
The Temple of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow was erected in the north of the capital. The Temple of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow is being built on Sophia Kovalevskaya Street. Father Dimitri, the Temple of Matrona Sophia Kovalevskaya

Temple in honor of the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow in Dmitrovskoye (consecrated with a great rite)

ADDRESS: St. Sofia Kovalevskaya, ow. 14


Contractor: JSC "Inteko" (at their own expense they perform all monolithic work)

The temple for 500 people is being built according to an individual project. Designer: Project+ LLC

Technical customer: LLC "OrgStroyProekt MD"

Official website of the parish:

On the Patronal Feast of the Church of the Blessed Matrona in Dmitrovskoye, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Archbishop Mark of Yegoryevsk

Vladimir Resin visited churches under construction in the Northern District

Only forward!

Archbishop Mark visited churches under construction in the Northern Administrative District

Advisor to the President of INTECO Group of Companies Alexey Vasilyevich Tsarev notes: “Historically, there are few Orthodox churches in the Northern District. But the city is growing, the districts are developing, the population is increasing every year. We have been working in the Northern Administrative District for several years, we have long-standing ties with the leadership, we have built many multifunctional complexes and facilities here, so it was quite natural for us to respond to the request of the prefect and the city and enter the Church Construction Program. We are also very pleased to build a church in honor of the saint beloved by the people - Matrona of Moscow. Many miracles are performed through her prayers. People believe in the help of the blessed one. And let’s hope that the new temple will become the spiritual center of the Dmitrov region.”

St. Matrona Moscow

“Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear you, and help you.”

Near the Marksistskaya metro station, there are always a lot of people at the trolleybus stop. Almost everyone is holding flowers in their hands! They are going to the Holy Matrona of Moscow! A few stops and you are at the walls of the Intercession Monastery, where the holy relics of the beloved and revered saint of the people are located Matrona of Moscow.

Even before her glorification as a saint, people knew and revered the blessed one. There was always a line of people at her grave, candles and lamps were burning, people went to Matronushka for help and healing. And by faith they received what they asked for. Even people with weak faith and those who come more out of curiosity, Mother does not push away, but helps, thereby strengthening them in their faith. Matronushka does not leave anyone with her help and patronage. People return from her as if on wings, feeling the outgoing love of their mother, help and consolation, healing from their ailments and illnesses.

Countless miracles became the reason for the glorification of the blessed one and for her canonization in 1998. Now the holy relics of Matrona rest in the Intercession Monastery, in Moscow, where people go in an endless stream.

During my lifetime, my mother predicted: “After my death, few people will go to my grave, only close ones, and when they die, my grave will be deserted, except occasionally someone will come... But after many years, people will find out about me and will go in droves for help in their sorrows and with requests to pray for them to the Lord God, and I will help everyone and hear everyone.”

Every day thousands of people come to the holy old lady Matrona - with their sorrows, needs and requests! Before her death, mother said: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me as if alive about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear you, and help you.”

Blessed Matrona taught not to judge your neighbors: “Why judge others? Think about yourself more often. Each sheep will be hung by its tail. What do you care about other ponytails?”

She also said: “The people are under hypnosis, they are not themselves. A terrible force lives in the air and penetrates everywhere. Previously, swamps and dense forests were the habitat of this power, since people went to churches, wore crosses, and houses were protected by images, lamps and consecration, and demons flew past such houses. And now people are also inhabited by demons due to unbelief and rejection of God.”

“If a people loses faith in God, then disasters befall them, and if they do not repent, they perish and disappear from the face of the earth. How many peoples have disappeared, but Russia existed and will exist. Pray, ask, repent! The Lord will not leave you and will preserve our land!”

Mother promised that everyone who entrusts themselves and their lives to her intercession with the Lord will be saved: “I will meet everyone who turns to me for help at their death, everyone!”

Holy Matrona pray to God for us!

Troparion, tone 2

Let us praise the blessed old woman Matrona, wise and wise, the prosperity of the land of Tula and the glorious adornment of the city of Moscow, let us praise this day, faithfully. This, having not known the light of day, was enlightened by the light of Christ and enriched with the gift of insight and healing. Having been a sojourner and a wanderer on earth, now in the heavenly chambers she stands before the Throne of God and prays for our souls.

Troparion, tone 4

The land of Tula is vegetated, the city of Moscow is an angelic warrior, the blessed old lady Matrono. From birth she remained in bodily blindness until the end of her days. But she generously received spiritual vision from God, a seer and a prayer book. Most of all, the gift of healing diseases was acquired. Help everyone with faith who flows to you and asks in illness of soul and body, our joy.

Kontakion, tone 7

Pre-chosen to the service of Christ from the womb, the righteous Matrono, walking the path of sorrows and sorrows, having demonstrated firm faith and piety, you pleased God. Moreover, honoring your memory, we pray to you: help us to abide in God’s love, blessed old lady.


We magnify you, holy righteous blessed Matrono, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us, Christ our God!

Akathist to the Holy Blessed Elder

Matrona of Moscow

Chosen by God from the swaddling clothes of infancy and with the gift of clairvoyance, miracle-working and healing by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the gifted, blessed old lady Matrona, crowned with an incorruptible crown from the Lord in heaven, we, the Orthodox, will weave on earth a crown of praise from spiritual songs, but you, blessed Mother, accept This is from our grateful hearts and as having boldness before the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and snares of the enemy, so we sing to you with love:

You appeared on earth as an angel in the flesh at your Nativity, even without bodily eyes you were seen by everyone, but the Lord, who makes wise the blind and loves the righteous, enlighten your spiritual eyes, so that you may appear to foresee the future, as if it were the present, and heal those suffering from all kinds of diverse diseases. For this we call you, mother, like this:
Rejoice, chosen by God from infancy. Rejoice, illuminated from the shrouds by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, you who were endowed with the gift of miracles from childhood. Rejoice, gifted with wisdom from God from above. Rejoice, deprived of bodily hairs, enlightened by spiritual hairs. Rejoice, more wise than the sighted and wise men of this age. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Seeing the priest and the people present at your baptism, a pillar like steam coming out of the Holy font and smelling the great fragrance in the temple at this, having recognized you as a righteous woman, given from God to the earth, they glorified God, who does wonderful and glorious things in his people, with the angelic song: Alleluia.

Having an enlightened mind from above, the priest of God who baptized you knew you as a child baptized by him, a vessel of God's grace and you called a Holy Child. From our zeal we offer these praises:
Rejoice, child given by God. Rejoice, scented from the Holy Font with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, having been named Saint from your birth by God’s priest who baptized you. Rejoice, sealed with the holy cross on your body by God. Rejoice, glorified on earth by the gift of miracles from God. Rejoice, thou crowned in heaven with an unfading crown from the Lord.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

By the power of the Most High, in her infancy, the saint was transported from her bed to the holy icons, rejoicing, as with her friends, with the babble of her lips she glorified God, who had learned from the lips of a baby to praise Himself, singing to Him with a pure heart:

Possessing the gift of clairvoyance from God, even in early adolescence, deprived of bodily fringes, with spiritual open fringes she predicted the future for people as if it were real, suffering for this ridicule and reproach from relatives and friends who heard it, but from the faithful she received the face:
Rejoice, wondrous seer. Rejoice, unfalse fortuneteller of those who are invisible and far away. Rejoice, endowed with prophetic gifts from God. Rejoice, you who have comforted many for nothing. Rejoice, you who took ungodly money from them for healing the sick. Rejoice, you who endured ridicule and reproach for this without grumbling.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

A storm of bewilderment and confusion haunted me, how could I praise and glorify the life of the holy righteous woman, if not the Lord, wondrous in His saints, would enlighten me with the prayers of the blessed old woman, so that I might sing to Him and for this a song of praise:

Having heard people from you, Mother Matrono, predictions about those who will be with them in life, I flock to you with their bewilderments, sorrows and sorrows and accept comfort and advice prudently, we thank you calling:
Rejoice, good one who explains our errors and misunderstandings. Rejoice, reliever of our sorrows. Rejoice, comforter of our sorrows. Rejoice, teacher of piety. Rejoice, good silverless one. Rejoice, banisher of all kinds of illnesses.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

You appeared as a godly little star, Blessed Mother Matrono, in the capital city of Moscow, like a wanderer who had no abode here, you moved from place to place, bringing admonition to the perplexed, weakness to the suffering, healing to the sick, and they call out gratitude to God for this:

Having seen the abundant river of miracles and healings flowing from you with God’s grace: granting walking to the lame, healing to the paralytic and those lying on their beds, driving away the spirits of evil from the possessed, rushing to you, mother, as to an inexhaustible source of miracles, the suffering and sick and having drunk abundantly, Comforted and healed, I cried out to You with a tender heart:
Rejoice, righteous woman, sent down to us from God. Rejoice, healer, who heals all our ailments. Rejoice, you who help us with soulful advice. Rejoice, all our doubts and perplexities are soon resolved. Rejoice, you who cast out demons from suffering people. Rejoice, thou who instruct us on the right path, leading to God.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Holy Father John of Kronstadt appeared as a preacher of the holiness and righteousness of your life, blessed old lady, commanding the believers in the church to make way and let the young maiden Matrona pass to him, calling her your successor and the eighth pillar of Russia. And those who heard the Lord about this glorified Him, singing a heavenly song to Him:

The light of God’s grace shines into the hearts of those who do not know God and the many sins that anger Him, through your prayers and seeing the miracles you perform, I turn to the Lord, pleasing the blessed old woman with these praises:
Rejoice, you who glorify God with your miracles. Rejoice, you who reveal to us the knowledge of God, His greatness and glory in them. Rejoice, you who convert the souls of unbelievers to God. Rejoice, you who enlighten hearts darkened by unbelief with the light of God. Rejoice, you who teach us repentance and the commandments of God. Rejoice, glorify and give thanks for everything to the Lord who admonishes us.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Although the merciful Lord in these last times saved His creation, when all the power of the enemy for apostasy from God and unrepentance for numerous sins and vices rose up against God’s creation, He sends His saints into the sinful world. Blessed Elder Matrona appeared as such an ascetic and prayer book. Let us glorify God’s mercy towards us sinners, singing to Him with gratitude:

The Lord has given the Russian people a new and wondrous intercessor, a prayer book, a healer and an intercessor for them to God after the saints of Optina Hermitage, the fathers of Leo, Macarius, Ambrose and John of Kronstadt who departed from this world.
Rejoice, intercessor of our salvation to God. Rejoice, for the forgiveness of our sins, the righteous Judge, the propitiator. Rejoice, diligent visitor of holy temples and monasteries. Rejoice, helpless and hopeless sick and offended patroness sent by God. Rejoice, constant warrior with the forces of demons and their wiles. Rejoice, bloodless martyr of Christ, victorious over the worst tormentor - the devil.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

It is a strange miracle for the unbeliever and the unreasonable, how a blind woman can see and know not exactly the present, but also the future, not knowing the power of God in the weakness of human beings, nor even sing to God:

All that was holy in God, even in body and in this sinful world, was always surrounded by many faithful and unfaithful, pious and ungodly, but did not reject anyone with indifference and consolation, enduring from many annoyances and insults, exile, sorrow and reproach, without complaining about this, but thank God for everything, forcing us to patiently bear our cross, and to offer such blessings to the blessed one. Rejoice, you who endured many sorrows and illnesses for the healing of the sick. Rejoice, you who spent your entire life fighting unclean spirits. Rejoice, you who lost your walk from evil people for this walk. Rejoice, you who constantly remained in fervent prayer. Rejoice, sitting on your fist, bowed, resting. Rejoice, being alert in spirit, having spent all nights in prayer.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

You endured all kinds of sorrows and illnesses, Mother Matrono, constantly fighting the forces of darkness, driving them out from those possessed by unclean spirits, exposing their intrigues and deceits, and never complained about this, continuing until her death to help the suffering, sick and grieving, singing to the Lord God strengthening you with His strength:

The many-pronounced oracles will not be able to adequately comprehend the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit given to you from above by God and describe and glorify all the holiness of your life and the miracles you perform by the power of God, much less how can our feeble-mindedness comprehend the fate of God carried out on you and sing and glorify you with our sinful lips, blessed mother, but although, according to the word of the psalmist, we praise God in His saints, driven by heartfelt love for you, we dare to this praise and call you. Rejoice, poor in spirit, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, you who walked the narrow and thorny path. Rejoice, as a bird of heaven flew from place to place. Rejoice, even if the birds of heaven have nests, but you have not acquired either a temple or treasures for yourself on earth. Rejoice, you have become like the Son of God, who had nowhere to lay your head, on earth. Rejoice, for you have now dwelt in heaven with Him in the abodes of paradise.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Although you saved many people from the suffering of physical and mental ailments, you, the righteous woman of God, spent all your nights kneeling in prayer, asking for help and strengthening strength from our Lord Jesus Christ, who in His earthly journey knelt in prayer before the Heavenly Father, singing with the angels to Him :

You were a wall and a covering during your life, blessed mother, to all who came running to you in need and sorrow, but even after death you did not cease to intercede before God for the people who come to your grave with faith. Hear, O good mother, now us, who have suffered many sins through sorrows, illnesses and many sorrows, and strive to help us with your holy prayers, propitiating the gracious Lord for all who cry out to you. Rejoice, warm prayer book for us to God. Rejoice, zealous for us sinners, intercessor to God. Rejoice, you who gratefully admonish us endure illness and sorrow. Rejoice, you who put good thoughts in our hearts in our perplexities. Rejoice, you who through your prayer help us to be saved. Rejoice, those who are far from you in body, but who earnestly call upon you from the heart, do not abandon them.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Do you now hear the unearthly, angelic singing of the honorable mother Matrono, who is still living on earth, invisible to others, to talk with the heavenly angels, teach us, unworthy, how to glorify God in the Trinity, who is revered. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, to Him the heavenly armies continually sing in heaven:

Your life shines with a luminous light, blessed Elder Matrono, illuminating the darkness of this busy world, and attracts our souls to itself, so that they, too, may be illuminated by a small ray of God’s grace and be able to walk the godly, sorrowful and cramped path of life and reach the gates of the Kingdom of God, where you , mother, now, we believe, you have taken possession, hear the voice of those calling to you. Rejoice, lamp of God, who enlightens us even after death. Rejoice, honorable bead, who illumines us with the brilliance of your shrine. Rejoice, strengthening us in Orthodoxy with the light of your good deeds. Rejoice, fragrant blossom of our souls, fragrant with the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, all your life is holy and righteous. Rejoice, and your death is honorable before God.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

You have received the grace of God abundantly from the shrouds, O blessed mother, but I have remained with you all the days of your life, healing ailments, casting out demons, predicting the invisible and distant things and instructing everyone in the salvation. We undoubtedly believe that even after death this grace remains with you most of all, for this sake we fall down and pray: do not deprive us, who are still wandering on earth, of your help and intercession, asking the Lord to have mercy and save all who diligently offer up solemn singing to Him in our holy churches :

Singing your miracles, Mother Matrono, we praise God, who gave you such grace, and with the prophet David we cry out to you in psalm: Rejoice, for praise is due to the righteous. Rejoice, for the Lord loves the righteous. Rejoice, for the Lord makes the blind wise. Rejoice, for the Lord protects all who love Him. Rejoice, for the Lord delights in his people. Rejoice, for the Lord will do the will of those who fear Him, and I will hear their prayer and save them. Rejoice, for the saints will be praised in glory and will rejoice on their beds.
Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Oh, blessed mother, hear now our praise and prayer sung to you, who promised even after death to hear those crying to you and ask our Savior Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins, the Christian end of our life and a good answer at His terrible judgment, so that we too with all those who have been pardoned by God, they were honored in the villages of paradise to glorify the Holy Trinity with red singing:
(We read this KONDAC three times and then we read IKOS 1 and KONDAC 1)


Oh, blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who throughout your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn with faith and hope to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone, yes and now your mercy will not fail for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses, heal our illnesses, deliver from the temptations and torment of the devil passionately fighting, help to convey your everyday Cross , to endure all the hardships of life and not to lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for our neighbors, so that help us, after leaving this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who pleased God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

* * *

Oh, blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, but with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, waiting for our days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

The Church of the Holy Righteous Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow is a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox people from all over the country. Since 1998, the relics of St. Matrona have been kept here. Believers go to venerate the miraculous icon and relics, bring flowers and ask Matrona for help.

An endless stream of pilgrims eager to receive Matronushka’s support arose during her lifetime at the beginning of the last century, and has not dried up since then. Tens and hundreds of people visit this holy place every day.

The Intercession Convent, in which the temple is located, was founded as a men's monastery in 1635, closed in the 1920s and reopened in 1994 as a women's monastery.

Icon and relics of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow

The icon of the Matrona of Moscow is located directly on the wall of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the street side; there is always a large line of pilgrims to see it.

The relics of the holy blessed old woman have been constantly housed in the monastery since 1998 and are stored in a special sarcophagus - a shrine. Believers note that the shrine has a beneficial effect on this place - here you immediately feel peace and tranquility, your soul becomes light and joyful. Matronushka helped many to resolve their sorrows, quench their sadness, and recover from illnesses.

History and architecture of the Intercession Monastery

On the territory of the monastery there is a single-domed Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the Church of the Matrona of Moscow on Taganka, as well as the five-domed Church of the Resurrection of the Word and a three-tier bell tower. The temples are surrounded by the vast Tagansky Park; there is a holy spring on the territory.

The monastery has a church shop where icons of St. Matrona are sold in a variety of formats - from small pocket ones to large church formats; you can also buy church utensils, oil, candles, books and much more.

The height of the bell tower of the Intercession Monastery is 30 meters

In old times, on the site of the monastery there was a cemetery where homeless people, vagabonds and wanderers were buried. In the 17th century, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich ordered the founding of a monastery here, and at first it was called that - the monastery on Poor Houses.

The stone one-domed Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in 1655, rebuilt in 1806-1814, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word was built in the 18th century.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the monastery was occupied by a general of Napoleon's army, and it was almost completely destroyed. The monastery was damaged for the second time in the 1920s. The times of the New Economic Policy turned out to be the most disastrous for him - the bell tower was blown up, various offices and entertainment establishments were opened in the former monastic monasteries and classrooms of the theological seminary. In the post-war years, the monastery fell into complete desolation, and only in the mid-1990s was it revived and again transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow is one of the most revered Orthodox saints. During her lifetime, she became famous as a great benefactor. There were always pilgrims in her house, whom Elder Matrona helped, instructed, healed, and prayed for. Even during her lifetime, she was revered by the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Matrona was born in the Tula province, the fourth child in a poor peasant family, with elderly parents. She was born blind, with underdeveloped eyeballs. At first, Natalya Nikitichna and Dmitry Ivanovich Nikonov wanted to abandon the blind girl and give her to an orphanage in the neighboring village of Buchalki. But one day the mother had a prophetic dream: a beautiful white bird flew to her chest, and the woman saw that the bird was blind. Then she realized that her daughter needed to be left in the family.

From early childhood, Matrona discovered deep faith in the Lord and the ability to heal and predict the future. At a young age, her legs were paralyzed, but this did not stop Saint Matrona from traveling and making pilgrimages to holy places.

Life says that Elder Matrona was able to predict her own death in three days, and until the last day she did not stop hosting the suffering. Her grave was also a popular place of pilgrimage for several decades, until the relics were transferred to the Intercession Monastery on Taganka. Matrona of Moscow was canonized in 2004.

And today, dozens of people come every day to the Temple of the Matrona of Moscow in the Intercession Monastery, bringing fresh flowers, most often white roses and chrysanthemums, which Matrona loved most, and Matronushka helps all those who suffer. According to believers, the holy blessed Matrona helps in a variety of troubles and sorrows: serious illnesses, loss of loved ones, infertility.

Schedule of services

The Intercession Convent is open to visitors every day from 7.00 am to 20.00 pm, on Sundays - from 6.00 am to 20.00 pm.

On weekdays the flow of pilgrims is smaller; on weekends you will have to stand in line for several hours to touch the icon and relics of Matrona. Families with small children will always be greeted with a smile, let ahead, and offered a cradle for their babies.


  • morning service - at 7.30,
  • evening - at 16.00 or 16:45.

On Sundays:

  • at 6:15 - early Liturgy,
  • at 9:00 - late Liturgy,
  • at 16:45 - evening service.

On the dates of important Orthodox holidays, all-night vigils, daily vigils, or polyeleos are served.

Temple of the Matrona of Moscow on Taganka: how to get there

The address of the Pokrovsky Stavropegial Convent is Moscow, st. Taganskaya, 58, Tagansky district.

How to get to the Matrona Temple on Taganka by metro

The easiest way to get there is by metro along the Kalininskaya line (yellow line) to the Marksistskaya station, exit towards the street. Taganskaya, from there take any trolleybus or tram to the Bolshaya Andronevskaya stop.

You can take the metro along the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line (purple line) or the Circle line (brown) to Taganskaya station, from there go to Marksistskaya and exit to Taganskaya street.

Or take the metro to Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line (lime branch) to the stations "Krestyanskaya Zastava" or on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line (purple line) to the station "Proletarskaya", from there a five-minute walk to Abelmanovskaya Zastava Square.

other methods

To get to the Matrona Temple on Taganka, you can use taxi apps: Uber, Yandex. Taxi, Gett; or car sharing: Delimobil, Belkacar, Lifcar.

Temple of the Matrona of Moscow on Taganka: video

Many churches in the Northern District have miraculous icons and relics. Some are known far beyond the capital and even the country. Among the most visited churches with shrines are the Church of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow and the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Businovo. "North of the Capital" found out
what shrines are kept there and what prayers are addressed to them.

People pray all the time at the ark

Few people know that it is not necessary to go to the Intercession Monastery on Taganka and stand in line to venerate the relics of the blessed Matrona. In the Dmitrovsky district of the Northern Administrative Okrug there is a temple of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow (Sofia Kovalevskaya St., 14a), in which there is an ark with a particle of the relics of the head (head) of the holy old woman.

From the history: According to legend, Matrona of Moscow (nee Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova) was born in 1881 in the village of Sebino, Tula province, completely blind - she had no eyeballs. Her peasant parents wanted to give the girl to an orphanage, but her mother had a dream - a white blind bird flew in and sat on her chest. The woman considered the dream prophetic, and Matrona remained in the family. The Life reports that from the age of eight Matrona had deep faith, the ability to heal the sick and predict the future. At the age of about 17, her legs became paralyzed. She moved to Moscow after the revolution, in 1925. She lived with friends because her brothers became Bolsheviks. In 1942-1949 she lived in an old wooden mansion on Starokonyushenny Lane, where she occupied a corner of a 48-meter room. In 1950-1952 she moved to Skhodnya to live with distant relatives. According to her life, Saint Matrona received people during the day (up to forty people a day), healing them and giving advice on what to do, and at night she prayed, and also regularly confessed and received communion. Even during her lifetime, she was revered by the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. She predicted her death three days in advance, and continued to receive people until the very end. She died on May 2, 1952 in Skhodnya. She was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery. Pilgrims from all over Russia still come to her grave.

As the secretary of the rector of the temple, Sergei Moskovskikh, said, many parishioners always come to the temple on Sofia Kovalevskaya Street, and on weekends - 400-500 people, no less. There is no line like at Taganka, but near the ark with the relics someone is always praying and asking for help.

It makes no difference whether to worship all the relics or just a small part. The action is the same, says the secretary.

The relics have been in the temple recently - since August last year. However, during this time several things have happened
miraculous healings. Thus, Matrona helped one childless woman give birth to two children, and helped the sister of another parishioner find a good job.

I prayed at her icon and asked for my sister in her employment. A week later I found out that my sister had already been traveling to her new job for two days. The realization of what had happened did not come immediately: God’s works are happening behind the scenes and dimly, as if it had always been this way,” said parishioner Ekaterina.

Catholics from Poland, Christians from Belarus, Ukraine, even Muslims come to the temple.

The temple is open daily, the relics are also available during Lent, says the temple secretary.

As specified on the official website of the temple, you can pray and venerate the relics of the holy old woman on weekdays from 12.00 to 19.00, and on holidays and Sundays - from 8.00 to 19.00.

By the way, On April 1, Palm Sunday, a charity event “White Flower” will be held on the territory of the temple. , which dates back to pre-revolutionary times. On this day, all people united for one great deed of mercy - helping the sick in need. On Palm Sunday, children from Sunday school will collect funds and each donor will be given white flowers made by their own hands. The funds raised will go to help a sick child in the parish.

People come to Businovo from all over Russia

The largest number of miraculous icons in the area is in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Businov. And they all “work”.

From the history: The first church on this site appeared in the 16th century - it was a wooden church in honor of the Great Martyr George the Victorious. In 1623 it was dismantled due to its disrepair, and in 1643 a new wooden church was built on the old church site in the name of St. Sergius. According to legend, this place was blessed by St. Sergius of Radonezh, passing from the Trinity Monastery (the current Trinity-Sergius Lavra) to Moscow to see Metropolitan Alexy. Then the territory belonged to the village of Businovo. The church was completed and rebuilt several times; in 1859, a stone church with three chapels was built with merchant funds, which existed until 1937. After it was closed, the dome and bell tower were dismantled, rebuilt and the temple was converted into a factory for the production of mattresses. Work on the restoration of the temple began only in 1990, when the building was handed over to the Orthodox community. A year later, on July 18, 1991, on the day of the discovery of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the church. Since that time, the temple has continued to be updated - the parish is making repairs there, restoring icons, improving the territory and appearance of the building.

The most famous shrine of the temple in Businovo is Molchensk Icon of the Mother of God(from the Molche swamp near Putivl). According to legend, this icon was found in the Businka River in the 19th century by the blind girl Alexandra, to whom the Mother of God appeared in a dream with instructions on where to look for her image. At the indicated place a spring began to flow, from which the girl received her sight, and soon found an icon nearby.

It is believed that patients with nervous diseases and mental disorders receive healing from the icon. But, according to temple employees, the icon helps heal other diseases. Thus, the newborn child of one parishioner developed an umbilical hernia. Parents brought the baby
to the temple to receive a blessing for the operation. But the priest did not give a blessing, but took the baby, brought it to the icon and anointed the belly with holy water. In the evening, the parents began to bathe the child, peeled off the bandage and discovered that there was no trace of a hernia.

And there are many such examples. People come from all over Russia to visit the Molchenskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

Signs appeared on the icon

Another unusual one Icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven” in the same temple she showed the miracle of self-renewal.

When they found it, it was just a black board with no signs of design. But they hung it in the temple - and symbols began to appear. Over time, the icon itself brightened. And one day the icon case - the frame - of the icon was completely covered with oil - myrrh, - said the regent of the temple, Elena Lytova.

From the history: According to legend, the icon came to Moscow from Lithuania - it was brought by the wife of Grand Duke Vasily I Sofia Vitovtovna as a parental blessing. Previously, the image was in Smolensk. The title goes back to the text of the Mother of God of the 1st hour (written on the icon inside the edge of the radiance): “What shall we call Thee, O Blessed One? Heaven, as if you have risen as the Sun of Truth.” The icon depicts John the Theologian’s vision of a Woman clothed in the sun. The Mother of God is depicted in full height, with the Child of God on her left hand. The celebration of the icon takes place on March 6, as well as on the week of All Saints.

People pray to the “Blessed Heaven” Icon of the Mother of God for healing from mental and physical illnesses. People turn to her when they ask for guidance on the path of the Christian faith for those who lead an unrighteous lifestyle.

Another icon of the Businovsky temple - "The Inexhaustible Chalice". Despite the fact that the icon is newly painted, it helped several parishioners get rid of alcoholism.

There is no difference whether the miracle comes from an ancient or modern icon. It is sanctified, it is an image. We had cases when paper icons streamed myrrh, for example, the icon of St. Tatiana,” says Elena.

From the history: The icon of the Mother of God has been known since 1878 and is revered in the Russian Church as miraculous. It is believed that the image appeared to a drunkard peasant from the Efremov inheritance of the Tula province. In a dream, an elder schema-monk appeared to him and ordered him to go to the monastery of the Lady Theotokos and serve a prayer service there at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in order to gain health in body and spirit. Due to alcoholism, the peasant could not walk, but crawled to the monastery on all fours. However, no one there had heard of such an icon. After a long search, an image was found in the passage from the cathedral church to the sacristy, on the back of which they found the inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” After performing the prayer service, the former drunkard, according to legend, not only received healing of his sore legs, but also lost his addiction to alcohol.


"Problems are being solved." In the temple in honor of Matrona of Moscow they are starting to decorate the upper church

The Church of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow is being built on Sofia Kovalevskaya Street. This is the largest temple in honor of the revered saint. Designed for 800 parishioners, in reality it will be able to accommodate a much larger number of believers. Last Saturday, Vladimir Resin, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, adviser to the Patriarch on construction issues, got acquainted with the progress of work at the site.

The five-domed temple is being built according to an individual project. When the parish community decided to dedicate the future church to Matrona of Moscow, there was not a single church in the capital in honor of this saint.

The temple under construction consists of two churches: the upper one (in honor of Saint Matrona), designed for 550 worshipers, and the lower one (in honor of Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt) - for 250 parishioners. The architects used Orthodox churches built in Rus' in the 16th–17th centuries as prototypes for the future shrine.

The construction of the temple complex began in November 2013. However, the work turned out to be expensive, since a three-story clergy house and a separate belfry were built along with the temple. The parish was sorely short of money. The prefecture played an important role in this situation. She was able to attract the construction company Inteko, which performed part of the work on a charitable basis.

To date, all “external” work on the site has been completed. The outside of the building is plastered and painted. The temple shines with golden crosses and domes. There are no domes only on the belfry. The territory is surrounded by a metal fence, paths are lined with colored tiles, and lawns are laid out. This year the improvement will continue - flower beds and a fountain will appear, benches and lanterns will be installed.

The work in the lower church is virtually finished. “We are trying our best to embody the image conceived by the architects,” reported the rector of the church, Archpriest Dmitry Sinitsyn. – Since the temple is baptismal, the floor in it is made warm, the font, made in the shape of a cross, is lined with natural stone. A wooden carved iconostasis was installed, a marble throne was mounted, horos (large chandeliers) were suspended from the ceiling, and a stone floor was laid.” The custom oak doors are impressive.

The builders' immediate plans include work on the interior decoration of the upper church. Materials for plastering and painting the walls have been ordered, and workers are starting to install the scaffolding. The iconostasis here will be made of stone. The architects also work out the design of the stone floor. “We hope that by the end of summer all work on the upper temple will be completed. True, we will install a temporary iconostasis for now, but it will allow services to be held in the church,” said Bishop Paramon of Bronnitsy, manager of the northern and northwestern vicariates of Moscow.

There is no finishing work in the clergy house; engineering work is still underway here - installation of ventilation and smoke removal systems, installation of internal heat distribution and sewerage. The builders promised to finish the work by September. “The prefecture will help complete the electrical work,” assured First Deputy Prefect of the Northern Administrative District Vitaly Nikitin.

It is planned to house a Sunday school, numerous study groups, administrative offices, a kitchen and a small bakery in the clergy house.

The belfry was also built and decorated on the outside. Interior work is due to be completed this year. The central heating center and the control center for engineering services of the entire temple complex will also be located here. “We will install the domes and bells on the belfry before the end of the third quarter,” the builders reported.

“Judging by the occupancy of the lower church, the number of parishioners is arriving here at an enviable speed. This is despite the fact that work in the main, upper church has not yet been completed,” emphasized Vladimir Resin. – In general, work at the site never stagnate. It is worth noting the active work of the rector of the temple, Father Dmitry, and Bishop Paramon, thanks to whom many problems are being solved. If the funding were more stable and the temple complex could be put into operation this year,” the deputy concluded

Victor Dmitriev

A new temple built on the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya, belongs to the parish of the Russian Orthodox Church (part of the Moscow Patriarchate), is called Matrona of Moscow. The organization is disseminating spiritual, moral and secular Orthodox culture among the local population.

The parish community was formed in December 2007. At that time, a project to build 200 churches in the capital of the Russian Federation began.

In 2012, as a result of public meetings held in the city council of the Dmitrovsky district, the parish was allocated a land plot at the address st. S. Kovalevskoy, ow. 14A (index 127411). Dmitrovsky district is located in the Northern Administrative District. The cathedral is located at the intersection of Angarskaya and Sofia Kovalevskaya streets.

Geographically, the temple is advantageously located surrounded by green areas:

  • on the one hand - the Carriage Repair Park;
  • on the other side across the road - Angarsk Ponds.

How to get there?

The only public transport available in the area is buses and minibuses. Travel options to the temple from metro stations are summarized in the table.

Kind of transport Exit from the metro station Features of the route
Bus No. 92, 284, 928 "Altufyevo" Travel to the stop “Uchinskaya Street”, then you need to go back (in the opposite direction of the bus) 340 m.
Bus No. 63, 763, 763k, 999, t78 "Seligerskaya" You need to go to the stop “Ikshinskaya Street”, then move along the street. S. Kovalevskaya about 840 m on foot (about 10 min.).
Bus No. 20bk "Seligerskaya" You should get off at the “Uchinskaya Street” stop and walk back 200 m.
Bus No. 20bk, 284, 92, m10, m10k "River Station" Directions to the stop “Uchinskaya Street”, along the street. S. Kovalevskaya go down 200 m.
Minibus No. 1014 "River Station" Get off at the “Uchinskaya Street” stop.
Bus No. 92 "Bibirevo" Get off at the “Uchinskaya Street” stop; go back 340 m.
Bus No. 200 "Khovrino" Get off at the “Dmitrovsky District Administration” stop. Next you need to go down the street. Angarskaya at 710 m.
Bus No. 200 "Belomorskaya" Board the bus from the stop “15 taxi park”, travel to “Dmitrovsky District Administration”. Then you should walk along the street. Angarskaya at 710 m.


Temple of Matrona of Moscow on the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya, 14A dates back to 2006-2007, when the parish community was registered and the charter of the Orthodox organization was approved. Since 2008, Father D. Sinitsyn has become the rector of the community. In 2009, the construction project for the future complex was approved. In 2011-2012 local authorities allocate a plot of land for the construction of a temple.

Temporary temple of Matrona of Moscow on the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya

In the spring of 2013, a temporary temple was erected.

From now on, it begins to function:

  • social service;
  • youth club "Logos";
  • Orthodox family school;

In November 2013, work on the construction of the cathedral begins: a foundation pit is being dug and waterproofing is carried out. At the same time, pilgrimage trips are organized. Holiday fundraising fairs are held until mid-spring 2014. In the summer, the foundation of the building and the laying of stones were illuminated.

  • parochial school;
  • gospel course;
  • mission center.

In the summer of 2015, concrete work on the construction of the cathedral was completed, and the foundation for the parable house was poured. Autumn was marked by the installation of domes on the building.

The first Cathedral prayer in the church took place in January 2016. In the spring, the bells on the belfry were lit and installed. On May 1, 2016, the first Easter Liturgy took place in the cathedral.

In the summer, the transport interchange near the church was brought to a modern state, landscaping of the territory was carried out, and the façade finishing work of the temple and the parable house was completed. In December 2016, regular services began in the new cathedral.

In February 2017, a café-museum opened in the belfry building. In August, a shrine with a particle of the remains of the Blessed Matrona is transferred. In December, acceptance (according to technical documentation) of the buildings of the temple complex is carried out. In the spring and summer of 2018, work was carried out on the interior design of the Upper Temple, which continues to this day.

Architectural features of the temple

Temple of Matrona of Moscow on the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya, 14A was built with the help of investors and charitable contributions from the local population. The temple imitates cathedrals of the 16th-17th centuries. buildings that belong to the Vladimir-Suzdal school of Orthodox architecture. The architects of the cathedral were Kovalkov B.V. and Tadzhiev I.I.

The features of the temple are:

  • capacity up to 800 parishioners;
  • area approximately 1.4 thousand square meters. m;
  • accommodating two churches (the Upper one, named after Matrona of Moscow, the Lower one - John of Kronstadt);
  • the building is rectangular in shape, elongated from west to east, tetrameter;
  • crowned by the construction of 5 domes, which symbolize the Savior and 4 Gospels;
  • 3 altar apses (semicircular projections of the building) fit harmoniously into the architecture.

On the territory of the temple there are:

  • fountain;
  • playground;
  • cafe-museum (in the belfry);
  • house parable (building with 3 floors);
  • paths lined with colored tiles;
  • landscaped flower beds;
  • the site is surrounded by a metal fence around the perimeter;
  • belfry over 40 m high.

Services are located in the house of the parable:

The limit, located on the main (first) tier of the church, is named in the name of the Elder Matrona of Moscow. In addition to this, there is an icon shop and a wardrobe in this place. In the basement there is a building named after the righteous John of Kronstadt, a sacristy and a utility room with an electrical panel. The second tier houses the offices of the temple servants. The third floor is a rehearsal room for the church choir.

In the basement of the belfry there is a boiler room, a ventilation system and video surveillance are provided in the premises. There are 10 bells installed on the belfry, the largest weighs 3.5 tons. It was built in the Rostov style, crowned with three domes.

Interior decoration

In the Church of Matrona of Moscow, located on the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya, 14A, the interior arrangement is currently ongoing, for which charitable funds are being collected.

Features of the interior decoration are:

  • patterned granite floors;
  • an elevator for people with limited mobility, running between the Lower and Upper Temples;
  • a piece of the relics of Elder Matrona from the Intercession Monastery, placed in a special ark.

In the Upper and Lower limits, iconostases, wall frescoes, and columns were painted by the best graduates of the icon painting school of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The church, named after John of Kronstadt, is used as a baptismal church.

It contains:

In the Upper Limit there is a throne, an altar and an iconostasis made of ceramics, which were made in workshops in St. Petersburg.

Temple shrines

In the Upper Limit, a particle of the remains of the blessed Matrona of Moscow is placed in the cancer. According to custom, people come to the shrine with fresh flowers.

The saint, canonized in the Russian Orthodox faith, was born in 1881 (according to other sources in 1883 or 1885) in the village of Sebino (Tula province), led her life until 1952. Matrona appeared in a family of peasants and had no eyeballs since birth (she was blind).

At the age of 8, thanks to deep faith and piety, she discovered the gift of healing the sick and predicting the future. At the age of 17, her legs gave out. Until then, she managed to visit the Kiev-Pechersk and Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in St. Petersburg, in the Kronstadt Cathedral, where she met Righteous John of Kronstadt.

After the revolution, she moved to Moscow to the territory of the modern urban district of Khimki, succumbed to persecution and attacks from the authorities, received 40 people in need during the day and prayed all night long. During her lifetime she was revered by numerous clergy. After her death, the saint was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery, where pilgrims from all over the country began to flock.

The life of Matrona of Moscow is narrated in the book by Z. Zhdanova (her neighbor for 7 years) “The Tale of the Life of the Blessed Elder Matrona.”

On March 8, 1998, with the permission of Patriarch Alexy II, the saint’s tomb at the Danilovsky cemetery was dismantled. Initially, the relics were brought to the Danilovsky Monastery. Then a particle of them ended up in the Church of the Matrona of Moscow. Since then, on March 8 of each year, the patronal feast of the discovery of her relics has been celebrated.

In 1999, the saint was canonized by the Moscow diocese, and in 2004 - at the general church level.

Parishioners come to venerate the shrine with flowers:

  • suffering healing;
  • seeking solutions to complex problems;
  • asking for strength to endure trials;
  • those who are looking for a way to salvation.

Daily life of the temple

Temple of Matrona of Moscow on the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya, 14A conducts daily activities that include:

1. Divine services.

2. Sunday school for children from 5 to 12 years old with existing directions:

  • creative workshops;
  • children's choir;
  • theatre studio;
  • basics of morality;
  • reading the New and Old Testaments;
  • church harmony

3. Gospel courses (every Sunday), where they teach:

  • Church Slavonic language;
  • fundamentals of theology;
  • history of Orthodox dogmas;
  • principles of liturgy;
  • missiology.

4. The mission center is engaged in:

5. Social service to provide support to low-income and large families, refugees.

6. A pilgrimage service that organizes trips to holy places in different countries.

7. School training of the course “Fundamentals of secular ethics and religious cultures” (4th grade), which is carried out to choose one of the modules:

  • Orthodoxy,
  • Islam,
  • Buddhism,
  • Judaism,
  • world religions,
  • secular ethics.

8. Youth club "Logos", including areas:

  • holding musical and literary evenings;
  • charity fairs;
  • Bible interpretation;
  • volunteer organization;
  • choral singing;
  • creative workshops.

9. Interaction with the Professional Training Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow District, consisting of meetings and consecration of events.

10. Helping patients of hospital No. 81 (Lobnenskaya St., 10) at the house chapel (basement of the western part of building 10) with rituals (baptisms, unction, communion), congratulations on Easter and Christmas. The chapel is open every day from 12:00 to 15:00 and 17:00 to 19:00, on Saturday from 12:00 to 15:00, closed on Sunday.

Opening hours and schedule of services

You can come to venerate and pray at the shrine with the relics of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 19:00, on Sunday from 8:00 to 19:00. At this time, the doors of the temple are open, the church shop is functioning.

Worship services are held daily as scheduled.

If the day is a weekday and non-holiday, then:

On Sunday the schedule is as follows:

  • 6:30 - confession;
  • 7:00 - liturgy;
  • 9:30 - confession;
  • 10:00 - liturgy;
  • 17:00 - Vespers.

On holidays, services are held according to an individual schedule.

Since the cathedral building is a new building, all the interesting facts can only be associated with its location:

  1. The territory of the modern Dmitrovsky district was mentioned for the first time in historical chronicles of 1584-1585 as the patrimony of the Chudov Monastery, which was ravaged and devastated during the Time of Troubles (1624).
  2. From 1651 to 1900 the land was in the possession of the Volyn princes, Patriarch Nikon, the royal steward Shakhovsky, the Miloslavsky princes, the Obolensky princes, and the merchant V.F. Andreeva.
  3. At the beginning of 1900 on this site the new owner A. Gash built a brick factory.
  4. In 1927-1937 The territory was actively populated thanks to the construction of a Carriage Repair Plant and a village for summer air force personnel. During this period, cultural and recreational parks are established.
  5. There is no written evidence that tells about the presence of a church in the local area, so the Church of the Matrona of Moscow is the first in this territory.
  6. In anticipation of the construction of the complex in 2005, a chapel in the name of John of Kronstadt was built in hospital No. 81.

The formation of a temple in praise of the Elder Matrona of Moscow on the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya brought to the district an increase in the spirituality, morality of parishioners, and revived the usual way of life of local residents.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about the Church of the Matrona of Moscow in Dmitrovskoye

Liturgy in the Church of Matrona of Moscow: