
An unstressed vowel is not at the root of the word examples. How to check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word: rules and examples. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word

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It is difficult to find a test word for an unstressed root because it has gone out of active use.

N..gie fields - nAg (that is, not dressed).

It is difficult to find a test word for an unstressed root, because the meanings of the roots are currently already diverging in meaning.

Proz..bat - chill.

Ob..yanie - bAyat.

In this case, you have to rely on your erudition and linguistic intuition. If in doubt, refer to list 1.

A vowel in a word can be tested with different stressed roots.

Developed - curled, blew.

Zap..vat - sing, drink.

Pay attention to the meaning of the root (it is easy to recognize from the context). Choose a test word that is close in meaning. If you find it difficult to do this, refer to list 2.

For the same unstressed root, it is sometimes possible to pick up two test single-root words with different stressed vowels.

G..lova - heads, two-headed.

G..rodskoy - city, city.

Zas .. gone - sit down, sitting.

Disassembled ... sal - threw, scatters.

Most likely, before you is the phenomenon of full agreement and disagreement. Do not check roots with full vowel combinations -olo- and -oro- cognate words with non-vowel combinations -la- and -ra-.

Pay special attention to the insidious root -sid- / -sed-. Remember the spelling of words with this root:

sit, sit down, sit up (sitting)

but: saddle, meeting, chairman (sat).

The unstressed vowel O in the roots of perfective verbs cannot be checked with imperfective forms on - vyvat, - vyvat:
look ... a third - looks(verb considers is not a test word).

Difficulty remembering words. Sometimes it is not possible to remember which vowel to write in a given exception word.

Treat exceptions like dictionary words. Remember them separately from the rules. To make it easier to remember, refer to list 3. Insert letters instead of ellipses.

You can mistakenly attribute the spelling "Unstressed vowel in the root, checked by stress" to a word with an alternating root and vice versa.

Example of misinterpretation:

sprout - an unstressed vowel at the root is checked by the word grown.

Distinguish between roots that are stressed and roots that alternate vowels.

An example of a correct interpretation:

sprout - we have before us an exception from the spelling "Alternation of vowels in the root -rast- (-rasch-) \ -ros-".

Difficulties arise in interpreting the meanings of words with roots -equal- and -even-.

Stretch ... to take hair - does it mean to make them the same? Straight?

Both interpretations seem dubious.

Indeed, not all cases with roots –equals and –equals can be directly applied to the rule. Remember the spelling of words: equalize, align.

For a word with a dubious consonant, it is sometimes difficult to find a test word.

Raw (w \ w) ka.

Vare (w \ w) ka.

If you can't find the test word, refer to list 4.

You are unsure of the spelling of a word with a possible unpronounceable consonant.

Refer to list 5.

In some single-root words, either a double consonant or a single consonant (tonNa, but three-tonka) is written in the root.

Foreign roots in some Russian words lose a double consonant. Pay attention to the following cases:

tonNa - three-ton, five-ton, etc.,

column - column,

grammar - literacy,

crystal, crystal - crystal.

Do not confuse also two similar roots: -bal- (at the ball, ball gown) and -point- (five-point storm, the highest score).

In some borrowed words, after a consonant or vowel, instead of the letter E, the letter E is written. How to distinguish such words?

With ... ssia, strength ... t, ma ... stro, pro ... ct.

After the consonants and after the vowel And in such words, the letter E is usually written.

The exception is the word project whose spelling must be remembered.

Valley - a remote area;

developing countries - flags are flying;

defuse the situation - defuse the gun - defuse the beds;

chew bread - live in Moscow;

tie a report - tie a knot;

rally the ranks - fill the river - seal the schedule - pay the bill;

guessed the answer - fell into a trap;

belittle dignity - inexorable truth;

sat down to old age - sat on a bench;

relieve hunger - drag home;

to see a friend - the leaves fade;

shine with a lamp - dedicate life to society - dedicate to a secret;

keep cleanliness in the house - the frequency of fluctuations - ambition;

to inspire longing - to curl hair - to wind a wire on a coil;

seal with a seal - creak with a pencil;

blind with light - blind from clay - eyes stick together;

try on a dress - reconcile enemies;

evaporate on fire - flog lightning;

open the door - boil in milk;

the crow made a nest - made a stain on the dress - brought it down the stairs;

write off the task - hurry home;

heal wounds - climb into the window;

climb down - lick honey from the lid;

gold-embossed binding - constrained in funds;

fell a tree - allow pranks;

to punish according to the law - to conquer with nobility;

tame the beast - shorten the time;

stab - harden on fire;

buckle up - comprehend the truth;

blessed - glorification;

to rinse the child - to rinse the linen;

weed a garden bed - shoot from a cannon;

urban old-timer - guard the warehouse;

run around the house - do not offend the younger ones;

shivering from the cold - to annoy with their appearance.

1) Cases in which it is difficult to find a test word for a given word.

Surroundings - surroundings (out of use);

holiday - holiday (obsolete);

honor - honor;

manifest - manifest;

dishes - there are;

oral - mouth;

bulky - to pile up;

magician - miracles;

wordless - words, words;

peer - level;

peer - verst (meaning age - from other r. lang.);

private, private - part;

crazy - gone crazy;

feeling - in dr.-r. lang. in this word, the consonant [v] sounded clearly.

2) Cases in which the check may lead to an error.

Shine (although shine);

ladder (although a ladder);

splash (although splash);

skillful - skillful (do not confuse with the words art, artificial).

to patronize (sheF) - to march (walking);

private (part) - hourly (hour);

bone marrow (bone) - inert views.

Unstressed root vowels tested by stress

Basic.. distribute..take; zat..shushed; enlightenment..

In most cases, unstressed vowels are checked by stress in the root:

enjoyment - sweetness;

unification..nenie - unity.

You should not check unstressed vowels in perfective verbs with imperfective verbs on - vyvat / - vyvat(the stressed vowel changes in them):

be late - you can not check the word be late;

cut - can not be checked by a word cut out.

Equipment - tackle.

Distribute - space.

Tightened - Tightened.

Enlightenment is light.

Alternating vowels at the root

In roots with alternating vowels, an unstressed vowel is checked not by stress, but by special rules. These roots can be grouped into four groups.

What determines the spelling of the vowel in the root:

from stress

from the following consonant

from the presence or absence of a suffix -a-

from the value of the root


-skak- / -skoch-
-rast- / -ross-
-lag- / -loose-

-beer- / -beer-
-per- / -per-
-steel- / -steel-
-glitter- / -glitter-
-even- / -chit-
-burn- / -burn-
-mer- / -peace-
-kos- / -cas-

-equal-, -equal-
-poppy-, -mok-

1. Alternating roots in which the spelling of the vowel depends on the stress:


TV..Rit; start..nay; zag..rel; s..rya; busy..mother; popl..wok; Auxiliary..nat; press..small

In these roots, different vowels can sound and be written under stress (for example, dawn, glow; slope, bow, etc.).

In an unstressed position, the following variants of the roots are written in them:







Bench press





to mature;


quicksand .

burned down


utensil .

fixed squeezing Attention kneaded

Tv about rit - unstressed root -Tvor-.

Nach and nat - unstressed root -CHIN-.

Zag o rel - unstressed root -MOUNT-.

Z a rya - unstressed root -ZAR-.

Zan and mother - unstressed root -nim-.

Popl a wok - unstressed root -PLAV-.

Vspom and nat - unstressed root -MIN-.

Nazh and small - unstressed root - ZIM-.

2. Roots in which the spelling of a vowel depends on the subsequent consonant: -SKAK- / -SKOCH-, -RAST- (-PRASH-) / -ROS-, -LAG- / -LOZH-; upstart..chka; sk..chok; vyp..sti; vyp..sli; floor .. walk; floor.. live.


With how-

Rust-, -rasch-







I am jumping;

downloading .


grow up








ref a sl.





Posk a cal - option -SKAK-.

vys about chka - option -SKOCH-.

Sk a chok is an exception.

Vyr and sti - option -RAST-.

Vyr about sli - option -ROS-.

Paul and gat - option -LAG-.

Sex about to live - option -FALSE-.

3. Roots in which the spelling of a vowel depends on the presence of the suffix -a-

3.1. Roots -ber / bir-â; ter/tir-â; lane / pir-â; der/dir-â; stel / stil-â; brilliance / bliss-â; chet/chit-â; burn / burn-â; mer / world-â. lay; up .. get out; beat..ral; bl.. melting.

Here the spelling of the vowel depends on the suffix -a- after the root.

Nast and lat - after the root comes the suffix -a-.

Rest - there is no suffix after the root -a-.

Ud and ral - after the root comes the suffix -a-.

Bl and melting - after the root comes the suffix - a-.

3.2. Root -KOS- / -KAS-

Prik..dnenie; to..sleep; according to k..satelnaya; to..sit down.

Prik about the foundation

To sleep - there is no suffix -a- after the root.

By s ate - after the root comes the suffix -a-.

Touch - after the root comes the suffix -a-.

4. Similar roots in which the spelling of the vowel depends on the meaning

4.1. Roots -EVN- and -EVN-

Vyr .. take in (the road); cf .. vnit segments.

Vyr about heed (the road) - make it more straight, smooth (the root is suitable for the value -ROVN-).

Compare the segments - compare them (by value, the root is suitable -RAVN-).

4.1. Roots -MAK- / -MOK-

Exchange .. put in tea; prom..chil legs; vym..whip.

Swap a whip in tea - dip into liquid.

Prom o chill legs - pass liquid through clothing.

You're about to whip - pass the liquid.

Spelling of checked consonants in the root

Checked consonants are divided into two types: doubtful and unpronounceable.

Girlfriend..ka;; wonderful; napkin..ka.

Let's remember the following cases:

to shine (although to shine);

stairs (although a ladder);

splash (although splash);

patronize (boss), but march (walking);

bone (brain), but inert (views);

interspersed (mix) - interspersed (interspersed);

peer, but peer;

feel, honor;

dishes, but distinct;

private life);



A friend is a friend.

Dutch - Holland.

Miraculous - miracles.

Napkin t ka - napkin.

Spelling of dictionary words

Words whose spelling is not regulated by the spelling rule are called dictionary words., intellect..gentsia, in..hall, pa..sazhir.

Dictionary words are also written according to the spelling norm. This norm is established not according to this or that rule, but specifically for this word. It is reflected in the spelling dictionary.

The school course assumes knowledge of a certain minimum of vocabulary words that are included in the school spelling dictionary. In addition, the necessary minimum of vocabulary words that should be remembered is at the end of each school textbook on the Russian language.

Lilac, intelligentsia, railway station, passenger.

In words, an unstressed vowel is often found. Is it always possible to check this letter by putting it under stress? In some cases, this can be done, but it also happens that there is no sense in the test words, and a different rule “works”. In such cases, the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word will be a serious problem for beginners.

First, let's talk about cases where test words come in handy. How to choose the correct vowel? This is done in several ways:

  • change of form if the word is a verb;
  • changing the number if the word is a noun;
  • change in part of speech;
  • "simplification".

For example, in the word endure unstressed e, and the thought may creep in, what to write, endure or “tip”? However, this mistake can be easily avoided by changing the form of the verb: in the word they endure e under stress, and there is no longer any doubt.

There are other cases where checking unstressed vowels at the root of the word is not a problem. For example, the question may arise, how to write trunks, with the letter o or through a? Let's change the plural to the singular, we get the trunk. Everything, no doubt.

Changing the part of speech can also be useful. For example, doubts arose about how to write: winter or earth? One of the verification options is to choose the right adjective, it will turn out winter. So, you have to write.

Keeping in mind the ways of word formation, it is easy to check the dubious e in the word forester. Let's drop the -nick, we get a forest.

True, sometimes there are curious cases, such as those described in the book "Secrets of Spelling". It would seem that the fool understands how to check the dubious e in the word stuck, but one would-be literate found such a check as sticky, and wrote and instead of e (it turned out to be “sticky”). How to avoid such mistakes? Remember the rule: the test word must be related.

Unchecked vowels

It is not uncommon for unstressed vowels checked by stress to require a double check. A good example is words where there are full-vowel combinations oro, olo, ere:

  • beard.
  • gilt,
  • coast.

In all these cases, a double check is required. Here's how doubtful vowels are tested:

  • beard, beard,
  • gold, gilding,
  • beach, coast,

However, it is often impossible to check an unstressed vowel. These are words with an unstressed vowel in the root like equator, singular, potato, carrot. There is only one way to avoid mistakes - to remember such problematic words.

Interesting! Among the vowels there is a safe - y. Why is it safe? Everything is simple: it does not have a pair, while a, o, i, e, and, e form pairs of the type a - o, i - e, i - i, e - i, e - i. Due to unpairing, u is always in a strong position - even under stress, even without it. And therefore, for example, for the word corner, a suitable test is a triangle.

When verification is useless

In addition to the roots that obey the so-called "main rule" associated with stress, there are "colleagues" who "play by other rules."

These rules must be carefully remembered in order to recognize them “by sight” and avoid mistakes.

In these rules, the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word is associated with combinations of letters or alternation of sounds:

  • full-vowel and non-vowel combinations (oro - ra, olo - la, ere - re, olo - le);
  • roots of mountains, clone, creation, zar, melt;
  • alternation of rast (rush) - grew, jump - skoch;
  • alternation e - and, o - a, associated with the absence or presence of the suffix a.

If in the case of full-vowel and non-vowel combinations, verification is often possible, then in the second case, verification only “adds fog”.

Suffice it to recall such an example as lit up. An inexperienced student who has just entered the 2nd grade will involuntarily think about what to write about or a. Checking instead of answering the question will only increase doubts - whether to write about, as in a dawn, or a, as in a glow. This is not far from error.

To avoid mistakes, you need to remember the rule: mountains-, clone-, creative- are written through o, and zar-, floating- through a, as well as exceptions to this rule.

Full agreement / disagreement

While it is possible to test unstressed pairs in these cases, it is much more important to remember the difference between full and non-full pairs. Examples of such pairs:

  • the city is a city, the gate is a gatekeeper;
  • gold - gold, young - junior;
  • tree - tree, shore - shore;
  • milk is a mammal, milky is milky.

Remembering the principle of such spelling is easy. Keeping this subtlety in mind, a student is unlikely to try to check a dubious vowel by changing youth to youth (and such a mistake is typical for those who are unfamiliar with the spelling of full / non-vowel words).

Important to remember! Full agreement or disagreement is spoken of only when the word has a pair. If it is urban, then here we can confidently say about full agreement, because there is a "relative" - ​​urban planning. A clear example of disagreement is careless, because he has a "relative" - ​​careful.

But what about insurance? It is impossible to talk about disagreement here, since there is no pair like “storohovka”. An example when it is impossible to talk about full agreement is the band, because there is no “relative” like “plas”.

Words with alternating e and and

In this case, the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word is associated with a peculiar spelling. Where is the originality? It turns out that the suffix -a- commands the parade here. The rule sounds like this: if there is a suffix -a- behind the root, then it is written in the root and, and if there is no suffix, it is written e.

Acquaintance with this rule is best to start with the simplest example - spelling with a female name. Part of the root, namely -ir-, is combined with the suffix -a-, and this is a female name. Examples: wipe - wipe, freeze - freeze.

Slightly more complicated are the examples where the alternation e–u is preserved. For example, in words with the suffix -a- - spread, light, shine, calculate is worth and, and if there is no suffix, then e (spread, light, shine, calculation).

However, the suffix -a- has a truly general character: there is little “parade command” in roots with the alternation of e–i, so you still need to actively participate in the alternation of one letter with two. How does it work? And here's how: if hire is written through I, then in the word hire, when the suffix appears, the letter combination ima is obtained. A similar example is to start - to start: as soon as the suffix appears, a is replaced by the combination of letters ina. Such are the interesting spellings with unstressed vowels.

Words with alternating o and a

This unstressed occurs in several different rules:

  • alternation of type rast (rasch) - grew;
  • alternation of jump - jump;
  • roots, where the suffix -a- "commands the parade".

In the first two cases, a clear example of the alternation of both consonants and unstressed vowels is obtained. This means that the letter a is in close friendship with the letters st, u, and o "made friends" with the letter c. However, it is important to remember both the rule itself and the exceptions to it (sprout, Rostov, usurer, Rostislav, industry). In another case, a is “friends” with k, and o is “friends” with h (but there are exceptions - jump, jump, jump).

Now it's time to talk about the third case, connected with the alternation of o and a. An interesting situation turned out: the indefatigable suffix “commander” decided that “commanding” the alternation of e with and, as well as in and im with a and i is good, but not enough. He has gained power over two roots and "dictates" the rule associated with writing a or o. The rule sounds like this: if the suffix a is behind the root, then it is written a, and if there is no suffix, it is written o. Examples: offer - offer, touch - touch.

Useful video

Summing up

What about an unstressed vowel at the root of a word? It all depends on several nuances: whether the root obeys the main rule or not. If the “general rule” works, then you need to try to stress the dubious vowel (if the attempt is unsuccessful, you need to look in the spelling dictionary and remember the problematic word). If other rules work, you need to remember their nuances.

In contact with

  1. Words with unstressed vowels that can be checked by stress.
  2. Words with unstressed vowels that are not checked for stress.
  3. Words with alternating vowels.

Checked unstressed vowels

The spelling of checked unstressed vowels at the root of a word is checked by stress.

Unstressed vowels can cause spelling difficulties because they are vague and unclear. Unstressed vowels can be checked with stress, since the same vowel is written in an unstressed syllable as in the corresponding stressed one.

Consider ways to check unstressed vowels in the root of words:

  1. Changing the form of a word, for example:

    about kno - about kna, l e sa - l e with

    You can change the form of a word in several ways:

    • Changing the number of nouns:

      about kno - about kna, l and sa - l and sy

    • Case change:

      d about wait - d about wait, in about yes - in about du

    • Gender change in past tense verbs:

      tr I sla - tr I s, r a la - r a l

    • Changing the tense of verbs:

      P about lying - p about lz, b about rolysya - b about retsya

    • Formation of the short form of the adjective:

      kr and howl - cr and VK about soy - k about with

  2. Selection of a single-root word, for example:

    sl e zat - hall e zt, to about nyushnya - to about ny

In some words, an unstressed vowel, which is denoted by the letter e, is checked by a word with a letter yo:

t e many - t yo many, l e aunt - gender yo t

Therefore, if the letter is written in the root under stress yo, then without stress in the root will be e.

Note: when choosing a test word, follow the value of the root. Be careful with unrelated words that sound similar but have different meanings. For example:

SW and to give (to and children) - uv I to give (to I nut)

st a gave birth (st a ry) - st about gave birth (st about erysipelas)

approx e ryat (m e rit) - approx. and ryat (m and rit)

l e sa (l e c) - l and sa (l and sy)

Please note that you cannot check an unstressed vowel with an accent if:

  1. The root contains alternating vowels:

    zag about rat - zag a r, s about ri - h a rya

  2. The imperfective verb contains a suffix -yva- (-iva-), and you need to check the unstressed vowel in the perfective verb:
  3. op about to give (n about zno) - op a zd yva be

Unchecked unstressed vowels

Unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress are called unverifiable. There are many words with unchecked unstressed vowels, for example:

with about tank, sh a blond, apple about co, l e gallant

The spelling of such words should be memorized. If you have any doubts about which letter to write, then you should look at the spelling in the dictionary.

Unstressed vowels cause spelling difficulties because they are not pronounced clearly, but are denoted by the same letters as the stressed sounds. Often this results in a discrepancy between the pronunciation of the word and its image in writing. For example, we say [glΛva], [málΛd'eosh], but it is written G about fishing, m about l about dezh.

In order not to make spelling errors in such cases, you need to check the dubious vowel.

Ways to check unstressed vowels

1. Change the form of the word:

a) noun number mountain-mountains, river-rivers, wall-walls, clock-hour;

b) noun case: water-water, fields-field, spring-spring;

c) the gender of past tense verbs: took-took, led-led;

d) verb tense: fought-fights, showed-show, carry-carried.

2. Form a short form of the adjective: gray-haired-gray, green-green

3. Choose a non-derivative basis of the same part of speech: colonel-regiment.

4. Choose a single-root word of another part of speech: untranslatable-translation, leave-distant, irreconcilable- peace, reunion-single.

Notes. 1. Exceptions are words with alternating vowels in the root ( dawn - dawn) and verbal roots with about, which cannot be checked by forms of an imperfect form on - to speak (- to speak): to speak- persuade, be late-be late.

2. In some words of foreign origin, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a single-root word if the checked or test vowel is part of suffixes of different origin. For example: subscriber e cop,(-ment goes back to the French suffix), although subscribe(-irate goes back to the German suffix) engagement e cop, although engagement and rove; accompanist e cop, although accompanist and rove. Compare also in the composition of a foreign root: disinfectant and rove, although disinfection e action. The same vowel is preserved in words about e action-about e quote and some others, since here the vowel is part of the root.

3. The correct spelling of the unstressed vowels being checked is necessary to distinguish between words that sound the same in oral speech: dedicated e tit(lantern), dedicated I tit(life science); approx e ryat(the dress) - approx and ryat(quarrelsome friends); unfold e vaetsya(flag) - unfold and vaetsya(industry); rasp e vat(songs) - rasp and vat(tea); with e child(to become gray) - with and child(on the couch); mind a lyat(reduce the value of something) - mind about lyat(beg).

The wrong choice of the test word causes errors in understanding and spelling of words. For example, the word d about lina has a common root with the word d about l,but not d a eh, verb bless about twist formed from the combination "good word", and not "good glory". Misinterpretation of such words distorts their spelling.

Unchecked unstressed vowels

There are many words in Russian with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by selecting other word forms and related words with an accent on a dubious vowel. The spelling of such words is checked in a spelling dictionary.

Words with unchecked unstressed vowels include, for example, the following: balalaika, glass, cow, cabbage, concrete, ventilation, vestibule, ham, vinaigrette, intelligentsia, periphery, plasticine, privilege, scholarship, elixir, overpass and etc.

As can be seen from the examples, many words with unchecked unstressed vowels are borrowed from European languages. The spelling of vowels in such words is based on tradition.

Vowel alternation at the root

Some roots have alternating vowels a-oh e-and, For example: dawn-dawn, die-die.

Alternation a-o

1. In the roots gar--mountains o (zag a R-zag about relay).

2. At the root salary-zor- a (z a revo, s a rnitsa, oz a ryat-h about ryka).

3. At the root cus--braid(n) spelled about, if followed by a consonant n, and in other cases it is written a (to about sleep- to a sit down).

4. At the root clan-- clone- the vowel that is heard is written under stress, without stress - o (skl about thread- class a snuggle, snuggle about n-nakl about thread).

5. At the root lag-- lie- before G spelled a, before well spelled about (suggest a walk-offer about live)Exception:canopy.

6. Root poppy- written in verbs meaning "immerse in liquid" (m a roll the brush into the paint); root mok- written in verbs with the meaning "to pass liquid: you m about whip in the rain about cloak).

7. Fundamentally floating vowel a can be stressed and unstressed (swim, buoyancy); root pilaf- written in words pl about vec, pl about sneeze.

8. Root equal- written in words with the meaning "equal, identical, on a par" (to compare, equalize); root even- written in words with the meaning "smooth, straight, smooth" (level up).Exception:plain.

9. At the root grow-- grew- spelled a before combination cm and letter sch, in other cases it is written o (grow, increase- grown, overgrowth, undergrowth).Exceptions:industry(although no cm); Rostov, Rostock, Rostislav(although there is cm).

10. At the root with how--scotch- before to spelled a, before h spelled o (jump-jump).

11. At the root creature-- creative- under stress is written a, without stress - o (creature-creativity, create).Exception:utensil.

Note. In the formation of aspect pairs of some verbs, there is an alternation in the root of sounds about - a: be late(perfective verb) - be late(imperfective verb), prick-to prick, to assimilate-digest.

Sometimes in modern Russian, variants are used in parallel: condition-condition, focus-focus, empower-authorize. The spelling of such verbs does not cause difficulties, since the vowel sound is under stress. Please note that the forms about inherent in the book style of speech, forms with a- colloquial, for some couples the form is on about outdated (dispute- obsolete, challenge- commonly used. Compare: ...And don't argue with a fool. - P.)

Alternation e-and

in the roots ber--bir-, per--fir-, der-- dir-, ter--tir-, mer-- world-, burn--jig-, stele-- style-, bleat--blist-, even- - cheat spelled and, if the root is followed by a suffix - a, otherwise written e (I will collect-collect, lock up- lock up, keep-to run away, wipe-wipe, freeze-freeze, burn- burn, burn-spread, defect- subtract).Exceptions:combination, combination, combination(from root even-).

It is necessary to distinguish words with roots measure-- world-, in which there is an alternation of vowels, from words with roots measure-- world-, stress-checked. Always spelled and in words that have the same root as the word peace: reconciliation, world. Always spelled e in words with the same root as the verb to measure: measure, try on, measure.

Similar information.

How to write correctly: cold or cold, ship or ship, grow up or grow up? These questions arise for most people who have long graduated from a general education institution, and for those who are still in the process of learning. As a rule, such confusion is due to the fact that the vowel in the root of the named words is not stressed.

Unstressed vowels are a sure way to misspelling a letter. But if you learn all the necessary rules, you can easily create a competent text.

What is the difficulty?

In Russian, there are quite a few expressions, the writing of which raises various questions regarding their “correctness”. So, all words that have an unstressed vowel at the root can be divided into 3 groups:

  • unstressed vowel in the root, checked by the stress of the word;
  • words that have letters in the root;
  • words that have an unchecked unstressed vowel in the root.

To write a letter correctly, you should know exactly how an unstressed vowel is written in the root. There is not one rule for such words, but several (for each case, a separate one). Let's consider them in more detail.

word stress

Which root has an unstressed vowel? Let's answer this question right now. It is necessary to pick up a single-root test word for it, where the stress will fall on the same letter. After such a check, in the unstressed syllable of the root, you can safely put the same vowel that is in the stressed syllable.

Word examples

To make it more clear how unstressed vowels are checked at the root in practice, we give a few examples:

  • How to write the word "wow ... dit" correctly. First you need to choose test words. They can be "move" or "leave". As you have noticed, in these words the stress falls on "o". That is why there should be no doubts about how an unstressed syllable is written (“leave”).
  • How to write the word "argument ... nt" correctly? For him, you also need to choose a test word. For example, "argument". The emphasis in it falls on "e". Therefore, it will be correct to “argument”.

Rule Features

An unstressed vowel at the root, checked by the word's stress, is the simplest rule in spelling. However, during such a check, difficulties may arise. After all, it is very important to choose the right ones, otherwise you can easily make a mistake.

So, let's consider the words "dedication" and "enlightenment". The test word for "initiation" is "holiness", so it should be written through the letter "I". The test word for "enlightenment" is "light". In this regard, it must be written through the letter "e".

Having considered these examples, we can safely conclude that the test words used should be of the same root (that is, as close as possible in meaning).

What difficulties may arise?

Although the rule "Unstressed vowel at the root, checked by the stress of the word" is quite simple, it can still be difficult to use. What are they related to? The fact is that when writing some words, it becomes difficult to find suitable test words for them.

Let's consider a few of them:

  • conquer - submissive;
  • exemplary - sample;
  • comprehend - comprehend;
  • apology - innocent;
  • shepherd - shepherd or pass;
  • inexhaustible - to dry up;
  • absorb - pharynx;
  • pile up - cumbersome;
  • to expose - naked;
  • line - line.


The vowels "a" and "o" in the roots of perfective verbs should never be checked with imperfective verbs.

Here are some examples:

  • Swallow - gulp. You can't use the word "swallow".
  • Being late is too late. You can't use the word "late".
  • Flooding - flooding. You can't use the word "dump".
  • Split - two. You can't use the word "twist".

Using this rule in practice and paying attention to its features, you can correctly compose any text or letter.

Words that have alternating vowels at the root

The Russian language has a huge number of roots in which they alternate. Thus, in some words, these roots are written with one vowel, and in others - with another. It should be especially noted that such expressions can be quite easily mistaken for those that need to be checked using a stressed syllable. In this regard, the list of such roots must be remembered. In this case, the choice of a particular vowel may depend on the presence of a suffix in the words -a-, from the value of the root, as well as from the stress or letter following it. Here are some examples of these roots:

  • -false- - -lag-;
  • -kos- - -kas-;
  • -ber- - -bir-;
  • -nya- - -nima-;
  • -even- - -chit-;
  • -mer- - -peace-;
  • -mya- - -mina-;
  • -poppy- - -mok-;
  • -der- - -dir-;
  • -glitter- - -glitter-;
  • -zha- - -zhima-;
  • lane- - -peer-;
  • -steel- - -steel-;
  • -ros- - -rast-, -rasch-;
  • -burned- - -burned-;
  • -cha- - -rank-;
  • -equal- - -even-;
  • -ter- - -tir- and so on.

Words that have an unchecked unstressed vowel in the root

In some cases, the spelling of unstressed vowels fundamentally defies any of the rules presented. In such situations, teachers and teachers require them to simply remember. However, there are so many of them that memorizing these words is problematic. In this regard, it is recommended to write them down on a separate piece of paper and use it when you have difficulty writing a letter correctly.

Let's present an incomplete list of words, the spelling of which you need to know by heart:

  • avant-garde, adventure, agronomist, almanac, orange, appeal;
  • balloon, crimson, conversing, lair, unprecedented;
  • vaccine, magnificent, variant, vacancy, great, vestibule, vinaigrette, virtuoso, veteran, admiration, stained-glass window;
  • genius, herbarium, high school student, hypothesis, hypnosis, hot, horizon;
  • diagnosis, director, dear, document, road;
  • railway, wish;
  • interest, tomorrow;
  • dependent, ignore, informational, interest, incident, information;
  • calendar, careerist, sway, commentary, outgoing, companion;
  • cherish, azure, linguistic, lilac;
  • tangerine, metaphor, mechanics, miniature, milk;
  • obsession, reluctantly, adverb;
  • preoccupied, bewitch, original, stunned;
  • panorama, landscape, foam rubber, president, privilege, thunder;
  • real, mode, review, solve;
  • sympathy, dog, fight, stereotype, scholarship;
  • hasty, solemn, traditional;
  • tamp, honor, destroy;
  • philharmonic, philosophy, phraseological unit;
  • character, characteristic;
  • ceremony;
  • Human;
  • masterpiece;
  • exposition, element, experiment, label.