
"Fixer" from Smolny. David Adamia, who “regulates” Smolny’s personnel policy, is losing his bureaucratic influence David Adamia biography

Against the backdrop of the rapidly approaching elections for the governor of St. Petersburg, a new corruption scandal has broken out in Smolny. Thus, the head of the apparatus of the governor of St. Petersburg, David Adamia, was suspected of secretly owning a restaurant business, a correspondent of The Moscow Post was told in opposition circles.

“Lord” of the khinkal ones?

As you know, St. Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia. It is obvious that local officials should set an example of cultural behavior for the residents of the Northern Capital. Recently, the chief of staff of the Governor of St. Petersburg, David Adamia, has shown all the townspeople his love for culinary culture, namely Georgian cuisine.

The thing is that Internet users increasingly began to discuss the scandal associated with the opening of a new Georgian restaurant of the Khinkalnaya on Neva chain, which is located on Suvorovsky Prospekt. The thing is that Internet users call the chief of staff of the Governor of St. Petersburg, David Adamia, the true owner of this restaurant. This scandal spread rapidly after the appearance of an article dedicated to the official’s business, published in The Morning News. Of course, the status of a civil servant and a scrupulous attitude to the letter of the law do not allow Mr. Adamia to personally manage the restaurant directly, so formally his long-time business partner Alexander Raevsky became the general director of Petersburg Alliance LLC.

At the same time, St. Petersburg residents themselves have a very negative attitude towards the fact that the head of the apparatus of Georgy Poltavchenko can be involved in the restaurant business.

“The most honest people! Only one thing is not clear, where do the servants of the people get such income?!” exclaims a user, commenting on the news about the opening of the second “Adamiya restaurant” on one of the popular Internet portals of the Northern capital. Of course, this news spread on social networks – in the correspondence of prominent St. Petersburg politicians. For example, the news that “ David Adamia opens a second restaurant near Smolny"is in the correspondence of bloggers with the ex-Minister of Finance of Russia, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University Alexei Kudrin.

Partners from Smolny

Moreover, it seems that Mr. Adamia recruited other influential St. Petersburg officials, as well as former residents of Smolny, to expand the business empire attributed to him.

After all, they say that Adamia initially seriously considered the option of a business partnership with Nikita Alexandrov, David’s longtime protégé, who joined the army from the post of chairman of the youth policy committee. But Alexandrov was recently demobilized and returned to government service, which does not allow him to engage in business.

Nikita Alexandrov, ex-chairman of the youth policy committee

But Mr. Adamia is directly related to the St. Petersburg “youth”, since he came to the post of chief of staff of the governor of St. Petersburg from the position of adviser to the governor on youth policy. Rumor has it that now the “chief apparatchik of Smolny” has found common interests with the head of the Smolny youth policy committee, Alexander Parkhomenko!

Secrets of Adamia's past?

It seems that Georgy Poltavchenko’s chief of staff had shown a passion for business since his youth, since in Moscow he was considered a very successful young entrepreneur.

In particular, at various times Adamia was a co-owner of the Moscow real estate agency Tower Realty, and was also involved in the development of the advertising company PrimeCom LLC. Besides )

David Adamia, chief of staff of the governor of St. Petersburg (previously he was the governor’s adviser on youth policy)

It is curious, by the way, that almost no one has heard about the educational activities of the MFAPO in Moscow. In any case, among the representatives of the Ministry of Education interviewed by journalists, no one knows about the Ministry of Foreign Education in the capital. So here the version naturally suggests itself that Adamia needed the MFAPO, perhaps in order to “distribute” various diplomas of professional education, which were unlikely to have legal force.

In the common people, such “documents on education” are usually called “leftist”. So, it seems that it would be a good idea for investigators to figure out exactly what kind of “education documents” the Adamiya-controlled MFAPO issued to its “graduates.”

A high-ranking “dodger” with a “dubious declaration”?

By the way, after the Government of the Russian Federation prepared a resolution that will prevent draft dodgers from using “holes” in the law when applying for civil service, a logical question arises: can Adamia even be an official?!

But journalists were unable to find a line about Adamia’s military service in any open source, including the official biography of the chief of staff of the governor of St. Petersburg. That is, apparently, Mr. Adamia did not serve in the army.

The administration of St. Petersburg is trying to shift the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern capital from 2016 to 2015. Thus, Smolny is trying to separate the election campaign for the State Duma, which should take place in 2016, and the local parliament. The Chief of Staff of the Governor of St. Petersburg, David Adamia, is working on the issue of the transfer. So far, deputies are resisting pressure from Smolny; this is not beneficial to either the local United Russia party or the speaker Vyacheslav Makarov, who has recently strengthened his influence in the party by achieving the removal of the former vice-governor of the city from the post of head of the executive committee of "edra" Vasily Kichedzhi.

David Adamia is trying to take a position that allows him to lobby for the most important personnel and image issues. By pitting the industry clans of the governor’s team against each other and conducting shadow intrigues, taking advantage of his position as a confidant, he “promotes” the people he needs to Smolny and passes off the governor’s decisions as his own.

This 31-year-old young man came from Moscow to become an adviser to the governor, and then to the chief of staff. In just three years of holding official positions, David Adamia reduced Smolny officials to shaking hands and nervous tics. Being a close person of the team of the mayor of the Northern capital and taking advantage of the condescending, almost paternal attitude of the governor, David Adamia constantly emphasizes his own importance among government officials.

The difference between the governor's chief of staff and heads of committees, district heads, vice governors and the governor himself is the lack of the right to sign key documents and responsibility for decision-making. The function of the governor’s chief of staff is to supervise the mayor’s schedule and manage document flow. David Adamia assesses the significance of the appeals coming to the governor’s desk depending on the loyalty of the leaders who submitted the appeals to him. Sometimes they have to wait for several hours for an audience after Adamia’s traditional afternoon arrival at work.

Today he is fighting for influence on gubernatorial decision-making with two figures rapidly gaining momentum: former minister Igor Slyunyaev, who recently came to Smolny (changed his last name to Albina) and the former head of the North-Western branch of Sberbank of Russia, first vice-governor Alexander Govorunov. Unlike many officials, these two do not have to ask David Adamia for the opportunity to meet with the mayor. Moreover: formally, David Adamia is subordinate to Alexander Govorunov, who heads the Governor’s Administration. Having started his career in St. Petersburg at the beginning of 2012, David Adamia did not receive any of the committees as a resource for direct control. He infiltrated the circle of the then first vice-governor Igor Divinsky to receive his assets into resource management. However, after a split among the vice-governors, which finally took shape by 2013, David Adamia received a “turn from the gate” from the “gray eminence” of Smolny and infiltrated the apparatus of his opponent, Vasily Kichedzhi. During the non-public activities of the mayor, David Adamia began to call himself “the main PR man of Smolny,” threatening his opponents with PR reprisal. Then, due to his age, he offered his assistance in recruiting personnel in the field of the city’s youth policy: Vasily Kichedzhi, as vice-governor, oversaw the spheres of culture, education, science, physical education and sports, the press and youth.

Despite the dying out of the blogosphere in principle, David Adamia tried to develop the already dead direction of blogging by organizing a meeting for St. Petersburg bloggers with the governor in August 2012 in the Hermitage. For loyalty and good behavior, they all received an iPad as a souvenir. True, the bloggers did not develop any special love or friendship for either the chief of staff or his director, immediately revealing a story of bribery in their posts about the last meeting. Already in April 2014, Igor Divinsky was removed from the post of first vice-governor, having managed, however, due to his long-standing friendship with Poltavchenko, to remain in Smolny in the position of vice-governor in charge of issues of interaction with federal structures, including on the issue of relations with Crimea. In addition, Divinsky oversaw a number of new areas, thereby strengthening his position.

The second area of ​​work - the youth sphere - became a subject of commercial and political interests for David Adamia. From youth tent camps like Seliger, various youth councils and communities, children of parents with either above-average business or influential positions began to be selected.

Thus, in May 2012, 23-year-old Nikita Aleksandrov, who had connections through his parents with the Pharmacor company, was appointed to the position of chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy of St. Petersburg. Together with him, David Adamia began, using his influence on the governor, to create his own reserve of young and promising personnel - the Youth Collegium. According to the decree of the St. Petersburg government, the new structure received the status of an advisory body under the governor. The same decree determined the selection procedure and the list of real leaders in Smolny who were to form the convocation. The Youth Board included 65 young people and girls, then thematic commissions were formed from them: on culture, on sports, on youth entrepreneurship, and so on. Members of the board for the development of youth projects have the opportunity to communicate with Smolny structures, receiving information from administration departments, which then goes to David Adamia’s desk. Once a quarter, young people have the opportunity to communicate with the governor on issues compiled and reviewed by Adamia. Presenting, for example, some investment project that is beneficial to someone, young people tell Poltavchenko about all its advantages and receive a completely official protocol instructing specific departments to implement it.

Recruitment to the Youth Collegium is carried out every two years, so that during a certain period, distinguished young people can either remain in its composition, receive promising positions in government or government agencies, or forever lose the opportunity to gain access to the first person.

Thanks to his influence on Georgy Poltavchenko, David Adamia’s most devoted and knowledgeable people in financial and lobbying issues receive the status of advisers to the governor, and then may well apply for specific positions in Smolny. Thus, Nikita Aleksandrov, at the age of 25, became deputy head of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg, an area with a population of 252 thousand people. The head of the Youth Collegium, Rostislav Shipitsyn, received management of one of the state unitary enterprises in the field of entrepreneurship and the consumer market - the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Center for Development and Support of Entrepreneurship." To further enhance his personal status, David Adamia credits himself with appointing Yulia Ludinova, adviser to the governor on economic issues, as head of the City Property Management Committee.

In order to become the head of a committee or a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, you must have a reserve of 25-35 million rubles, depending on the importance of the department. To become a deputy – 10 million. Head of a department and head of a government agency - 3-5 million rubles. Entry into the unofficial personnel reserve in the absence of direct lobbying - up to a million rubles.

Having access to documents for official use and other classified information, David Adamia built relationships with a number of media outlets interested in receiving “leaks” of operational information. Thanks to this, he fell into seventh place in the ranking of the influence of Smolny officials, while possessing neither power, nor trust, nor respect in the city.

The system of long-term planning and promotion of “our” people is aimed at reserving positions after the departure of the entire current Smolny team after five years of Poltavchenko’s work as governor. This attempt to form their own reserve of henchmen “in the name of the governor” - children of influential parents: high-ranking officials and businessmen who do not directly contact the governor’s chief of staff to resolve their issues contrary to the legal procedure - has already caused a scandal in the city.

David Adamia “rose up” in personnel appointments

The administration of St. Petersburg is trying to shift the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern capital from 2016 to 2015. Thus, Smolny is trying to separate the election campaign for the State Duma, which should take place in 2016, and the local parliament. The Chief of Staff of the Governor of St. Petersburg, David Adamia, is working on the issue of the transfer. So far, deputies are resisting pressure from Smolny; this is not beneficial to either the local United Russia party or the speaker Vyacheslav Makarov, who has recently strengthened his influence in the party by achieving the removal of the former vice-governor of the city from the post of head of the executive committee of "edra" Vasily Kichedzhi.

David Adamia is trying to take a position that allows him to lobby for the most important personnel and image issues. By pitting the industry clans of the governor’s team against each other and conducting shadow intrigues, taking advantage of his position as a confidant, he “promotes” the people he needs to Smolny and passes off the governor’s decisions as his own.

This 31-year-old young man came from Moscow to become an adviser to the governor, and then to the chief of staff. In just three years of holding official positions, David Adamia reduced Smolny officials to shaking hands and nervous tics. Being a close person of the team of the mayor of the Northern capital and taking advantage of the condescending, almost paternal attitude of the governor, David Adamia constantly emphasizes his own importance among government officials.

The difference between the governor's chief of staff and heads of committees, district heads, vice governors and the governor himself is the lack of the right to sign key documents and responsibility for decision-making. The function of the governor's chief of staff is to supervise the mayor's schedule and manage document flow. David Adamia assesses the significance of the appeals coming to the governor’s desk depending on the loyalty of the leaders who submitted the appeals to him. Sometimes they have to wait for several hours for an audience after Adamia’s traditional afternoon arrival at work.

Today he is fighting for influence on gubernatorial decision-making with two figures rapidly gaining momentum: the former minister who recently came to Smolny Igor Slyunyaev(changed his last name to Albina) and the former head of the North-Western branch of Sberbank of Russia, first vice-governor Alexander Govorunov. Unlike many officials, these two do not have to ask David Adamia for the opportunity to meet with the mayor. Moreover: formally David Adamia is subordinate Alexandra Govorunova, Head of the Governor's Administration. Having started his career in St. Petersburg at the beginning of 2012, David Adamia did not receive any of the committees as a resource for direct control. He infiltrated the circle of the then first vice-governor Igor Divinsky to obtain his assets for resource management. However, after a split among the vice-governors, which finally took shape by 2013, David Adamia received a “turn from the gate” from the “gray eminence” of Smolny and infiltrated the apparatus of his opponent, Vasily Kichedzhi. During the non-public activities of the mayor, David Adamia began to call himself “the main PR man of Smolny,” threatening his opponents with PR reprisals. Then, due to his age, he offered his assistance in recruiting personnel in the field of the city’s youth policy: Vasily Kichedzhi, as vice-governor, oversaw the spheres of culture, education, science, physical education and sports, the press and youth.

Despite the dying out of the blogosphere in principle, David Adamia tried to develop the already dead direction of blogging by organizing a meeting for St. Petersburg bloggers with the governor in August 2012 in the Hermitage. For loyalty and good behavior, they all received an iPad as a souvenir. True, the bloggers did not develop any special love or friendship for either the chief of staff or his director, immediately revealing a story of bribery in their posts about the last meeting. Already in April 2014 Igor Divinsky was removed from the post of first vice-governor, managing, however, due to long-standing friendship with Poltavchenko, remain in Smolny in the position of vice-governor in charge of issues of interaction with federal structures, including on the issue of relations with Crimea. In addition, Divinsky oversaw a number of new areas, thereby strengthening his position.

The second area of ​​work - the youth sphere - became a subject of commercial and political interests for David Adamia. From youth tent camps like Seliger, various youth councils and communities, children of parents with either above-average business or influential positions began to be selected.

Thus, in May 2012, 23-year-old Nikita Aleksandrov, who had connections through his parents with the Pharmacor company, was appointed to the position of chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy of St. Petersburg. Together with him, David Adamia began, using his influence on the governor, to create his own reserve of young and promising personnel - the Youth Collegium. According to the decree of the St. Petersburg government, the new structure received the status of an advisory body under the governor. The same decree determined the selection procedure and the list of real leaders in Smolny who were to form the convocation. The Youth Board included 65 young people and girls, then thematic commissions were formed from them: on culture, on sports, on youth entrepreneurship, and so on. Members of the board for the development of youth projects have the opportunity to communicate with Smolny structures, receiving information from administration departments, which then goes to David Adamia’s desk. Once a quarter, young people have the opportunity to communicate with the governor on issues compiled and reviewed by Adamia. Presenting, for example, some investment project that is beneficial to someone, young people tell Poltavchenko about all its advantages and receive a completely official protocol instructing specific departments to implement it.

Recruitment to the Youth Collegium is carried out every two years, so that during a certain period, distinguished young people can either remain in its composition, receive promising positions in government or government agencies, or forever lose the opportunity to gain access to the first person.

Thanks to his influence on Georgy Poltavchenko, David Adamia’s most devoted and knowledgeable people in financial and lobbying issues receive the status of advisers to the governor, and then may well apply for specific positions in Smolny. Thus, Nikita Aleksandrov, at the age of 25, became deputy head of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg, a district with a population of 252 thousand people. The head of the Youth Collegium, Rostislav Shipitsyn, received management of one of the state unitary enterprises in the field of entrepreneurship and the consumer market - the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Center for Development and Support of Entrepreneurship." To further enhance his personal status, David Adamia credits himself with appointing Yulia Ludinova, adviser to the governor on economic issues, as head of the City Property Management Committee.

In order to become the head of a committee or a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, you must have a reserve of 25-35 million rubles, depending on the importance of the department. To become a deputy - 10 million. Head of a department and head of a government agency - 3-5 million rubles. Entry into the unofficial personnel reserve in the absence of direct lobbying - up to a million rubles.

Having access to documents for official use and other classified information, David Adamia built relationships with a number of media outlets interested in receiving “leaks” of operational information. Thanks to this, he ended up in seventh place in the ranking of the influence of Smolny officials, while having neither power, nor trust, nor respect in the city.

The system of long-term planning and promotion of “our” people is aimed at reserving positions after the departure of the entire current Smolny team after five years of Poltavchenko’s work as governor. This attempt to form their own reserve of henchmen “in the name of the governor” - children of influential parents: high-ranking officials and businessmen who do not directly contact the governor’s chief of staff to resolve their issues contrary to the legal procedure - has already caused a scandal in the city.

Alexey Sevostyanov

Against the backdrop of the rapidly approaching elections for the governor of St. Petersburg, a new corruption scandal has broken out in Smolny. Thus, the head of the apparatus of the governor of St. Petersburg, David Adamia, was suspected of secretly owning a restaurant business, a correspondent of The Moscow Post was told in opposition circles.

“Lord” of the khinkal ones?

As you know, St. Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia. It is obvious that local officials should set an example of cultural behavior for the residents of the Northern Capital. Recently, the chief of staff of the Governor of St. Petersburg, David Adamia, has shown all the townspeople his love for culinary culture, namely Georgian cuisine.

The thing is that Internet users increasingly began to discuss the scandal associated with the opening of a new Georgian restaurant of the Khinkalnaya on Neva chain, which is located on Suvorovsky Prospekt. The thing is that Internet users call the chief of staff of the Governor of St. Petersburg, David Adamia, the true owner of this restaurant. This scandal spread rapidly after the appearance of an article dedicated to the official’s business, published in The Morning News. Of course, the status of a civil servant and a scrupulous attitude to the letter of the law do not allow Mr. Adamia to personally manage the restaurant directly, so formally his long-time business partner Alexander Raevsky became the general director of Petersburg Alliance LLC.

At the same time, St. Petersburg residents themselves have a very negative attitude towards the fact that the head of the apparatus of Georgy Poltavchenko can be involved in the restaurant business.

“The most honest people! Only one thing is not clear, where do the servants of the people get such income?!” exclaims a user, commenting on the news about the opening of the second “Adamiya restaurant” on one of the popular Internet portals of the Northern capital. Of course, this news spread on social networks – in the correspondence of prominent St. Petersburg politicians. For example, the news that “ David Adamia opens a second restaurant near Smolny"is in the correspondence of bloggers with the ex-Minister of Finance of Russia, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University Alexei Kudrin.

Partners from Smolny

Moreover, it seems that Mr. Adamia recruited other influential St. Petersburg officials, as well as former residents of Smolny, to expand the business empire attributed to him.

After all, they say that Adamia initially seriously considered the option of a business partnership with Nikita Alexandrov, David’s longtime protégé, who joined the army from the post of chairman of the youth policy committee. But Alexandrov was recently demobilized and returned to government service, which does not allow him to engage in business.

Nikita Alexandrov, ex-chairman of the youth policy committee

But Mr. Adamia is directly related to the St. Petersburg “youth”, since he came to the post of chief of staff of the governor of St. Petersburg from the position of adviser to the governor on youth policy. Rumor has it that now the “chief apparatchik of Smolny” has found common interests with the head of the Smolny youth policy committee, Alexander Parkhomenko!

Secrets of Adamia's past?

It seems that Georgy Poltavchenko’s chief of staff had shown a passion for business since his youth, since in Moscow he was considered a very successful young entrepreneur.

In particular, at various times Adamia was a co-owner of the Moscow real estate agency Tower Realty, and was also involved in the development of the advertising company PrimeCom LLC. Besides )

David Adamia, chief of staff of the governor of St. Petersburg (previously he was the governor’s adviser on youth policy)

It is curious, by the way, that almost no one has heard about the educational activities of the MFAPO in Moscow. In any case, among the representatives of the Ministry of Education interviewed by journalists, no one knows about the Ministry of Foreign Education in the capital. So here the version naturally suggests itself that Adamia needed the MFAPO, perhaps in order to “distribute” various diplomas of professional education, which were unlikely to have legal force.

In the common people, such “documents on education” are usually called “leftist”. So, it seems that it would be a good idea for investigators to figure out exactly what kind of “education documents” the Adamiya-controlled MFAPO issued to its “graduates.”

A high-ranking “dodger” with a “dubious declaration”?

By the way, after the Government of the Russian Federation prepared a resolution that will prevent draft dodgers from using “holes” in the law when applying for civil service, a logical question arises: can Adamia even be an official?!

But journalists were unable to find a line about Adamia’s military service in any open source, including the official biography of the chief of staff of the governor of St. Petersburg. That is, apparently, Mr. Adamia did not serve in the army.