
Nordic appearance: what is it? Why Scandinavian women are better than Russian ones Scandinavian beauty of women

In anthropology, the Nordic small race is usually called the peoples living in the north of Europe: in the countries of Scandinavia, in England, partly in Holland and in the north of Russia. The same type is known as the “Scandinavian appearance type” or Northern European. And it is not surprising, because the word “Nordic” is based on the root “Nord” - north.


Men of Nordic appearance: Vikings of our time

Male appearance of the Nordic, northern type is in great demand today. And there are quite objective reasons for this. Our time is the time of business: strict, serious, enterprising people. This is exactly the feeling that typical Nordic faces evoke.

What does Nordic appearance mean? Its most indicative feature: an elongated, long skull, due to which a person looks concentrated and stern, even stern. This effect is further enhanced by a strongly protruding chin, a straight nose, and almost vertical cheekbones. One of the distinctive features is the convex back of the head.

As you understand, such a “message” serves as a great bonus, for example, when looking for a job or running your own business. Of course, in a fairly short time his merits will no longer be judged by his appearance, but by his deeds, but no one has canceled the importance of the first impression!

Nordic appearance of a woman: The Snow Queen

Girls of Nordic appearance often give the impression of fairies from a fairy tale: their beauty is cold, a little distant. This is partly due to very light skin and light hair. Partly, associations with the characters of Scandinavian folklore: fairies, elves and mermaids are evoked by their elongated faces, devoid of both cheeks and pronounced cheekbones.

Paradoxically, the appearance of a Scandinavian woman practically loses its masculine brutality, inflexibility and severity. Despite the fact that they are cold and do not give the impression of being soft, they are at the same time sophisticated, aristocratic, and gentle.

Nordic type of appearance: how to become what you want

Of course, Nordic appearance alone will not make a person beautiful: the face must be harmonious and proportionate, only then will all the features of Scandinavian appearance play on you.

Achieving harmonious features is not an easy task, because sometimes we ourselves don’t understand what doesn’t suit us in a face. It seems like if you look carefully: everything in itself is wonderful, but in general the appearance does not produce the effect that we would like.

What to do? As strange as it may seem, go to a plastic surgeon.

I live in Moscow, I speak English almost fluently, I love to travel and be interested in the differences in lifestyle in different countries. I realized that Scandinavians are preferable for me. Quite a few foreigners live permanently in Moscow. As a last resort, I am ready to move, although it is undesirable - I am a patriot of my country. So, here are 4 main advantages of Scandinavian women over Russian women:

1) They do not expect guardianship from men in one form or another, unlike most of us (to give flowers, give a hand, pay for a cafe, etc.). And don't think that I'm greedy. It's simply unfair to demand this from a man. I am a supporter of equality.

2) They calmly take the initiative in relationships first. It's funny to watch how our woman likes a man, but she doesn't dare to approach him first. You might think that she would be fined if she approached a man first... By the way, I recently learned that when the Clintons met, Hillary approached Bill first. I can take the initiative, but when they start asking you to do it by default, it starts to get stressful.

3) Scandinavian women, on average, are more relaxed than ours. It’s crazy to see how many of our women, faced with a common sauna for men and women, where it is customary to relax naked, either don’t go there at all, or try to relax in swimsuits, as an option, wrapped in a towel among naked people. Although I am not a nudist, I don’t like women who are very embarrassed about their body.

4) Scandinavian women, as a rule, remain fit in adulthood. Our women aged 50+ are completely overweight. I was on vacation in Sochi in August and saw a bunch of women in swimsuits. Among women 50-55 and older, those whose figure can be called 100% girlish, there are about five people out of a hundred! And I don’t want to see the same thing happen among my peers in 20 years. Although, it is possible that my generation will not let itself go like this again. I know that now many women will try to turn the tables by starting to talk about how many pot-bellied men we have. I'll stop this. A few years ago I saw statistics on the Rosstat website, so 10% of men and 24% of women are obese in Russia.

Russian women, together with British women, are the fattest in Europe. By the way, in most other European countries, there are slightly more obese men than obese women. And only in our country there are 2.4 times more obese women than obese men.

And I advise other men to think about marriage with Scandinavian, German, and Dutch women. As practice shows, in Russia, on average, men are much more ready for fully equal partnerships than women. And this is not just my opinion - I’ve heard about the same thing from professional psychologists.

I foresee objections that Scandinavians, unlike ours, will not carry the entire house on themselves. Firstly, I don’t shy away from homework and am ready to sit with the child. Secondly, I repeat, in Russia, men on average are more ready for completely equal relationships.

P.S. If anyone says that I have nothing to interest a Scandinavian woman, then briefly about myself: 32 years old, two degrees, I know English almost fluently, I go in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, I practically don’t drink alcohol.

Much in nature is built on contrasts, and just as winter and summer are equally beautiful, it is also difficult to judge the beauty of women with different types of appearance. Representatives of the East have their own charm, but “cold” girls with a Scandinavian appearance are not without a twist. Both are beautiful in their own way and have characteristic features that loudly declare the origin of their owner.

Today we will talk about women with a Scandinavian type of appearance and try to figure out why residents of the northern part of Europe are usually called “snow queens”.

Scandinavian type of appearance - specific features

Blue eyes and blond hair are a true gift of nature. Many representatives of the fair half dream of such data. But in order to get what they want, they have to spend hours in beauty salons and spend fabulous sums on cosmetics. At the same time, the end result does not always justify the effort and money spent. Whether it’s the case of women with a Scandinavian type of appearance, nature generously rewarded them. "The Snow Queen" will be given out:

  • blue, gray or green eyes;
  • light hair: white, yellowish, less often golden with a reddish tint;
  • not prominent cheekbones;
  • narrow nose and poorly defined lip line;
  • very thin skin with a soft pink tint.

Girls of Scandinavian appearance are usually tall and slender, so the problem is not relevant for them. It is also worth noting that “snow queens do not like” the scorching sun. When exposed to sunlight, their skin quickly turns red and burns.

Girls of Scandinavian appearance can highlight their natural charm and beauty by wearing clothes in rich blue, dark blue and black shades. A riot of colors in makeup is also not welcome; it is enough to place one emphasis on the lips or eyes - and a flawless makeup is ready.

To have a clearer idea of ​​what representatives of the Nordic race look like, take a look at the photo of Michelle Pfeiffer or Cameron Diaz. Their appearance is a vivid example of a typical Scandinavian appearance, with all the characteristic features.

The Nordic beauty of Swedish women is usually fair skin, blue eyes and blond hair. There is a lot to learn from Scandinavian women with truly angelic features. How exactly do Swedes differ from us?

1. Emphasize natural beauty with makeup

Swedes hate makeup that can be seen on the skin. This list also includes false and extended eyelashes, nails and hair. That's why . The foundation perfectly matches the skin tone; shadows cannot be darker than three shades from the natural shade. Everything shiny and colorful can only be found among the youngest Scandinavians, who are still at the experimentation stage.

2. They are proud of their wrinkles.

Swedes have absolutely no fear of age-related changes - this is their upbringing. Like many foreign women, Swedes are sure that every stage of life has its own joys, as well.

Moreover, cosmetologists believe that the wrinkles of Scandinavian and Russian girls are different. Swedish women are left with imprints of facial expressions of happiness, but for us, unfortunately, they are imprinted with sadness, anxiety and excitement.

3. Cleanse the skin with steam, not scrubs.

Swedes do not like peelings and scrubs, believing that in this way the skin loses its protection in the form of subcutaneous sebum. That is why they try to remove keratinized particles only by steaming. Most often, you hold your face over a sink with a stream of hot water, after which you apply the famous homemade Swedish mask: egg yolk and honey. It gives Scandinavians the coveted elasticity of their skin. If you want to repeat it, then remember - the mask is only suitable for those girls who do not have capillaries on their faces. Honey is also quite a strong allergen.

4. Drink a lot of water

No, we will not talk about wine, but about the healing power of the simplest drinks - water, herbal tea and lemonade. By the way, Swedes make their own lemonades: they pour chopped fruit with sugar-free water.

Due to climatic conditions, Swedes drink large amounts of liquid per day. Therefore, they can often be seen with beautiful bottles (which have now become very popular in Russia) in the summer and with small thermoses in the winter.

5. Watch your menu

Children in Sweden are protected from fast food, which is why there are practically no overweight people here. To protect their naturally delicate skin (fair skin is one of the most sensitive), Swedes try to consume large amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are found in fish and seafood. The fish menu in the family diet here prevails over meat. The second mandatory component of the Swedish diet is berries: cloudberries, blackberries and rose hips. They are used in the production of juices and even anti-aging liqueurs.

6. Create intrigue with clothes

In the literal sense of the word. After all, Swedes never expose themselves. Naturally, they are not alien to the general fashion, for example, crop tops and short shorts. But women always follow the golden rule of pairing short with tall or long.

In our Slavic view, fashionistas from Sweden, Norway and Denmark do not dress pretentiously, but even restrainedly; minimalism predominates in their style. That's what we thought for years. But is this really the case?

Fashion in modern Scandinavia

As mentioned above, by Scandinavia we will mean three countries at once: Norway, Sweden and Denmark. They have a similar climate and a similar cultural heritage, and therefore they dress in a similar way. At the moment, there is a bifurcation in fashion trends in Scandinavia: minimalism and eclecticism.
Before we move on to describing each of these destinations, let's remember the weather conditions in Scandinavia. It's mostly cold and humid there. This climatic condition is the reason why layering predominates in both minimalist and eclectic styles. Another factor influencing what Scandinavians wear is the presence of cobblestone roads. That is, you don’t really go out here in heels, which means you need comfortable shoes. Only in extreme cases do they wear heels; in everyday life, low-top shoes predominate.


This style implies the presence of a large number of prints. That is, flowers, polka dots, and stripes coexist in one outfit, and on all elements of the outfit, including accessories.
Girls love bright clothes. They wear it both in summer and winter. And this is understandable: their weather is worse all year round than in Southern Europe, which means you need to pamper yourself with bright, warm colors despite the climate.

In addition to simply combining bright colors in an outfit, Scandinavians boldly wear colorful things that we would not dare to do. Let's say - bright high socks, shoes of an unusual design, a bright dress with an eye-catching print. For fans of eclecticism in Scandinavia, this is very normal.

Since we're on the subject dresses, let's continue it. Girls from Scandinavia love midi dresses and wear them with low-cut shoes, often with sneakers, broggs, and loafers. Plus - with socks.

The common love of all Scandinavians - jackets. They wear them in huge quantities: fitted, with wide shoulders, long, short, printed and monochrome. The fabric is always dense, not flying. They are worn with all other components of the outfit, be it a long printed dress, or jeans, or low heels.

Another type of clothing that both fans of minimalism and eclecticism love is pantsuit. In general, a tendency towards masculinity is inherent in Scandinavians. They love to emphasize their femininity with contrast, which is created by either a fitted trouser suit or its oversized/exaggerated oversized counterpart. The latter is especially good in tandem with a medium heel.

Coats and raincoats wear it all the time. In terms of color, they like both muted tones and bright ones. If the top is bright, then girls try to choose colorful shoes and accessories - they are not afraid to experiment.

Socks- a special love of Scandinavians. If we can’t imagine where else to wear them except under sneakers, then in Scandinavia they know a lot about socks. They are worn:

  • with shoes;
  • with sandals;
  • with loafers;
  • with sneakers.

At the same time, socks can be completely crazy: with print, with lurex, transparent, insulated, high, low, etc.

If bags, then definitely bright. Even if the rest of the look is subdued, the bag will correct the situation. It should be flowery, multi-colored, large or small - it doesn’t matter, as long as it attracts attention.

A distinctive feature of the Scandinavian eclectic style is earrings. Often girls wear one large earring, displaying it for everyone to see, and their other ear is covered with hair. Such a massive earring will fit perfectly into the overall masculine look created by a trouser suit.


Girls who dress in this style do not want to attract special attention to themselves. For them, the most important thing is comfort and warmth. Their brightest color is milky., the rest are typical: black, white, gray, dark blue, brown.

Because of the cold, girls dress as warmly as possible, and this is multi-layering. So, with the shirt they will most likely wear a jacket, definitely socks, sneakers, jeans, a hat with a scarf and mittens.
Moreover, if we are talking about Scandinavian layering, then it looks stylish. Girls know how to dress so that all things are “friendly” with each other. Therefore, their shirt peeking out from under the jumper will stick out just enough to make the style legible.

Minimalist fashionistas love sweaters, often natural, more expensive, to really keep you warm, oversized - sometimes to the knee, shortened - to be worn with a men's shirt.

Love from trousers jeans. Moreover, for the winter they usually take brighter ones - blue or white.

Scandinavians prefer knitwear exclusively thick expensive knitwear— they are ready to invest in high-quality clothes that will last them for years. And because minimalist pieces are unobtrusive, they can be worn forever; people around will not pay attention to the fact that the girl wears the same thing.

Representatives of the minimalist clothing trend prefer sneakers and sneakers. The main principle of all northern European fashionistas is convenience. If a girl is uncomfortable in shoes or clothes, even the most fashionable ones, she will not wear them. What may seem strange, incongruous, surprising and even tasteless to us will be the most comfortable and suitable option for Scandinavians.

By the way, it was in Scandinavia that the fashion of combining sneakers with casual clothes and dresses arose. Let's thank them for this! That's all, in one of the following articles we will talk about French women.