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What to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas and the baptism of the Lord. It is important for all the laity to know what not to do on Christmas Eve Is it possible to eat on the night before Christmas

  • The day of intensive preparation for the feast of the Nativity of Christ is considered to be Christmas Eve - the eve of the great holiday, which occurs on January 7 for Orthodox Christians.

  • According to the gospel tradition, when the Roman emperor Augustus, who ruled Judea, announced a census of the population and everyone had to register exactly where they came from, righteous Joseph went with the Blessed Virgin Mary, betrothed to him, to his native city of Bethlehem. There were no empty rooms in the hotel, so Joseph and Maria found shelter in a cave where they drove pets (in Old Slavonic - a nativity scene). In this den, the Savior was born. The Mother of God placed the baby in a manger. The first to bow to the incarnate God came the shepherds, informed by an angel. After them came the Magi (Eastern pagan sages), who learned about the miracle that had happened by the appearance of an unusual star in the sky. This star led the Magi to the birthplace of Jesus and therefore is called Bethlehem.

  • It is customary for Orthodox Christians to spend Christmas Eve - the night before Christmas - in the temple for prayers. Preparing for the Christmas holidays, in Rus' they strictly observed one important rule - thoroughly cleaned the house. Well, maybe not as thoroughly as by Easter, but still they scraped the floors, polished pots and pans to a shine, cleaned silverware. At Christmas, houses and churches are decorated with fir trees and coniferous branches, symbolizing eternal life, and the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree is associated with the image of a paradise tree full of fruits. The traditional Christmas colors are red and green, and you can rely on them to create a festive mood. Favorite symbolism of the holiday - angels, donkeys, a nursery with a baby, the Star of Bethlehem. It is customary for Catholics to hang Christmas wreaths made of straw and pine needles on walls and doors, we have more accustomed Christmas tree bouquets. Candles should be present in the decoration of the house. They give a special coziness and charm to the whole atmosphere of the New Year holiday, symbolizing the Sun, and Christmas candles - the light of Christ. In Rus', special thick candles were made for the New Year and Christmas, which were lit in the evening and burned until the end of the next day.

  • Although Christmas is purely a family holiday, it is considered a great sin to refuse to treat destitute people who happened to be nearby. Of course, it may not be worth calling them to the home table, but it’s not difficult to take a few pies and a handful of sweets to the nearest church. Or handing out a chocolate bar to the neighbor's kids is also not a burden. Especially elderly relatives should call and ask about their health. Traditionally, edible gifts were brought at Christmas, not only in the Orthodox, but also in the Catholic world: home-made sweets, and jars of pickles, and cakes are suitable. From inedible, any toys and souvenirs, winter accessories like mittens or scarves, and other little things are suitable.

  • The 40-day Advent fast (November 28-January 6), intense prayer brought Orthodox people closer to the great celebration. According to strict rules, believers are advised to refuse food until the first star. Only when the first star appears - the symbol of the star of Bethlehem - can you taste the sochi(a lean dish that is most often made from wheat or rice with honey and fruits). Hence the name of this day - Christmas Eve. Sochiv was called not only porridge and any lean food, but also juice; or, as they said before, "milk" of different seeds: poppy, hemp, sunflower, mustard, nut, almond, and others. This "milk" was seasoned with porridge during the 40-day Philippine Fast before Christmas and on Christmas Eve.

  • Because the Lent ends January 7th and break the fast should be apparently on a grand scale. On the Christmas table, meat, fish, wine and sweets should certainly be in abundance. Traditional dishes for this holiday are jelly, dumplings, baked pig with horseradish, sauerkraut soup, pies with meat, rice or jam. Before a solemn dinner, they used to serve "fat kutya" - crumbly rice or wheat porridge with raisins and honey, poured with melted butter.

  • They say that on Christmas night it is necessary to wear something new, and if there is none, then at least one white item. In addition, it is known that immediately after Christmas, Christmas time comes, when you can dress up in all sorts of carnival costumes.

  • Until the first star on Christmas Eve they usually sit in silence and think. Fortunately, in winter, the first star in the sky appears quite early, at about half past six in the evening. Then you have to sit down at the table, have a drink, have a snack and go outside in a good way - sing songs, play snowballs and go sledding. Fiery fun such as salutes and fireworks and bypassing neighbors in order to invite them to have fun together are welcome.

  • In the churches, a solemn service was going on in the evening hours, and those who did not go to worship were preparing for the rising of the star at home. By this time, all family members dressed in a festive way and gathered together, the table was covered with a snow-white tablecloth, served with the best dishes, cutlery, filled with traditional dishes. There were 13 dishes, an even number of people had to sit at the table. In the case when an odd number was collected, one free device was supplied. Under the tablecloth, hay was spread over the entire surface of the table, symbolizing the hay on which the newborn Christ lay in the manger. The table was decorated with spruce branches, candles, ribbons. In the center of the table was a composition of spruce branches, candles and other Christmas attributes. A lovingly decorated Christmas tree was installed in the corner of the room or in its center, and a gift was placed under it for everyone present. In peasant families, while waiting for the star, they all read a prayer together, the elders told the children about the birth of Christ, about the Magi who brought gifts.

  • The appearance of the first star was eagerly awaited by the children, their joyful announcement of her appearance was the signal for the start of the meal. The meal began with a common prayer, then the most revered female family member (usually the mistress of the house) congratulated everyone on the holiday. For Catholics, the ceremony began with the exchange of a wafer - a symbol of bread, wealth and prosperity. The mistress of the house first shared the wafer with her husband, then with her sons according to seniority, then with her daughters, also according to seniority, with grandchildren and everyone else. This rite ended when all those present exchanged a wafer, wishing each other a Merry Christmas, forgiving all insults. It was a moment of universal reconciliation.

  • On Christmas Eve, the Orthodox brewed kutya, and the Catholics - Bigilia. Cooked kutya from wheat, peas, rice, peeled barley. Seasoned with honey, poppy, hemp, sunflower or other vegetable oil. The grain was a symbol of resurrecting life, and honey or sweet seasoning meant the sweetness of the blessings of the future blessed life. Christmas kutya was cooked lean. But on the second day of Christmas they prepared "Babin's porridge", or "Babkin's kutya". In ancient times, such porridge was usually brought among the gifts to the house where the newborn appeared. In contrast to the Christmas Lenten kutia, "babkin's porridge" was cooked "rich".

  • The order of eating was regulated by strict rules: first snacks (herring, fish, salads) were served, then red (slightly warmed) borscht, mushroom or fish soup. For borscht, mushroom soup, ears or pies with mushrooms were served, and for Orthodox succhi - flour cakes fried in hemp oil. At the end of the meal, sweet dishes were served on the table: roll with poppy seeds, gingerbread, honey cakes, cranberry jelly, dried fruit compote, apples, nuts.

  • At the table, everyone had to taste all the prepared dishes. It was not allowed to express their individual tastes. Such a requirement is a good educational moment for children. The meal was non-alcoholic. All dishes were lean, fried and seasoned with vegetable oil, without a meat base, without milk and sour cream. Hot dishes were not served so that the hostess was constantly at the table.

  • During the meal, casual conversation was conducted only about good deeds. Despite the fact that it was a purely family holiday, it was considered necessary to invite lonely acquaintances, neighbors (regardless of their religion) to the table. Every random guest sat down at the table, including the beggar. There was a belief that on this day God could appear in the form of a beggar. In general, all religious holiday traditions were aimed at strengthening humanism, a friendly attitude towards each other and towards the environment. On Christmas Eve, the owner congratulated pets on the holiday, treats were also given to homeless animals (a bowl of food was placed on the porch, beyond the threshold).

  • Then the most fun part of Christmas Eve began - the distribution of gifts. If there were children in the house, one of the household would dress up as Santa Claus - St. Nicholas. He also brought gifts in a bag. Distributing them, he expressed wishes, according to the necessary requirements for the recipient. For children it was a good educational moment, in relation to adults it was colored with a share of a joke. At all most of the traditions and rituals of Christmas were aimed at educating children in self-discipline, attention to those present, observance and participation in the ritual side, patience, endurance. It was one of the few times when children sat down at the table with adults. And as for gifts, it was a good custom to give them to each other, moreover, gifts prepared with one's own hands were valued. They were elegantly decorated with colored paper, sprigs of spruce, ribbons. The content of the gifts was supposed to be a surprise. Everything was shrouded in mystery and uplifting. Gifts immediately unfolded, joy and gratitude to the hostess and to each other overwhelmed the hearts of everyone.

  • It is on this night before Christmas, according to popular belief, that two forces dominate: good and evil. Whichever person adjoined, she worked wonders with him. One invited to carol and glorify the birth of Christ at the festive table, and the other gathered witches for the Sabbath. Magnified the owners, not sparing generous words. Signs: "If the weather is snowy on Christmas Eve, there will be a harvest for bread." It was believed that on this day, the last before Christmas, snowfall is a sure sign of the prosperity of the economy in the new year. And if it's frosty that day, there will be advice and love in the family. Of course, these signs and prejudices are just an "echo" of pagan celebrations and traditions that have nothing to do with the essence of the great Christian holiday.

  • The feast of Christmas, according to the teachings of the Church, symbolizes reconciliation of man with God. This is one of the days when with the greatest depth and joy we experience an encounter with God. Christmas heralds the redemptive feat of Christ and the renewal of human nature, struck by the fall of the forefathers.

Orthodox Christmas traditions around the world

Among the peoples of Europe, the days of Christmas celebrations coincided with the twelve-day cycle of pagan festivities dedicated to the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of a new life and the renewal of nature (saturnalia among the Romanesque peoples, winter Christmas time - among Russians, carols - among Ukrainians, etc.). Therefore, in different countries, the Christmas holiday absorbed many of the rites and customs of these festivities. These include carols - costumed processions with a star and chants, an evening meal on Christmas Eve, consisting of 12 Lenten dishes. Ukraine

In Ukraine Christmas celebration begins on Holy evening - January 6th. The evening meal on the eve of Christmas is accompanied by many traditions and rituals. On the eve of Christmas, the church prescribed a strict fast - the whole Christmas day, believers were not allowed to eat or drink. Supper on Holy Evening was the first meal of the day for them - it was the end of the 40-day Advent fast. It was possible to sit down at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky, in memory of the Bethlehem star, which announced to the shepherds the birth of Christ.

The main dishes for the Ukrainian Holy evening are "kutya - wheat or rice porridge with honey, poppy seeds and raisins, and uzvar - dried fruit compote. In total, there should be 12 lenten dishes on the table on Holy evening, among which in the old days they prepared lean borscht with mushrooms, peas, cabbage soup, fish dishes, dumplings with cabbage, buckwheat porridge, cabbage rolls with rice, lean pancakes, mushrooms, pies.

On the first day of Christmas - January 7, they almost did not visit. Only married children (with a daughter-in-law or son-in-law) were supposed to visit their parents after dinner, they said that they were bringing "grandfather's dinner." From time immemorial in Ukraine, carols were sung - they sang carols. Carols - laudatory ritual songs of the winter cycle - are also popular in modern Ukraine.

Christmas divination is also common among young people. In Ukraine, it is believed that it is on “holy” days that one can most accurately predict the future. Therefore, girls take advantage of the moment and try to predict their fate.

In Belarus, as in Ukraine, Orthodox Christmas is celebrated as a public holiday. Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve is celebrated on January 6th. The name "Christmas Eve" comes from the special food prescribed for this day by the church charter - sochi: soaked and boiled grains of wheat or rice, often with honey, as well as beans, peas and vegetables.

According to tradition, the Christmas Eve dinner is lavish but fast, consisting of 12 courses in honor of the twelve apostles. On this day, upon arrival from the temple after the morning service, believers refrain from eating until the first star appears in the sky, which symbolizes the star that rose over Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Christ.

On the night of January 6-7, Christmas services are held in Orthodox churches. Traditionally, from pre-Christian times in Belarus on January 6-7 - First Kolyada - the end of the six-day fast, the beginning of holidays and evenings. This holiday is known to everyone under the name "Big Kutia", which was celebrated in honor of the winter solstice (December 24, old style).

The second kutya (Generous or Rich Kutya) was celebrated a week later on the eve of the New Year on December 31, according to the old style. The third Kutia completed the holidays of Kolyada on January 6, according to the old style. Russia

Looks like a celebration of Christmas and in Russia. Christmas is preceded by Christmas Eve. According to the monastic charter, on this day it was supposed to eat only juicy - boiled wheat (or rice) with honey at the meal. From this dish comes the name of the holiday.

On the day before Christmas, food and drink could not be consumed until the first star. As soon as the star appeared in the sky, the pre-holiday dinner began. The table was covered with a clean tablecloth, they ate in solemn and strict silence. According to a long tradition, there must be 12 dishes on the Christmas table.

From time immemorial, it has been customary in Russia to dress up at Christmas time, arrange fun games, go home, wake up the sleeping, congratulate everyone you meet on the turning of the sun for the summer, and later, after the adoption of Christianity, Merry Christmas, joke, sing songs. The carols ended with general fun, rollercoaster rides, and a common feast.

In Armenia Christmas is celebrated on January 6, and the Epiphany of Christ is also celebrated on the same day. Preparations for Christmas begin on the evening of January 5, when the Liturgy of Christmas Eve is served. On this day, believers light a candle in the church and carry it home to illuminate the house and prepare for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The next day, January 6, the Christmas Liturgy is served in the morning. Then they carry out the feast of the baptism of Christ with the ceremony of blessing the water.

Traditionally, at Christmas in Armenia, rice pilaf with raisins, fish and red wine are served on the table.

In Georgia on Christmas, believers make the procession "Alilo" in accordance with a tradition that has a long history. The main protagonists of the festive procession are "bearers of the good news." They are dressed in white clothes and hymns notify all passers-by about the birth of the Savior.

In Serbia and Montenegro Christmas Eve, January 6, is called "Badnidan". Among religious holidays, it takes an honorable second place after Easter, but among family holidays, Christmas for Serbs is in first place. Christmas in Montenegro (the so-called Bozhich) is a holiday of parents and children.

On this day, before sunrise, the head of the family and his eldest son, with a shot from a gun in front of the house, announce a trip to the forest for "badnyak". Badnjak is a log of a felled young oak, which every Serbian family must have in their home during the Christmas holidays. The log is chosen in such a size and weight that the head of the family himself, on his shoulders, could bring it into the house. According to tradition, it should burn in the family hearth during all three days of the holiday.

The family members left in the house at dawn kindle a fire and start roasting a specially fattened pig for Christmas on a spit - “cookie”, women prepare a Christmas pie, cakes and other dishes.

On the night before Christmas, dinner should be fast. At dawn, church bells ring, people put on festive clothes and go to church for the Christmas Liturgy. After the service, prosphora is taken into the house. Everyone greets each other with the words: “Christ is born!”, And in response they hear: “Truly born!” This greeting is observed until the feast of the Epiphany (January 19).

All members of the family, in anticipation of the Christmas dinner, are treated to hot brandy and dry fruits. Then the owner brings a cookie to the table. The cookie should bring health and well-being to the house. Sauerkraut, stewed cabbage with smoked pork meat, kaymak pie, “prebranac” - boiled beans with vegetable oil and onions, etc. are served at the table.

The culmination of the celebration of Christmas is the refraction of "pogacha" - a homemade Christmas flat cake made from unleavened dough. The hostess kneads the dough for the pie in the morning and puts a gold or silver coin into it.

The owner cuts off the left side of the biscuit, takes out the heart from it and distributes it in pieces to all family members who immediately eat it. Before the start of dinner, the owner of the house lights a candle that is on the table, or a censer, and surrounds the icons and all those present with them, and the children carry the censer around the house. Then everyone sings the festive troparion or "Our Father".

Then it's time to break the pogacha. It is first twirled in a circle, then an incision is made in the form of a cross and wine is poured into the resulting incision, only after that it breaks. Everyone gets a piece of the pie, and whoever gets the coin in the piece is said to be happy for a whole year.

In cities where there are no open hearths, stoves and badnyaks, small “bouquets” of oak branches tied with a bunch of straw are sold in the markets and on the streets before the holiday.

In Albania a noticeable percentage of the population in the country professes the Orthodox type of Christianity, so Christmas is celebrated quite widely. There are all the attributes characteristic of the holiday - a Christmas tree, gifts, feasts. The holiday is celebrated on January 7th.

Greek Christmas (Christogenna) also absorbed popular superstitions and popular beliefs. Carols are common on Christmas Eve. Greek children go from house to house and sing songs announcing the coming of the Savior.

Christmas in Greece is celebrated with family, the main part of the holiday is a plentiful table. According to the Orthodox tradition, the Christmas holiday is preceded by a post lasting several weeks.

Greece is one of the few countries where there are malicious Christmas spirits. According to legend, the Kallikantzaros, malevolent elves with an unpleasant appearance, bring chaos to the house for 12 days after Christmas. Protection from spirits is bestowed by burning incense or a small offering. Also, in many families, a small wooden cross is decorated with basil and dipped in a flat bowl of water. According to legend, the water becomes holy after this procedure, and then it is sprinkled in the corners of the house to scare away evil spirits.

The Christian holiday of Christmas is celebrated with reverence both in families of the Orthodox and Catholic faiths. The origins go back more than two millennia, to distant centuries, when the Blessed Virgin Mary gave the world her son, Jesus Christ. Catholics celebrate the event in December, while Orthodox do it on the night of January 6-7. But Russia (in the majority) is an Orthodox country, so Russian people are interested in the question, what do Orthodox families do for Christmas? Baptized Rus' has always celebrated this holiday cheerfully. She even decorated the Christmas tree, until the revolutionary events that temporarily deprived the country of holy holidays. To the great joy of the Russian people, a little later, they began to dress her up again.

The meaning of the holiday

What do they do at Christmas? From January 6 to 7, all churches in Russia hold a night service dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ. In the old days, people did not sit down at tables with food until the first star appeared in the sky. At present, we see this tradition only in the fact that many Russian families sit down at the table on the 7th, after a big service. On the night before Christmas, which must certainly come true.

The Christian holiday of the birth of the Savior coincided with pagan Christmas time, which is why it is always associated with carols and girlish fortune-telling. Christmas is the beginning of 12 holy days, of which every day was lived provocatively and beautifully. Christmas time ended with Baptism (January 18).

Ancient traditions and customs of Christmas

Information about what exactly the inhabitants of Russia did at Christmas, and what could not be done, has come down to the present. On the first Christmas days, people laid tables, treated them, everyone had to be surrounded by care and love.

At night, during the service, you had to give thanks for what you have, pray for what you lacked, and be sure to remember the departed people. In Rus', it was believed that they pray side by side on this night, and the deceased priest leads the service for them. In the first days of Christmas time, it was necessary to pay tribute to those who needed and deserved it:

  • The first day was devoted to visiting parents, as well as close and distant relatives within reach. Young people always stayed with their parents for a holiday after the service.
  • On the second day, people visited the weak, old and sick, brought them treats, kutya.
  • The third day was dedicated to the orphans, they were treated, given gifts, played.

They did not even forget about those who fell out of decent society, but these were already later days.

After observing the traditions, it was allowed to start festivities and fun. In Rus' there was a belief:

“As you spend the holy days, so will your year pass.”

That is why people tried to spend their time as joyfully as possible: they rode sleighs, troikas. Fun games were arranged on the main square, they sang songs, danced round dances and invented various games and fun for themselves. People of the older generation went to visit each other, congratulated, gave small gifts, often edible.

What not to do at Christmas?

  • swear, swear, wish harm to someone (even as a joke);
  • hunt, slaughter domestic animals;
  • clean the house, wash the floors, repair and do household chores (the house should already be clean by this time);
  • swim (this must be done in advance);
  • combing hair, weaving braids;
  • guess and tell fortunes (more on that below);
  • indulge in love affairs.

Divination and conspiracies as part of history

What else did you do at Christmas and holy days? The answer is simple - they guessed.

Young girls gathered and guessed at the suitors; fortune-telling was strictly forbidden for married women. The girls tried to find out the names of the betrothed, the number of children, the presence of love and wealth in marriage.

They took place in the house or in the bathhouse, the girls had to be barefoot, bare-haired, in nightgowns, so this kind of tradition was forbidden for men. It was imperative to remove the pectoral cross from oneself, because fortune-telling was equated with a great sin. In many families, it was strictly forbidden at all.

Another tradition is conspiracies. Many older women on Christmas Eve and asked to give their families health, prosperity and well-being.

Merry Carols

No less entertaining were and remain. Of course, in our time it is more difficult to carry out such a ceremony, since a large number of cities have appeared. In rural areas, especially when it comes to pre-revolutionary times, carols were a colorful and favorite ritual for both children and adults. Carolers, with sacks of millet, millet and other grains, went from yard to yard. With cheerful incantations, showering the owners and their house A wished them happiness, wealth, health and fertile land. For example:

"We sow, we sow, we sow, we wish piety."

People wished each other harvest, children, wealth, peace and all the best. In response, the hosts treated them to festive food - lush bread, rolls, pies. It was impossible not to treat the caroling person, the owners of the court, who drove the caroling people away, were considered greedy, and the act did not bode well for them. Today, throughout the Christmas week, children go from house to house and apartment, recite poems, incantations and receive candies and other sweets for their work.

Christmas table in Russia

The table was laid rich, the hosts put out all the best, because pre-Orthodox people experienced a fast that lasted 40 days. does not change, but at different times the table was set in its own way: some dishes left the life of Russian people, some came. But, basically, they put:

  • sbiten,
  • steamed vegetables,
  • pies,
  • kurniki,
  • mushrooms,
  • balls were rolled from sweet crumbs, it was a favorite delicacy of children.

Later they began to do, which was treated to the whole Christmas week. It is believed that Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol described the feast and festive festivities very well. It's right. But, do not forget that this describes the traditions of one place: the Ukrainian farm of Dikanka and the territory closest to it, as well as one time. Despite the general plot and the meaning of the holidays, each region brought something of its own, made its own dishes, invented its own games and incantations.

But the main dish was and remains. According to one version, kutya promised health and wealth: lush, fragrant kutya was good, and thin, not rising, meant not a very good year. According to another version, during the holy week, she was commemorated and treated to the departed people. At the table laid for the holiday, there must have been extra cutlery. One way or another, kutia was a favorite, sweet and warming inside, a dish on the festive table, from which the meal began and ended. There were many recipes, they include seeds, dried berries, honey, cereals and butter.

Modern traditions

At present, every Russian family loves and celebrates this event. In the evenings, young girls continue to guess at their betrothed, and count the number of future children. On the night before Christmas, all of Russia makes wishes. Young people meet in the central square, and cultural institutions organize various events and competitions for people of all ages. The city administration decorates the Christmas tree, makes slides and labyrinths so that the holiday is of a mass nature.

Only the holidays have been reduced, as now the weekend begins with the New Year's feast. Two days after the meeting of such a bright day as Christmas, people go to work. But after the first working week, they are happy to celebrate the Baptism of Rus', which used to end the Christmas festivities.

Much attention is paid to gifts in our time. Buying and giving gifts at Christmas has become a modern tradition. The idea was quickly picked up by commercial structures and today on the shelves we see not only New Year's, but also Christmas gifts.

The eve of the Christian holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany have a special atmosphere. They can talk about the future, changing their own destiny. That is why on January 6 and 18 you should carefully monitor what is happening around. Simple signs and beliefs will help you learn about wealth, happiness in the family. And interesting fortune-telling and conspiracies will change fate. When conducting any rituals, it is worth knowing what to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas and Epiphany, and what actions should be avoided. We have collected the most interesting traditions and customs associated with these holidays. They will help to comprehend the sacraments and get as close as possible to your dream.

What to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas - signs and beliefs on January 6

Most Orthodox Christians pay attention to the signs associated with Christmas. But there are beliefs that will help you learn about the future on the eve of the holiday. We found the most accurate signs and talked about what to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas to change fate for the better.

What signs of Christmas Eve on January 6 will tell about the future?

Interesting and most accurate signs of Christmas Eve will help to open the veil of the near or distant future. On this day, you need to pay attention to everything that happens in the house, family, nature. Simple tips will help you avoid adversity and find your happiness.

  • dreams seen on the night of January 6-7 are considered prophetic, and you should pay special attention to them;
  • cleaning up on Christmas Eve can lead to grief in the family;
  • if there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, then spring will be early this year;
  • a clear starry sky and snow on Christmas Eve will indicate a rich harvest in the new year;
  • wearing black clothes on Christmas Eve is unfortunate.

By adhering to the simple rules of meeting Christmas Eve, it is easy to protect your family from any troubles. But it is also worth taking a closer look at the world around you. On this day, even the simplest weather phenomena can predict the future.

What can you do on Christmas Eve before the holy Christmas of Christ - fortune-telling for the future, money

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, various rituals and fortune-telling are allowed. On Christmas Eve, the special atmosphere of the pre-holiday day will help you find answers to important questions. We have selected the simplest and most truthful fortune-telling that will tell you what to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas to get information about your future.

Simple Divination for the Future for Christmas Eve

For fortune-telling on Christmas Eve, you do not need to perform complex rituals. Even the simplest things will tell about the fortuneteller's future. You can guess on January 6 in the following ways:

  • on the book;

You need to take a book and ask a question about the near future. Then, with your eyes closed, open the page and point your finger at any paragraph. The text of the book will provide answers to questions of interest.

  • on paper;

Put paper with different inscriptions into a cloth bag (for example, "wealth", "illness", "new job", "birth of a child"). Then pull out one of the pieces of paper and read the prediction.

  • on things.

Take small boxes (you can take capsules from Kinder Surprise) and place various items in them. It can be a ring, a mon6tka, a tablet. Put the boxes in a cloth bag and randomly pull out one of them. The object that appears will tell about the future.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve before Christmas is recommended in the evening. This time will help to find out the most accurate forecasts for the future. A special pre-holiday atmosphere will help the fortuneteller in this.

What fortune-telling on desire can be carried out on the eve of the Nativity of Christ?

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, you can also learn about the fulfillment of a cherished desire. For example, a domestic cat will be able to "tell" about him. To do this, you just need to make a wish and call the animal. If a cat crosses the threshold with its left paw, it will come true. If it is right, then you should not expect an early fulfillment of desire.

Those who do not have animals at home can also guess at a wish on Christmas Eve. To do this, you just need to write your desires on pieces of paper. Leave a few sheets unsigned. Roll up all the sheets and put under the pillow. After going to bed, and in the morning get one of the pieces of paper. He will indicate which wish will soon come true. If an empty sheet comes across, you should not wait for the fulfillment of desires in the near future.

Conspiracies for health and happiness - here's what else you can do on Christmas Eve before Christmas

Before the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, fortune-telling can be carried out and special conspiracies can be pronounced. Sincere requests will help protect your loved ones, give them happiness. We picked up simple conspiracies and indicated what to do when they are pronounced on Christmas Eve before Christmas.

Effective Christmas Eve conspiracies for health

You can protect your loved ones from accidents and protect yourself from diseases with the help of special conspiracies. They should be pronounced on the eve of the Nativity of Christ in the evening or at night. At this time, higher powers will help everyone who sincerely asks for it.

On January 6, on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then the patient should be wiped with this towel.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I speak from 77 ailments,

From any pain, from the night light,

Pretending dryness, from cancer that travels,

Falling fit,

From spoilage, from night cramps,

Mother Mother of God washed her Son,

Wiped with a linen towel.

God bless my linen too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,

Since then, I will erase all 77 ailments.

To improve health, the following magical conspiracy should be read early in the morning on one of the holy days.

His words are as follows:

“I went to bed, the Servant of God (proper name) on a dark evening, it was dark, dark on the street; I got up, the Servant of God, (proper name), in the early morning on the red dawn, when it was bright-light on the street; I, the Servant of God, (proper name) washed myself with fresh and cool water; I wiped myself, the Servant of God, (proper name), with a white handkerchief. I then went from door to door, from gate to gate. I went along the long road along the way-overland right up to the ocean-sea, where there is a holy island. I turned east to the red sun and I saw an open field.

On it I saw a large seven-towered house, in which a red-haired maiden sits on a golden chair. She persuades illnesses and illnesses, and on her knees she holds a silver saucer, on which sharp knives lie, forged from strong damask steel. I, the Servant of God (proper name), entered that seven-tower house, humble and with my head bowed. She bowed low to the red-haired girl, obeyed her with her heart and said the following word: “Take, red-haired girl, sharp damask knives from your silver saucer, and cut off that unhealthy black flesh with them. Cut off from him (her) all the sorrows and sorrows associated with severe illnesses and ailments. Tighten all his (her) wounds with your magic power.

And after that, protect him (her) from any evil intention of an evil person, whether it be a witch woman, a bare-haired girl, a monogamist or a polygamist, red-haired or black-haired. And having done this, close your deeds, beautiful girl, with twelve locks. And lower all twelve keys to the bottom of the ocean-sea, pose the strong stone Alatyr. There is no one to open your locks and no one to wash the keys. The Servant (s) of God (s) (the name of the sick person) will no longer be sick from this moment and never. As the evening dawn goes out, so all ailments will disappear. My word is strong, no one can change it. It will be so now and forever. Amen".

It is important to wash in the shower before reading this conspiracy, and even better in the bath. Be sure to loosen your hair and wear clean, loose, light-colored clothing. You can strengthen the effect of the conspiracy if you read it while holding a lit church candle in your hand.

What conspiracies can be pronounced on the eve of the Nativity of Christ on January 6 for happiness?

On Christmas Eve before Christmas, you can ask not only for health, but also for happiness. This must be done with the utmost respect. In addition, you need to ask for happiness not only for yourself, but also for your closest, dearest people. You can turn to higher powers to ask for happiness with the following conspiracies:

You need to go outside at three in the morning, stretch your hands to the sky and say:

"Let the holy sky open,

Give me golden happiness

How many bright stars are in the sky

I will have so many tears of happiness!

“Our Lord Jesus was born, the people rejoiced and were baptized! Be healthy (them of a person) and happy, do not grieve in vain! Amen!".

The conspiracy is pronounced over a church candle.

“I attract light into the house with bright lights. I bend with a rainbow, I cover the walls. Walls rose from heaven to earth. They protect from enemies, protect peace and tranquility. Candles, burn brighter. The walls are getting stronger! Protect the house, close everyone from enemies! Amen!".

What to do on Christmas Eve before Epiphany - traditions and customs on January 18

Christmas Eve of Epiphany on January 18 is considered the end of Christmas time. Therefore, on this day, divination should be carried out in the daytime until evening. Previously, it was believed that it was on Epiphany Christmas Eve that evil "walks" home. It is necessary to protect yourself and your family from any negativity in advance, not to let the evil force bring discord into it. We have indicated the most interesting folk traditions that will tell you what you can do for this on Christmas Eve before Epiphany on January 18.

Interesting traditions of Christmas Eve on January 18 before Epiphany

On the eve of January 19, it was customary for families to clean up. The house must be prepared for the Orthodox holiday. They sat down at the table after the appearance of the first star. Until that time, a strict fast was observed. And you need to start dinner with consecrated water. Then households and guests should try kutya and uzvar. Then it is customary to serve cookies and gingerbread in the form of crosses to the table, and then move on to lenten dishes. It is desirable that there be 7, 9 or 12 of them on the table. On the night of January 18-19, you need to go to bed after prayer in a good mood.

What is done on Christmas Eve before Epiphany - is it possible to guess on January 18

Priests and believers believe that guessing on the evening of January 18 is sinful. Therefore, on this day, either you should not perform rituals, or you need to "transfer" them to the morning and afternoon. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with an interesting video that tells whether it is possible to guess on Christmas Eve before Epiphany, and how to do it correctly.

Is it possible to conduct fortune-telling on Epiphany Christmas Eve on January 18 - holiday traditions

The video we have selected will certainly come in handy for girls who dream of starting their own family. It tells about the most interesting divination and rituals. They will help you learn more about marriage and soon become the wife of your soul mate.

Simple traditions and interesting Christmas Eve rituals allow everyone to learn about their future. Indeed, during the period of Christmas time from January 6 to January 18, you can conduct various fortune-telling, look for accurate signs. Unusual conspiracies will help you ask higher powers for health and wealth, happiness. But such rites before Christmas and Epiphany should be performed with special attention. Not all Christmas time is suitable for such activities. We talked about the most accessible and simple ways to find out all the secrets of your destiny. With the help of such tips, everyone will be able to understand what to do on Christmas Eve before the Orthodox holiday, and what to avoid.

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January 6 (December 24 old style) of each year is celebrated as Christmas Eve. On this day before Christmas, the eve or eve of the holiday, Orthodox Christians prepare for the great day.

Christmas Eve ends the 40-day Advent (Philippov) Lent. On this day, the main preparations for Christmas are made.

Other names of the holiday: Holy Evening, Sochevnik, Eve of the Nativity of Christ, Kolyada, Christmas Eve. The eve of the holiday is colloquially called Christmas Eve, or Sochevnik. This name comes from a special dish made from wheat, nuts and honey - sochiva.

The tradition of eating this dish on the eve of Christmas was born in memory of Daniel and the three youths, who, according to the Gospel, "ate from the seeds of the earth, so as not to be defiled by a pagan meal." History of Christmas Eve In the Orthodox Church, the celebration of the eve of the Nativity of Christ was established in the 4th century. In the V-VIII centuries, sacred hymns were written, which are used for Christmas services.

At that time, the Royal Hours were performed in the temples. It was customary to proclaim many years to the tsar, his house, and all Orthodox Christians. The name of the holiday comes from the word "juicy" or "juicy". Both of these dishes were prepared on Christmas Eve.

Sochivo was soaked grains of wheat or barley, to which the juice of poppy seeds, sunflower, hemp, mustard, and nuts was added. Sochni - bread cakes in which holes were made for the eyes and used for divination. Through the mask looked at the street. It was believed that if a good person passes, then the year will be successful, and if a bad one, vice versa. What is the Christmas Eve before Christmas?

Where did the name of this holiday come from?

It turns out that from the word "sochivo" - this is a dish that was prepared specially on this day to treat all households. To do this, the hostess soaked scalded grains of cereals (wheat, barley, lentils, rice) in seed juice (poppy, almond or nut). The dish turned out lean. Oil was not put into it. Only the addition of a spoonful of honey was allowed to make the meal more nutritious. Sometimes it was replaced with kutya. People used Sochivo on this day in imitation of the biblical prophet Daniel.

This parable refers to the Old Testament times. The pagan Julian the Apostate, wishing to show off the believing fasting people, ordered all the food in the market to be sprinkled with the blood of animals sacrificed to idols. Then the prophet Daniel ordered his youth-novices to eat soaked grains and dried fruits. So the believers were able to avoid taking a defiled pagan meal.

Traditions and rituals for Christmas Eve

The main traditions of January 6 - they prepare 12 Lenten dishes, the main of which is kutya; go to visit with treats; guess; use a charm ("didukh").

On Christmas Eve, Orthodox Christians attend church services: an all-night vigil and liturgy.

From the very morning, the housewives carry out a thorough cleaning, throw out the rubbish, and then proceed to prepare a festive dinner. Traditionally, 12 Lenten dishes are served at the table.

In some houses, it is customary to pay special attention to the decoration of the Christmas table. The hostesses cover it with a new tablecloth, under which they put a bundle of hay - a symbol of a manger. Banknotes and garlic cloves are placed at the corners of the table, which symbolize the health and well-being of family members. An ax is placed under the table, on which those seated put their feet in order to have good health and spirit. Arrangements of candles and spruce branches are placed in the center.

The meal begins with a prayer in which they glorify Christ, ask for well-being and happiness for all those present. First of all, they taste kutya, after which they proceed to the rest of the dishes.

On Christmas Eve in the villages, young people gather in large groups, paint their faces, put on fancy costumes, go from house to house and sing carols. An important attribute of such an action is the Star of Bethlehem, which is made of colored paper and ribbons, and an icon is placed in the center. In ritual songs, it is customary to glorify Jesus Christ, the family of the owner of the house. Caroling guests are presented with sweets, pastries and money.

On Christmas Eve, you should ask for forgiveness from the people you offended, forgive all your enemies.

Signs and sayings for Christmas Eve

  • What is the weather like on January 6, this will be the case in December.
  • If on Christmas Eve the sky is abundantly strewn with stars, then this year a rich harvest should be expected.
  • On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, it is customary to light candles in the house or kindle a fireplace in order to attract prosperity and good luck to the house.
  • You can’t wear old dark-colored clothes for a festive dinner, otherwise the year will pass in tears and difficulties.
  • An even number of people should be present at the ceremonial table. If it is odd, then the housewives put one extra set of appliances.
  • On Christmas Eve, you need to go outside and look at the sky. If you see a shooting star and make a wish, it will surely come true.
  • If a snowstorm breaks out before Christmas Eve, the bees will swarm well.
  • On a holiday, a wax candle was placed on a table with a white tablecloth and lit with the words: “Burn, candle, righteous sun, shine on the souls in paradise and on us, the living, warm the mother earth, our cattle, our fields.” If the light burns merrily, it means that the year will be prosperous and fruitful, if it blinks and trembles, you will have to tighten your belts.
  • On a holiday, frost on trees - to good bread.

What you can eat on Christmas Eve January 6 is the strictest day of the 40-day Advent fast. Believers are only allowed to drink water. A meal can be taken after the first star rises in the sky, after which it is allowed to eat sochivo - wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins. In folk tradition, it is customary to serve other fasting dishes for dinner.

What Not to Do on Christmas Eve

It is forbidden to work on Christmas Eve evening. On this holiday, you can not quarrel and sort things out. It is not allowed to eat before the appearance of the first star in the sky. On this day, you can not be greedy.

Festive dinner

According to folk custom, the housewives put 12 Lenten dishes on the table, which personify the 12 apostles. The main dish is kutya (sochivo). It is boiled from whole grains of rice or wheat, with the addition of poppy seeds, honey, walnuts, dried apricots, prunes, raisins. Also on the table are baked fish, vegetable salads and stews, mushroom soup, lean borscht, donuts, pies, dumplings, cabbage rolls with mushrooms, pickles. For dessert, they eat rolls with poppy seeds and nuts, honey cakes, gingerbread, berry and fruit kissels, apples baked with honey and nuts.

The traditional Christmas drink is dried fruits and honey. The combination of kutya and uzvar on the tables is a symbol of eternal life, the birth and death of Jesus. On Christmas Eve, no alcohol is consumed at dinner. How to make juicy?

Our great-grandmothers knew what to cook for Christmas Eve. These ancient recipes for cooking Christmas dishes are not forgotten. And today, any housewife, if desired, will be able to cook juicy. + Here is the recipe for this dish:

  • 1 faceted glass of wheat grains.
  • 100 g poppy.
  • 100 g of walnut kernels.
  • 1 or 2 tablespoons of liquid honey.
  • A little sugar.

Place wheat grains in a wooden mortar and grind with a pestle until the shell of the grains comes off. In this case, you need to add a little warm boiled water to the mass. Then the husk is removed by washing the grains. Wheat is poured with water, put on fire and boiled until tender. It turns out crumbly porridge. In a wooden mortar, poppy seeds are ground in the same way until poppy milk appears. Add it to the porridge, put honey, sugar there and mix thoroughly. At the end, crushed walnut kernels are put into the mass. Sochivo is ready.

Festive service in the church On the eve of the Nativity and Theophany, a service is performed, consisting of the Great (Royal) Hours with the reading of the Gospel, a brief follow-up of the "Illustrative" during which the clergy on the pulpit read the entrance prayers and put on, and great vespers with the reading of proverbs in conjunction with The Liturgy of Basil the Great, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, at the end of the Liturgy, after the prayer behind the ambo, the Great Blessing of the Water is performed.

If Christmas Eve (both Christmas Eve and Epiphany) falls on Saturday or Sunday, then the service of the Royal Hours with the Pictorial and Great Vespers is transferred to Friday, and in this case the liturgy is not attached to them (that is, on Friday the liturgy is not performed in principle), on Christmas Eve itself, in this case, the liturgy of John Chrysostom is served (the blessing of water on Epiphany Christmas Eve is still performed), and on the holiday itself (Christmas or Epiphany), in this case, the liturgy of Basil the Great is performed.

What saints are usually prayed on Christmas night

To the born baby Jesus. At Christmas, first of all, it is customary to offer thanksgiving prayers, as well as to ask for universal peace and prosperity. They pray, glorifying the coming of Jesus Christ to our land and the future salvation of all people in the world from sin. The newborn Jesus is glorified and asked for the cleansing and forgiveness of a sinful soul, as well as for a long and happy earthly life.

Holy Mother of God. No less than the born God, they glorify His Mother, the immaculate Virgin Mary. In prayers, the Mother of God is asked for the appearance of children, the health of the expectant mother and the inviolability of the Christian family.

They also pray to their Guardian Angel. Christmas night is the best time to establish a strong connection with your Guardian Angel. In prayer, they glorify the Angel and ask him to protect and guide on the true path throughout life, as well as to protect the family and children from injuries and illnesses.

Prayers are offered to the Apostle Peter, holding the keys to the gates of Paradise. They pray to the apostle for the healing of serious illnesses, strengthening in the faith and churching of unbelieving relatives.

It is believed that the prayer to the Archangels on Christmas night will help the seriously ill to get on their feet, and those who died a violent death to enter the Heavenly Gates. Most often, such a request is addressed to the Archangel Michael, the protector and patron of the weak and offended.

Prayer for Christmas Eve January 6

The most important night is considered to be Christmas Eve, the evening before Christmas. The story says that on this day people did not eat until the first star appeared in the sky. To see if the first star has appeared, you need to go out into the courtyard: you won’t see a star from the window - it’s not good. It is also important that Christmas is not celebrated in everyday clothes - to poverty.

If a dark-haired person crosses the threshold first at Christmas, he will bring happiness. Some dark-haired family members even go out and enter the house after midnight on purpose. As soon as the clock strikes twelve, the head of the family must open the window to let in Christmas, and with it happiness, good luck and prosperity. What you think about on Christmas Eve, everything will come true, everything will come true. Children born on Christmas bring happiness and good luck to all family members.

Dancing and playing outdoors on Christmas Eve, especially around the Christmas tree, is considered a good custom to prevent bad luck and illness for the next twelve months.

Also on the holiday it is important to say special prayer words that will bring peace and prosperity into your life.

Christmas Eve Prayer

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rise to the world, the light of reason. In it, because they serve the stars, I learn to bow to You as a star, the Sun of Truth, and lead You from the height of the East. Lord, glory to You. It is worthy to eat as if truly blessed are Thee, the Mother of God, the Blessed and Immaculate, and the Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify You.

Traditional prayer for health at Christmas 2017

To this day, Christmas is considered one of the most significant Christian holidays and takes second place after Easter. In the Catholic and Orthodox churches, it differs in dates, traditions, and prayers. But the root cause is the same for everyone - the birth of the Savior - little Jesus. Such a great event marked the end of paganism and the beginning of a new Christian civilization. Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on January 7 (December 25, old style) at the end of the forty-day fast. On fabulous Christmas Eve, people wait for the first star to rise, read traditional prayers for health on Christmas Day 2017, and finally sit down at the festive table with 12 Lenten dishes. In a wide list of important rituals, reading a prayer for health plays a special role. During Christmas time, the Lord is all-seeing and all-hearing, therefore he answers any requests and prayers.

In the hands of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and verbs, my advice and thoughts, my deeds and all my body and soul movements. My entrance and exit, my faith and dwelling, the course and death of my belly, the day and hour of my exhalation, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But you, O Most Merciful God, the whole world with sins, unconquerable Goodness, gentle, Lord, me, more than all sinful people, accept in your hand your protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse the many multitudes of my iniquities, grant correction to my evil and accursed life and from always delight me in the coming sinful falls, and in no way when I anger Your philanthropy, even cover my infirmity from demons, passions and evil people. Forbid the visible and invisible enemy, guiding me on the saved path, bring me to Thee, my refuge and my desires. Grant me a Christian end, shameless, peaceful, keep from the air spirits of malice, at Your Terrible Judgment be merciful to Your servant and count me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them to You, my Creator, I glorify forever. Amen.

Prayer for marriage on Christmas Day 2018

For centuries, our ancestors performed all kinds of rituals on Christmas Eve and read popular prayers for marriage on Christmas Day. The holy night symbolized the birth not only of God's Son, but also of new hopes, new life, new world. On the border of Christmas Eve and Christmas, the most unprecedented miracles took place, unspeakable magic manifested itself, the vector of fate changed direction in the most unexpected direction. It was during this period that reading prayers for marriage was considered the most successful thing. But first it was necessary to turn off the light, light one candle and wait for the first star to rise in the sky. Thus, the prayer at the Nativity of Christ acquired the greatest power.

Oh, All-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything. Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for diligence and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your purpose, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created his wife as a helpmate, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girlish (young) heart sent to you; give me a spouse (y) honest (th) and pious (th), so that in love with him (with her) and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Popular prayer for good luck at Christmas 2018

On Christmas Eve, you can not only relax and prepare for the feast, but also visit the church to take communion and listen to prayers. If it is not possible to visit the temple of God, it is worth putting a church candle at the icon at home and, praying quietly, remember all relatives and friends, sincerely rejoice at the events that took place last year. Life is multifaceted, and even in bright festive moments, someone lonely and defenseless needs help and support. Become a kind angel for a stranger, read a popular prayer for good luck on Christmas Day. Perhaps it is your prayers that will wrap the Lord in a guise to someone's despairing and hopeless soul.

I call on my guardian angel to touch my destiny, to direct my paths in the direction of well-being and good luck. When my guardian angel hears me, by a blessed miracle my life will take on a new meaning, and I will find success in today's business, and in future affairs there will be no obstacles for me, for the hand of my guardian angel guides me. Amen.

Christmas Prayer "Your Christmas, Christ our God"

The most important hymn of the Orthodox Nativity of Christ 2018 is the troparion of the Feast, dated from the 4th century. The Christmas prayer "Your Christmas, Christ our God" is performed during the service on January 7 and a week after it. Until a generous evening or St. Melania. During the service, the prayer is sung several times, and the whole church sings along with the church choir. The hymn “Your Christmas, Christ our God” speaks of the knowledge of the Lord by man. There are many different paths to such knowledge. For example, with the help of studies of the stars, as in the case of the Magi. At the same time, calling Jesus the "Sun of Truth" in prayer confirms the essence of the Savior as a source of light, life, devotion and purity.

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rise to the world the light of reason, in it I study the stars serving as a star. Bow to you, the Sun of truth, and lead you from the height of the East. Lord, glory to You!

English translation: Thy Nativity, Christ our God, illumined the world with the light of knowledge, for through it those who serve as stars were taught to worship Thee, the Sun of righteousness, and to know Thee, from on high the Rising Star. Lord, glory to You!

Simple Children's Prayers for Christmas 2018

Today, a children's prayer can be composed by the words of the children themselves. Babies are always sincere, they are born in this world with real knowledge of the truth. Only adults, using incorrect methods of education, dull the truth in them and not on purpose make them forget about this concept. Mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers dictate their canons to children, impose their own worldview, considering it the only correct one. But one has only to plunge into the thoughts of a child for a second to understand how deep and genuine the children's prayer at Christmas is. She can make even the hardest heart open. Quiet and simple children's prayers for Christmas 2018 are the loudest voice for the Almighty. They never go unanswered.

Prayer for the Nativity of Christ is strong not only with words, but also with the soul invested in it, with the energy message. It doesn’t matter at all in what order the words of the prayer for health, for good luck, for marriage and children are uttered. The main thing is sincere faith in kindness, forgiveness and mercy of the Lord.

Conspiracies on Christmas Eve

Many believe that wishes made on the eve of the New Year and Christmas will certainly come true. We just need to be patient. However, our ancestors thought otherwise. They knew and used magical rites that could attract good luck, increase wealth, and achieve success in business. These ingenuous conspiracies have survived and are still working.

Money conspiracy on Christmas Eve (on the eve of Christmas)

On the evening before Christmas, wait for the first star, turn off all the lights in the house and light a candle in each window. Stand at the east window and read the plot for Christmas on a piece of paper:

Glory to God, glory to Christ! Angels, praise, you yourself know: Christ was born, Herod was indignant, Judas strangled himself, the world rejoiced. The glory of the Lord stands forever, does not break, and silver money is added to me. Lord, I praise Your Christmas! Blessed be the day and the hour, in which my Lord Jesus Christ was born for me, suffered crucifixion and suffered death. O Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, at the hour of my death, receive Thy servant, in the wandering of being, with the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints, as blessed are you forever and ever. Amen.

After a conspiracy for Christmas, set fire to a piece of paper from a candle, throw it on a saucer. The paper should burn completely. Rub three silver coins with ashes, and carry them with you in your wallet all year long without changing them.

Money rite January 6

This ceremony is done on Christmas Eve.

Pour earth into a new flower pot to the top, and light 3 large green candles around.

Then, moving your index finger clockwise along the edge of the pot, reading "Our Father", and then 3 times a conspiracy:

“As the twelve months ring, So the wallets of the servant of God (name) would ring and rattle. As cocks crow twelve times, So twelve dawns keep money, And twelve times they say to themselves: Money to money, purses to purses, All mine is with me and all money is with me.

Put the pot in a conspicuous place, the candles should burn out in 12 days.

Conspiracy to stay money

“To whom the church is not the Mother, I am not the Father, Money itself flows down the aisle to me. I said (al)"

Money will appear in you literally from nothing, on their own.

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