Driving lessons

Nekrasov plan outline. Lesson summary on literature “N.A. Nekrasov. Excerpt from the poem “Frost, Red Nose. Organizational moment. Lesson goal setting

Subject: The image of spring in the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Green Noise”


Students will become acquainted with the biography and main milestones of N. Nekrasov’s work;

Carry out an analysis of the poem "Green Noise" - its poetic structure, images and means of expression;

Develop students' creative abilities;

Expand your vocabulary;

To form a culture of perception of poetic text;

Cultivate a feeling of love for your native land.

Planned tasks:

Students should know basic information from the biography of N. Nekrasov;

Be able to find expressive means of speech in a poem;

Be able to determine the theme, describe the lyrical hero;

Develop expressive reading skills.

Equipment: portrait of N. Nekrasov, multimedia presentation, table, test, painting by A. Rykov “Green Noise”, images of trees, dictionary.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

2. Acquaintance with the biography of the poet

Working with a presentation

Slide 1: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on December 10, 1821 in the town of Nemirov in the Podolsk province. His father was a poor landowner. Soon after the birth of their son, the Nekrasov family settled in the family estate in the village of Greshnev, in the Yaroslavl region. Here, on the banks of the majestic Volga River, the poet spent his childhood.

Slide 2: The lord's son was not allowed to be friends with peasant children. But, seizing a moment, little Kolya ran away from the nannies to his village friends. They went to the forest or spent their days swimming in the Samarka River. This period of life left its mark on the poet’s future work, and the theme of peasant children occupied a huge niche in Nekrasov’s work.

Slide 3: The manor's house stood right next to the road, and the road at that time was crowded and busy. The boy, secretly sneaking out beyond the fence of the estate, met all sorts of working people on the road: stove makers, painters, blacksmiths, diggers, carpenters, who moved from village to village, from city to city in search of work.

Slide 4: In 1832, Nekrasov entered the first grade of the Yaroslavl gymnasium. Teaching came easily to him, but the future poet loved only literature of all subjects. I read a lot and avidly. He was greatly impressed by the ode “Liberty” by A. Pushkin.

In 1837, his father sent Nerkasov to St. Petersburg to join the Noble Regiment. But the young man decided to go his own way. He began to prepare to enter St. Petersburg University. The father, having learned about his son’s decision, did not accept his choice and deprived him of his maintenance.

Slide 5: These were the most difficult years - without food, sometimes without shelter, Nekrasov did not give up on his decision to become a poet. In 1839, he entered the university's Faculty of Philosophy as a “free listener,” and already in 1840 his first collection of poetry, “Dreams and Sounds,” was published. The poems were signed modestly: N.N.

Slide 6: 1843 is a significant date in the poet’s life. He meets V. Belinsky, who suggested the path of development to young Nekrasov. From then on, his poetry acquired an accusatory character.

Slide 7: Nekrasov’s poetry is diverse. The main theme of his work is the people, their aspirations and hopes. Landscape lyrics also occupy a significant place. Favorite images - bad weather, the Volga, forest and trees, fields planted with wheat - as a symbol of Russia.

Slide 8: The peculiarity of Nekrasov’s lyrics grew out of the deep nationality of his worldview. The poet's lyrics often contain folk motifs: fairy tales, myths, rituals, omens, and folk songs. The poet touches on the hidden layers of moral culture, an inexhaustible source of endurance and strength of the people's spirit.

Slide 9: All his life Nekrasov continued to communicate with ordinary peasants. In 1862, near Yaroslavl, he bought the Karabikha estate, where he loved to come. It was here that the amazingly beautiful work “Green Noise” appeared.

3. Initial acquaintance with the work

Expressive reading of a poem by the teacher.

What mood does the poem evoke: sad, cheerful, solemn, sad or bright and joyful? Explain your choice.

(Painting by A. Rykov "Green Noise")

4. Analysis of the poem

A) Independent reading of the work

What two contrasting images are depicted in the poem? (Spring and Winter)

B) Filling out the table

Spring: Green Noise, riding wind, flower dust, everything is green...

Winter: shaggy, roars day and night, blizzard song.

How does the arrival of spring make you feel? What about the author?

B) Vocabulary work

Find words in the text whose meaning is unclear to you. Write them out.

Horse - strong, walking along the top;

It will not muddy the waters - a figurative expression meaning purity of thoughts and actions.

Write down from the text the verbs that convey the movement of the wind (sway, diverge, lift).

This is exactly the wind that is called riding wind. Imagine these movements.

D) Analysis of poetic images

Please note that the words Green Noise are capitalized. Who is Green Noise? (Spring)

Indeed, in Ukrainian folklore this is how spring was called. By analogy with Santa Claus, who comes in winter. But only Santa Claus brings blizzards and blizzards, and Green Noise brings renewal of nature.

What is this technique called? (Personification)

D) Analysis of the scale

Let's imagine Santa Claus and Green Noise. What sounds are characteristic of the first image? (creaking snow, whistling blizzard, silence, crunching ice underfoot)

And for the second image? Find examples in the text. What verbs characterize Green Noise? (It makes noise, hums, babbles)

Count how many times the words appear in the text: noise, noise (14), green (9), spring (4). Why does the author need such frequent repetition? (This creates the illusion of movement, renewal of nature.)

On the other hand, the abundance of these words gives the poem a special sound. The sound “sh” is constantly heard - noise, whispering, rustling, rustling. That’s why the poem seems so noisy, cheerful, cheerful.

E) Analysis of secondary images

Read the text again and write down the names of the trees that are found in it (alder, cherry, pine, linden, birch, maple).

Which tree is considered a symbol of Russian nature? (birch)

Remember what you know about these trees.

There are images of trees on the board. Students talk about trees.

Birch is a real symbol of Russia, an elegant, festive tree. In ancient Slavic rituals, birch was associated with fertility. The tree was dressed up in dresses, decorated with ribbons, braids were braided from thin branches, and round dances were performed around it.

Please note that Nekrasov uses the folklore image of a birch - a maiden with a braid.

Pines in poetry are often associated with a different mood - sadness, loneliness. But Nekrasov’s pine trees sway. These are tall trees, the tops of which are “saddled” by the riding wind. And the pines “make a merry noise.”

Linden is a beautiful tree, but it blooms later than everyone else in the spring. How subtly the poet emphasized this feature of the tree! He has pale-leaved linden trees.

5. Analysis of expressive means

A) What techniques does Nekrasov use? Repetition, refrain.

What is the refrain for?

The main character is planning a murder. And the refrain constantly reminds us that spring is walking across the earth. And spring saves. The Green Noise turned out to be stronger than the grumbling of winter. Harmony in nature requires harmony in the soul. And a Man who is able to see the beauty of nature and be imbued with it is not capable of crime. This is the main idea of ​​the poem.

B) Indicate what expressive means of speech does Nekrasov use? (Epithets)

Most epithets are "color". Please indicate them. How do you understand the expression “as if doused with milk”?

C) Working with a painting

What colors does the poet use to convey the spring mood?

Look at the painting by A. Rylov, which is also called “Green Noise”. Does it match the poem? What paints would you use?

6. Consolidation


1. Years of life of N. Nekrasov

A) 1821-1877 B) 1749-1833 C) 1814-1841

2. Who played an important role in the formation of the main idea of ​​Nekrasov’s work?

A) Father B) Belinsky C) Pushkin

3. The main themes of Nekrasov’s creativity.

A) Motherland, Russian nature B) love C) history

4. The main theme of the poem "Green Noise"

A) the arrival of spring B) winter cold C) summer in Russia

5. Which tree is not found in the poem?

A) birch B) maple C) apple tree

6. What did the poet depict in the image of Green Noise?

A) winter B) river C) spring

7. What means of expression does the poet use in the poem “Green Noise”?

A) personifications, epithets B) metaphors C) none

7. Summing up the lesson, grading

8. Homework:

1. Learn an excerpt from the poem by heart.

2. Create a collage on the theme "Green Noise".

Creativity N.A. Nekrasov is as relevant now as it was in the 19th century. The civic position of young people should be active, this is exactly what the great Russian poet called for. The origins of N. Nekrasov’s creativity can be understood by studying his biography.



Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov


Essay on life and work

Civility of the lyrics, heightened truthfulness and drama in depicting the life of the people

Lesson objectives:

To expand students’ knowledge about the life and work of Nekrasov (living conditions - the formation of his personality and talent);

Help students identify the main themes of Nekrasov’s lyrics;

Improve expressive reading techniques;

Foster citizenship and patriotism.

After studying the topic, students should


Biography of N. Nekrasov, the conditions for the formation of his personality and talent:

Nekrasov’s activities as editor of the magazines “Sovremennik” and “Otechestvennye zapiski”:

The main themes of N. Nekrasov's lyrics.

Be able to:

Analyze lyrical works;

Literary theory: nationality


Portrait of N. Nekrasov;

I. Fogelson “Literature teaches”, M., Pr., 1990, p. 116;

N. Nekrasov “Poems and poems”, M., 1984

Type of lesson: combined

Working methods: analysis of a lyric work

UPS: poetry by F. Tyutchev and A. Fet

Poetry of A. Pushkin and M. Lermontov

Lesson structure

  1. Organizational moment
  2. Motivation of the topic

Russian lyrics of the first half of the 19th century described with pain and sympathy, indignation and protest, the suffering of the people, expressed love and attention to people's life. Remember “The Village” by A. Pushkin, “Motherland” by Lermontov. And this was the greatest achievement of our literature. However, the author’s “I” in such poems expressed these feelings as if “from the outside” - from the position of the spiritual world of an advanced person, but of a different sociological environment - a nobleman.

Lyrica Nekrasova took the next step. The poet clearly merged with the people, with their ideas, the ideal, that in the lyrics the author’s “I” became the man of the people himself - the urban poor, a soldier’s recruit, a serf, a peasant woman. It is their voices, their feelings and moods that we feel in Nekrasov, it is they themselves who speak about their pain, suffering, dreams, love, hatred.

My poems! Living witnesses

For a world of shed tears!

You were born in fateful moments

Soul thunderstorms

And beat on people's hearts,

Like waves on a cliff.


Creativity N.A. Nekrasova occupies a special place in the history of literature. On the one hand, N. Nekrasov is associated with the traditions of A. Pushkin and M. Lermontov, and on the other, he is one of the founders of a new direction.

How does Nekrasov’s lyrics differ from the lyrics of Tyutchev and Fet, from the representatives of “pure mastery”? From the lyrics of Zhukovsky, Delvig?

Let's compare excerpts from the poems of the romantic poets with the corresponding t howling lines from Nekrasov's lyrics. What new appears in his poetry? (Fogelson, p. 122)

We find in Nekrasov’s lyrics the novelty of problematics, composition, genres, the originality of the author’s vision of the world, and civic spirit.

How was Nekrasov formed as a poet and personality? What do you know about his childhood?

  1. Presentation of new material. Creativity N.A. Nekrasova.

I dedicated the lyre to his people

I. Childhood, Yaroslavl gymnasium. The first years of life in St. Petersburg (1821-1840). After his son refused to enlist in military service, his father deprived him of his inheritance and maintenance. “Petersburg ordeals” - poverty, failure in university exams, criticism of the collection. “Dreams and Sounds” (imitative character).

II. The rapprochement with V. Belinsky is a turning point in Nekrasov’s creative biography.

(art., “Motherland” (1846)

Sh. Nekrasov - publisher and editor of the magazine “Sovremennik” (1847-1866) The thematic and genre richness of Nekrasov’s work:

  1. a cycle of lyric poems;
  2. poems about the urban poor (“On the Street,” “About the Weather...”)
  3. poems about women’s lot (“Wedding”, “Village suffering is in full swing...”);
  4. poems about the plight of the people (“The Uncompressed Strip”, “Arina, the Soldier’s Mother”, “Hearing the Horrors of War”, “The Railway”, poems “Peasant Children”, “Peddlers”, “Frost, Red Nose”);
  5. civil lyrics (“Poet and Citizen”);
  6. the theme of Russia, self-awareness and social purpose of the Russian person (“Sasha”, “To Turgenev”);
  1. Nekrasov - publisher and editor of the journal “Otechestvennye zapiski” (1867-1877)
  2. Creativity of Nekrasov 1867-1877:
  1. the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1863-1877);
  2. poems about the Decembrists and their wives (“Grandfather”, “Russian Women”);
  3. a poem about bureaucrats, the bourgeoisie and liberal businessmen (“Contemporaries” - satire);
  4. poems imbued with elegiac moods (“Three Elegies”, “Morning”, “Despondency”, “Elegy”);
  5. poems expressing the poet’s faith in the future of Russia and the people (“Prophet”).

Analysis of lyrical works

"Motherland" (1846) - a kind of result of Nekrasov’s ideological quest.

The poems are based on facts from the poet’s biography, but these biographical details develop into the historical patterns of the destinies of the people of serf Russia.

For Nekrasov, there is not even the initial joyful Pushkin experience at the sight of a garden or a house.

“Motherland” is written in the form of a lyrical monologue. Nekrasov's innovation lies not only in the novelty of the problematic, but also in the fact that Nekrasov, destroying genre barriers (includes elements of satire, elegies, landscape lyrics), he creates a lyric poem that is new in form, rich in social content.

"Poet and Citizen"

(poem “Poet and Citizen”, video project t/k “Culture”)

questions for discussion:

  • What does the citizen call on the poet to do?
  • What is unique about the composition of the poem?

(a clash of two characters, two types of relationships with reality. In terms of genre, this is a philosophical dispute in the form of drama.

  • What is the genre of poetry?
  • Why does Nekrasov choose the form of dialogue? (author's duality)

- What is the motive of the poem?

Motive - the poet’s main mood, the feeling he experienced while writing the poem

The dialogue in the poems could be perceived as a polemic between representatives of “pure art” and revolutionary-democratic art.

In his poems, Nekrasov expresses his views on the role and purpose of the poet. The content of the poem is a conversation between conventional characters - the Poet and the Citizen. What we have before us is not a clash of two opponents, but a mutual search for the true answer to the question of the role of the poet and the purpose of poetry in public life. The author expresses the following thought: the role of the artist in the life of society is so significant that it requires from him not only artistic talent, but also civic convictions, and an active struggle for these convictions.

The son cannot look calmly

On my dear mother's grief,

There will be no worthy citizen

Cold at heart for the Fatherland

You may not be a poet

But you have to be a citizen.

"Elegy" (1874)

(Elegy - a poem that expresses moods, sad thoughts, grief, philosophical reflections)

What is the situation in Russia; circumstances of Nekrasov’s life during the years of creating “Elegy”? (first half of the 70s of the XIX century)

Why did Nekrasov choose the genre of elegy?

The poem is dedicated to A.N. Ermakov, a friend of Nekrasov, a communications engineer.

Why is the dedication to Ermakov included in the text? What does this give the reader?

The dedication makes this poem a personal document, a lyrical work dedicated to two public themes: the position of the people and the role of the singer in society, as well as the vocation of each person, his place in society.

At this time (the time of writing the poem on August 15, 1874) there was a decline in the revolutionary movement in the country. The Paris Commune was destroyed. N. Nekrasov gets sick a lot, he loses his voice, complains about his stomach, then it turns out that he has cancer. There were fewer and fewer friends nearby. The poet doubts the attitude of young people towards their present selves. The main question is what about the people, what are they like and what will happen to them? There are many reasons for reflection.

Therefore, Nekrasov chooses “Elegy” as the genre of his poem, which is an expression of predominantly sad thoughts.

What is personal in this poem?

The poet's "I" exists in three of the four stanzas of the poem:

in the second, Nekrasov thinks about the essence of his poetry, about his conscience;

in the third - about what he saw and heard in life;

in the fourth - about how inspiration comes to him.

What is Nekrasov like in this poem?

This is a person who knows how to think (“Am I looking for an answer in the wrong place?”)

This is a man who works not for glory, but for the sake of his conscience.

What does Nekrasov see as the essence of his poetry?

The purpose of poetry is to serve the people.The poet glorifies the union of the muse with the people (“And in the world there is no stronger, more beautiful union!”) ​​and confirms with personal example:

I dedicated the lyre to my people

How did he perceive the reform of 1861? Has it become easier for the peasant?

Are there any descriptions of nature in the poems?

Nature matches the poet’s mood: thoughtful, sad

What is universally significant in this poem for all eras? for posterity?

We analyzed several poems, and in each of them we heard the poet’s unique voice and felt the peculiarities of his style.

- What is a writer's style?

Style - this is the unity of all means of artistic depiction of life in the writer’s work.

The originality of the style depends on his views on life and art, moral and aesthetic ideals, political and artistic convictions, the characteristics of his personality and talent.

Nekrasov has important features:

A depiction of life with its inherent complexity and contradictions;

The desire for truth, comprehension of natural (typical) processes and phenomena of reality;

Criticism of an unjust social structure;

Expression of advanced social ideals;

Poeticization of the peasant's world.

(Textbook page. Writer's style)

Main motives of the lyrics:

The purpose of the poet and poetry;

Theme of the people;

The image of a new man, a hero of the time;

Theme of Russia.

IV. Consolidation

What can you say about the writer’s childhood and adolescence?

How was his life in St. Petersburg?

What role did meeting Belinsky play in his life?

What can you say about Nekrasov the journalist?

How did the Muse of Nekrasov differ from the muse of Pushkin and Lermontov?

What is the purpose of a poet in public life?

What does Nekrasov say about the fate of the Russian people and the Russian peasant woman?

How is the image of the Motherland revealed in Nekrasov’s poetry?

Only one thing is important -

Do you love the people, the homeland,

Serve them with heart and soul.

N. Nekrasov

VI. Homework:

Write an essay “I was called to sing of your suffering, amazing the people with patience.”

List of used literature:

1. Nekrasov N.A.. Collected works. Poetry. Poems.

2. Nekrasov N.A.. Who lives well in Rus'. Series "Classics for School". M.: “Dragonfly-Press”, 2005.

3. Korovin V.I. Russian poetry of the 19th century. M., 1983.

4.Live pages. N.A. Nekrasov in memoirs, letters, diaries, autobiographical works and documents. M., 1974;

5. Skatov N.N. "N.A. Nekrasov. Life of wonderful people.”, M., 1994

Summary of a reading lesson in 8th grade.

Teacher : Stanina Lyudmila Vasilievna.

Lesson topic: N.A. Nekrasov - biography.

Goals: 1.Introduce the main moments in the writer’s life, his work through reading and analyzing the biography.

2.Development of fluent, conscious reading skills through reading a work.

3.Development of oral coherent speech through answers to questions posed.

4. Cultivate interest in the subject being studied and a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: computer, screen, presentation, tongue twisters, coloring book for individual work “The Three Little Pigs”, a set of letters for composing words according to the model.

Progress of the lesson.

I .Org. moment.

The one who can name the works studied this year will sit down.

“The Magic Ring”, “The Glove”, “I Found a Scythe on a Stone”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Monument”, “In the Depths of Siberian Ores”, “Winter Morning”, “I.I. Pushchin”, “Nanny”, “On the Hills of Georgia”, “Burnt Letter”, “I Loved You”, “Death of a Poet”, “Motherland” “Sail”, “Pine”, “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...”, “Wolf in the Kennel”, “Donkey” and Nightingale", "Fly and Bee".

Formulation of the lesson topic.

Today we will get acquainted with the biography of N.A. Nekrasov, his work.

II .Articulation exercise.

cheeks taught lessons in ink by a student from him

Student learning lessons

His cheeks are inky.

Children read according to the teacher’s choice in the following way: slowly, melodiously, with a question, quickly, with an exclamation, every other word, reads syllables, the last word.

III .Checking homework.

1.Analysis of what you read.

What work did you read?

- Who are the main characters?

What type of fly is shown? Bee?

Select from the proposed characteristics those that relate to the Fly and the Bee.

(annoying, hardworking, arrogant, braggart, straightforward, arrogant, well-mannered)

What is the moral of the fable? (You have to work and not bother people with your presence).

2. Expressive reading of a fable.


What was Krylov's name? (fabulist)

What works of I.A. Krylov were studied this year?

How do fables differ from other works?

- What is morality?

— Who were the heroes of Krylov’s fables? (animals)

-What character traits does he make fun of?

— What character traits does he praise?

—What do his works teach? (be good)

IV .Studying the topic of the lesson.

1.Introductory conversation.

They say that people make their country great or ruin it. You and I can be proud because we live in a great country. Why great?

Great people lived in Russia: A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, Lermontov

M.Yu. I.A. Krylov.

Today we will talk about another great man N.A. Nekrasov. his life and work.

What works of N.A. Nekrasov do you remember?

Do you remember his work “Only one strip is not compressed, it brings a sad thought”?

Let's get acquainted with the main important moments from the life of the writer.

A story about the biography of N.A. Nekrasov with a slide show.

Teacher. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on December 10, 1821 in Ukraine. This year marks the 191st anniversary of the writer’s birth. He lived 57 years. But during this time he wrote a huge number of works that are interesting to this day.

-Who were his parents?

1 Student. His father Alexey Sergeevich Nekrasov was a military man. This was a man who experienced a lot in his lifetime. When Kolya was three years old, his father retired and moved to the village of Greshnevo. There he became a landowner.My father was a greedy and very rude man. He was rude not only to the peasants, but also to the children, as well as to the poet’s mother, who tried to protect the children from their father’s indignation.

2Student. Mother - Alexandra Andreevna Zakrevskaya,Warsaw woman, was from a wealthy family. The parents did not agree to marry their well-bred daughter to a poor, poorly educated and rude army officer; the marriage took place without their consent and he was not happy.The poet's mother was the complete opposite of his father.Elena Andreevna dreamed that her Kolya would receive a good education, was the first connoisseur of her son’s early poetic experiments and in every possible way encouraged his studies in literature. Until the end of his days, Nekrasov remembered his mother with deep emotion, adoration and love.None of the writers dedicated as many works to their mother as Nekrasov.

-What kind of education did the poet receive?

3 Student. Despite the absence of home teachers, by the age of 10 Nekrasov had mastered reading and writing and in 1832 he entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium together with his older brother Andrei. Staying at the gymnasium did not become a significant stage in Nekrasov’s life. Four years of study yielded little, and in the last year, 1837, Nikolai Nekrasov was not even certified in many subjects. Under the pretext of “distressed health,” Nekrasov the father took his son from the gymnasium.

Teacher. In 1838, leaving the gymnasium, he went to St. Petersburg to enter the Noble Regiment - one of the best military educational institutions of that time. His father insisted on a military career, but Nekrasov did not want to serve at all. In 1838, Nekrasov decided to enter St. Petersburg University. His mother supported this dream.WITH1839 By1841 Nekrasov stayed inuniversity , but almost all of his time was spent looking for income. Nekrasov suffered terrible poverty; not every day he had the opportunity to have lunch for 15 kopecks. “For exactly three years,” he later said, “I felt constantly, every day, hungry. More than once it got to the point that I went to a restaurant on Morskaya, where they were allowed to read newspapers, without even asking myself anything. Sometimes you’d take a newspaper for show, and then you’d push a plate of bread towards you and eat.”A life full of hardships began. Nekrasov wandered through the St. Petersburg slums, lived in basements and attics, and earned money by copying papers.

    Only a naturally strong organism, perseverance in achieving his goal and will helped Nekrasov to overcome all adversity and not lose faith in himself, in his talent, in his destiny.

What can you say about the writer’s work?

All the poet’s work is permeated with love and respect for the common people. In his works he tried to show the injustice of the rich towards the poor. The Russian peasant is his “guardian of the earth,” “moaning through the fields and meadows, through prisons and mines.”

How do you understand “guardian of the earth”? (takes care of the land, plows, harrows, gives life)

Nekrasov’s woman is a “long-suffering, patient mother”, “withers with time.”

How do you understand “long-suffering”? (suffered a lot, suffered a lot)

— How do you understand the expression “withers with time”? (gets old early)

And at the same time, his woman

“Beauty, the world is a wonder,

Blush, slim, tall,

She is beautiful in any clothes,

Dexterous for any work."

- How do you understand these lines? (she is beautiful both in simple clothes and in festive ones, she knows how to do everything, does not disdain anything, everything is in full swing in her hands).

Personal life of the poet.

Nekrasov was married. Here is a portrait of his wife Fekla Viktorova - Zinaida Nekrasova (the name Zinaida was given to her by Nekrasov.

Nikolai Alekseevich was also attached to his dog, nicknamed Kabo. There was even a monument to him with a dog. In addition to this monument, there are others throughout the country that are recognition of the writer for his work.

At the beginning1875 Nekrasov became seriously ill and his life turned into a slow death. Nekrasov was operated on by a specially arrived person fromVienna surgeon, but the operation only slightly extended his life. News of the poet's fatal illness significantly increased his popularity. Letters, telegrams, and greetings poured in from all over Russia. They brought great joy to the patient in his terrible torment, and his creativity filled with a new key.

Nekrasov diedDecember 27 1877 , at 8 p.m. Despite the severe frost, a crowd of several thousand people, mostly young people, escorted the poet’s body to the place of his eternal rest onSt. Petersburg Novodevichy Cemetery .

2.Acquaintance with the biography from the textbook.

1) Vocabulary work is carried out on slides where explanations of words are given.

Barge haulers are people who pull a barge by wide straps.

A barge is a large vessel for transporting goods.

Twine - twine, thin rope.

Mercilessly - without regret.

He resurrected, remembered, reminded.

The noble class is a group of rich people.

2) Problematic question: What works did N.A. Nekrasov write?

3) Reading by the teacher pp. 83-85.

4) Reading by children.

5) Analysis of what you read.

— Where did the writer spend his childhood?

What did Nikolai do when he sneaked out of the manor’s house?

Why did folk life become close to him? (because he communicated with these people, listened to their stories and songs).

What are his childhood memories? (with Volga)

What does he call the Volga? (blessed river)

- What was the first deep grief he experienced on this river? (I saw the barge haulers, heard their moans)

— How did he describe them in the poem? (almost bending his head..)

- Why do you think they were bent with their heads to their feet? (it was so hard to drag the barge)

- What phrase did Nikolai hear from the barge hauler? (And if I were to die by morning, it would be even better...)

- How do you understand it? (death for this person turned out to be better than his life). Death for him is deliverance from a painfully difficult life.

How did the writer live at home?Read it out.

— What was Nikolai Alekseevich’s mother like?Read it out.

What works did Nekrasov write against the oppression of women? (“Troika”, “Village suffering is in full swing”, “Frost, Red Nose”).

- In what language are his poems written? (beautiful, melodious, simple, wonderfully rich).

- What kind of rye ears does he have? (There are turned pillars, gilded heads...)

— How the woman is shown? Read it out.

How do you understand these lines?

— What does Nekrasov talk about in the poem “Russian Women”?

— What did the writer always passionately desire?

- Why do you think he wanted the poems to reach the people? (so that people know that there are people who care about them).

— Did the writer’s hope come true? What does this say? (we read in class, people sing songs based on his poems, etc.)Listening to the romance “Why are you greedily looking at the road...”

— Is it possible to call Nekrasov A.N. "national poet"? Why? (all creativity is dedicated to the people, their suffering).

6) Summing up the results of individual work.

Natasha worked on composing words.

- What words did you get? Discussion of words, what they mean.

Frost, Red Nose is a work that we will read.

Katya was working on her project, a coloring book called “The Three Little Pigs.”

Katya what is shown? What is he doing? For what? Why did you paint it this color?

V .Homework.

Katya – coloring book and composes answers to questions.

Natasha continues to color “The Bremen Town Musicians” and reads page 2.

VI . Reflection.

What was difficult in the lesson?

Why did such difficulties arise?

What helped you cope with the tasks?

Will you need new information? For what?

— Which writer’s biography did you get acquainted with?

— What works did you write?

- What kind of poet do they call him?

VII .Ratings with comments.

1. The theme of the peasantry in the poet’s work

The work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821 - 1877) is a vivid example of glorifying peasant life: its hardships, worries, misfortunes, but also happy moments. The theme of Nekrasov’s poetry is determined by the beginning of one of his poems, “I dedicated the lyre to my people...”. The theme of the life of the peasantry is illuminated as follows in the poet’s work:

the beginning of folk themes in the poem “On the Road” (1845), which can be characterized as follows:

The originality of the composition, when the poem begins and ends with a replica of the master, and in its central part there is a detailed, capacious speech of the coachman carrying the master;

Not a traditional story-song about a road accident, but a story full of drama and tragedy about a difficult peasant lot;

An indication of the culprits of the difficult fate of the peasant narrator, who are not the peasant himself, and not even the landowners who forcibly married him to a serf girl raised in a manor’s house, but the serfdom system as a whole, which allows such arbitrariness and does not punish, but rather, provoking despotism of landowners towards peasants;

A tale form of storytelling, replete with vernacular, folk expressions and dialectisms that serve the expression and implementation of the author's ideological and artistic concept;

continuation and development of the theme of the difficulties of peasant life in the poem “Uncompressed Strip” (1854), which can be characterized as follows:

First of all, it directly reflects the sad fate of a peasant plowman who failed to remove one strip;

May be an allegory of Nicholas I , which led to disaster for Russia in the Crimean War, and this is evidenced by the phrase “he started the work beyond his strength”;

Some researchers perceive it as a political pamphlet, in which, in the image of a plowman, the people are shown exhausted by the severity of life under Nicholas;

Other researchers consider it as a story about the personal fate of the author himself, who was very ill at the time of writing the poem;

a vivid demonstration of peasant life in the poem “Peddlers” (1861), which can be characterized as follows:

Created directly in the year of the peasant reform and addressed to the people and written for the people;

Russian folklore is used (each chapter has a folklore epigraph), fairy tales, sayings, peasant popular prints, songs;

Reflects the interests of the peasantry during the reform of 1861 and their understanding of the specifics of social phenomena;

The central characters are peddlers - traveling village traders, and thanks to them, the author introduces into the narrative many episodes of peasant life in different regions and places of the country, and as a result, a broad picture of peasant life emerges, the depiction of which is the main idea and task of the author.

2. Poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'"

Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1863-1877) is a kind of literary answer to the author’s question: “Has the life of the peasantry changed for the better after the abolition of serfdom?” The poem was created in the following historical conditions:

a turning point in the development of Russia, which is associated with the recent abolition of serfdom and the peasant reform of 1861;

intensive industrial development;

economic transformation;

the development of the populist movement;

intense spiritual life.

The poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" has the following artistic features:

expresses all of Nekrasov’s previous work, and first of all, the problem of peasant life that he actively developed;

The author's plot plan is to show the journey of truth-seeking peasants and their meetings with representatives of various strata of society - priest, landowner, official, etc.;

reveals the topic of the search for happiness, and related to this is the consideration of two problems, such as:

Peasant reform of 1861;

Understanding the very concept of happiness and what the criteria of happiness are for different people and classes;

has a broad social context that indicates the incorrectness and incompleteness of the peasant reform, which harmed both the peasantry and the landowners, and the author also points out that the people will be deceived in their expectations;

the composition of the poem has the following features:

Allows you to reveal all the facets and sides of Russian reality of the post-reform era;

It has four parts - “The First Part”, “The Last One”, “The Peasant Woman”, “A Feast for the Whole World”, each of which is divided into a certain number of chapters, and some of them have inserted parables, prologues, songs, etc. what makes the compositional structure of the poem complex and branched;

All parts are connected into a single whole by techniques characteristic of Gogol’s “Dead Souls”, and among them the following can be distinguished:

The motive of wanderers walking around Rus';

The theme of the road along which wanderers wander and on which they meet many different folk characters with different biographies;

The parts are assembled into a single whole by combining book and folklore techniques, reality and convention, as well as through the author’s narration;

The principle of contrast and alternation is used, expressed as follows:

Social opposition between oppressors and oppressed;

Alternation of individual portraits and crowd scenes;

Periodic change of old and new;

Alternation of dramatic and comic in the poem.

The artistic originality of the poem“Who lives well in Rus'” is as follows:

in terms of genre it acts as a lyric epic poem, and its lyricism is expressed in the following:

The use of many songs that express the organic fusion of the author and the people;

can be classified as a folk poem, as it widely reflects the features and originality of folk life and the way of life of Russian peasants;

includes the comic, which is expressed in wonderful humor and wordplay;

has a close connection with folklore, which is expressed in the following:

Various genres of folklore are presented, among which are:

Folk tales ("Truth and falsehood");

Folk images and symbols (image of a self-assembled tablecloth);

Legends (“About two great sinners”);

Songs ("Hungry");

Beliefs and signs (“I won’t put an apple in my mouth until the Savior”);

People's laments ("Like a fish in a blue sea...");

Folk sayings and proverbs (“High is God, far is the king”, “Praise the grass in the stack, and the master in the coffin”);

Certain folklore techniques are used: repetitions, parallelisms, beginnings;

written in beautiful rich language, which has the following features:

Accuracy of expressions, conciseness of phrases;

Individualization of characters' speech;


Genuine folk and talkativeness;

Widespread use of colloquialisms (“to wander around”, “to swagger”, “grabber”, “it’s rubbish”, “to hit the sky with a finger”, etc.);

The verse of the poem is white, unrhymed, and the song beginning is combined with the colloquial one.