
The fate of the wall from the story live and remember. Nastya's tragedy in the work Live and Remember V.G. Rasputin (School compositions). Questions that come up in the story

The story "Live and Remember" was written in 1974. In 2008, the work was filmed by director Alexander Proshkin. The main roles in the film were played by Daria Moroz and Mikhail Evlanov.

The main character of the story is a young woman named Nastyona. The orphan was brought up in her aunt's house, knowing neither love, nor even just being well treated. From an early age, Nastya was forced to work hard so as not to be a freeloader in someone else's house. When Andrei Guskov invited the girl to marry him, she, without hesitation, accepted his offer. Nastena never loved her husband, but she was sure that in marriage she would find happiness, which she did not have in childhood. For several years of marriage, no children appeared in the Guskov family. Andrey blamed his wife for this. Nastena constantly felt guilty.

The head of the family leaves for the front. The young wife receives letters from her husband. But one day a policeman and the chairman of the village council came to her. Andrey is missing, he is suspected of desertion. When the ax disappeared from the bathhouse, the young wife immediately realized that her husband had returned home. After some time, the meeting of the spouses still took place. She seemed to Nastya as an obsession, a nightmare.

The superstitious woman was convinced that the person she met in the bath was not her husband, but a werewolf. For a long time Nastya doubted the reality of everything that happened at night, believing that she was just dreaming about it. Subsequently, Andrei explained to his wife that he was not a murderer or a traitor. He has not committed any crime. The reason for his desertion was his early discharge from the hospital. Guskov had to go back to the front, despite the fact that his treatment had not yet been completed.

Andrei understands that his actions will be regarded by the authorities as one of the most terrible crimes, but he does not want to rectify the situation in any way. Nastena carefully hides from her fellow villagers the illegal return of her husband. The young woman still dislikes her husband. A sense of duty makes her lie. The long-awaited pregnancy becomes an unexpected joy for the Guskovs. For the sake of her husband and unborn child, Nastena is ready to endure even greater hardships.

A hopeless situation
Pregnancy has brought more than just joy. The absence of a husband and the presence of a child can mean only one thing: Nastena cheated on Andrei. If this is not the case, it means that Guskov has returned, which, in turn, indicates his desertion. Nastena agrees to be considered an unfaithful wife if it helps to save her husband.

A young woman is faced with the hatred and contempt of those around her. Upon learning that the daughter-in-law is pregnant, the mother-in-law immediately kicks her out of the house. Despair leads Nastena to commit suicide. The young woman throws herself into the Hangar.

Nastya Guskova

Having not received love and affection in childhood, the main character dreams of her own family, where she would be the mistress. Nastena has no time to wait for true love. She wants to leave her aunt's house as soon as possible and accepts a marriage proposal from an unloved man.

The main character trait of the main character is a feeling for a long time. Nastena knows that she must be married, must have children, must be a faithful and devoted wife to her husband. This is her destiny, and she does not see her life differently. When Andrei is in trouble, Nastena makes every effort to help him. The young woman still does not love her husband. But Andrei is her only close person whom she does not want to lose.

The dream of real happiness seems to Nastya especially close after she learns about her pregnancy. Now she will have a full-fledged family, and she will no longer consider herself a flawed woman. But at some point, the main character realizes that this time too, happiness will pass by. The long-awaited child was conceived at the wrong time. He will bring sorrow instead of joy.

A sense of duty makes Nastya suffer severely. She fulfilled her duty to her husband, but at the same time betrayed her homeland. Seeing how funerals are brought to other families, Nastena reproaches herself for the fact that another woman has become a widow in her place. Her husband is alive only because other people's husbands died. It seems unfair to Nastya.

Finding herself in a hopeless situation, the main character sees the only solution to her problem. Nevertheless, the author does not want Nastena to be considered a suicide. Trying to justify his heroine, he says that the young woman is just very tired. She was looking for rest, not death.

Andrey Guskov

Unlike his wife, Andrei is not burdened with a sense of duty. He may well be called an irresponsible person. Andrey lives for himself and for himself. He only recognizes his own truth. In the absence of children, the main character, first of all, blames his wife. He considers himself neither a deserter nor a traitor. Andrey ran away from the hospital because they wanted to send him to the front ahead of time. He just saved his life and was not going to betray anyone. Moreover, he is only a peasant, not a warrior. Andrew was not born to kill other people.

Guskov selfishly accepts all the sacrifices of his wife, without even thinking about what suffering he condemns her to by his actions. Shifting all his problems onto the weak, fragile Nastya, Andrey does what he sees fit. The suffering of his wife means nothing to him. She is a woman, her destiny is to endure. Despite the fact that his wife's pregnancy only aggravated the current situation, Andrei does not feel any remorse and does not blame himself for conceiving a child in such difficult circumstances. He finally got what he wanted for so long.

main idea

The desire to follow one's duty may not always be justified. The urge to constantly give gratuitously is no less destructive than the constant urge to unrequitedly accept a sacrifice. By disrupting the energy balance, both the giver and the taker remain a loser.

Analysis of the work

The life of ordinary Russian people was presented in his story by Valentin Rasputin. "Live and Remember" (the summary of this work is hardly able to convey the entire palette of feelings experienced by the heroes) is not a unique story. There were a lot of women and men like Nastya and Andrei during the Great Patriotic War.

The author does not condemn his heroes, does not pass harsh sentences on them. Nastena refused to hand over her unloved husband to the authorities. She wanted to be happy no matter what. Do not blame Andrey either. He was not born to kill and destroy. The mission of a simple peasant is creative labor. Andrei does not consider himself a traitor because he has always served his homeland in a different way: he cultivated the land, as his ancestors did. The main character is sure that it was not he who betrayed his homeland, but the homeland in some way betrayed him. He fought for a long time, was wounded and hoped for a vacation, during which he could stay with his family, heal his wounds. But instead, Andrei will again have to go to the hated war.

The horrors of the carnage awaken in a person the instinct of self-preservation - one of the most ancient human instincts. The less chance a person has for life, the stronger his desire to stay alive.

The richest material for understanding moral questions is provided by modern literature. Today our conversation is about VG Rasputin's story "Live and Remember". The story "Live and Remember", written in 1974, stands out from a number of other works of the writer. Readers were shocked by the brightness, strength, and the severity of the experience of her characters. But they explained the meaning of the story in different ways.

For all the dramatic fate of Andrei Guskov, it is not he who occupies the main attention of the author, but Nastya. Her image is larger, it shakes our imagination. If Nastya is emotionally singled out in the story, then the author connects some deep problems with this image.

- The question arises: what was so extremely important that Nastya did that the writer, for the sake of comprehending this, puts her in the foreground of the story, relegating such a terrible fate as Andrei Guskov's? - Nastena rescues her husband, who is in trouble. - She emphasizes him physically and mentally, helps him survive. - Don't you think that such an answer needs to be clarified? It is very important to expose the depicted situation to the utmost in order to clearly present all its drama. The fact is that Andrei is not just a respectable family man, Nastena's husband, who needs support. He is a man who has committed a crime. And here Rasputin puts Nastena, and after her the readers, before the most difficult question: does everyone have the right to sympathy? Or, as indicated in the title of the topic of our lesson: is “mercy to the fallen” always justified? Let's first try to reflect on the material of the community, based on our own experience.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that we have the opportunity to be guided in assessing an act not only by legal laws (as it should be at a court hearing). We must also take into account moral laws. For this, it is extremely important to understand the internal motives of Nastena's actions, to realize the logic of her emotional impulses. What drives Rasputin's heroine. Perhaps it is a concern for one's own well-being, that is, motives of an egoistic nature?

- Thoughts of the main character refute such an assumption: “So how can we give it up now? It is absolutely necessary not to have a heart, instead of a heart to keep a balance, weighing what is profitable and what is not profitable. Here from a stranger. if he is three times unclean, you simply cannot brush it off, but he is your own, dear. If not God, then life itself united them in order to keep them together, no matter what happens, no matter what disaster strikes. “How to get him out of this trouble. how to live in order not to make mistakes, not to get confused to help? Whatever happens to him now, she is responsible ”; “Guilty - whoever says he is not guilty! - but where now to get that power to return him to the place from which he jumped to the wrong place where he was supposed to jump. Nastena's thoughts indicate that saving Andrei. she is not concerned with selfish interests. There is a deep meaning in her act.

- Imagine: there is a cruel, terrible war, as they say, not for life, but for death. Streams of blood are pouring in the world. A separate human life is devalued. And in these conditions, somewhere in the Russian outback. in a distant corner of Siberia. a weak defenseless woman rises for that. in order, despite the general bitterness, to save only one person from death, not physical, but moral. This is a task of incredible complexity. And not only personal. This is a national task. Nastena is well aware of her responsibility to people: “Whether it is fate, higher than, but it seemed to Nastena. that she is seen. separated from people. " The story repeatedly emphasizes Nastya's connection with her native, "human" world. What way out of this situation does she see?

- “For so many years Nastena was attached to the village. to the house, to work, she knew her place, took care of herself, because she, too, was holding something. pulled together into one whole. And suddenly at once the ropes weakened - they didn’t come off at all, but weakened ”. The most important thing here is the heroine's awareness that "... she also attached something, pulled together into one whole." hence, Nastena is a part of this whole, which can be called folk life. And she is afraid to break it.

- For Nastya, life without people is impossible. That is why she is so keenly worried about “breaking ties with the world of people”, because she is in a position between her fellow villagers and Andrey. The meaning of all her actions is an attempt to return Andrey to people. Confirmation of this in the text of the story: “My mother said for a long time: there is no such guilt that cannot be forgiven. Not people, are they? The war will end - we'll see. Or you can go out to repent, or something else. "

- For the sake of saving Andrei, Nasten is ready for any hardships: “Andrei ... Maybe we won't do this, let’s go out? I would go with you wherever you want, to what kind of hard labor - where you, there I too ... ”And how do we find out about the attitude of the second to Nastena? The author does not give direct assessments, but through popular opinion he also expresses his attitude towards Nastya and her deed. This is shown in the finale of the story: “On the fourth day, Nastya was washed ashore near Karda. They reported to Atamanovka, but Mikheich lay dying, and Mishka the farm laborer was sent for Nastena. He brought Nastya back in the boat, and after delivering her, he thoughtfully intended to bury her in the cemetery of the drowned. The women were not given. And they betrayed Nastena to the earth among their own, just a little from the edge, by the rickety hedge.

After the funeral, the women gathered at Nadya's for a simple commemoration and cried: they felt sorry for Nastya. In this “it was a pity for Nastena - the understanding of her act and compassion. Rasputin's opinion is behind this attitude. He himself admitted: “I am inclined to accept the death of Nastena not as a victory of evil in this case, but as a severe test of the moral law, when they demand from him:“ Give up ”; and through tears and torment he says, “I can't.” By the fate of his heroine, Rasputin showed that self-sacrifice requires complete dedication, selflessness. The writer is convinced that the ability to self-sacrifice is the most capacious, highest human quality in its value. The act of a person who consciously sacrifices his life for the sake of saving another person is a manifestation of the highest justice and always deserves a moral justification. This is the meaning of the central motive of the story "Live and Remember".

The work "Live and Remember" by Rasputin touches on the years 1944-1945, the action mainly takes place during the war in a remote Siberian village. The author does not depict battles, hardships of frontline life, he shows how the war affected the life and life of the village. But at the center of the story, Rasputin puts the eternal question of the moral choice of man. After we analyze the story "Live and Remember" by Rasputin, this idea will become even more obvious.

The main character of the story "Live and Remember"

Andrey Guskov deserts from the front. This act determines not only his future life, but also the fate of his wife Nastya and parents. The reasons for this act are investigated by the writer.

Analysis of the story "Live and Remember" would be incomplete if we did not consider the line of behavior of the protagonist. At first, Andrei was a good soldier: the scouts considered him a reliable comrade, he went on the attack more than once, saw many battles and experienced the hardships of war on an equal basis with everyone. After being wounded, the hero was treated in a hospital, and when he was driving back to the front, he decided to briefly wrap up in his native village. But in winter, it turned out to be not easy to cover the long journey in three days. Arriving at Irkutsk, Andrey realized that he would not have time to return to the front in time. He remembered how he saw the execution of a deserter, and realized that there were only two ways before him: to go to the front and, possibly, to be punished for delay or to hide. He chooses the second one.

In the future, we see, and the analysis of the story "Live and Remember" confirms that the hero is often guided by a momentary desire, he does not always calculate the consequences of his actions. So, he stays with the mute woman Tatiana and lives with her for several months, although initially he was not going to do this. When he is tired of such a life, he decides to go to the village and simply runs away from Tatiana.

Returning to the village, Andrei cannot come to his home, see his mother and father, since the investigators have already come, looking for him. He finds himself doomed to a lonely life in a cold shelter in the forest, where Nastena brings him food, tools, comes to visit and console. Andrey hates himself for his act, hates his life. He wants to return to the past, enjoy the harvest, enjoy the freshness of the forest, he wanders for a long time alone and reflects on his fate, finding no way out. Only Nastya brightens up his existence. For the first time in many years, they became truly close to each other, even a kind of romance, care and tenderness appeared in their relationship. What else becomes clear to us thanks to the analysis of the story "Live and Remember"?

Andrey's crime entails a series of consequences. A pregnant Nastena, reproached by her fellow villagers, dies, and Andrei's father dies without seeing his son.

The fate of a Russian woman in the story "Live and Remember"

Rasputin, the heir to the classical literature of the 19th century, shows the plight of the Russian woman, whose loyalty and devotion do not save her from suffering.

Since childhood, Nastya has become accustomed to hard work, reproaches and poverty. Only sister Katka supported her need to live, to look for work. Having married Andrey, Nastena could not find happiness. The husband did not show special love for her, and sometimes beat her, reproached her for childlessness. The mother-in-law always grumbled and loaded with work. Only father-in-law Mikheich was sorry. But Nastena obediently did everything that was supposed to, did not shy away from any work, tried to please her family. If you are analyzing Live and Remember, do not miss this thought.

The desertion of Guskov is a heavy burden on the fate of his wife. She does not turn away from her husband after his act, she helps him in every possible way, changes products, finds money, more than once secretly swims across the Angara to take Andrei everything he needs. Rasputin highlights such traits in Nastya as selflessness, loyalty, willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one. The author shows how everything becomes more unbearable for a woman. Andrei accuses her, saying in a fit of despair that because of her he left the front, wanting to see. The villagers condemn Nastena, noticing the pregnancy and thinking that she has betrayed Andrey. Then they guess the truth and begin to hunt down, in the hope that it will lead them to a deserter. The hopelessness of the situation pushes the woman to commit suicide.

Thus, a crime entails a series of consequences, dooms to loneliness and alienation from people. Andrey's punishment is the loss of his wife and hope for the continuation of the family.

We hope that the article, where a brief analysis of the story "Live and Remember" was presented, was useful to you. Visit our literary blog more often, where hundreds of articles will help you understand the essence of a particular work.

War ... It not only caused terrible consequences, but also had a strong impact on every aspect of human life, including literature. During the peaceful years after the victory, writers and poets tried to comprehend the war, and their views developed: over time, works began to appear that illuminated those pages of the war that were not mentioned before. One of these works is the story "Live and Remember" by Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin, which brings up the topic of desertion and tells about the tragedy of a Russian woman.

The main heroine of the story is a village woman Nastya, who has a broad soul, the ability to sincere sympathy and empathy. She is kind and merciful, loves to work and lives by conscience, which is why Andrei Guskov probably chose her. They, like the whole village, lived in labor, in work, but did not have children, which was their big trouble. However, a measured life was interrupted by the war, and Andrei Guskov left his family to defend his homeland.

Andrei went through almost the entire war, but at the beginning of a cold victorious spring, deeply hoping for a vacation and not receiving it, he went not to the unit where he was supposed to, but to his native Atamanovka. He faced a moral choice, and having made it, he separated himself from the whole country, from the victorious people. And this choice is much more bitter and difficult than death from an enemy bullet.

In the village, Andrei decides to open up only to Nastena, realizing that he cannot live without her, thereby depriving her of any peace of mind and putting her under attack. Now Nastena is forced to live, constantly fighting with herself: lying and hiding, which destroys her system of relationships with the world, with people who were everything to her. Andrei's bestial beginning, which manifested itself from the very first meeting of the hero with Nastena, gradually takes over, which is reflected both in the hero's behavior and in his appearance. Andrew goes berserk, finds new excuses for his crime. Even in the long-awaited pregnancy of Nastena, which now does not cause her such joy as she could in peacetime, he sees the benefits of his escape. In the hero, the egoist speaks louder, he degrades and turns into someone who even Nastya cannot save.

Andrei killed Nastena, but he will pay for his deed in the highest degree: his life will not continue, he dies as a man. The main blow fell on the heroine, she is the ethical center of the story. The tragedy of Nastena is that all her best qualities were aimed at sympathy for a criminal, a deserter. And this story is not about a deserter, as A. Ovcharenko noted, but about Nastya, "about a Russian woman great in her exploits and in her misfortunes."

Does anyone understand how shameful it is to live when someone else in your place could have lived better?

V. Rasputin. Live and remember

One of the best books about the war is deservedly considered the story of V. Rasputin "Live and Remember", which immediately after its publication in 1974 aroused keen interest not only among Soviet readers, but also very soon received European recognition.

"Live and Remember" is a book not only about the life of the main characters, Andrei Guskov and his wife Nastena, but also about the correlation of their fate with the fate of the people in one of the dramatic periods of history. The depth of the problem touched upon, the philosophical understanding of the choice and, as a consequence, of the actions of people, puts this book in a number of classic works about war.

The title of the story is associated with the statement of V. Astafiev: “Live and remember, man, in trouble, in trouble, in the most difficult days and trials: your place is with your people; any apostasy caused by your weakness, whether it is unreasonable, turns into even greater grief for your homeland and people, and therefore for you. "

Two destinies are revealed to us in the story "Live and Remember", we get the opportunity to follow the thoughts, feelings and actions of two people, deeply penetrating into the true motives of their actions.

At first, Andrei Guskov was not going to desert, he honestly went to the front and was a good fighter and comrade, earning the respect of his friends. But the horrors of war, the injury sharpened the egoism of this man, who placed himself above his comrades, deciding that it was he who needed to survive, be saved, and return alive at any cost. Guskov very much hoped that he would be sent home from the hospital, but fate decreed otherwise: he was again summoned to combat positions. Fear of death and an incredible desire to see his wife, relatives (at least for one day!) Push Andrey to escape. No, he had not yet betrayed anyone by action, because he hoped to turn around in two days and return to the front. But unaccounted for circumstances made Guskov's path much longer than he expected, and he decided that this was fate, there was no turning back. Forced to hide in the forest from people, Guskov gradually loses all the human, good beginning that was in him. Only anger and irrepressible selfishness remain in his heart by the end of the story, he is worried only about his own fate. He does not even think that he is pushing his wife to a crime before his own conscience and before people; in his future child, Guskov sees only an extension of himself, and not an independent person, who, due to his father's selfishness, will never be born. And least of all, Andrei Guskov is worried that he betrayed his land, his Motherland, abandoned his comrades in arms at a difficult moment, depriving, according to Rasputin, of his life of the highest meaning. Hence the moral degradation of Guskov, his savagery. He who did not leave offspring and betrayed everything dear that he had, he is doomed to oblivion and loneliness, no one will remember him with a kind word, because cowardice combined with cruelty was condemned at all times.

Nastena, who did not want to leave her husband in trouble, who voluntarily shared the guilt with him, who took responsibility for someone else's betrayal, appears before us completely different. Helping Andrey, she in no way justifies either him or herself before the human court, because she believes: betrayal has no forgiveness. Nastena's heart is torn to pieces: on the one hand, she considers herself not entitled to abandon the person with whom she once linked her life in difficult times. On the other hand, she suffers endlessly, deceiving people, keeping her terrible secret and therefore, suddenly feeling lonely, she is cut off from the people.

Nastena is the moral ideal in Rasputin's story, because she finds the strength to sacrifice her happiness, peace, her life for her husband. But realizing that by doing so she breaks all ties between herself and the people, Nastena cannot survive this and tragically dies.

And yet, the highest justice triumphs at the end of the story, because people understood and did not condemn Nastena's actions. The image of Guskov evokes nothing but contempt and disgust, since "a person who has at least once stepped onto the path of betrayal goes along it to the end."