
Children's crossword puzzle about musical instruments. Collection-brochure "musical crosswords". Crossword puzzle on Russian folk musical instruments

Crossword on the topic "Music"


1. A piece of music and drama (often with comedic elements), in which singing alternates with dances and dialogues. (Operetta.)

5. Keyboard stringed musical instrument. (Piano.)

7. High-register four-stringed bowed musical instrument. (Violin.)

8. Art that reflects reality in sound artistic images. (Music.)

9. The type of musical (artistic) works, characterized by certain plot or stylistic features. (Genre.)


1. A musical and dramatic work in which the characters sing accompanied by an orchestra. (Opera.)

2. A piece of poetry and music for performance with voice or voices. (Song.)

3. A bowed musical instrument, medium in register and size between violin and double bass. (Cello.)

4. A small lyrical piece of music and poetry for voice with musical accompaniment. (Romance.)

5. Woodwind musical instrument of a high tone in the form of a straight tube with holes and valves. (Flute.)

6. An artist playing a musical instrument. (Musician.)

Our previous assignment?

We offer you a new musical task - a crossword puzzle on the topic of folk musical instruments. Not very easy, but not that hard.

There will be tips in the form of pictures!

Horizontal questions:

Vertical questions:

1. This instrument is similar to Pan's flute, sometimes also called the yawning instrument. In appearance - several pipes-flutes connected together of different lengths and heights of sound.
2. Such a tool is more appropriate when it's time to eat porridge. Well, if you have no appetite, then you can play.
3. Kind of Russian accordion, not button accordion or accordion. The buttons are long and all white, there are no black ones. To the accompaniment of this instrument, the people loved to perform ditties and funny songs.
4. What was the name of the famous Novgorod epic hero-guslar?
5. A cool instrument, shamans love it no less than a tambourine, it is a small metal or wooden rounded frame with a tongue in the middle. During the game, the instrument is pressed against the lips or teeth and the tongue is pulled, resulting in characteristic "northern" sounds.
6. Hunting musical instrument.
7. Musical instrument from the category of rattles. Ringing balls. Previously, a whole bunch of such balls was attached to a horse troika so that a ringing could be heard when approaching.
8. Another musical instrument that could be attached to the three horses, but more often, decorated with a beautiful ribbon bow, was hung around the neck of the cows. It is an open metal cup with a movable tongue, which makes this miracle rattle.
9. Like any accordion, this instrument sounds when you stretch the bellows. His buttons are all round - there are black and white.

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Methodical development. Children's Orchestra Crossword for Young Children

Vera Olegovna Sedova, piano teacher, accompanist of the MDUDO Children's Art School, department in the city of Dmitrov, Dmitrov, Moscow region
Description. The Children's Orchestra crossword puzzle with poetic assignments can be used in the preparatory and first grades of the children's art school in the process of introducing children to the musical instruments they play in the children's orchestra to expand the horizons of students in the field of art. The crossword puzzle is aimed at children who can read six to seven years old. In addition to the proposed version of work, the teacher can only use riddles with pictures of tools, which will also be interesting and informative for the child.
Goal: solving crossword puzzles.
Tasks: teach children to solve a crossword puzzle, develop a child's curiosity, ingenuity, thinking, memory, attentiveness, foster interest in the subject of study, the desire to play musical instruments in a collective form of creativity - a school orchestra.
Crossword "Children's Orchestra"

Riddles with answers.
- I'll tell you, friend,
In ancient times
A quiet breeze blew
Into a cane tube.
The man suddenly heard
A gentle, melodic sound
And was born at that moment
Musical instrument.

E - We hang on a belt in a row,
Dry, cheerfully bursting.
The rhythm beats out clearly
A sonorous instrument ... (ratchet)

T - This is a jack of all trades.
Any sounds live in it:
Piano, drum,
Violin, pipe, button accordion ...
And one moment,
Auto accompaniment.
There are a lot of special effects in it,
MIDI - there is even an output,
Keys and generator ...
What is this? ... (synthesizer)

FROM - On wooden plates
We knock with hammers.
Sound dull tone
Gives us ... (xylophone)

TO - You hit the plates, -
We sound light - we ring
Like Elves, we speak.
Campanella we are called
We laugh with delicate crystal.

AND - And the shepherd plays on it
The herd gathers quickly.
He subtly deduces a trill,
This pipe is ... (flute)

Th - I am a shepherd's horn,
Complainful, nasal.
I am thin, slender as a snake.
And my name is ... (sorry)

ABOUT - Drum large and small
Friends - do not spill water.
Sounds you play rhythmically
Remove them easily.

R - She has a pleated shirt,
They all dance with her squatting down.
There are many buttons on it
Press - dare!
Can output songs, -
Speak sincerely.
Stomp your leg more fun
This is Russian ... (harmonic)

TO - I am a Cuban instrument,
I come from Africa.
Hold the stick with your hand
And the other knock on me,
Beating the rhythm clearly ...
The instrument will speak.

E - They beat each other with them,
And they sing in response.
They shine like brass
In the playful fingers of the guys.
(musical cymbals)

FROM - Striking each other,
Train the fingers
And in Spanish songs, dances
They make a soft knock.
Don't look like candy
Two shells ... (castanets)

T - They took hammers in their hands,
The records were pounded.
Hear metal ringing?
So it sounds ... (glockenspiel)

R - I knock like a heel,
I clap like a horse.
I'm completely empty inside
Tap on me while playing.

Additional information about crossword tools.

The children's orchestra can be represented by various musical instruments. Some of them are based on folk : ratchet, tambourine, drum, wooden spoons, button accordion, accordion, others - by type symphony orchestra instruments : harp, xylophone, metallophone, oboe, clarinet.
Also, children's musical instruments can be divided into groups: percussion, wind, strings, keyboard, keyboard - reed.
TO stringed include zither, gusli, cymbals, harp, on which the child makes a sound with a pinch or pick.
IN wind instruments - pipes, flutes, puffs, flutes, saxophones, clarinets, triplets, kuvikles, whistles - the sound is formed from the exhaled stream of air.
Percussion keyboards - metallophones, xylophones, bells - their sound arises from a blow with a hammer or a stick on an instrument key - have a scale.
A large group is represented by percussion instruments without a scale. Wooden spoons, ratchet, castanets, harpsichord have a "knocking" timbre; triangle, rumba, cymbals, bell, bells - “ringing” timbre; maracas, rattle, box have a "rustling" timbre. Boomy, resonating sound of the drum and tambourine.
Keyboards children's instruments - toys - a piano, a grand piano, electronic - synthesizer and organola.
Keyboard - reed - accordion, accordion, button accordion.
D - Dudochka - a Russian folk musical wind instrument consisting of an elderberry reed or reed and having several side holes, and for blowing in - a mouthpiece ( Mouthpiece - from the German word Mundstuck - the mouth piece is the part of the device that is taken into the mouth or applied to the lips).
Also pipe - the general name of folk musical wind instruments of the family of longitudinal flutes (snuffs, flutes, sopilka) in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

Children's pipe

E - Ratchet - an old Russian folk percussion musical instrument that replaces claps of hands. It consists of thin plates of oak, walnut or maple, separated from each other by strips and connected by a cord or strap. The sounds produced with the ratchet are dry and sonorous. The Eastern Slavs used percussion instruments in military affairs, hunting, in wedding ceremonies, in shepherding, as well as for the rhythmic accompaniment of singing or dancing. The ratchets were decorated with ribbons, flowers and bells.


T - Synthesizer - from the English word Synthesizer is an electronic keyboard musical instrument. With built-in programs, it allows you to play the music of several different instruments at once.


C - Xylophone in translation from Greek - wood + sound - a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch. It consists of wooden blocks of different sizes, tuned to certain sounds. The bars are hit with sticks with spherical tips - mallets or special hammers, similar to small spoons. In ancient times, traveling musicians played the xylophone.
The xylophone timbre is sharp, clicky in the fort and soft in the piano. (Dynamic hue forte [forte] translated from Italian - loud, piano [piano] - quiet).


K - Bells - from the Italian word campanelli, french jeu de timbres, german Glockenspiel - a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch. The sound of bells is light - ringing in the piano and bright, brilliant - in the fort.
Simple bells are a set of half-tone metal plates arranged in two rows on a trapezoidal wooden frame. The arrangement of the plates on them is similar to the arrangement of the white and black keys. ( Semitone - interval in music, the shortest distance between two sounds).


I - Svirel - an ancient wind musical instrument, a kind of longitudinal flute. According to ancient Greek myth, the flute was made by the god Hermes, the patron saint of shepherds, to play while grazing cows. According to legend, the son of the Slavic goddess of love Lada, Lel, played the pipe.
Reed, clay, bone, wood, bamboo, metal, silver, porcelain, crystal served as material for the manufacture of a pipe. In Russia, the instrument was made from a piece of hollow reed or from a cylindrical piece of wood.
Today, the pipe is a simple wooden or metal pipe. At one end of it there is a whistle device in the form of a "beak", and in the middle of the front side there are six play holes.


Y - Zhaleika - a wooden reed tube with a horn or birch bark socket, a wind reed musical instrument. The sound of a pity is strong, harsh. Zhaleika is known as a zhaleika, snot, trinket, duda, squeaker, fletnya. Shepherds played on the zhaleika.


O - Bongo from the spanish word bongo - Cuban percussion instrument, small twin drum of African origin. Play the bongo while sitting, keeping the calves clamped. The smaller of the drums is considered "masculine", the larger one is "feminine", the main drum. Bongos are used in Cuban and Latin American music.


R - Accordion - colloquial from the word accordion - translated from Greek - consonant, slender, harmonious - wind reed keyboard - pneumatic musical instrument with bellows and two push-button keyboards. The left keyboard is for accompaniment: pressing a single button plays a bass or a whole chord. A melody is played on the right keyboard.
At the end of the summer of 1941, about 12,000 accordions were sent to the front to raise the morale of Russian soldiers, and in the fall of the same year, more than 60,000 were sent.


K - Claves or Clave - from the Spanish word clave - "key" - the simplest Cuban folk percussion instrument of African origin: two sticks made of hard wood, with the help of which the main rhythm of the ensemble is set. The musician holds one of the sticks in his hand so that the palm forms a resonator, and with the other stick he strikes the first with rhythmic beats, producing high-pitched sounds.


E - Plates, plates - musical percussion instrument. They have been known since ancient times, meeting in the East (China, India, Turkey). The plates are in the form of disks, made of different alloys by forging and casting. Plates are mounted on racks. The cymbals are struck with sticks or mallets. The sound stops if the musician puts a cymbal to his chest. In an orchestra, cymbals play a culminating role. Cymbals can be orchestral, suspended, finger. The sound of cymbals in forte is sharp, brilliant, in piano it is rustling and much softer.


C - Castanets- from the Spanish word castanetas - “chestnuts” (because of the similarity with the fruit of the chestnut) - a percussion musical instrument made of two concave plates - shells, tied at the top with a cord. Castanets are widespread in Spain, southern Italy and Latin America. Castanets accompanied dance and singing in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.


T - Metallophone - from Greek words metallon - metal and phone - sound - a percussion musical instrument consisting of a number of steel plates of different lengths, fastened with laces. The progenitor of the modern metallophone is the Asian instrument glockenspiel, which was based on bells.


R - Box - a percussion musical instrument with an indefinite pitch, small, oblong, carefully planed and polished from all sides, a well-dried maple or birch block with a small cavity - a resonator under the upper part of the body. The sound is produced with drum or xylophone sticks. The rhythmic pattern taken from the box imitates the clatter of hooves.
A crossword puzzle with questions and answers for children 5-7 years old. Wild and domestic animals

Crossword for children 6-7 years old "Children's Orchestra"

Vera Olegovna Sedova, piano teacher, accompanist of the MDUDO Children's Art School, department in the city of Dmitrov, Dmitrov, Moscow region
Description. The crossword puzzle "Children's Orchestra - 2" with poetic tasks can be used in the lessons in the preparatory and first grades of the children's art school in the process of introducing children to the musical instruments they play in the children's orchestra, to broaden the horizons of students in the field of art. The crossword puzzle is aimed at children who can read six to seven years old. In addition to the proposed version of work, the teacher can only use riddles with pictures of tools, which will also be interesting and informative for the child.
Goal: solving crossword puzzles.
teach children to solve a crossword puzzle;
develop the child's curiosity, ingenuity, thinking, memory, attentiveness;
foster interest in the subject of study, the desire to play musical instruments in a collective form of creativity - a school orchestra.

Crossword puzzle "Children's Orchestra - 2"


D - From the accordion he was born,
I made friends with the piano.
He looks like a button accordion.
What do you call him?

E - There are bells on it,
We hit him with our hand.
We will play with him now,
Give me a sonorous ... (tambourine)

T - I'm like a drum
The sound of thunder will remind you.
Copper dress on me
They hit the leather back.
Sounds of different frequencies
You will get from me.
And there are two of us in the orchestra:
We play bass for pipes.

FROM - Sadko himself played them
And he sang mentally.
Hearing the play of strings
Neptune came out of the sea.

TO - I am an old instrument,
I am already many years old.
The watchman walked around the yard,
And he pounded me.
He drove away evil people
and kept order.
I'm made of wood and leather
With a mallet, we are alike.
The ball hits me and the knock
with a machine gun a similar sound.
The ball is a great helper for me ...
What is my name? .. (kokoshnik)

AND - Lined up together in a row:
If you blow, they hum.
Made of reeds
Call the baby a five.
Women play on us
And, playing, they sing along.
We sound good with a pipe
Violin and pitiful.
We play tunes
We involve the people in the dance.

Th - Carefully take it in your hands,
And wonderful, wonderful sounds
She publishes, if you can
Help her to sing her songs:
As if from a distance someone's crying flies ...
This is crying singing ... (flute).

ABOUT - At the most fabulous moment
This tool will come in.
But not everyone knows at all
That he plays in the orchestra!
Quietly, gently ringing
As if everything is silver.
And then it will fall silent soon
At the signal of the conductor.
Every schoolboy knows this
It is sonorous ... (triangle).

TO - Wooden girlfriends
They cannot live without each other.
Knock on each other
All the guys will be amused!

E - Hang calmly on the arc,
One has only to shake the arc -
Melodic and at ease
Decorate the long way.

FROM - It makes a noise like a rattle,
But at the same time - not a toy.
It is clear to each of us
What's the answer ... (maraca).

T - In the old days I was appreciated:
If drought, then by me
People are struggling with disaster.
Making rain and wind
Or frightening the evil force,
Only quietly whistle ...
In our modern world
I'm made of clay or log
For the guys' fun.


D - Accordion - from the French word accordeon - means "hand harmonica", it is a reed keyboard - pneumatic musical instrument. An accordion player is called an accordionist.

E - Tambourine - percussion musical instrument of indefinite pitch. A percussionist on a tambourine is called a percussionist, a drummer who beats tambourines. The tambourine consists of a leather membrane stretched over a wooden rim. Some varieties of tambourines have metal bells suspended from them, which begin to ring when the performer strikes, rubs the drum, or shakes the entire instrument. Tambourines were especially widely used in military affairs and among buffoons.
The tambourine, which is beaten with a mallet, serves as a magical instrument of Siberian and Indian shamans.

T - Timpani - from the Italian word timpani, French timbales, German Pauken, English kettle drums - a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch. The timpani performer is called the percussionist, timpani, timpani, timpani performer. Timpani consist of two or more metal pot-shaped bowls, the open side of which is covered with leather or plastic, and the lower part may have a hole.

C - Gusli - from the Old Russian word gusli, from the Old Slavic gosli, associated with buzz - a stringed plucked musical instrument. A harp performer is called a guslar. The harp is played by the heroes of Russian epics: Sadko, Dobrynya Nikitich, Solovey Budimirovich.

K - Kokoshnik
In the old days, the watchman walked around the village and knocked on the mallet, showing that he was working, not sleeping, scaring off thieves and hooligans. It is according to the principle of a guard beater that the percussion folk instrument kokoshnik is arranged. The base of the kokoshnik is a wooden frame covered with leather or a bull's bubble or other good-sounding material on the sides. A wooden ball is tied to the upper part of the kokoshnik with a cord, which strikes the upper part of the kokoshnik's body and emits a sharp popping sound, similar to a machine gun burst. It is not easy to play the kokoshnik, you need some training. The performer on the kokoshnik is called a percussionist.

I - Kugikly (kuvikly) - Russian variety of multi-barrel flute, known as "Pan's flute". Kugikly consist of a set of hollow tubes of various lengths and diameters. Kugikly were made from the stems of kuga (reed), reed, and bamboo. Bringing the upper ends of the kugikl to the mouth and moving them (or head) from side to side, blow on the edges of the slices, making short sounds. The musicians are called the KugIkalnits ensemble, the Kugikl performers.
In Russian kugikly, each pipe has its own name: "buzz", "puff", "average", "five" and the smallest "five". They play the kugikly ensemble, mostly women, while emitting separate sounds of the performed piece with their voices. The ensemble's repertoire is dance tunes. The instrument goes well with a pitiful, flute, violin.

Th - flute - from the German word - Flote - woodwind musical instrument. The flute player is called the flutist.

ABOUT - Triangle - an orchestral percussion musical instrument with an indefinite pitch. It has a bright, bell-like sound. The triangle is made from a steel bar bent into an equilateral triangle, one corner of which remains open. Play on a triangle with a metal stick - a nail. The performer on the triangle is called a percussionist.

R - Rubel - Russian folk percussion instrument. Like spoons, it originated in everyday life. In the old days, Russian women used it to iron their clothes after washing. The hand-wrung linen was wound on a rolling pin and rolled out with the ribbed side of the rupture, so much so that even poorly washed linen became snow-white. Hence the proverb: "Do not wash, so by rolling."
The difference between the musical ruble and the everyday one is that the musical ruble is hollow, and the household one is solid. Hollow sounds louder. It is used to emphasize the performance of short arpeggios, musical decorations. The ruble player is called a percussionist.

K - Spoons - percussion wooden self-sounding musical instrument. It is believed that the Russians originated spoons in imitation of the Spanish castanets.
Musicians who play on spoons are called spoon spoons. In the old days, at feasts, they danced to the accompaniment of spoons, pans, basins, stove dampers, samovar pipes, pots. Among household items, a scythe and a saw were used as musical instruments.
In appearance, musical spoons are not much different from ordinary wooden table spoons, only they are made from harder types of wood (ash, maple, oak, beech, hornbeam). They have elongated handles and a polished impact surface. Sometimes bells are hung along the handle. If you use spoons of different sizes, you get sounds that are different in height.

E - Bells
Bell, bell is a percussion musical instrument, a small metal rattle, is a hollow ball with a small solid ball or several balls inside.
The bell can be attached to a horse harness ("Three with bells"), clothes, shoes, hats (jester's cap), a tambourine. The performer on the bells is called a percussionist, a bell.

C - Maracas
Maracas or maraca is the oldest percussion and noise instrument of the indigenous inhabitants of the Antilles - the Taino Indians, a type of rattle that emits a characteristic rustling sound when shaken. Maraki is a symbol of Latin American music. The marak musician uses a pair of rattles, one in each hand.

T - Whistle
Whistles are made from clay, wood, plastic. They became widespread in many countries of the world, since pagan times they were used as magical tools for causing rain and wind in the summer heat and scaring away evil spirits. Subsequently, the whistles lost their ritual significance, turning into children's fun in the form of toys. Whistles in the form of deer, birds, horses, dogs, horsemen and fantastic animals are molded from clay. The finished toys are dried, fired, and then painted.
Wooden whistles are cut by hand, usually from linden. When made by machine, wooden toys - whistles can be made unpainted for self-painting.
In some types of whistles, you can pour a little water inside and get trills instead of whistling.

This crossword puzzle "Musical instruments" specially created as a sample for those who were asked a crossword puzzle on music on this or another topic.

20 words were taken as a basis for creating a crossword puzzle, among which the overwhelming majority are the names of the most diverse and equally well-known musical instruments. There are also names of famous masters and inventors of these instruments, as well as the names of individual parts and devices for the game.

Let me remind you that it is convenient to use the free Crossword Creator program to create crossword puzzles yourself. For more information on how to work with this program, for example, in order to create your own crossword puzzle on the topic of musical instruments, read the article. There you will find a detailed algorithm for creating any crossword puzzle from scratch.

And now I invite you to get acquainted with my version crossword puzzle "Musical instruments"... To make it more interesting to solve - take out a stopwatch and time it!

Horizontal questions:

  1. Ukrainian folk singer playing the kobza.
  2. Pioneer Trumpet.
  3. The title of the book of psalms and at the same time the title of a string-plucked musical instrument, accompanied by spiritual psalms.
  4. Famous Italian violin maker.
  5. The instrument in the form of a fork with two branches, emits a single sound - the A of the first octave, is the standard of musical sound.
  6. A musical instrument that is mentioned in the song "Wonderful Neighbor".
  7. The lowest brass instrument in the orchestra.
  8. The name of this instrument comes from the Italian words, which in translation mean "loud" and "quiet".
  9. An ancient string-plucked musical instrument, to which Sadko sang his epics.
  10. A musical instrument, the name of which means "forest horn".
  11. How does the violinist lead the strings?
  12. A beautiful painted instrument that you can play, or you can eat porridge.

Vertical questions:

  1. For which instrument did Nicolo Paganini write his caprices?
  2. An ancient Chinese military signal percussion musical instrument in the form of a metal disc.
  3. A device for playing stringed and plucked instruments, they just pluck the strings, making them rattle.
  4. Italian master, inventor of the piano.
  5. The instrument, a favorite in Spanish music, often accompanies dances, produces clicking sounds.
  6. A Russian folk instrument with the letter "b" - a triangular one, with three strings - you play it, and the bear starts dancing.
  7. An instrument like an accordion, only on the right side it has a keyboard like a piano.
  8. Shepherd's reed flute.

Answers. Now it's not a sin to find out the correct answers.

Horizontally: 1. Kobzar 2. Horn 3. Psalter 4. Stradivarius 5. Tuning fork 6. Clarinet 7. Tuba 8. Piano 9. Gusli 10. French horn 11. Bow 12. Spoons.

Vertical: 1. Violin 2. Gong 3. Plectrum 4. Cristofori 5. Castanets 6. Balalaika 7. Accordion 8. Svirel.

And now the most important thing!

How do you like the Musical Instruments crossword puzzle? Did you like it? Then rather send him in contact, but throw him on the wall to Tanka from 5B - let him break his head at your leisure!