
Salaries of education workers c. Current news about teacher salaries. Will there be teacher layoffs?

In order to ensure uniform approaches to regulating the wages of employees of public sector organizations, the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations has developed “Unified recommendations for the establishment at the federal, regional and local levels of remuneration systems for employees of state and municipal institutions for 2017” (hereinafter - Recommendations).

— the principles for the formation of remuneration systems have been determined;

— mandatory standards and conditions of remuneration are listed;

— issues of remuneration for heads of institutions, their deputies and chief accountants were considered;

According to the principles of formation of remuneration systems formulated in the Recommendations, wages should depend on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity of the work, the quantity and quality of labor expended. Its maximum size cannot be limited. Real wages must rise.

The staffing table of the institution is approved by the head of the institution and includes all employee positions (professions of workers) of this institution.

Remuneration systems are established and changed, including taking into account the annual wage fund, the opinion of trade unions, employee certification, and labor standardization systems. Revision of labor standards is permitted as new equipment, technology and organizational or other measures are improved or introduced to ensure increased labor efficiency. The regulations on remuneration of employees developed by the institution provide for specific salary amounts. Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than 2 months in advance.

For example, when forming remuneration systems for teachers and other education workers in 2017, authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments and heads of educational institutions are recommended to:

— prevent a decrease in the level of wages achieved in 2016;

— salaries (official salaries), wage rates for employees in the wage structure in educational organizations must be no less than 70 percent;

— when concluding employment contracts (additional agreements to employment contracts) with teaching staff, in the remuneration systems for workers in the education sector, be guided by the norms of orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 1601, dated May 11, 2016 N 536;

- in the employment contract (in an additional agreement to the employment contract) with the employee, provide for a fixed amount of salary (official salary), wage rate established for him for a calendar month or for an established standard of work (standard hours of teaching work per week (per year) per rate wages); the amount of compensation payments, if any; amounts and conditions for making incentive payments;

— when concluding employment contracts with employees, use the approximate form of the employment contract given in Appendix No. 3 to the Program for the gradual improvement of the remuneration system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012 - 2018.

The recommendations also determine that in cases where the amount of an employee’s remuneration depends on length of service, education, qualification category, state awards and (or) departmental insignia, academic degree, the right to change it arises within the following periods:

- with an increase in the length of continuous work, teaching work, length of service - from the day the corresponding length of service is achieved, if the documents are in the institution, or from the date of submission of the document on the length of service giving the right to appropriate payments;

- upon receipt of education or restoration of education documents - from the date of submission of the relevant document;

- when establishing or assigning a qualification category - from the date of the decision by the certification commission;

- when conferring an honorary title, awarding departmental insignia - from the date of conferment, award;

- when awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science - from the date of the decision by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to issue the diploma.

If an employee has the right to change the amount of remuneration while on annual or other leave, during the period of his temporary disability, as well as during other periods during which he retains the average salary, the change in the amount of remuneration for his labor is carried out upon completion of the specified periods.

For information

Russian educational organizations use 3 remuneration models. They are built on general principles, but have significant differences.

Model No. 1“Basic salary” - is based on the base salary and increasing factors that are approved at the regional level. Employees holding the same position have the same base salary. When calculating the constant part of the salary of school employees, increasing factors are applied to the base salary.

Model No. 2“All inclusive” is based on the teacher's salary for 36 hours of work per week. In this model, all activities of the teacher are paid in salary for 36 working hours per week. This includes instructional hours and other work as determined by the teacher's job responsibilities. The cost of an hour of work for a teacher can be approved at the level of the school, municipality or region as a whole.

Model No. 3“Pupil-hour” is based on the concept of “pupil-hour”. In this model, when calculating the constant part of a teacher’s salary, both the difference in the number of teaching hours he teaches and the number of students with whom he works are taken into account. The amount of “student-hour” and the number of student-hours of workload for a teacher are determined by each school independently.

You can familiarize yourself with the models in detail, for example, on the website of the Teacher’s Newspaper (

On the formation of remuneration systems for public sector employees in 2017: 37 comments

    What kind of salary increase are we talking about??? I'm not even talking about the average teacher's salary of 36 thousand. The salary of the music directors of the kindergarten was 8,400 rubles, and after the salary increase it became 9,600 rubles. We added 1200 rubles - increased by 15% + 3% per category. And now they have removed 30% for the highest category - that’s 2520 rubles. And in the end, if the music director previously received 11,000 rubles per salary, now, after the increase, he receives 9,888 rubles... How is it possible to not love music and not value our profession at all?!

    I work as a teacher in a correctional group (children with cerebral palsy), if before the new wage system, my rate was 8715 (by the way, this includes methodological literature 105 rubles), now the rate is 8444 (this also includes methodological literature 105 rubles .). How does this happen? What kind of new payment system is this? Whoever developed it did not calculate that the salary of one category of educators would increase and that of another would decrease. In our kindergarten, everyone’s salaries increased, albeit just a little, and only correctional ones remained in the red. It turns out that at the expense of some they promoted others? Maybe we should reconsider the calculations so that everyone benefits?

    I have been working as a music director for 23 years. Previously, for more than 3 decades, the rate was -4 grams. If you led 6 grams, you received 1.5 times the rate. Today, the workload of 6 groups is paid only for 1 rate. In reality, the salary fell by 14 thousand rubles . If you don’t go into the details of calculating interest and salaries, what incentive is there to carry one and a half loads for meager pay???

    Hello. I have been working as an English teacher for 24 years. My workload is 26 hours and 2 hours of extracurricular activities per week. The salary until May 2017 was equal to 25,600. From May 1, we were transferred to NSOT and my salary dropped to 17 thousand. Requirements for teachers are increasing, new standards are being introduced, and salaries are being lowered. Question: Is the introduction of NSOT a survival experiment?

    Salaries in schools have not been indexed for several years. Salaries range from 7,250 (educational psychologist) to 7,600 (teacher). In accordance with presidential decrees and the “road map,” of course, there is no average school salary of 32,000 rubles (but according to officials’ reports, there is). But prices and tariffs have already increased many times, and so have the requirements for education. Are we stepping on the same rake again - “poor teacher”?

    Thank you for your blog and your work!
    Unfortunately, we probably shouldn’t expect a competent assessment of the work of a teacher in our country in the near future.

    Good afternoon, the following question has arisen: my salary in the 2016-2017 academic year = salary (18 hours) + extracurricular hours (2 hours) + museum.
    1) Did I understand correctly that with all the changes in schedules and other things, it should not be much different from last year, and if so, what can I base my dispute with the administration on?
    2) Does the director have the right to “take away” the museum from me and transfer it to another teacher in the new school year? (the contract for the museum was short-term, for half a year and expires in August)

    Hello! I work as an English teacher, this year for our school, with 600 students, there are 2 teachers left! My workload is 43 hours, including homeworkers and “evening school”, I would like to roughly calculate my salary? Is there any? is that the formula?

    Is it legal to reduce the salary of a kindergarten teacher compared to the previous school year, due to the fact that the required number of children in the group was not reached)) they needed 25, but they got 20. And the salary decreased from 39,000 to 34,000?

    I work as a mathematics teacher, workload 18 hours (rate), and part-time as a deputy director. In the 2016-2017 academic year, incentive payments were for both one position and a second one, but this academic year the director of the educational institution announced that incentive payments, according to the new wage system, will be paid only for the main position, as a deputy director will not receive them will. Is this legal?

    Good afternoon. I work at school as a chemistry teacher. Under the old salary system, I was paid 5 percent for lab work. Under the new system, the surcharge has been removed. But there is an additional payment for those who are associated with hazardous working conditions. Question: is working in a chemical laboratory associated with harmful conditions or not?

    Hello! In Chita, teacher salaries have changed since September 2017. Local Department of Education. reduced many payments. In the 2016-2017 academic year, payment for checking notebooks for grades 5-6. for a Russian language teacher was 547.50, in the current one - 324.44, 8-11 grades. — 304.17 versus 243.33. There have been no incentive payments for 3 years now, because... There is not enough money for these payments. A new line has appeared “For intensity”, the amount of this payment is determined not by school heads, but by officials. It seems that we are being deceived!

    Hello. And school librarians are not eligible for any incentive payments. School directors insist that this is not allowed. Permanent link

    Tell me, if a school operates according to NSOT, then the additional payment for the complexity of the subject is removed? And question two: What incentive does the school decide to pay for the qualification category, or are there regional recommendations?

    Hello. I work in the Primorsky Territory of Ussuriysk at the MBOU DSHI UGO (music school of arts). Our school management says that the order does not apply to us. Is it so?

    12/07/2018 Vladivostok No. 23a

    “On approval of the Model Regulations on the remuneration of teaching staff of municipal educational organizations of the Primorsky Territory”

    In order to improve the remuneration system for employees of municipal educational organizations of the Primorsky Territory, on the basis of the Primorsky Territory Law of April 25, 2013 No. 188-KZ “On remuneration of labor for employees of state institutions of the Primorsky Territory”, taking into account the Unified recommendations for establishing at the federal, regional and local levels wage systems for employees of state and municipal institutions for 2018 (approved by the decision of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations dated December 22, 2017, protocol No. 11)

    I ORDER:
    1. Approve the Approximate Regulations on the remuneration of teaching staff of municipal educational organizations of the Primorsky Territory (Appendix 1).
    2. Recommend to the heads of municipal education authorities:
    — carry out the transition of municipal educational organizations to a unified wage system from January 1, 2019 in accordance with the Model Regulations;
    — send information on the results of the implementation of a unified wage system for each municipal educational organization to the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory during 2019 every month before the 5th day of the month following the reporting month, according to the approved form (Appendix 2).

    3. The Department of Economics and Budget Planning of Education of the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory (I.A. Chugunova) send information on the preliminary distribution of financial resources for 2019 to the municipalities of the Primorsky Territory.

    4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    And about. Department Director N.G. Kochurova

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Work in the educational sector is paid low, but the rate is periodically indexed. We will provide the latest news on teacher salaries in 2017 from trusted sources. The president's decision confirms the salary increase, and the corresponding program has continued over the past five years. What will next year's increase be?

The school year has recently begun, but the issue of teacher pay has become acute. This category of employees refers to civil servants. The implementation of social policy in this area provides for a 1.5-fold increase in wages by 2018. The project started in 2012, and then it seemed impracticable. However, not all of its points will be fulfilled in the last year of the five-year plan.

State tasks

The government of the Russian Federation has the goal of increasing the prestige of the work activities of civil servants, primarily school teachers. Salaries should increase evenly for all categories of workers - bosses and ordinary teachers.

Funds for increasing teachers' salaries in 2017 in Russia are not at the maximum level. There is no incentive system, which other representatives of government agencies, for example, officials, have. The possibility of receiving bonuses is regulated by local authorities.

However, there are statements in the State Duma that a significant part of the budget is spent on the social and budgetary sphere. This raises a logical question: will the quality of education also improve? This is only possible by creating young personnel.

Statistics show that young professionals are put off by school work primarily because of the low level of wages. Incentive payments for those who went to work in small settlements are low and not everyone is suited to the option of leaving a large civilized city for the sake of insignificant additional payments.

Who is left to decide?

Who is responsible for indexing when the order has already been signed by higher authorities? The decision on the increase remains with local authorities. Teaching staff try to look into the future with an optimistic attitude, and the latest media news can support them with a positive outlook on things.

Teachers' salaries and wages vary across the country. On average, next year teachers of different categories can count on the following amounts:

  • university teachers - about 35 thousand rubles;
  • school teachers - approximately 27.5 thousand rubles;
  • educators - an average of 21 thousand rubles;
  • industrial training master - about 23.5 thousand rubles.

Attention! Do not forget that when calculating average statistics, both the maximum and minimum salary are taken into account. Thus, in the region, a young specialist receives 2-3 times less than in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

A salary increase is only possible if the teacher takes on an increased workload. The school teacher must also be a class teacher, conduct elective and extracurricular classes, and also give additional lessons. There is no promotion for simply performing minimal duties.

It is unknown about the salaries of state employees from different regions for the next year, but it is obvious that the percentage increase will be different. This is reported by the latest news from newspapers, magazines and online publications. The final decision on the amount and timing of wage optimization is made by government agencies closer to the date of execution of the decree.

Will there be a salary increase?

A budget freeze to index wages is not yet expected. When asked whether teacher pay will be increased in 2017, we can safely answer yes. Optimization of this process is in full swing, but exact data cannot be spoken with certainty. Everything depends on regional authorities, who often slow down the process, leaving time for other issues that are more important in the region.

One should not expect a uniform increase in wages, since this process is influenced by teaching experience, qualifications, and place of residence. A high category almost automatically means a significant increase in salary, but you should not expect sky-high amounts. The system is carefully controlled, so even teachers with extensive experience and awards do not have the average official salary, not to mention bonuses.

When to expect indexation in 2017

The press released the latest news about teacher salary increases in 2017. Indexation will take place on April 1, it will be 5.5%. This is half the inflation rate. In the context of a protracted crisis, this amount is unlikely to significantly replenish the teacher’s piggy bank and improve the living conditions of the teacher, his family and children.

The reason for this may be poor budget indexation in 2017 and rising unemployment. Civil servants at the federal, regional, and municipal levels differ in number and salary indexation.

A teacher is a profession by vocation, regardless of the institution and the size of the city he ends up in. This is probably what the state is starting from when making decisions on the remuneration of teachers.

With the traditional change of the calendar year, the population always has some expectations of change. From January 1, tariffs, interest on tax rates are changing, fines are being removed and added, but most importantly, the amount of payments is changing.

Teachers are a category of employees of budgetary organizations that are constantly worried about the size of their income. This is not due to selfish motives, but to the real situation in the country’s economy. The constant rise in inflation eats away at teaching incomes every year, even though on paper they are growing.

But will teachers’ salaries be increased in 2017? Every year, the question of next year’s salary level becomes not just relevant, but vitally important for teachers. As of the end of 2016 - beginning of 2017, the income level of this category of workers fluctuates between 18-30 thousand rubles.

However, Rosstat employees who publish such statistics mainly take into account data on urban residents, where salaries are higher than in rural institutions and there are many private schools.

Far outside the city, in villages, a teacher’s income is unlikely to exceed 15 thousand.

For urban residents, a teacher’s salary in 2016-2017 is 18-30 thousand - a partially acceptable amount, taking into account the ability of teachers to work at 1.5 times the rate, but no more, since overtime exceeding 20 hours is now prohibited.

But even in a short annual period, part of this money manages to depreciate under the influence of negative economic processes. The unsatisfactory level of remuneration for workers in the education sector provokes a shortage of human resources and a significant decrease in interest in the profession and its prestige.

Will there be a salary increase in 2017?

Education workers have the right to greet next year with optimism. Regarding teacher salaries in 2017, the latest news looks like this: the government is actively addressing the issue and has already received a proposal to increase the annual fund by 30 percent. An official decision has not yet been made, but the very desire of the state to find funds and launch a widespread increase in wages in 2017 is a positive sign. In addition, a presidential decree has already been signed, according to which the salaries of teachers who have achieved significant success will be increased in 2017. Leading industry workers can count on a bonus of up to half of their own salary.

However, this government decision did not find an approving response from all teachers. An increase in the wage fund by a third does not mean an automatic increase in the income of educators. New money in the budget can be used in different ways - the decision is made by regional authorities. According to the law of the Russian Federation, it is local officials who must distribute these funds.

In addition to the desire to increase the salary fund, according to rumors, officials are planning to reformat the requirements for teachers and review the remuneration mechanisms themselves. So, perhaps the Ministry of Education will introduce new professional standards, according to which it will be prohibited to work with secondary vocational education, and the number of permissible hours exceeding the basic working rate will be reduced.

Salary changes in 2017

It is safe to say that teacher salaries in Russia will change in 2017. First of all, there will be a regular planned increase, which is tied to the basic inflation level. However, one should not expect significant growth in the regions - the education budget is reduced by several percent every year.

But, if the situation with forecasts for increasing incomes for public sector employees is clear, then there are not so many public statements about the opposite scenario for the development of events. Meanwhile, the difficult economic situation of the state is obvious, and in a number of regions, educators are no longer interested in the long-term prospects of increasing income, but in maintaining the situation that exists now.

This desire is not accidental, because in 2016 the rules for calculating the average salary by region changed. It is based on a new statistical indicator - the average monthly income from labor activity in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The indicator replaced the previous parameter - the average salaries of teachers in 2017 in Russia by region.

Previous indicators took into account only employees of organizations, and new ones - all people employed. Due to this, despite the planned increase in allocations for wages, the real income of a particular public sector employee has decreased. Of course, the innovation also affected teachers.

State officials - the Prime Minister of the Government and the head of the Ministry of Labor have repeatedly spoken out on this issue. The level of salaries for employees of budgetary organizations, including teachers, will not be reduced in the coming years. The top officials of the state assured: any reforms and minor changes should not worsen the economic situation and salaries of teachers in 2017; we must proceed, first of all, from this.

Salary indexation 2017

The new method of calculating wages, adopted in 2015 (On Improving Statistical Accounting), lowered this figure by more than 12 percent. Based on this, the government does not plan to index payments to public sector employees and wages will not increase from January 1, 2017. Thus, teacher salaries depend on the regional average. Each region has been tasked with increasing teacher salaries in 2017, but it will be achieved in different ways. Judging by the news available at this moment, indexation for public sector employees will be officially carried out from April 1, 2017.

Current today:

You might be interested.

Most recently, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting in Moscow with the heads of the Ministry of Labor, Education and the Ministry of Sports. Quite a lot of topics and issues related to the need for changes and reforms in education were discussed at the meeting.

The main problems whose solutions were discussed during the meeting

The Deputy President could not help but pay attention and touch upon the issue of the shortage of teachers, which is especially acute in many regional centers. Teachers explain this by constantly growing workloads and rather small salaries.

Medvedev already held a meeting on pressing problems of teacher shortage on July 4 of this year. At that time, the main emphasis was placed on the need to review and increase the level of wages for young specialists who were about to begin performing their official duties. The heads of the same three departments were instructed to make changes by August 15. At the same time, a direct line was organized with the Prime Minister, during which he stated that every effort would be made to ensure that the difference in the salary of a young teacher and a specialist with many years of work experience was minimal.

It is worth noting that the heads of the Ministry of Science, Education, Sports and the Ministry of Labor stated that, on behalf of the head of state, all possible measures are being taken to ensure that the teacher’s salary reaches a figure equal to the average in the economy.

Decisions made by the Prime Minister during the meeting

At the last meeting, Medvedev demanded that every teacher receive decent wages, especially for specialists in remote areas and various regional centers. There were even proposals to equate a teacher to a civil servant and, accordingly, equalize wages.

According to Medvedev, good payment for such hard work will solve the issue of personnel shortages. It will also help attract qualified and competent specialists. It was also decided to look for ways to attract qualified specialists without pedagogical education.

An important aspect of this meeting was the decision to improve and expand the specifics and focus of the educational program in the interests of the child. According to the deputy head of state, the education program should be aimed at developing methods for an individual approach to each child. In this case, it is necessary to take into account his abilities, capabilities and interests.

It was decided to report the results of the work done on all these issues on November 15 of this year.

Published 09/01/17 09:19

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2017 in Russia, latest news: on September 1, Russian public sector employees will have their salaries raised.

Increasing wages for public sector employees in 2017 in Russia: latest news

Russian public sector employees will have their salaries increased from September 1, 2017. Income will increase for doctors, paramedical and junior medical staff, social workers, cultural workers, teachers in schools and additional education institutions, kindergarten teachers, teachers working with orphans, and researchers. There are 10 categories of workers in total. T

“I would like to confirm today that, as part of the implementation of presidential decrees, we have twice this year intkbbee We will increase wages for public sector employees. We are allocating more than 5.4 billion rubles for the May increase alone,” said Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov.

It is reported that from September 1, 2017, the salaries of doctors were increased by 6%, by 19% for nurses and by 10% for junior medical staff. Teachers of schools, kindergartens, additional education institutions, teachers working with orphans, as well as workers of cultural institutions will receive 5% more. But the salaries of educational and support staff of kindergartens (nannies) were increased by 70%. Thus, the average salary of school teachers will increase to 51.1 thousand rubles, kindergarten teachers - 58.9 thousand, nannies - 23.4 thousand rubles per month. The salary of cultural workers will be 42.3 thousand rubles in state and 39.2 thousand in municipal cultural institutions.

Incentive payments to directors of schools near Moscow were also introduced.

1.8 billion payments are expected to be provided by optimizing the activities of institutions, the rest of the money will be taken from the regional budget. The increase will be most noticeable among junior teachers in kindergartens. Their salaries will increase by 70% from September 1.