
Why did General Asapov die? General Valery Asapov, who died in Syria, was a native of the Kirov region Astapov Valery Grigorievich Major General biography

Russian Lieutenant General Asapov Valery Grigoryevich died during a military operation to liberate the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor.

As it became known, Asapov was mortally wounded as a result of a mine explosion when he was in the command post of the Syrian troops.

Here's what we know about the deceased:

In 1987 he graduated with honors from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov with the rank of lieutenant.

In 1987-1997 he served in the 104th Airborne Regiment of the 76th Airborne Assault Division in Pskov. From a platoon commander, he worked his way up to a battalion commander.

In 1992-1993 he served in South Ossetia.

Asapov Valery Grigorievich

In 1995 he served in Chechnya. During the fighting in Grozny, he was seriously wounded in the leg.

In 2000 he graduated with honors from the Frunze Military Academy.

In 2002, he led the landing in the Kodori Gorge in Abkhazia.

In 2003-2007 he was appointed deputy commander and then chief of staff of the 98th Airborne Division.

In 2007-2011 he commanded the 18th machine gun and artillery division on Iturup Island (Kuril Islands).

In 2014, he recreated an army corps in the Sakhalin Region.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, Russian Lieutenant General Valery Asapova led the 1st Army Corps of ORDO militants in Donetsk.

It was established that Major General Asapov arrived from the post of “commander of the 68th army corps of the Eastern Military District of the RF Armed Forces” (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk). March 3 this year the commander of the 1st Army Corps carried out an inspection of the units of the 9th Special Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Marine Corps (Novoazovsk) in the areas of the points of Kazatskoye and Markino.

In 2016, he was appointed commander of the 5th Combined Arms Army in the Eastern Military District.

In Syria, Asapov was the head of a group of Russian military advisers. Participated in the operation to liberate Deir ez-Zor. At the time of the mortal wound, he was at the command post of the Syrian troops, assisting the Syrian commanders in managing the operation to liberate the city.

Received awards such as:

Order of Courage.
Order of Military Merit.
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree.
Order "Veteran Cross" II degree.
Medal "For Military Merit"

The deceased soldier is survived by his wife and two children.

Eternal memory to General Asapov September 24th, 2017

The commander of the 5th Combined Arms Army, Lieutenant General Valery Grigoryevich Asapov, died in Syria.

As noted in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the senior group of Russian military advisers, Lieutenant General Valery Asapov, was at the command post of the Syrian troops. He assisted Syrian commanders in managing the operation to liberate Deir ez-Zor. Asapov was mortally wounded as a result of a mine explosion.
The media report that the mortar fire was conducted on a precise tip and, apparently, it could be a betrayal.

General Asapov was posthumously presented with a high state award.

Valery Grigoryevich Asapov was born on January 1, 1966 in the city of Malmyzh, Kirov Region. In 1987 he graduated with honors from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov with the rank of lieutenant. In 1987-97 he served in the 104th Airborne Regiment of the 76th Airborne Assault Division in Pskov, where he rose from platoon commander to battalion commander. In 1992-1993 he served in South Ossetia. In January 1995 he was sent to Chechnya as the chief of staff of the battalion (with the rank of major). In Grozny, he received a severe gunshot wound in the leg and, as a result, an irreparable lameness. This did not prevent the combat officer from entering the M.V. Frunze Military Academy and three years later receiving a diploma with honors on its completion. Then Colonel Asapov was appointed deputy commander of a separate airborne regiment as part of the peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. On April 12-13, 2002, he was the commander of a group of Russian paratroopers who landed in the Kodori Gorge. In 2003-07, deputy commander and then chief of staff of the 98th Airborne Division. In 2007-11 commander of the 18th machine gun and artillery division stationed on the Kuril Islands. During his tenure in this position, Valery Asapov updated the cadre of officers, achieved the assignment of the best conscripts to the division, stopped any manifestations of hooliganism and ethnic hatred, succeeded in replacing old equipment with a newer one, brought the division to a combat-ready and fully equipped state. In 2011, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense decided to use the powerful energy and commanding talent of an officer in the field of international military cooperation for the benefit of the cause. And, at the end of the Military Academy of the General Staff (with honors), he was appointed commander of the 37th separate guards motorized rifle brigade of the 36th Army of the Eastern Military District, which during the year took part in three important international exercises at once. In 2013, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented Valery Asapov with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, in the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin. Then he was deputy commander of the 5th Army of the Eastern Military District. Since October 2016 - Commander of the 5th Combined Arms Red Banner Army. Bandera in March 2016 squealed about "Major General of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Valery Grigorievich Asapov, who commands the 1st Army Corps (under the name Valery Georgievich Primakov), stationed in Donetsk." Included in the database of the terrorist site "Peacemaker". Recipient of many military awards, including the Order of Courage, the Order of Military Merit, the Order of the Veteran's Cross, 2nd class, and the Medal of Military Merit.

According to the official data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, distributed on September 24, 2017 by the media, Lieutenant General Asapov was mortally wounded by a mortar shell during the battle for Deir ez-Zor.

Asapov served in Syria as a senior group of Russian military advisers, assisting Syrian commanders in managing the operation to liberate Deir ez-Zor. According to the media, the general was right on the front line. Mina accurately hit the command post where Asapov was located. The general was posthumously presented to the Order of Courage.


Valery Grigorievich Asapov was born on January 1, 1966 in the city of Malmyzh, Kirov Region, in a working class family and became the eldest of his three brothers. After graduating from high school, in 1983 he applied to the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of the Airborne Forces, but despite a five-point certificate and successful passing of the entrance exams, he could not enter it on the first attempt due to a competition of 19 people per place. Asapov had to endure additional tests in the Ryazan forests, and as a result, he was enrolled in the school by an additional order. In 1987 he graduated from college with honors.

The first place of service was the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division based in Pskov, in the 104th Airborne Regiment of which he went from platoon commander to battalion commander in ten years. In 1992-1993 he served in South Ossetia. In January 1995, as the chief of staff of the battalion and the rank of major, he was sent to Chechnya. During the battles for Grozny, he received a severe gunshot wound. He was bedridden for a whole year and underwent four operations in hospitals. Fully recovered, but a slight limp remained for life. In 1997 he entered the Frunze Military Academy and graduated with honors.

In 2000, he was appointed deputy commander of the 345th separate airborne regiment as part of the peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia, and in 2001, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he became commander of the 10th airborne regiment. In 2001, he withdrew his unit from the base in Gudauta from the territory of Georgia, and in 2002 he led a group that landed in the Kodori Gorge. In 2007, he was transferred from the Airborne Forces to the Ground Forces and became the commander of the 18th machine gun and artillery division of the Far Eastern Military District, stationed on the Kuril Islands.

In 2010-2011 he was a student of the Military Academy of the General Staff, from which he graduated with honors. In 2011, he was appointed commander of the 37th separate motorized rifle brigade, which is part of the 36th combined arms army of the Eastern Military District, which is deployed in Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory. In February 2013, he became deputy commander of the 5th Army of the Eastern Military District.

In January 2014, he became commander of the 68th Army Corps based in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Since August 2016, he has served as commander of the 5th Army.

According to preliminary information, General Asapov will be buried in Moscow on September 27 after a memorial service at the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

according to, photo

Asapov Valery Grigorievich (born January 1, 1966, the village of Malmyzh, Kirov Region, RSFSR, USSR - died September 24, 2017, Deir ez-Zor, Syria) - Russian military leader, lieutenant general of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. According to official data from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, circulated on September 24, 2017 by the media, Asapov was fatally wounded by a mortar shell during the battle for Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria.

In 1987 he graduated with honors from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov with the rank of lieutenant. In 1987-1997 he served in the 104th Airborne Regiment of the 76th Airborne Assault Division in Pskov, where he rose from platoon commander to battalion commander. In 1992-1993 he served in South Ossetia.

In January 1995, he was sent to Chechnya as the chief of staff of the battalion and the rank of major. During the fighting in Grozny, he received a severe gunshot wound in the leg. In 2000 he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. With the rank of colonel, he commanded the parachute regiment of the Russian peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. He took part in the fighting in Chechnya, led the landing in April 2002 in the Kodori Gorge. In 2003-2007, he was deputy commander and then chief of staff of the 98th Airborne Division. In 2007-2011 he commanded the 18th machine gun and artillery division on Iturup Island (Kuril Islands).

After graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff in 2011, Valery Asapov was appointed commander of the 37th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 36th Army of the Eastern Military District, which took part in three international exercises together with the armies of Mongolia and India during the year. For this, in 2013, President Vladimir Putin presented Valery Asapov with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Since 2013, General Asapov has been deputy and commander (since October 2016) of the 5th Red Banner Army of the Eastern Military District. After the outbreak of the war in the south-east of Ukraine, the name Asapov repeatedly appeared in the Ukrainian media in connection with military operations in the Donbass. In March 2016, the main intelligence department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine stated that the career officer of the Russian army, Major General Valery Asapov, "participates in a military conflict in the south-east of Ukraine", leading the 1st Army Corps.

Lieutenant General Valery Asapov was awarded the Order of Courage, the Order of Military Merit, the Order of the Veteran's Cross II degree, and the Medal of Military Merit.

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September 24, 2017 in Syria during the battle for Deir ez-Zour, Lieutenant General Valery Asapov was killed. According to the Ministry of Defense, the general was right on the front line when the mine hit the command post.

Valery Asapov is from the Kirov region. He was born in 1966 in the village of Kalinino, Malmyzhsky district. Here he spent his childhood, here he went to school. In it, at the lessons of the NVP, as a schoolboy, he promised that he would become a general. His brothers live here, his mother is buried.

The last time Valery Grigorievich came to Malmyzh this summer. He came to the summer camp to schoolchildren and talked about his service. In the school of the native village of Kalinino there is a stand that tells about "Uncle Valera" - this is how the guys here affectionately call the general.

In Malmyzh, and in the entire Malmyzh region, everyone knows Valery Asapov. For hundreds of children, he is an example of courage and heroism. Almost every kid dreams of being like Asapov. Now the district is actively discussing his death, everyone is worried, they sympathize with his relatives. The brothers of Valery Grigorievich - Sergey and Vyacheslav - have now left for Moscow to say goodbye, - says a friend of the family Aliya Galimzyanova.

In general, Valery Asapov was the eldest child in the family. There were four boys in all. From childhood, he used to help his mother with the housework, stood up for his brothers. Friends recall that he was very purposeful.

If he decides something, he will definitely do it. For example, at the lesson of basic military training, he always very diligently completed all the tasks. He said that he would grow up and be sure to become a general. Indeed, he graduated from high school with an honors student. Could do anywhere. But he went to the Ryazan Airborne School, where there was a huge competition. In addition to exams, there were also field tests - when applicants showed themselves in real field conditions. So during the fields there were such serious tests that many guys dropped out. And Valery Asapov did, - says Aliya. - And with all this, he was a very cheerful person, cheerful, easy to communicate with.

Asapov's brothers also chose courageous specialties: Sergey and Vadim went to the police. Vadim is dead. Sergey still works at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kirov region. And Vyacheslav works as a collector. And the general's nephew also decided to follow in the footsteps of his uncle-hero and is now studying to become a military man.

I sincerely feel sorry for the relatives of Valery Grigorievich. This is a very big loss. A good man left, still so young - only 51 years old ... - our interlocutor admits.

Posthumously, Lieutenant General Asapov was awarded the Order of Courage.


Asapov participated in operations on the territory of Chechnya, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. During the battles for Grozny, he received a severe gunshot wound. During the year he underwent four operations in hospitals. After treatment, he returned to duty, but remained lame.

During the years of service he commanded a platoon, company, battalion, regiment, division, brigade, corps, army.

Among his awards are the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree, the Order of Courage, the Order "For Military Merit", the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree with swords, the medal "For Military Merit", the medal "For Distinction in military service "I degree ...

The Lieutenant General is survived by his wife and two children.