
What to eat to increase hemoglobin in a child. How to increase hemoglobin in a child: basic methods. Drugs for the treatment of childhood anemia

Hemoglobin is a complex protein found in red blood cells. The main purpose of hemoglobin is the transport of oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the human body. If the body lacks this oxygen, the child quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic, and often gets sick. Normally, the hemoglobin level can vary from 110 to 150 g per liter of blood, depending on the age of the child.

Hemoglobin is most often reduced due to an unbalanced diet, when the body lacks minerals and vitamins. However, a decrease in hemoglobin can be the result of serious blood loss, autoimmune diseases, long-term infectious diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis).

How to understand that a child has low hemoglobin

Usually, parents learn about a reduced hemoglobin from blood tests. However, sometimes low hemoglobin can be determined by the condition and behavior of the baby. Often a child comes home from school very tired, sleeps a lot, gets tired quickly after physical or mental stress. Your son or daughter may feel dizzy, the child often gets colds. Among the external signs, one can note cyanosis of the lips, brittle nails and hair, shortness of breath appears even with light physical exercises. The skin of a child with low hemoglobin becomes pale and flaky. If you notice this condition in your child, immediately donate blood for analysis to find out the level of hemoglobin. If this figure is below normal, you need to urgently change the diet.

What is a balanced diet

Most publications say "balanced nutrition". What is this balance? What should be the diet of a child so that every day he gets the right amount of vitamins and minerals? In fact, everything is very simple. Every day, a person (adult or child) should consume five types of different foods so that his body does not need anything.

  1. Cereals. Most often we use them in the morning - in various cereals. If every day a child eats porridge (different every day), then there can be no talk of any imbalance in nutrition. Buckwheat, pearl barley, lentils, rye are the best help to increase hemoglobin.
  2. Dairy products. In the child's diet should be milk porridge, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk - what he loves. Every day, one dairy. However, remember that calcium interferes with the absorption of iron, which is so necessary to increase hemoglobin. Therefore, milk should be eaten separately from iron-containing foods.
  3. Meat. Hemoglobin is very difficult to increase if you do not eat meat. That is why many vegetarians suffer from low hemoglobin. Red meat is a valuable storehouse of iron. Every day in the child's diet should be a piece of meat, at least 100-150 grams. In addition, hemoglobin in a short time will help raise beef offal - liver, heart, tongue. Fish is required once a week.
  4. Vegetables. Eating raw and boiled vegetables is a must. Especially young potatoes, tomatoes, beets, pumpkins, turnips. You can also raise hemoglobin with the help of greens - spinach, parsley, dandelion leaves, turnip tops.
  5. Fruits. Every day the baby should eat some kind of fruit. For hemoglobin, apples, apricots, bananas, plums, pears, peaches, quinces and persimmons are best suited. Pomegranate is especially rich in iron, but it should not be eaten by children with a tendency to constipation.

In addition to these mandatory items, walnuts, eggs, mushrooms, dried fruits, red and black caviar, currants, cranberries, hematogen, dark chocolate will help restore immunity. When compiling a diet, remember that good nutrition can raise hemoglobin better than any medicine and improve your child's health.

How to raise hemoglobin in a child

Here are some more tips to help you raise your hemoglobin levels in your blood.

  1. Since your child does not have enough oxygen in the blood, you need to do physical education more often, walk in forested areas. In nature, the child will be able to saturate the body with oxygen and properly relax.
  2. If the child is small and rather capricious in food, you need to prepare special sweets for him. Scroll dried apricots, raisins and walnuts through a meat grinder. Pour honey into the mass and mix thoroughly. Roll up small balls from the resulting porridge. Your child will certainly like such a delicacy, because the balls are tasty and sweet.
  3. Prepare a healing agent that will raise hemoglobin in a few days. Grate the radish, beets and carrots. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mass. Carefully wring out all this porridge. Let the child drink the resulting juice, one tablespoon in the morning and evening. Very soon, his health will improve significantly.
  4. Various berries, especially mountain ash, cranberries and black currants, help to fight very well with low hemoglobin. Berries can be eaten fresh, in the form of jam, frozen, grated with sugar. Your child will definitely like this treatment.
  5. Many traditional healers advise raising hemoglobin with dandelion jam. It is very easy to cook it. Gather dandelion flowers early in the morning and add them to the pot. Add a liter of water so that the liquid covers half of the flowers. Put half a lemon without peel into the mass and cook over low heat for about an hour. After this, the broth should be filtered and add three glasses of sugar to it. Not only is jam very useful, it is also incredibly tasty.
  6. Lungwort will help raise hemoglobin and immunity. Its decoction is able to stimulate the production of new blood cells. The flowers and stems of a young plant can be eaten without any processing, but most often a decoction is prepared from the lungwort. Pour boiling water over the stems and leaves, let it brew for about an hour, and then strain. Drink the resulting decoction in half a glass in the morning and evening.
  7. Among the recipes of traditional medicine there is one indispensable remedy for low hemoglobin. This recipe is also used for diseases of the thyroid gland - with a lack of iodine in the body. Take unripe green nuts and grind their kernels. Pour two glasses of kernels with a liter of natural honey. The tincture should be infused for three months in a dark place. Every day, the composition must be thoroughly mixed. When the medicine is ready, take a tablespoon before each meal, 3-5 times a day. Full course of treatment - until the entire container runs out. After such a medicine, you can forget about the problem of low hemoglobin, at least for the next six months.

Poor health, depression and high fatigue are common companions of the autumn-winter period. But you do not need to take it for granted and put up with this state of affairs. Improve your child's hemoglobin so that school lessons are not in vain. The good mood of the child is your merit, and autumn is not a reason for the blues!

Video: how to increase hemoglobin at home

Even a slight iron deficiency in the baby's body can cause anemia and other diseases. It has been proven that a decrease in the level of iron in the blood leads to severe changes in the internal organs, which is very difficult to cure. Meanwhile, iron deficiency states are very well treatable. So let's not start anemia, for a growing organism it is very bad. Let's treat anemia at the first sign.

Specialists identify a certain age when it is especially necessary to monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood of infants. This is 4-5 months for premature babies and those who are bottle-fed, and 6 months for infants. As a rule, by this time, the supply of iron received in utero ends in the body of the crumbs. And if the intake of an important macronutrient from food is not enough, the child develops anemia.

Speaking of signs. It often happens that test results do not indicate the onset of anemia. Other facts speak about the development of this disease. They should not hide from the gaze of an attentive parent. The child is inactive and pale, he has a poor appetite. It seems that the child already wakes up tired, without strength for games and fun. The disease is also evidenced by dry skin, changes in the structure of hair and nails. Often there is constipation, vomiting immediately after eating. Why does hemoglobin decrease in a child?

Causes of anemia in children

  • Eating disorder. If you are breastfeeding, your diet may not be rich in iron. Therefore, if tests have shown that your child has this disease, urgently review his or your menu!
  • Blood loss. Often hemoglobin drops due to injuries with severe blood loss. The body does not have time to replenish the level of red blood cells, and hence hemoglobin.
  • period of active growth. In adolescence, the body increases metabolic processes, spending a large amount of oxygen. The production of hemoglobin is slower than the breakdown, so an iron-deficient state occurs.

The norm of hemoglobin in a child

It is believed that the norm of hemoglobin content in the blood of a child is 110-140 g / l. If the indicators are lower, the doctor will prescribe a diet or prescribe drugs to increase the level of iron in the blood, in the case when these numbers differ significantly from the norm.

Why is anemia dangerous?

  • Firstly, hemoglobin is responsible for the transport of oxygen, and therefore for the proper development of the whole organism.
  • Secondly, it supports the body's resistance to various infections.
  • Thirdly, the deficiency of this substance increases the load on vital organs.

Feeding a child with anemia

Breastfed babies do not need to change their usual diet until 5-6 months. And even more so, you should not introduce apple juice drop by drop from the age of three weeks. Let mom enrich her menu with the necessary products. It's much more efficient.

Is the child eating an adapted formula? Modern mixtures with are enriched with iron, and its additional introduction is not required. Which mixture to choose, the pediatrician will tell you after a thorough examination of the baby. If the time has come to introduce complementary foods, the specialist will probably recommend starting with vegetables that include iron (spinach, Brussels sprouts), cereals (especially buckwheat). Then move on to meat (beef, turkey, chicken).

Doctors advise from a very early age to form the taste preferences of children so that later they do not have problems with all kinds of deficiencies. Leafy greens, wholemeal bread, various types of meat and fish, offal, cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits - all this should be included in the diet of a child after 12 months of life.

For regular drinking, offer your child a rosehip broth or dried fruit compote - they also have a lot of iron.

Treatment of anemia in children

Outdoor walks are essential. Due to the lack of oxygen in the child's body, he needs to spend 4-6 hours outside every day. Gymnastics will also benefit, hardening - in the fresh air. In the warm season, the child should be in a well-ventilated area. Sleeping with an open window should become the rule!

How to increase hemoglobin in a child with folk remedies

The diet of a child or a nursing mother should be based on a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables. Pay special attention to spinach and zucchini. Be sure to eat red meat and liver. From cereals, give preference to unground buckwheat and oatmeal with preserved grain shell.

In addition, try these folk recipes, they have long proven themselves in the fight against anemia.

  • Rosehip infusion (1 glass), lemon juice, honey (1 spoon). Consume after meals 2 times a day for half a cup;
  • Juice: mix freshly squeezed juices - carrot, apple, beetroot in equal parts. Drink half a glass after meals.
  • A mixture of nuts and dried fruits: mix a glass of dried apricots, raisins, nuts, prunes, grind everything, add honey, lemon with zest. Consume 1 to 3 tablespoons per day depending on age. Make sure the child is not allergic to formula ingredients.

We learned what foods to eat, as well as many safe recipes on how to increase hemoglobin in a child.

But it also happens that iron deficiency is very seriously neglected, and you need to fill it up quickly enough. In this case, folk remedies alone are not enough. Then you can consult a doctor so that he prescribes drugs that increase hemoglobin to the child.

Medicines to increase hemoglobin in children

Children are usually prescribed Maltofer, Ferrum-Lek, Totem. The most effective means with ferrous iron. They are quickly and efficiently absorbed into the blood.

In addition to these drugs, multivitamin complexes are required, since iron deficiency leads to metabolic disorders. And in this case, treatment should be comprehensive.

The use of drugs that increase hemoglobin is recommended between meals or after meals at night. The dosage is selected only by the doctor. An overdose can lead to problems and adverse reactions. It is best to evaluate the results in a month.

Properly selected treatment is the key to a quick recovery. Choose, consult, you will succeed!

This disease has become even more common than in adults. This is due to the anatomical immaturity of the hematopoietic organs, resulting from the negative influence of a number of environmental factors. Anemia is usually divided into several varieties, among which the most common is the so-called deficiency anemia. Somewhat less common is hemolytic anemia due to the destruction of red blood cells, anemia after severe blood loss, hereditary anemia, etc.

If the child's diet is a large proportion, then do not try to reduce its consumption in favor of complementary foods. Breast milk contains a protein called lactoferrin, which contains iron ions. The bioavailability of iron from this protein is about 60%, while from other products it rarely exceeds 20%. In addition, the immature enzymatic system of the baby is not yet ready for the full digestion of "adult" food.

If the child is bottle-fed, or is already old enough, then adjust his diet in favor of foods containing a large amount of substances that raise hemoglobin. Iron is best absorbed from meat products, especially beef, where the bioavailability of iron is 22%. Iron in fish products has a bioavailability of about 11%. Another large amount of iron is found in buckwheat, peas, egg yolk. You should also take care of sufficient consumption of foods rich in folic acid, vitamins B12 and C. These substances are found in various vegetables and fruits.

In the event that the indicators threaten the health of the child, it is unlikely that it will be possible to manage with dietary adjustment alone, and it may be necessary to give the child iron supplements. The intake of such drugs must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.


Keep in mind that too much iron in the blood is not good either, it can lead to other micronutrient deficiencies, such as zinc and copper. Therefore, the question of the use of iron preparations must be discussed with a qualified hematologist.

Helpful advice

The norm of hemoglobin for children under the age of 5 years is 110 g/l, while there is a physiological decrease in hemoglobin levels up to 100 g/l in the region of one year and almost up to two years. So, with a slight deviation from the norm at this age, you should not panic.

Due to a violation of intrauterine development, a child may be born already with an insufficient content of hemoglobin in the blood. This, in turn, is fraught with delays in mental and mental development, so it is very important to take measures to normalize hemoglobin levels.

Anemia in children under three years old is diagnosed in 50% of cases, in adolescents in 30% of cases. This is one of the most common pathologies in children. In 80% it is caused by iron deficiency. Due to the prevalence of the disease, many neglect full-fledged treatment, replacing medication with diet. According to the opinion of an authoritative researcher of the problems of anemia L.I. Idelson, it is impossible to compensate for the lack of hemoglobin only at the expense of food, diet is only an auxiliary tool. At the same time, it has been proven that a long-term hemoglobin deficiency can lead to a delay in the mental and physical development of a child. Therefore, even the treatment of mild anemia without taking iron supplements will be ineffective, and moreover, dangerous. This article will discuss how to raise hemoglobin in a child and what drugs to choose for this.

How to increase the level of hemoglobin in a child depends primarily on age. It is important to choose the right medication and dosage of the medications taken. Iron supplements are absorbed differently and can cause a host of side effects. For this reason, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all the characteristics of the body and the course of the disease.

Causes and symptoms of anemia in children

Signs of low hemoglobin in a child are often absent or can be attributed to age and other health problems. Therefore, anemia is detected only after a general blood test. After identifying anemia, the pediatrician decides how to raise the hemoglobin in the child.

Symptoms of anemia in children:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • General weakness and fatigue;
  • Changes in the skin - dryness, pallor;
  • Lag in weight gain according to age;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Mental and physical developmental delay;
  • Pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • Pronounced nasolabial triangle;
  • Blueness of the ears;
  • Reduced immunity, as a result, frequent viral and infectious diseases;
  • Increased sweating.

In adolescence, the listed symptoms may include:

  • muscle weakness;
  • Irritability and tearfulness;
  • Deterioration of memory and learning ability;
  • depressive states.

The severity of symptoms depends on the age of the child. In younger children, they are less noticeable than in older ones. There is also a relationship between the severity of symptoms and the degree of development of anemia. The lower the hemoglobin index, the greater the set and brightness of symptoms can be observed in a child.

The reasons for which the level of hemoglobin may decrease can be physiological and pathological. Depending on this, a method is selected how to raise hemoglobin in a child.

Anemia in infants develops as a result of:

  • Lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid;
  • Insufficient complementary foods or late introduction of them;
  • Unbalanced diet of a nursing mother;
  • developmental pathology.

In the youngest children, hemoglobin levels are especially unstable, so it is important for parents to know how to raise the hemoglobin of the chest. Which remedies work, and which ones are useless or even dangerous.

A lack of hemoglobin in children during adolescence is considered almost inevitable, so mothers need to know how to raise hemoglobin in a child. It occurs due to the accelerated growth of muscle mass and puberty, during this period the body's need for iron increases dramatically, and it is extremely difficult to obtain the required daily dose from food alone.

There are common causes for children of all ages that can provoke anemia:

  • Worm infestations;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Rare walks in the fresh air;
  • Taking certain medications.

Treatment in the presence of a diagnosis is necessary. But how to raise hemoglobin in the blood of a child? Taking iron supplements is recommended without fail. In addition, therapy can be supported by diet and the introduction of vitamin complexes. The latter is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamin B12, which is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of iron. A set of specific measures is selected taking into account age characteristics, the way how to raise hemoglobin in a small child and which drug to choose is determined by the pediatrician.

How to raise hemoglobin in an infant

One of the most difficult questions is how to raise hemoglobin in a newborn baby. He does not yet eat adult food, and medications can cause side effects.

If a child is on hv (breastfeeding), how to raise hemoglobin? There are not many options: through mother's milk and by taking iron supplements in the form of drops. A nursing mother should balance her diet and include foods rich in iron, vitamins B12 and C. These are beef, offal, vegetables, greens.

Important! When planning the diet of a nursing mother, it is necessary to exclude foods that can cause allergies in a baby, since it is important to raise the hemoglobin of a baby with minimal harm to his body.

How to raise hemoglobin in an infant with medication? Iron preparations are introduced gradually. Reception begins with the minimum dose of the drug. Within a few days, it is brought to therapeutic. This is necessary for the timely assessment of the reaction of the child's body to the drug and the addiction of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

If a nursing mother suffers from a lack of iron, then the baby will soon have the same problem. Therefore, it is important to know how to raise hemoglobin for a nursing mother and child at the same time. In this case, taking an iron-containing drug for the mother is mandatory, the appointment of drug treatment for the child is made by a pediatrician based on a blood test.

How to raise hemoglobin in breastfed babies

Formula-fed babies are advised to eat special mixtures with a high iron content. This measure will allow you to slightly adjust the level of hemoglobin, but taking iron supplements with a serious deviation from the norm is necessary. The most convenient form of release of such drugs for young children is drops.

Formula-fed children with reduced hemoglobin need to reduce or completely exclude cow's milk from the diet - calcium binds iron and does not allow it to be absorbed.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child under 1 year old

At the age of 1 year, the treatment of anemia is complicated by the inability to use many foods high in iron and vitamin complexes, while how to raise hemoglobin in infants? To answer this question, it is important to identify the cause of anemia.

In children under 1 year of age, the development of anemia may be due to physiological causes. In a baby born on time, iron deficiency occurs by the 6th month of life, during which time he uses the microelement reserves received by him in the womb. Therefore, every mother should know how to recognize a low rate in a baby and how to raise hemoglobin in a child at the age of 6 months. In premature infants, anemia appears as early as 2 months of age. Pediatricians are ready for such a development of events and select a way to raise the child's hemoglobin at 2 months in advance and be sure to inform the mother about this.

The norm of iron intake in babies up to 3 months is at least 4 mg, by the year the need increases to 10 mg. For comparison, buckwheat contains 8 mg of non-heme iron per 100 g, but no more than 6% of iron is absorbed by the body. Heme iron contained in animal products is absorbed better - up to 35%. However, this is not enough to treat anemia, so the use of iron supplements as the main treatment and diet as an additional is recommended.

How to raise hemoglobin in a child up to a year old at different age periods, see the table.

Child's age Norm of hemoglobin (M/F) How to boost
How to raise hemoglobin in a child through milk according to age Correction of the nutrition of a nursing mother. Taking iron supplements in the form of drops
How to raise hemoglobin in a bottle-fed baby according to age The introduction of mixtures with a high content of iron. Exclusion or reduction of consumption of cow's milk. Taking iron supplements in the form of drops
How to increase hemoglobin in a month old baby In the first 3 days - 145-225 g / l. At the age of 1 week - 135-215 g / l. 14 days - 125-205 g / l. By 1 month - 100-180 g / l
How to raise hemoglobin in a 2 month old baby 90-140 g/l Depending on the type of feeding: mixtures with a high iron content or a change in the diet of a nursing mother. Iron preparations in the form of drops
How to raise hemoglobin in a three-month-old baby 95-135 g/l Depending on the type of feeding: mixtures with a high iron content or a change in the diet of a nursing mother. Iron preparations in the form of drops
How to raise hemoglobin in a child at 4 months 95-135 g/l With the permission of the pediatrician, you can enter a compote of dried fruits, a rosehip broth. iron preparations. Breastfeeding diet or iron-rich formula
How to raise hemoglobin for a 5 month old baby 95-135 g/l If the child is ready for the introduction of complementary foods: cereals, vegetable and fruit purees. The main source of iron is mother's milk, formula and iron supplements.
How to increase hemoglobin in a 6 month old baby 95-135 g/l Complementary foods: fruit and vegetable purees, compote, rosehip broth. Iron preparations
How to raise hemoglobin in the blood of a 7 month old baby 100-140 g/l Cereals: buckwheat, corn. Fresh vegetables, fruits in the form of puree. Juices, compotes. Iron preparations
How to raise hemoglobin in a child at the age of 8 months 100-140 g/l Introduce egg yolk, meat products in the form of mashed potatoes into the diet. Buckwheat porridge, corn. Vegetables and fruits. Iron preparations
How to raise hemoglobin in a child at the age of 9 months 100-140 g/l You can add rabbit meat, beef, chicken to the diet. Iron supplements are the main treatment for anemia
How to raise hemoglobin in a child at the age of 10 months 100-140 g/l Introduction to the diet of prunes - it has a high content of iron. Iron preparations
How to raise hemoglobin in a child at 11 months 100-140 g/l You can enter fish, vegetables and fruits in small pieces. If breastfeeding is maintained - a diet for the mother. Iron preparations

How to effectively raise hemoglobin in a child under the age of 1 year? In addition to treatment and diet, frequent walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, adherence to sleep and wakefulness are recommended, and it is also desirable to avoid stressful situations.

How to raise hemoglobin in a one-year-old child

If a one-year-old child has low hemoglobin, then how to raise it? The daily requirement for iron in children aged 1 year is 10 mg. The norm of hemoglobin in the blood is 100-140 g / l, with a decrease in the indicator below 100, iron preparations are prescribed. But only if anemia is associated precisely with a microelement deficiency, and not with its poor absorption or other diseases. Excess iron is no less harmful! Therefore, the appointment of drugs for the treatment of anemia can only be prescribed by a specialist.

Ways to raise hemoglobin in a child at 1 year old with iron deficiency anemia are the same as before the year, but taking into account a wider diet, weaning, refusal of the mixture and other factors. The baby can receive more iron from food, but if it deviates from the norm, an iron-containing drug is also prescribed. About how to raise hemoglobin in a child at 1 year old, Dr. Komarovsky says this: proper nutrition can only maintain a normal level of hemoglobin, but it is extremely insufficient to treat anemia. When asked how to raise a child's hemoglobin, Dr. Komarovsky, like most pediatricians, answers unequivocally - take iron supplements.

The pediatrician should determine how to raise hemoglobin in a child with medicines, the first thing he will need to find out is what causes anemia. Only the most common form of iron deficiency is treated with iron preparations; in other forms of the disease, such therapy will not be effective enough.

In addition to treatment, there are other ways to raise hemoglobin in a 1 year old child. From this age, in agreement with the pediatrician, it is possible to take vitamins. For good absorption of iron and hemoglobin synthesis, it is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. Moderate physical activity and healthy sleep are also needed.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child aged 2 years

At the age of 2 years, the baby is already moving to an adult table, so if the hemoglobin is normal, then you can support it with food. In the diet of a healthy child must be present:

  • Meat and offal (beef, pork, poultry, liver);
  • Eggs (egg yolk);
  • Fish;
  • Cereals (buckwheat, wheat);
  • Vegetables, fruits and herbs, dried fruits, berries.

If anemia was detected as a result of the analysis, then how to raise hemoglobin in a child of 2 years old is determined by the pediatrician. In the iron-deficient form, an iron preparation will be prescribed.

Parents are often interested in how to raise hemoglobin in a child of 2 years old, Dr. Komarovsky believes that only by taking medication. Nutrition is able to meet the daily need for a micronutrient, but does not lead to the accumulation of iron stores, so anemia will persist.

How to raise hemoglobin in a child 3 years and older

At the age of 3 years, the child consumes "adult" food. He is already allowed most products with a high content of iron. Therefore, with a balanced diet, the problem of iron deficiency anemia will not arise.

If a blood test showed a low level of hemoglobin, then the first thing to do is to identify the cause of the pathology. Only after that decide how to raise hemoglobin in a child of the 3rd year of life and older.

Children's diet may include hematogen, but only to maintain a normal level of hemoglobin, it is not able to cure anemia, as well as nutritional correction.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child 4 years and older? The daily requirement of a child under 6 years of age in iron is 10 mg, 7-10 years - 12 mg. It can be replenished with such products as: beef, offal (liver, lungs, tongue), pork, fish, fruits, vegetables, berries and greens. The use of vitamin complexes containing vitamins C and B12 is recommended. If the hemoglobin index deviates from the norm by more than 5 mg, it is necessary to take iron-containing preparations in drops or tablets. These are all the possibilities how to raise the hemoglobin in a child aged 4 years and older and keep it normal.

What iron preparations are suitable for children

The process of assimilation of iron in the body of a child from drugs is determined by the group to which this trace element belongs in a particular drug. So ferrous iron is absorbed better than trivalent. It is ferrous iron that is contained in the drug Hemobin. It is made on the basis of purified animal hemoglobin. Heme iron from this preparation is absorbed by 90%. At the same time, Gemobin, unlike most drugs for anemia, does not cause side effects. Its effectiveness was confirmed by clinical trials, during which it was found that the drug is able to restore hemoglobin levels in a short time in both adults and children. None of the people who participated in the study experienced allergic reactions or side effects.

The release form of the drug is tablets. Each contains 4 mg of heme iron and 5 mg of ascorbic acid.

  • Hemobin is introduced gradually, starting with half the dose, with a normal reaction of the child's body, the dosage is increased to therapeutic.
  • Iron is absorbed worse when interacting with food, so it is recommended to take the tablets 1 hour before meals.
  • The general course of taking the drug depends on the degree of anemia, the minimum course of treatment is 20-30 days.
  • Regular blood tests are recommended to monitor changes.
  • Hemobin is available only in tablet form, so for babies they need to be crushed and dissolved in juice, water or food.

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in a child using Hemobin, see the table.

Child's age Daily iron intake Dosage of Hemobin
How to raise hemoglobin in a newborn From 4 mg The first three days ½ tablet per day. Then 1 tablet per day.
How to raise hemoglobin for a month old baby From 4 mg
Low hemoglobin in a child 2 months old how to raise From 4 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a 3 month old baby From 4 mg
How to increase hemoglobin in a child aged 4-5 months 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a child from 6 months to a year 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a child at 1 year old 10 mg The first three days, 1 tablet per day. Then 1 tablet 2 times a day.
How to raise hemoglobin in a child at 1.5 years old 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a 2-4 year old baby 10 mg The first 3 days, 1 tablet twice a day. Then 2 tablets twice a day
How to raise hemoglobin in a child aged 5 years 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a child aged 6 years 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a child of 7 years 12 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a child at the age of 8 years 12 mg 2 tablets three times a day
How to raise hemoglobin in a child aged 10 years and older 15-18 mg

A recent article, "Vegetarian Diet in the First Year of Life," made a lot of noise on social media. Some exclaimed: “How is that possible! The child is on a vegetarian diet! It's outrageous!" Others tried to argue or not really prove that these concepts are very compatible.

In this article, we decided to consider the topic “children and vegetarianism” in terms of problems with hemoglobin. One girl in OK asked a detailed question, sharing her story and vision of the situation. We tried to answer it to the point and also as detailed as possible. So, her letter, the subject of "vegetarianism and hemoglobin":

“My son doesn’t eat beef and offal, he just doesn’t like it. And he enjoys eating fish and poultry. So he earned himself anemia and the doctors simply ordered him to eat beef and liver as a matter of urgency. And everything returned to normal. And this despite the fact that he eats apples in buckets, and an apple tree in the yard and in the dacha of an apple tree. Therefore, he eats all winter - the conclusion: it does not help. In addition, spinach, tofu, and bran are problematic for children at an early age. In addition, I would not give hummus to a child up to a year old and even after it, the heaviest product, like other legumes, is also hard. And I believe that meat, being a protein of animal origin, is better absorbed by the body than plants. And one more thing: imagine that a child grows up and wants to eat meat, and the body is already set up - why create unnecessary problems for him in life?

Our answer:

“It’s not a fact that the boy’s hemoglobin has dropped due to the lack of beef in his diet. If you exclude possible diseases (it is necessary to take tests to check the condition of the body), then problems of this kind are the result of improper nutrition. Simply put, a child's diet lacks many essential foods. After all, apples are far from the first in importance and, fortunately, not the only product that can raise hemoglobin. Yes, and beef in this list also did not become a leader.

Although it should be borne in mind that there is easily digestible heme iron (40% of this iron is found in animal products) and non-heme iron, which is absorbed worse. Plant foods contain only non-heme, so you need to eat more of them than meat to get the amount of iron you need.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child - a partial vegetarian?

If you don’t want to completely give up meat, but want to adapt to your son’s preferences and not force him to eat beef and pork, then we recommend that you pay attention to the leading products in terms of iron content on the menu of lacto-vegetarians. These are molasses, dried mushrooms, seaweed, cocoa, green leaves. The child's diet must include cereals, especially buckwheat, as well as a variety of fruits, berries, and vegetables. Don't limit yourself to just apples.

The presence of fruits is especially important, because many of them are a source of vitamin C. It is this substance that binds iron and facilitates its absorption by the body. We recommend reading.

It is better to buy fruits and berries familiar to our region, such as currants, raspberries, grapes, peaches, for a child. Start gradually giving your son freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Spinach juice, for example, can be added in small amounts to apple-carrot juice and its taste will be completely invisible in this sweet drink. Do not forget also about dairy products, because they are also able to raise hemoglobin levels. An excellent solution in this case would be a glass of cocoa in the morning.

List of foods that increase hemoglobin

What other herbal products are there to increase hemoglobin levels? These are figs, dried apricots and apricots, dates, raisins and prunes, seeds, wheat germ, oats, wheat bran, spinach, gout, plums, beets, pumpkin, baked potatoes in their skins. Persimmon increases hemoglobin, strawberries, cranberries, rosehip decoction, nettle decoction. From nuts - walnuts and almonds are good in this regard. But with nuts you need to be careful, you should not give them to the child a lot.

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood of a child?

If you need to urgently solve the problem with a low level of hemoglobin, then you can use traditional medicine recipes. My cousin was born prematurely and in the first year of her life, hemoglobin was at a critically low level. The question arose sharply of how to increase the hemoglobin of the baby.

What did her parents not try! And they gave iron preparations (and they terribly disrupt the work of the intestines), and they gave them blackcurrant juice, and fed me meat (when I grew up a little). Nothing helped the baby. Until they underwent a course of treatment with a decoction of oats in milk. Hemoglobin began to rise immediately, and since then the problem has not returned. The recipe for a miraculous decoction is as follows:

one glass of oats (necessarily with husks) must be washed well and then poured with a liter of milk. Boil the broth for about an hour over low heat. After cooling, strain this liquid and periodically give it to the child instead of tea. If desired, add honey, oil, fruits to the drink. Very tiny children should be given a teaspoon several times a day. The medicine must be prepared fresh daily.

The norm of hemoglobin in children

By the way, we want to remind you that the norm of hemoglobin in children will be different depending on age.
IN first 3 days of life it can reach 225 g/l (minimum 135).
IN first week- 215 (minimum 135), in the second - 205 (minimum 125).
IN first month- 180 (min. 100), in the second - 140 (min. 90), from the third to the sixth - 135 (min. 95).
WITH six months to a year– 140 (min. 100).
IN 1-2 years the hemoglobin level in a child can reach 145 g / l (minimum 105).
IN 3-6 years old– 150 (minimum 110).
IN 7-12 years old– 150 (minimum 115).
IN 13-15 years old– 155 (minimum 115).
Norma 16-18 years old it is considered 120-160 g / l.

About proteins

Now let's talk about proteins. The girl in the letter wrote that animal protein is easier to digest. But also vegetable