
Entertainment at school for high school students. How to celebrate the New Year for teenagers - a script and fun contests for high school students. Most Ridiculous Skills Contest

When choosing games for teenagers, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka should remember that teenagers do not agree to unequal relationships that are typical for childhood. The guys consider themselves quite adults, although, being carried away by the game, they forget about it. They require benevolent and tactful support from adults, which helps to fulfill the desire for independence, independence. Children of this age are in contact with both their peers and adults, they try to prove themselves and get high marks from adults. Girls and boys actively defend their views, especially when it comes to hobbies, fashion, tastes, leisure activities, so it is best to organize a New Year's Eve party for them in a cafe.

It should be noted that at this age much attention should be paid to the individual. Therefore, I recommend Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to select such games where there is an opportunity to prove themselves. You can hold a jousting tournament, at this age young men want to please girls and assert themselves in their own eyes. They positively perceive and willingly play the contest "Miss and Mister of the Party", in which there are nominations "The Most Charming", "Superman", "Miss Smile", "Mr. Gallantry", "Miss Charm", "Mr. Courage", "Miss Charm", "Gentleman " and so on.

Mind games are well received, especially if there are tasks that require players to think outside the box and have a sense of humor. It can be questions with double meaning or a fun crossword puzzle. In a word, some solid dances can very soon tire and annoy. A warm-up is necessary not only for the legs, but also for the mind.

"Skinny" company

The hoop should fit as many people as possible. It is only desirable that the guys do not get too carried away - the hoop is still not rubber.

Circle, square, triangle

Two teams of 12 people participate, both dance randomly. On command in the dance, the players quickly rebuild into a circle, then into a square and into a triangle.

dance marathon

Fast musical pieces sound in a row (it is best to take the most popular ones). The participants in the game must dance non-stop. The most enduring wins.

Familiar melodies

They invite one person from the team, they put signs with the names of famous performers (composers) in front of them. A fragment of a piece of music sounds, the players must raise a sign with the name of the performer (composer) or title. You can use works of a certain theme or a certain direction (classics, modern hits).

cheat sheets

Two or more players are required to play. They are given a roll of toilet paper. This is what cheat sheets are. The task of the participants is to hide the paper in their pockets, behind the collar, in trousers, in socks, tearing it into small pieces. Whoever does it first is the winner.


Toilet paper will make a great "mummy". Two or more pairs of volunteers are called. One of the players in each pair is a “mummy”, and the second is a “mummy”. The "mummy" must wrap the "mummy" with "bandages" of toilet paper as quickly as possible.


The host calls the proverbs of a particular country, the players indicate a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning. For example, an Arabic proverb says: “I ran from the rain, got caught in a downpour,” and a Russian one says: “From the fire to the frying pan.”

1. Iranian: "Where there are no fruit trees, beetroot will pass for an orange."

Russian: "On lack of fish and cancer fish."

2. Vietnamese: "A leisurely elephant reaches its goal earlier than a frisky stallion."

3. Finnish: "He who asks will not get lost."

Russian: "Language will bring you to Kyiv."

4. English: "Every flock has its own black sheep."

Russian: "The family has its black sheep."

5. Indonesian: "The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes it breaks." ,

Russian: "A horse with four legs, and he stumbles."

Blindfold game

10 people participate: 5 girls and 5 boys. The rest form a large circle, holding hands. Players are blindfolded so that nothing can be seen. At first, everyone moves randomly inside the circle, trying not to push each other. Then, on command, the boys try to form their own circle, and the girls try to form their own. Intuition is needed here, because it is impossible to talk. It is allowed to touch each other and determine by touch who is yours and who is a stranger.

Change your hand

Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but only with their left hand, and those who are left-handed - with their right.

Guess the state

Requires two teams of 6 people. Each player of two teams is given a drawing in an envelope, which shows a face with an expression of anger, thoughtfulness, fright, joy, irony, sadness, fear, boredom, surprise, admiration. Alternately, the participants of the two teams read the quatrain:

Our guests have come

Dear ones have come

We did not set the table in vain,

They served pies,

And they read with the same expression as in the picture. The player comes forward, stands in front of the team so that everyone can see his drawing, but the guessing team does not. If the opposing team guessed right, they get 1 point. Whose team scored more points, she won.

Dance with an orange

2 couples are participating. Each couple is given an orange. As soon as the music starts, they must dance, holding an orange between the partner's and the partner's cheeks. The couple who manages to hold the orange during the dance wins.

Capricious apple

The number of participants is 4 people. One person is holding an apple, which is tied to a short ribbon, and the second participant is trying to eat this apple without the help of hands.


A team of 7 people must, while the music is playing, dress up the "Christmas tree". "Christmas tree" is any person from the company. It is necessary to decorate the Christmas tree with the help of improvised means. The team that decorates the "Christmas tree" with a large number of "toys" wins.

orange boom

There are 12 people in the team. They line up. The first player holds an orange, holding it with his chin. On command, the players pass the orange to each other without the help of hands. The team that doesn't drop the orange wins.

strange dances

Two people hold a thick cord 1.5 m long at a height of a person's height. Those who wish to play take turns passing under the cord, performing dance movements. Gradually lower the cord lower and lower. The game continues until the most flexible player remains.

Name the fourth

Three words are called, and the fourth (of the same subject) is called by the participants in the game. This game can be played between players sitting at tables. The team with the most words wins. For example:

1. Dnieper, Don, Volga ... (Yenisei).

2. Plum, pear, apple ... (orange).

3. "Opel", "Mercedes", "Moskvich" ... ("Ford").

4. Masha, Olya, Lyuba ... (Natasha).

5. Spartak, Lokomotiv, Zenit ... (CSKA).

6. Poplar, pine, maple ... (birch).

7. "Goldfish", "Tri-Pig", "Princess Frog" ... ("The Snow Queen").

8. Armchair, bed, table ... (chair).

9. Gymnastics, volleyball, tennis ... (football).

10. Pencil, pen, notebook ... (ruler).

11. Cream, perfume, powder ... (lipstick).

12. Chocolate, marmalade, sweets ... (cookies).

13. Goal, penalty, offside... (corner).

14. Boots, shoes, boots ... (sandals).

collect snowballs

The game is designed for two people only. Each player is given a basket. Snowballs cut out of foam rubber pour out onto the floor. The players are blindfolded, and on command they begin to collect snowballs. Whoever collects the most snowballs wins.

"Ridiculous boots". Two teams, unlimited number of players. Props - 2 pairs of large boots. Players line up one after another. On command, the first player puts on boots and, quickly running around the Christmas tree, returns to the team. Having removed the boots, he passes them to the next one, and so on, until all the players have covered the distance.

The team whose players complete the task the fastest wins.

Wonderful calendar sheet

Each guest receives a flip calendar. Boys are given odd numbers on the calendar, and girls are given even numbers. During the evening, guests are offered several tasks:

1. Find "yesterday".

2. Build a team from one "Tuesdays" or from one "Thursdays".

3. Gather by month.

4. Collect the first week of each of the 12 months.

5. Collect all the environments of one of the months.

According to the numbers of the received sheets of the flip calendar, be sure to indicate which month the date is, you can hold a New Year's lot with non-standard prizes.

Looking for a couple

Again, according to the calendar leaves, you need to find a couple for the dance. The game is played during the dance. The Snow Maiden calls any number from 3 to 61, and the players must pair up in such a way that the sum of their numbers on the calendar sheet corresponds to the named number. The one who completes the task first wins.

jumper bags

Very popular, very simple and at the same time hilariously funny game. Props - two bags. Two teams stand in front of the Christmas tree. The first player on the team is given a bag. Putting it on his feet and holding his hands on the edge of the bag on both sides, he jumps around the Christmas tree and returns to the team. Removes the bag and passes it to the next player. The winner is the team whose last player jumped to the team first.

Score a goal to Santa Claus

We mark the gate with two small Christmas trees. Santa Claus is a goalkeeper. Players take turns trying to score a goal. Whoever hits the gate moves on to the second round. In the second round, 2 attempts are given to score a goal. The players who scored 3 goals go to the third round. And so on, until one player remains, the winner.

It is important not to delay the game. If there are a lot of guests, limit the number of players.

cock fight

A game for real men. Two young men become in a gymnastic hoop. They take a cock fighting stance: hands behind the back, bend one leg at the knee. The task is to jump back, gaining momentum, push the opponent with the shoulder in the chest or in the opposite shoulder. And so on until one of the players pushes the opponent out of the circle.

Stage the situation: "The thief is in someone else's apartment"; "Composer composes music"; "Surgeon in the operating room".

Try to retell the fairy tale of Ch. Perrault, but at the same time you must have a new character in the fairy tale: “Little Red Riding Hood” - a traffic light; "Puss in Boots" - drill; "Cinderella" - a bulldozer; "blue beard" - a radio receiver; "A boy with a finger" - a fire truck.

An ode is a poem praising someone, admiring something. Write an ode to: yesterday's meat pie; a broken comb tooth; the back of the knee; lamppost.

Imagine that you are children, pupils of a kindergarten. Now come up with and show a greeting for kindergarten children dedicated to: the opening of a new underground passage; a conference of trade leaders; the arrival of a delegation from Guadeloupe; start-up of the musical-balalaika factory.

Compose and deliver an accusatory speech against some literary characters who violate laws and regulations: the old woman Shapoklyak - for walking rats in unspecified places; fox Alice and cat Basilio - for drawing minors into foreign exchange transactions; postman Pechkin - for receiving gifts in the line of duty; Emele - for catching fish in a prohibited way; Carlson - for living without a prescription and without certain activities.

Holidays are familiar to everyone from childhood. Suggest five posters to decorate the city during the holiday: International Nose-Picking Day; World Gastronomy Day; International day of dish collection points; World day of people who have gone on a well-deserved rest.

Suggest a complex of industrial gymnastics: traffic controllers; watchmen of private security; conductors of the orchestra of folk instruments; conductors of long-distance trains.

Compose the text of the announcement: about a set of 2-week courses in preparation for a flight into space.

Come up with a new zodiac sign and make a horoscope for it.

Make a recipe for a dish that has a somewhat strange name: Quiet Ukrainian Night salad; pickle "Through thorns to the stars"; cutlet "Aurora Shot"; cocktail "Hedgehog in the Fog"; sandwich "No one wanted to die."


On the back of the scene is a ship sailing on a rough sea. On the side walls are palm trees and a variety of exotic plants, outlandish birds, and animals.

Leading. Once upon a time, the hero of Daniel Defoe's book ended up on a desert island. This character's name was Robinson. Tireless work and invincible determination under the most hopeless conditions helped him to survive. Many in his place would simply disappear. Many, but not our today's heroes. However, now we will see it all with you.

(Merry music sounds. Robinsons enter the stage.)

Leading. I will lead the parade! Raise the anchors! Lower the mainsail! Half a turn! Keep it up! Attention, the enemy ship is on the port side! Pirate ship! I think we will defeat them, and courage, human labor and strong will will help us in this! But first, let's get acquainted with our "Robinsons".

Competition "Business Card"

Acquaintance with the participants, each of whom must not only demonstrate the original costume, but also convince the audience that he is the real and best Robinson.

Competition "Ship Drawing"

Leading. How did our heroes end up on a desert island? Of course, on the ship. What were these ships?

(“Robinsons” arm themselves with felt-tip pens, sheets of paper and draw their ships to the sound of cheerful music. After a few minutes, the music stops, and the competition ends.)

Competition "Physical warm-up"

Leading. Our "Robinsons" must be strong and agile, so we offer a physical warm-up.

(Participants scrub the “deck” for speed and quality. Props: mops, buckets of water.)

Competition "Compose a letter"

Leading. Eight days ago, this strange object hit the keel of my ship. Inside it was a note, the contents of which I still can not figure out. Intuition and many years of experience as an experienced traveler tell me that this is a request for help. Fortunately, I remembered in time that we had a Robinson competition today. They will surely help me.

(Each participant writes a letter from a set of words suggested in the note. For example: ship, storm, shark, comrade, leg, head, blood, chest, bag of gold, shovel, cannibal.)

Competition "Hit the target"

Leading. In order not to remain hungry, our "Robinsons" must have accuracy.

(Participants throw balls into a basket with a picture of a lion.)

Competition "Weave a rope"

Leading. Sometimes saving Robinson depended on quick action and sleight of hand. Of course, now your life is not in danger, but still, I think you need to try. ("The Robinsons" receive three cords each, from which they have to weave ropes.)

Robinson's Breakfast Contest

Leading. What did not eat on the uninhabited island of Robinson: turtle meat, birds, eggs ... But the best breakfast is still fruits and vegetables. (In different parts of the scene, various fruits and vegetables are hung and laid out. The blindfolded "Robinsons" collect them, and at the end they eat what they have collected at speed.)

Competition "Dance"

Leading. On the sandy shore, Robinson found his friend Friday. When all the day's work was done, Friday taught Robinson his merry dances.

(Participants imitate how - in their opinion - Friday could dance.)

Competition "Explaining with gestures"

Leading. Robinson and Friday, not knowing each other's language, could only communicate with gestures, although both were sociable and liked to chat. Now our "Robinsons" will try in sign language and with the help of facial expressions, with separate sounds, to enter into a conversation with the "Fridays". It will also be evaluated how intelligibly “Robinson” is expressed, and how understandable “Friday” is.

(“Robinsons” are divided into two groups: one is “Fridays”, the other is “Robinsons”. Each pair takes turns taking the stage. “Robinson” receives a phrase from the host and tries to explain to “Friday”.)

Phrases for "Robinsons":

Come closer! Don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you!

What is your name? Do you want to eat?

Will you eat goat meat, coconuts or bananas?

Would you like a can of Pepsi?

Salt your food? Well, is it delicious?

Will you go boar hunting with me?)

Leading. Our journey ends. Jury word!

(Summing up. Awarding the winners.)

Leading. We hope that our participants, if they find themselves on a desert island, will not be lost, thanks to their ingenuity, strength, skill and inexhaustible imagination.

prank day

What is Prank Day? This is a holiday of universal unbridled fun, in which both children and adults participate, and everyone has the opportunity to demonstrate specific abilities to move their ears, stand on their heads, and do other similar things.

It begins in the morning, when the counselors wake up the detachments with cries of “light out”. At the entrance to the dining room there is a poster-menu, in which each dish has a name. For example, cutlet “Hello, summer!”, noodles “Grow big”, borscht in the Navy “Abyss of the sea”, “Curdled milk from Prostokvashino”, etc. The guys are met by three Fat Men, they sing a cheerful song to everyone and wish you bon appetit.

Before dinner, the leaders dance the dance of little swans in the dining room, and the afternoon snack is stolen by the “robbers”, who can be recognized by the green heel (take the green at the first-aid post). After the “intruders” are found, the afternoon tea is solemnly returned to the children ... On Fun Day, a comic football match takes place: counselors play against older guys, and each team has 4-5 pairs of players, and each pair holds hands throughout the game in the manner "dance of the little swans" Counselors can be dressed in women's clothes, and the judge is painted with makeup - this will significantly add fun.

And here is another version of comic football. The game is played with a small soccer ball: two volleyball chambers are inserted into the soccer tire. 800 g of water is poured into one of them through a funnel. The nipple of the camera is tied and drowned in the tire. The other chamber is inflated with a pump. The ball takes on a rounded shape, but its center of gravity is shifted.

Teams are selected, gates are indicated. The ball is in play. After a player hits the ball, it quite often flies not where it is sent, the most unexpected and comical situations arise.

On "knight's tournament" the participants saddle a painted horse, duel with pillows and present bouquets to the ladies.

Unusual, but certainly funny games are an obligatory part of the holiday. Below are descriptions of a variety of games from which you can choose the appropriate ones.

"Watermelon relay". Two (three, four) teams play, which line up at the start line in columns one at a time. At a distance of 20 m there are tables or stools (according to the number of teams), on which there are cut watermelons. The size of watermelons and the number of slices cut should be equal.

At the command of the leader, the relay race participant runs to his watermelon, takes one slice, eats it, puts the peel on the table (stool) and runs back, standing at the tail of the column. The team that ate the watermelon the fastest wins.

"Cut the prize." Sweets or other prizes hang on a stretched rope on long threads. The player stands at a distance of 5-10 steps. They give him scissors in his hand and blindfold him. The task is simple: go to the prizes and cut one of them.

"Firefighters". Turn the sleeves of two jackets inside out and hang them over the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of 1 m with their backs to each other. Place a rope 2 m long under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. On a signal, they should take jackets, turn out sleeves, put on, fasten all buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull the rope.

"Bite off the apple." An apple is tied by a handle and hung up. Participants approach the apple one at a time and try to bite into it, holding their hands behind their backs. And it's hard to do so.

"Competition of telephone operators". Two groups of 10-12 people playing are seated in two parallel rows. The host selects an unpronounceable tongue twister and tells it (in secret) to the first in each team. At the signal of the leader, the first in the row begin to pass it to the ear of the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received a “telephone message”, must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that will quickly pass the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative will pronounce it more accurately and better.

Tongue Twisters:

Tell me about the purchase. About what about the purchase? About the purchase, about the purchase, about your purchase.

Forty-forty ate cheese with a beautiful red crust.

Our chebotar is a chebotar for all chebotar, no one can change our chebotar.

"Find a place." Chairs are placed in a row, the seats alternately in different directions. The driver takes a long stick and begins to bypass those sitting on chairs. If near someone he hits the floor with a stick, this player should get up from his chair and follow the driver. So the leader walks around the chairs, knocking here and there, and now a whole retinue follows him.

The driver begins to move away from the chairs, walks in circles, like a snake; the rest repeat the route after him. Suddenly, at an unexpected moment for everyone, the driver knocks twice on the floor. This is the signal for everyone to take their seats immediately. And this is now not so easy, because the chairs look in different directions. The driver himself tries to take a place one of the first. Now the one who did not get the place leads.

"Matryoshkas". Two boys are playing. On the chair are two sundresses and two scarves. Whoever quickly puts on a sundress and ties a scarf wins.

"Fast Water Carriers". Two are involved. On two chairs there is a bowl of water and one spoon each. A few steps away are two more chairs, and on them are empty glasses. Whoever fills the empty glass first wins.

"Kegle". The player stands in front of a chair with pins, goes 8-10 steps forward, stops. Then he is blindfolded, offered to turn around himself once or twice, walk the same number of steps back to the chair and, raising his hand, lower it on top of the skittle. The one who completes the task receives a prize.

"Crush the ball." Two are playing. Each player receives a round balloon (for example, blue and red) in their hands. On a signal from the leader, the players throw the balls forward and try to sit on them. The one who crushes his ball first wins.

"Elephant". The host offers a sheet of paper to the teams, on which the elephant is collectively drawn: one draws the body, the other closes his eyes and draws the head, the third - the legs, etc. You should draw with your eyes closed Whoever draws faster and better wins this competition.

"Understand me". Two teams, using gestures and facial expressions, act out scenes from The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

"Long Rope" Two teams from their things (t-shirts, laces, ribbons, etc.) tie a "rope" in 2 minutes (or 5 minutes). Whoever gets it longer is the winner.

"Stick your nose." A funny face is drawn on a metal fence or a special board with a metal plate, only without a nose. The player is blindfolded and given a nose made of paper or foam rubber. Nose - with a magnet. The player needs to turn around 3 times, stretch his arm forward and step in the direction where, in his opinion, the target is located, on which a face without a nose is drawn. The task is clear: to strengthen the nose in the appropriate place. There should be 15-20 m to the target. If there is no magnet, you can use a wooden nose with a small needle (awl). The target in this case should be wooden.

"Fishing rod". Two players become facing each other at a distance of 5-6 steps. In the hands of the players, laid behind their backs, is a fishing rod (a rod 1 m long and a twine - 0.5 m), on which a bun is tied, smeared with cream or condensed milk. The host notes the time and gives the command to start. The task of the player is to eat a bun without taking his hands from behind his back and in no case tilting the fishing rod (it is allowed to tilt the body from side to side, squat, etc.). The one who completes this task the soonest wins.

"Zombie". Two from each team come out and stand side by side hand in hand. In pairs, the touching hands are tied, and with free hands (that is, one of the participants with the left and the other with the right hand) they must wrap the bundle prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it on a bow. Whose pair will do it faster?

"Thermometer". Without the help of hands, both teams at speed pass a fake thermometer so that it is necessarily under the left hand.

"Cracker". Players are given a bunch of keys, a closed padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch as soon as possible and open the lock.

"Chicken". It is necessary to write "like a chicken paw." Markers are attached to the participants' feet. Who wrote the given word faster and more clearly - won the game.

"Discoverer". First, the participants of the competition are invited to “discover a new planet” - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more "inhabitants" on the planet will be the winner.

"Horror film". The conditions are as follows: there are five eggs in the cassette. “One of them is raw,” warns the presenter. - And the rest - boiled. It is necessary to break the egg on the forehead. Whoever gets raw is the brave one. (But in fact, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is just the last participant - he consciously ran the risk of becoming a laughingstock.) "Golden Key". The participants of the game will have to portray the scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale. Two couples are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The “Fox” bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the “Cat”, who is blindfolded, hugging each other, overcome a given distance. The first couple to “hobble” wins a prize.

"Feed me". Two players sit at a small table. In front of each of them is a plate of semolina. The players' eyes are tied. Task: feed semolina porridge from your plate to your friend as quickly as possible.

"Merry Lotto". Game for kids. Inventory: a board with two vertical rows of studs (12 in each row) and 24 cardboard cards with holes for studs. On 12 cards, the words are written in block letters: horse, chicken, ram, dog, duck, cow, sparrow, pig, cat, frog, swallow, mouse, fish. On the other 12 cards - the words: neighs, cackles, bleats, barks, quacks, lows, chirps, grunts, meows, croaks, chirps, squeaks, is silent. Task: hang the cards on the carnations so that the correct pairs are obtained (i.e., the cow mooes, the swallow chirps, etc.).

"Herring". Everyone cuts out a “herring” for themselves from an old newspaper and ties it with a thread so that it drags along the floor. Everyone is running and everyone is trying to step on the other’s “herring” (and cut it off), at the same time vigilantly watching so as not to lose his “herring”. Whoever lost the "herring" is out of the game.

"Piglets". For this competition, you should prepare some kind of delicate dish, such as jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.

"Tear up the paper." With one hand, right or left - it doesn't matter, you have to tear the newspaper into pieces. At the same time, the hand is extended forward, and it is impossible to help with the free hand. Whoever does the least work wins.

"Laughter". Plays any number of participants. All participants in the game, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center - the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up while it flies to the ground - everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief on the ground - everyone subsides. As a rule, the laughter itself begins when the handkerchief touches the ground. WITH the funniest is taken as a phantom (song, verse, etc.).

"Who is stronger?". Two players sit on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of 3 steps. The leader of each ties a rope 2 m long to the ankle of the right leg, passes it under a chair, blindfolds each one and offers to try, by pulling the rope, to tear the opponent’s leg off the floor. The leader at the last moment changes the ends of the ropes, and it turns out that each player tries to tear his own leg off the floor.

"Joke game". The guys stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The leader says “duck” or “goose” in everyone’s ear (indiscriminately; say “duck” to a larger number of players). Then he explains the rules of the game: “If I now say:“ Goose, ”then all the players whom I have called so are pressing one leg. - And if "Duck", then the players, whom I called "Duck", tighten both legs." A lot is guaranteed to you.

Questions and riddles for fun quizzes

1. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)

2. Which river is the most predatory? (River Tigris.)

3. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters.)

4. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins.)

5. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak.)

6. What is under a person's feet when he walks across the bridge? (Shoe sole.)

7. What can you easily lift from the ground, but not throw far? (Fluff.)

8. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down.)

9. What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin.)

10. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and".)

11. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons.)

12. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months.)

13. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor.)

14. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

15. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp.)

16. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact.)

17. The man was driving a big truck. The headlights weren't on, there was no moon in the sky, the lights along the road weren't shining. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver did not run over her. How did he manage to see her? (It was daytime.)

18. What could be bigger than an elephant and weightless at the same time? (Shadow of an elephant.)

19. What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number "6".)

20. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step.)

21. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature.)

22. Which hand is best to stir the tea? (Tea is best stirred with a spoon.)

23. What kind of dishes can not eat anything? (From empty.)

24. Under what tree does a hare sit when it rains? (Under wet.)

25. 90 apples grew on a birch. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. How much is left? (Apples do not grow on a birch.)

26. When is the day shorter: in winter or summer? (There are 24 hours in a day.)

27. What will the gray horse be like if he is bathed? (Wet.)

28. How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)

29. How to say correctly: “I don’t see a white yolk” or “I don’t see a white yolk”? (There is no white yolk.)

30. Why does a duck swim? (From the shore.)

31. Without what bread can not be baked? (Without crust.)

32. What will a crow do after living three years? (A fourth will live.)

33. In what year do people eat more than usual? (In a leap year.)

34. How can you carry water in a sieve? (You can freeze water and carry it in the form of ice.)

35. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)

36. When is a boy called by a woman's name? (When he sleeps long: Sonya.)

37. What is the most like half an orange? (On the other half of the orange.)

38. In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of a hat.)

39. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One thing. After the first one, it will no longer be on an empty stomach.)

40. Name five days without naming the numbers and names of the days. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.)

41. What does the watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat? (Asleep)

42. What stones are not in the sea? (Dry.)

43. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare.)

44. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream.)


Perhaps, no event held in a children's health camp arouses such interest among the children as the competitions "Thumbelina" and "Miss Camp". Children like to dress “like an adult”, don’t feed girls with bread - let me get into my mother’s cosmetic bag and try everything that is there, so the above-mentioned competitions will be successful.

It seems that this kind of holiday is necessary so that, firstly, adult life with its little charms does not seem to the children such an unattainable forbidden fruit, and secondly, to warn them against bad taste, to teach them how to use what they will soon need ourselves, to look and feel more beautiful, more interesting, brighter, more stylish.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the competitions: develop a script, design a hall or stage, select music, appoint jury members. Participants of competitions must undergo preliminary training.

Competitions are held in two days. On the first day, the participants of the "Thumbelina" contest participate in the preliminary and final competitions, older girls - in the qualifying round for the title of "Miss Camp". On the second day, the final of the Miss Camp contest is held.






















GAME: FIND ME (Let's smoke!)

Boys and girls are divided into two teams.

First, the boys choose cigarettes from a vase,

where the name of the girl is written inside this cigarette,

which must be found by hair, dress, ears, lips,


Boys are blindfolded first.

Girls sit in one line on a chair.

Pre-boys from pre-prepared cigarettes, in which you need to unfold and read the name to yourself, so that no one knows except the leader who this knight is looking for.

The girls are completely ignorant, so they cannot tell the boys. Blindfolded, the boy from the sitting girls is looking for the one that has been given to him forever with the help of a magic cigarette.

Whose pair find each other correctly continues to play in the next contest.


Balloons are tied to each other, music begins to sound, the task of the players is to save their balloon,

and someone else burst.

Whose pair has at least one ball left, that one wins.


The two teams are opposite.

There is a small table for each team,

Glasses and a pack of juice

Whose team will quickly drink their “WATER”, the so-called.


Everyone is divided into dancing couples, i.e. boy with a girl. Everyone chooses their own flower.

They get on it.

And dance on the signals:

White flag color - on one leg;

Red flag color - in the hands of a boy;

Blue flag color - just on two legs;

Green flag color - back to each other.

Whose couple is the most attentive?


Two teams choose a fairy tale:

"Kolobok" or "Teremok" or "Goldfish" or "Turnip".

The winner is the team whose audience will quickly guess the fairy tale by the actions that the teams will show us.


You can play several people, you can 2 teams.

The main thing is to have 2 small separate tables,

Where could objects be added in 2 musical minutes, for example, 1 team per letter "WITH",

(cigarettes, glasses, chairs, napkins, girls' earrings, seeds, cheese from the table ... salad, sugar, girls or boys (parents) with names starting with the letter "C" - Sveta, Sasha, Seryozha)

and the other team items with a letter "TO" rings, cutlets, sausage, compote, sweets, musical cassettes., cognac, shrimp, names - Kolya, Christina, Kostya, Kirill)

In this task, spectators, fans can shout and prompt, prepare and give ready-made answers to the players.

Which team will have more items?


Teams must line up with each other, facing each other.

Each team is given 1 piece of paper and a marker.

You need to look at each other and remember the neighbors on the right and left.

Then each player needs to close their eyes and write the neighbor's name backwards:


Once everyone has completed this task, the last person must write the name of the first player.

The teams change sheets of paper and the team captain begins to list everyone who was named, he takes the place of the opposite team.

Whose team will take someone else's place.


Chairs are placed in a circle.

Those who want one more than the chairs become, to the music everyone begins to dance around the chairs, not to walk, not to run, but to dance.

As soon as the music stops, you have to have time to sit on the nearest chair, whoever did not have time, no longer plays with the chair.

GAME: "Crests"

Couples play.

Girl with a boy.

These are the couples.

The girls have colored rubber bands in their hands.

Who in 1 musical minute will make more tufts to his boy.

Which then from one point to another small bucket will transfer without dropping the painted testicles between the legs for his chicken.

And the hens are waiting near the bucket, when and how many eggs the cockerel will bring in 1 musical minute.


Two teams of girls

For example, in a team of 4-5 people.

Cereals are mixed in 1 plate:

buckwheat, pasta, rice, peas, vermicelli.

Several clean plates are given in order to put the cereals in their places from one plate.


Two teams.

Each team has its own musical instruments. Incendiary music is turned on, and parents watch and choose the best team that uses their musical instruments better, louder and more expressively.


Assignments are sealed in envelopes.

Music is turned on, children are dancing, envelopes are scattered all over the hall.

As soon as the music stops, everyone picks up a nearby envelope and only 3 envelopes contain the task:

    dance tango with partner(s)

    On behalf of all children, present letters of thanks to class. headmaster and director of the school)

    sing the song "What they teach at school" with friends.


Everyone who wishes is given a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen, it is necessary to draw each other in a comic form, fun and interesting, but when, for example, you were in 1st or 3rd or 5th grade. Remember your golden childhood and your friend too, what did you look like?

Give each other your portrait!


Children are divided into two teams.

At the other end of the hall, a school bag with school supplies.

It is necessary to collect everything you need in a school bag,

but in 1st take one subject,

and in 2, the first player brought a bag, takes 2 players by the hand and goes through obstacles for supplies in one subject and adding one more student to make a caterpillar, but whoever the team of students joins this time, she takes at the finish line a school subject.

School subjects must match the number of students.


1. What note is not needed for compote? (salt);
2. Which composer's last name looks like a hunter's shot? (Bach);

3. Can I bring water in a sieve? (in the form of a piece of ice);

4. Which wheel does not spin in the car while driving? (spare);

5. What kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt?


6. Who speaks all languages? (echo);

7. Paper bag? (envelope);

8. What Russian word consists of three syllables, and indicates 33 letters. (ABC);

9. What can be seen with closed eyes? (dream);

10. How do day and night end? (b);

11. What stones can you not find in the sea? (dry);

12. What state can be worn on the head?


13. What city can fly? (Oryol) etc.


Those who wish to sit on the chairs,

the same number of people who want to hold cards over them

with inscriptions:

(elephant, chicken, cockroach, iguana, bug, cyclops, rat)

The seated answer the questions of the presenter:

What is your pet's name?

And how did you get it?

What does he like to eat?

What commands did you teach him?

Where does he sleep?

How does he wake you up?

How and when do you walk with him?

Now look

who actually lives in your house.


Everyone can participate in this game.

As soon as you hear the number "THREE"

immediately run for the prize.

"I'll tell you a story

in half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the number "three"-

take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

Small fish were seen

And not just one, but whole... seven.

When you want to remember poetry

Don't bite them until late at night.

Take it and repeat it at night

One, another, but better ... .. ten.

Dreaming hardened guy

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: one, two…….. march!

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours...

Although I thought to myself

Me one, two, three, four, five.


Those who wish to get up to dance, as soon as the leader stops the music and lifts up a colored sheet of paper, everyone stops and urgently grabs the edge of such a dress or shirt that the leader showed, who did not have time, sits down to rest.

As soon as there are three of them, they receive prizes.

GAME: "SPELL A WORD" game for giving birth.

    It was known even to the children: under the mask of a phantom, Jean ... .. (Mare);

    Rybnikov once fell in love with all the girls in a comedy ... ("Girls");

    I, as a karateka, will not calm down if they don’t give me black …. (belt);

    Both halves have already expired, but the scoreboard is still (zeros);

    In Lukomorye, the cat decided that he was local (old-timer)

    Grand pop and screen - Italian (Celentano);

    Publications are kept by the library, and dominoes and cards (Game library);


Couples wishing to participate.

The girls sit down on the chairs, but first they take off their shoes and put all their shoes in a circle.

And the guys first memorize the shoes of their girlfriend, having agreed with her who shoes whom.

The game begins with music, the guys dance around the shoes closed from their eyes, the girls can dance on chairs.

As soon as the music stops, the guys start looking for "Cinderella shoes" from the common pile and put on their girlfriend.

Whose couple will do it faster and more correctly.

Receives a prize.


Guys (wishing 5-6 people), at the same time begin to inflate the balloons.

Then it is necessary to burst the inflated balls the fastest.

That one wins.

GAME: "WHO is faster?"

Couples needed (boyfriend and girl).

Several couples.

Need 5 waiters.

1 waiter brings couples a piece of cake,

the guy has to feed his girlfriend,

2 waiter serving drinks,

now the girl is drinking her boyfriend,

3 waiter breaks an apple into pieces

a girl is trying to feed her boyfriend so that he can eat after drinking;

4 the waiter delivers drinks (juices) again and now the guy is making the girl drunk;

5 the waiter brings different fruits, and leaves this tray in the middle.

All participants try to grab and swallow something.

As soon as everything was over on the tray, and the couples were freed from food.

Whose couple does it first, she gets the prize.

Baba Yaga, trying to become one of the main New Year's characters, steals the Snow Maiden and enchants her.

Santa Claus conducts a casting for the role of a granddaughter, where Yaga participates.

In the end, she confesses that she stole the Snow Maiden and returns her. Now Frost needs to disenchant her so that she becomes the same.

Target: spend the New Year fun, create a festive mood.

Decor.There are three seats in the hall: the stage is in the center, the New Year tree is away from it, so as not to interfere with the unfolding events, and places for spectators. Each part of the room is decorated with New Year's attributes - tinsel, rain, Christmas decorations, New Year's posters.

Required attributes:

  • Straw bag;
  • Ribbons for the winners "The most affectionate", "The most patient", "The most friendly", "Gentle voice", "New Year's dancer";
  • Prizes for participants.


  • Snow Maiden

5 girls are pre-selected for the role of the Snow Maiden. If there are more applicants, then more nominations can be made: “Craftswoman” (make a snowflake out of threads), “Most caring” (scatter snowballs under the bushes) and so on.

Event progress

Children go into the hall and take seats for the audience. Mysterious music sounds, Baba Yaga runs onto the stage. She has a bag on her shoulders (you can fill it with straw, as if there is a Snow Maiden in it). Yaga runs in circles, spins, casts a spell.

Yaga: Rakes, sabers and swords - Snegurka forever shut up! Stop resisting - you still can't wait for salvation! Ha ha ha!

Puts the bag on the floor in the center of the scene.

Yaga: I'm tired of playing dirty tricks and doing evil - now I'll be a kind and good grandmother! But in order for me to be accepted in a new image, I need to enlist the support of an authoritative person. I think Frost will be my ticket to the new world. But he is fixated only on her - his granddaughter! He doesn’t want to hear anything - I already approached him this way and that. Turns up his nose, and that's it! But nothing, he will regret it! He doesn’t have a granddaughter now - he will crawl himself, he will beg for help. It is only necessary to hide this bag well so that Frost does not find his Snow Maiden.

Yaga pulls the bag under the Christmas tree in such a way that the Snow Maiden, who hid behind a tree before the event, could quietly hide in it. Then, giggling happily and rubbing his palms, he runs off the stage. Santa Claus comes out.

Freezing: Snow Maiden! Ay! Where are you, dear granddaughter? Guys, have you seen her? No? What can I do without her? Recently, Baba Yaga asked me to work. I decided that I could become the main New Year's character. She thinks that if she wants it so much, then she will succeed. But it doesn’t always happen like that, and even for a while her ardor would be enough ... No, I won’t take her, she can’t cope! Maybe while my granddaughter is gone, open a temporary vacancy? Attention! In place of the Snow Maiden, a kind, economic craftswoman who knows how to sing and dance well is temporarily required. The ability to weave beautiful snowflakes and knowledge of the seasons is welcome, but not required. Who wants to become temporarily my granddaughter, please come on stage - today there is a casting for the role of the Snow Maiden!

Everyone comes on stage, among them is Baba Yaga. Santa Claus spends with applicants games, contests, revealing the winner in each competition - in each competition they are different, but not Baba Yaga. After each competition, she allows herself caustic comments.

Freezing: My granddaughter, even if temporary, should be kind and affectionate. And how does this manifest itself? Of course, in a gentle manner. Now let's check how kind the girls who came out are.

The game "Affectionate word" is held. The girls take turns calling Santa Claus affectionately: grandfather, grandfather, Morozushko. Among them, Frost chooses the one that pronounced his name most interestingly. She is handed a ribbon with the inscription "The most affectionate."

Yaga (under the nose): Well, of course, how can I be affectionate? If you tried to live with all kinds of evil spirits, you would be so “good” that you can’t say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen!

Freezing: It is not enough to be kind and affectionate, it is also important to be economic. Put things in order in the forest so that each snowflake lies in its place - how much patience is needed. Now let's check the ability to work.

Yaga (About myself): And then I was not chosen. Although my hut is the cleanest room in the entire fairy kingdom. I have every speck of dust in its place! He is a sly old man. But nothing, all is not lost!

Freezing: Now let's check if you are ready to help me or not. Everyone knows that they are waiting for me on holidays to receive congratulations and a gift. The Snow Maiden helps me with this: she makes sure that there are enough surprises for everyone.

Holds a contest "Quick gift". A balloon is chosen as a gift. Each contestant chooses any row in the auditorium. As soon as the music begins to play, they approach their row, pass the ball to the first spectator. He hands it to the second, and so on until the end of the row. The last spectator in the row passes the ball in the opposite direction. Thus, the ball is returned. Having received a "gift", the girl goes on stage. Baba Yaga runs to the row, then runs to the stage very first.

Yaga: Yay, I'm first! I won!

Freezing: Not at all, Yaga - you rather lost!

Yaga: How so? Why?

Freezing: Because you didn't give the presents. And without them, the children will be upset and stop believing in New Year's miracles.

Yaga: Then they will believe in New Year's pranks! That would be funny: the child held out his hand, and instead of a gift, he got a cookie!

Freezing: I don't see anything funny in children's tears! And you can joke in April - a special day has been allocated for this, they call it. If you don’t want to obey the rules and conditions of selection, leave!

Yaga (Steps aside, muttering under his breath) Well, no. He took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty. I'll still get my tape!

Freezing: Something strange is going on - all three qualities are found in different girls! Maybe things will get better? Ready for the next challenge? Then let's get started! You all understand that without dance and song it will not be so fun at the holiday. Do you know Christmas songs?

Conducts a contest "Auction of New Year's songs". The girls take turns singing a few lines from New Year's songs. Baba Yaga does not remember songs about the New Year. Instead, she sings about animals, about evil spirits. The girl who remembers the last song becomes the winner. She is handed a ribbon with the inscription "Tender voice".

Yaga: Not fair! I just haven't had time to learn yet. And I sing beautifully - right, guys?

Freezing: True true. But today is just not your day, Yagushka. Maybe you can rest?

Yaga: I'm not tired of anything! There is so much more I can do. Not like modern youth - they danced and got tired. Can we dance?

Freezing: I am already old, I get tired quickly. Therefore, my Snow Maiden often dances instead of me. Do you know how to dance? Show!

Frost (indignantly): Yaga, stop ruining my casting! Because of you, it's very difficult for me to choose a girl to replace the missing Snow Maiden.

Yaga: Choose, choose! And then she won't either!

Freezing: I'm sorry, what? How will it not? So you stole my granddaughter?

Yaga: Of course it's me. Who else? Do you think that Koschei had a crush on her? He needs her - skin and bones! He has enough bones of his own, but he took the skin from the frog. Now he likes people like me (raises his chin, sticks out his chest). I am perfect for him! But I don't want to live with him! I wanted to be kind, loved by all. But now I realized - it's boring!

Freezing: I knew you wouldn't be long enough. And why did you hide the Snow Maiden?

Yaga: What do you mean why? And who constantly gave me a turn from the gate? Who said that I could not be his companion? So I decided to take revenge on you, to prove that I can. And she interfered with me.

Freezing: But you couldn't prove that you could handle it. After all, she never won a competition!

Yaga: Didn't win. But she didn’t lose either - the Snow Maiden is still hidden, and you still haven’t found a temporary replacement for her. All the girls you have won in different categories. There is no one that excels in all!

Freezing: Is it true. There is no equivalent replacement for the Snow Maiden. Do not be offended, girls, but for me she will remain the dearest person, an ideal granddaughter. Especially since now I already know where it is. Now it won't be too hard for me to pick it up.

Casting participants are awarded incentive prizes, they go to their places.

Yaga: Well, well, Frost. And how are you going to take it from me? Do you think I'll just give it to you?

Freezing: And what do you want in return?

Yaga: Moment of glory! I want to become famous for a while, so that they applaud me, throw bouquets of flowers.

Freezing: Well, with flowers you turned down. But we will provide you with applause. All you have to do is earn them!

Yaga: And I'm not asking for anything just like that! I know that every grain of attention must be earned with blood and O volume. Better, of course, O volume.

Santa Claus holds the game "Catch Baba Yaga". 10-15 participants are called to the stage. They stand in a circle. Each is given a card on which either "Yaga" or "Snow Maiden" is written. You cannot show your card to other players. On command, all “Yagas” should break through to the center of the circle, and “Snow Maidens” should not let them do this by holding them with their hands. The game is played 3 times. The first 2 times Yaga becomes 2-3 participants. The last time such cards are received by more than half of the players. When children collide, Baba Yaga laughs, claps her hands.

Yaga: So funny! How interesting!

Freezing: Have fun? Say "thank you" to the guys and give me my granddaughter.

Yaga: Well, of course you will give. And the guys are really great - they did not cry.

Participants receive prizes for participation and go to their places.

Yaga: You will have your granddaughter, Frost. Wait a bit.

A crash is heard, the light goes out. Baba Yaga pulls out a bag from behind the Christmas tree (neatly, since it contains a real Snow Maiden). He stops in the center of the stage, opens the bag, helps the bewitched Snow Maiden to get out. The Snow Maiden stands motionless and is silent.

Freezing: Yaga, what did you do to her?

Yaga: Like what - bewitched. Do you think she would follow me of her own free will? I had to use my own methods.

Freezing: So unwrap it quickly.

Yaga: I can not. And even if she could, she wouldn't. This is your silent ideal. She will sing so many songs now, she will dance so many dances! Live and be happy, and I ran to my Koshchei (runs away).

Freezing: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Addressing viewers: is silent, does not move - How to disenchant her? Probably, it is necessary to call the New Year's spirit. Can you guys help? First, we will summon the spirit of the Christmas tree, which lights up with colorful lights. To do this, you need to cast a spell: "The spirit of the Christmas tree, paint its needles!".

Repeat the spell three times, turn on the garland. The Snow Maiden begins to smile.

Freezing: The miracle has begun! Look, she's already smiling. Let's help her learn to walk again. To do this, you need to call the spirit of the dance. A single rhythm is what is needed now. Let's congratulate each other on the new year with our hands and feet.

The guys and Santa Claus clap their hands - "Happy New Year" - and stomp their feet - "year!". After a while, the Snow Maiden begins to perform movements with them. Then he happily claps his hands and smiles.

Freezing: It remains only to return the voice. And the good old song about the new year will help us with this. For the song to be the most effective, you need to stand in a round dance and join hands.

Sing any song about the New Year. Snegurka, after the first verse, begins to sing along with them.

Snow Maiden: Hooray, now I can dance and sing! Thank you for the release!

Freezing: I was so worried about you, granddaughter. Oh, this Baba Yaga - she decided to stay in your place.

Snow Maiden: But all's well that ends well. And we also need to congratulate the guys on the New Year. The clock is about to strike twelve!

Freezing: Happy holiday, guys, congratulations,

Snow Maiden: And we wish you much happiness in life!

Freezing: Live in joy and expectation of a miracle,

Snow Maiden: Someday it will come to you.

Freezing: Appreciate everything in your life

Snow Maiden: Love those around you here.

Freezing: And to the elders on your part - only respect,

Snow Maiden: And they have patience in dealing with you.

Freezing: All you wish is not enough night,

Snow Maiden: We wish that you yourself wish, in short!

Freezing: See you next year!

Celebrating holidays at school is fun, interesting and memorable for a lifetime. And the New Year holiday is especially distinguished, for which they always prepare in advance. We offer you a little help and our ideas on how to spend this day at school. Check out the new New Year's Eve contests for high school students to help make the day better and more interesting. Funny and cool contests that students and teachers can play. Watch, choose and play.

Dancing in boots.

Modern children may not know, but adults still remember about felt boots. They are warm and cozy in winter. Can you dance in them?
And so, for the competition, prepare a pair or more boots. Participants put them on their feet, the melody turns on, and dancing in felt boots begins!
You can choose absolutely any songs for the contest: rap, Russian folk, white swan, disco, 80s, and others.

Modern children.

Modern children cannot live a day without their phones and smartphones. And if so, then you need to hold a competition with their help. For this, the host also has a telephone.
3-5 high school students are called to the stage, who have phones with a camera. The host tells them: your task is to take a selfie with the girls from the audience faster than the rest. But only with those girls who are dressed in carnival costumes! The first person to take 5 selfies with different girls and return to anyone wins.
The second stage of this competition: participants must quickly dial an SMS message on their phone and send it to the phone of the presenters.
SMS can be like this: Happy New Year! With new happiness! I will come soon!
Whoever gets the message first wins the prize.

Dance of Santa Claus.

Have you seen how Santa Claus dances? He does it just fine! And in this competition, participants will have to repeat the movements of Santa Claus and show his dance.
Game example:

And so, show the participants a dance, they repeat the movements. After you turn on only the music and the guests should remember the dance movements.

Where does spruce grow?

Naturally, everyone knows that spruce grows in the forest. But the spruce also "grows" in words. That is, in some words there are letters from which you can compose the word FIR.
All high school students take turns calling one such word. Whoever does not name in turn is out. And the last one left wins.
Word examples:
- blizzard
- caramel
- teacher
- briefcase
And so on. There are many such words.

Joking telegrams.

Many send telegrams to Santa Claus. And sometimes these telegrams are comic and funny. And often they are not signed! In this contest, guests must guess who sent these telegrams.
The host reads the first telegram, the students answer. Who guessed - receives a prize.
Examples for the game:

Show the song.

Everyone knows New Year's children's songs. But can the students show them? In this competition, participants will have to show New Year's songs in motion, and the rest of the guests will need to guess them.
That is, whoever shows, he performs the movements about which the songs are sung. You can rehearse this competition in advance to make it more fun.

Who are you, mask?

In order for the competition to be excellent, we put the following masks on the faces of the participants:

We put on so that they do not see their mask. Participants stand in a row and ask the leader one question about their mask. The facilitator answers the questions: yes, no, perhaps, and so on. The task of the participants is to be the first to guess what kind of mask he has.

New Year's drawing.

This competition is not new, but fun. The task of the participants in the game is to draw a New Year's drawing on plates using mayonnaise and ketchup. Competition for time and who will cope faster, he will receive a prize: he can give all the plates, where there is mayonnaise and ketchup.