
Title page of the practice report (sample). Writing a report on educational practice: structure, design, sample, recommendations How to write a report on pre-diploma internship

Cover report on accounting practice

Faculty of Economics. Department of Accounting and Auditing.
Title report on the practical training of a student, a course majoring in “Accounting and Auditing”, who completed an internship in financial accounting at SOOO. Head of Production Practice - Chief Accountant. The head of the university is an associate professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing.


Title report on industrial practice in economics

Faculty of Economics and Management. Department of organization and management in agro-industrial complex enterprises. Title report on production practice. Completed by a student A. Head of practice from the department.

Title page of the report on practical training in finance.

Download the cover page of the practice report -

Cover report on accounting practice

Faculty of Economics. Department of Accounting and Auditing. Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering. The title page of the report on the industrial practice of a student of the specialty “Accounting and Auditing” who underwent industrial practice. The report was submitted to the department. The report has been completed and accepted for defense. The defense took place.

One of the most important criteria for assessing any written work at the university is the competent written presentation of the material. The ability to correctly format a text often determines the outcome of defending an entire project, be it a small essay or an entire coursework. Similar requirements apply to a report on professional practice, no matter which one - pre-graduation, industrial or educational.

Therefore, when the text of the report is typed and edited, you should spend some time bringing it into proper form in accordance with the design requirements. Among other things, like any written work at a university, the practice report is provided with a title page, which plays the role of the cover and the face of the project. The design of the title card forms the first impressions of the entire work, and often the final assessment of the project depends on it.

To ensure that the incorrect design of the title page does not reduce the value of the work, you need to promptly inquire at the university about the current rules for preparing reports. Usually all the necessary instructions and samples are contained in a special manual. Such rules differ from one educational institution to another, and it is important to use your own version in the report. However, if circumstances force it, then you can use the generally accepted standard, the principles of which are discussed below.

General requirements for the report title page

The title card is drawn up on a sheet of white A4 paper in any text editor. The font mainly used is Times New Roman. Point size 14. Some details may be typed in capital letters. The line spacing of the title page text is single.

The field boundaries are standard:

15 mm. - top field;

30 mm. - bottom field;

25 mm. - left margin;

15 mm. - right margin.

As for numbering, on the title page of the report, like any other work, the number is not graphically indicated.

Five blocks of information on the report title page

The entire text of the title page is functionally and visually divided into five unequal parts, each of which represents an independent information block. The first of these blocks is the top one. It contains the names of the educational institution, faculty and department. The last two paragraphs are separated from the first by one line indent. All of them are written in capital letters and aligned to the center of the line.






There is an alternative way to write the names of the faculty and department - they can be typed in lower case.

The second block is located a few lines below the first. It is aligned to the right. Its purpose is only to provide the registration number. Therefore, it only takes up one line. The registration number is handwritten by a university employee.

Registered: No. __________

The third block is the most important. It is located in the middle of the page with center alignment. On its first line, the word “report” is typed in capital letters. Additionally, it is recommended to highlight the “report” in bold. The line below indicates the type of internship (educational, industrial or pre-graduate), and even lower is the name of the organization in which the internship was carried out.


on educational (industrial, pre-graduation) practice

to/to (name of internship organization)

A few lines below the third block is the fourth block of information. It is formed from data about the author of the report and its head from the educational institution. The location on the right side of the page is arranged in two possible ways - either by moving the left margin to the middle of the page, or by simply aligning it to the right edge.

Student of the N department

group №___________

(signature, date)

Head of practice

(rating, signature, date)

Or like this:

Student of the N department

group №___________

(signature, date)

Head of practice

Academic degree, academic title Full name

(rating, signature, date)

The last block consists of the city in which the educational institution is located and the year in which this report was written and submitted for review. This block is located at the bottom of the page on the very last line. The city and year are written on one line without periods or commas.

City of the year

Another design option for the fifth block allows you to use the bottom two lines of the title page. In this case, the year is indicated on the bottom line, and the city is written on the line above. Commas and periods are also not used in this case.


Once all the individual title page blocks have been written, they need to be arranged harmoniously on the title page without disturbing the overall format. It is unacceptable to move blocks of information from their places, split them or merge them with each other.

higher education

(name of the department)


about completing industrial/pre-graduate internship

(Business name)

(full name, group, signature)

(full name, position, signature)

Head of practice from the enterprise

(full name, position, signature)

(full name, signature, date)

(unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good, excellent)


(full name, signature, date)

Irkutsk 20 __

Appendix B_1

Form of the title page of the report on educational practice

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher education

"Irkutsk National Research Technical University"

Department _________________________

(name of the department)


about completing practical training

on the___________________________________

(Business name)

Student _______________________________

(full name, group, signature)

Head of practice from the department


(full name, position, signature)

Admitted to defense _______________________


(full name, signature, date)

Practice assessment _____________________

(unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good, excellent)


(full name, signature, date)

Appendix to the report on page ______

Irkutsk 20 __

Appendix B

Form for filling out a diary by a student

during internship at the enterprise



student ___________________________

(Full Name)

course ______________________________



on _________________________________

(Business name)


Irkutsk 20 __

Continuation of Appendix B

The following was appointed as the head of practice from the enterprise:

(full name, position)


Types of work performed in practice by a student

(to be filled in by the student)

Signature of the manager from the company

Actual arrival date

student at the enterprise ______________________________________________

Date of actual departure

student from the enterprise ______________________________________________

Head of HR Department _____________________________________________

(full name, signature)

Appendix B_1

Page 10 of 26

Practice report

During training, students undergo a number of internships: educational, industrial, pre-graduation. At the end of each practice, a report is drawn up and submitted.

The practice report must correspond to the program of a specific practice and reflect all the tasks and requirements of the program set by the practice. The report must be prepared correctly and accurately, in accordance with the requirements (Section 3). The report on production and pre-graduate practice is approved by the head of the enterprise (signature and seal) and the head of the university. Report structure: title page (example), content and main part.

Coursework (project)

Course work(project) is a deeper and more voluminous study of one of the problems of the training course than an essay, report and test. The grade for the course work (project) is entered into the grade book along with exam grades. In other words, coursework has the status of an exam. The university curriculum for the specialty provides for the writing of several coursework and projects. As a rule, it is prepared in the disciplines of general education and special training. The course work (project) is carried out at the final stage of studying the academic discipline, using almost the same algorithm as the abstract.

Requirements for course work (project)

There are certain requirements for completing and preparing a course work (project), as well as for other research projects.

Course work (project) is a real student scientific research. Since they are written on a special subject or specialization chosen by the student, their purpose is to find out how much the latter has mastered the skills of independent scientific activity.

Sample title page of an internship report

The course work (project), first of all, should be distinguished by the relevance of the topic and correspond to the current state of domestic and foreign science. The student, working on it, should:

  • study and analyze scientific, educational and methodological literature and periodicals on the research problem;
  • study and analyze the history of the problem under study, its practical state, taking into account best practices, as well as personal experience acquired in the course of his production practice;
  • carry out, as necessary, experimental work or a fragment thereof on the research problem, clearly defining the goals and methods of the research;
  • summarize the results of the research, substantiate the conclusions and give practical recommendations;
  • complete coursework in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

In terms of volume, the course work should take at least 15-20 seconds. printed text or 20-25 s. handwritten text, project - at least 25-30 s. printed text or 30-45 s. handwritten text.

Approximate structure of course work (project)

In terms of structure, coursework (projects) can be of an abstract nature, a practical nature, or an experimental nature.

Their differences from each other are as follows:

  • in course work abstract nature after justifying the relevance of the work, the theoretical part gives the history of the issue, shows the level of development of the problem in theory and practice, based on a comparative analysis of the studied literature;
  • in course work of a practical nature contains not only the theoretical foundations of the topic being developed, but also practical developments, it presents calculations, graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, etc., as well as their analysis;
  • course work of an experimental nature involves the student conducting an experiment or a fragment of it, analyzing the results obtained and developing recommendations for practical application. The experiment is described in the second section of the main part.

The description describes the methods of experimental work and the validity of their choice, the main stages of the experiment, processing and analysis of the results.

The course work, regardless of its nature, must have: a title page (example), assignment, abstract, content, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of sources used.

Registration requirements title page the following. At the top of it, information about the institution where the work was performed is indicated. In the middle is written the topic of the course work, and below, on the right, is the student’s last name, first name, patronymic, specialty, course, group, form of study, last name, first name, patronymic of the supervisor. The place and year the work was performed is indicated below; an example is given in the manual.

Exercise issued by the teacher at the beginning of the work, the form of the assignment form corresponds to a specific work or project (example in the manual).

Essay is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001 (section 3).

In content are presented sequentially: introduction, titles of sections or chapters of the course work, conclusion, list of sources used, list of appendices and illustrations. At the same time, the names of all sections (chapters of the plan) must exactly correspond to the logic of the content of the work, be brief and clear. Be sure to indicate the pages from which all points of the plan begin; an example is given in the manual.

Introduction- This is the introductory part of any research work. The author must make every effort to show the relevance of the topic in this small section and reveal its practical significance (determine the goals and objectives of the experiment or its fragment). The formulation of the goals and objectives of the work should be as clear and concise as possible. Its purpose is to determine the strategy and tactics for writing the work. As an example, we offer an introduction to the course work on the topic “Development of a technological sequence for the manufacture of a woman’s coat” (Appendix B).

If students want to prepare a course work as a more in-depth research work and subsequently make it an integral part of their final qualifying work, then in this case the object, subject and hypothesis of the research should be defined in the introduction.

Sample coursework title page

Sample coursework assignment

Main part, which reveals the content of the course work, as a rule, consists of theoretical and practical sections. The theoretical section reveals the history and theory of the problem under study, provides a critical analysis of the literature and shows the author’s position. The practical section outlines the methods, progress and results of an independently conducted experiment or a fragment of it, a practical solution to the problem. The main part may also contain diagrams, diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.

In custody contains the results of the work, conclusions reached by the author, and recommendations. The conclusion should be concise, detailed and relevant to the objectives. It is good if at the end of the conclusion the prospects for research on this topic are identified.

List of sources used is a list of books and articles used, in the order of mention in the text, with all sources given under the general numbering of the literature. The initial data of the source indicates the surname and initials of the author, title of the work, place and year of publication (section 1.5).

Applications for the course work are drawn up on separate sheets, and each should have its own thematic heading and number, which is written in the middle of the page, for example: “Appendix A”.

Undergraduate practice– an important component of the final five-year study. This stage is the final practical exam for a graduate student, which means it will show how ready you are to enter adulthood and work in your chosen specialty.

Pre-graduation practice serves as a kind of window into the professional sphere. Here you can understand production processes in more detail, as well as learn how to implement your theoretical knowledge in practice. As a matter of fact, this is what the entire higher education system is aimed at - to give a young specialist the opportunity to plunge into the secrets of the profession.

Preparation of a report on pre-graduate practice in accordance with GOST

Pre-diploma practice is needed so that the student can prepare to defend his thesis. It is during the final practice that you can collect all the necessary material and successfully use it in your defense.

Thus, second chapter of the thesis can be filled exclusively with one’s own experience working at a particular enterprise. This will also become an auxiliary link, and a very important one, in fully developing the topic of the thesis.

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This practice may differ significantly in terms of duration from all previous ones. It is fully aligned with the curriculum and pursues its goals and objectives.

Most often, they are given to you by a teacher, who will accept the results of the practice after completion. In addition, the organization will appoint a practice manager for you, who will certainly be able to help you in difficult situations and advise you if questions arise.

So, if you need to write a report on pre-graduation practice, then let’s figure out how to format it correctly.

A correct report on pre-graduate practice will necessarily contain a title page, a list of goals and objectives, the full content of the work, the main part, conclusion, bibliography and appendices. The conclusions of the manager from the enterprise will also be useful.

An example of a report on pre-graduate practice

Title page

It is quite simple to design the title page of the pre-graduate practice report. There are practically no innovations or differences from other works. The header should contain information about the Ministry of Education of your country, as well as the name of the educational institution.

Below indicate the department, specialty and title of the work. There is no point in reinventing the wheel here either. The title is: " Report on the completion of pre-diploma internship". Don't forget to include your personal information, as well as your teacher's. Below is the city and year of execution.

Main part

The main part contains a description of the enterprise, job characteristics, as well as implemented tasks and goals. Your task is to fully reflect all the processes in which you were involved during practice. It will help to make a diary. If it doesn’t exist, it will be a little more difficult, but it’s better to maintain it and rely on the data that is recorded in it.


The conclusion usually contains conclusions about the work done. The easiest way to do this is based on the goals and objectives set in the introduction. There is nothing difficult in drawing a conclusion.

The main thing is not to forget that you need to provide your own opinion about the work of the enterprise, how, in your opinion, the work is structured, and so on. In addition, you can make your suggestions for improvement and modernization. ordering diplomas

Pass the report on pre-diploma internship with excellent marks

If prepare a report on pre-graduate practice If you didn’t succeed or don’t have enough material to write it and pass it successfully, then don’t despair. We can always help. By contacting us, you receive professional assistance from experienced authors. You can order a report on your practice or from professionals.