
The ABC of money. Read online "Money, or the ABC of Money." Quotes from the book “Mani, or the ABC of Money” by Bodo Schaefer

In a playful way, he tells children and their parents how to earn, invest and save enough money to fulfill their cherished dreams and live happily on the interest on their investments.

Before moving on to the review of the book “Money or the ABC of Money,” I would like to say a few words about its author. Bodo Schäfer is a rather controversial figure in the info business. They're talking about him! And they say a lot. Some call him “Financial Mozart,” others award him the title “fraudster and rogue.”

Legend has it that by the age of 26, Bodo had squandered all his money and accumulated debts of 75 thousand marks. This could not continue, and the smart guy decided to look for a “financial coach.” He found it in the person of one of the oil magnates. The story goes on to say that Schaefer paid off his debts, opened a company under the guidance of his mentor, and achieved financial independence. A curtain!

No matter how it is! In fact, the company went bankrupt, and Baudot again found himself in debt, this time almost 2 million German marks. But he was already traveling around the world, giving financial advice, and managed to write several quite sensible books. Either Bodo Schaefer himself neglected the financial rules and strategies that he taught to other people, or he simply turned out to be extremely unlucky in business. But all his attempts to build a business were unsuccessful.

Bodo's reputation took a bit of a hit when it turned out that Bodo only worked for the oil tycoon he called his mentor for 7 weeks before he was fired. Despite this incident, Schaefer continues his career as a financial consultant, conducts trainings, travels the world and writes books.

As for his books, they are really fascinating and intelligent. They will be especially useful for those who do not have the basics of financial literacy. The author explains in a simple manner that even children can understand how to earn and save money in order to fulfill their dreams and gain financial independence. We advise that after reading 1-2 of his books, do not stop and move on to more serious financial literature.

"The Path to Financial Freedom"

"Laws of Winners"

“How to learn to earn more and increase your annual income by 20%”

“First million in 7 years”

"Money or the ABC of Money"

This touching story begins with a family moving to a new home and finding an injured white Labrador on their doorstep in the morning. 12-year-old Kira passionately dreamed of a dog and decided to keep the dog for herself. The Labrador was jokingly named Money - which means Money in English.

One day, unexpectedly, the dog spoke, no one heard him except Kira. It turned out that Mani used to live with a very rich man and remembered a lot! He became Kira's financial advisor and told the girl a lot of useful things about money.

First of all, Mani asked Kira to write 10 reasons why she wants to become rich, this helped the girl decide on her desires and choose the 3 most cherished ones. This is how the foundations of financial literacy are laid, the child learns to plan and choose priority goals for himself. During the first lesson, Mani told Kira about the power of intention.

The second skill that the white Labrador taught Kira is reasonable savings. Kira started 2 piggy banks “To buy a computer” and “For a trip to San Francisco” and began to put aside the pocket money she saved there. By the way, there weren’t many of them, but she could solve this problem thanks to her new skills.

Having started a “Success Diary,” Kira began to write down everything that she did well. Mani told the girl how to earn money by helping people solve their problems. He advised me to look at the situation through the eyes of other people and communicate a lot. Money told how a boy Daryl from a poor family found part-time jobs and eventually became a millionaire by the age of 17. Kira was inspired by this success story.

Kira remembered that she had a cousin Marcel, who always had money, and he, by the way, was her age. The girl called her brother, and he told her how he made money by delivering buns to homes and buying groceries for the elderly.

Kira thought about it and invited her elderly neighbors to walk and train their dog. For this they promised to pay her 30 euros per month and 10 euros for each new trick. This was several times more than the pocket money her parents gave her!

Everything was going well, but one day Kira’s aunt arrived and recognized Mani. It was the dog of her rich neighbor, who had an accident, and then Mani got lost. No matter how sad it was, the girl and her parents had to take the dog to its owner. Although everything turned out even better than Kira could have imagined.

Mr. Goldstern lived in a huge mansion and it turned out that he made his fortune on the stock exchange. He turned out to be a pleasant person and was glad that his dog had been living with good people all this time. Unfortunately, he himself is still very sick after the accident and must go back to the hospital. Therefore, they agreed that Mani would live with Kira’s family for now, and Mr. Goldstern would pay all expenses. Kira's parents did not want to take the money, but Mr. Goldstern gently insisted and asked that Kira visit him once a week with Mani in the hospital.

The whole plot cannot be described in a short review. From the book “Mani or the ABC of Money” you will learn about the adventures of Mani, Kira and Marcel, and Mr. Goldstern will tell an instructive tale about the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Were Kira's parents able to pay off their debts? How much did the girl earn by the end of the year and was she able to buy a computer with this money and go to America? And most importantly, did Mani stay with Kira or return to his former owner? You will learn all this by finishing the book “Money or the ABC of Money.”

At the moment, Bodo Schäfer is releasing one after another children's books about financial literacy. “A Dog Named Mani” is the first of them. Perhaps telling children and housewives in an easy way about how to handle money is Bodo Schäfer’s real purpose?

Be that as it may, we have sincere sympathy for the author, so we recommend you download a book " " and read it with your children. If you don't like to read, then you can download audio book and listen to it at any convenient time. You will undoubtedly find a couple of useful financial tips for yourself and enjoy the adventures of the girl Kira and the white Labrador Mani.

Other educational comics by Bodo Schäfer from this series:

“How at the age of 12 Kira became rich, the goose that lays golden eggs”

"Introduction to the world of money"

"Kira and the Secret of the Bagel"

Do you want to learn how to manage your own money wisely? Download Bodo Schaefer's book for free - Money or the ABC of Money!

Greetings, my dear readers, to a useful site - 😉

Today I would like to introduce you to a successful book about financial literacy by a German writer and millionaire, master of seminars on Bodo Schaefer - Money or the ABC of money.

At first glance, this amazing and fascinating book will seem like a child’s book, as it is written in simple language, where the author explains everything almost “on the fingers.”

In the book Money or the ABC of money tells how you can simply achieve wealth by skillfully controlling your income and expenses, and handling money wisely. Surely we all want it, but we all need to get rid of the empty illusions that one day we will find a bag of gold and become rich.

In the book, the author clearly reveals certain problems of humanity that everyone stumbles over on the path to financial independence. Book Money or the ABC of money– will give you confidence in your own abilities, will help you look at a particular problem differently from a different angle.

The main characters of this story are a dog named Mani and a little girl Kira. Mani teaches Kira how to properly control her money and reveals to her the essence of the ABCs of business. When you read this story, you and Kira are learning the secrets of financial independence and all this happens in the form of an exciting game with a Labrador dog. When you begin to see the first successes of a 12-year-old girl, you begin to catch yourself thinking: “How is it that a little girl can control and manage the money side, but I, already an adult and reasonable person, cannot? But no, I also want to try and everything must work out for me too!”

The topic of managing your finances ceases to seem like something heavy and complicated to you; on the contrary, you begin to understand that you are involved in an interesting and exciting game.

Money or the ABC of money written primarily for those people who want to learn how to manage their own finances. This book offers you simple recipes to simplify your financial independence!

As soon as you read the book Money or the ABC of Money, you will learn:

1) Get free useful tips on managing your money and increasing it;

2) Learn the valuable 72 hour rule;

4) Otherwise, look at your problems from a different angle;

5) You will understand that there are no hopeless situations in life! Everything is decided!

P.S. Free download instructions:

Click on the link “download the book” on the website ⇒ You will be redirected to the “turbobit” website ⇒ there click on the gray button below “ Simple download" ⇒ then click on the gray button below “thanks, no need" ⇒ look at the bottom at how much time is left before downloading, do not pay attention to advertising ⇒ enter the captcha (a set of numbers with letters in the picture) ⇒ then wait 1 minute ⇒ click on the green button “download file” (maybe an advertisement will open in another window - close it) ⇒ and Voila, you have the book! Read for good health :)

Bodo Schaefer

Money, or the ABC of money

Money Oder Das 1×1 Des Geldes

© 2000 by F. A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, München

© Translation. Edition in Russian. Potpourri LLC, 2006

© Design. Potpourri LLC, 2015

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There are not many people in the world who would not like to become richer. Some of us dream about this all the time. Others claim that they would like to be richer only in certain areas of life, not necessarily financial. In general, most people want to become happier and wealthier.

And there is nothing bad or shameful in this desire. After all, prosperity is a right given to each of us from birth. If we do not lack money, then we lead a more worthy life, we can bring more joy to ourselves and the people around us. One of the biggest misconceptions of humanity is the idea that it is necessary to limit oneself financially and that this is almost the main dignity of a person.

Let's put an end to misconceptions

And yet most people are constantly short of money. There is a gap between their dreams and real life. And they consider this completely normal. I decided to put an end to this misconception and wrote the book “The Path to Financial Freedom”, where I consistently outlined my mentor’s advice leading to wealth. This book will allow you to earn your first million in seven years!

Why do we need a children's story?

“Mani, or the ABC of Money” is written in the form of a story for children. The same thoughts and advice are used here as in the book “The Path to Financial Independence.” And the narrative form is needed in order to more clearly show the difficulties that we encounter in the course of their implementation. The most incredible things happen in it. Mani is a talking dog who teaches a twelve-year-old girl how to handle money. And not only this. At the same time, she helps her parents get out of a difficult financial situation.

I wanted to write a book that would touch your soul. Let your heart open to the many riches that life has in store for us, including money.

What will reading this book bring you? If you are already familiar with the book The Path to Financial Independence, this story will deepen your understanding of the problem it addresses. You will have new thoughts and new perspectives, and you will learn to take an original, creative approach to solving life's problems.

This story will strengthen your faith in your own capabilities. The adventures of the heroes will not leave you indifferent, and you will again think about your freedom and unrealized potential.

Success stories don't solve all problems

I must admit that I did not always attach much importance to such stories. It seemed to me that people would simply start imitating the successful heroes of such stories, instead of deeply understanding the principles of success. Such stories can rarely be applied to your life. The principles will indicate the surest way out of a difficult situation. Also, it bothers me when people admire an author and try to imitate his actions instead of internalizing the truths. Personal experience, unlike proven principles, cannot be completely transferred to someone else's life.

In addition, all kinds of complex models often disorient people. In our age of high technology, it often seems that the path to success can only be indicated by those thoughts that a mere mortal cannot understand. We dismiss simple fundamental truths with the principle: “It’s too simple.” But everything is simple. It’s quite another thing that’s difficult to follow these tips. The laws of wealth are easy to understand, but difficult to implement. To do this, sometimes you need outside help. The book also talks about where to find this help.

Actually, this book was originally called “A Dog Named Mani” and was intended only for children. There, the narrative form was quite appropriate and allowed children to playfully master the path to wealth and success. These are exactly the topics that many families do not like to talk about.

I was mistaken...

But after the book came out, I received several hundred letters from adults. They all said about the same thing: “This story pushed me to action because it touched my emotions,” “This book disturbed my soul,” “For the first time I understood what money is,” “Finally it dawned on me how You can become really rich."

These responses showed me that my initial assessments were incorrect. Today I fully realized that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. And a fascinating story that a person “sees” with his heart is sometimes more important than ten thousand correct words. Therefore, my book is intended for both children and adults.

The story allows you to distance yourself

We, adults, are interested in reading the story of a little girl. Although the story is close to us, it allows us to maintain a comfortable distance. In the end, this is just a children's story about childhood problems from which we have long grown out of. Children's concerns do not affect us as much as our own. They're not that serious. We understand that many of the tasks that children face have already been successfully solved.

What if we try to learn a lesson from this story? Let us at least for a while imagine our life in the form of such a story. Let’s imagine that we are already very rich and look condescendingly at our financial “childhood.” Let's look at our current situation from a certain distance. This will be a story in which typical problems arise that we have already solved long ago. Perhaps we will even be able to smile, recognizing our “previous mistakes.” We will not take our problems too seriously and will understand that we are not prisoners of this situation. That's why we need a story like this.

A guideline is needed today more than ever

But this is not just a story. Here we are talking, rather, about the laws of success and wealth described in the book “The Path to Financial Freedom.” These principles are the universal and eternal axiom of prosperity.

By talking about their universality, I mean that they are applicable always and everywhere - in any society, in any culture, in any situation. When I say they are eternal, I mean that they never change. This is especially important in today's rapidly changing world, where everything becomes more complex and confusing, and one new and improved product replaces another. At such times, a guideline is needed, the role of which is precisely these eternal principles. By calling them an axiom, I mean that there is no need to argue about them.

Ancient principles

If you think I'm taking on too much, let me make two comments. First of all, these principles were not invented by me. They have always existed, just like the laws of nature. They control our lives whether we like it or not. Even if we deny them, they do not lose their significance. I just translated these principles into understandable language and gave them some structure.

Secondly, I believe that all successful people live by these laws. Journalists and TV presenters often ask me to prove that we are really talking about laws. And I give examples of people who have read my books and attended my seminars. But I believe that you can find much better examples yourself. Think of a successful person, group of people, organization or company. Analyze the path they took and you will find all the evidence you need.

It doesn’t matter at all whether these people can tell you the laws of wealth that they follow. Some of them may not even like what I write. It's quite normal. I don't mind criticism—everyone who writes books for the general public is subject to it. And some people simply will not understand the story told here. Perhaps they will come up with completely different examples to demonstrate these principles, or they will interpret them differently. All this is also completely normal and only demonstrates that all people are different. Nevertheless, the life of every person always serves as proof of universal and eternal laws.

Useful and necessary knowledge

This book will show you the path to prosperity and success. But she won't tell you how money came into being. Such knowledge may be useful, but it will not give you anything in terms of gaining wealth and happiness. I limited myself to only the necessary knowledge and describe the specific steps towards well-being that I took myself.

The danger of simplicity

Just as overly complicated descriptions distract from the essence of the problem, there are certain dangers in presenting simple fundamental truths. Very often in this case we easily conclude: “I already know this.” To do this, it is enough to see a few familiar words in the text. This kind of thinking can become a trap for you. After all, often, when we see something familiar, we stop learning. We are no longer interested in the true meaning of what was said, since we believe that we already know everything. In addition, we are talking about not only learning something new, but also using what is already known in practice...

Professing the common thesis that every person from birth has the right to be rich, the author explains in detail (at a “children’s” level) to a wide range of readers the processes of handling money: how to save it, how to spend it profitably, how to pay off debts - in short, how to make your first million...

Money Oder Das 1×1 Des Geldes

© 2000 by F. A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, München

© Translation. Edition in Russian. Potpourri LLC, 2006

© Design. Potpourri LLC, 2015


There are not many people in the world who would not like to become richer. Some of us dream about this all the time. Others claim that they would like to be richer only in certain areas of life, not necessarily financial. In general, most people want to become happier and wealthier.

And there is nothing bad or shameful in this desire. After all, prosperity is a right given to each of us from birth. If we do not lack money, then we lead a more worthy life, we can bring more joy to ourselves and the people around us. One of the biggest misconceptions of humanity is the idea that it is necessary to limit oneself financially and that this is almost the main dignity of a person.

Let's put an end to misconceptions

And yet most people are constantly short of money. There is a gap between their dreams and real life. And they consider this completely normal. I decided to put an end to this misconception and wrote the book “The Path to Financial Freedom”, where I consistently outlined my mentor’s advice leading to wealth. This book will allow you to earn your first million in seven years!

Why do we need a children's story?

“Mani, or the ABC of Money” is written in the form of a story for children. The same thoughts and advice are used here as in the book “The Path to Financial Independence.” And the narrative form is needed in order to more clearly show the difficulties that we encounter in the course of their implementation. The most incredible things happen in it. Mani is a talking dog who teaches a twelve-year-old girl how to handle money. And not only this. At the same time, she helps her parents get out of a difficult financial situation.

I wanted to write a book that would touch your soul. Let your heart open to the many riches that life has in store for us, including money.

What will reading this book bring you? If you are already familiar with the book The Path to Financial Independence, this story will deepen your understanding of the problem it addresses. You will have new thoughts and new perspectives, and you will learn to take an original, creative approach to solving life's problems.

This story will strengthen your faith in your own capabilities. The adventures of the heroes will not leave you indifferent, and you will again think about your freedom and unrealized potential.

Success stories don't solve all problems

I must admit that I did not always attach much importance to such stories. It seemed to me that people would simply start imitating the successful heroes of such stories, instead of deeply understanding the principles of success. Such stories can rarely be applied to your life. The principles will indicate the surest way out of a difficult situation. Also, it bothers me when people admire an author and try to imitate his actions instead of internalizing the truths. Personal experience, unlike proven principles, cannot be completely transferred to someone else's life.

In addition, all kinds of complex models often disorient people. In our age of high technology, it often seems that the path to success can only be indicated by those thoughts that a mere mortal cannot understand. We dismiss simple fundamental truths with the principle: “It’s too simple.” But everything is simple. It’s quite another thing that’s difficult to follow these tips. The laws of wealth are easy to understand, but difficult to implement. To do this, sometimes you need outside help. The book also talks about where to find this help.

Actually, this book was originally called “A Dog Named Mani” and was intended only for children. There, the narrative form was quite appropriate and allowed children to playfully master the path to wealth and success. These are exactly the topics that many families do not like to talk about.

I was mistaken...

But after the book came out, I received several hundred letters from adults. They all said about the same thing: “This story pushed me to action because it touched my emotions,” “This book disturbed my soul,” “For the first time I understood what money is,” “Finally it dawned on me how You can become really rich."

These responses showed me that my initial assessments were incorrect. Today I fully realized that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. And a fascinating story that a person “sees” with his heart is sometimes more important than ten thousand correct words. Therefore, my book is intended for both children and adults.

The story allows you to distance yourself

We, adults, are interested in reading the story of a little girl. Although the story is close to us, it allows us to maintain a comfortable distance. In the end, this is just a children's story about childhood problems from which we have long grown out of. Children's concerns do not affect us as much as our own. They're not that serious. We understand that many of the tasks that children face have already been successfully solved.

What if we try to learn a lesson from this story? Let us at least for a while imagine our life in the form of such a story. Let’s imagine that we are already very rich and look condescendingly at our financial “childhood.” Let's look at our current situation from a certain distance. This will be a story in which typical problems arise that we have already solved long ago. Perhaps we will even be able to smile, recognizing our “previous mistakes.” We will not take our problems too seriously and will understand that we are not prisoners of this situation. That's why we need a story like this.

A guideline is needed today more than ever

But this is not just a story. Here we are talking, rather, about the laws of success and wealth described in the book “The Path to Financial Freedom.” These principles are the universal and eternal axiom of prosperity.

By talking about their universality, I mean that they are applicable always and everywhere - in any society, in any culture, in any situation. When I say they are eternal, I mean that they never change. This is especially important in today's rapidly changing world, where everything becomes more complex and confusing, and one new and improved product replaces another. At such times, a guideline is needed, the role of which is precisely these eternal principles. By calling them an axiom, I mean that there is no need to argue about them.

Ancient principles

If you think I'm taking on too much, let me make two comments. First of all, these principles were not invented by me. They have always existed, just like the laws of nature. They control our lives whether we like it or not. Even if we deny them, they do not lose their significance. I just translated these principles into understandable language and gave them some structure.

Secondly, I believe that all successful people live by these laws. Journalists and TV presenters often ask me to prove that we are really talking about laws. And I give examples of people who have read my books and attended my seminars. But I believe that you can find much better examples yourself. Think of a successful person, group of people, organization or company. Analyze the path they took and you will find all the evidence you need.

It doesn’t matter at all whether these people can tell you the laws of wealth that they follow. Some of them may not even like what I write. It's quite normal. I don't mind criticism—everyone who writes books for the general public is subject to it. And some people simply will not understand the story told here. Perhaps they will come up with completely different examples to demonstrate these principles, or they will interpret them differently. All this is also completely normal and only demonstrates that all people are different. Nevertheless, the life of every person always serves as proof of universal and eternal laws.

Useful and necessary knowledge

This book will show you the path to prosperity and success. But she won't tell you how money came into being. Such knowledge may be useful, but it will not give you anything in terms of gaining wealth and happiness. I limited myself to only the necessary knowledge and describe the specific steps towards well-being that I took myself.

The danger of simplicity

Just as overly complicated descriptions distract from the essence of the problem, there are certain dangers in presenting simple fundamental truths. Very often in this case we easily conclude: “I already know this.” To do this, it is enough to see a few familiar words in the text. This kind of thinking can become a trap for you. After all, often, when we see something familiar, we stop learning. We are no longer interested in the true meaning of what was said, since we believe that we already know everything. In addition, we are talking about not only learning something new, but also using what is already known in practice.

Principles of Wealth

Kira, who in my story is learning how to handle money, gradually learns more and more principles of creating wealth. Here are the most important ones.

1. First, decide what money means to you.

2. Make a wish list (list ten reasons why you want to get rich). Choose the three most important ones.

3. Turn to the support of the subconscious: “Dream Bank” and “Dream Album”.

4. High income alone cannot solve all our money problems.

5. Nothing should distract you from your own intentions and plans. Learn to imagine yourself rich.

6. It won't always be easy. Someone will discourage you from achieving your goals. Sometimes it will even be friends and family members. Turn to tools that will keep you from going astray.

7. “Success Diary” allows you to increase your earnings and instills the self-confidence necessary to achieve success.

8. Make your favorite activity your profession, and due to this your income will increase even more.

9. There are important things to do and urgent things to do. Learn to distinguish them. Don't let yourself be distracted from good intentions.

10. Use the most important rule for implementing any plans - the 72-hour rule.

11. You can earn a lot of money just by playing.

12. Four main rules for getting rid of debts: break up credit cards; negotiate the lowest loan payments; save fifty percent of all remaining money, and spend another fifty percent on paying off consumer debts; put a note in your wallet asking: “Do you really need this?”

13. Learn to manage your money. Forget the story of the goose that laid the golden eggs.

14. Communication with the bank can be a joy.

15. Earning money makes your life more interesting.

16. Money is great! Keep cash in a safe.

17. Money is “neutral”. But they are closely related to happiness.

18. Share what you receive.

19. Learn to cope with fears. The Success Diary will help you.

20. One of the main ways to increase money is an investment club. Five rules to guarantee its success: Meetings are held once a month. Attendance is strictly required, everyone makes their contribution in cash; money is not withdrawn from the general fund; all decisions are made collectively.

21. The magic formula that allows you to get money out of nothing: love for money and the desire to earn it; self-confidence, ideas and willingness to do what we like; distributing money for daily expenses, using long-term desires and for “chicken”; skillful investment of money; enjoyment from this whole process.

22. The three most important rules for investing money: it must be reliable, generate income, and it must be easy to manage.

23. Find out what stocks are and what kind of income they provide (exchange income and dividends). Decide for yourself whether you should invest in stocks.

24. From time to time, leave your comfort zone and do something you are afraid of.

25. Determine for yourself the practically optimal form and strategy of investment. Twelve percent per annum is not bad!

26. Investment funds are reliable and provide good income. There are three criteria for choosing a reliable fund: it must exist for at least ten years and achieve high returns; it must be a large international equity fund; this fund must have a high rating.

27. Investing in funds is quite easy.

28. Money in the fund grows according to the law of compound interest.

29. Evaluate the relationship between risk and expected return.

30. Calculate percentages in your head - it's easy!

31. It is necessary to make a profit even when the exchange rate suddenly falls.

32. Find out what you need to know to earn high returns in the fund.

33. Determine how inflation might affect your savings. Learn to invest your money so that inflation becomes your best friend.

34. Money influences all other areas of our lives. Pay more attention to finances - and your life will change.

You will surprise yourself

Sometimes one successful idea is enough to ensure your well-being. But here I would like to draw your attention to one surprising circumstance. When you get “big money,” sometimes it happens so quickly and in such quantities that you involuntarily ask yourself the question: where was all this money before?

This phenomenon is all the more surprising because it completely refutes the widespread misconception that wealth can only be achieved through long years of hard work. Prosperity and wealth are, rather, the product of a certain way of thinking, special life principles. When these prerequisites are created, everything happens much easier than is commonly thought. That’s why this book has a subtitle: “Towards success and prosperity—playfully.”

Ignorance is tantamount to surrender

Most people don't pay enough attention to their finances. In this respect, they resemble a three-year-old child who closes his eyes and believes that now no one will see him. Finances will still remain, and if we don’t take care of them, they will turn into a negative factor that will completely deprive us of the joy of life. Anyone who does not think about their money does not think first of all about themselves and their future. Of course, it takes some courage to ask yourself what kind of life you want to live. But financial freedom is available to everyone today. Seneca said about this: “We don’t start things not because they are difficult. They are difficult because we don’t start them.”

Nothing can stop you

A person who has mastered the principles set out in the “ABC of Money” will see for himself that his financial situation begins to improve. Nothing can stop an idea if its time has come. This statement is true for every person. No one and nothing can stop you from taking advantage of the right given to you from birth - to be rich. Dignity and financial freedom are our natural rights. No one can lead you astray from this path unless you allow it. Why? Because your time has come.

Our life is like a journey. If you understand the topic of money properly, this journey will open up opportunities for you that you never dreamed of.

Kira represents the best example of this statement. At first she couldn't even clearly articulate her dreams. Then she firmly believed in their implementation. Of course, there were some difficulties, but when she achieved her goals, and even earlier than she could have imagined, there was a feeling that it simply could not have been any other way. Along the way, she experienced events that exceeded all her wildest dreams.

I wish the same for you. Formulate your dream, make it come true and make discoveries on your journey that you never dreamed of.

And now it’s time to start our story about a dog named Mani, about Kira, about the ABCs of money and much more...

Sincerely yours Bodo Schaefer

This story was written for children, but it is also suitable for adults, because the culture of finance for many people is something new and incomprehensible.


This story was written for children, but it is also suitable for adults, because the culture of finance for many people is something new and incomprehensible. Since Schaefer’s main principle is saving and competent money management for 15-20 years, in order to become a millionaire, you need to start from childhood. Recommended for reading to any child, regardless of character and school performance. Although Schaefer claims that the majority of those who read this story are adults, respectable people.

The book consists of a preface, nineteen chapters of the story and an appendix-dictionary of economic terms.

This book was written in the genre of a story because Schaefer wanted it to touch the hearts of readers without being oversaturated with dry rules and numbers. The story tells about a girl Kira and her dog Mani, who have many adventures ahead of them. A person who has thoughtfully read this book begins to understand more deeply the theory of money, business, economics and the laws of wealth.

about the author

SCHAEFER Bodo is a German millionaire and writer. By the age of 26, he moved to California and became bankrupt. After that, he managed to find his mentor and after a couple of years he became a millionaire. Currently lives and works in Cologne.