
When will the truth be revealed to man? What is Truth? Practical approach

How exactly should one strive for the divine ideal? The methods of this endeavor are spelled out in the Bible, interpreted in philosophical teachings and confirmed by the fact that we turn to the eternal book for help again and again.

No one doubts that the source of wisdom and correct spiritual experience is spelled out in the Holy Scriptures. But the question arises: did the Bible develop synchronously with the development of mankind, or, as theologians convince, does it remain an eternally unshakable constant of truth, which is customarily idolized and taken on faith as a higher mind once created it? The question “What is Truth?” casts doubt on the unshakable answer, which is obviously laid down in the Bible, but which obviously does not make sense, because to comprehend it you need to have certain life reasons and motives, that is, to be in the freedom of life.

The achievement of true happiness, the fullness of the spirit, is not limited only to the acceptance of truth as the mystery and grace of religious existence, but is accomplished in the full disclosure of life as one of the divine opportunities to find it. Life, in turn, is not limited only to the church’s understanding of the truth. The fullness of comprehension of the mystery of life, of course, occurs through the church - the place of spiritual maturation. The church is a symbol of the spiritual path. But we often forget again and again that the church is a derivative of the creation of faith, but not a material pre-existence, a haven in which the truth is “stamped” independently of a person.

The need to seek God has always existed. Man in ancient times simply could not explain the manifestation of the highest forces of nature and therefore reduced uncontrolled spirituality to heavenly energy, that is, to God. Over time, the idea of ​​God became closer to man, more focused on human freedom, potential and spiritual source. And the church became the image of this source.

The credit goes to Jesus Christ. Christianity launched the process of humanization and spiritual and moral transformation of man. All this happened to the accompaniment of conciliar thinking. Conciliar thinking is a given of our time, which implies the preservation and implementation of human spiritual experience. But sometimes theological thinking is simply not capable of organically, with all its naturalness, penetrating the nature of human quests and convincing an ordinary person that the biblical commandments must be observed.

This happens due to excessively abstract thinking only about the revelations of the Lord. Theologians turn into orthodoxies in the most terrible sense of the word, for such orthodoxies, alas, ignore the plurality and diversity of the world, accepting only a single divine manifestation in man. Thus, they become incomprehensible to people and, in principle, cannot help them. The search for truth is the main symptom of the transformation and change of the Bible. The Bible is a symbol of the discovery of Truth, otherwise it simply would not exist.

Man is a universal, ever-breaking being who leaves behind himself the freedom of the known world. But he doesn't stop there. Its unfolding essence is based on faith in the knowledge of the freedom of an as yet unknown world. It is this unknown, hidden from us world that is the mystery of existence, which is identical to our inner spiritual, ever-revealing being, identical to our own freedom and, to some extent, identical to the search for God.

Man, cognizing the nature of the world, thereby gets to know himself. A person, cognizing God, thereby recognizes his opportunity to know him better, that is, he discovers for himself the kingdom of the free spirit, touches true freedom. Without such conditions, methods of life and orientation of the spirit, it is impossible to strive for the true word, for the true life, for the true God. Everything is one in the Universe. And God wants to know us no more than we know him. And if the people of the church think that God knows us, then this is a lie and deception, for their knowledge of God’s knowledge of us is ignorance and church heresy, which inspires a person to find the easiest way to become a believer.

Faith is dynamic: it acts together with our efforts, transforms synchronously with our freedom, and always wins under the condition of devotion to oneself and one’s spiritual ideals. Without this existential experience, the experience of spiritual freedom, the commandments and laws that we understand so well would not have appeared. How can we not understand them if they were created under the burden of life’s suffering and spiritual struggle, under the symbol of the search for Truth? But the “commandments of God” are only relatively effective, because they were written and understood by man.

It would be naive to think that suddenly, one day, a long time ago, they emerged from the void, like something flying from above, independently of us. Moral principles are the experience of human freedom, not divine, not foreign, not extraterrestrial, but human. And they were created by us for ourselves, for people, and will continue to be created for people, but with the condition of preserving and respecting the experience of human experience.

Is there such respect in our world? Is it there where the defenders of God are indifferent to the seekers of God? Is it there where religious fanatics turn a deaf ear to the touching poem of a little girl? Is it there where the defenders of the state are indifferent to the opposition? Does it exist where the living essence of a person is thrown into the background of “religious progress”, in a place where those very commandments sparkle barely noticeably? Is it there?

God will not die if you boldly allow yourself to better understand and feel Him within yourself. God will not die if you move away from him in order to get closer to yourself. God will not die if we say: “The biblical commandments are the duty of man to man for the glory of man.” God will not die if man creates with his faith, with his heart, the freedom of a new understanding of the world's commandments for the glory of humanity. And this is precisely why God loves him... God will not die, for he does not know death.

Ordinary human life is an endless number of unsolved problems in a short period of time. Eternal questions of human existence, the endless meaning of all ongoing events, the order of things and numerous manifestations of life. Created reality, what is it really like? The one that is realized by the mind or hidden from our imagination? The concept of time and space. An endless stream of thoughts, forms and . What is all this? A huge human effort to find our place and the meaning of life, and who really shows our path. Where is the beginning from which we all found ourselves wanderers in the infinity of the surrounding space?

Truth and , health and illness, grief and joy. What is all this and how can you ultimately get rid of suffering? We will try to find answers to most of life's questions. And first, let's try to understand the formulation of truth.

People more often do not want to see reality or, so to speak, the truth, because they don’t really understand the meaning of this word. For them it is a blurry, unattainable, unnecessary thing, because there are more important things, as they say most often. Why do you need to get closer to the truth at all and what is it? To begin with, you can find a fairly simple answer. Truth is an absolutely level mirror to reflect a person and the path of life itself. Many people who have not come to terms with the state of a slave in the world of created illusion are in constant search for the so-called . That mirror that will show who they really are. If a person sees himself as who he really is, then he begins to get rid of his own false actions, the flattery of others, false recognition, unnecessary acquaintances, stupid work and other illusory world.

Who benefits from the created ambient illusion? Who controls the process of degeneration to transform a person into something unconscious, a being that does not belong to himself? To begin with, we will answer only the first question. Illusion is necessary in order to take away from a person the time given to him to form his personality. Lead away from reality, give false ideas and goals. It's like having an abortion. Then we are underdeveloped and structures interested in our energy. Who, having more advanced knowledge of life, use us to their advantage, like a battery for their watch. And the cheaper a person is, the better for his buyer. Unfortunately, most of the world was originally built on a system of domination of some over others. Our ultimate goal is freedom. Let it not be one hundred percent, but whoever has once escaped from the bondage of illusory reality will never want to go back. It's like seeing the sea; a large puddle near the house will already seem like a place for frogs to develop. But while we haven’t seen a sea wave, we sit there, slapping our palms on the dirty pond, hoping to turn it into at least a lake.

In a normal conscious world, people are constantly forced to engage in their own development, in order to stop the process of self-destruction or destruction from the outside. , self-developing people no longer interfere with others, understanding the price of enlightenment itself. They try to help others who want to get closer to their present, and in doing so they themselves begin to see their truth. That is, the principle of knowing oneself in the surrounding reality. They look at their crooked legs and no longer deny it, and once the problem is recognized, it is not difficult to take the second step - to begin to straighten it out. Let the visibility not be complete at first, because at each stage of life the size of the mirror is different. According to the law of nature, there is no emptiness in the world; if you don’t take the good, you must take the bad. That's why If you don’t engage in your development, then you begin to degrade and disturb others. We have to interfere with the “calmly moving towards knowledge.” The very concept of development is not reading smart books and memorizing formulas, it is creating the real self in our present, who we really are.


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The best minds of humanity thought about the nature of man: why he lives, what is the meaning of every person’s life, what must be done to become a true person.

CONFUCIUS, LAO TZU, BUDDHA, SOCRATES, PLATO, EPICTETUS, MARK AURELIUS, SENECA, Christ, Mohammed, SPINOSSA, KANT, B. PASCAL and many others, known and unknown, worked on their development and to help other people in the liberation of humanity nature from enslavement to animality (partiality, limitation, slavery of man).

BOOKS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN SPIRITUAL NATURE(human development) - http://evgenij02.narod. ru/chelovek_duh_knigi. html

Philosophical and religious works of L.N. TOLSTOY . – continuation of the work of humanity in the person of its best minds, sages, prophets.


O. HUXLEY “PERPETUAL PHILOSOPHY” -anthology of the historical development of human philosophy.

ECKHART TOLLE “THE POWER OF THE MOMENT NOW”, “NEW EARTH” - - works of one of the philosophers currently working on the liberation of the spiritual nature of man.

KEN WILBER , another modern philosopher who shows the stages of human development from an infant to a true person.

The goal of every person is to unite with God (the mind, the spirit of nature) = to become a true person, to become oneself. A person who connects with his nature (mind) will definitely connect with other people. Connecting people will quickly connect with the truth, the law of their life (God, spirit, the mind of nature).

The question of the correspondence of one’s nature to the natural purpose (the mind of nature, the spirit of nature, the Law, God) should be the main question in the life of every person and humanity as a whole.

Either into animalism, as most people live now, setting material wealth as the main goal of life, or - to a true man, a man like God. In the first version, a person does not live, he is dead, since his essence, his nature, his spirit are dead. In the second, a person truly lives, since his spirit is alive, alive human.

The work is a continuation and development of previous works, mainly articles №8 and developed in articles№10 « A MAN CANNOT BECOME A HUMAN IF IT DOESN’T SET THIS AS THE MAIN GOAL” and №11 MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL CAUSES OF HUMAN UNFREEDOM (SLAVERY).

My first works began as an analysis of the mistakes of Marx and Lenin from the point of view of the transition to a classless society (transition to a communist organization).

Analysis of the provisions of “scientific socialism” from Marx – Engels – Lenin showed that on the basis of “scientific communism” it is impossible to move from a capitalist organization to a communist one. The “theory of Marxism” in terms of “scientific socialism” is scientifically untenable.

Further work led to legal basis, from which we must proceed and look for ideas and goals for the future. The communist (socialist, democratic, liberal, etc.) organization of society cannot be the main goal for man and humanity, since forms organizations of people are means to achieve something goals, results. For example, when organizing production, a company, a scientific team, the form and means of production serve, are subordinated goals - What going to produce, develop. If they want to produce bricks, then they will get a brick factory. If computers – production of computers.

If society aims to produce things, goods (“economy”), then society will aim to produce and consume goods and human consumer, economic man. If you set the goal to produce full-fledged, reasonable people, then this cannot be solved within the framework of “economics”, this is a completely different production - each person must make himself, develop into a true person.

True, legal the goal cannot be “invented”, but is found in nature itself, the laws of nature.

Man is nature in its highest creation-development. Essence what characterizes a person is intelligence. Man is nature that has acquired reason. Nature is increasingly developing through intelligent human activity - nature is becoming more and more intelligent. The law of nature is development. Nature, having acquired intelligence, has developed and strives to continue to develop its intelligence. Man is prescribed by the laws of nature to develop his mind, become a reasonable person, and arrange life on the Planet and the Universe wisely.

The goal, the law of nature, is man himself, Homo sapiens, the liberation of the development of each person, which is oppressed in a system based on the separation of people from external nature (division of labor) and separation from each other through exchange relations (“salary for me and my family”) .

The form of organization of human society is subject to the laws of natural development, laws of human nature development.

If the form of organization of society does not aim at the development of each person (= liberation of man, removal of oppression), then this organization violates the laws of nature, the system anti-human, anti-natural.

All attempts to solve the problems of man and humanity without liberating human nature, removing oppression from nature, are doomed, since they are initially unreasonable = anti-human = anti-natural = violate the laws of nature.

“What is truth?” - Pontius Pilate and most people “know” that it does not exist = everyone has their own truth.

Every person is obliged by nature to develop his mind. But true intelligence develops only through searching for truth- only then it true, full intelligence. For example, if the mind is developed to lie truthfully, to deceive, to commit crimes, or even only to achieve “material” interests, then this false, partial, limited intelligence, but not full, true mind.

“Truth is not a minted coin that you can put in your pocket.” /G. Hegel/

A person is not able to immediately understand the truth - for this he needs to think, reflect, have the “habit” of not stopping at rational definitions, first conclusions, your opinion. The truth must be sought, “extracted.”

The comprehension of truth goes simultaneously with the development of the mind. “The truth must be “suffered”, “experienced”, “developed” by the person himself. For example, you can become a real (true) gymnast (or musician, artist, specialist) only through many days of training, exercises, and work.

“...the misdirection of the mind consists solely in the habit of reasoning from ill-defined principles.” /E. Condillac/

The unreasonableness of people consists not so much in ignorance, lack of knowledge, but in internalized hardened false concepts, prejudices, opinions; habits of reasoning based on “truths that have long been understood by everyone,” faith in authorities, lack of practice of independent thinking.

The mind that comprehends the truth becomes the true mind. A person who comprehends the truth becomes a true person.

The truth, however, is the same for everyone, these are the laws of nature. What truth should people seek? – Reason and truth are identical concepts. Man, people must, first of all, seek the truth in their natural essence, the laws of their life, the laws of spiritual nature, seek God = we are representatives of nature that has acquired reason, we are the reason of nature, man is like God.

Why are people unreasonable, why is the life of people together not arranged in a human way, why do we each have “our own truth” instead of the truth, what prevents us from becoming full-fledged people and organizing our lives rationally – in a human way?

To find the reasons for the unreasonableness and limitations of the human mind, people - to find means to remove the main contradiction: the discrepancy between the natural essence of man (the mind of nature = God) and his real, actual life, the life of a limited person with a limited mind.





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“The ideal is the truth in its highest consciousness.” /G. Hegel/

“Knowledge and human power come together, for ignorance of the cause deprives us of power over the action, and what is the cause in contemplation is the rule (or means) in action. /F. Bacon/

The goal, the future (product drawing) is what determines the means, plans, achieving the goal, building the future. Goals contain the means to achieve the goal.

How to find out, determine the goal, the future to which a person, humanity, needs to go?– The future is in today, since it can only come from it: today comes from the past, the future comes from today.

Knowledge of the essence of things and phenomena leads to the ideal of these things and phenomena. The ideal, “the truth in its highest consciousness,” reveals the goal, the idea of ​​the future.

Ideal, idea- these are the known ideals (ideas, laws) of nature (“truth in its highest consciousness”), and not “ideas and theories invented by scientists, “Marxes” or other “theorists”.

The theory, ideal, ideas (=law) of the future are found in nature, they are the laws of the development of nature and, in particular, the law of the development of man and human society. For example, the laws of physics and chemistry existed even before they were discovered by scientists. Or the development under favorable conditions from inorganic nature to organic, and from organic the emergence of living organisms and, further, the emergence of intelligent organisms, is laid down in the laws of nature.

What is “primary” - matter or spirit?

The spirit, the mind of nature is one of the forms and essence of matter, the “highest form of matter” - the unified, interconnected and eternal laws of nature = God, Existence, Law.

“In the beginning there was the word”: only reason can pose the question of its “primacy-secondaryness”; it also answers it - it is the first and, even if it does not recognize itself as the first, it asks the question and answers it.

What is “primary” for a person – the stomach (body) or the mind, spirit? – Reason, so the essence of man is reason, the spirit of nature. Otherwise it is not a person. “If God wants to punish someone, he deprives him of his reason.” Deprives one of reason, not food, clothing or shelter.

An idea, an ideal is the truth, the known laws of nature. Idea, ideal, = goal of nature.

What interests us, humanity, as the goal of development? – Man and humanity. Where should man, humanity develop, what is the purpose of each person’s life? Without answers to these questions, it is impossible to understand and solve numerous problems of man and humanity.

Knowledge of human nature, his natural essence, reveals the laws of human development - reveals the ideal of man and the purpose of life for every person.

If we answer the question “what is man” correctly, we will get the correct answer about the purpose of human life and humanity.


Man is not only the “crown of the creation of nature,” but nature itself in its highest development, nature that has become and is becoming more and more intelligent.

Ancestral man- this is nature that has gained intelligence, knowing itself and continuing to develop in its highest form, since spontaneity is increasingly being replaced by intelligent human activity, activity intelligent nature. With the advent of man, nature “concentrates” in him and develops more and more through the rational activity of man, and human activity becomes more and more intelligent. The history of the development of mankind is the history of the development of its mind in knowledge of itself, external nature and more and more intelligently conducted activities.

The development of the mind, the development of nature through the rational activity of man is the law of the development of nature, the law for every person and humanity as a whole.

In the essence of man, as a nature that has acquired reason, lies the ideal of man and from it the goals of man, of humanity. Following the laws of nature regarding generic man (mind of nature), man, people should set the goal of developing into a true person, who learns more and more deeply the laws of his life, lives and arranges life on the Planet, in the Universe intelligently.

The human mind must increasingly coincide with the generic mind (the true human mind = the laws of nature, the “world spirit,” God). The ancestral mind, the true mind, can manifest itself only through reunification with nature, the elimination of the separation of each person from his nature, mind.

With true intelligence, each person is divided through the division of labor and separation with other people, the human race. The minds of individual people must merge into one mind. Not in the sense of destroying individualities, but in the sense that a person’s mind should be based on truth, truth, and not, as “people” do now, stand for “their opinion,” “their truth,” which are generated by petty selfish interests due to unreasonable organizing the lives of people separated from their true nature, their essence. Nature is one and it has one mind = truth, truth have an objective meaning - these are unified and interconnected laws of nature = God, Essence, Law.

Otherwise, without setting such goals, without developing their nature and mind, people violate the laws of nature and do not fulfill their natural destiny. Violation of the laws of nature is "punished" by the laws of nature and, ultimately, can (should) lead to the physical destruction of humanity through the forces that are generated unreasonable human activity.

Or maybe the laws of nature must necessarily, inevitably be fulfilled, and will lead man and humanity in any way, regardless of our activities and aspirations, to full development?- The fact of the matter is that a person can enter the true mind only through reason, and a reasonable society can only come from reasonable people, true people.

Satellites are not built by themselves, natural sciences do not develop. Engineers, scientists, and specialists do not appear by themselves, but are created as a result conscious, purposeful activities. You can also become a true person if you set this as the main goal of life and consciously develop yourself, learning the laws of your life and living according to these laws.

By itself, not a single person will develop into a full-fledged person; by itself, the anti-human structure of people’s lives will not transfer, will not “flow” into the human. Undeveloped (unreasonable, with limited intelligence) people, during any restructuring, reforms, revolutions, will receive another variant-form of an anti-human structure of society.

ABOUT subjective necessity, truth, laws of nature, people learn subjectively and if the laws are not discovered, are known incorrectly, or they are “consciously” trying to “deceive” them, adapt them to their own selfish interests, then people’s activities will go wrong: chaotically, by trial and error, or - not to go chaotically, planned and directed, but in in the wrong direction (which can be worse than chaos, since it purposefully leads people further away from the right path).

The higher the element of conscious design in the life of human society, the more powerful the forces of nature people have subjugated to themselves, the higher the importance of the correctness or error of knowledge of the laws of social development and their application.

Humanity is at a stage of development when the development and organization of common life on Earth is actively, consciously planned, designed and implemented in the lives of people already at the level of the Planet, of the entire human community.

“Globalization” (connecting economies, people, knowledge, cultures, erasing borders), which is taking place on the Planet, is an objective necessity for the modern development of mankind, the survival of mankind. But the means of “globalization”, planning and mechanisms for the implementation and reconstruction of society and the world are in the hands of the “elites”, the “top of society”. The actions of the “elite” are not in accordance with the laws of nature, not with the interests of man and humanity (= not guided by the truth), but, like all people in this system, with the private - selfish, family, group interests of a relatively narrow group of people (= stand on false grounds).

Because of falsely understood interests, people violate the laws of nature. Violation of laws is “punished” by law - people receive an inhuman (non-rational) life, where from this “life” absolutely everyone, from a janitor to an oligarch, does not have a human life (do not truly live). Not understanding the causes of all kinds of troubles, people try to correct the situation by unreasonable means, struggling with the consequences, but this only perpetuates a suicidal path.

Falsely understood interests by the “elites” are half the “trouble.” The second half of the “trouble” is that the masses, their leaders and ideologists do not possess scientific knowledge and consciousness. The consciousness of the masses is no different from the consciousness of the “elites” and is also a selfish, narrow, limited, false (limited mind) consciousness. At the center of this consciousness to which people subordinate And delimit everything else - “my salary, me and my family” - is petty capitalist enterprise "Family"= material conditions of personal survival.

For example, replace (changed thousands of times) absolutely the entire “elite”, all “oppressors” with “fighters against the oppressors”, we get absolutely the same system with the “elite” and the “cattle” and the ongoing struggle with each other and the “oppressors”. It is impossible to “defeat capital” through a struggle (“revolution”) with the top of the system. “Fighters against capital” did not plan and do not plan to eliminate anti-human, unreasonable (capitalist) relations, but to reform them for the sake of “eliminating exploitation” into a “fairly organized society”, the goal of which is “fair distribution-consumption” (“material” - supply of food to a computer), and not the comprehensive development of the abilities of each person (“spiritual” - improvement of programs and computers).

“Fighters against capital”, Marxist-communist-socialists want to leave man (the mind of nature, nature) in an oppressed state, in an unreasonable state, an unfree, anti-human state, but so that everything is “fair” in the distribution of material goods. Limited people set limited goals.

The “class struggle” between “rich” and “poor” is not a struggle for the human order of life, but for, at best, the redistribution of goods; in reality, it is the seizure of power and property from “bad” people and transferring them to the control of “good” people.

Man is the mind. Refusal to seek truth, truth is equal to renunciation of true reason. Refusal of true reason is a rejection of what is truly human. We, people, have organized life among ourselves in such a way that we are “forced” to abandon truth, righteousness (=reason) for the sake of personal physical survival. For the sake of physical survival, we limit our intelligence and stop our development into a true person. Unreasonable people, people with limited intelligence, are not capable of solving the problems of man and humanity in a truly human, truly rational way.

Refusal of truth, reliance on “justice”, “specific tasks”, “first stages”, “urgent, immediate tasks” are good wishes, utopias, contradict the laws of nature, lead people not at all to where they would dream of being. The “dreams” of people who have limited their minds are also limited and false.


What prevents a person, humanity as a whole, from becoming smarter and organizing life wisely? – Ours, among the mass of people, is not quite human, not quite a full-fledged mind, which has not yet developed into a generic mind, truly natural mind. People with undeveloped intelligence are “simply” unaware of their lack of intelligence. To realize your unreasonableness, you must have not just a mind, but one that moves, develops, and in the process of development criticizes itself: “I know that I know nothing.”

Man, his consciousness, mind, creation not only nature, but also specific nature, the nature of that society, that specific environment and relationships in which we, each person, live at a given time. The laws of a specific, historically existing society are special, private, limited, transient laws.

The material conditions for the reproduction of human life in a given society, depending on the specific living conditions of each person, give rise to human consciousness corresponding to these conditions. Every person, in order to survive, must fit to the material conditions in which he was lucky to be born and live, correspond them.

Division of labor, socio-economic (class) division, attachment to a certain field of activity for the sake of “salary”, division into small families waging war-competition with each other for survival, gives rise in such a society to people limited to a certain field of activity (profession, place of work - a specialist), which serves as a means of obtaining funds for oneself, one’s family (different habitats). The limited conditions of material life (part of external nature) and the struggle for survival with other people, generates limited human consciousness, tied, attached to the conditions of his individual material life.

The narrower, more limited, the sphere of activity of an individual person’s life, the less connected he is with nature, his true nature, the mind of nature. The less he corresponds to a true person.

Each person in this system is divided with his nature (mind) by division of labor ("external nature") and division with the human race ("human nature", rational nature) - the struggle with the human race (with other people) for personal survival.

The consciousness of such people does not correspond to the whole of nature, but only to part of nature. This consciousness is incomplete, not generic (not truly human) - it is not suitable for correctly solving the countless problems of each person and humanity as a whole. The defective, undeveloped consciousness of people does not allow them to correctly assess reality and gives rise to wrong goals and wrong means for solving the problems of man and humanity.

In a society based on the division of labor, division into small families, exchange, the consciousness of each person, people chained (constrained, enslaved) material living conditions to personal and family survival, struggle with people like themselves = hostility to the rest of humanity. People have generated and continue to generate living conditions that are hostile to themselves as a generic human being, a true human being.

Every person in this system is hostile to reason and truth. Slavery (unfreedom) of man and humanity does not consist in the enslavement of some people by others, but in the enslavement (oppression) of that which is the generic characteristic of man - the mind = refusal to search for truth “for the sake of specific tasks”, life for the sake of “material benefits” and “pleasures” .

But human consciousness is quite “autonomous” and can develop even under material conditions unfavorable for its development. A person who knows the laws of nature, the laws of his nature, who knows the laws of his life, is able to change first his consciousness (eliminate illusions, identify lies), and then material conditions that do not correspond to the truth, the laws of human life.

They usually say: “You cannot be free from society,” “Man is a social being,” and the thought stops there. But people in society are different and a person can choose his social circle, profession, job, and choose whether to obey, adapt to the opinions of others, or disobey.

Each person, thanks to the books that were left to us by the best minds of humanity (“great people”), can include these people in his social circle, enter into communication (in society) with the best people, start free yourself from the superficial, false consciousness that currently reigns in a given society.

“A city, a sect, political parties, rather than the charm of a one-sided idea or system, subjugate and bring all their members under one level. By looking where others are looking and occupying ourselves with the same objects, we easily succumb to the deception that has befuddled them.

Moreover, it should be noted that the opinions of the current time are floating, so to speak, in the air and infecting our very breath. Often the same vices and follies take hold of an entire people and an entire era. People are even more like their contemporaries than their predecessors. Choose any but high point of view, and our New York, and London there, and the whole of Western civilization will seem to you a tangle of madness. We keep each other on our guard and infuriate with our competition the ferocity of this or that era. Wearing armor against remorse has become a universal usage of our time. Besides, there is nothing easier than to become as kind as our comrades. From them we learn what they know, effortlessly absorbing - one might say - this knowledge into the pores of our skin. But we stop where they stand, and are unlikely to take a step forward.

Great people or those who remain true to nature and transcend fashion and custom out of love for universal ideas - these are our deliverers from collective errors, our defenders from their contemporaries. They constitute the exception necessary for us when everything rests under one level. Greatness, appearing before us from the outside, from afar, is the antidote to such corruption and bondage.

Their genius serves as nourishment for us, refreshes us from over-development with our equals, and we, with deep spiritual jubilation, rush in the direction that he points to us.

One great man is retribution for hundreds of thousands of pygmies!” /Ralph Emerson “Moral Philosophy/


People in the anti-human (capitalist) organization of society, divided among themselves by the struggle for “material wealth”, without realizing it, replace truth-truth (= the laws of their life) with truth-selfish interest (= “my opinion”, “everyone has their own truth” ).

The need for every person and humanity to emerge from limited consciousness to a full-fledged, true consciousness has long been signaled by the “problems” of human society and every person, which in the 21st century are becoming worse every day.

The laws of nature cannot be deceived; they are fulfilled even if people refuse to comply with them. For example, if a person wants to breathe water, then he is breaking the laws of nature and will be immediately punished. The laws of spiritual (morality, God) human life have the same force. They are “simply” not so obvious to most people - in order to understand the connection of violations of these laws with the countless “problems” of every person and humanity, one must have a developed human consciousness. And consciousness develops only through the search for truth - precisely the knowledge of the laws of human life (moral laws) and comparison of these laws with the life that a person lives.

An incorrectly, unreasonably structured life gives rise to a false, incorrect consciousness of people. The false consciousness of the masses and their “elites” does not lead to a truly human, reasonable solution to the problems of mankind, but in the wrong direction, which not only does not solve the problems of mankind, but aggravates them.

False consciousness sets false goals and uses false means to achieve them. One of the most deep-rooted false remedies is attempts to solve the problems of humanity by “fighting” with someone. “Class struggle”, “protests”, “the fight against bad government”, “revolutions”, “Maidans”, “elections”, which supposedly will lead to “victory of the working people or the people”, “good government will come”, cannot decide Not a single problem of humanity, including those of the “exploited,” leads people away from the correct solution to problems.

The false consciousness of “struggle” is from a limited consciousness, tied, attached to the “material” goals of life, which people still consider the main ones.

The destruction or underdevelopment of the spiritual (truly human) in man, people, inevitably leads to their physical destruction by the forces that people themselves gave birth to.

The “elites” are as unreasonable as the “ordinary” people and will also be destroyed. Attempts to reduce the population by various means, driving humanity into an electronic concentration camp are carried out by the seemingly conscious activity of one of the parts of humanity (“elites”, “power”, “evil”, “bad people”), but the “elites” themselves are the product of a violation of the laws of human nature by all people. Nature itself acts through the hands of the “elites”: it destroys people who have not become human through wars, “cataclysms,” famine, epidemics, “crises,” crime, genocide.

It turns out a vicious circle: limited by material conditions, not rationally arranged life → limited consciousness, false mind → limited, false goals, false means, reproducing and consolidating limited, not rationally arranged life.


The “Elites” assume, and the scientists they hired calculated for them, that reducing the Earth’s population is a necessity to save the “ecology”, humanity and the Planet. But the main goal is different: the “elites” hope that this will allow them to solve their problems, arrange their lives safely, preserving the existing anti-human system based on “materialism”, reducing human life to the life of the body, life for the sake of “pleasure”.

“Scientists” and numerous agitators for “ecology” blame all the troubles on a large number of people on the Planet. But they “forget” that “overpopulation” is the result of an unreasonable, anti-human (capitalist) structure of society. People, separated from nature by the division of labor and from the human race, as a result of this produce not truly people, but partial people, inferior people, “animate” things.

Anarchy in the overproduction of “superfluous” people is associated with small private capitalist handicraft enterprises “Family”, which produce new people (give birth and raise children) for their own survival in the struggle with other families.

Anarchy in human production will inevitably have to be addressed. Handicraft “family” firms produce limited people, not truly people, and overproduce such people quantitatively.

Forced reduction of the planet's population to 500 million. people or even 200 million. - an “idea” that is implemented through numerous programs, various means (economics, laws, corruption, vaccinations, GMOs, famine, wars, disasters), up to the use of high technology means such as information weapons (“non-lethal weapons” to destroy masses of people) "psychophysical weapon").

Selfish, group, personal interest replaces science, truth, and reason in this system for people. Will the liquidators of the “surplus population” get human life as a result? - No, since both the goal and the means of solving humanity’s problems chosen by the “elites” are not true, anti-human, contrary to the laws of nature. An unreasonable goal → unreasonable means → an anti-human, unreasonable result is inevitable and turns against those who commit anti-human, unreasonable actions. It is impossible to achieve the right goal by wrong means. In this case, both the goal and the means are clearly wrong.

The forces of nature generated by the violation of the laws of nature will continue to destroy after the “ordinary” people and the “elite”. Rather, the destruction will not necessarily be “one by one,” but will occur simultaneously.

The physical destruction of a person is preceded by his refusal of reason (spiritual death), of fulfilling the laws of his life. People, having abandoned true reason, truth, refused to submit to the laws of their nature (=God, Law, Being), stopped its development in an animal state. The expression “man is a wolf to man” accurately defines the essence of such “people”, their relationships with each other in this system.

“A person differs little from an animal if he uses his mind for the same purposes for which an animal uses its instincts.” /I. Kant/

Is it really possible for a person to survive if he does not live humanly (unreasonably, not “according to the Law”)? Nature “forgave” some “mistakes” to man and humanity when it was not yet entirely in the hands of man. Now the forces of nature are almost entirely developed by man. The forces of nature, which man has developed and subjugated, have enormous power, unleashing (partially they have already been “untied”, giving rise to countless “problems”) that can kill humanity and all life on the Planet several times. The possession of such means by foolish people is literally suicidal for humanity. Here the price for mistakes, violation of the laws of nature, has increased by many degrees. And they have already been violated in the most important way - people’s refusal to live in accordance with their nature = to fulfill (obey) the laws of human spiritual nature, to live truly as people.

Globalization, driving humanity into an electronic concentration camp, forced population reduction - this is the reaction of nature (through the “elites”) for violating its laws.



Nature is neither good nor evil, neither fair nor unjust. But it has valid laws, cognizing and obeying (=using them) them, people, as a conscious part of nature, develop nature intelligently - nature develops more and more consciously through human activity.

Man is nature that has acquired reason. Nature is one, the laws of nature are the same and interconnected - one (God, Law, Existence), and the mind of nature is, as it were, divided into many people. But the mind of every person is natural in its origin, the mind of each person objectively corresponds to the mind of nature, that is, it can know nature and itself correctly. The full mind of man corresponds to the mind of nature, the spirit of nature and, therefore, is equal to God.

For example, in technology, natural sciences, the mind of people manifests itself without problems, is organized as a true, natural, generic mind; people recognize the laws of physics, mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, and agronomy as the same for everyone. There are no different “opinions” regarding Ohm’s law and Newton’s laws, since they do not affect the material, narrowly selfish (personal) interests of people.

It is completely different for people in “practical life”, in “human” life - in the daily and hourly struggle, the war of each with others for material wealth, for their survival in, so to speak, “human society”. Here everyone has “their own mind”, “their own truth”, “everyone has their own opinion”. It is not true consciousness that rules here, not a full-fledged mind, but only parts of nature - partial mind, attached, limited interests-goals of personal and family survival.

The reflection of this struggle by consciousness is expressed in the diversity of individual and group consciousnesses, philosophy, sociology, psychology, politics, and art. Here, no matter what a person is, he has a “special opinion”, “his own truth”, his own system of life, his own ideal in politics and the way of life of society. Such people often set the goal of transformation in society as “justice” (their own interest, mistakenly or deliberately presented as general). Naturally, everyone has their own opinion about “justice”, everyone has “their own truth-justice”. Which of the “justices” should be considered the most important in a “fair” society? – “General justice” (“equalization”) will have to be introduced by decree - without dictatorship for the sake of “justice” nothing will work out.

People also agree to dictatorship: “I am ready to march in line, but so that there is more justice!” They vote “unanimously” for “justice” (who is against justice?!). But everyone has in mind “his own justice,” his own interest associated with “his own” limited life.

Having created a “people's government” (“dictatorship of the proletariat”, monarchy, etc.) in the “people's state”, after a while people are surprised to see that the “dictatorship of the people, the proletariat or the nation” for the sake of “justice” (the general good of the people) run by people who understand justice as, first of all, “fairness” for themselves and silencing those who do not like such “justice”.


The “injustice” of existing relations in society is generated anti-human structure of society. The existing relationships between people and the form of society prevent each person from developing in accordance with his natural destiny, in a reasonable person, become a true man.

The unreasonably (against nature, against human nature) structured life of each person gives rise to numerous problems on their heads, including “unfair” (anti-human) relations in society.

People with an undeveloped, limited “material” consciousness do not understand the reasons for the disorder in their lives, but they “clearly see” the consequences (“injustice”, “exploitation”, “bad government”, “bad laws”, etc.) and fight against those that they “see clearly with their own eyes.”

In a system in which people struggle with each other for material means of survival, the consciousness of people chained to this fight. Therefore, the main thing in people’s lives is considered to be the material conditions of survival and life, and not the development of their nature and mind.

Most people do not think about the true purpose of their life, since every day they are faced with countless “material” problems that must be solved in order to meet their achieved standard of living.

Most people “have no time for science”, “no time for truth” - no time for searching for the root causes of the disorder in life and all kinds of troubles. They “visually” see the problem of a difficult (or impossibility of living “as they would like”) life only in the “unfair” distribution of material wealth and therefore put the idea-goals of “fair distribution of wealth”, “the fight against corruption”, “the fight against oligarchs” on first place.

An example of how people divided by material interests understand “fairness.”

Shop workers stopped work due to low wages. Workers have different professions, different grades and, accordingly, different “salaries”. The “wages” of workers vary by up to 4x. The strike initiative comes from those who occupy key jobs (blacksmiths) and the highest salaries (“kulaks”). After a harsh conversation at a meeting with the management with all the workers, the management conducts “secret” negotiations with the “initiators” and agrees on an increase in wages only for them. “Justice has triumphed, the workers have won another victory over capital.” And this is not an “isolated, special case” - in a society where everyone works for the sake of the family, everyone has different interests, since each family survives individually, other families and people are competitors-enemies.

“Friendship is friendship, but money is separate!”, “You die today, and I, better yet, die tomorrow.”

Ideas-goals based on “justice” are not based on the laws of nature, but are a reflection of the superficial, limited, undeveloped (not true) consciousness of the unreasonably (not humanly) structured life of people.

People want to eliminate the consequences (“problems”) without eliminating the causes of the consequences - their violation of the laws of nature = oppression of the development of their mind.

People still agree to live not like human beings (as unreasonable people = not true people), they set as a goal only “material benefits”, filling the trough (“salary”, income, rations, pensions, prices, tariffs, justice). That is, they set purely animal goals. But they are very surprised that they still haven’t succeeded humanly.

Moreover, the fuller and more varied the feeder of partial people (not full-fledged, not true people), the more fully, brightly they manifest themselves as animals, developing more and more “refined” and crude animal pleasures - consumerism of things and people (each other) .

An animal cannot get out of its nature; it always corresponds to it. A person has reason and thanks to reason he has freedom of choice in choosing life goals. An undeveloped mind puts on what “it and everyone understands” - “material goods.” In order to set human goals (the search for truth, the laws of one’s life), one must begin to seek the truth, the laws of one’s life, and begin to free one’s mind from being chained to animal life.

Those who want justice for the “workers”, “people”, “democrats”, “liberals”, “communists”, “nationalists”, “patriots” need a “leader”, “leaders” (a good gentleman, bare) who will promise the fulfillment of their desires, if they “take power”, “choose us”. Demand gives rise to supply: “leaders” appear or, most often, are organized by commanders in an anti-human system (large capital).


The laws of “justice”, “equality”, “brotherhood” do not exist in “material” nature. Therefore, there is no need to set “justice”, “equality”, “brotherhood”, “good life” as the goals of human life and transformations in society legal grounds.

Ideas-goals (“theories”) of human development, human society (as in the natural sciences) can only be based on the laws of nature. Only an idea-goal, which is a law of nature, can be the right idea, the right goal, legitimate purpose.

Ideas, “theories”, laws are in nature itself and are nature themselves, and people are only learning about them. Correctly understood laws of nature provide the right ideas and ideals of the future.

Attempts to “deceive”, “not notice”, “bypass”, “postpone” the implementation of goals-laws of nature for the sake of “urgent tasks”, “immediate, specific tasks”, “justice”, are not reasonable, good wishes, “utopias”- they have brought, are leading and will always bring people completely different from where they dreamed of being. And people “dream of being” are not at all where they are supposed to be according to the law of nature.


Future goal ideas must have legal grounds. When designing the future, people must proceed from nature and its laws.

The communist (socialist, democratic, liberal, national, etc.) organization of society cannot be the main goal for man and humanity, since forms organizations of people are means to achieve something goals, results. For example, when organizing production, a company, a research team, form And facilities production is determined by subordination goals, - to that What going to produce, develop. Based on the goals, equipment is purchased and installed, and staff is recruited. Target production defines the shape, structure of the organization, company.

What(target) produced by the company "capitalism"? Things and people are sold for the sake of obtaining income, “salary”, and people live for the sake of “consumption of various goods”, “pleasure”.

The firm “capitalism” does not aim at producing Homo sapiens; and even healthy; and does not even aim to produce quality products and services. The goals of the company are “capitalism” “economy”: profit, “salary”, income. A person in this system is the same commodity that is sold (sold) for the sake of income-salary.

The essence and quality of the system is determined by the people who make up a given society. The anti-human system is created by “materialist” people who do not set a goal to become true people, to correspond to their nature, they live as partial people, people who are specialists “earn a living”, and “life” is considered to be the consumption of “material goods”, “pleasure”, “comfort”.

Economic man, specialist man, partial person - this is one of the things produced in a system that works for sale. People-specialists (or simply “workers”) are reproduced and produced in “family” enterprises for sale by WORKER for WORK. Economic man is a man function: a man-official, a man-worker, a man-policeman, a man-scientist, who is created for “making a living” + consumption.

A person is used as a means, a function, a cog for a “well-functioning economy” - “worker + consumer”.

Instead of full-fledged, real people, as inherent in nature, the system produces partial, inferior people, the ability to perform certain functions is work for a “salary”, and the main goal of life for these “people” is “material”, purely animal goals.

Man limits his nature, stopping its development in a truly human direction. This is the same as if computers were used not for complex calculations, modeling processes, but as a calculator or a heating device.

The system, the organization of life together, is generated by limited people, produces limited people (limited mind). Limited people apply all their intelligence for the purpose of personal and family survival, work to preserve the system, preserve their limitations and inferiority.

Limited mind is stopped mind, attached to “material” - this is not free, enslaved, slave mind. The unfreedom of man lies in the unfreedom of his mind.

In the company “socialism” (“communism”), at first glance, the goals are declared to be different: “full satisfaction of the needs of the working people.” This is not profit, but still the same “economy”, “socialist economy”, which sets the main goal of production and life for the sake of “material” consumption. And in this company it was not, is not the goal to produce a reasonable person, a true person = the goal is not to liberate the natural forces of man. For the sake of “taking care of feeding the working people,” the main goal is the production of things. And here, as under “capitalism,” a person remains a thing, exchanging the sale of himself as a slave for other things.

Firms "capitalism", "socialism", communism" They do not aim at the development of each person’s nature; they place a person under subordination to the system.

The form of organization of people's lives should have the goal of development everyone man into a true man.

In order to liberate human nature, there are means, forms of liberation, elimination of the material causes of man’s separation from his nature and mind.

In order to correctly change the material conditions that work to limit consciousness, consciousness must realize its lack of freedom and limitations. Begin to liberate, develop your mind in search of truth, the laws of spiritual nature. Only a developing, self-criticizing mind is capable of comprehending the truth. The development of the mind, the comprehension of truth, proceeds to a greater extent in the elimination of the false that keeps the mind in bondage - lies, errors, prejudices, “sacred things”, authorities, “truths long known to everyone.” The mind should not have anything “sacred” (that “cannot be touched”).

Material reasons that limit the human mind and they also prevent a person from realizing his unreasonableness:

1. Division of labor, specialization for the sake of “salary”. Each person is limited, attached to a particle of nature, limited by all of nature, he limits his mind.

2. Exchange relations between people, work for money for yourself and your family. Competition for material benefits for oneself and one's family, the struggle for survival and the best piece, chains and attaches the mind of every person to the struggle for material benefits. Every person, every family is divided with other people, families, every person is divided with the human race. Every person's mind is limited by the struggle with other people.


Refusal of science legitimate purposes The liberation of human nature, the liberation of rational nature, is “justified” by numerous “friends of the people” (from democrats to communists, nationalists) by concern for the people.

For example: “First you need to feed people, and only after that think about the “high”, develop abilities.”

Here, of course, there is not only no science, no truth, but also a deliberate lie, fraud from beginning to end - the essence of a person is reduced to the stomach, equated to cattle that needs to be fed, which shepherds need to look after.

1. “First” - where has it been researched, proven, justified that it is necessary to do “first” the “feeding” of people? “Feeders” do not have blueprints for the future (“the end”), but from somewhere they know the “beginning” (“the first stage,” for example).

Before the start of “feeding the people”, “first”, you need to get a job at the feeding tank - the main thing is to be with the feeders distributing, to be at the “cistern” and not feed. The “feeders” reduce Homo sapiens to a working animal, “working for food.” A computer is reduced to a heating device, the main purpose of which is to consume electricity.

2. “Feed” - aren’t the majority of people hungry, or isn’t it more correct to make sure that people “feed” themselves, and there are no “feeders” or there are fewer and fewer of them? Does the development of the mind and abilities of each person interfere with “feeding the people”? For example, is it right to provide education to everyone at the highest level, to teach people to think? Open all information on science, allow everyone who can help the cause to solve problems? Including organizing food production, improving its quality - isn’t this the job of everyone?

Fraudsters who care for the people are trying to replace complex actions based on science (the laws of nature) to rebuild society with actions based on good wishes, “a teaspoon at a time,” from the hands of “wise, professional, popular or “elected” authorities.” . Guardians of the people are not going to give information to the masses = they are not going to let the people into power. “Professionals, the smartest ones, must manage” - that is, the people must remain at the level of a managed herd of sheep.

3. In general, the scammers who feed the people do not have in their programs the goal of developing the mind of every person, removing oppression from rational nature. Or is there scientific verbiage from the Leninist-CPS manual about “communism”: “when the opposition between mental and physical labor disappears”, “when benefits flow to everyone from all the cracks”, “when consciousness rises to such a level that work will not be an obligation for everyone, but by necessity" = when the cancer on the mountain whistles, that is, never.

Who benefits? – To those who “fed” and “feed the people”, sitting on their necks. Although they “benefit” only because of falsely understood interests. The main “benefit” for every person is to become a reasonable person, to become what the laws of nature prescribe for a person to become, and not to fill your pockets with a full trough of food and “pleasures”, living as an animal and not as a person = not living truly, “living” in a dream , dead in spirit.

4. “The people” correspond to their “chiefs” and “leaders.” The material basis of life for the “people” and the “elite” differs quantitatively economic, material level, but identical on material grounds and goals: “material things are the main thing in life”, “we live for ourselves and our family.”

“Power” and “people” are two sides of the same coin of the anti-human organization of society (society divided people). A divided “people” at war with each other has corresponding power over itself. The authorities, accordingly, have such “people” under them.

Every “simple” person from the “people” lives exclusively for himself and his family, no one thinks about common problems (the interests of others), about the meaning of life, the purpose of a person for even a minute in his entire life.

But for some reason these same “ordinary people” believe the scammers (who have deceived them more than once) that “there are good, honest people” who will think for them and do something for them if they are “chosen” , “they will put you in power.” They also believe that they need to be “fed first” and that they will definitely be “fed” by “friends of the people” - they just need to be found.


The masses, as activists and theorists, are still “digging” in the reformist direction (= looking for salvation, preservation or improvement of their financial situation in an anti-human system, and not the truth). They are looking for and making attempts to improve the anti-human system with the help of reforms, elections, “revolutions”, “the fight against regimes”, “USSR-2”, “socialism”, “socialism-2”, “a fair structure of society”, “implementation of the constitution, laws " and so on.

People think that they must first solve the “immediate,” “real,” “most pressing,” as it seems to them, tasks and problems. They want to eliminate the consequences without knowing the reasons. They leave the truth, the truth, the causes of countless “problems” and the solution to these same “concrete” tasks, problems, on the basis of truth (the laws of nature) “for later”: now there is no time for “philosophizing, fantasies and dreams”, it is necessary to “do concrete things” !

“Concrete matters” are fantasies, utopias, INSANITY, based not on reason-truth, but on opinions, one’s own truth, falsely understood selfish interest. “Thinking” that the lentil stew of “immediate tasks” is more accurate than truth, truth, people betray human birthright = betray truth, truth = try to deceive the laws of nature. But it is impossible to deceive the laws of nature; you can only deceive yourself. This is confirmed by the practical results of countless reforms, “revolutions”, riots, wars, “protests”, “elections”.

Violation of the laws of nature is “punished” by the laws of nature.

“Anyone who moves away from ideas ends up with only sensations.” /IN. Goethe/

Good wishes for “real, concrete things” (“protests”, “elections”, “revolutions”, collection of signatures) lead people to places completely different from where they planned to end up. Humanity can overcome the rake race of “elections”, “protests” and all kinds of “revolutions” only with reason. First of all, work everyone a person on himself, developing himself into a true person. If one person saves himself from limitation, frees his mind, thousands around him will be saved.

If you don’t know the laws of nature, the final design of the product, the reasons for malfunction or illness, how can you make something “concrete”? For example, to make a blank, a foundation, the “first stage,” to cure a disease? In natural sciences, technology, medicine, and construction, this is an axiom.

In social construction, transformation of society, the laws are the same.

Without knowing the purpose of man and humanity, it is impossible for a person, people, to become truly human → it is impossible to properly organize life together (a form of society), the means for the development of a person into a true person → without knowing the purpose of construction, it is impossible to create a drawing of the future → without having drawings of the future it is impossible to make no one correct a “concrete”, “immediate” step to restructure society on a reasonable basis.

“The ideal is a guiding star. Without it there is no firm direction, and without direction there is no life.” /L. Tolstoy/

Incorrect drawings and “first stages”, even with the “heroic efforts” and “labor exploits” of the heroes, will still lead to a defective, unusable product.

“Concrete steps”, “stages”, “stages”, of course, will also be present in public construction. But they must correspond to the final, correct drawing. There is nothing more concrete and practical than a precisely established ideal (truth in its highest consciousness). There is nothing more utopian, more impractical, less concrete than “concrete actions” without knowledge of the main goal, idea, ideal. For example, only perfect developed drawings and technologies make it possible practically, specifically, in stages, build spaceships and organize flights to Mars and other planets.

All “concrete steps” without an ideal, an idea (true, legitimate purpose) will, ultimately, only worsen the situation of people who are trying to solve complex problems on the basis of “common sense” and “good wishes”, without fully understanding the causes of the numerous troubles and problems of man and humanity.

A truly human, intelligent society will be created only by intelligent, true people. Unreasonable people, limited in “material” things, will not only be able to organize life wisely, but also to set the right goal. Unreasonable people who have not developed their nature are not able to set the correct goal of transforming society.

Usually people develop theories, projects for transformation, social reform, and want to change other people. But the main thing that every person should do is to change himself, to seek the truth of his life, to learn the laws of the nature of human life = to develop into a true person. A person who develops his human nature does the maximum good for himself and other people.


Thinkers, philosophers, enthusiasts, revolutionaries, who saw the imperfection of the structure of the society in which they lived, tried to find a system of people’s life that would eliminate injustice, the violence of one part of society over another, would establish harmony in relations between people.

But the goals of building and the design of these systems were illegal, had no basis in laws(ideas) of nature.

They designed and intended to create not a society that should produce reasonable, true people - to develop the generic human mind (= free the forces of nature), but a “fairly organized society”, various “systems” aimed at the production and fair distribution of material goods. Therefore, in numerous projects of systems, the division of labor, distribution “according to work,” “wise rulers,” the state, money, exchange, banks, work for profit and “wages” were preserved. Revolutionaries and reformers saw the problem mainly in the “unfair” distribution and consumption of material goods.

The ideal of society from the communists - welfare society, distribution “according to need”, without exchange.

“Cities of the future”, “phalansteries”, smacked of barracks: the “common good” was put at the head of the system, and not the development of each person, the liberation of the mind of nature.

If “for the sake of the common good” the development of each person is sacrificed, then the consequences are inevitable: power and subjects are preserved, the dictatorship of the “chosen” over the “not chosen”, the “wise” over the “not wise”, “skilled” work and “unskilled” , distribution “according to work” (money) = “to each his own” in his own hole-family.

Ideas of a “better society” that are not based on the laws of nature are false ideas, ideologies. One of the reasons for the “utopianism” of these systems is the underdevelopment of productive forces and, most importantly, the lack of means that allow people to overcome their separation from nature and eliminate the division of labor. To do this, you need to quickly master any specialty so that everyone can change jobs and can at any time join any job where they would be useful.


Humanity, thinkers, were looking not only for “just systems”, but also tried to find in heaven or among themselves, saviors humanity.

Most people, “the people”, believe and hope in the “president”, “Stalin”, God, “good people in power”, “leader”, “people’s party”, “opposition”, “rise of the people”, “revolution”, “quantum leaps”, “transition to another energy level”. Hopes for saviors stand on “materialism”, false goals that people set as the main ones in life.

Goals contain the means to achieve the goal. The goal and the means to achieve the goal coincide. A false goal corresponds to false means of achieving it.

In the 19th century, populists in Russia believed peasants with communal land management that social stratum that is opposite to the bourgeois peasantry of the West and the bourgeoisie in general; believed that the community will save Russian society from capitalism will allow the transition through the community to more fair society. The myth about the specialness of peasants in Russia dissipated along with the development of capitalist relations in the countryside.

Marx "discovered" savior represented by industrial workers, the “proletariat” is the basis and main thing in “scientific socialism”.

Proletariat, according to Marx, there is a special social stratum, absolutely opposite to the bourgeoisie, since it has nothing but its own hands (no property that generates income), the only non-bourgeois class in bourgeois society.

But There are no (absolutely) absolute opposites in nature, What Marx knew, his comrade-in-arms, Engels, also knew . Specifically - there are no such “proletarians” in real life - there are no workers “with only one hand”; workers, like all people, have a head, a mind.

Workers are divided economically, according to qualifications (=various quality of the program in the head) and, naturally, income (“salary”) in depending on qualifications. For example, “wages” varied up to 10-fold among different workers during Marx’s time in England; there is a “labor aristocracy” (kulaks) and there is a mass of workers striving to become a “labor aristocracy” - which of this pyramid is the “proletariat”? – These facts were discarded and not examined by Marx; real worker replaced abstraction- “total worker”, “average worker”, “with hands, without head” = without knowledge and qualifications.

The proletariat, on which Marx’s “scientific socialism-communism” stands, does not exist in nature.

According to Marx savior of the proletariat at a certain time he will definitely (inevitably) make the necessary “revolution in society.” The proletariat will do everything that is required and, therefore, “there is no need to fantasize about the structure of the future.” That is, a miracle will definitely happen (according to science!): a savior, “having nothing but hands,” who does not know what to do, will at some point rise up and save humanity.

Marxism does not have a scientific criticism of “utopian” systems, but simply declares that “only with the advent of the “proletariat” did socialism become a science” (“scientific socialism-communism”).

The myth about the specialness of industrial workers as the opposite of the bourgeoisie had and has no basis in real life. Historically, in practice, the “mission of the proletariat” was not manifested even in the structure of “proletarian parties”; no “proletarian revolutions” with a “revolution of society” occurred in any country.

In absolutely all countries where communist-Marxist parties came to power, classes, money, and wage slavery were preserved. The communist state did not “die out”; in order to preserve itself, it kept huge armies of officials, guards and secret police, military men, and priests of the Marxist parish.

In the system of “socialism” even more than in “capitalism”, free thought, any critical word to the authorities and their ideology; any scientific research into society that could lead minds beyond the framework of official doctrine was and is prohibited by the communists.

“Socialism” is one of the forms of capitalism, state capitalism, an attempt, while preserving class society (division of labor, wage labor, power-state, “elite”), to make it “national”, “fair” = to make it “popular”, “fair” » capitalism.

“Increasing the well-being of the working people” is the “communism” of consumerism for the small, medium and large Soviet bourgeoisie, divided into small apartments and farmsteads.


Knowledge, information, skill, qualifications, profession, connected with the place of work - this is the main thing capital (=property, means of production) in a society where people work for money (exchange relations). They “earn” not so much with their hands, but with their heads - they pay (buy) specialist(knowledge, work programs), and not “working hands”.

For the sake of “proletarian theory,” Marx invented workers without heads, “having nothing but hands,” without including in his research the most important means of production (property, capital) – information, knowledge and skills.

Knowledge and skills are stored in the head of each individual. Education, books, science have socialized and continue to socialize theoretical and practical knowledge. But for real socialization it is necessary to socialize the knowledge of each “job” - here the privatization-monopolization of knowledge takes place for the sake of “salary”, income.

“Workplace” is a combination of theory and practice - this is real knowledge = skill.

During the development of “utopian” systems of the future, the means for socializing knowledge (for changing jobs for everyone) related to the workplace were still insufficient (or rather, most were not available - computers, programs, the Internet, the possibility of remote work, instant availability of any information from anywhere on Earth, exchange of information “machine-brain-machine”). Many minds of the past (including Marx, Engels) spoke about the need for each worker to change jobs in order to remove limitations from a person, limiting his development of natural forces. But at that time they could not yet answer how to arrange this practically for all professions.


The comprehensive development of man requires access to every person before any work = connecting him with all of nature. “Work” is “a plot, a part of the earth,” a part of nature with which a person interacts and in which he conducts his active activities.” Human attached to “your job” due to the fact that works for money. In turn, “one’s own work secures and enslaves each person. It strengthens not only the body, but also strengthens and enslaves the human mind. Instead of a full-fledged free-thinking person, we get a worker person, a scientist person, a sales person, with a corresponding partial consciousness.

In order to free a person (the human mind, the mind of nature), there should not be a job assigned to someone - the job should be changed by each person many times throughout his life, a person can simultaneously participate in several jobs.

Common work = common nature, the whole world is common. The whole world in this case belongs to each person - each person, uniting with all of nature, unites with himself, with his essence, mind. Not only the mind of an individual person is liberated from an oppressed, unfree state, rational nature is liberated for development - nature is liberated for free development.

The problem of changing jobs lies in knowledge and mastery of a given job or profession. If it takes years to master a profession, then changing specialists and training them will slow down the transition of people from profession to profession and may reduce the level of professionalism of specialists. Mainly, the problems of knowledge transfer have until now kept man and humanity in a divided state with all of nature, with each other and with their essence, reason.

In modern society there are conditions and means for connection, but there is also a long-standing conscious planned work on the part of the leaders of the system to preserve this anti-human system. There are, of course, thousand-year-old habits, “traditions” that are rooted in the minds of “ordinary” people.

The masses, due to their undeveloped consciousness, cling to their “torn shirt” - “their work”, live for the sake of “material benefits”, “pleasures”, for the sake of “their family and their children”. The underdevelopment and prejudices of the “lower classes” are “consciously” supported by the equally undeveloped “elite”. The “tops” keep the “bottoms” in ignorance and themselves become dependent on the ignorance of the “bottoms”.

In many ways, the system is based on lies that permeate education, upbringing, the media, “culture,” and “science.” For example, the education system is designed in such a way that children are purposefully weaned from thinking for themselves. Few who have gone through this mind-killing system will be able to begin to think correctly, freely, and are able to seek the truth.

The system of education, upbringing, propaganda, culture works to destroy the mind of every person, preparing him to be an obedient, thoughtless cog in the system. The system is designed by unreasonable people and works to destroy humanity (reason) in every person.

The wider the activity that a specialty profession covers, the more “complicated” the profession is and the more time it takes to learn. This is a “major”, “unique” specialist with great knowledge. “Specialist” = owner = capitalist = bourgeois.

The narrower the activity covered by the “narrow specialist” profession, the easier and faster it is to train and prepare a new specialist. An “ordinary” specialist is an owner with an average or small amount of knowledge.

If learning occurs through the accumulation of knowledge in the process of practical activity, then this is artisanal learning - long-term, unproductive. Here, a planned job change will collide with handicrafts and their representatives - “irreplaceable specialists”.

If training is organized scientifically, planned, based on programs, then the time to master the profession is reduced. A profession, skill, specialty is a program for the sequence of operations performed by a specialist. The program is in the head of every specialist.

The more professions (programs) a person has mastered, the easier it is for him to master the next one - each profession (program) has a lot in common. “Mastering a profession” means mastering the program (writing the program in your head) of work in this profession. The more programs a programmer writes, the easier it is for him to write another program. For example, mastering each new foreign language, some practitioners believe, reduces the difficulty of mastering the next language almost exponentially.

With the advent of computers, any specialty can be mastered on simulators with appropriate programs. All skills, developments, and know-how of any specialists can be transferred into specialty programs for training and to help everyone who works in a given specialty and in a given workplace. At each workplace there should be not only instructions (the existing instructions are incomplete, the main knowledge about the workplace is privatized and is in the heads of the specialists working at these workplaces), but programs that contain all the information about the work.

Preparing people to master basic professions and specialties (mastery, connection with nature) should begin from early childhood. Schools and institutes should train not narrow specialists, but comprehensively developed people, not only knowledgeable but also who can do and, what is most important for a person, able to think independently, freely.

Already in schools, learning and participation in real work for society should be combined. Knowledge is absorbed many times faster when it is connected with practice. Knowledge without skill, without application in practice, is dead. Children need to be taught at school be able to work, and not just abstractly know. Training in schools and institutes is similar to theoretical training in music, playing musical instruments without actually playing the instruments.

The Internet allows you to connect schoolchildren and students to any work, any research. Real work will allow you to absorb any knowledge and information much faster. Game programs can be created not only for learning to drive cars and shooting games. Any profession can be included in a training program in the form of a game. Through computer games, children (and adults) will master hundreds of specialties. For example, programs for construction, design, planning, programming with properly organized training. Junior schoolchildren can begin to master it.

Technologies already exist that allow you to download and upload information and programs directly into the human brain and back to the computer. Almost every person can be a specialist in various fields, a professional, a “genius”.

That is, computers, programs, information technology, and the Internet make it possible to deprivatize and socialize the knowledge of specialist owners associated with the “workplace” and make their knowledge and skills available to everyone. What one person achieved through trial and error, as a result of many years of practice, should become the property of everyone - transferred to the appropriate programs of the relevant professions and mastered in the shortest possible time.

People should not invent what someone else has already invented, but move on. Nowadays, mastering a specialty or profession is still handicraft: every new person in the workplace, as it were, writes a program independently. A program, once well written for a given workplace, should be improved, and not written from scratch by another “irreplaceable specialist” - literally reinventing the same “bicycle” that has already been invented many times. The knowledge, skills, and know-how that a specialist has acquired in the workplace should not disappear when he leaves that workplace, but must be translated into a form accessible to anyone working in that workplace.

An “irreplaceable, unique specialist” appears where there is a monopoly on some knowledge. Monopoly is more often associated with the lack of a scientifically developed program for this work and a training program for this profession, at a given workplace.

Work knowledge is objectively related to the workplace, belongs to the workplace, and is an “indispensable specialist” having mastered their, assigns and considers them already his property (“I achieved it! I’m doing it!”). The privatization of knowledge and jobs is associated with working “for a salary for your family” (a private form of distribution-consumption). Each person tries to “dig in” in his workplace, to make replacing him a problem at least for some time. Especially if this “warm, black earth place” is a profitable job.

The Internet with audio and video communications allows any people, any specialists, if necessary, to help those who replaced them and faced some kind of problem. At each workplace, if necessary, there will be hundreds, thousands of specialists (who have previously worked in this job or similar, related ones), ready at any time to give not only advice, but also to get involved directly in the work.

For example. There was a defect on the brick production line or some complex equipment broke down. The workers are trying to find the reason, but they can’t find it. Programs are immediately turned on to expand troubleshooting with the involvement of “remote” specialists who know this work - the problem, of course, will be solved quickly. One example of such work is shown in an American film, where a team of specialists on Earth rescues the crew of the Apollo spacecraft and returns them to Earth in case of serious problems in the life support and control systems.

If, for example, a complex surgical operation is to be performed, then all specialists in the world can advise and participate in it (means for remotely conducting any operations have already been created and are being used in practice). Not a single nuance of the most complex operation will escape such a team. At the same time, each of them will become even more experienced, and those who are still studying will learn from the best specialists, using the best examples of work.

Opponents of changing professions like to cite the example of “neurosurgeons who cannot be replaced by a navvy.” But would a change of job for reasonable people be an end in itself, without taking into account the person’s readiness for work, for the sake of the change itself? The goal is to liberate sentient nature. This is a legitimate requirement of nature. Stopping the development of spiritual nature through limiting the mind to the “material” gives rise to countless “problems” on people’s heads. People on the Planet so far, in most cases, refuse to live up to their natural destiny. In fact, they refuse to be truly human, they refuse to be human.


All serious, large, complex developments in science, technology, and social sciences are organized with money (capital, large capitalists) as large enterprises: research institutes, universities, scientific teams. Grants to scientists for various research are allocated by those who command the economy and politics (bankers, TNCs, governments). Money (financial capital) organizes, plans, gives tasks not only in industry, but also in science; discoveries and inventions are also planned. The question of solving any problem in science and technology is determined by the presence of “investors” - the allocation of the required funds for the development.

In our time, any problems (technical, spiritual) posed as tasks can be solved by humanity if we take on the task of solving them. And every person, if he sets the goal of the truth of his life, will be able to develop into a true person. The material conditions of existing life hold consciousness. But it depends on the person how much he himself will attach to the “material”. A “material” means for the spirit, not the main goal.


Huge funds are allocated by the “elites”, the top of the system, for scientific developments that help maintain the power of capital in society and maintain existing relationships.

Millions of scientists, engineers, economists, lawyers, political scientists, politicians, writers, journalists, propagandists, law enforcement officers, deputies, “human rights activists”, “oppositionists”, bloggers-commentators, security and secret police, priests, mullahs, rabbis serve and support this system. If you remove at least one support from this system (for example, lie to the population half as much or even remove paid propagandists who prevent people from seeking the truth from the Internet), it will collapse (as, for example, the “communist-Soviet” ideology collapsed). “The most perfect system”, “the freest society”, “the most efficient economy” is based on lies, fear, ignorance, the work of millions of people to create a false picture of the world for all people through education, media, news, “culture”, “science” .

Propagandists are also dumbed down (deprived of the ability to think) by this system; they work not for an idea, but like everyone else, for the sake of money, for the sake of personal survival and the survival of their family. For the sake of momentary “benefit” of personal survival, the comfort of animal life, people literally kill themselves as people and prepare for their own physical destruction, building themselves and their children a prison-electronic concentration camp for the entire Planet.

Will capitalism “collapse”, as Marxist-communists predict?– It will collapse, from savagery into even deeper savagery, since it is impossible to “collapse” into a humanly organized life; a reasonable society requires creation, construction through reason, purposefully.

Changing society is possible only through the change-development of each person into a true person. By developing himself into a true person, a person changes other people, society, towards the human side.

The “collapse of capitalism” without creative work on the human system will lead to the same anti-human system, a system of divided people. It is impossible for a person, for people, to stand still: either we become reasonable people, or we go into even greater animality.

We, humanity, have a lot of problems due to the unreasonable structure of society, but the material means to solve them - science, scientists, education, information, supercomputers, programs, media, premises - are in the hands of those who do not yet want (as well as they are victims of the system, their consciousness is inferior, false, their actions are guided by fear) of the way people live humanly. Therefore, the “elites” not only do not stimulate developments towards building a human society, but also use the means available to them to prevent such developments anywhere, and lead the consciousness of people seeking a way out of the capitalist impasse in the wrong directions. For example, into “democracy”, “liberalism”, nationalism, patriotism, “communism-socialism” based on Marxism, Marxism-Leninism. Despite the apparent differences in the ideologies of these directions, they are all scientifically untenable (they have no basis in the laws of nature) and, therefore, are anti-human, anti-natural, illegal = not reasonable. It is impossible to get out of anti-human relations on the basis of ideologies; it is impossible to solve a single serious problem in society. Liberalism, with even more justification than “scientific socialism,” is a utopia, a set of “beautiful” dogmas, a religion, an ideology-doctrine that has no basis in real life.

The basis of Marxism (socialism, communism) and liberalism (democracy) is the same - all ideologies are based on “materialism”, reducing man to a body, an animal. The goal of liberating human nature is not set in both “antagonistic” systems. Marxists and liberals “fight” each other, but do not fight for the truth.

The truth is one, you can be wrong in countless ways.

Neither the Bolsheviks-Leninists, nor the Bolsheviks-Stalinists, nor the CPSU leaders with thousands of professors, candidates and hundreds of institutes and departments of Marxism-Leninism set the task for science to discover laws-ideas for the transition to a rational society. Communists, Marxists, democrats, and liberals have a taboo on social science. Science has long been replaced by communists with the dogmas of Marxism, and by liberal democrats with the dogmas of “human rights”, which are equated with material personal gain. For example, for the sake of “your rights to have a good life”, to have the right not to take into account the rights of other people. Communists and liberals and democrats, despite the apparent differences between themselves, “on both sides,” agree, work to preserve the anti-human system.


“Where there are slaves, no one is free.” /G. Hegel/

Restriction of freedom (oppression, slavery, attachment, enslavement) to the development of each person is associated with separation of all nature on separate areas(“places of work”, “division of labor”) to which each person attached (serf) the fact that from this site he receives material resources for his life and the life of his family.

Attaching, assigning a job to a person = assigning a person to a workplace = selling a person himself in hired slavery. Your own work(profession + place of work) is property, capital, which generates income (the so-called “salary”).

Human holds on for property, property holds person in wage slavery. The lack of freedom of people's minds (= inferiority of mind) is a consequence of the lack of material means for comprehensive, truly human development, the opportunity to develop into Homo sapiens.

Limited life, attached to parts of nature(place of work) gives rise to the limited, partial, a defective person.

Let's imagine nature (the places where people work and live) as land, which is divided into areas where individual people-owners work. All the land is divided and the owner owns only a small piece. Every owner is a competitor, an enemy to everyone else. The owners wage a constant war among themselves to protect their plots of land and (or) seize others. The owner has freedom only according to the size of his plot - he is forced to be in this place, he is a slave to his property: he holds on to the plot, the plot holds him. How can this owner free himself? - By oneself material change is impossible - there are the same owners around him, they cannot let him into their plots. That is, in order to free oneself, to become free, everyone must be freed from property - all the land will belong to everyone, everyone will be freed from being attached to a certain place. But in order to free yourself from material dependence, you need to first realize– free your mind - start thinking, looking for the truth of your life.

Each person, in order to become a full-fledged person, must unite with his nature, unite with himself. Separation from external nature (division of labor) helps to keep the human mind in bondage. Boundaries between areas of separated nature (places of work and habitat) must be eliminated. Common nature = common work = work must change, people from partial, limited people will become full-fledged people, reasonable people, true people.

The “masters of life”, the “elites” (bankers, owners and managers of multinational corporations, presidents, etc.) are also not free: their development is oppressed, enslaved by property (including dependence on relations in society - social position), privileges, fear of the masses and each other. The “elites” use achievements in science and achievements in the social and natural sciences not in the interests of the development of man and humanity, but for the enslavement of man and humanity. At the same time, “as strange as it may seem for them,” they also enslave themselves.

The main sign of a person’s slave mind (human slavery) is the inability to cognize (recognize) and tell the truth. Instead of truth, an unfree mind clings to your truth, your opinion= lives in a lie.

If there are slaves around you, you are just as much a slave.

The more total slavery the “elites” arrange for the “cattle”, the more total slavery they arrange for themselves. The owner and director of the concentration camp are even less free than the prisoners, since they are even more closely bound by the social relations of their position, and around them they have not free people, but slaves.

Developing into a reasonable, true person is a law of nature; no person can violate it without destroying himself as a person.

An unreasonably structured society generates from itself, above itself, forces in the form of “elites”, state-power, which, for the sake of preserving privileges, power, fear of the masses, consciously, plannedly, slow down science, close real knowledge to the masses, hide ways to solve the problems of humanity .

“Elites” are forces of nature, executors of the law of nature, in relation to people who have unreasonably arranged their lives, including in relation to themselves.

Among the “elite” there are many who realize the inhumanity of today’s “life” and if they see the “way out” that nature indicates with its laws, they will inevitably work for the liberation of themselves and humanity. If someone understands what the purpose and meaning of human life is, he will no longer be able to live an “ordinary life”, live thoughtlessly, live like human animals. To live as a human being, to become a true human being is to become equal to nature = equal to God = to correspond to one’s nature, to fulfill the laws of one’s nature.

Animals have no mind, no freedom of choice. A pig lives as a pig, a dog lives as a dog. A person must, must live as a HUMAN. Man has reason and only through reason can he make himself a MAN; just as he makes himself a musician, an athlete, a specialist in any field.

By setting the main goal of life as a limited goal, “material wealth,” unreasonable, limited people give rise to an unreasonably (not humanly) organized life together. People who are “materialists” inevitably give rise to the rich and the poor, the government-state, “Freemasons”, “Bilderbergs”, “Jews”, “globalists”, who in essence are no different from “ordinary” people, also live for the sake of “material” ", yourself personally and your family. In order to preserve their privileges, property, power, the “elites” are planning the destruction of the “surplus” population and the creation of an electronic concentration camp for everyone, where each person will be controlled and controlled like an electronic device, an electronic toy.

Only reasonable people can arrange their life together rationally (= humanly), they will have no “elites”, no state, no Greek, no Jew, no slave, no master, no boss, no subordinate.


“Elite” + “people” = human race,human family. You can begin to change society towards the human side only by starting to develop yourself towards a truly human side. I, you, he, she – this is “we”. At first, a few, “active”, and others will follow their work and example. Even one person, developing into a true person, makes society better.

Instead of “fighting” with each other, people need to look for the truth, the truth of their lives. Each person must “fight” with himself, “pulling out”, freeing his consciousness from the limitations of animal life. Animals fight with each other and they fight not for what is human (truth, truth), but “material” (their own truth, their own interest).

In a system of life where the main thing is “material”, everyone is a victim, from top to bottom all victims are slaves of the system. There are “elite” victims and there are “ordinary” victims. There are no free people in this system; the nature of every person is oppressed. People who have not developed into full-fledged human beings wage an endless war with each other for survival: they rob, rape, “exploit,” deceive, kill, and lie. The ordinary, superficial mind sees only the victims of criminals and criminals. But this is a consequence that has a cause: both the “victims” and the “criminals” did not become people in accordance with their natural destiny and worked together and are working for an anti-human system.

Those of the “actives” who are lucky enough to think towards solving the problems of man and humanity must begin work on developing their consciousness and helping others develop. The search for truth, truth, searching to the very root causes - this work, which develops the right consciousness, makes every person smarter, a true person.

It's up to us, me, you; This work is such that it will go faster if there are more and more people developing themselves in the human side.

If creative work based on science is started, in the interests of every person and humanity, people from all walks of life will join the work; including those from the “elite”. Whoever realizes that in this system it is impossible to become a person, to be free, no matter what “high” position in society you occupy, there is only one way out - to work on yourself, to develop yourself into a true person. By working “for yourself”, developing yourself, you change not only yourself, but also other people, society in a human way. You become a reasonable person, you become a MAN = you free yourself, a true person, from an oppressed state. Working “for yourself” now, here, and not “in the future”, will be a “reward” for everyone who has embarked on the path of human development. Such a person truly lives.

Courage in knowing and accepting the truth, eliminating prejudices, “everyone knows truths,” thinking patterns, millennial habits of living thoughtlessly, “like our grandfathers lived” - this is a true revolution, a revolution of the spirit - the liberation of the mind from lies and limitations.

Each person, having set the goal of making his life truly human, will certainly solve this problem - the right goal already contains the means for its implementation. That’s the problem, that so far only a minority of people have set and are setting the goal of developing in the human direction.

And numerous parties and movements do not work towards the development of the consciousness of each person. They “even” do not develop blueprints for the future - how and on what basis people should arrange life among themselves in order to live truly humanly.


Wrote (above) about "parties and movements"“who should lead the development of blueprints for the future” and thought:

Can, in principle, such structures, organizations as parties and movements fulfill the task of designing a humanly structured society, transition to it and how to organize to work for the future.

Can unreasonable people create something reasonable - a party, a movement, an organization working on a reasonable basis, create a reasonable society?

It turns out that first people must become reasonable (=know themselves and their life together, find the reasons for their unreasonableness) and only reasonable people will be able to rationally arrange their lives.


Hope it comes with benefactor(leader, Stalin, party, “honest people”, “professionals”, “smart people”), there will be a “change of eras”, “quantum leap” or “ people will gradually, over time, become reasonable"- this is hoping for miracles that are impossible.

Hopes for progress that would gradually transform human society were still understandable in the 18th century. In the 19th century it became clear: the general progress of the productive forces and the science of external nature accompanies the degradation of every person in this system. And, consequently, to the degradation of the entire human race. The main reason for degradation is the deepening professional specialization of people and attachment to a specialty, a “job” for almost their entire lives. People are assigned to a “job” because they need money for themselves and their family.

Still in the 19th century at work N.K. Mikhailovsky “What is progress?” it is shown that the progress of the productive forces created by people and the progress of man, the human race, go in different directions: the productive forces grow, become more complex, and at the same time each person simplifies, becomes primitive, and becomes wilder. In the 20th century, many people talked and talk about the decline in intelligence.

Before the 20th century, sages, prophets, great philosophers and thinkers, and writers were almost commonplace. And the further back into the centuries, the thinkers turn out to be larger, more complete. Where do we have Plato, Confucius, Aristotle, Aurelius, Hegel, Kant, Bacon, Tolstoy?

Aviation, space, computers, science, modern technology were not born by “miracle”, but by intelligent, scientific activity, purposeful the work of people who cooperated on the basis of knowledge and science.

Only reasonable people can build a reasonable life. Therefore, in order to change society and relationships between people for the better, each person must change himself - purposefully develop into a true person.

A person frees his mind when he doesn't stops its “specific”, “immediate”, “urgent” tasks and goals (material goals). A person begins to think freely when he frees himself from personal, selfish interest, seeks truth for the sake of truth itself, learns the reasons for his limitations, the inconsistency of his life with the life of a true person.

People can truly (= truly) unite with each other only on their nature, the laws of their life = unite on the truth.

People who discover the truth in their lives will inevitably come together to work together to seek truth in all areas of life.

Connecting people, removing the limitations of personal and small-family life, will quickly become true people.


The main goal of human life, as a representative of the mind of nature, is to learn the truth of one’s life, to become a true person, to live truly. This goal comes from the laws of nature = man is nature, which has acquired reason, knows itself and continues its development more and more through the mind of man.

If a person, people do not set the main goal of their life to subordinate themselves to their nature (the laws of life of the spiritual nature, God), but set the main goal as “material benefits”, “pleasures”, then they violate the laws of nature. Violation of the laws of nature is “punished” through the laws of nature. “Punishments” manifest themselves in the form of countless “problems” for each person and humanity as a whole.

Man, people who do not seek the truth will not be able to develop their nature, reason, and are not able to solve their “problems” correctly, in a human way. Refusal of truth, truth, reliance on partial truth (“urgent tasks”, “first stages”, “concrete”) is a consequence of the undeveloped consciousness of man, people. Undeveloped consciousness is a consequence of abandoning the main, legitimate goal of the goal - comprehending the truth of one’s life.

Most people do not set out to seek the truth, limiting, stopping your mind on the first, closest definitions, conclusions, which tied to “material” goals. That is, they are content with partial truth, partial, limited truth - false grounds and conclusions lead to false goals that a person, people, set in life.

If a person does not stop at partial truth, “his own truth,” but goes further in the knowledge of the truth, he develops his mind and becomes a true person. Only with a developed mind in search of truth can a person understand phenomena, himself, and other people correctly and truly. To understand correctly is to correctly solve “specific”, “immediate” and “non-immediate” tasks and problems.

Until today, people have been and are organizing to solve any social problems on the basis of organizations that set the task, to one degree or another, of reforms of government, economics, and social relations. The goals of the reforms are exclusively “material” - “fairness” in the distribution and consumption of “goods” for everyone or an “effective economy”. Almost all reformers and revolutionaries proceed from the fact that man is a body that lives for the sake of consumption, “pleasure” and reproduction.


Until now, people have tried and are trying to carry out all the ideas and programs for reconstruction and reforms of social life through and with the help of such organizations as parties And movement.

At the beginning of its activities, the organization holds a meeting-founding congress, at which it accepts charter And program parties, choose party governing bodies.

Party program– these are the goals of the party and the rationale for these goals.

Charter- this is an established order, the subordination of subordinates to superiors in this organization.

Governing and coordinating bodies- these are the bosses, those who not only individually manage all affairs in the party, but are also the only party members who receive material benefits from the existence of the party.

Party programs, charters and those who must be elected to the coordinating and managing bodies at the founding congress are developed in advance, privately, “among the founders” and are adopted at the prepared congresses almost “unanimously”. Is it possible to solve scientific problems (“program”) by voting?

In order for the “opposition” that wants to make changes: add to the program, charter, re-elect leaders, it is necessary to gather for an extraordinary congress or wait for the next congress. Which, as practice shows, is practically impossible without the approval of the existing leadership, since the entire structure of the party, communications, information, and cash flows are in the hands of the leaders.

The most common goals of parties and movements are “coming to power” and carrying out reforms “for the people”, “changing politics”, “economic reforms”.

The parties (the top of the party) are going to come to power through “voting in elections” or, if a “revolutionary situation” comes and “power will be lying around,” “to be picked up by revolutionary means.”

Parties officially registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation receive money according to the law. The more members, the more money. The party that gets its candidates into parliament receives additional money. Naturally, candidates for deputy are nominated from the “party leadership”, party sponsors, “the right people”.

That is, parties and movements serve to get into power, adjust their finances, and accumulate political capital for a small group of people heading these organizations.

The top parties are doing well even if they are the “parliamentary opposition,” and responsibility for what is happening in the country, for the laws adopted, lies with the “ruling party.” The “opposition” does an important job, creates legitimacy for any laws adopted by parliament (they are discussed, there is a debate and, by default, the “best version” of the law chosen by “the best representatives of the people, representing the majority of the people-voters” wins).

Ordinary members of parties and movements are used by the leadership of organizations to carry out party decisions(actually – management decisions).

Charters, councils, presidiums, programs, discipline, “democratic centralism,” congresses and plenums only interfere with free scientific research, prevent every person from thinking freely, seeking the truth, expressing their proposals and doubts. Parties are ossified structures created under “chiefs”, “leaders” and “activists”.

Behind the founders, the leadership of the party and movement, are, as a rule, the sponsors and real owners of the parties and movements.

If you cannot defeat a movement in “struggle,” you can lead it. This is why parties and movements are created in order to “organize”, channelize, train, and direct the energy and minds of active people in the right direction.

Discipline in the party can help seize power, carry out a political revolution (elections, bourgeois, “orange”, political revolution), but it is not capable (and they don’t even “know” about these goals) to change society, make a real human revolution. The best discipline in the army. But does the army make someone smarter and more reasonable by discipline? "Soldafon" is the result of the best army discipline.

It is impossible from above to change people's consciousness, to make people smarter, more humane, and, therefore, to arrange people's lives in a humane way.

Parties and movements that have a charter, program, presidium, council, leaders and executives do not and cannot conduct work based on freedom of thought, the goal of which can only be truth.

Gathering people into columns with flags or “protests” is the main thing where existing parties and movements occupy people. Parties and movements compete to see who can bring the most people to “protest” or “support.” Strength is in the truth, and not in the number of people who “came out to protest” or who put a dirty piece of paper in the “vote” box.

The goal of a person is not power and something “material”. The legitimate goal is the liberation of thinking nature, the liberation of the mind of every person. To do this, the human mind must be free from the “discipline” of statutes, programs, authorities, and in the search for truth, rely only on itself.

Not a single party or movement can boast of even a discussion on the party program, or the development of strategy and tactics with the participation of all party members. Not to mention the constant work in searching for the truth in any fact and phenomenon in the public and “personal” lives of people.

In parties, as in capitalist (class, caste) society, there is a clear division of labor (= classes). There is leadership, there are dedicated “theorists”, “leaders” who broadcast truths and instructions to the rank and file. Ordinary party members must carry out the decisions of the party, be “cogs” of the organization: attract new members, distribute leaflets, go to rallies, wear flags and banners, vote for “their party,” distribute materials on the Internet, support “leaders” with comments, their articles , blogs and websites..

You don’t even have to look at “theoretical” programs with “socialism”, “communism”, “liberalism”, “democracy”. It is enough to look at the structure of the parties, how they are organized and how they conduct their work. If superiors and subordinates are preserved, then the ideal of the party is in a class, caste society. “Socialism”, “liberalism”, “democracy”, “communism”, nationalism are different names for the anti-human life of people. An anti-human society has its basis in the “materialism” of the majority of people who make up society.

When organizing people in the party, we see the suppression of the reason of the majority, the creation of a system of subordination not to reason, but to higher “comrades”, a “program”, a charter. This happened in Lenin’s Bolshevik Party, and it also happened among Bolshevik opponents. This system of all parties and movements in the past and in our time.

I, like many others, tried to communicate with many “opposition” organizations, from democrats to communists and patriots. In most cases they do not respond to emails. For example, not a single communist party has ever responded to comments and questions about the party program, the design of Internet pages, or the articles posted. They often don’t answer even on their blogs, where comments with questions are visible to others.

On forums and communities there are supervisors-moderators who often respond to arguments with rudeness and arrogance; inconvenient opponents are blacklisted, banned, and comments are moderated.

“Politically active” people have ossified “convictions”, have picked up the top of the “eternally living teaching” and are “fighting the regime”.

Often activists of movements and parties work not just “for an idea”, but “on a professional basis”, for money. Whoever pays the money dances the part. Only large capital can provide money. It contains numerous “opposition” liberal, democratic, left, right, nationalist, patriotic, and communist parties.

An example of what ordinary party members serve for, using the example of the “Leninist party”.

After the October Revolution, Lenin demanded to attract more people to the party conscious workers. What did Lenin and other party leaders mean by “consciousness”? - “Implementation of party decisions.” That is, class-conscious worker as a party member shouldn't have consciousness(=should not think for oneself), but be disciplined, fulfill unconsciously decided by someone “higher up”. Lenin demanded the same from the Youth Unions: “Fulfilling the party’s instructions is the main business of the Komsomol.”

They are fundamentally unable to conduct scientific work, the search for truth, truth, or organizations such as parties or movements. These are dead structures, with false goals, created by unreasonable people. Unreasonable people are not capable of working to develop the intelligence of other people.

Various parties and movements have buried and are burying their minds, development, a huge number of people who wanted, want, to work to build a humanely structured society.

Goals political parties- power for oneself, power for a handful of people at the head of the party - the so-called “political” goals.

The absence of truly human goals leads to an organization where human development among its members is replaced by thoughtless discipline and compliance with the instructions of “leaders.”

Members of such organizations believe in the power of leaders, spells and slogans, in the “eternally living teaching”, in “human rights”, the mass nature of the organization, in “protests” with a large number of red (white, black, blue, green, rainbow) banners and banners , in “fair elections”. People’s consciousness does not go further than “let’s replace the corrupt regime”, “let’s remove the swindlers and thieves”, “let’s replace the anti-Russian, anti-Russian government”; that is, it does not rise above the fight against “strangers, bad” people and placing “our own, good” people in power.

Most people, when joining parties, pursue, explicitly or implicitly, personal interests: they hope to get some help in solving their problems, to get something (“a place”, a career) if the party “victories” in elections or after a “revolution” "


“The goal can only be achieved by some means,” as old Hegel showed with masterful profundity and Aristotle partly knew before him, “when the means itself is already thoroughly imbued with the own nature of the goal.” /F. Lassalle/

Strength lies only in knowledge, reason, and not in the number of “opposition”, “Protestants”, “party members” or soiled pieces of paper thrown into the ballot box. God is not in power, but in truth. Truth = truth = laws of nature = laws of life of spiritual nature = God, Law, Existence. Truth is correct knowledge, correctly understood laws of nature - this is power.

The search for truth, the truth, the knowledge of each fact and phenomenon must reach the essence, idea, ideal of these facts and phenomena. To think freely, to seek the truth is the main law, the goal of every person’s life; only in this activity does he reveal himself to be truly human.

People can organize and work together in search of the truth of their lives, helping each other become true people.

The ideal of the organization must correspond to the ideal of the future. People shouldn't be like-minded people professing any ideology, and free thinkers people who can think for themselves.

1. The main goal is to develop the mind, independent, free thinking of every person. The goal contains the means to achieve it. Having set the goal of obtaining a rational person and a rationally organized society, people must apply their minds to this goal. Develop yourself and carry out this work publicly (available for criticism), helping others to develop with your work.

2. An organization of people developing ideas for the development of man into Homo sapiens, and, at the same time, developing each other, should be open to everyone, free to join the work of anyone who can offer something useful. There should be no bosses, lists, or “respected” people. This can only be the free joint work of people whose goal is truth, and not material, political goals.

Organizing people who have embarked on the path of searching for truth is also a science into which the minds of programmers, philosophers, teachers, organizers and everyone who can offer something useful must be invested.

You can liberate, free your thought from attachment to material things (economics, politics, personal) only by searching for the truth. The right goal will produce the right means. Only on a human (true) goal does a person create a real “opposition” to his anti-human (animal) life.

3. An ununited people is nothing. A united people is the human race, a united nature that has acquired full intelligence.

Simultaneously with the “theoretical” work, the development of consciousness, work on the cooperation of people can and should be carried out. Cooperation on a material basis, to solve real problems of people, which they can only solve together, will also change the consciousness of people.

The consciousness of people who live “with their problems” of their home-apartment, their family, is limited, unfree, false. The consciousness of people united to solve common material problems will “pull out”, free their consciousness from the limitation of “their problems.”

Cooperation without material conditions is practically impossible. Wanted premises at the place of residence: children's rooms, classes for children of different ages, clubs, a gym, a gym, a cafe, a library, places for meetings and amateur activities, a laundry, workshops, storage rooms. Material conditions, equipped public areas not a good wish, a “whim,” but a necessity for the life of every person in a truly human way, for the quality education of not only the younger generation, but also adults.

All nature is one and interconnected. The laws of nature, the spirit of nature, the mind of nature are united and interconnected - God, the Law is one. And the representative of the mind of nature, a man similar to God, is not only divided with other people, he spends his entire life fighting with them for survival and a better piece, but each person is divided with his true nature, mind, spirit.

People separated from each other and from their nature inevitably give rise to “power” over themselves and countless problems. Connecting people with their nature will connect them with each other.

To the extent that people overcome separation from their nature, they will overcome separation from each other and cooperate to solve common problems. To the extent that they unite with each other, the easier and faster they will become reasonable people. The smarter people become, the faster they will cooperate, unite into the human race, one friendly human family on planet Earth.

This essay, or rather notes on a topic, a sketch, was written several years ago. I wanted to record for myself a certain stage of comprehension, so that later, over time, I could return to the topic and write something more complete in form. But, as they say, you can’t step into the same water twice - the sketch remained unfinished. But since it contains a lot of useful information, I decided to publish it in due time...

I. Truth is not WHAT, but WHO

Preliminary abstracts:

P Ontius Pilate was mistaken when he asked the Savior standing before Him: what is truth? Truth is not WHAT, Truth is WHO. Moreover, the Truth is associated with the one who comprehends, and the one who comprehends, in turn, is invariably associated with the Truth - otherwise comprehension is simply impossible...

The Christian God is personal: He is Truth and Person at the same time. God is not a faceless Something or Nothing, for even his creation - man - is a person.

What truth is can only be known by SOMEONE, and he must comprehend not only something, but also SOMEONE. Truth is not something external to a person, but, first of all, its internal content.

But then what is Personality? The theological axiom is this: man is nature, and personality owns nature. This means that personality has the transcendental as its property. It can (and even must) go beyond its limits, beyond its natural boundaries. A personality is capable of outgrowing itself, as a given, in order to realize its predicament...

The Supreme Person is God. He became a Man in order to realize the highest Personality in Himself as a man, for the perfection of personality is God-likeness.

Personality develops through self-giving, as opposed to sinfulness, which develops through self-affirmation. God humbled Himself to the point of becoming like creation and sacrificed Himself, gave Himself and distributes Himself to this day in the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, celebrated during the Divine Liturgy.

Liturgy is a common cause , the common cause of the people, as a single person - humanity (represented by the community of the faithful, i.e. the Church), and the common cause - the joint cause of the Church with God (organized and headed by God) for the salvation of man, for the restoration of his lost likeness to God.

Comprehension of truth is always revelation: Truth Itself reveals itself to whomever it wants and as much as it wants. This is probably why true comprehension is necessarily associated with some deep shock. So, from shock to shock, we most often move towards the One who actually is the Truth.

I remember that I was deeply shocked by the realization of the spiritual and historical fact that Christ ascended to God the Father in a body that retained traces of the suffering he experienced. He ascended in a body similar to ours, although transformed by the Resurrection. This is necessary: ​​the eternal God sat down at the right hand of His Father in a human body, in human form, with traces of the torment suffered for our sins. And this is the eternal God!

There were other shocks as well. For example, I once read from the Abbess of the Ust-Medveditsky Monastery Arsenia the following: “Don’t grieve that you don’t see anything good in yourself, don’t even look for good in yourself. Human goodness is an abomination before the Lord. Rejoice in your weakness, your powerlessness. True good is the Lord, He is the mind, He is the power.” Of course, I agreed with the abbess in everything, except for the words about human goodness. Why should goodness, I thought, even if imperfect, be considered an abomination?! I could not find any support for understanding these words of the abbess.

The only thing that saved me was a good habit: in cases where I don’t agree with something, if I can’t accept something, just stop and wait; do not reject the incomprehensible, but, as it were, look for it while waiting. Sometimes whole years passed before I grew to understand this or that point in the teaching of the Church or its holy ascetics. This happened this time too. To understand what Mother Arsenia said, she lacked her own spiritual experience. Only over time did I understand that the words of the Savior that His strength is found in weakness, as well as the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov that good done not for the sake of Christ does not bring salvation, eloquently testifies to the correctness of the abbess. And the essence of her words, perhaps, is this.

Man by himself does not have true, pure motives for doing good. All the reasons that awaken in him the desire to perform good deeds are overshadowed by the sin of pride, vanity, pride, conceit and other defilements. Walking the path of asceticism, a person gradually abandons these impure motives, step by step shedding one of them, then the other. And, in the end, he comes to a state where he does not see in himself a single true movement towards good. Having thrown off the nasty cover, a person remains naked and poor. And then, when the illusions of one’s own goodness and human kindness in general are dispelled, when one’s own weakness and insignificance is fully realized, then only can a person hunger for the Lord for real, then only does the power of the Lord be gained, provided that the ascetic truly desires to serve Good, if he is truly turned to the Lord with his whole being.

Man was created as a god-like being. His goal, calling, predestination is in this likeness, in the desire to become more and more like his Lord and God. The Lord, that is, the Master, for a person voluntarily chooses (must choose) Him as his Master, decides to serve Him as the highest Truth, the highest Good, the highest Virtue - that is, God. Etymologically, the word "God" is related to the word "wealth."

By focusing his attention, his aspiration on something lower, less than God, a person betrays himself, robs himself, because he renounces true wealth, renounces the most beautiful thing that can happen in him and to him. That is why, first of all, we must seek the Kingdom of Heaven, which is hidden in the personality of each of us. A personality without God, outside of God, not for God is a pseudo-personality, an illusion. True personality calls us to the Divine and to deification. You just need to hear its voice within yourself and understand it correctly, rejecting selfhood (belief in your self-sufficiency and life born from this belief) as a sinful (deceptive, untrue) state. I need to correctly understand WHAT I am, WHO I am, why and for what, and having understood, it is important stand in the truth do not renounce it and thus remain true to your true destiny.

II. Human

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word came to God...”
(Gospel of John, translation from Greek)

I remember one of the Lubno artists, namely Sasha Litvinov, once said: the main thing is that a person is interested in at least something, that he strives for something, otherwise he remains completely empty, colorless, uninteresting. I think the artist spoke based on personal experience of communication and, probably, he did not even suspect how close to theological truth his words were, how much they corresponded to the deep essence of man, created in the image and likeness of God.

The WORD, which was with God, and which was God, and by which all things began to be, that began to be (John 1: 1-4) initially EXISTS IN ASPIRATION, but not just towards something, but towards God (see Greek . text). It is in aspiration! And, most importantly, TO GOD. Such is the nature of man, created from the dust of the earth in the image and likeness of God, and therefore of the Son of God, called the Word.

Christ is the eternal Son of God the Father, and each of us is His living icon, distorted in the Fall, unfortunately, but still an icon. We received real confirmation of this when Christ, having become incarnate from the Most Pure Virgin Mary, became “like one of us.”

People have been asking questions about good and evil for a long time, but they cannot find true guidelines, true criteria, because they forget about the Prototype, they forget about Christ. But there is no other way to truly know the essence of a person. And without knowing this essence, one cannot judge what is truly good for a person and what is destructive for him. For good should be called conformity to one’s calling, purpose, or more precisely, conformity with God’s plan for the man He created.

What is this idea? Who is a person in this world? What is the meaning of his life? What is its purpose? These most important questions can only be answered by looking to Christ.

I don’t remember which theologian I came across with a stunning thought: You cannot be a person, you can only become one. To some it will seem rhetorical and nothing more, just as it did to me at one time. Only after living with her in my heart for several years did I fully realize that a true man - a man in the full sense of the word - was only our Savior Jesus Christ. And we are all subhumans. That is, the more we approach Christ with our lives, feelings, and thoughts, the more we approach what a person is called to be.

  1. “John Chrysostom says: If you want to know what man is, do not look towards the royal thrones or the chambers of nobles - raise your eyes to the Throne of God and see at the right hand of God and the Father - Man in the full sense. But when we see Him, we see what we are called to be... this is our calling, this is God’s will for us” (Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh);
  2. “The removal of a soul from God is death for it” (Simeon the New Theologian);
  3. “A man is his faith” (I. V. Kirievsky);
  4. “A person is nothing more than the living totality of what he lives by and what he accomplishes, and precisely because he loves it and believes in it” (I. A. Ilyin);
  5. The simplicity and integrity of a person are determined not by the life of the mind, but by the heart;
  6. “Man is more than a microcosm, he is a microtheos” (archim. Sophrony Sakharov);
  7. “Love makes me a god, and You, Lord, a Man” (St. Nicholas of Serbia);
  8. “Man is a hungry, hungry creature, but he hungers for God. Behind all our life, like hunger, desire, aspiration, is God; every desire, in the final analysis, is a desire to possess Him” (Archarch Alexander Schmemann);
  9. “A man is what he eats” (Feuerbach);
  10. “Scientists call man with the Latin term homo faber - “smith,” indicating his ability to cultivate the world. Others also call him homo sapiens, that is, a rational being, indicating his ability to think. But first of all, even before these two definitions, a person must be called homo adorens, that is, a person who blesses, thanks and rejoices. By nature and by vocation, man’s place in the world and in nature is like the place of a priest; he stands at the center of the world and with his knowledge of God the Creator and God of Love unites the whole world in himself” (Archarch Alexander Schmemann);
  11. “Modern highly developed man, it turns out, is already a completely new creature, not at all a species of homo sapiens - a reasonable man, but homo cyberneticus, an informed man, in which reason is replaced by information” (G. Emelianenko);
  12. “Having taken off the image of God, a person will inevitably take off - already takes off - the human image from himself and become jealous of the bestial image” (I. S. Aksakov);
  13. “People fell into self-lust, preferring their own contemplation to the Divine” (St. Athanasius the Great);
  14. “Man has ceased to be in the image and likeness of God, as he was created in the beginning, but began to be in the image and likeness of the devil, from whom is all evil” (St. Simeon the New Theologian);
  15. The main suffering of a person who has left God is self-love (Archbishop John Shakhovskoy);
  16. “The human race is a category of fallen creatures. Earth is the threshold of hell. The Savior made it the threshold of Paradise” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov);
  17. “The secret of each personality is the secret of how, with what depth a person seeks love and loves” (Arch. Vasily Zenkovsky);
  18. “The likeness of Christ consists of truth, meekness, truth, and with them humility and love for mankind” (St. Simeon the New Theologian);
  19. “A person who has condemnation in his heart will never receive the Holy Spirit in his heart. He who condemns can in no way be humble, and without humility there is no salvation” (Elder Zechariah);
  20. “From the desire to please mankind, a person comes to vanity, but when it increases, pride comes” (St. Barsanuphius the Great);
  21. “A man is one who has known himself” (Pimen the Great);
  22. Every man is a lie (Ps. 115);
  23. “If you pray, if you love, if you suffer, then you are a person” (A.F. Losev);
  24. “The secret of human existence is not only in living, but in why to live” (F. M. Dostoevsky);
  25. “Love for a person is the basis of knowing a person. And in hatred of man lies the reason for ignorance of man (St. Justin Popovich).”
  26. “I am a king - I am a slave - I am a worm - I am a god!” (G. R. Derzhavin)
  27. “Man is not the answer.
    Man is the question." (P. Tillich)
  28. Man is a jester dancing over an abyss." (Honoré de Balzac. Shagreen skin).

    Man is a wingless creature, bipedal, with flat nails; the only being receptive to knowledge based on reasoning (Plato).

    I even think that the best definition of a person is a creature on two legs and ungrateful (F. M. Dostoevsky. Man from the Underground).

(If you wish, you can add to the list of quotes)

Deep, unconditional, that is, true love for a person is possible only as love for the image and likeness of God hidden in each of us. Thus, knowledge of man is inevitably associated with knowledge of God and vice versa. In other words: without God we cannot truly know a person (another or ourselves).

Man, created by God, is in fact a noun, and not an adjective at all - he is valuable in himself, even for the Creator. We increasingly treat each other as if we were adjectives. We attach a person to his social role, position, to his material possessions, wealth. For us, a person is valuable only for his application, that is, for what can be taken from him and applied to himself, used for selfish purposes. We forget about the intrinsic value of the human person and treat each other, at best, functionally.

But the image of God - the hidden personality - languishes in the cage of everyday life. He craves high aspirations and real communication: sincere, open, aimed at creation and virtue. The Image of God longs to realize in his life the God-like love to which he, in fact, is called.

  1. Translated from Greek, the word “Liturgy” means “common cause”, “people’s cause”
  2. The word “sin” in translation means “miss”, “missing the target”.

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1. Sorrow or suffering.
2. The reason for our suffering.
3. The cessation of suffering (deliverance from suffering).
4. The path leading from suffering.

1. Sorrow or suffering. The first truth is the statement that all manifested life is suffering until a person learns how to live. Commenting on this, Bodhisattva said that all manifested life is sorrowful in two respects. In one case suffering is, to some extent, inevitable, in the other it is a complete delusion and can easily be avoided. For the monad, which is the true Spirit of man, all manifested life, in a certain sense, is suffering, because it is a limitation that we cannot even understand with our physical brain, because we have no idea of ​​the glorious freedom of the higher life. In the same sense, it has always been said that Christ, descending into matter, sacrifices himself.
Undoubtedly, this is a sacrifice, because it is an unspeakably great painful limitation, for it isolates us from all the great forces that are available to us on the higher presences (planes). Although our Souls– only tiny particles, even a part of a particle, but nevertheless we are part of a magnificent reality. We cannot be proud that we are only a particle, but there is confidence that since we are a particle of the Father, we can truly rise up to him, reunite with the Father and become one with him. This is the end and goal of our evolution. But even if we achieve this, remember that this is not for our pleasure from success, but so that we can help fulfill the plan. This enormous limitation associated with each subsequent immersion in matter in life is an inevitable fact, and therefore there is a lot of suffering. We must accept this limitation as a means to an end, as part of our Father's great plan.
There is another sense in which life is often sorrowful, but this suffering is easily avoided. A person living an ordinary worldly life is often burdened with various worries. It would be wrong to say that he always suffers. But he is often anxious and always capable at any given moment of falling into great sorrow or anxiety. The reason for this is that he is always full of all kinds of base desires, not necessarily vicious, but desires for base things, and through these desires he is bound and limited. He always strives to achieve something that he does not have; when he achieves what he wants, he worries about losing it. This is true not only in relation to money, but also to position in society, to power, to wealth, to social success. All these aspirations cause constant and varied worries. This is not only the individual concern of a person having certain types of desires or not having them; we must take into account all the envy, and all the jealousy, and ill-willed feelings aroused in the hearts of other people striving for the same goal.

There are other types of desire that seem somewhat higher, but still they are not the highest. How often, for example, does a young man expect love from someone who cannot give it, who has no love for him. From such a desire often comes a lot of sadness, jealousy and other unkind feelings. You will say that such a desire is natural; without a doubt, this is so, and mutual love is a great source of happiness. But if love cannot be answered, a person must have enough strength to accept this situation and not allow the unsatisfied desire to produce suffering. When we say that such sadness is natural, it means that we can expect it from the average person. The clairvoyant will readily acknowledge the truth of this great teaching of the Buddha, that all life is suffering. For if he looks at the astral and mental bodies of those with whom he meets, he will see that they are filled with a large number of small whirlpools, spinning very violently, representing all possible unnecessary petty thoughts, petty worries, petty worries about this or that. All this causes frustration and suffering, and what is most needed for progress is clarity.The only way to find inner peace is to finally free ourselves from all this, and this will lead us to the second Noble Truth.

2. The reason for our suffering. We already see that the cause of suffering is always wish . If a person has no desires, if he does not strive for some place, power, wealth, then he is equally calm. Whether wealth and position come to him or leave him, he remains calm and clear because he does not care about it. Being human, he will, of course, desire this or that, but always softly and meekly, so that he does not allow himself to be upset. For example, we know how people are overcome by grief when death takes away from them someone they love dearly. But if their love is on a higher level, if they love their friend, and not the friend’s body, then they cannot have a feeling of separation, and therefore there will be no sorrow. If they are full of desires for physical contact with this friend on the physical plane, then this desire will immediately cause suffering. But if they put aside this desire and live in the higher presence and communicate in it, then the suffering will pass. Sometimes people suffer when they see that old age is approaching them, that their guides are no longer as strong as before. It will be wise if they suppress this regret if they realize that their bodies have done a good job, and if now they cannot do as much as before, then they should meekly and peacefully do what they can, and not be disturbed by the change. Soon they will have new bodies, and in order to secure a new, good body, they must use the old one to the best of their ability and, in any case, be clear, calm and unperturbed. The only way to do this is to forget about yourself, put an end to all selfish desires and turn your thoughts outward to help others, increasingly revealing this ability.

3. The cessation of suffering (deliverance from suffering). We have already seen how suffering ceases and calmness : This is achieved by constantly holding the thought in a higher presence (vibration) and in a positive attitude. We still have to live in this world, which is poetically described as a planet of suffering. And indeed it is so and is for many, perhaps most people, although it should not be so; but if we were not attached to it by desires, we could live on it completely happily. We live on it, but we should not be connected with it, at least not to such an extent that it causes worries, anxiety and sadness. Without a doubt, it is our duty to help others in their worries and concerns; but in order to do this fruitfully, we must not have our own sorrows. We must calmly pass by all the worries that can cause sorrow, remaining calm.And in this calmness we find inner silence in which we ask ourselves the question, why am I living and why am I living this way. If we take a philosophical view of this lower life, we will see that suffering will hardly exist for us.

4. THE PATH LEADING TO RELIEF FROM SUFFERING. This is given to us in the so-called Noble Eightfold Path– this is again a step-by-step, step-by-step or categorized path. This is a great presentation because it can be used at all levels of development for any person. In ordinary life, even an uneducated person can take it in its lowest aspect and find through it a path to peace and consolation. But even the greatest philosopher can take it, interpret it at his own level and learn a lot from it.

The first step on this Path is CORRECT FAITH. Some people object to this quality; they say that it requires something like blind faith from them. This is not the kind of faith required. Rather, it requires a certain amount of knowledge of the factors that govern life. It is required that men should understand at least a little of the Father's plan as it applies to them, and if we are not yet able to see it for ourselves, then to accept it as it is always laid out to us. One of these facts is the eternal law Cause and Effect . If a person lives in the illusion that he can do whatever he wants, and that the consequences of his actions will never turn against him, then he has probably already noticed that some of his actions bring misfortune and suffering upon him. And if he does not understand that the goal of his life is progress, that the Father’s Will for him is for him to grow morally and become better and more noble than he is now, then he will incur misfortune and suffering, because, probably, he will live only on the lower side of life, and this lower side will never fully satisfy the inner man. And therefore it turns out that he should at least learn something about these great laws. If he himself cannot yet recognize them, then it is good for him if he believes in them. Later, in the presences, before the second Initiation is achieved, Metagalaxy Man (Universe), we need to eradicate all doubt from ourselves.

When the Buddha was asked if this meant that we should blindly accept any form of belief, He replied: “No, but you must learn for yourself three great truths: that only on the path of Holiness and Righteous Life can a person finally achieve perfection, that to achieve it he goes through many lives, gradually rising higher and higher; and that there is a Law of Eternal Justice to which everything that exists is subject.” At this stage, a person must cast aside all doubt and inwardly must be completely convinced of these things. But it is good for a worldly person if he at least believes in this, because if he is not guided by this in life, he will not be able to go further.

The second step on the Noble Eightfold Path is CORRECT THOUGHTS.
Right thoughts mean two equal things: The first requires that we think about what we should think about, and not about what we should not think about. We may constantly have high and beautiful thoughts in our minds, or, on the other hand, our mind may be filled with thoughts about ordinary, everyday objects. Let there be no misunderstanding here; whatever work we do must be done carefully, seriously, and with that concentration of thought upon it which is necessary to carry it out to perfection. But most people, even when their work is done or there is a break in it, still allow their thoughts to be directed to unimportant and comparatively base things. Remember also that the right thought must be definite and not scattered. Thoughts that stop for a moment on one subject and then immediately flit to another are useless and do not help us at all to learn to control our thoughts. A correct thought should never have the slightest shadow of malice in it; there should be nothing dubious about it. There are many people who will not deliberately think about anything unclean or terrible, and yet they will cherish thoughts that are on the verge of this - not completely evil, but perhaps a little dubious. There should be nothing like that in right thoughts; everything that even slightly seems suspiciously unclean or unkind must be excluded. We must be absolutely sure that our thoughts are only affectionate and kind.

There is another meaning The right thought - she must be WITH AN EXACT THOUGHT , we must think only truthfully. This is how we often think about people incorrectly, erroneously due to prejudice and ignorance. It occurs to us that this person is bad, and therefore everything he does must be bad. We attribute to him motives that often have no basis, and in doing this we think about him incorrectly, and therefore our thought is not the right thought. Therefore, our Thought about these people is not a correct thought, not only because it is not merciful, but also because it is incorrect, incorrect. We only look at one side of a person and ignore the other side. Further, by fixing our attention on the bad, and not on the good, in a person, we strengthen and feed this bad. Meanwhile, with Correct Thought we could feed the good side in human nature in the same way.

The third stage is CORRECT SPEECH, and here again we find the same two divisions. First of all, we should always talk about good things. It is not our place to talk about the bad deeds of others. In most cases, the stories that reach us about other people are not true, and therefore, if we repeat them, then our words are not true, and we harm both ourselves and the fact that we will repeat it over and over again. what someone did was wrong. And we must also remember that many people's speech is untruthful because they allow themselves to fall into exaggeration and inaccuracy. They make a molehill out of a molehill, and of course it is not Correct Speech . Further, the speech should be affectionate, it should be direct, strong and intelligent. Most people live in the delusion that they have to carry on conversations, that if you meet a friend, you need to keep the conversation going all the time, otherwise you will suddenly get offended. Remember that for every idle word spoken by a person, he subsequently has to give an account. Very often an idle word is an unkind word; but regardless of this, even innocent idle words entail a loss of time; if we must speak, we could at least say something useful and helpful to others. Some people, wanting to appear secular, maintain a constant flow of half-mocking, half-joking chatter. They consider it their duty to complement whatever others say; they always try to show everything in a funny or amusing way. Of course, all this falls under the rubric of words, and no doubt we need to take serious notice of this question of correct Speech.

The fourth stage is RIGHT ACTIONS.
We immediately see how all these three steps inevitably follow one after another. If we constantly think about the good, then, of course, we will not talk about the bad; if our thoughts and speeches are good, then the action that follows from them will be good. The action must be quick, but well thought out. We all know people who, when critical circumstances arise, become helpless; they huddle around, don’t know what to do, and follow those whose heads are in better order. Others take some quick but thoughtless action. Learn to act quickly, but always think things through. The main thing is, let the action be disinterested, let it never be carried out in the slightest degree under the influence of personal considerations and benefits. This is very difficult for most people, but this ability must be acquired in order to advance; In our work we have many cases of putting this idea into practice. We must all think only about what is best for our work, about what we can do to help others, and we must completely put aside all personal considerations. We must think about what role we would like to play in the work, but we must try to do the best we can in the role that is assigned to us. Nowadays, few people live alone, as did monks or hermits. We live among other people, and everything we do, think or say inevitably affects many. We must always remember that our thoughts, our speech and our actions are not only qualities, but also powers given to us for use, and for the use of which we are directly responsible. They are intended to be used in service, and to use them otherwise is to violate our duty.

Now we come to the fifth stage - CORRECT SUBSTANCE.
This is a subject that can affect quite a lot of us. Right livelihood is one that does not harm any living being. We will immediately see that this applies to such professions as the profession of a butcher and a fisherman. But the commandment goes much further; we should not earn our living by harming any other being, and therefore we see at once that the sale of alcohol does not provide a Right Livelihood. Someone who sells alcohol doesn't necessarily kill people, but he certainly causes harm and lives off the harm he does to people. This idea is developed further. Take a merchant who is dishonest in his trade. This is not the right livelihood because his trade is not fair and he deceives people. If a merchant trades honestly, buying goods in bulk and selling them at a reasonable profit, then this is Right Livelihood, but from the moment he begins to deceive people and pass off bad things as good, he is cheating. A right livelihood can become wrong if it is used incorrectly. We must treat people as fairly as we would like to be treated ourselves. If a person trades in a well-known category of goods, then he has special knowledge of these goods. The buyer trusts the merchant because he himself does not have this special knowledge. When you trust a doctor or lawyer, you expect honest treatment on their part. In the same way, a buyer comes to a merchant, and therefore the latter must be as honest with him as a doctor or lawyer is with his patient or client. When a person trusts you in this way, he is relying on your honor to do the best you can for him. You have the right to make a reasonable profit from your business, but you must also keep an eye on your debt.

and this is a very important step. We should not be satisfied with you being passively kind. What is desirable in us is not only the absence of evil, but also the positive doing of good. When the Buddha wonderfully expounded this teaching in one verse, He first said: “Stop doing evil,” the very next line reads: “Learn to do good” . It's not enough to be passively good. There are many virtuous people who still achieve nothing. Each person has a certain amount of strength, not only physical, but also mental. When we have a day's work before us, we know that we must preserve our strength for it, and therefore, before starting work, we must not do anything that would exhaust our strength to such an extent that we would not be able to do our day's work properly. In the same way, we have a certain amount of mental power and willpower, and at this level we can only do a certain amount of work, so we must pay attention to how we spend this power.

There are other forces too. Every person has a certain influence among his friends and relatives. This influence means power, and we are responsible for using this power for good. We are surrounded by children, relatives, employees, and we have a certain influence on all of them, in any case we set an example for them; we must be very careful about what we say and what we do, because others will imitate us. Right effort means directing our work along useful lines and not wasting energy. There are many things that can be done, but some are more urgent and urgently needed than others. We must try and ensure that our efforts are most useful. It wouldn't be good if everyone did the same thing; it is wiser for the work to be distributed among us so that it can be carried out more perfectly and harmoniously, and not remain in a one-sided state. In all such matters we must use our reason and common sense.

The seventh step is CORRECT MEMORY or CORRECT REMEMBRANCES, and that means a lot. Thus, Correct Memory, which the Buddha often told us about, is considered by His followers to be memories of past incarnations, the technique of which He Himself mastered in full. In one of the Jataka stories, some person spoke ill of Him. The Lord turned to his disciples and said: “I insulted this person in a previous life, and now he is talking about me. I have no right to take this to heart.” Without a doubt, if we remembered everything that happened to us before, we could arrange our lives better than we do. First of all, this means concentration of thought. This means that we must remember all the time who we are, what is our work, what is our duty. A wise person will take care to remember the good, but he will let the bad die out. Suppose someone comes and speaks rudely to you; a stupid person will remember this for weeks, months and years and will say that so-and-so spoke rudely to him. It will melt in his mind. But what good does this bring him? Obviously nothing. This will only annoy him and revive a bad thought in his mind. Of course, this is not Correct Memory. We must forget and forgive the bad things that people do to us - this will fill our mind with love and gratitude. Besides, we've all made a lot of mistakes. It is good if we remember them only because this is necessary so as not to repeat them. But, on the other hand, constantly thinking about them, always filling our thoughts with regret and grief about them, is not Correct Memory .

This applies not only to the prescribed meditation that we do as part of our discipline, but it also means that throughout our lives we should concentrate on the goal of doing good and being useful and helping others. In daily life we ​​cannot meditate all the time because of the daily work we have to do in our daily life; and yet I am sure that such an unlimited statement will be absolutely true. We cannot always withdraw our consciousness from the physical plane to higher levels, but it is possible to live a meditative life in the sense that the highest state is always so strongly present in the recesses of our mind that, as I said about Right Thought , it would immediately come to the fore, as soon as the mind is not occupied with anything else. This habit of thinking will affect us in many ways more than meets the eye. Like always attracts like; two people who choose a similar line of thinking will soon be attracted to each other, will feel attracted to each other. In any case, they will be attracted to each other; their thoughts will influence one another, and thus each will greatly contribute to the development of the rest of the people around them, relatives and friends.