
Prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord and the saints. What does it mean to thank God for everything? How to thank God for everything

Prayers of gratitude are words coming from the very depths of our hearts, addressed to the Lord and Saints in gratitude for the right to a happy and peaceful life.

Most often, when everything goes well in our lives and troubles pass us by, we take it for granted. But with the arrival of troubles, sadness covers us headlong. At such moments, we strive to turn in prayer to all the saints and to God with requests to deliver us from suffering, completely forgetting about words of gratitude for the constant help and support of Heaven.

Features of thanksgiving prayers

Every believer must understand that happiness, joy and good fortune are a gift from the Lord for our pious and good deeds, and misfortunes, troubles and hardships are punishment for our sins. To avoid retribution for sinful offenses, it is necessary not only to ask for help, but also to pray for forgiveness and remission of sins.

It should be remembered that no matter how hard it is for you in life, in no case should you forget about gratitude to the Lord and all the saints for your good health, for a happy friendly family, for kindness in your heart and peace in your soul. After all, a happy life is complete dedication. Expressing gratitude to God and the saints in prayers should become a useful habit that will later change your destiny. The closer you are to the Lord, the farther all worldly misfortunes are from you.

To thank God and all the saints, it is necessary to read special prayers that are of a grateful nature. A day started with words of gratitude automatically becomes a time of happiness, opportunity and good fortune. After all, a simple thank you addressed to the Lord and His saints cleanses the soul, gives strength, charges with light and sets one in a positive mood.

Prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord

Words of gratitude should be read both morning and evening. The most important read them with love, sincerity and faith in the heart. Thanking the Lord sounds like this:

“Our Lord God, we bow before You in words of gratitude! You are our Father, the Creator of all living things, and we are Your servants! We say thank you for all the generous gifts that you bring into our lives! You are our strength, You are our support, You are the will and unshakable spirit in us! Thank you for the food that You give us every day, thank you for the protection from enemies and misfortunes! Thank you, Lord, for giving us life and for staying with us, helping us in the difficult days of our lives! Forgive us for our sins, cleanse our hearts from hatred, preserve the purity of our souls and do not let us lose strength, so that we may follow the spiritual path until the end of our worldly days! Only You alone, Lord, are able to shelter us from all troubles and give us a better life in eternity! We thank You, God, for the family that serves as support on earth, for faithful friends and for all the blessings that You have given us on this earth! We will praise You forever! You are our heart, You are our love! Accept the words of genuine gratitude and never leave us, our Father! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayer of gratitude to the Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel, mentor and protector assigned to us from Above, also needs sincere prayers and words of gratitude, because He protects our lives, personal happiness and well-being, shielding us from bad influences. The prayer to the Guardian Angel sounds like this:

“Oh, our Great Creator! I thank You for giving me a Guardian Angel along with my life! Let me read a prayer to your Angel in gratitude for his intercession! Thank You, my most holy Angel of Protection! I offer you words of gratitude from the bottom of my heart! I thank You, my Intercessor, for the help that You provide me every day! Because You are always behind me, protecting me. You are my support and my support! Thank you for the light with which you illuminate my path to righteousness! I thank You, my reliable protection, for Your presence in my life, for your mercy and kindness! I am grateful that you protect me from sinful acts. Do not leave me until the last minutes of my life on earth! Become my guide to the Kingdom of God when I complete my earthly path. My love for You and gratitude grows in my soul and heart day after day! Amen".

Prayer to the holy saints of God with gratitude

Under different life circumstances, we pray to different saints, but gratitude for their help can be expressed in one prayer, illuminating our souls with light. There is no believer who has not been helped by the holy saints of God in difficult times, so it is necessary to thank them for Heavenly protection by reading the prayer:

“Oh, great saints of God! I turn to you in prayer, but I don’t ask for the help you provide me in difficult moments of my life. I extend my prayers to you with gratitude. You are my intercessors, you are the support of all the people of earth. I pray for forgiveness of our sins, our malice and weaknesses. Thank you, pious saints, for a life in peace and harmony, for family happiness and well-being, for a calm life without needs and sorrow. We will not stop praising your names and sending you words of gratitude. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer of thanksgiving to the Mother of God

The Most Holy Theotokos is the intercessor of every praying soul, a quick helper and patroness of the disadvantaged. More than one thousand people turn to the Mother of God in prayer every day, asking Her for the most secret things. Like any mother, the Virgin Mary wants to hear that everything is fine with Her children, that Her help came in handy. Be sure to read the words of gratitude addressed to Her:

“Oh, Blessed Virgin Mary! Queen of earth and heaven! Mother of our Savior! You are our hope, our support and support! Our consolation is in You! I thank You, O Most Pure Virgin, for your bright deeds, for healing ailments of soul and body, for Your compassion for us, for delivering our souls from anger, sadness and bad thoughts! In You lies all immortality, strength and love! Please accept my words of gratitude to You! Thank you, Holy Virgin, for praying before the Lord for everyone’s soul! Thank you for the peace and light in my soul, for a healthy body and clear, kind thoughts! May Your strength be with me until the end of my journey! I will never tire of glorifying Your most holy name, and my prayer sounds in words of gratitude to You. Amen".

It is not at all necessary to read ready-made prayers of thanksgiving. You can also say words of gratitude on your own. The main thing is to open your heart and soul at the moment of reading such a prayer, to repent for all sinful actions. Say thank you to the Almighty and the saints for everything that is in your life, for everything for which you are grateful to them.

The best time to read prayers of gratitude is in the morning. Make sure that no one distracts you during prayer. It is important to correctly convey words of gratitude to the Lord and all the saints so that your sincere prayers are heard. The most important thing is that a prayerful thank you should be read not only after a request for help, but also when everything is good in your life. Remember: your true happiness and forgiveness lie in your words of gratitude. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

☦ “How to thank God?” Fathers tell. Hieromonk Savva (Gamaliy) Gratitude is not even a medicine for correcting our fallen nature, like, say, faith. Gratitude is one of the fundamental features of religious experience. Man's communication with God would certainly be permeated with gratitude, even if man had not been disfigured by the Fall. At every liturgy we repeat the angelic song: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Your glory, hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” If we look closely, we will hear that its meaning is adoration before God, praise and thanksgiving. The Apostle John the Theologian in the book of Revelation talks about his vision of the heavenly liturgy, where the righteous, together with the Angels, give glory, honor and thanksgiving to the One who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, that is, to God. Our earthly liturgy is also called the Eucharist, which translated from Greek means “Thanksgiving.” Praying lay people, unfortunately, do not hear the prayers that the priest reads in the altar during the liturgy. Every conscientious Christian needs to read, study and know the text of these prayers, because the priest reads these prayers on behalf of everyone participating in the liturgy. And the main theme of these common prayers of ours is gratitude to God - for all the “manifest and unmanifest blessings that have been upon us.” These prayers begin with the priest's call to “Thank the Lord!” And then the priest reads our prayer like this: “It is worthy and righteous to sing You, to bless You, to praise You, to thank You, to worship You in every place of Your dominion, for You are the Ineffable, Unknowable, Invisible, Incomprehensible God.” “Thank God for everything” Just the thought of God should evoke a feeling of gratitude in us. In fact, what can we render to God for all His ineffable gifts to us? And most importantly, for the gift of Himself that He gave to us. We cannot give back to God equally, and therefore nothing can turn this gift into a transaction. This is an unspeakable, unpaid, infinitely beyond us gift. Nothing can make us worthy of this gift. But if we do not have gratitude to God, we will be worse than animals. The prophet Isaiah says: The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master's manger (Isa. 1:3). It turns out that if a person does not have gratitude to God, then he becomes worse than an ox or a donkey, who know their owner, know from whose hands they receive food. And only by feeling gratitude to God can we accept His gift with any dignity. The experience of many people, and even many Christians, says that life is hard, dull and hopeless. That there is no reason for that living and joyful feeling of appreciation and gratitude from which the prayers of the liturgy were born. This comes from the fact that we have forgotten how to accept gifts. We consume God's gifts for granted and are pettyly depressed that God has not given us something. We have received countless treasures from God: life, the ability to love, make friends, think, breathe. We received as a gift from God all the beauties of the created world - trees, mountains, sky, stars. But we do not perceive all this as a gift and therefore do not know how to thank God - for our family and friends, for children’s laughter, for tree branches, for the breath of wind, for the opportunity to pray to God. Without knowing how to thank, we do not receive other gifts. Isaac the Syrian wrote: “Gratitude from the one who has received the good inspires the Giver (that is, God) to bestow even greater gifts.” And even when real sorrows and trials come into life, even then we must never stop thanking God for everything. Saint John Chrysostom, who himself experienced unjust persecution, but died with the words “glory to God for everything,” equated the feat of uncomplainingly and gratefully enduring sorrows with martyrdom: “There is nothing holier than the tongue that thanks God in misfortunes. Whoever endured grief and thanked God received the crown of martyrdom.” In addition, we have firm hope, which the Apostle Paul conveys to us, that God will not allow us trials beyond our strength and that present temporary suffering is worth nothing in comparison with the glory that will be revealed in us (Rom. 8:18). We endure with gratitude the painful procedures that doctors do to us. How then can we not endure with gratitude the trials that are sent to us for our own benefit by the Lord, Who Himself, without a murmur, endured terrible torment and shameful death for us? To help man, a saving tuning fork was given - the secret prayers of the liturgy of John Chrysostom and Basil the Great. These prayers contain all the necessary theology; from these prayers one can adopt the most correct - grateful - attitude of a Christian. Having the same feelings and the same thoughts that are embedded in these amazing words is necessary in order to participate in the liturgy. If we do not have gratitude to God, then our voices are not heard in the general choir of people and Angels singing the service of thanksgiving to God - the Eucharist. Secret prayers of the anaphora of the liturgy of St. Basil the Great Priest: Jehovah, Master, Lord, God, Father, Almighty, Worshiped! It is truly worthy, righteous and befitting of the splendor of Your holiness to praise You, to glorify You, to bless You, to worship You, to thank You, to glorify You - the only truly existing God, and to offer to You with a contrite heart and the consciousness of our insignificance this verbal service of ours, for You have granted us the knowledge of Your truth; and who can tell about Your might, proclaim all Your glorious deeds, or tell about all the miracles that You always perform? Lord of all, Lord of heaven and earth, and of all creation, sitting on the Throne of glory and seeing the depths, Beginningless, Invisible, Incomprehensible, Indescribable, Unchangeable, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Great God and Savior, our Hope, Who is the Image of Your goodness, an exact imprint that reveals You - the Father, the Living Word, the true God, the eternal Wisdom, Life, Sanctification, Power, the true Light, by whom the Holy Spirit was revealed - the Spirit of truth, the Grant of adoption, the pledge of future inheritance, the firstfruits of eternal blessings, the life-giving Power , Source of sanctification, Who gives strength to all creation, both people and Angels, to serve You and to eternally send up praise to You, for everything serves You: Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers, Powers and Cherubim filled with eyes praise You; Around You are the Seraphim: each of them has six wings, and, covering their faces with two, their legs with two, and flying with two, they incessantly call out to each other in unceasing praise, singing a victorious song, crying out, calling out and saying: Choir: Holy , Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Your glory! Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! Priest: With these blessed Powers, Lord, Lover of Mankind, we sinners cry out and say: truly You are Holy and Most Holy, and the splendor of Your holiness is immeasurable. And You are holy in all Your works, for You have done everything with us according to just and true judgment: You created man from the dust of the earth, honored him, O God, with Your image, and placed him in the paradise of pleasure, promising him immortal life and enjoyment of eternal blessings if he keeps Your commandments. But he did not listen to You - the true God who created him - and was carried away by the deception of the serpent, and, mortified by his sins, You expelled him by Your righteous judgment, O God, from paradise to this world, and returned him to the land from which he was taken, preparing for him the salvation of rebirth in Thy Christ Himself. For You did not forever turn away from Your creation, created by You, O Good One, and did not forget the work of Your hands, but visited it in many ways, according to Your mercy and mercy: You sent prophets, performed miracles through Your saints, who were pleasing to You in every generation. You spoke to us through the mouth of Your servants the prophets, foretelling our future salvation; gave us the law to help us, assigned guardian angels. When the fullness of time came, You began to speak to us through Your Son Himself, through Whom You created everything, and eternity itself. He, being the radiance of Your glory and the image of Your hypostasis, governing everything with His mighty word, did not consider it robbery to be equal to You, God and Father; but, being the eternal God, He came down to earth and began to live with people. And, having become incarnate from the Holy Virgin, He emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave; He became conformed in body to our humiliation, in order to make us conformed to the image of His glory. And since sin entered the world, and with sin also death, through man, Your only Son, who abides in You, God and the Father, desired, having become incarnate from a woman - the Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, having submitted to the law, to put to death sin in His flesh, so that in Adam the dying were made alive in Thy Christ Himself. And having lived in this world, leaving saving commandments, delivering us from the deception of idols, He gave us the knowledge of You, the true God and Father, making us His chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy race. And, having cleansed us with water and sanctified us with the Holy Spirit, He gave Himself as a ransom for death, which possessed us, sold to sin. And, having descended into hell with the cross in order to fill everything with Himself, He broke the bonds of death. And having risen on the third day, paving the way for all people to rise from the dead (for it was impossible for the Source of life to be mortal), He became the firstfruits of the dead, the firstborn from the dead, so that He might be first in everything. And having ascended into Heaven, He sat down at the right hand of Your Majesty on high, and He will come to reward everyone according to their deeds. He left us in memory of His saving suffering these gifts, which we brought to You in accordance with His commandment. For, intending to go to His free, ever-memorable and life-giving death, on the night in which He gave Himself for the life of the world, taking bread into His holy and pure hands, showing it to You, God and Father, thanking and blessing You, He sanctified, broke and gave it to His holy disciples and apostles, saying: “Take, eat, this is My Body, broken for your sake for the remission of sins.” Choir: Amen.

Elena asks
Answered by Alexandra Lanz, 10/08/2010

Question: “What does it mean to thank God for everything? And for illnesses and troubles and for bereavements? How to correctly understand these words?”
Good day to you, Elena!

Here is the verse you are asking about:

“Give thanks in everything: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” ().

I think that this verse can be fully understood only by a person who has at least once in his life really experienced what the goodness of God is (). But let's start from the beginning... With gratitude as such.

Are there many people among those who call themselves Christians who really thank God with all their hearts for the good that He does every day in their lives: for the roof over their heads, for every piece of bread on the table, for the strength to live, for the joy of a blooming flower? , for the ability to see, hear, work?..

Unfortunately, we often do not even realize that everything good, without exception, is what came from God. Yes, we worked, and we also went to the store to buy bread, and we even cut it... but the strength to work, the talents that we used to earn bread came from God. How many of us thank the Almighty for the fact that despite all our resistance to Him, despite the fact that we still remain sinful or sin-prone creatures, He still continues to support life in us, allowing us to come into this world with talents? ? But a sin committed or a sin ripening in us is a direct rejection of the power of God in our lives! But despite these constant refusals to recognize Him as the One on whom our breath depends, He continues to give us this very breath.

However, I agree with you that many believers still thank God for the good things they have. But doesn’t it happen that while we are grateful for the bread on our table, we simultaneously, somewhere in the depths of our hearts (even, perhaps, without admitting it to ourselves) think that there could be pineapple on the table, and expensive sausage, and in general something tastier? Or when we thank God for the opportunity to buy some new thing, at the same time we regret that we cannot buy two, three, four... such new things, and somewhere in the depths of our hearts we are offended by God, Who does not give us more, better, more pleasant, etc.?

It's about gratitude in general. As you can see, even here you and I need to seriously think about whether we are truly grateful to God when we thank Him.

Things are even worse with gratitude for something bad that has happened or is happening in our lives. At best, we simply remain silent, and at worst, we openly accuse the Almighty of treating us unfairly. After all, we, in general, are not so bad, and we even serve Him (we go to church, observe rituals and fasts, where we need to bow, where we need to read a prayer, etc.), then why don’t we have palaces in different countries of the world, shrimp for dinner and excellent health? Or why isn’t there at least a quiet life? After all, we often don’t ask Him for much... although I would really like to.

How can you be grateful for bad things? for illnesses, troubles, losses... I don’t think I can fully reveal to you the whole essence of the apostle’s words, because I am one hundred percent sure that it is impossible to understand, if you haven’t gone through the process of understanding them yourself when your personal misfortune, your pain one day suddenly became the door to real Light, Goodness, Love, when suddenly the realization came that if not for this misfortune, not for this terrible loss, you would never have thought about the existence of God, oh about why there is so much injustice in the world, about the meaning of one’s life... and would never have had a chance to understand the essence of certain saving truths of the Word of God - the Bible.

Yes, God takes a huge risk of being rejected when he allows into our lives something for which we at first cannot thank Him, when, instead of giving and giving us good, comfort, wealth, he suddenly begins to take away, as if deliberately shaking our trust in Him is already fragile. But without this, we would never have understood that we live NOT believing in either Him or His power, that we continue to live according to our own rules, pushing away His hand that guides us to Salvation from sin and death. We would think that we believe, while we had no faith, except faith in our personal God, who should fulfill all our desires, who should accept the service that we give him, who should serve us Despite everything.

And what is faith worth if it is not able to pass through the trials of fire, if there in the fire it burns up like straw? What is faith worth, which, at the first strong wind, collapses and renounces God and the Savior? Shouldn't we thank God for allowing such winds and such fire in our lives, so that we can finally see how weak our faith is, how poorly we know God, if during trials we do not cling to Him, not for We stand by Him, we don’t trust in Him, but we look for help on the side?

When the apostle wrote “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”, he addressed people who believed, who began to consider themselves Christians, and this phrase of his for many of them was supposed to become a litmus test in order to be able to check whether they were in faith, whether they loved Christ enough to really thank Him for everything - both good and bad - or they clung to God only in search of ever-increasing comfort. He who is truly Christ's can, through the tears and pain of his flesh, sincerely say to God: “I am hurt, but I know that through this pain You will give me something that I could never understand or accept differently, so I thank You.” And he will never make a mistake!



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4 prayers of gratitude to God for everything

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Prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord God

“We thank Thee, Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present, in us, Thy unworthy servants (names), who were, known and unknown, about those revealed and unmanifested, even those who were in deed and in word: who loved us Just as you deigned to give Your Only Begotten Son for us, make us worthy of Your love.

Grant with Your word wisdom and with Your fear inhale strength from Your power, and whether we have sinned, whether willingly or unwillingly, forgive and not impute, and keep our soul holy, and present it to Thy Throne, having a clear conscience, and the end is worthy of Thy love for mankind; and remember, O Lord, all who call upon Thy name in truth, remember all who desire good or evil against us: for all are men, and every man is in vain; We also pray to You, Lord, grant us Your great mercy.”

Prayer of gratitude to the Almighty

“The council of saints, Angels and Archangels, with all the heavenly powers, sings to Thee, and says: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are filled with Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. Save me, Who art thou King on high, save me and sanctify me, Source of sanctification; For from You all creation is strengthened, To You countless warriors sing the Trisagion hymn. Unworthy of You, who sits in the unapproachable light, of whom all things are terrified, I pray: enlighten my mind, cleanse my heart, and open my lips, so that I may worthily sing to You: Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, Lord, always, now, and ever and to endless ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus Christ

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, God of all mercy and generosity, whose mercy is immeasurable and whose love for mankind is an immeasurable abyss! We, falling before Your greatness, with fear and trembling, like unworthy slaves, bring thanks to You for the mercies shown to us. As the Lord, Master and benefactor, we glorify You, praise You, sing and magnify You and, falling down, thank You again! We humbly pray to Your ineffable mercy: just as now You have accepted our prayers and fulfilled them, so in the future let us succeed in love for You, for our neighbors and in all virtues. And make us worthy to always thank and glorify You, together with Your beginningless Father and Your all-holy, good, and consubstantial Spirit. Amen."

Prayer of thanksgiving for all God's blessings, St. John of Kronstadt

"God! What will I bring to You, how will I thank You for Your constant, greatest mercies to me and to the rest of Your people? For behold, every moment I am enlivened by Your Holy Spirit, every moment I breathe the air You have diffused, light, pleasant, healthy, strengthening, I am enlightened by Your joyful and life-giving light - spiritual and material; I feed on sweet and life-giving spiritual food and the same drink, the holy Mysteries of Your Body and Blood and material sweet food and drinks; You dress me with a bright, beautiful royal robe - with Yourself and material clothes, you cleanse my sins, heal and cleanse my many and fierce sinful passions; You take away my spiritual corruption in the power of Your immeasurable goodness, wisdom and strength, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit - the Spirit of holiness, grace; You give my soul truth, peace and joy, space, strength, boldness, courage, strength, and you endow my body with precious health; You teach my hands to fight and my fingers to fight with the invisible enemies of my salvation and bliss, with the enemies of the holiness and power of Your glory, with the spirits of wickedness in high places; You crown with success my deeds done in Your name... For all this I thank, glorify and bless Your all-good, fatherly, all-powerful power, O God, our Savior, our Benefactor. But be known by Your other people as You appeared to me, O Lover of Mankind, so that they may know You, the Father of all, Your goodness, Your providence, Your wisdom and power, and glorify You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen."

The relationship between man and God cannot exist without gratitude - man is in no way capable of repaying the Creator for everything he receives. The priceless gift of life, the opportunity to admire this world, love, raise children - all this is an undeserved gift! Therefore, everyone should say a prayer of gratitude to God for everything.

To whom is the Prayer of Gratitude read?

In addition to the Lord, the believer has one more patron - the Guardian Angel. Every day believers ask him to guide him to the truth, to prevent him from sinning, and to preserve him during travel and troubles. Prayers of gratitude to the Guardian Angel will also not be superfluous. You can pronounce them at any time.

  • At the end of any task.
  • After returning home from work.
  • After a successful trip.
  • When recovery occurs after illness.

Some events seem ordinary and not very important. But a person would not be able to complete a single task if it were not for the life force given by God. Even a blade of grass will not grow without His blessing, let alone creativity and important public affairs. Therefore, you must definitely find a few seconds and pray: “Glory to You, Lord!” There will always be time for this.

Be sure to thank the Creator and Guardian Angel when a good thought comes to mind. After visiting the temple, participating in the Liturgy, you need to read special prayers of thanks to God and the Guardian Angel. Many people forget about them as soon as they cross the threshold of the church and plunge headlong into the usual bustle. This is not possible, we must maintain the consciousness that earthly life is not the main thing we have. Ahead lies eternity, for the sake of which believers try to fight sins.

How to properly thank God or Guardian Angel

Prayers can be said in free form - after all, only the person himself knows what the trials cost him, what he asked for and what came true. It is advisable to go to the temple, light a candle to the image of the Savior, read any prayer - you can briefly (Glory... And now...) or the Great Doxology. This is a very ancient chant, which was specially composed to praise, thank and worship God.

Here we briefly show how a person receives from Christ the greatest gift - the salvation of his soul. Gradually opening up to the grace of God, the believer at the end expresses the hope that he will see the divine light that will drive away all the darkness from his soul. Only those who strive for perfection realize the necessity of gratitude, or rather, it already becomes a desirable state for him, because this is what the righteous do in paradise, praising God.

Text of Thanksgiving Prayer to God

“Lord, I thank You for filling my soul with Light, for the fact that my life is beautiful and happy, for the fact that the fire of illumination and mercy flows into my heart. I thank and praise You, Lord, for helping me realize all my internal accumulations in my life, helping me fulfill my purpose and life program for this incarnation.

I thank and praise You, Lord, for the fact that my home is filled every second with Your Light, Your love; for the fact that peace, tranquility and love reign in it between all my relatives; for the fact that it is beautiful and good for my friends - the Spirits of Light, who love to visit it, bringing their light and happiness into it; for the fact that many wonderful people come to this house, filled with subtle humor, strength and optimism, with whom we together hold bright and joyful meetings-altars in Your name and for the benefit of all people on Earth!

I thank You that all people on Earth are happy, just as I am happy; for the fact that right now in this prayer I can send a Ray of Love to all living beings of our planet, and, truly, I send it and rejoice with them in their happiness, just as they rejoice with me in my enlightenment.

I thank and praise You, One Lord, for the fact that our planet is filled with fiery streams of wisdom, strength, love and is successfully undergoing its Transformation and Ascension into the Light.
Lord, I unite all the beautiful dreams of humanity and realize them here, now in my heart.

And I am filled with the delight of this wonderful Sacrament of Transfiguration, I inhale its aroma and give it to the entire planet. And every grass, every stalk, every insect, bird, animal, person, angel, elemental smiles back at me and thanks and glorifies You with me, Lord, who created Paradise on Earth. Amen".

Psalms for Expressing Gratitude

It is very good when a believer has a desire to read a prayer of gratitude. Any psalm that gives praise to the Lord is perfect for this purpose: 33, 65, 102, 103, 116, 150. You can take your choice and read it. Words coming from the heart are wonderful, but there are recognized masterpieces of religious poetry; it is unlikely that anyone will be able to express the depth of feelings better than King David did.

In addition, reading the Holy Scriptures is very useful for the soul, so that the reader achieves several goals at once - he communicates with the Lord, educates his soul, and educates his mind.

Thanksgiving prayers

Many churches hold thanksgiving services - find out the schedule and go to it. You can specially order such a service, but personal presence at it is preferable. Think for yourself how you will look: the Lord did what he asked for for you, and you are trying to thank him by sending a note, without bothering to spend half an hour to pray - it’s not nice...

You can write down the names of your loved ones (even non-believers) at the prayer service; it’s good to write down those with whom your relationship is not very smooth - pray that the Lord bless them. There is no special rite of gratitude to the Mother of God and the saints. This is explained simply - we have one giver of all blessings, this is God. The righteous perform miracles by His power, not by their own will.

Text of the Prayer of Gratitude to the Guardian Angel

“To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all who have sinned in this day: and deliver me from every wickedness of the enemy who opposes me, so that in no sin I will anger my God, but pray for me, a sinner and unworthy servant, for you are worthy to show me the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen".

How to thank the saints

If you want to read a prayer of gratitude to an angel or saints, you can read akathists. For example, to give praise to the Mother of God, the Great Akathist or the icon near which they prayed is taken. You can give alms, provide all possible help to someone, or participate in volunteer work. This is the only way to increase goodness on earth. Seeing the changes taking place in a person, all heaven rejoices; this is the best gratitude for the saints.

Even if difficult times come, we must not forget about gratitude. Sorrows are not sent in vain - through them good qualities are cultivated, so necessary for the salvation of the soul. One of them is trust in God, because he does not give a burden that a person cannot bear. The great Saint John Chrysostom said that if you endure sorrows without complaints and thank the Creator, this will be equated to martyrdom.

But even if it seems that everything is bad, in fact you can always find a reason for joy. Humanity has forgotten how to see the good around us - people live, love, inhale the scent of flowers, bask in the sun, give birth to children, but take it for granted. This is how we block ourselves from receiving new gifts from God.

We should cultivate the ability to give thanks, to give to our neighbors what we have. Then the joy will only increase, and the problems will become fewer over time. Why? Because a person will learn to trust God, allow Him to deal with everything that we are trying to keep under control and do in our own way.

How to achieve such a state? It’s very simple - read the prayer book every day, there is also a prayer of gratitude to God for everything. This feeling will grow, the connection with the Creator will strengthen. God bless you!