well-known fantastic series "Ancient", Sergei Tarmashev gives his admirers the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about the representatives of each of the races who participated in the War of those who came after.

The continuation of the story is as exciting as the events of past books. However, here the writer touches upon serious problems of mankind: love to imitate life, escape from true values \u200b\u200b... And only an invasion forces people to remember again what it means to be human and to fight for their future, for their children.


The new book from the "Ancient" cycle will surprise fans of science fiction with the incredible speed of the plot. An almost defenseless group of people will be powerless against the aggression of an invisible enemy.

Countless victims throughout the galaxy, armies of aggressors ... It seems that the world is finally destroyed and victory will be for the enemy. But literally at the last second, a hero returned to the scene, who is able to withstand the hordes of the enemy.


Despite the fact that the rebirth of the human race is only a matter of time, it is still far from the victory over the enemy. The galactic war has taken on unimaginable proportions. To reach the Commonwealth of Delphi and Human races, the Alien armies incinerate everything in their path.

Only the aerospace forces of the Commonwealth were able to resist the enemy, which resolutely hold the defense and bravely repel attacks on the Galaxy. Everyone is waiting for the victorious battle to begin just about, but in the interplanetary confrontation, the unexpected suddenly happens ...

The hour of retribution

The leader of the human race, Alex Thirteen, is well aware of the cost of victory and has learned the lessons of history well. He realizes that the enemy can take any guise and inflict a fatal blow at the moment when he is not expected at all ...

In order to prevent tragedy, the Commander intends to disrupt the world order of things and learn the secret laws of the universe. But someday you will have to pay for unlimited power ...


Dawn of Darkness

In the world of Parn there are endless seas-oceans, steep mountains with snowy peaks, spacious plains and deserts. And this world is divided into light and dark parts. The light is inhabited by various races: gnomes, elves, orcs, k'zyrd and humans. And on the dark one live necromos, which mainly live in gloomy Nekros. These lands were cursed in the past by the gods, and no one was able to return from them. This edge is like a black hole that sucks out all living things and does not let anyone out.

People in Guy have magical abilities - a great gift from God. In some, these abilities are weakly expressed, in others - stronger. The most powerful magician is White. Every nation would like such a ruler. The main wizard of Nekros is the Black Knight, the most terrible and cruel. Once every twenty decades, he comes to people to destroy everything around. And soon the hour of war is coming, on which the fate of all will depend.

Radiance of Darkness

"Radiance of Darkness" is a continuation of the story "Dawn of Darkness". In the second part of the series, fans will witness the Terrible and Bloody War. K'Zyrd, orcs, necromos, humans and sailors are ready to do anything.

Can they save Parn? What will happen to King Tragr and Princess Ailani? Fans of epic scenes and unusual tactical moves will be interested to know how everything will end ...

Dark Sunset

Sergei Tarmashev managed to create an amazing world, which is based on his personal views on life and the universe. Here the orcs are generous, decent, ready to give their lives for their lands and for their glory, people are, on the contrary, insignificant, vicious, greedy and ready for betrayal in order to save themselves, and the gods no longer want to help them, because they do not consider them worthy of it.

In the novel "Sunset of Darkness", fans of the series will experience a dynamic development of the plot, a huge number of battle scenes, interesting characters, a love line and, of course, the fight against evil. But how to defeat him, if everyone in the world is disunited, hordes of enemies are coming from everywhere, and it is impossible to trust anyone?

End of darkness

When an important battle, on the outcome of which the future of all will depend, is inevitable, the most unimaginable alliances and alliances begin to be organized. But the insidiousness of enemies who play a double game also increases significantly. How now to find out who is friend and who is enemy?

The famous warrior Trarg and the strongest sorceress Ailani not only decide to join forces, but their alliance develops into something else. But the future depends not only on them. Will Human mages be willing to take risks to save the noble Orcs against the k'zyrd? After all, the spells are resisted by the death spell of a much more powerful enemy! Is it possible to defeat the demons of Nekros, how to escape from the merciless Golems? Will the end of Darkness come?



In the vicinity of the small town of Ukhta, a mysterious space object collapsed, because of which the entire territory turned into a Zone. The zone exists according to its own foundations: creepy mutants live here and mysterious anomalies are created, and from time to time artifacts with magical properties appear. Of course, there are adventurous and brave stalkers who risk everything to penetrate the zone to study it and find artifacts.

The main character - Ivan Berezov or Fog - joins the soldiers who protect the zone from illegal intrusions and prevent the exit of terrible creatures from the Zone into the ordinary world. What will he have to face in such an unusual service?

The price of greed

The Mysterious Zone stretches on Taiga Square in the area of \u200b\u200ba tiny town - Ukhta. Frightening creatures live in the Areal - Unki, Porcupines, Zombies, life-threatening anomalies regularly occur here, and its entire existence cannot be explained in terms of physics.

But there is something that can calm the fear of the Areal - greed. Kamikaze, who make their living by carrying metamorphic rocks out of the Areal, regularly try to enter the Zone. Only the Special Operations Squad is able to protect our world from creatures from the Zone.


In the third part of the "Areal" series, the main character, nicknamed "Fog", will have to find himself in the most terrible Red Zone, where the probability of dying is close to 100%.

Ivan faces 3 missions at once: to find the person who developed a foreign laboratory in the Yellow Zone, to find documents that are important for all people in the Areal and to return his beloved Lavender.

In this part of the cycle, fans will finally be able to find answers to the main questions about the creation of the Areal, its system and the new dangers that it contains.

Deleted from life

After Areal survived the fall of a nuclear bomb, life there changed dramatically. The old rules are no longer valid, and new ones have not yet been developed. To understand how the world works now, sometimes you have to take deadly risks. But even the most brutal rules can be adapted. With time…

Everyone seemed to be out of their minds. And how can the Bear and his team be in such conditions? Especially if they started hunting you too ...

State within a state

The fifth part of the "Areal" cycle will tell readers about the special operations squad inside the yellow zone. Together with the brave guys, scientists live who conduct crazy experiments.

Was it a coincidence that the life of a crippled gymnast, stolen from the mainland, and the life of a major unexpectedly intersected? The girl was not the only one who suffered a similar fate exactly at the time when scientists had a chance to defeat the Areal. Who was interested in this?

Die beautifully

The areal is an unusual place that can forever change one's destiny, help in obtaining unlimited power, health and money. But everyone who dares to choose this path will be addicted. Along with the acquisitions, he will receive destructive anomalies, and meetings with rabid creatures and mutants from parallel worlds may end in death.

The efforts of scientists to investigate the anomalous zone arouse the anger of representatives of the authorities and the underworld, who themselves want to take possession of this resource. The inhabitants of the Area become unwitting participants in this confrontation. The terrible events were very close, and now only Major Pletnev's team can resolve the situation. But will the heroes be able to fight the unknown?

There is safety in numbers

The area is a territory in which too many secrets are kept. But what if someone knows more than others about the Cataclysm and the nuclear bomb that hit the epicenter, and does everything to hide it all?

In the difficult game between the heads of various departments, ordinary people play pawns. That is why Areal's invisible hand interferes in the life of ordinary Muscovites. And who knows what to expect now ...

What will you sow

The OVOP base is destroyed. Opponents cannot rejoice, anticipating profit, and the Areal filled with monsters plans to clean up new lives for itself. But the main characters don't give up so easily. They will meet their enemies in full combat readiness, will join the last battle of the all-consuming anomaly. Perhaps thanks to this the stench of evil will finally be dispelled ...

For many years, readers have explored the Zone together with their favorite heroes. We visited abandoned laboratories and lairs of monsters, got acquainted with scary creatures and zombies. In the last novel, the author will tell all the secrets of this place ...



In his new book, Sergei Tarmashev decides to touch upon a very urgent problem of our time - the impact of genetically modified foods on human health and the environment.

This novel is a discourse on a potential apocalypse, moreover created by human hands, because the catalyst will be the direct activity of humanity itself.

Well, where can we go without monsters, battles and the search for the salvage "Legacy"? Fans of the post-apocalyptic genre will find a full set of attributes of a wonderful novel of this theme.

Legacy 2

The second part of Sergei Tarmashev's novel "Heritage" tells about what is happening in the Russian Federation two hundred years after the largest environmental disaster. And in the center of the plot is the main character who desperately believes in the infallibility of the country's leader.

Is humanity really going to die and there is no chance of being saved? Is GMO really the death of all life on the planet?

This is an appeal novel, a warning book. And the writer is sounding the alarm so that people finally start thinking about what they eat, who creates this very food and how. After all, from a small spark, a huge flame appears, a flame of hope.


Inevitable death

Two centuries ago, mankind began an active and inevitable movement towards death, and all through the fault of the carelessness and greed of people. So, the Earth slowly, but surely began to be covered with ice. Freezing temperatures are now an incredible luxury. Those who managed to survive in such conditions face a terrible fate - death from the cold.

The main character, the greedy Mike, lives in New America and is sent on an expedition to the Arctic Circle to save the planet and win glory and honor. But will he be able to survive in such terrible conditions? Who could have guessed that they would find salvation where they did not expect it at all - from the Siberian savages ...

Icy infinity

The book is part of the fascinating cycle "Cold". A natural disaster provoked what had long been expected - irreversible shifts in the Earth's climate. A terrible cold has reigned on the planet, and in the previously not warm Siberia, frosts have become unbearable - temperatures here reach 1000 Celsius. It would seem how one can survive in such conditions, but people somehow managed to adapt to this ...

African American Mike finds himself in frosty Siberia with a purpose. He came here for help. He doesn't like the fact that he is forced to rely on the mercy of Russian savages, and Mike does not really like the savages themselves: they are all tall, slender, attractive, fair-haired, superbly polite - surely mutants? Next to them, the main character feels flawed. They have unique knowledge, superhuman endurance, cutting edge medical technology. A man cannot bring himself to trust these people, but he cannot deprive himself of their help either. It is necessary to launch the Reactor, this is the only chance to escape.

Cold breath

When the planet is doomed to die from the unbearable cold, and the last inhabitants have already resigned themselves to the inevitable fate, hope begins to fade. The climate reactor, which contains the last heat particles, is under the control of mutants and cannot help stop the impending catastrophe.

To save New America, the elect decide to turn to the brave savage from Siberia Svyatogor and Mike Butler, an inhabitant of the civilized world. Now the heroes have to overcome dangerous obstacles, reach the emergency control point and restore the heat supply. But the managers did not take into account one point - the ancient enemy had already prepared for revenge, which would shake the entire planet ...


Hotel "Oyunsu"

The book “Hotel“ Oyunsu ”is the first attempt of Sergei Tarmashev to test his strength in the genre of horror.

An idle company of wealthy young people, contemptuously looking at those to whom fate was not so financially generous, decides to celebrate the New Year in an original way. One of the guys invites everyone to go to the eco-hotel "Oyunsu", which has recently begun work in the Siberian taiga. And so the parties began: alcohol, dancing, music ...

But suddenly strange things begin to happen, and then corpses are discovered at all ... Soon it becomes known that the hotel is associated with a mystical ancient curse, and the mountain is not at all a harmless ski slope ...



If someone is capable of destroying humanity, then it is man himself. The terrible virus, over which the Nazi doctor Wilman worked for a long time, was released from a test tube. The results have been disastrous. Most people simply died, and many turned into bloodthirsty creatures who adore rain and hate fire. Those who have not been affected by the terrible epidemic hide in bunkers to try to survive.

The only one who is able to rid the planet of the virus is doctor Ivanov, who has all the necessary information about the antivirus. In order for Ivanov to be able to reach the command post, he must be accompanied by captain Alexei Kharitonov. It will be a very dangerous and difficult path for both of them.

Purgatory. The final

A terrible virus broke free from the laboratory and wiped out almost all of humanity. Survivors sooner or later turn into bloodthirsty creatures. The world began to resemble a post-apocalyptic desert. In order not to perish, it is necessary to hide in underground shelters, but it is impossible to live there forever ...

The final novel of the Purgatory saga brought together all the characters. Which hero will die? Who can overcome the challenge? Everyone is trying to escape from the infected places and strive to get to Gotland: it is here that there is a chance to find salvation, revealing the secrets of the researcher Wilman.

But who will be the lucky one? And will they really have the medicine in their hands? Will it not be worse than the epidemic itself?

Ancient. Background

Ancient. Background. Book one

If you are a fan of books about the Ancient One, then this novel will definitely appeal to you. This first part of the backstory will reveal many points that were previously unsaid and incomprehensible. But this series is worth reading only for those who are already familiar with the main works dedicated to this hero.

In this book, the writer will talk about the childhood and youth of the Thirteenth, as well as his personal philosophy.

Ancient. Background. Book two

In the continuation of the famous science fiction novel by Sergei Tarmashev, the confrontation between the Dark and Light worlds is becoming more and more cruel and desperate. The race of the Shining ones actively resists the onslaught of enemies - avatars, which are ruled by Dark rulers, confident in their one hundred percent victory. But will they really succeed?

Ancient. Background. Book three

The Shining Race does not give up and continues to fight against countless enemy armies and their immortal rulers, who are constantly changing their avatars. They are not afraid of death, death in battle for them is only the loss of expensive equipment. Only the warriors of the Shining ones leave this world forever, but they also do not feel "fear". And there are reasons for this ...

And its readers will find in the fate of the famous true As - Thorbrand, whose life is directed only at one goal - to avenge everyone for the main loss. And he understands that the hour of the bloody battle will soon come ...

Ancient. Background. Book four

"Ancient. Background. Book Four ”- the last novel about the premises of the saga about the brave fighter Thirteenth. In it, readers will learn a lot of interesting things about the past of the main characters. An important battle awaits them - the civilization of the Shining Ones - with the cunning and selfish dark races.

Behind the fascinating events of the novel - chases, battles and wars - there is a deep philosophical meaning. What is the most important thing in life: family, homeland, tribe or love? By the way, the romantic theme in the book is revealed from an unusual side: no one would have thought that even the dark ones could experience this bright feeling.

Worlds and wars of Sergei Tarmashev

To each his own 2

Chaos ensued on the planet after repeated nuclear strikes on August 29, 2111. Cities are destroyed, rivers no longer have water, trees, houses and roads have been wiped off the face of the earth. The sun is no longer visible due to radioactive dust. It seems that in the absence of states, governments - everyone is now only for himself.

But those who hide underground cannot escape without special training or intelligent guidance. Only how to distinguish the future savior of people from the mad marauder? Colonel Brilev, who has captured a spacious bunker, is in no hurry to open the doors for a new group of desperate people. The entrance ticket will not be cheap for Captain Porfiryev ...

To each his own

Civilization has been destroyed and the infrastructure no longer works. All important strategic objects are destroyed and the destruction of less important ones begins.

Those in power have created bunkers underground for themselves ahead of time, and the rest of the survivors are hiding in shelters, the most secure of which has always been the metro of the capital. But won't it become an underground trap? ...

One of the group of survivors has an escape plan. But this plan is not for everyone ...


Since ancient times, our solar system has been located in the Neutral Territories. Many millennia ago, the Ancient Races protected it from the attacks of aliens thirsty for profit, so that nothing would interfere with the development of earthly civilization. Since then, the rule of non-interference has been fulfilled 100%, and its violators will face a harsh fate ...

But the resources of the solar system continue to be the desired target of greedy outsiders. For many centuries they have selected the most greedy and vicious earthlings, who gladly carry out any instructions for the sake of the desired reward: money and influence. The Awakened are working against them - carriers of the Ancient Blood armed with secret knowledge, who save their homeland from capture.

Lust for power

Galactic battles full of dangerous adventures and sophisticated political intrigue! The struggle of civilizations for the throne, for the sake of victory in which you can do anything ...

The Imperial Race has started. There is only one condition: the Emperor must be a representative of another Galaxy. A trapping network of zero-crossings will give access to portals, and civilizations that would like to acquire the Emperor will have one imperial day at their disposal. This time, the Catching Net pointed to Earth ...

One of the famous Russian science fiction writers is Sergei Tarmashev. "Areal" - all the books in order and its other best series that you should read from the author.



Recently, not far from Ukhta, a spacecraft crashed, turning the surroundings into dangerous territories, where even one person in their right mind would hardly decide to poke their heads. The fact is that these places are teeming with creepy mutants that destroy all living things in their path. However, there are also those fearless stalkers who willingly seek to be here. Further

The price of greed

After the crash of the spacecraft, Ukhta became uninhabitable. In addition, the Zone continues to grow rapidly. Now it is inhabited by even more terrible creatures than before - not only creepy mutants, but also zombies. It is deadly here, they say that whoever came here risks never returning back, but there is a detachment capable of protecting mortals. Further


Ivan is well aware that his mission is the most dangerous of all that he has faced in his entire life. The fact is that the hero will not only have to penetrate the epicenter of the Red Zone, but also find the one who created the laboratory on the territory of the Yellow Zone, his beloved and very important documents, on which too much depends. Further

Deleted from life

No one expected that a decision would be made to drop a nuclear bomb on the Area. At that moment, life changed dramatically. No rules and laws apply to these territories anymore, everyone who survived has one goal - to survive at any cost. But what to do when being here is mortally dangerous and every step can cost the heroes their lives? Further

State within a state

On the territory of the Yellow Zone, a detachment of special operations continues to operate, with which scientists are working hard, constantly putting on more and more new experiments. Who would have thought that it was here that two lives would somehow intersect at once - a crippled gymnast, previously kidnapped, and one of the majors. Further

Die beautifully

Rumor has it that a person who dared to give up everything and ended up in the Areal can become immensely rich, since there is something to profit from here. The only problem is that this place is shrouded in terrible anomalies that have not yet been investigated by any group of scientists. Everyone knows perfectly well that it is mortally dangerous here, but they continue to strive for these parts. Further

The Areal contains too many secrets that mere mortals should not know. Just think what could happen if someone became aware of such terrible events as a nuclear strike or a cataclysm? Here ordinary mortals turn into pawns, on which nothing else depends, because a serious game has flared up between the heads of departments. Further

It took a lot of time to thoroughly study the area, visit the abandoned laboratories and lairs of monsters, and also get acquainted with mutants and zombies, and try to escape from them alive. Now the Areal wants to get more human lives, and the former OVOP base is no longer there. But all this will not force the heroes to surrender so easily. Further



Humanity began a real war for the right to own all possible resources at once, which each state wanted to concentrate in its hands. All this gradually came down to a nuclear disaster, as a result of which the Earth's surface became uninhabitable. Millions died, the survivors managed to hide underground, but when the situation stabilizes somewhat, they will have to get out. Further

The thirteenth is one of the best military men. Not so long ago, together with a special forces team, the hero was sent on a highly dangerous mission, where they had to come to the surface in a nuclear winter. As a result, the team received too high a level of radiation, and the only way out was to put the guy in suspended animation. Now he is only approached in emergency situations, as now, when it seems that the opportunity for spacewalk has appeared. Further

Despite the fall of the sinister corporation, the troubles of humanity only increase. Populations of humans and animals are rapidly declining. The only one who can try to put an end to all the horrors taking place is the Thirteenth. He is the best Special Forces soldier of all that history has ever known, too high intelligence and skillfully honed skills. Further

Here, several races are opposed at once, each of which has its own views of the Earth, as a paradise of the Universe. Unfortunately, people have long lost the ability to be real people after all those bloody wars that have turned into recent events. And only an unexpected invasion will once again force the heroes to unite in order to repel the enemies. Further


People don't understand what's going on. A certain enemy attacks and ruthlessly destroys all the inhabitants of the Earth. The problem is that the heroes are not even able to consider it. This complicates the situation significantly. Panic is mounting. One gets the feeling that there is no place to wait for help. But when it seems that everything is irreversibly lost, someone will come who can protect them. Further


Until recently, the war flared up with might and main on Earth, but after recent events it reached its climax and acquired galactic proportions. Now the Commonwealth is struggling to resist an invisible enemy, eager to destroy all life that comes across in its path. He is too cruel and cold-blooded, hardly anyone will be able to stop him. Further

The hour of retribution

The thirteenth knows very well how high the price of victory really is and how such events are reflected in the history of the whole world. In addition, the hero understands what danger is now hanging not only over him and those like him, but over the entire Galaxy. The enemy can be anywhere, no one knows at what moment he will attack, which significantly complicates the situation. Further





Ancient. Background

This book should be read in the end after the entire cycle in order to fully understand the essence of what is happening and find answers to your questions. With its help, it will be possible to obtain information about the childhood and growing up of the Thirteenth, about what other secrets remained unsolved. All this is presented with a somewhat unusual philosophy. Further

Few people know what kind of confrontation actually flared up between representatives of the Light and Dark worlds and what consequences all this resulted in soon. For a long time, the confrontation between the Shining and the avatars has not subsided. The dark forces are convinced that victory will be on their side, but not everything is as simple as it seems. Further

The book will take the reader to the distant past, to those times when for 430 years the non-stop confrontation between the Shining and the Dark Forces was unfolding. At that time, none of them even thought about such things as love or something good. Everyone was driven by the desire to win, even at the cost of their own lives. Further

This time, a decisive battle is coming between the Dark Forces and the Shining Ones. So far, only the Almighty knows on whose side victory may be. The forces are practically equal, each side will certainly suffer irreparable losses, but the cost of defeat will be too high to surrender now, when the decisive battle is about to end and someone is defeated. Further

Worlds and wars of Sergei Tarmashev


The solar system is located in neutral territories, where for several centuries it was protected from alien invasions by the Ancient Races, so that nothing would interfere with the full-fledged development of earthlings. Despite the fact that the law of non-interference must be respected without question, there are those who are eager to seize the earth's resources. Further

Illusion 2

When it seemed that all the troubles of the Galaxy were already over, a new confrontation was coming between the Awakened and the Chosen. So far, one can only guess what consequences all this will turn out to be for civilization. Perhaps there will be no winners, but if there is even the slightest chance that good will prevail over the forces of evil, you need to take advantage of this. Further

To each his own

After, for some unknown reason, an armed conflict spontaneously flared up, entire states were exterminated, the time of the apocalypse began. The government provided for a similar scenario and that is why bunkers were built for all influential estates, where the authorities are not in danger, and mere mortals are left to wander around the shelters in the hope of surviving. Further

To each his own 2

In 2111, humanity was hit by the largest nuclear disaster in history. Now, most of the planet, where huge metropolises once flourished, is razed to the ground. Nobody knows how to change the situation, and the survivors are scared. At a time like this, the world needs strong leaders who can lead people. Next will go

Sergey Tarmashev


Initially, I did not plan to make the Areal series, since the theme of all kinds of deadly, Chernobyl and other anomalous zones, as they say, is “not mine”. However, many readers have sent and continue to send letters with a request "to write something in the Stalker series." At first, I rejected such suggestions, but when the total number of messages united by the common thought “Give me Stalker!” Exceeded the mark of three and a half thousand, I realized that it was impossible to ignore such an insistent request from readers. Since the world of "Stalker" feels good even without me and is developing confidently, I found it more interesting not to join an existing series, but to create my own variation on a popular theme. As a basis for my new world, I took the ingenious creation of the immortal Strugatskys "Roadside Picnic", which is the ancestor of the very idea of \u200b\u200banomalous zones and stalkers exploring them. I hope that my "Areal" will not disappoint fans of the genre, but of course the reader will make the final conclusions.

Sergey Tarmashev

- Yes. And everything would be very good if we knew what the mind is.

- Don't we know? - Noonan was surprised.

- Imagine, no. Usually they proceed from a very flat definition: the mind is such a property of a person that distinguishes his activity from the activity of animals. A sort of, you know, an attempt to distinguish the owner from the dog, who supposedly understands everything, but cannot say. However, more witty ones follow from this flat definition ... For example: the mind is the ability of a living being to perform inappropriate or unnatural actions.

- Yes, it's about us ... - Noonan agreed sadly.

“Unfortunately… another definition, very lofty and noble. Reason is the ability to use the forces of the surrounding world without destroying this world.

Noonan winced and shook his head.

“No,” he said. - It's not about us. Well, what about the fact that man, unlike animals, is a creature with an irresistible need for knowledge? I read about it somewhere.

“Me too,” Valentine said. - But the trouble is that a person, at least a mass person, easily overcomes this need for knowledge. In my opinion, there is no such need at all. There is a need to understand, but knowledge is not needed for this. The hypothesis about God, for example, gives an incomparable opportunity to understand absolutely everything, knowing absolutely nothing. Give a person an extremely simplified system of the world and interpret every event on the basis of this simplified model. This approach does not require any knowledge ...

- Wait, - said Noonan ... - Don't get distracted. Let's do it this way. Man met an alien creature. How do they know about each other that they are both intelligent?

“I have no idea,” Valentine said, amused. - Everything I've read about this comes down to a vicious circle. If they are capable of contact, then they are intelligent. Conversely, if they are intelligent, they are capable of contact. And in general: if an alien creature has the honor of possessing human psychology, then it is intelligent ...

“So much for you,” Noonan said. - And I thought that everything was already laid out on the shelves ...

- Put it on the shelves and the monkey can, - said Valentine.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Roadside Picnic"

Missile Attack Warning System Command Post, Solnechnogorsk, USSR, March 27, 1991, 4 hours 52 minutes.

A half-asleep man in an impeccably ironed tunic with a colonel's shoulder straps and a red bandage of an operative on duty on his sleeve rubbed his eyes wearily and, grunting soundlessly, lifted his heavy body out of the working chair. He shook his head slightly, driving away drowsiness, then, stepping heavily, left the table, which was covered with secret communications equipment. His gaze flickered over the glass map tablets and electronic displays surrounding the combat posts of EWS operators on duty. Then he briefly walked through the displays of computers displaying real-time data from satellites designed to keep an eye on missile-hazardous areas of the territory of a potential enemy. And finally, he stopped at his reflection in the nearest map-tablet, which replaced one of the walls of his combat post.

On March 27, 1991, an unknown cosmic body, moving at an inconceivable speed, collapsed upon entering the Earth's atmosphere. Its debris, which collapsed in the remote taiga of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, generated a colossal release of energy throughout the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe meteor shower. In less than a minute, the affected area expanded in all directions by more than a kilometer, continuously increasing at a constant speed by one meter per day.
Here they produce unique oil of the "X" type, many times superior to all types of fuel known to mankind, and find artifacts that violate the laws of physics. Here flora and fauna mutate into the most bizarre and deadly forms, aggressive towards all living things. Here anomalies appear and disappear chaotically, falling into which threatens death. It is not easy for even the most trained and skilled to survive here. And it is here, in the Special Operations Detachment of RAO Areal, that the former fighter of the Alpha Detachment, Captain Ivan Berezov ...

The adventures of Captain Ivan Berezov and his comrades, familiar to readers from the first book of the new cycle by Sergei Tarmashev, continue!
Emissions follow one after another, and ever large areas of taiga in the Ukhta region are transformed into a mysterious and deadly Zone. But the people who made their craft the production of the metamorphites generated by the Area and the trade in state secrets of the Motherland, as well as their customers, foreign residents, are not afraid of anomalies, or terrible mutants, or the living dead. And only one force - the Special Operations Detachment of RAO "Areal" - is able to resist those who fully knew the price of greed ...

If there are anomalies, then you are in the Zone. If your UIP is working - Zone Green. If not, Yellow. If the devices are cut off and you become a Zombie as a result, you are in the Red Zone, and you will stay in it forever. But neither Zombies, nor anomalies, nor even the Call of the Dark Lord are able to stop Ivan Berezov. After all, not only his life and good name are at stake, but also the life of a person who is very dear to him.
What is hiding in the Epicenter of the Range? What kind of strange terrorists seized the Main Research and Development Center of RAO and for what purpose? How is this connected with the Ejection of unprecedented size and the impact that turned Ukhta into a dead city? Answers to this and many other questions - in the third part of Sergey Tarmashev's cycle "Areal"!

Where does the truth end and the fiction about the Areal begin? Operation "Disinfection", during which a nuclear strike was inflicted on the Area, led to a disaster. The abnormal territory is expanding rapidly. All owners of precious artifacts flock to the Areal, unable to resist the Call - although a person who crossed the border of the Green Zone is doomed! The fatal brain Itch, the scourge of the new era, affects both millionaires and powerless stalkers. But people who have fallen under the curse of the Areal not only endure terrible torments themselves, but also pose a threat to everyone around them, therefore the persecution of the Addicts begins. The mainland is little concerned with the fate of twenty thousand captives of the Areal. Now this is a state in a state where criminal groups establish their wolf laws, among which the detachment of Major Pletnev, known as the Bear, is trying to survive. But he has too many enemies: the sinister creatures of the Areal, and bandits, and corrupt officials who declared the major a criminal and appointed a fabulous reward for his capture ...

Life in Areal is expensive, and the question is who sets the price. The Bear squad has become the only stronghold of order in the anomalous Kingdom, but an information war is started against it, terrible stories are launched that all members of the OOPP are mutants more dangerous than Zombies. Soon they will begin to be feared like fire, although there are enough frightening events: the battalion of the Dark Lord is clearly gathering forces. And do the paths of the major and the crippled gymnast, one of the many girls kidnapped from the mainland, cross by chance? And exactly at the moment when scientists get a chance to defeat Areal! Who benefits from this? Probably to those who will do anything to increase the production of Type X oil, the country's main resource. Countries "Areal" ...

Do you want to cheat fate, get rich, heal from any ailments? Welcome to the Areal! But let it be ordered back: as a reward for perseverance, everyone is given Dependency. You will not be bored anymore: disastrous anomalies, angry mutants, indomitable Zombies ... And people are no better. After all, the Areal is also priceless resources, and where it smells of money, the interests of big crime and big politics intersect. Attempts by a handful of scientists to "tame" the Areal are of great concern to those in power, and only Major Pletnev's detachment is protecting the interests of ordinary people. But even more ominous events mercilessly invade the lives of the inhabitants of the Area ...

“Now, for the first time, calm reigned inside. Calm, thickly saturated with hatred. His friends, even though they were somewhere too harsh, and somewhere too silent, but real, died in an unequal battle, and he could not come to their aid. Enemies celebrate the victory and are in a hurry to finish off a handful of rebellious brave men, the last fragment of his small and pure world, which until yesterday existed inside the large Areal, polluted with human mud. But he will give his enemies his little fight. And it will be a battle on his field and according to his rules ... ”Will everyone be rewarded according to his merits? The long-awaited book completing the legendary "Areal" cycle!