
Which of the listed countries is characterized by migration? Test for preparing for the Unified State Exam in geography. A1. The world population is more than

1. What is approximately the current population of the Earth?

1) 3.2 billion people. 3) 10.5 billion people.

2) 6.8 billion people. 4) 26.1 billion people.

To successfully answer tasks of type 1-5, you need to learn the top ten countries in the world by population, urban agglomerations, population of more than 10 million people, and know the distribution of major religions.

1) USA 2) Japan 3) Russia 4) Canada

3. In which of the following countries is Buddhism the official religion?

1) Pakistan 2) Thailand 3) South Africa 4) Ecuador

4. Which of the following countries is experiencing population growth due to migration?

1) Nepal 2) Canada 3) Ukraine 4) Egypt

5. Which of the following urban agglomerations is the largest in terms of population?

1) Paris 2) New York 3) Madrid 4) Rome

6. Which of the following countries has the longest average life expectancy?

1) Mexico 2) India 3) Denmark 4) Turkmenistan

To successfully complete tasks like 6-11, you need to be able to apply knowledge about the typological features of developed and developing countries to compare countries. Population income is lower, the proportion of illiterate people is higher, and natural population growth is higher, as a rule, in less developed countries.

7. Which of the following countries has the lowest GDP per capita?

1) Czech Republic 3) Sudan

2) Portugal 4) Finland

The answer is 3.

8. Which of the following countries has the smallest proportion of illiterate people among the population over 15 years of age?

1) Bolivia 2) Cambodia 3) Morocco 4) Belgium

The answer is 4.

9. Which of the listed countries has the greatest natural population growth (per 1 thousand inhabitants)?

1) Kenya 3) China

2) Italy 4) Republic of Korea

The answer is 1.

10. Which of the following regions has the highest average population density?

1) Amazonian lowland

2) Deccan plateau

3) Arabian Peninsula

4) Australia

The answer is 2.

11. Which of the following countries has the largest share of city dwellers in the total population?

1) Sudan 3) Nigeria

2) Germany 4) Ethiopia

12. Which of the following countries is characterized by the highest level of urbanization?

1) Argentina 3) Nigeria

2) China 4) Vietnam

In developed countries, the level of urbanization is higher. A common mistake in tasks of this type is choosing China as the correct answer. In fact, despite the enormous achievements in China's economy, its level of urbanization is not yet high.

The answer is 1.

Self-test tasks

Part A

1. Which of the following countries has the largest population?

1) Argentina 3) Mexico

2) USA 4) Canada

2. Which of the following countries has the largest population?

1) Germany 3) France

2) Spain 4) Indonesia

3. Natural population decline is observed in

1) India 2) Libya 3) Algeria 4) Ukraine

4. Which of the following countries has the largest proportion of older people in the age structure of the population?

1) Algeria 2) Brazil 3) India 4) Sweden

5. Which of the following countries has the largest proportion of children in the age structure of the population?

1) Poland 2) Australia 3) Ethiopia 4) Canada

6. Which of the following countries has the largest proportion of older people in the total population?

1) Tunisia 2) Türkiye 3) Cambodia 4) Australia

7. In which of the following countries is Islam the religion of the majority of the believing population?

1) Pakistan 3) Thailand

2) India 4) Mongolia

8. In which of the following countries is Buddhism the religion of the majority of the believing population?

1) Mongolia 3) Algeria

2) Afghanistan 4) Nigeria

9. Which of the following countries is characterized by the largest labor immigration?

1) Saudi Arabia 3) Vietnam

2) Kazakhstan 4) Niger

10. Which of the territories indicated by letters on the world map has the highest population density?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

11. Which of the territories indicated by letters on the world map has the lowest population density?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

12. Which of the following countries has the highest average population density?

1) Canada 2) Australia 3) Russia 4) India

13. Which of the following countries is the most populous?

1) Algeria 3) Saudi Arabia

2) Republic of Korea 4) Libya

14. Which of the following countries is characterized by the highest level of urbanization?

1) UK 3) China

2) Russia 4) India

15. Which of the following countries is characterized by the largest share of city dwellers in the total population?

1) Argentina 2) India 3) Egypt 4) Vietnam

16. Which of the following countries has the longest life expectancy?

1) Türkiye 2) South Africa 3) Algeria 4) Canada

17. Which of the following countries has the longest life expectancy?

1) Vietnam 2) Bolivia 3) Italy 4) Ethiopia

18. Which of the following countries has the longest expected life expectancy?

1) Norway 2) Namibia 3) Mexico 4) Thailand

19. Which of the following countries has the lowest GDP per capita?



1.By geographical location, Austria, Mongolia, Nepal, Paraguay, Chad, Czech Republic belong to the countries:

A) Primorsky B) Peninsular

C) Insular D) Inland


A state that has political independence and independence in internal and external affairs is called...

3. The cultivated lands of the world land fund are:

A)11% B)21% C)31% D)41%

4. Belt countries are most endowed with fresh water resources

C) The southern part of the temperate D) The northern part of the temperate

5.The current population of the Earth is:

A) 2.5 billion people B) 6.5 billion people

C) 10.5 billion people D) 20.5 billion people

6. Which of the following regions is characterized by the highest natural population growth:

A) Northern Europe B) Eastern Europe

7.Which of the following countries has an active government policy aimed at stimulating the birth rate?

A) Algeria B) India

C) France D) Kenya

A) Indonesia B) Denmark

C) Pakistan D) Egypt

A) Norway B) Saudi Arabia

C) Canada D) Kazakhstan

10. In the era of scientific and technological revolution, among the industries that are developing at the highest rates:

A) Electric power and textile industry

B) Textile industry and mechanical engineering

B) Mechanical engineering and electrical power engineering

D) Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy

11. New factors for the location of production in the era of scientific and technological revolution were:

A) Transport factor

B) Science intensity factor

D) Science intensity factor, environmental and natural resource

12.Which country has the largest share of nuclear power plants in its electricity production structure?

A) Italy B) Germany

C) France D) Russia

A) Japan B) India

C) Laos D) Angola

14.Which of the following countries has intensive dairy farming?

A) Australia B) India

C) Mexico D) Finland

15.In which of the following countries is international tourism one of the leading sectors of the economy?

A) Canada B) Cyprus

C) Australia D) Iran

16.The population of Southern Europe professes:

A) Catholicism

B) Protestantism

B) Orthodoxy

A, B, D


1.Australia A)Algeria

2.Algeria B)Caracas

3.Belarus B)Nairobi

4.Venezuela D)Minsk

5.Kenya D)Canberra

A) Austria B) India C) Jordan D) Italy D) Poland E) Sudan G) Tajikistan H) Uganda I) Philippines K) Estonia

1.Great Britain A.Agrarian

2.Czech Republic B.Industrial

3.Ethiopia B.Post-industrial

4.Rank power plants in order of decreasing share of global electricity production:

A) hydroelectric power station

B) nuclear power plant


5. Establish a correspondence between the agricultural crop that determines the international specialization and the country:

1.Wheat A.Colombia

2.Rice B. Canada

3. Coffee V. China

A) India B) Sweden

C) Ethiopia D) Bulgaria

OPTION 2 test in geography


1. By geographical location, Great Britain, Iceland, Cuba, Malta, Sri Lanka, Japan belong to the countries:

A) Primorsky B) Peninsular

C) Archipelagic and island countries D) Inland countries

2. A state, the head of which is an emperor, king, prince, etc., and the supreme power is inherited, is called….

3. Forests and shrubs in the world land fund are:

A)10% B)20% C)30% D)50%

4. Belt countries are most endowed with softwood resources

A) Equatorial B) Subtropical

C) Moderate D) Subequatorial

5.The world population in 2000 was:

A) 2.5 billion people B) 4.5 billion people

C) 6.1 billion people D) 8.5 billion people

6. Which of the following regions is characterized by the lowest natural population growth:

A) Foreign Europe B) Southeast Asia

C) East Africa D) North America

7.Which of the following countries has an active government policy aimed at reducing the birth rate?

A) Austria B) India

C) France D) Canada

8. Which of the following countries is characterized by migration population growth?

A) India B) Somalia

C) Afghanistan D) Germany

9.Which of the following countries is part of OPEC?

A) Egypt B) Denmark

C) China D) Iran

10. The group of industries developing at the fastest pace in modern industry is:

A) Automotive and metallurgy

B) Metallurgy and petrochemistry

B) Petrochemicals and shipbuilding

D) Microbiological and robotics

11.What factors were decisive in the earlier stages of industrialization?

A) Transport and natural resources

B) Science intensity factor

C) Science intensity and environmental factor

D) Environmental and labor resources

12.Which country has the largest share of hydroelectric power plants in its electricity production structure?

A) Finland B) Norway

C) France D) Canada

13.Which country is characterized by the GDP structure shown in the table?

A) Great Britain B) Canada

C) Laos D) Austria

14.Which of the following countries has subtropical agriculture developed?

A) Australia B) India

C) Spain D) Finland

15.Which of the following countries is home to the world's largest port?

A) Canada B) The Netherlands

C) Australia D) Brazil

16.The population of Northern Europe professes:

A) Catholicism

B) Protestantism

B) Orthodoxy

17. Determine the country on the map:

B, G, E



1.Select pairs based on the “country-capital” principle:

1. Mexico A) Delhi

2.Norway B)Mexico City

3.India B)Bangkok

4. Thailand D) Oslo

5. Czech Republic D) Prague

2. Distribute countries belonging to types 1 and 2 of reproduction:

A) Australia B) India C) Italy D) Botswana D) Peru E) Uzbekistan G) Rwanda H) Cambodia I) Latvia C) USA

3. Establish a correspondence between countries and the types of their industrial structure:

1.USA A.Agrarian

2.Nigeria B.Industrial

3. Romania V. Post-industrial

4.Rank power plants as their share of global electricity production increases:

A) hydroelectric power station

B) nuclear power plant


5. Establish a correspondence between the livestock industry that determines international specialization and the country:

1. Pig farming A. Australia

2. Cattle B. India

3. Sheep farming V. China

6. Arrange the listed countries in increasing order of the share of city dwellers in the total population:

A) Algeria B) Mexico

C) Niger D) Japan

Answer key

Job No.

1 option

Option 2




Iceland, Germany, Portugal

France, Italy, Norway




Type 1: AGDK;


Type 1: AVIC;










Assessment of a test in geography in grade 11

Each correct answer in Part I is worth one point.

Each correct answer in Part II is worth two points. If half or most of the correct answers to the question posed in Part II are given, they are scored 1 point.

The maximum number of points for completing the work is 29.

1-10 points - “2”;

11-17 points - “3”;

18-24 points - “4”;

25-29 points - “5”

With the introduction of the unified state exam in geography, the forms of monitoring students' knowledge and, accordingly, the methods and methods of preparing for the exam have changed significantly. Currently, there is a need to develop training tasks to prepare students for passing the Unified State Exam.

The methodological work provides recommendations for completing Unified State Examination tasks in the section "Geography of the World Population"(Part A). Options for Unified State Exam test tasks (Part A) are presented with detailed instructions for completing them. This methodological work is intended to provide practical assistance to students in preparing for the Unified State Exam in Geography.

Options for Unified State Exam test tasks for the section: “Geography of the World Population” (Part A).

1. Which of the following countries has the largest share of children in the total population?

  1. Italy
  2. Hungary
  3. New Zealand
  4. Nigeria

Answer: 4 The share of children in the total population of the country depends on the type of reproduction and the fertility rate: the higher this indicator, the greater the share of children. Fertility rates are highest in developing African countries that belong to the second type of population reproduction (“demographic explosion”). Answer: Nigeria.

2. Which of the following countries has the smallest proportion of children in the total population?

  1. Norway
  2. Thailand
  3. Zimbabwe
  4. Egypt

Answer: Obviously, a smaller proportion of children is typical for countries with low fertility. Fertility rates are the lowest in economically developed European countries belonging to the first type of population reproduction (“demographic crisis”). Answer: Norway.

3. Which of the following countries has the highest proportion of people over 65 years of age in the total population?

  1. Tunisia
  2. Colombia
  3. Sweden

Answer: 3 The share of people over 65 years of age in the total population of the country depends on the type of reproduction and fertility and mortality rates. The largest proportion of older people is in countries with low fertility and mortality rates. This demographic situation is typical for economically developed European countries belonging to the first type of population reproduction. Answer: Sweden.

4. Which of the following countries is pursuing a demographic policy aimed at increasing the birth rate?

  1. Algeria
  2. France
  3. Malaysia
  4. Brazil

Answer: 2 Demographic policy aimed at increasing the birth rate is carried out in economically developed countries, which are characterized by the first type of population reproduction with zero or negative natural increase (“demographic crisis”). Answer: France.

5. Which of the following countries is characterized by migration population decline?

  1. Australia
  2. Great Britain
  3. India
  4. Canada

Answer: 3 Migration population decline is typical for developing countries, from which labor migrants are sent to economically developed countries. Only one developing country is represented here, the rest are economically developed. Answer: India.

6. Which of the following countries is characterized by migration population growth?

  1. Denmark
  2. Pakistan
  3. Mexico

Answer: 2 Migration population growth is typical for economically developed countries to which labor migrants from developing countries are sent. Only one developed country is represented here, the rest are developing. Answer: Denmark.

7. Which of the following cities is the largest in terms of population?

  1. Brussels
  2. Sofia
  3. Tokyo
  4. Helsinki

Answer: 3 Only one of the cities listed is in the top ten largest cities in the world by population. Answer: Tokyo.

8. Which of the following countries is among the most densely populated?

  1. Algeria
  2. Belgium
  3. Mongolia

Answer: 2 The most densely populated regions of the world are Western Europe, South and Southeast Asia. Only one of the listed countries is in the specified region. Answer: Belgium.

9. Which of the following countries has the lowest average population density?

  1. Pakistan
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Austria
  4. Canada

Answer: 4 The highest population density is observed in Western Europe, South and Southeast Asia. Only one of the countries listed is located outside these regions. It should also be taken into account that often lower population density is observed in the country that has the largest territory. Answer: Canada.

10. Which of the following countries has the longest average life expectancy?

  1. Angola
  2. China
  3. Egypt

Answer: 3 The longest life expectancy of the population is observed in economically developed countries, which are characterized by a high standard of living. Only one developed country is listed here, the rest are developing. Answer: USA.

11. Which of the following countries has the lowest average life expectancy?

  1. Austria
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Portugal
  4. Japan

Answer: 2 The lowest life expectancy is typical for economically underdeveloped countries of the world, where the standard of living of the population is low. Only one such country is indicated here, the rest are economically developed. Answer: Afghanistan.

12. Which of the following countries has the highest GDP per capita?

  1. Germany
  2. Mauritania
  3. Indonesia
  4. Kenya

Answer: 1 In accordance with the typology of countries in the world according to the level of socio-economic development, the highest GDP indicator is typical for economically developed countries. Only one developed country is represented here, the rest are developing. Answer: Germany.