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“Strategist” Boris Orlov, Andrey Zemlyanoy. Andrey Zemlyanoy - strategist Andrey Zemlyanoy strategist full version

Andrey Zemlyanoy, Boris Orlov

I would like to sincerely thank Evgeny Svirelshchikov, Karen Stepanovich Stepanyan and Anatoly Starukhin for their active assistance in working on the book.

A. Zemlyanoy

This year the winter season in New York was especially bright and festive. The rich decoration of Rockefeller Center was astounding, and even the sophisticated, world-famous onlookers of the Big Apple froze, stunned by the shimmer of electric lights, the shine of glass and nickel-plated facade decorations, and the illuminated flags that fluttered in the artificial wind. A huge statue of Atlas, similar to Mussolini, which replaced River's facade fresco depicting the hated Lenin, washed by the rays of searchlights, inspired calm confidence in the inviolability of the world order.

In the large hall of Radio City, the orchestra thundered, and hundreds of couples converged, circled and separated again, obeying the magical commands of the music. Negro waiters in snow-white jackets glided like monochrome ghosts, serving champagne and canapes with beluga caviar, the aromas of expensive perfumes mixed with the aromas of expensive cigars, creating an amazing, unique feeling of wealth, happiness and contentment. An elegant girl in a thousand-dollar dress clung to her partner in a seven-hundred-dollar suit and whispered: “Darling, this is what heaven looks like, isn’t it?”

But on the fifty-sixth floor of RCA [ RCA Building- the former name of one of the skyscrapers in New York (now called GE). The building is part of Rockefeller Center. For a long time, the Rockefeller office was located on the fifty-sixth floor (office 5600). In the Rockefeller office, the atmosphere was far from heavenly grace. Prescott Bush and James Warburg circled Jerome Stonewall Bass and Joseph Kennedy like predatory hyenas around a herd of buffalo. The similarity was strengthened by the peculiar appearance of Bass, who really looked like a hefty bull.

Tell me, Bass, don’t you think your red protégés have gone too far? - Warburg hissed. - What the heck? Where did the alliance between the Japanese emperor and this wild mountaineer come from?

Prescott Bush nodded sharply, agreeing with the opinion of his companion, currently a friend. John Davisson Rockefeller Jr., who was sitting at the table - however, no longer the youngest, but the only one - cast a short glance from under his furrowed eyebrows at Bass and Kennedy, but remained silent, waiting for an answer. And he was not slow to respond:

What the heck?! - Stonewall Bass growled. - I need to ask you this, Bush, and you, Warburg. Why the hell did you and your boys allow Germany to actively get involved in China, where the Japs and Russians have their own interests? Did you seriously think that these guys, armed to the teeth, would calmly watch as your Nazi buddies stole steaks from their plates?!

Now Rockefeller threw the same look towards the “hyenas”.

Free trade... - began Victor Rothschild, sitting in a chair with a “Perfecto Colorado” made to a special personal order [ Perfecto- a type of cigar that is thicker in the middle than at the edges. Colorado is the color of a brown cigar] in his hand, but Kennedy interrupted him:

Free trade is great, Victor. But where was this free trade when you refused to approve Russian loans for high-precision machines? Where was free trade when, thanks to your German banks, Japan found itself starved of steel? - He waved his hand somewhat theatrically. “You, gentlemen, yourself pushed the Russians and Japanese into each other’s arms, and now you ask where we were looking?”

“Indeed, Victor,” said Aaron Seligmann, who was modestly sitting in the corner of the office. -Are the Germans preparing for war? Wonderful. Are the Russians preparing for war? Better! Are the Japanese ready to get into the global fray? Quite good. But one cannot be so short-sighted as to allow the Germans to play on our lawn. In the end, we all agreed here that the fight should be fair and the big guys with the big clubs will be put on an equal footing. What actually happened?

He took a small sip of weak tea from an eighteenth-century Saxon porcelain cup and continued:

Your German partners have taken the path of restricting free trade, which we all stand for here. They intercepted all iron ore reserves from Sweden and left the Japanese high and dry, introduced new duties, or rather an embargo, on the supply of equipment to Russia, and even got involved with both deceived parties in a trade war in China. To commit such stupidity,” Seligmann spoke quietly, but it seemed that his voice sounded like the roar of a mountain collapse, “it is not enough to just be a fool. To do this you need to have strong support behind you. And you, Rothschild, know this as well as I do.

There was a heavy pause. Seligmann entered into an alliance with Bass and Kennedy and sided with Soviet Russia, if, of course, one could say so. This triumvirate opposed the Bush-Warburg-Rothschild alliance, which chose the Third Reich as its side. Both unions, of course, did not stop their cooperation with the “opposite” side, it’s just that “their” side had a little more interests and invested a little more money.

I’ll tell you what, gentlemen,” Rockefeller, who had never taken either side, leaned forward. “Now is not the time to look for someone to blame.” It is much more important now to decide what to do in the current situation. The union of Soviet Russia and Japan has the character of almost a union, and such a unity creates unacceptable conditions for us: they - self-sufficient!

Warburg wanted to say something, but John stopped him with a conciliatory gesture:

Wait, Warburg. Allow me, as the owner,” here Rockefeller allowed himself a slight smile, “to finish. I know that each of us, to one degree or another, has already experienced a decrease in business activity in contacts with Russia and the Japanese. The islands are buying less and less raw materials, and this is not surprising: why would they buy something from us if the Russians are giving it to them for free? The Russians no longer need our cars and our equipment, and this is also understandable: unlike us, honest traders, Japan supplies them not with individual machines, but with entire factories.

And often together with the staff! But that wouldn’t be so bad: what’s much worse is that neither Russia nor Japan sells us anything anymore. Us! They are no longer interested in dollars! They pay each other without any money at all - a system of mutual settlements that always allows you to leave in the black the one you need at the moment. And on the foreign market they trade either with a solid backing of precious metals, or by barter, exchanging their products for the little that they still need. And you and I, gentlemen, are not in this scheme! Completely and absolutely!

Now the silence was not just heavy: it hung menacingly, like a multi-ton rock over the head of an unwary tourist.

John, old man, aren't you exaggerating? - Stonewall Bass finally spoke. - Three months ago, this, as you put it, “self-sufficient union” purchased from us a good ten tons of platinum catalysts for the production of high-octane gasoline. And now Warburg has an order for six tankers, four of which he seems to have already delivered and received payment for.

We supplied the Russians with pipeline equipment,” Kennedy added. - And collapsible oil tanks - japam.

“It also seems to me that you are somewhat exaggerating the danger,” Bush said carefully. - A huge batch of trucks was purchased through one of our companies...

The threatening silence dissipated. Everyone started talking, trying to remember more details about the latest deals with Russia and Japan. And reassure yourself: the situation is not as dire as Rockefeller says.

Gentlemen, - John Davisson stopped this Niagara of information with one movement of his hand. - Gentlemen, let me ask: how did your counterparties pay you?

How is this “than”? - Bush asked in surprise. - Dollars, sir, dollars. Real Fed tickets.

Not oil, not engineering products, not textiles and raw silk, not steel, but dollars? - Rockefeller clarified.

Wait, wait, Davisson,” Rothschild crushed a half-smoked cigar in a hammered ashtray. “You want to say that we sold our goods for...” here he became confused, choked and grabbed his heart.

The rest looked in bewilderment at Victor Rothschild silently gasping for air, when Jerome Stonewall Bass suddenly slapped himself on the forehead:

Thunder and lightning, John! Do you really want to say that we gave these commies [ Commy- the generally accepted English-language abbreviated name for communists and communist regimes.] our goods for simple cut paper?! - he roared, finally becoming like a wild bull. - Are you saying that we were cheated like blacks at a fair?!

To the point, Bass, - Rockefeller also switched to the language of the rednecks. [ Redneck(English) - “red neck” - a nickname for southern farmers. In a broader sense - Southerners in general.] - For fucking cut paper, painted with fucking green paint!


Military fiction

Officer – 3

I would like to sincerely thank Evgeny Svirelshchikov, Karen Stepanovich Stepanyan and Anatoly Starukhin for their active assistance in working on the book.

A. Zemlyanoy


This year the winter season in New York was especially bright and festive. The rich decoration of the Rockefeller Center amazed the imagination, and even sophisticated, experienced onlookers of the Big Apple froze, stunned by the shimmer of electric lights, the shine of glass and nickel-plated facade decorations, and the illuminated flags that fluttered in the artificial wind. A huge statue of Atlas, similar to Mussolini, which replaced River's façade fresco depicting the hated Lenin, washed by the rays of searchlights, inspired calm confidence in the inviolability of the world order....

In the large hall of Radio City, the orchestra thundered, and hundreds of couples converged, circled and separated again, obeying the magical commands of the music. Negro waiters in snow-white jackets glided like monochrome ghosts, serving champagne and canapés with beluga caviar, the aromas of expensive perfumes mixed with the aromas of expensive cigars, creating an amazing, unique feeling of wealth, happiness and contentment. An elegant girl in a thousand-dollar dress clung to her partner in a seven-hundred-dollar suit and whispered: “Darling, this is what heaven looks like, isn’t it?”

But on the fifty-sixth floor of the Rockefeller office, the atmosphere was far from heavenly. Prescott Bush and James Warburg circled Jerome Stonewall Bass and Joseph Kennedy like predatory hyenas around a herd of buffalo. The similarity was strengthened by the peculiar appearance of Bass, who really looked like a hefty bull.

“Tell me, Bass, don’t you think your red protégés have gone too far?” - Warburg hissed. - What the heck? Where did the alliance between the Japanese emperor and this wild mountaineer come from?

Prescott Bush nodded sharply, agreeing with the opinion of his companion, currently a friend. John Davisson Rockefeller Jr., who was sitting at the table - however, no longer the youngest, but the only one - cast a short glance from under his furrowed eyebrows at Bass and Kennedy, but remained silent, waiting for an answer. And he was not slow to respond:

- What the heck?! - Stonewall Bass growled. – I need to ask you this, Bush, and you, Warburg. Why the hell did you and your boys allow Germany to actively get involved in China, where the Japs and Russians have their own interests? Did you seriously think that these guys, armed to the teeth, would calmly watch as your Nazi buddies stole steaks from their plates?!

Now Rockefeller threw the same look towards the “hyenas”.

“Free trade...” began Victor Rothschild, who was sitting in a chair with a Perfecto Colorado made to a special personal order in his hand, but Kennedy interrupted him:

– Free trade is wonderful, Victor. But where was this free trade when you refused to approve Russian loans for high-precision machines? Where was free trade when, thanks to your German banks, Japan found itself starved of steel? “He waved his hand somewhat theatrically. “You, gentlemen, yourself pushed the Russians and Japanese into each other’s arms, and now you ask where we were looking?”

Andrey Zemlyanoy, Boris Orlov

I would like to sincerely thank Evgeny Svirelshchikov, Karen Stepanovich Stepanyan and Anatoly Starukhin for their active assistance in working on the book.

A. Zemlyanoy

© Andrey Zemlyanoy, Boris Orlov, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

This year the winter season in New York was especially bright and festive. The rich decoration of Rockefeller Center was astounding, and even the sophisticated, world-famous onlookers of the Big Apple froze, stunned by the shimmer of electric lights, the shine of glass and nickel-plated facade decorations, and the illuminated flags that fluttered in the artificial wind. A huge statue of Atlas, similar to Mussolini, which replaced River's facade fresco depicting the hated Lenin, washed by the rays of searchlights, inspired calm confidence in the inviolability of the world order.

In the large hall of Radio City, the orchestra thundered, and hundreds of couples converged, circled and separated again, obeying the magical commands of the music. Negro waiters in snow-white jackets glided like monochrome ghosts, serving champagne and canapes with beluga caviar, the aromas of expensive perfumes mixed with the aromas of expensive cigars, creating an amazing, unique feeling of wealth, happiness and contentment. An elegant girl in a thousand-dollar dress clung to her partner in a seven-hundred-dollar suit and whispered: “Darling, this is what heaven looks like, isn’t it?”

But on the fifty-sixth floor of RCA, in the Rockefeller office, the atmosphere was far from heavenly. Prescott Bush and James Warburg circled Jerome Stonewall Bass and Joseph Kennedy like predatory hyenas around a herd of buffalo. The similarity was strengthened by the peculiar appearance of Bass, who really looked like a hefty bull.

“Tell me, Bass, don’t you think your red protégés have gone too far?” - Warburg hissed. - What the heck? Where did the alliance between the Japanese emperor and this wild mountaineer come from?

Prescott Bush nodded sharply, agreeing with the opinion of his companion, currently a friend. John Davisson Rockefeller Jr., who was sitting at the table - however, no longer the youngest, but the only one - cast a short glance from under his furrowed eyebrows at Bass and Kennedy, but remained silent, waiting for an answer. And he was not slow to respond:

- What the heck?! - Stonewall Bass growled. – I need to ask you this, Bush, and you, Warburg. Why the hell did you and your boys allow Germany to actively get involved in China, where the Japs and Russians have their own interests? Did you seriously think that these guys, armed to the teeth, would calmly watch as your Nazi buddies stole steaks from their plates?!

Now Rockefeller threw the same look towards the “hyenas”.

“Free trade...” began Victor Rothschild, who was sitting in a chair with a Perfecto Colorado made to a special personal order in his hand, but Kennedy interrupted him:

– Free trade is wonderful, Victor. But where was this free trade when you refused to approve Russian loans for high-precision machines? Where was free trade when, thanks to your German banks, Japan found itself starved of steel? “He waved his hand somewhat theatrically. “You, gentlemen, yourself pushed the Russians and Japanese into each other’s arms, and now you ask where we were looking?”

“Indeed, Victor,” said Aaron Seligmann, who was modestly sitting in the corner of the office. – Are the Germans preparing for war? Wonderful. Are the Russians preparing for war? Better! Are the Japanese ready to get into the global fray? Quite good. But one cannot be so short-sighted as to allow the Germans to play on our lawn. In the end, we all agreed here that the fight should be fair and the big guys with the big clubs will be put on an equal footing. What actually happened?

He took a small sip of weak tea from an eighteenth-century Saxon porcelain cup and continued:

– Your German partners have taken the path of restricting free trade, which we all stand for here. They intercepted all iron ore reserves from Sweden and left the Japanese high and dry, introduced new duties, or rather an embargo, on the supply of equipment to Russia, and even got involved with both deceived parties in a trade war in China. To commit such stupidity,” Seligmann spoke quietly, but it seemed that his voice sounded like the roar of a mountain collapse, “it’s not enough to just be a fool. To do this you need to have strong support behind you. And you, Rothschild, know this as well as I do.

There was a heavy pause. Seligmann entered into an alliance with Bass and Kennedy and sided with Soviet Russia, if, of course, one could say so. This triumvirate opposed the Bush-Warburg-Rothschild alliance, which chose the Third Reich as its side. Both unions, of course, did not stop their cooperation with the “opposite” side, it’s just that “their” side had a little more interests and invested a little more money.

“I’ll tell you what, gentlemen,” Rockefeller, who had never taken either side, leaned forward. “Now is not the time to look for someone to blame.” It is much more important now to decide what to do in the current situation. The union of Soviet Russia and Japan has the character of almost a union, and such a unity creates unacceptable conditions for us: they are self-sufficient!

Warburg wanted to say something, but John stopped him with a conciliatory gesture:

- Wait, Warburg. Allow me, as the owner,” here Rockefeller allowed himself to smile slightly, “to finish. I know that each of us, to one degree or another, has already experienced a decrease in business activity in contacts with Russia and the Japanese. The islands are buying less and less raw materials, and this is not surprising: why would they buy something from us if the Russians are giving it to them for free? The Russians no longer need our cars and our equipment, and this is also understandable: unlike us, honest traders, Japan supplies them not with individual machines, but with entire factories.

And often together with the staff! But that wouldn’t be so bad: what’s much worse is that neither Russia nor Japan sells us anything anymore. Us! They are no longer interested in dollars! They pay each other without any money at all - a system of mutual settlements that always allows you to leave in the black the one you need at the moment. And on the foreign market they trade either with a solid backing of precious metals, or by barter, exchanging their products for the little that they still need. And you and I, gentlemen, are not in this scheme! Completely and absolutely!

Now the silence was not just heavy: it hung menacingly, like a multi-ton rock over the head of an unwary tourist.

– John, old man, aren’t you exaggerating? – Stonewall Bass finally spoke up. – Three months ago, this, as you put it, “self-sufficient union” purchased from us a good ten tons of platinum catalysts for the production of high-octane gasoline. And now Warburg has an order for six tankers, four of which he seems to have already delivered and received payment for.

“We supplied the Russians with pipeline equipment,” Kennedy added. – And collapsible oil tanks – japam.

“It also seems to me that you are somewhat exaggerating the danger,” Bush said cautiously. – A huge batch of trucks was purchased through one of our companies...

The threatening silence dissipated. Everyone started talking, trying to remember more details about the latest deals with Russia and Japan. And reassure yourself: the situation is not as dire as Rockefeller says.

“Gentlemen,” John Davisson stopped this Niagara of information with one movement of his hand. – Gentlemen, let me ask: how did your counterparties pay you?

- How do you mean “than”? – Bush asked in surprise. - Dollars, sir, dollars. Real Fed tickets.

– Not oil, not engineering products, not textiles and raw silk, not steel, but dollars? - Rockefeller clarified.

“Wait, wait, Davisson,” Rothschild crushed a half-smoked cigar in a hammered ashtray. “You want to say that we sold our goods for...” here he hesitated, choked and grabbed his heart.

The rest looked in bewilderment at Victor Rothschild silently gasping for air, when Jerome Stonewall Bass suddenly slapped himself on the forehead:

- Thunder and lightning, John! Are you really saying that we gave these commies our goods for simple cut paper?! – he roared, finally becoming like a wild bull. “Are you saying that we were cheated like blacks at a fair?!”

“To the point, Bass,” Rockefeller also switched to the language of the rednecks. - For fucking cut paper, painted with fucking green paint!

Jun 27, 2017

Strategist Boris Orlov, Andrey Zemlyanoy

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Title: Strategist
Author: Boris Orlov, Andrey Zemlyanoy
Year: 2016
Genre: Action Fiction, Historical Fiction, Popadantsi

About the book “Strategist” Boris Orlov, Andrey Zemlyanoy

The book “Strategist” is the third part of the “Officer” series. Boris Orlov and Andrei Zemlyanoy touched upon a topic of interest to all patriots and lovers of Russian history - an alternative path to the formation of the Soviet Union in the 30-60s of the last century. Reading this work will be interesting for lovers of military-political strategies with a distinct historical-fiction line.

The main character of the story is our contemporary Kirill Novikov. By chance, he ends up in the USSR during the time of Stalin - a terrible era when human lives were worth almost nothing, and any innovation was perceived with distrust and could sign a death sentence. However, Kirill had a specific goal. After analyzing the mistakes of the story, he firmly decided to launch it in a different way. Technological innovations, super-powerful weapons that will greatly enhance the military potential of the USSR, an alliance with the Japanese - a rapidly developing nation - are just a few of the planned steps. It is not surprising that in a short period of time, Comrade Novikov made his way to the very top of Soviet power and launched a large-scale campaign to modernize the country.

Boris Orlov and Andrei Zemlyanoy pay special attention to the place of the Soviet Union in the international political arena. The idea of ​​the emergence of the Japanese Socialist Empire and its military-political alliance with the Soviet state is unusual. In general, in the authors’ understanding, socialism is a rapidly developing phenomenon, which in the future may overwhelm the whole world.

It is interesting to read how social perspectives are gradually being introduced into the lives of ordinary people. Perhaps if at one time the Soviet government had completed the socialist principles of building the country, history would have unfolded completely differently. This alternative, described in the book “The Strategist,” forces us to rethink our past and be more attentive to the present.

Boris Orlov and Andrei Zemlyanoy devoted most of the work to the peaceful construction of the country, but there are also battle scenes. According to this version of alternative history, the main opponents of the rapidly prospering Soviet state were England and America. “Cold” and “hot” confrontations with them drag on, devoting the reader to all the technical and strategic subtleties of the struggle.

To understand to the very depths the grandiose plan of the authors, you need to familiarize yourself with the entire series, starting with the book “Officer”. An interesting pattern can be traced here: if at first the main character subordinates the story to himself, giving it a certain vector, then in the third part the opposite trend can be traced. Kirill is just a grain of sand, driven by the powerful winds of history. It’s the same in life: you can change the world, but at a certain moment what you brought into it acquires incredible power and entails irreversible consequences.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Strategist” by Boris Orlov, Andrey Zemlyanoy in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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Instead of an epigraph

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

What the strategist did was plan his life, and not only his own, for many years to come. That was his job.

Often, his decisions determined who would die now and who would die later. The destinies of many people, and what is there - all of humanity, and even other civilizations, were in his power.

But the Strategist did not tell anyone about his plans. And when they finally opened, many were not laughing...


You all know this story very well. When an armada of spaceships approached our planet, the Strategist made a decision - to surrender the Earth to the invaders without a fight. The inhabitants of the Earth and forty large and small space colonies subject to it were burning with the desire to fight, win or die. He deprived us of both victory and death, did not let us fight. Many people said then, and if they didn’t say it, they thought: he betrayed us. And then, for many years under the yoke of the enemy, with whatever words we reviled the Strategist! They thought of him as a traitor, but now... Admit it to yourself honestly - were you among them too?

Now every inhabitant of the Confederation of Inhabited Planets knows that the Strategist then saved the Earth... He saved it alone, without consulting anyone.

The publisher is obliged to inform readers that it was not possible to obtain the consent of the Strategist to publish this manuscript. The decision was made at the Confederation Council, which, by a closed vote with a slight majority of votes, allowed his protests to be ignored. The Council considered that the life story of the Strategist is not his personal matter, but belongs to all of humanity, moreover, it is the property of the entire Universe, at least that part of it that humanity has mastered.

The publishing house satisfied only one requirement of the Strategist, placing his remark at the beginning of the story:

“By reading this book, you are acting against my will.”


Earth. Madeira. Strategist

A piercing, disgusting ringing cut through the silence of the southern night. Space danger signal. The dream disappeared as if by chance, many years of training took their toll, and the Strategist instantly pressed the receive button on the IPKS (individual space communications device). A screen appeared right in the air, in the middle of the room, and an image appeared on it.

- We are under attack! We're under attack! – the young lieutenant in the uniform of the space forces shouted excitedly.

At the bottom of the screen the inscription pulsated: “Far approaches. Third Starfleet. Sector DP657RPG869. Station "Pioneer-4".

- Lieutenant! “Pull yourself together and report according to form,” the Strategist interrupted him, raising his voice.

- Guilty. Lieutenant Smith. Third Starfleet. Station "Pioneer-4". Attacked at 3:47 GMT. The guard ships were destroyed.

“The lieutenant did a great job, he quickly pulled himself together - good training,” the Strategist mentally noted.

- Attacked by whom? Identify the enemy.

– The enemy has not been identified.

– Maybe these are non-humanoids? – the Strategist thought out loud.

- No, it’s not them or the Zeerians. Ships of unknown design.

– Can you switch me to the external view screen?

- I'm going to try now.

The lieutenant could be seen leaning over the control panel and his hands ran over the keyboard. Soon the external viewing screen turned on, and now several dozen small ships of a strange design were rushing straight towards the Strategist. He immediately realized the danger of the current situation.

– Lieutenant, begin eliminating the Package.

– But there is no danger... This attack does not pose a threat to the station...

- Lieutenant! That's an order. Activate the destruction process immediately.

Smith walked over to the console in the corner and placed his palm on the touchpad. The console instantly came to life. DNA testing has begun to determine the level of access. The lieutenant returned to the control panel. Now he had to enter the access code: one hundred and one characters from memory, on the first try. Any officer on duty - whether he is awakened in the middle of the night or he is mortally wounded - is required to cope with this procedure. Regularly, once a month and always unexpectedly, they underwent this test. Finally, the control room was illuminated by orange flashes. The access code has been accepted. At the same time, the console opened. The lieutenant had to remove from its regular places the Navigation map, the “friend or foe” determination unit, message transmission codes and an auxiliary hard drive containing secret information. All this had to be inserted into special cells, and again at the remote control to enter the command to destroy. The console closed. Red was added to the yellow flashing. The process of destroying the Package has begun. The strategist breathed a sigh of relief. All this time, he continued to watch how the enemy ships stupidly tried to attack Pioneer 4. The station has already destroyed more than half of the attackers with return fire.

- The order has been completed. The destruction process has been activated,” the lieutenant reported. His hands were still shaking a little from tension.

“Pour yourself something to drink,” the Strategist tried to calm him down.

“I’m on combat duty,” Smith protested, barely hiding his surprise.

- Pour it, pour it.

The lieutenant took a bottle of whiskey. He poured himself a double portion and drank it in one gulp.

“Our station successfully repels the enemy’s attack...” He looked questioningly at the Strategist.

– This attack – yes. But think about it, Smith, these ships aren't big enough to get here on their own. The nearest star system is too far away. Who destroyed the security ships? Not these...

- Means…

- Yes. Now a warship will appear, and maybe more than one. “Pioneer-4” will not survive even against one.

“That means the station will be destroyed.”

- No, not destroyed. She will be captured.

– Navigation map. This is the purpose of this attack.