
How many calories should women consume on drying. Dry carbohydrates. Drying nutrition program

Greetings gentlemen and especially ladies!

March is on the calendar, the first month of spring, which means that the New Year of summer is just around the corner, and in this regard, we are launching a cycle of notes on the project to prepare ourselves for the summer-beach season. The information from the articles will help you beautifully “go out” and show off your forms, and we will start, or rather continue, a conversation on the topic of drying the body for girls. In this part, we will analyze general drying issues, learn how to properly compose your own diet, i.e. questions of mathematics, we will also find out which products (including from the line of sports nutrition) the dryer should be hamstered and, of course, we will get several scheduled food plans for drying.

So, if everyone is assembled, let's start broadcasting.

Drying the body for girls: FAQ questions and answers

Finally, the day came when we returned to the drying topic. I must say that the first note proved to be very popular and relevant for many young ladies, and many of them (You, my dear) asked for the second part. So, I hasten to inform you of the bad news: the second part is in front of you and, moreover, it is not the last, there will also be a separate note devoted to training issues and the presentation / analysis of a specific training program, so we monitor the subscription so as not to miss anything.

I would like to start this article a little from afar (although we are writing it geographically from snowy Siberia, it seemed much further :)) namely to talk about...

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

How to understand what I need: muscle drying or weight loss?

In the comments to the first feature article and, in general, when studying some questionnaires when compiling, your obedient servant encountered some misunderstanding of the readers who applied regarding muscle drying, and therefore we will bring some clarity. can often be heard (mostly from young ladies) such a phrase: “I need to dry out!”, However, when the necessary questions begin to be asked, it turns out that it is not drying that is needed, but weight loss, and these are different things and that's what their difference is.

Drying the body is the process of manifesting existing muscles by reducing the percentage of subcutaneous fat (including removal of excess water). This period, drying, should be preceded by a mass-gaining period. (minimum 3 months), during which the athlete worked in a power style to increase his muscle volume and overall weight gain. Drying implies that the athlete already has certain forms, in particular, the waist can be clearly distinguished and, in general, there is drying material in the form of muscles that are simply “sealed” under some layer of adipose tissue for now. If these conditions are not met, then drying turns into “bone carving”.

Weight loss is a process of reducing the total body weight, which does not involve any previous stages, and consists in reducing the volume of the body (anthropometry) of the athlete. Losing weight means working on correcting your diet and including an appropriate type of training, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in your PT.

For a better understanding, consider an example of what anyone needs.

  • Given: girl, height 160 cm, weight 65 82-72-90 , percentage of adipose tissue 30-35% , workout style fitness/home. Conclusion: you need to lose weight;
  • Given: girl, height 160 cm, weight 58 kg, anthropometry chest-waist-hips, 85-67-86 , percentage of adipose tissue 20-25% , training in power style. Conclusion: you need muscle drying.

Why should I personally sit down for drying, and is the game worth the candle?

Before delving into the essence of the note, let's talk about why you need drying. It is worth saying that the manifestation of muscles and a decrease in the percentage of adipose tissue (including the removal of excess water from the body) - this is not a characteristic and unnecessary process, especially for a woman's body. By nature, the percentage of adipose tissue in young ladies, in comparison with men, is greater, and therefore it is somewhat more difficult for them to dry, because. need to drive more. A conditionally low percentage of fat in the body is a health problem (including for women) and well-being; also, due to drying, there are problems with the skin and hair, because. their quality directly depends on the percentage of adipose tissue in a woman's body.

In fact, you can get a leaner/leaner body from drying, but “carrying” it for a long time turns out to be a very problematic and often unnecessary task for the average gym visitor. If your goal is to become Aphrodite by the beach season, then this is one thing, but if you decide to go on stage and become a bikinist, this is completely different. Therefore, decide for yourself: why do you need drying, and are you ready to give something in return for a drier body.

Of course, if you go to the gym and train for yourself, you can periodically resort to drying, but you should not stick to it, because the main thing is good health and a healthy body, and not be dry under a down jacket, living in Russia, where most of season, winter.

Drying out, where to start?

We are still in the introduction of the note and have not yet reached the berries :).

So, you clearly fit into the category of “drying agent”, i.e. had until now some mass-gaining experience and now set out to “pull” the muscles out and sculpt their body. Where to start in this case?

Your first and main step should be the initial determination of the percentage of adipose tissue in order to understand at what stage you are and what you want to come to. In other words, knowing our initial percentage of subcutaneous fat (SCF), we determine the scope of work, i.e. the amount of time that we need to reach the relief level.

To give you an idea of ​​what we are talking about, the following memo on the percentage of adipose tissue will help you.

The relief range that allows you to show the muscles is the corridor 15-20% , hitting it will be your goal.


The percentage of adipose tissue is lower 15% for women doing it for themselves is not only unnecessary, but also negative, because it directly affects your health / well-being and the degree of throwing at people :).

Thus, the average phyton with forms needs to reduce its percentage of adipose tissue by about 5-8% . Note not 5-8 kg of weight, namely PZhK.

So, you got your fat on your hands and are now ready to carry out refractory work :), in particular, to correct the diet, and we will talk about this in our main part, but for now the prelude is still going on.

Feminine features on drying. What are they?

Young ladies when entering the drying (meaning, not standing on a baked product :)) should keep in mind the following features:

  • initially larger (compared to men) percentage of adipose tissue in the body;
  • in time, drying lasts a little longer than in men;
  • the female body is more sensitive to various biochemical changes that occur in their body, therefore, in order not to bring themselves to exhaustion / intoxication, they can afford some liberties in nutrition regarding the consumption of sweets;
  • drying must be carried out under the condition of a well-gained muscle mass, and since. girls are afraid for every + kilogram on the scales, then for many it is inappropriate;
  • women are more tolerant of drying than men, so be prepared for “critical days” in terms of when everything is annoying, and deliciousness seems to be on every corner.

Now let's take…

Drying diet math. How to correctly calculate calories and BJU ratio?

When planning a diet, your goals are the starting point, ours is fat reduction, which in percentage of macronutrients is such numbers.


In parentheses are the allowable corridors for certain nutrients that each athlete finds for himself.

It must be understood that the above ratios are just a kind of guideline, and it is not possible to give one template ratio for muscle drying that is relevant for everyone. Here you need to try, experiment: what percentage your body will respond better to. In connection with such a search, the time of sitting on the dryer increases, however, with subsequent drying procedures, this stage is no longer necessary, but immediately draw up a diet for the previously found ratios according to BZHUK.

The next interesting mathematical question is how many calories should be consumed on drying. And I must say that here, too, there cannot be a single-digit number, because many factors influence it, such as: age, gender, number of workouts per week, type of metabolism.

As some starting point for a healthy, moderately active (3-4 workouts per week) young (20-30 years, weight 50-55 kg) women a balanced diet in terms of calories can be in the range 1500-1800 kcal.

To convert percentages to grams of each nutrient, you need to know that:

  • proteins give 4 kcal/g;
  • carbohydrates give 4 kcal/g;
  • fats give 9 kcal/g

Based on these data, our gram ratio for BJU for drying the body with a diet of 2000 kcal will be the following mathematical chain:

  • 50% proteins: 1600 X 0,5/4 = 200 gr;
  • 35% carbohydrates: 16000 X 0,35/4 = 140 gr;
  • 15% fats: 1600 X 0,15/9 = 27 gr

It is this diet according to BZHUK, 200/27/140/1600 kcal must adhere to a girl's weight 50 kg, which decided to start reducing the percentage of adipose tissue. Note that these are calculations specifically for the preparatory stage before going out for drying, i.e. to smoothly integrate into the process.

Relatively speaking, you need to be dry to 1 June 2016 . December, January, February You trained for mass and gradually, every week, shifted the ratio of BJU nutrients to the side 50-35-15% . Since the beginning of March, you are switching to the drying scheme.

Drying muscles: weekly plan. The main stages and their detailed principles.

Here we will consider the main stages of a smooth (gradual) muscle drying process, which consists of the following cycles:

Cycle #1

Has the highest amount of carbohydrates 2 grams per 1 kg body weight (for example, with a weight 50 kg, 100 grams of carbohydrates per day) and the rejection of most of the usual products. The percentage of nutrients should be within: B ( 50-55% ) , AND ( 20-25% ), Y ( 30-35% ) . The main sources of carbohydrates are brown / brown rice, oats, medium-low buckwheat.

In this cycle, you should consume more fiber and less fruit. The amount of salt should be slightly reduced, replacing it with natural spices, dried seasonings and herbs. Water is accepted without special restrictions, for example, on average 40 ml per 1 kg body weight (for example, with a weight 50 kg, 2 liters per day).

Duration: 4-6 weeks (smooth option), 2-3 weeks (fast/hard version).

Cycle #2

1 gr on 1 kg body weight (for example, with a weight 50 kg, 50 grams of carbohydrates per day). The percentage of nutrients should be within: B ( 70-80% ) , AND ( 20-25% ), Y ( 10-15% ) . Salt (meaning salting food) must be completely eliminated. Proteins, as in cycle no. 1, lean - egg whites, cottage cheese (up to 5% ), seafood, chicken breast, lean beef, fish.

In the diet, in addition to natural fiber from vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage) bran is included in the form of additives (sold in pharmacies/health shops).

Duration: 4-6 weeks (smooth option), 2 weeks (fast/hard version).

Cycle #3

It is characterized by the reduction of carbohydrates to 0,5 gr on 1 kg body weight (for example, with a weight 50 kg, 25 grams of carbohydrates per day). One of the most difficult stages for the body, which can be manifested for a person by the onset of dizziness, confusion, drowsiness and barely weaving legs. When such symptoms appear, you should immediately drink any sweet juice. Water consumption should be reduced to 20-25 ml per 1 kg body weight (for example, with a weight 50 kg, up to 1,25 liters per day).

Vitamins and their complexes can be added to the diet, for example, Optiwomen from ON.

Duration: 1 a week

Cycle #4

Gradual exit from strict carbohydrate starvation and rollback to regime nutritional settings of cycle No. 2 especially for carbohydrates 1 gr (low-medium GI carbohydrates) on 1 kg of body weight.

Duration: 1 a week

Cycle #5

The final way out of hard carbohydrate starvation and a rollback to the regime nutritional settings of cycle No. 1 especially for carbohydrates. 2 gr on 1 kg of body weight. At this stage, due to carbohydrates with a low-medium GI, dried muscles gain visual volumes and manifest themselves to the maximum, forming a clear and deep relief.

Duration: up to 5 days

The above weekly scheme allows for a period of approx. 1,5-2 months to get the desired muscle relief. To be fair, it should be noted that such a rigid scheme of 5 -x stages (moreover, some, for example, No. 4 may be thrown out under time constraints) is not a prerequisite for getting a beach body and “just going out”, it is more suitable for performing athletes, i.e. those persons who are judged for their physique. For an average phyton, in the limit, the first 2 -x stages, stretched over 3-3,5 month. In other words, you do not have to force yourself, exhausting the body with a meager amount of carbohydrates in the diet, you just need to stop at the stage (up to the third) and make some adjustments to reduce the percentage of adipose tissue, based on the results obtained. (mirror reflection/anthropometry/measured % body fat).

Actually, we have laid all the basic drying foundations, and in conjunction with the first part of the note, you now know what steps should be taken to manifest your muscles. Now it remains to analyze the practical side of the issue, namely, what foods should be dried for hamsters and what kind of intake diet should be followed, and this, apparently, is the topic for the next part, because this has already exceeded an indecent number of characters, and we have only analyzed flowers. Therefore, we absorb the material of this note and wait for the berries next week, but for now ...


In the second part of the article, entitled, drying the body for girls, we analyzed the technical and mathematical aspects of this procedure. All this information will help you more consciously approach the manifestation of muscles and get the desired results. So, see you in the nutritional and practical part, which will be even more useful and will not be so dry :).

Goodbye, my dear dryers!

PS. What is the most difficult thing for you to dry, how do you tolerate it?

P.P.S. Attention! 06.03 it became possible to send questionnaires for food and drink. I will be glad to our joint work!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

As you know, in the off-season, athletes resort to the so-called diet to gain muscle mass - this is a diet that involves an excess of calories in the daily diet. Such nutrition is the main condition for muscle growth, however, at the same time, subcutaneous fat reserves increase to a greater or lesser extent. Since this cannot be avoided, a special diet is required annually in order to get rid of the fat accumulated during the off-season.

The principles of building a diet for drying

1. Reducing the calorie content of food. In a calorie deficit, the body uses its own fat reserves as an energy source, which it does not do when the diet is in excess of calories.

2. Competent rates of drying. Regardless of the amount of body fat, you need to ensure that the weight loss is not less than 1, but not more than 3 kilograms per month. This is due to the fact that the body compensates for the calorie deficit with its own fat, which also has energy value. If you cut the diet too much, then muscle fibers can also go into consumption, and this radically contradicts the main goal of bodybuilding. Therefore, the diet should be reduced gradually by 10-20-30%, keeping weight loss under control.

3. The calorie content of food is reduced due to carbohydrates: protein foods, fruits and vegetables should be consumed in the same quantities or even increased, especially for vegetables. If you consumed a lot of fatty foods while gaining muscle mass, you also need to exclude it from the diet, otherwise it will be very difficult to achieve the goal.

4. Although it is categorically not recommended to eat fast carbohydrates and food saturated with animal fats during drying, both carbohydrates and fats should still be consumed. The daily diet should contain at least 40% of slow carbohydrates and at least 10-20% of fats - saturated with Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish.

5. Vitamins and minerals are very important for the body, especially during drying. Therefore, if it is not possible to eat a lot of fruits, you should additionally purchase a vitamin-mineral complex.

6. The frequency of meals, as always, should be at least 5-6 meals, not exceeding the daily calorie intake.

7. Make sure there is no protein deficiency. To avoid the destruction of muscle fibers on drying, pay special attention to the use of protein shakes, amino acids and BCAAs.

8. Drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water daily. It does not contribute to weight loss, but its lack can significantly slow down the process.

How to count calories?

The daily ration is calculated using a calorie calculator. It is necessary to count the amount of BJU consumed, as well as to make a diet so that these elements are balanced, and carbohydrates are in short supply, as is the total calorie content.

What can you eat while drying?

Squirrels. They need to be even a little more than normal (2-2.5 grams x body weight) in order to avoid muscle breakdown in conditions of a lack of calories and with regular exercise. Chicken, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, yolk-free eggs and other low-fat protein foods are supplemented with low-sugar protein shakes.

Carbohydrates . Completely exclude sweets. The main products are cereals made from buckwheat, wheat, oats, rice, etc. We also actively consume vegetables rich in fiber.

Fats. We completely exclude animal and other saturated fats, relying only on those found in fish and seafood.

Many people often ask the question: “What is the correct ratio of BJU when gaining mass or when cutting?” However, if there was a one-size-fits-all answer, then gaining muscle mass or burning excess fat would be very easy. Unfortunately, everything is not so simple. Much depends on some individual characteristics, including body type and gender.

Does this mean that you are doomed to go through trial and error? Of course not. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about what is the correct ratio of BJU, depending on the goal and your individual characteristics.

One important factor to take into account is your body type. It depends on how many carbohydrates should be in your diet.

There are 3 main body types.

  1. ectomorph The words “lanky” and “slender” are best characterized. He is tall, has a narrow chest and shoulders, and thin bones.
  2. Mesomorph can be described by the words "athletic" and "muscular". Such people are of average height, broad shoulders and well-developed muscles.
  3. About endomorph often say "full". He is characterized by average height, somewhat shorter limbs and a tendency to accumulate body fat.

However, it should be noted that the physique of the vast majority of people is a kind of symbiosis of two types at once. So, despite the fact that the endomorph is the complete opposite of the ectomorph, there are many people who can safely be called ecto-endomorphs. Similarly, endo-mesomorphs and ecto-mesomorphs are common.

How do you organize your diet if you have just such a hybrid physique? Start with recommendations for the type that dominates your symptoms, and then adjust your diet as needed.

The influence of gender on the correct ratio of BJU

Gender is usually less of a factor than body type. However, it still needs to be taken into account when choosing the BJU ratio that is ideal for you.

In general, the female body is more efficient at using fat for fuel and less efficient at using muscle glycogen.

Therefore, the fair sex is able to function perfectly in conditions of lower carbohydrate intake than men.

Researchers put forward various hypotheses that women's bodies are more likely to use fat as an energy source in training, including:

  1. Estrogen promotes the production of adrenaline, the main hormone involved in the breakdown of adipose tissue.
  2. Estrogen promotes the release of growth hormone, which prevents the absorption of carbohydrates by cells and stimulates the breakdown of adipose tissue.
  3. In a woman, adipose tissue is better supplied with blood, which can help in its splitting.
  4. Women have higher levels of intramuscular triglycerides, which are used up instead of glycogen during moderate to vigorous exercise.

Does this mean that a woman should in any case eat less carbohydrates than a man? Not at all. A heavily trained ectomorphic woman needs more carbohydrates than a sedentary endomorphic man.

However, a mesomorphic male aspiring should eat more carbohydrates than a woman with a similar body type and the same goal.

In general, for women who train at a low to moderate intensity, we recommend that you start by trying to stick to a lower limit of carbohydrate intake that matches your goal and body type. Further, based on your progress and well-being, you can adjust the amount of carbohydrates in your diet at any time.

Whether you're a woman or a man, if you're feeling tired and exhausted from your workouts, or if you're not making progress towards your goal, you should consider adding more carbohydrates to your diet.

The ratio of BJU during weight gain

However, if your goal is to gain more lean muscle mass and minimize fat storage, then it makes sense to adjust your carbohydrate intake based on your body type.

Yes, ectomorphs naturally fast metabolism, which makes it difficult for them to gain weight. Accordingly, during the period of weight gain, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet should be at least 60%

For mesomorphs, gaining muscle mass is not problematic, but along the way they are able to gain some excess fat. Accordingly, their carbohydrate intake should not go beyond 50-40%.

Endomorphs able to gain a decent amount of muscle mass, but due to the tendency to be overweight, they must stick to 40-30% carbohydrates in their diet.

The ratio of BJU on drying

Now let's discuss the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss. Experts recommend the following: 30-10% - carbohydrates, 50-40% - proteins and 40-30% - fats.

Again, ectomorphs even at the stage of getting rid of excess fat, you should not reduce the amount of carbohydrates below 40-30%. At least 25% of your daily calories should come from protein, with the rest coming from fat.

Mesomorphs when working on relief, it makes sense to increase the amount of protein and fat in the diet (up to 40%), but it is better to cut carbohydrates to 30-20%.

What about endomorphs?, then they need to get 25%-50% of calories from protein, 15%-40% from fat and 10%-20% from carbohydrates.

Regardless of the chosen goal, do not forget that the most important thing is the daily calorie content. Even the right BJU ratio will not be effective if you eat too little or too much. And of course, you won't be able to achieve rapid and significant changes if you don't take your training seriously!

It has its own characteristics, which we will try to talk about in this article.

Drying the body for men is carried out with the main goal - to burn excess fat and emphasize the relief of a trained body. But the results may be different.

  • Better and faster than others "dry" ectomorphs having a lean physique by nature and a minimum percentage of fat;
  • And mesomorphs with pronounced muscles and moderate body fat;
  • The hardest thing is endomorphs- Massive athletes with a high percentage of fat.

The first type is dried effectively, even without resorting to intense aerobic exercise. It is enough to train in a high number of repetitions with relatively light weights. Plus special dry food for men - and it's done! With the second, the situation is generally similar.

But endomorphs are harder to achieve muscle relief. If you belong to the third type, get ready for the most thorny and difficult path - the slightest deviations from the diet or training program can affect the achievement of the result. In this case, cardio loads are also necessary (unlike the first two types).

Nutrition for drying the body: menu for men

The main difficulty here is to keep the balance. That is, you should not eat as if you were gaining mass, but you should not starve either. Malnutrition will certainly have a negative impact either on the condition of the athlete, or on the visual result, on the quality of the body.

Eating incorrectly all the time, the athlete, along with fat, also loses muscle tissue, and drying does not pursue such a goal. Weakness, loss of strength, depression begins. Internal organs fall into decay.

Such effects are often irreversible, therefore: very think carefully about your diet. The menu for drying the body for men should be balanced, and the amount of food should be sufficient for the athlete!

Drying food is different from many other diets. It is important here to minimize slow carbohydrates, and eliminate fast ones altogether. Moreover, the athlete’s diet is different on different days: on the day of training, you can consume some carbohydrates, and on days when there are no trainings, completely ignore them (carbohydrates).

  • Eliminate from the diet: sweets, pastries, semi-finished products, canned food, butter, pork, chicken with skin, fatty cheese, pork, lamb, goose, alcohol, fast food. Minimize salt, oil, and seasonings.
  • Include in your diet: lean meat, preferably chicken, veal, rabbit and turkey, greens, legumes, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, fruits (except bananas), vegetables (except potatoes), sea fish and seafood, fiber, nuts in small quantities.
  • If you eat carbohydrates, then be sure to have a low glycemic index (cereals, non-starchy vegetables). Allowed: black bread, cereals, pasta and fruits with vegetables. You will definitely need , keep it for yourself.

The drying menu for men is not complete without protein bars and cocktails - during this period, the athlete needs 1/3 more squirrel than during the period of strength development (up to 2 - 2.5 grams per kilogram of weight). If such an amount cannot be obtained from food, sports nutrition comes to the rescue. It is also desirable to take multivitamin complexes.

Carbohydrates on drying, we reduce to a minimum - up to 2 g per kilogram of weight. Fats - no more than 0.5 per 1 kilogram, but they must be consumed. Calorie counting is secondary, a competent balance of BJU is much more important.

Drying the body for men at home: rules and recommendations

  1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Refusal of it is a sure slowdown in metabolism.
  2. We eat little and often: 5 times a day, every 2-3 hours.
  3. We consume 2/3 of the diet in the morning.
  4. We eat at least two hours before bedtime.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day (more on training days).
  6. We are not afraid of healthy fats. They are needed by the body. Sources: fish, nuts, olive oil (no fried, but you can dress the salad).
  7. In addition to training, try to move more every day, walk more.
  8. If you are an ectomorph, a small amount of sweets is allowed in the diet, preferably after training (during this period the body needs glucose). If you allowed sweets, don't allow glucose spikes.

Drying workout for men

In order for the drying process to be effective, intensive sports during this period are required. It is advisable to choose circuit training with rapidly changing exercises and minimal rest between sets. Ideally, you need to go through up to 4 cycles in one workout, the number of repetitions is from 15 to 20.

It is better not to chase big weights. Work with 20% less weight than your normal working weight when you are on the ground. And don't forget to listen to your body. At the slightest sign of overwork, dizziness, headache, it is better to stop training, taking a few “days off” to recover.

Ideal for legs:

  • squat with weight;
  • lunges with weight;
  • flexion and extension;
  • lifting the calf muscles while sitting.

For the upper case:

  • rowing traction;
  • pull down;
  • barbell pull to the chin;
  • bench press;
  • lifting dumbbells while sitting in an incline;
  • bench press with a narrow, medium or wide grip;
  • exercises on the press, twisting.

The body drying program for men necessarily includes cardio (only ectomorphs can hope for an exception): exercise bikes and swimming are best. By the number of workouts - at least 3 - 4 per week.

The result of drying, of course, also depends on the characteristics of the organism, but your efforts have a much greater influence on the process. Count calories and BJU, monitor your diet, keep a food diary, take measurements of parameters.

We do not claim that drying for men at home is easy. But the result will exceed expectations if you do not give up.

Recently, drying has become popular for girls who perceive it as a diet for weight loss. This is understandable, because proper drying allows you to get rid of accumulated fat for months and achieve spectacular muscle relief in a few weeks. And an example is shown by female bodybuilders, demonstrating a toned muscular body in the video. Drying basics - proper nutrition based on a carbohydrate-free protein menu, training and daily routine. The traditional view on the issue of drying, read on ...

For girls who intend to cut for weight loss for the first time, there are special online calculators that make up the menu for the day, week and even for a month, counting calories. It is convenient to use such calculators, as it will be possible to accurately calculate the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day and month.

Drying diet for girls

If you have firmly decided to start drying your body and are ready to spend a month of your life on it, then the best option is to find a trainer (the well-known trainer Yuri Spasokukotsky can help online), who will help plan the menu and write out a training program based on your individual indicators.

The wrong decision is to abruptly switch to sports supplements that allow you to burn fat without a clear understanding of the principle of their use and planning a carbohydrate-free diet. Yes, it is possible that high-quality fat burners will help to give relief to the body, but you can be sure that muscle volume will decrease after the abuse of such supplements.

To maintain muscle volume and lose body fat, you need to properly compose a diet for weight loss, which will be based on proteins and an almost complete absence of carbohydrates. Sweet, flour, fast food - all these are sources of simple carbohydrates, which cause fat deposition. Reduce their daily amount to a minimum - and the result will not be long in coming!

Counting calories correctly

Girls with an average weight of 55 kg per day for drying will need at least 100 g of protein. Every kilogram of muscle mass is an additional gram of protein. That is, if a girl has about 15 kg of muscle mass in excess of normal weight, then she will need 160 g of protein per day for drying, and the lion's share of it should be protein shakes and animal products.

How much fat does the body need for drying? The minimum amount in which they will be needed to maintain the normal functioning of the body. During intense workouts, calories from fat-rich foods will burn quickly. The approximate dose of fats for the drying time for a girl is 10%, while we are talking exclusively about vegetable fats.
But carbohydrates in the diet should include no more than 25%. It is advisable to eat food with carbohydrates in the morning, and move protein foods for a while after lunch.

During the period of drying the body for weight loss with work on muscle relief, girls on average should consume about 40 Kcal per kilogram of weight. No more than 3 hours should pass between meals, while servings will need to be reduced to 150-200 grams.
At each meal, you will need to consume an additional 40 g of protein in powder or in the form of animal products. Too long breaks between meals will lead to a slowdown in metabolism, which in turn will negatively affect fat burning and muscle growth.

Eating during the drying period should start in the morning and end in the late evening. The last meal is allowed to be done an hour before bedtime. As an example, it can be low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, or a kefir-based protein shake. Protein food is easily and quickly digested and saturates the body with protein at night.

It is necessary to strive to reduce the number of carbohydrates consumed at the time of drying for weight loss from the first day of the diet, but doing it delicately. In the first week, it is enough to allocate 40% of calories for carbohydrates, starting from the second week - reduce this number to 35% and only with the onset of the third week reduce it to a minimum (0.5 g per kilogram of mass).

You need to start drying smoothly, it will also be necessary to finish it. You will need to increase the amount of carbohydrates gradually, changing the diet. Abrupt transitions from a carbohydrate-free menu to a familiar one can lead to malfunctions in the digestive tract and negatively affect the figure.

Some girls are sure that for weight loss and beautiful forms, you can do without sports loads, by following a diet, taking as an example the sentimental stories of stellar personalities.

Drying, including for beginners, is not the case when physical activity can be neglected. If the goal is elastic and embossed muscles, then you will have to not only eat right, but also train regularly, trying to work out all muscle groups. Only in this case, during the period of active carbohydrate starvation, the body will not destroy, along with the fat mass, the muscle mass, which has been built up with such difficulty for many months.

But, back to nutrition. It is very important to start a weight loss diet with minimal dietary restrictions. You can create a menu in the following way.

The basis. This includes the so-called basic products, on the basis of which you can prepare most of the dishes for drying the body. These are boiled egg white, steamed or baked chicken fillet, squid and other seafood, lean fish.
Carbohydrates. Sources of carbohydrates must be kept under control by counting calories. It can be: buckwheat or oatmeal, durum pasta, zucchini, cabbage and parsley. Almost all vegetables can be used, except for root vegetables.
Liquid. You can drink pure mineral water, green, ginger and herbal teas. How many? Approximately 2.5 liters per day.
Sugar and salt during the drying period (preferably after) for weight loss will need to be consumed in a minimal amount, and it is even better to refuse them altogether. Please note that you will not be able to fry foods for cooking as part of a carbohydrate-free diet. Variety can be achieved using a slow cooker, oven and microwave.

Fat burning process

How much weight is it permissible to lose per day during the period of drying the body for weight loss for girls? No more than 200 g of fat. If it takes up to a kilogram of mass per day, then only part of it is the fat layer, and the rest is slag and water. Such strong weight loss should not be allowed, as this can lead to malfunctions in the body and a deterioration in the condition as a whole.
While following any diet for both beginners and experienced athletes, it is allowed to lose no more than 1.5 kg of weight per week. Only in this case it will be possible to maintain the shape of the muscles.
Training during the drying period must be compiled on an individual basis and breaking the schedule will be strictly prohibited. Girls with small accumulations of fat can minimize physical activity and switch to a pumping training regimen, the essence of which is low intensity, compensated by the duration of the session.

Drying sports supplements

Sports supplements for drying girls can be included in the diet, subject to individual selection. What supplements will be, first of all, depends on the budget. Naturally, elite-class sports nutrition will bring more tangible results and will not harm the body. But even more budget options can be used, subject to the right selection.

Example #1.
Creatine is one of the healthiest foods out there. With it, bodybuilders are rapidly moving towards success. Even more effective is creatine with ribose. During the drying period, it is quite suitable for girls, it will help get rid of fat and gain the desired muscle relief. Aerobic load while taking creatine should be increased, as the ATP supply will be replenished by the supplement and the muscles will not be affected by its rapid loss.

Example #2.
Another popular supplement is protein. It is his girls who often drink during a drying diet. Protein is a source of protein that allows you to save muscles during drying, when the body lacks carbohydrates and animal protein. There are several types of protein powder:

  • whey;
  • soy;
  • casein.

Whey protein is the most popular due to its fast digestion. For people who have problems with lactose tolerance, plant-based soy protein is suitable.

How to use sports supplements for drying, how many are required and for what?
It is good to take 5g of BCAAs before starting your workout. An hour after training, you can drink a protein shake. A few hours before training, you can eat a meal based on natural proteins with a small part of carbohydrates. You can also take 5g of BCAAs in the morning, drink a casein long-acting protein shake an hour before bed, or eat some zero-fat cottage cheese.

The right training cycle

During drying, girls need moderate aerobic exercise. Too much aerobic training will lead to excessive weight loss and uneven muscle development. This is due to excess fat in the female body and, as a rule, a lack of muscle. Proper strength training with a daily routine and nutrition will help build muscle, while aerobic training will help get rid of fat.

The correct training program for cutting girls should be a set of exercises for all muscle groups with little aerobic exercise. To complete each exercise, no more than 5-6 sets will be enough with repetitions for the legs - 15-20, for the torso - 12-15. This is a traditional program, but if you want really tangible results, then you will need to find a trainer who will write an individual exercise program for you.

Girls with an increased amount of fat can complicate the workout, but not with weights and duration, but by reducing the break between exercises. After such a difficult workout, aerobic training can be postponed for another day.

For girls who need to dry their muscles, it will be enough to train in the pumping mode in combination with aerobic exercise. Please note that you can proceed to aerobic exercise only after rest.
Aerobic training should not be exhausting or too light. How much to do? On an elliptical trainer for 10 minutes in 3 sets. It would be enough.