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Redemption of the bride in the styles of the police. Police-style ransom scenario - Arrest cannot be released. Requisites for redemption

A wedding is a very responsible and solemn event. If you want it to go easily and in a positive way, then a cool bride price comes to the rescue. This will require a good sense of humor from the organizers and guests and a suitable script. And if the first is on the conscience of the young, then the portal will help with the second. For lovers of costumed events, for example, a medical script for the ransom of the bride is suitable. We offer another original version - a fun and modern scenario for the ransom of the bride in the style of the traffic police.

Cool bride price: preparation

In order for the buyout to take place and everyone to be happy, it is necessary to carefully conduct preliminary planning:

  • Think about who can participate in the event and in what roles.
  • Make a list of props for ransom. In this case, it will consist of a cap (or a complete set of police uniforms, depending on the possibilities), a baton, rope, sheets of paper, a flask (you can use tubes, pipettes, a balloon), a toy car, a medical gown and a stethoscope, a ballpoint pen, fake rights with a comic entry in them.
  • Conduct a preliminary rehearsal so that everyone knows their roles by heart and the procedure in advance.

Groom meeting

The ransom is carried out by bridesmaids, one of whom is dressed as a traffic police inspector. For ethics, you can modify the traditional abbreviation, for example, GIBLB (State Inspectorate for Great Love and Marriage).

According to the script, the ransom of the bride begins from the moment when the groom, along with his friends and guests, is coolly slowed down by the “inspector” with the help of a rod on the way to the bride’s house. In the course of the scenario, for each "offence" the victim will be fined. At its core, this is similar to a wedding ransom in the form of a quest, where you also need to complete tasks. The number and duration of test competitions can be varied on the spot, which allows you to control precious time.

Redemption contests

Here we will offer a number of questions and tasks that can be included in the script for a fun ransom at the wedding.

First of all, the “inspector” asks the groom if he knows what GIBLB is. Of course, he does not know, so the "fine" is removed from him.

Inspector: Where are we in such a hurry, dear?(pretends to sniff carefully). It seems to me that you obviously allowed yourself too much driving, here's a tube for you, breathe into it!(The groom follows the instructions). Hm strange. Let's take another test!

A rope is stretched on the floor, and the groom must walk along it. But every time he reaches almost the end, the “inspector” bends its end to the side, as a result of which the young one is given another “fine”.

After such egregious violations, the inspector demands to show the right to family life, which, of course, does not yet exist. Then the groom is offered help in acquiring these rights in a theatrical loud whisper until he agrees and pays the next ransom.

Then comes a new test. On the landing (or in another place where a cool ransom takes place) various small improvised obstacles are scattered - pebbles, pieces of paper, etc. The inspector's assistants give the groom a toy car on a string so that he can take it from one side to the other without hitting a single obstacle.

Inspector: Can you handle such a car, comrade driver? Anything can happen on the road, so you have to learn. You have to pass a driving test, three mistakes - and go home for retraining. Of course, if the groom makes more mistakes, then he will not be turned back, but will be allowed to correct himself.

Then comes the penultimate test. The inspector decides to test the candidate for stamina and strength. Bridesmaids give out soap bubbles, the inspector asks to inflate a soap bubble. If he turned out to be small, then the groom goes for an examination to the doctor. In any case, the bubble will be small, so a “professional examination” in this case is inevitable.

The groom is brought to the doctor, whose role is played by another bridesmaid. Looking at the groom, the doctor, by external comic examination, states the presence of a large amount of love in the patient's blood and the absence of the need for treatment. But still offers to remove side effects in the form of rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils and trembling hands. To do this, he gives the groom a piece of paper on which a number of compliments addressed to the bride are written together. And all this is written in illegible medical handwriting to make it harder to read. The word might be something like "DEAR FAVORITE INFINITELY DESIRED". If he does not cope, then everyone present helps him. For safety reasons, it’s better to think over some jokes at the bride price on a medical theme, if suddenly the groom will cope with the tasks very quickly.

Ready, complete ransom of the bride, which can be held near the wedding car.

Ransom scenario in the style of the traffic police

Description: Another option is about the police. The witness plays the role of a traffic police inspector. The groom is checked for sobriety, licenses are issued, many mini-competitions are held.

A rather interesting option is a DPS-style buyout scenario. To do this, you need to prepare outfits in advance. The witness plays the role of a traffic police inspector. The groom arrives at the bride's house. Here he is met by a witness. In her hands is a staff and a whistle. She blows a whistle and indicates with a rod that the groom needs to approach.

– Good afternoon, traffic inspector (name of the witness). Driver, we violate! I stopped you for speeding. Where are you in such a hurry?

- To the bride, it's time to go to the registry office!

The witness sniffs at the groom.

– Oh, so I see you are also drunk driving. You need to take a sobriety test!

Further, the ransom scenario in the style of the police suggests the need for the groom to read tongue twisters, which will need to be printed on a piece of paper. For every time the groom goes astray, he needs to pay a ransom.

Tongue twisters on auto topics:

1.) Forgot Pankrat Kondratov jack.
Now Pankrat can't lift a tractor on the tract without a jack.

2.) From body to body there was an overload of watermelons.
In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.

3.) I am driving along a pothole, I will not leave the pothole.

- Claim your rights to (bride's name)! So I knew that you still have no rights! You can get to the bride only with rights. Well, as an exception, I will allow you to take the exam right now. But for this you need to prove that you are ready for family life. Are you ready to take on challenging tasks?

- Ready!

- First you need to find out how well you know the signs of family life!

Then a militia-style ransom scenario involves a contest. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the drawn signs in advance. It is them that the groom will guess further. For example, the image of a fork and a knife is to cook food. Bed - to fulfill the duties of a spouse. Trash can - take out the trash. The child is to play with the children. Cup - Serve coffee in bed. Bucket and mop - clean the apartment. If the groom does not know what the sign means, then he pays a ransom.

- Remember that you need not only to know these signs, but also to observe them in family life!

- We figured out the signs, now let's move on to practice.

- To get a license, you need a different medical examination, to make sure that everything is in order with your health. Our optometrist will check your vision.

After that, the task is carried out. To do this, prepare balloons. The faces of the girls are painted on them. Only one ball needs to attach a photo of the bride. The groom must hit all the balls, except for the one where the bride's photo is attached. If he fails to complete the task, he pays a ransom.

Now we need to test your memory. To make sure your memory is good, answer the questions.

Then the groom is asked questions to which he must answer correctly. For example, give the bride's phone number. Say when the future mother-in-law was born. Indicate when and at what time the first meeting with the bride took place. Where did it happen?

- To get the rights, you need to take a picture. Your faithful friend, the witness, will help you with this.

The essence of the next competition is that the witness must draw the groom. To do this, a blank sheet of paper is attached to the wall. The witness is given a marker and he draws. In order to make the competition more difficult, you can suggest drawing the groom with his eyes closed. Then all the guests, together with the groom and the witness, enter the apartment.

- You successfully passed all the tests, completed the buildings. We can give you the highest mark, and your health is also all right. So we can give you the license.
The witness gives out comic “crusts”, which are prepared in advance. After that, the door opens into the room where the bride is waiting for the groom and he enters.

This thematic scenario is well suited for people in any way connected with the tax office.

This thematic scenario is well suited for people in any way connected with the tax office.

Meets a witness:

Hello dear guests!
Hello and you (groom's name)! Why are you so dressy? Have you thought about getting married? Have you already chosen your bride? We decided not to test you, since you have already made your choice. Let's just pay us a ransom, and we'll take your betrothed for it.

(groom pays ransom)

Well, according to tradition, let's wash this deal successfully!
(Verka Serduchka enters)

Verka Serdiuchka (with Ukrainian accent):
And where is my fiancé? I agree to all terms! (referring to the groom) Get me married soon!

(throws on the neck, the groom, he refuses)

How is it not? I marvel at you! I beat you so many times in my sleep! In the NE, while I was riding, I was only thinking about you! ….

Do you want me to cook borscht for you?! Or dumplings? Gorilki vmazhem with you! And then …. (looks meaningfully at the groom).
Yes, just look at me, what a garna girl I am! (points to the bust).
I've been married 10 times already! (whispers) Nobody has complained yet!

(groom disagrees)

Ah well! ( indignantly) you will not see my beauty as your ears! No discounts on train tickets! You will walk everywhere! And I'll choose a boy from foreign tourists!!! And I'll sue you for moral damages!

(the witness offers the groom and guests to pay off the obsessive "bride" with vodka and money, Serduchka gets angry, but from time to time inserts phrases like "Pay in green! I still want a valuable gift!" etc.)

So tell us, what kind of bride do you want? What girl are you dreaming about?

(groom lists virtues)

There is one, but it costs more!

(groom pays)

You can't get away with money and gifts here! Feelings are needed here! Sing a song about love, and if you like your serenade, the bride will come to you herself!

(groom sings)

("emerges" Elena the Beautiful)

Elena the beautiful:
Who sings so wonderful?! What kind of nightingale is flooded? Where is this falcon? I want my betrothed to sing to me from morning to evening!!! Whose wife am I destined to be?

(approaches all the guests in turn, affectionately taking the young people by the hand and looking into their eyes)

(the groom again does not agree, pays off the "bride", offering financial assistance for the purchase of a music center and CDs, for example, "Sokolik-Detsel")

What, however, you capricious! We have NZ! The girl is not only beautiful, but also smart!

(Vassilisa the Wise comes out, in a kokoshnik, glasses, with a book under her arm)

Vasilisa the Wise:
I returned yesterday from a business trip. The Tsar-father sent. He is our part-time tax inspectorate manages. I flew on a magic carpet to the thirtieth kingdom, to the far away state for refresher courses. Learned a lot of new and interesting things! But, unfortunately, not everything is clear to me. I see you are very smart! Answer me this question:

What is a TIN?
- What is your TIN? There is no such TIN!!! Pay me a tax for ignorance!
- Here's a smart book for you, sit down and read it!

(holds it out to the groom, but takes it back at the last minute)

What are you?! ( resenting) She's worth 300 bucks!
Plus VAT! Plus 5% sales tax.

(gives book back)

I wanted to marry you, and since you don’t know your TIN, you are unreliable! I'll go to the Academy of Civil Service to look for a fiance!

We liked you very much (groom's name) that he is faithful to his betrothed, you do not stare at other beauties. Okay, take the keys to the apartment where (name of the bride) lives!

Your last task:
Shout the phrase: "I love you" so that it can be heard through the closed doors!

(the groom is given the key).

Every bride and groom want their wedding celebration to be unforgettable not only for them, but also for the guests. This can be done with the help of a joke police-style bride price, in which everyone present can be involved.

The historical roots of the ransom of the bride lie in the Slavic rite of matchmaking. In times of strict moral rules, it was customary to send matchmakers for a kind of collusion, followed by betrothal and wedding rites.

In those days, such a ransom of the bride, as we know it now, did not exist. With our ancestors, everything was much more serious: the groom paid for the lady of the heart with real money or property.

From the side of the bride, there was also a material contribution to the financing of the future family. And he was called "dowry".

Over time, this tradition began to be forgotten. Morals became freer and the ransom of the bride was transformed into a comic ritual that amuses and entertains guests at the wedding. And the groom makes him work a little on solving all sorts of charades and take part in competitions and tests.

Interesting! It will also turn out fun if you conduct a bride price in the style of "traffic police" or in the format of a medical examination.

A little earlier, such a ransom would have been called « ransom of the bride in the style of the police. The script has largely remained unchanged since then, and the popularity of this captivating wedding performance has not declined. Buying the bride in the style of the police is an interesting and exciting action. In order to make it as impressive as possible, use the appropriate attributes:

  • police uniform (male or female required);
  • stationery (folder, pen, notepad);
  • voice recorder, video camera;
  • police baton.

How can a police-style bride price be held? The ransom scenario consists of several scenes that you can diversify with contests at your discretion. There is no strictly defined sequence between tests and competitions. But there is a prerequisite: first there is a meeting of the groom. And it can be played in different ways. In police-style bride price, the groom is always stopped by someone from the Love Police Service.

Reasons for stopping the groom may be as follows:

  • exceeding the speed of the car;
  • search for the bride and suspicion of kidnapping;
  • travel / passage through the prohibition sign, previously installed on the groom's path;
  • entry by wedding car into the speeding zone;
  • operation "interception".

The ransom of the bride in the style of police officers can be played not only by "cops", but also by "traffic police officers". If possible, real police officers are invited to play the role of actors. They have worked out manners of behavior and conversation with people, so the spectacle will look more real than comic. There are times when the groom does not immediately understand that he is being played and begins to get really worried and worried that he is delaying his wedding.

The purpose of the stop is the lack of rights to family life. To get them, you need to pass several tests in the form of contests and sweepstakes. Throughout the ransom, the groom can be helped by his friends.

The wedding cortege is stopped by a police officer, in whose hand is a “vehicle speed detector”. The role of this device can be performed by a hair dryer. The policeman starts asking questions:

It turns out that the groom is going to the bride, but has no rights to family life. If a police officer is presented with a real driver's license, he replies: “Everyone has such a license now. Where are your rights to family life?” And offers to go to the "Police Department".

Next to the makeshift department, a sale of "rights" was organized. But in order to receive them, the groom must pass various tests. The leitmotif of the competitions: we must understand why you are getting married and whether you are suitable for the role of a husband.

There are several options.

The groom is brought to the wall, on which several targets for throwing darts are fixed. There are two photos on each target: one of the bride, the second - of some wealthy and famous person. The groom must throw darts and hit the "competitors". If he accidentally hits a bride, he pays a fine.

The groom is brought to the wall, on which there is one target. Nearby is a dart vendor. Each sector of the target is paper and signed on the reverse side. The inscriptions tell the reason why the groom is getting married. There are different options:

  • ran out of clean socks;
  • I want cutlets and borscht;
  • it happened;
  • friends advised, etc.

In the central part of the target there is a circle, on the reverse side of which is written: because I love. The groom must fall into this circle. For each dart, you need to pay a ransom in the form of a banknote.

Since no right is given without a certificate of passing a medical commission, the groom will have to undergo a medical examination in the "nurse's office".

The nurse invites the groom to walk along a path of footprints drawn on sheets of paper that can lie on the ground and be glued to the wall. In the latter case, the groom's friends help him hit the trail with his foot, lifting his comrade in their arms.

The groom is offered to blow into the pipe. Her role can be a children's pipe, a horn or a real musical instrument.

In this test, the groom must shout as loudly as possible that he loves his bride. And screams until she looks out of the window or balcony.

The nurse notes the time and invites the groom to name 10 affectionate names of his wife in 10 seconds. Help from friends is allowed. The groom can also ask for "help from the hall".

Upon completion of all tests, the nurse issues a certificate to the groom with the diagnosis: “In love”.

The groom must pass two exams: on the knowledge of important numbers and dates and on the rules of family life.

The exam can be done in two ways. In the first, the groom is brought to the wall, on which sheets of paper with numbers are fixed. The groom must guess what each of the dates means, what event it refers to. For each wrong answer there is a penalty. In guessing the dates, the groom can help friends. The exam ends after all dates have been guessed.

In the second option - on the contrary. The facilitator asks the groom questions, and he must accurately indicate the date that corresponds to the answer. Question options:

  • the waist of the bride;
  • mother-in-law's birthday;
  • how much does his young wife weigh in grams;
  • how many guests are invited to the wedding;
  • bride's height in millimeters;
  • how many seconds have passed since the day we met.

The ransom organizer attaches several signs to the wall, which use the symbols of ordinary road signs. But there is a completely different meaning. Sign options:

  • crossed out turn to the left - should not "go left";
  • drawn spoon with a fork - should wash the dishes;
  • running children - strive to have children and create a large family.

The groom is invited to show his skill in swaddling babies. The role of the child is a witness or a friend of the groom. After swaddling, the "baby" needs to be given a pacifier, bottle-fed and rocked.

This test can be complicated: offer to put the "child" on an impromptu changing table and then swaddle him. You can also suggest putting an adult diaper on the “baby”.

Interesting! Find out how the redemption of the bride takes place in the style of the Ministry of Emergencies. And in this article - the features of the ransom of the bride in the style of Chicago.

After completing all the tests and exams, the presenter reports that the newlywed is ready for the start of family life and he can be given the appropriate rights. But to get them you need a photo of the groom. To this end, he is invited to the "photo studio" for a photo shoot.

The photographer takes a picture and gives the groom a photo taken in advance in Photoshop, on which the groom's face with some additions: donkey ears, thick cheeks, a long beard.

When the groom refuses to take such a photo, he pays for the next one. And so several times in a row. Having chosen the photo he likes, he passes it to the “police officer”. Next comes the process of registration of rights and their solemn presentation.

The wedding organizer needs to warn the witness about the upcoming ransom and agree with him all the details of this action. Money will be needed to pay the fines, and the witness must prepare a sufficient number of banknotes in advance.

The bride will also need help. She must inform the organizer of significant dates for the newlyweds, provide photographs of the groom, give his shoes in order to make prints of footprints. The bride must be warned that the groom will scream her name and confess his love. And he will do this until she appears in a place convenient for this competition: in a window, on a balcony, on a terrace.

In this video, a police-style bride ransom is filmed from beginning to end. The video script can serve as the basis for creating your own script to act out at the wedding. And you can make a more original version: the ransom of the bride in the style of the police in verse!

As a rule, the ransom attracts the attention of children and passers-by. A crowd gathers around the characters and there is noise. The leader has to speak very loudly, or even shout, in order to be heard. Especially a lot of trouble is caused by children who begin to beg for money, run around, and make noise.

The problem can be solved in two ways:

  • use a megaphone (which is not always convenient);
  • instruct 2-3 guests to keep order and take away overly active children.

The ransom of the bride is always an interesting and cheerful performance. But no less exciting is the preparation for it, especially if it is a bride price in the style of the police. The video of this wedding performance will remind the spouses of one of the happiest and most interesting days in their life together.

At the threshold of the bride's house, the "retinue" of the groom is met by a witness, relatives and friends of the bride.

There are a lot of guests
From all distant volosts.
At the parade, everyone is beautiful,
It's a miracle, it's a miracle!
Come on, guests, do not grumble!
May I ask you a question?
Why are you like this, the whole herd
Surrounded by this house?
What draws you to this place?
Answer me...
(Guests answer: Bride!).

Oh, bride, say
Well, then don't bother.
Prepare to give a ransom
To take the bride.
In the house of all the guests do not count,
But the owner of the house is the father-in-law.
So anxious, sick...
If he does not drink, he will die!
You, guests, for appearances,
Yes, according to our custom
Give him some vodka
So that there is no grief in the house.
(The witness gives the ransom - vodka).

Oh, and how the mother-in-law is crying!
My daughter won't let me out of the house.
But we will convince her
If we give her champagne!
(The witness gives the ransom - champagne).

Oh, and the aunts are roaring!
Tears flow day and night!
But they love candy
Will give for candy!
You look more
There are exactly thirty-three aunts.
(The witness gives the ransom - sweets).

Here I am again in thought -
Recalcitrant uncles!
Uncles - everything is like a selection -
We have an agreement with them -
I will put the number of wine in a row -
Move to our squad.
(The witness gives the ransom - wine).

Oh, and grandmothers... Atas!
Waiting, you see, money from you.
They don't get paid a pension.
So they cry, oh, how they cry!
So, you try here
Deal with grandmothers.
(The witness gives the ransom - money).

Fortunately, we have one grandfather ...
But he is master of the house.
Him apples on a grater
Family rubs day and night.
Yes, let's leave the chatter
I'm waiting for grandfather apples.
(The witness gives the ransom - apples).

And there are a lot of kids in the house!
What are you darker than clouds?
Don't guess too long
Give the guys coins.
(The witness gives the ransom - a trifle).

And how my friends suffer!
They know neither sleep nor rest.
If we give them money,
Then, come on, let's persuade ...
(The witness is again calculated in money).

Oh, there are still many neighbors ...
To hell with them, by God!
The bride must be remembered
What is missing - make up.

Here are three bouquets with us,
Answer us now -
Hey, which one will you take?
What will you give her as a gift?
The witness offers three packaged bouquets - one contains a homemade broom, the second contains a bath broom, and the third contains wedding flowers. The groom points to one of the bouquets, if it is taken incorrectly, the witness demands a ransom.

Apparently, they messed up a little,
If you took a bath broom.
For trying for the second
Give some money...

Oh, this one doesn't work either.
Know you have to pay.

Witness: Well, this bouquet is in place,
The bride will love it.
Now it's time to go -
Just what's on the way?

On the door of the bride's house there is a sign “Cooperative for the issuance of brides.

In our house, businessmen -
Real talents.
The chance was not missed -
The cooperative was opened.
You will be found by order
Quickly, clearly, right away.
The witness opens the door to the bride's house. Right at the threshold, two or three girlfriends drink tea, sitting at a coffee table. On the table is a sign "Lunch break from ... to ... hours." And the time of arrival of the groom to the bride's house is indicated.

Yes... Dinner... That's bad luck...
A bribe is your luck.
Give businessmen a bribe
And choose a bride!
The groom and the witness give the bridesmaids a "bribe". They put three bowls on the table, in which three "barrels" from "kinder surprises" are placed. They contain cards with the signs of the bride. Near each bowl there is an index: "Height", "Eye color", "Name".

Here is a computer - a pointer.
Get it right here, buddy.
It's clear, it's clear
All information is paid.

Witness (addressing guests):
Well, fiance, you try
Look, don't be mistaken.
Help him -
He became a beggar in our house.

The groom chooses a keg from the first bowl. Variants of inscriptions on the cards: "Eiffel Tower", "Forest honey agaric" and the third with an indication of the bride's height. If the groom chooses the wrong "information" - he pays a fine.

You do not judge us strictly,
Do not need a tower - pay.

If you don't need honey agaric -
We are waiting for your money again.

With growth, we figured it out.
Well, fiance, buckle up.
Let's look for the right color.
Which one do you want to take?

The groom chooses one of the "barrels". Variants of inscriptions on the cards: "Gray-brown-crimson", "Black with yellow polka dots" and the color of the eyes of the bride.

We didn't like the color?
But we are still waiting for payment.
Oh, what a whim!
Hurry, it's lunch time.
Well, the last task.
Money to us - if failure.

The groom chooses a barrel, which now contains a card with a name. Variants of inscriptions on the cards: "Tractorina", "Olympic Games" and the name of the bride.

Do you need the Olympics?
And you need money to work.
What is your mine?
Not satisfied with Traktorina?
Do you still have some money?
We are waiting guys!

The groom pays off for "mistakes".

Well, everyone was pleased, sort of...
We announce in front of the people -
We have such a girl.
Go straight ahead, turn left here.
Here she is, her light,
Here the bride languishes.
Addressing the bride, the witness praises the groom.
Your fiancé promises
Be gentle, be quiet.
He won't forget this day
He will carry bags of money.
He will give everyone, please,
Do not run away from worries.
He took everything, as they say.
How do you like the groom?

The bride replies: Good!

Take care of the bride, groom,
From adversity and dashing storms.
To flourish, to bear fruit,
Happiness in her is yours - take care of her!
Well, we are here with the whole herd
Let's pour some cups together.
Guests and newlyweds go to register the marriage.

The host of the wedding celebration, together with the groom's parents, meets the young people and addresses them.

Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the people dearest to you - your parents - meet you here. Mom has a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity.
Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange slices of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other.
Music sounds, exclamations of guests, the newlyweds “feed” each other.

Well, we found out who in the family will be the breadwinner. Well done fiance! And now parting words of parents before family life.

The groom's parents say parting words to the newlyweds.

And now the way for the couple -
May only happiness await in life.
Come on, hurry up
The wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
To the wedding hospitality.
The newlyweds pass along the corridor formed by the guests, take their place at the wedding table.

Dear newlyweds!
Today you got married.
Happy day for you.
Once you lit the beacon of love,
May it shine on you for the rest of your life.
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music - for you!
You have beautiful outfits
We are starting this feast.
Complied with articles, rituals,
Love, advice to you, eternal peace.
In anticipation of family ties,
When hearts and souls are wide open
We bless your union
For permanence and happiness!
Well, the guests stood up together,
The glasses were cheerfully raised.
Let's wish them much happiness
And three times we say together:

The guests are chanting.

It's time for everyone to drink
Friendly newlyweds:

Guests pick up -
- Hooray!

So that happiness is in full,
Drain the glasses to the bottom!
After the first wedding toast, you can introduce the guests to the rules of conduct at the wedding.

Opening the celebration
And greeting you all
We would like to be together
Bring the Decree to you.
He touches the guests -
How to behave, keep.
And, of course, this decree
Everyone must comply.
Well, first, to the wedding
was merry,
It is necessary that the whole estate
Ate and drank a lot.
Stealing a bride is a custom
But we immediately say -
Stealing is not a fight, but decently,
How to take a fifth.
You can take the shoes off the bride
Only with cunning, with the mind,
And again, carefully
And not at the table.
Kohl stolen, your price
Should be announced immediately
And our bride is not allowed
Keep barefoot for half an hour.
And the bride, shoes too.
It's not good to steal twice
So that you are not more expensive
Don't take the groom at all!
Well, if you are not timid,
The shoe was stolen, moreover,
Drink not from shoes, from a pile,
Perched above the heel.
And, of course, this stack,
Having appeased dashing guests,
According to the people's will
The witness drinks, not the groom!
Place for honeymooners
No one to occupy.
Well, for the bride and groom,
For Decree! Please raise!

The second toast at the wedding is traditionally proclaimed to the parents. They say words of congratulations, wishes, parting words to the newlyweds. After congratulations, the presenter asks the newlyweds to bow to their parents.

Dear newlyweds!
For your wide roads,
For the paths that opened before you,
And for not going astray.
Bow down to your parents
For birth and anxiety
That they have already forgiven you.
Bow down to your parents
Let sometimes be strict
So they wanted your happiness,
So I wanted to save from misfortune.
Let's raise the hello
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life knew neither sleep nor peace.
For those who saved for them great happiness!

The guests standing support a toast to their parents.

Dear witnesses, attention! We offer you the game "Tic Tac Toe". With its help, we will check which of you is more worried about the young family and will provide her with more tangible support in life. Answering my questions, the witness puts a cross, the witness puts a zero.
The presenter shows the witnesses a playing field of nine cells, gives the witnesses markers and starts the game.

Put an end to a carefree life ..

The witness, starting the game, puts a cross in one of the cells.

From the days of careless remains zero ...

Now the witness puts a zero where she wants.

Now it has become known to everyone around
That you took the wheel with the young.
Therefore, everywhere, in everything, always
We must help the newlyweds.
Calling you to the oath, toastmaster
He will ask you to draw the answer here.
You need peace, peace in the family to keep,
Protect them from betrayal, separation.
So that the groom does not know other brides,
We put an end to the life of a bachelor.
And if the wife is on a business trip,
The witness can deftly
Clean up, cook, wash,
But the bed ... Do not borrow!

Continuing the game, the witness, in response to the question, puts a zero in the cage.

If the husband is busy until night,
Witness, as it were, by the way,
Zhenya will show many places
Cheerful noisy ... What is here? - Cross!
Witnesses swear again
If there are children, then we are ready
Play a role for mom and dad.
Don't start yours yet. Here - zero!
If their affairs do not go uphill,
That will help them.
Create your "Hoper-Invest",
Put a cross on the life of the poor!
And if they're still hungry,
Suddenly get sick, lose weight,
And they will switch to bread and salt.
In support of their stomachs? - Zero!
The last cell is filled with the words:

So let the bride and groom live,
They always come first!
Let them live without knowing losses
And every year more fun
Let the family experience be calculated
With tens and zeros.
The presenter sums up the game between the witnesses, determines the winner, hands him a bottle of champagne, where instead of a label there is a photograph of the newlyweds with their autographs.

For those who, taking honorable care,
From now on, I owe many years in a row
Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure,
So that there is peace and harmony in the family,
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, joyful, big
Before their silver wedding at the beginning,
Well, and then - before the wedding golden!
Our guests, as you can see,
For young witnesses!

At one of the moments of the wedding feast, the host offers to get to know each other better with the help of a test.

Take a look, dear guests, in what color clothes did you come to the wedding celebration.
Who came in red clothes? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, they appreciate the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in a sense, for a great feeling. They prefer to spend holidays and vacations in the south.
Who is wearing white? Often naive, honest people, with a spotless reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to rest among the snowy plains and polar bears.
The black color of the clothes indicates that we have talented people who are able to bewitch absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, prolific in everything! They like to relax in the country with lovers.
Blue clothes guarantee their owners a noble origin, romance. These are faithful, glorious people, they literally worry about everything and everyone. They love to relax everywhere, just to fly by plane or sail on a ship.
The green color of the outfit indicates that these are people overwhelmed with hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation, they prefer the nearby forest.
Who came in yellow clothes? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but ... insidious. From jewelry prefer gold. Strive to occupy a place in the upper class. They like to relax on the Golden Sands. They like to listen to the "Golden Ring", they like to be called "Golden Ring".
Thank you dear guests! So we have become a little closer and more understandable to each other.

The presenter announces the hour for the presentation of gifts, and together with the witnesses, brings out a large, beautifully designed jar with a wide neck.

The Swiss bank opened its branch.
I have it in my hands - reliable and beautiful.
The Swiss bank sent us such a safe,
So that young people would live happily.
We take stones and furs,
Banknotes of any color.
We will open a bank together with you,
And let's have a cup of tea.
We are glad to all the guests at the wedding,
We open an account for the newlyweds.
Contribute quickly -
Philanthropists - honor!

The presenter and witnesses go around the guests, who congratulate the young, drink a glass of wine for their health and put postcards and envelopes in the “bank”.

At the noisy wedding table
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness
Light you now together
Star of hope and dreams.
The newlyweds approach the music to a special place where a beautiful large candle is fixed, holding candles in their hands. In advance, the host arranges candles on the tables of the guests, asks when the newlyweds light their “star”, so that the guests also light candles on the tables. After the "star" of the young people is lit, the young people dance the wedding dance.

So let this bright light
You shine in life to the end,
So that endlessly, for many years
Two rings intertwined...

At the height of the wedding fun, the host offers the guests the game "In the Bottle". Brings out a large inflatable bottle of champagne that will spin up in the game. On the tray - a place with words. Guests stand in a circle, leading in the center.

Whom the bottle points to, he takes a card with a word, and I explain the meaning of this word in our kissing game.

The bottle is untwisted, during the game the cards are sorted out. Here are the words and their meanings.

Fur - kiss the neighbors of all.
Pipes - kiss a neighbor on the lips.
Point - whoever you want, kiss on the cheek.
Arrow - let the girls kiss you.
Fingers - let the boys kiss you.
Verse - the groom will send an air kiss.
Bride - kiss the one whose place is next.

Seeing off the newlyweds, you can arrange a "Rite of farewell to the veil." Guests stand in a circle, music.

Now you are together, you are one
And therefore it is necessary
Quietly remove the veil from the bride,
Say goodbye to girlhood.

The bride takes off her veil and gives it to her mother.

Take off the veil, beautiful bride,
And here the applause will be in place.
Kiss the husband, the young wife
In the holy moment of unity!

The newlyweds leave the circle, leaving the guests.