
How to open a baby pool for babies

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Opening a swimming pool is a business idea that many entrepreneurs are adopting. As for its variety - the creation of a children's pool for visitors from 0 to 7 years old, then, on the one hand, it is promising, and on the other, it raises many questions. What are the nuances of such an enterprise? How cost effective is it? What permissions will be required? Read in this article.

Swimming pool for kids - business features

Before embarking on the process of organizing a children's pool, several significant features of this business should be taken into account:

  • Firstly , highly qualified instructors and trainers will be required to work with children.
  • Secondly , in the state it is desirable to have a pediatrician who will monitor the health of babies and determine the load sufficient for them.
  • Third , the pool works effectively when organized at a kindergarten or a fitness center for adults (in the second case, parents can leave the kids for classes during their workouts).
  • Fourth , the cost of classes is formed depending on the time of their conduct, the type and duration of sessions.

Important point: In the children's pool, you can practice both group and individual lessons (the latter at a higher cost).

Choosing a building for a children's pool

What are the ideal locations for a children's pool? Previously mentioned proximity or . However, will there be a building corresponding to the necessary parameters in the space surrounding them?

In fact, there are three ways to get a building for organizing a pool for kids:

  1. Build from scratch . This option is fraught with huge costs.
  2. Rent non-residential building . Finding one in a given place can be extremely difficult.
  3. Rent a room in the fitness center . The most acceptable option, given that here the space will be properly equipped.

Important point: When renting a non-residential building or a space in a fitness center, it is important to clarify the issues of water supply, drainage, heating and ventilation, so as not to face serious costs in the future.

What equipment will be required?

Specialized organizations should be involved in the installation of the pool, which can track the issues of water flow and filtration, the thickness of the walls and the depth of the bowl of the water tank. However, this is not the only acquisition for the future business.

For the full operation of the children's pool, you will also need:

  • Efficient heating and ventilation system.
  • Paths, bedside tables and slides for the start.
  • Lockers for things, benches.
  • Administrator desk.
  • Auxiliary devices for swimming - cylinders, wings, etc.

Important point: Particular attention should be paid to water purification. Since we are talking about sensitive children's skin, it is best to do this not by chlorination, but by ozonation.

Staff for the children's pool - the number and composition

To operate even a small pool for children, a sufficiently expanded staff will be required, namely:

  1. 2-5 instructors.
  2. 1-2 technical specialists.
  3. Medical worker.
  4. Cleaning woman.
  5. Administrator.
  6. Security guard.

The duties of a manager, accountant, marketer at first can be assumed by the business owner himself.

Business registration and permits

After the premises for the pool are selected and equipped, it's time to think about legalizing the business.

This will require:

  • Register with the IFTS as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Get permission to work in the regional committee for urban planning and architecture.
  • Issue certificates to the SES and the fire service.

Important point: Be prepared to be strict in your inspections as far as the toddler pool is concerned. Supervisory authorities can check the composition and temperature of the water, the depth of the bowl, the availability of auxiliary equipment.

Business promotion is the key to its success

Advertising of a children's pool can be carried out in kindergartens, children's development centers, medical institutions, sports clubs for adults, as well as through vigorous activity in social networks and on forums for young mothers.

Important point: On the basis of the pool, you can organize a trade in swimming accessories, provide medical consultations, massage services for babies. However, these activities require obtaining special permits from the regulatory authorities.

Financial plan for the creation of a children's pool - income and expenses

To organize a pool for children 0-7 years old, you will need to incur the following types of costs:

  • Room rental - 80,000-100,000 rubles per month.
  • Purchase and installation of equipment - 2.5-3 million rubles.
  • Repair of the premises - 250,000-300,000 rubles.
  • Staff costs - 300,000 rubles.
  • Promotional events - 50,000 rubles per month (including the costs of maintaining your own website).
  • Business registration and obtaining permits.

The total cost of creating a children's pool can be 3.5-4 million rubles. If the minimum check for group classes lasting 1 hour is 500 rubles, and individual - 700 rubles, then the payback of the business will be achieved in 1-1.5 years. The profitability of the project in this scenario is about 18-20%.

The market for swimming complexes in Russia is not very competitive, so it is difficult for a consumer to find a suitable institution due to their small number. If an entrepreneur decides to organize a business and open a swimming pool, then he needs to calculate the possible risks and know what problems he may encounter.

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Business Relevance

The relevance of the business is due to the following factors:

  • in Russia there is a large shortage of water sports complexes;
  • low competition, as a large number of existing pools are technically outdated;
  • swimming and other activities in the pool are recommended by doctors to their patients, because it is a gentle and effective physical education that improves health;
  • high consumer demand due to the fact that swimming improves mood and reduces emotional stress;
  • wide target audience.

Businessmen who have achieved success in the swimming complex market say that an average of 350 people visit their establishments per day.

Types of pools and services

Pools are classified as follows:

  • private, which are built on the initiative of entrepreneurs;
  • complexes administered by educational institutions or enterprises;
  • sports, are organized and maintained mainly by the state;
  • included in the sanatoriums, hotels, baths, fitness centers, rest homes, etc.

The range of services provided should be increased gradually. Thus, at the start, a smaller amount of investment will be required, since it will be possible to expand the range at the expense of profit.

Thinking through the concept of the institution, you should decide on the format of the business:

  • classic swimming pool;
  • entertainment pool, providing for the installation of slides;
  • a specialized health complex aimed at adults and pensioners;
  • a specialized health complex focused on children.

An example of how to open a swimming pool as a kid-friendly business is provided in the video. Filmed by the channel: "SKB Kontur".

Pool services:

  • swimming;
  • pool rental;
  • water aerobics;
  • swimming lessons;
  • training with an instructor;
  • equipment rental;
  • sauna;
  • bathtub with hydromassage;
  • fitness equipment;
  • manicure and pedicure;
  • massage;
  • solarium;
  • cafe or mini-bar, etc.

Market analysis and target audience

The pool market in Russia is represented by private, public entertainment and sports facilities. The first private pools appeared in the 90s of the last century, during the formation of a market economy in the country. Other market participants began to intensify their activities around the middle of the first decade of the twenty-first century. To a greater extent, this was provoked by the restoration of Soviet water palaces, which are on the balance sheet of the state, and the construction of modern fitness clubs.

The services of swimming complexes are actively used by both men and women. Most often, visitors to the pool are people with an average level of income.

The target audience of a swimming complex can be very diverse:

  • infants;
  • pregnant women;
  • school-age children;
  • athletes;
  • students;
  • mature people;
  • pensioners.

In addition to the listed categories of clients, there is another rather large audience of potential visitors - corporate clients. Their number can reach half of the total pool users.

Competitive advantages

The strengths of the business should be the following points:

  • modern equipment and repair;
  • stylish and original interior design;
  • convenient access to the building of the complex and the presence of a large parking lot;
  • qualified and friendly staff;
  • discounts for schoolchildren and students;
  • corporate discounts;
  • program to increase the loyalty of regular visitors;
  • a wide range of services;
  • friendly service.

Step-by-step instruction

The algorithm of actions of an entrepreneur to open a pool:

  1. To study the needs of the region in cultural and recreational activities.
  2. To analyze the material possibilities of citizens in the local market.
  3. Assess the competition.
  4. Form a business concept and calculate a business plan.
  5. Decide on a location for the pool. It is possible to build from scratch (in this case, a plot of land is searched for) or purchase / rent of a suitable finished building.
  6. Register a legal entity.
  7. Develop a project for the construction or reconstruction of the premises.
  8. Develop a room design.
  9. Select suppliers and purchase building materials, equipment and other equipment.
  10. Carry out construction and installation work.
  11. Obtain permission to open the pool from the supervisory authorities.
  12. Solve the issue of recruitment.
  13. Implement an advertising campaign.

Business registration

Pool Registration Features:

  1. The most suitable organizational form is a limited liability company. It is also possible to create IP.
  2. In the process of registering a legal entity, the type of activity is indicated - 93.11 "Activity of sports facilities". It includes the item: “The operation of racehorse and racing stables, kennels and garages for sports racing cars; swimming pools and stadiums. The list of codes can be expanded, depending on the range of services provided.
  3. For taxation, a simplified system or a single imputed tax is chosen.
  4. It is necessary to comply with environmental standards during the operation of the building.
  5. Permits from Rospotrebnadzor, SES, regional authorities and the fire service will be required.
  6. Agreements are concluded with utilities (this includes both disinfection and disinfestation) and a waste disposal company.
  7. When constructing a new complex, approval must be obtained from the construction committee.
  8. It is obligatory to register with the social, pension and medical insurance funds, as well as with the statistical authorities.

Room and location

The room for the pool can be:

  1. Rented. If an entrepreneur decides to rent part of the fitness club building, it will be very difficult. A bowl designed for only two lanes will occupy an area of ​​​​40 square meters. The total area of ​​such a pool cannot be less than 70 square meters, while the ceilings must be high.
  2. Refurbished. If a businessman finds a non-residential building and decides to convert it into a swimming pool, then a serious amount of money will be required to implement this project. Here, the entrepreneur will be able to independently determine the category of the institution to be opened and its scale. It is important that the selected premises comply with the requirements and standards of supervisory services. It will take at least six months to resolve organizational issues and re-equip the facility. It is better to buy the building, or take it on a long-term lease.
  3. erected. If a decision is made to build your own pool from scratch, you will have to invest a lot of money and be patient. It will take at least a year to implement such a business idea, and in some cases the process can stretch for three years. To start construction, you should take care of obtaining permission from the town planning committee and the city administration. It is better to buy the land for the building, or take it on a long-term lease.

The pool can occupy a separate building or be attached to a kindergarten, fitness center or shopping center. It is possible to create an outdoor pool.

Location requirements:

  • high concentration of people;
  • lack of competitors in the immediate vicinity;
  • it is possible to be both in the city and outside the city;
  • good access roads;
  • availability of communications.

It is advisable to build large complexes in megacities, and in provincial cities - small pools. The average area of ​​a standard pool is 1.5 thousand square meters.

Distribution of the area of ​​the swimming complex:

  • reception;
  • wardrobe;
  • men's and women's locker rooms;
  • shower cabins;
  • the main room is an adult pool;
  • Children's swimming pool;
  • sauna;
  • first-aid post;
  • laboratory;
  • massage room;
  • utility rooms;
  • administrative premises.

Necessary equipment

Equipment of the swimming complex:

NameApproximate cost, rub.
Adult Pool Bowl3 500 000
Baby pool bowl1 000 000
Waterslides500 000
Water purification system500 000
Ozone system for children's pool300 000
Water heating500 000
Starting tables100 000
Dividing tracks, limiters70 000
Lighting150 000
Sport equipment200 000
Shower equipment500 000
Sauna equipment300 000
Wardrobe equipment100 000
Changing room equipment200 000
Reception equipment300 000
Massage room equipment80 000
Equipment for the first-aid post100 000
Laboratory equipment100 000
Utility room equipment100 000
Equipment for administrative premises300 000
Other equipment and inventory200 000
Total9 100 000

Children's pool bowl - 1,000,000 rubles Bowl of an adult pool - 3,500,000 rubles Ozonator for disinfection of water in the pool - 300,000 rubles Water purification and recycling system in the pool - 500,000 rubles


Pool Staff:

  • director;
  • administrators (at least two people);
  • swimming coach;
  • water aerobics instructor;
  • maintenance specialist;
  • nurse (two people);
  • laboratory assistant;
  • masseur;
  • cloakroom attendants (two people);
  • cleaners (two people);
  • accountant.

The number of specialists and positions depends on the scale of the swimming complex being opened.

Promotion and advertising

The success of the pool at the initial stage directly depends on the scale of the advertising campaign.

Marketing events:

  • advertising on local television and radio;
  • advertisements in local newspapers and magazines;
  • distribution of flyers, leaflets and booklets;
  • grand opening of the pool in the presence of future customers, local administration and the media;
  • development and promotion of your own website;
  • creating groups in popular social networks;
  • advertising on the Internet - banners on forums, thematic sites and social networks;
  • contextual advertising;
  • attraction of corporate clients;
  • sale of subscriptions at a bargain price;
  • bonus program;
  • development of interesting offers for clients;
  • regular promotions, sweepstakes and other events;
  • attracting customers by offering additional services (for example, massages, spa treatments).

It is necessary to provide for a differentiated approach to the formation of the cost of visiting the pool by different categories of people. For example, for students, children and corporate clients, the cost of a subscription may be lower than for other categories of visitors. In addition, you can take into account the time of visit and the day of the week. For example, customers who come in the morning hours on weekdays can receive additional discounts. These events will increase the loyalty of the target audience.


When issuing a permit to carry out entrepreneurial activities, the supervisory authorities check:

  • Fire safety;
  • sanitary requirements;
  • heating system;
  • room ventilation.

Representatives of Rospotrebnadzor check:

  • internal equipment;
  • the presence of the following premises: pool bowl, locker room, shower, wardrobe, masseur's office, etc.;
  • surface of bypass paths;
  • temperature, depth and composition of water;
  • the process of disinfection and disinfection of premises;
  • heating system, etc.

Inspections of basins by supervisory authorities are carried out:

  • according to plan;
  • according to sanitary and epidemiological indications;
  • after receiving complaints from visitors.

A complete list of requirements is presented in SanPin In accordance with this document, the quality of fresh water in a swimming pool must meet the hygienic requirements for its properties.

Production laboratory control should accompany the operation of the swimming pool.


Starting investment in a swimming complex built on your own land:

ExpendituresEstimated values ​​in rubles
Registration of a legal entity100 000
Purchase of land in the city5 000 000
building construction5 000 000
Design and decoration of the premises3 000 000
Purchase and installation of complex equipment9 100 000
Marketing Campaign200 000
Consumables30 000
Other costs170 000
Total23 000 000

To open a medium-sized pool with two bowls (adult and children), you will need a fairly large amount of money - about 23 million rubles.

Regular investments

Regular monthly investment in business:

The monthly cost of maintaining the pool will be about 530 thousand rubles.

Approximate opening times

Pool opening schedule:

Stages1-2 month3-4 month5-6 month7-8 month9-10 month11-12 month13-14 month15-16 month
Business project calculation+
Company registration+
Land selection and purchase+
Preparation of project documentation+
Construction + + + + +
Premises renovation + + +
Purchase of equipment + + + +
Equipment installation + + +
Obtaining approvals from supervisory authorities +
Recruitment + +
Marketing events + + +
pool opening +

It will take about 1.5 years from the moment the business plan is developed to the launch of the swimming complex.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of opening a swimming pool:

  • it is a socially oriented business that can qualify for state support;
  • minimum of competitors;
  • this type of business does not require licensing or obtaining special permits;
  • the demand for pool services is at a high level;
  • There is an opportunity to provide additional services.

Cons of opening a swimming pool:

  • large initial investment;
  • long payback;
  • seasonal nature of demand.

Risks and payback

Risks of building a swimming complex from scratch:

  1. The risk of starting a business not on time (for example, due to a violation of the construction schedule, supply and installation of equipment, repairs, etc.).
  2. Incorrect or inaccurate financial planning. For example, all cost items were not taken into account, prices for equipment and building materials increased, etc. As a result, there is not enough money to implement the entire business project on time.
  3. Increasing utility bills.
  4. The occurrence of accidents in the water.
  5. Sharp seasonal fluctuations in demand.
  6. Low qualification of personnel.
  7. Non-compliance of the premises with sanitary standards.

The payback of this business project will be from 24 to 30 months. For an entrepreneur, this is a kind of medium-term investment in a highly profitable business, since the profitability is 50-70%.

Having your own pool at home is a fashion that came from America. If Russia is still dominated by temporary pools that are assembled or inflated only in the summer, then Americans are more likely to build stationary bowls indoors. Accordingly, the bathing tank installation business is in high demand in the United States. As for Russian entrepreneurs, they can also make good money in this industry, so in our section "" we publish this article.

Business idea: Construction of country pools

Demand for swimming pools in Russia

The Russians are gradually adopting the practice of the Americans. Many of those who have installed stationary pools are very happy about this because of the practicality of such a design.

Let the sellers of temporary pools say that you can build a house with the money spent on a stationary bowl, simple calculations tell a different story. The temporary structure will have to be replaced after 5 years or even earlier due to the fact that it wears out quickly, and the permanent pool will serve the owners no less than the same house. As a result, regularly buying temporary pools is less profitable than ordering a real one once.

Every owner of a private house at least sometimes thinks about the pool. When the heat suddenly sets in and the desire to swim arises while working in the garden, you can run to the nearest body of water, but if it is far enough away, this will take up precious time. The pool in this case comes to the rescue: you can take a dip and continue working. If you need to build your own reservoir, sufficient in depth for adults, and accommodating up to five people, then a stationary pool is the best solution.

The cost and cost of the pool

Customers note that installing a 3 * 5 m bowl with an additional canopy is comparable in cost to a good car. If we calculate the costs of concreting the walls and bottom, laying the surface with tiles and installing the necessary equipment, and then add to this the remuneration of workers, then the cost of the pool will not exceed 200 thousand rubles. At the same time, if the pool area does not exceed 15 sq. m., then this figure will be 2 times less.

Most often, entrepreneurs set a high margin, but their work is still in demand. As a rule, the purchase of the necessary tools costs 200 thousand rubles, so the start-up costs pay off quickly. It is possible to reduce the cost of pools due to the design of the bowl: it can be made of brick or wood, placed in a steel frame. Such a solution is possible with low walls.

Materials and works

To build a pool of standard sizes, 15 cubes of concrete and 30 mosaic squares are required. The option, which will optimally combine price and quality, will cost 60 thousand rubles: 1 cube of concrete costs about 3 thousand rubles, and a meter of mosaic - about 500 rubles. To this amount is added from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. for wages of workers, for equipment and net profit. And so the amount of 200 thousand rubles arises.

For wall cladding, you can also use a multilayer PVC film in combination with a reinforcing layer of textiles. Its cost is about $ 20 per square, but at the same time it is very convenient to lay. The film is highly practical, because. easy to clean and does not deteriorate under the influence of the sun. Mosaic also has its advantages: it has a more spectacular appearance, plus it fits on surfaces of any shape.

This is interesting: read our other articles -, and.

Special equipment for swimming pools

After the container is built, special equipment must be connected to it. Small pool up to 25 cubic meters. m. is equipped with filtering structures that purify water from visible contaminants. Water constantly passes through the filters and returns to the tank, being purified. In the return pipe, you can install a device for heating water, as well as an ultraviolet lamp or an ozonizer to kill germs. The total cost of the equipment is approximately 50 thousand rubles.

If the pool is built on the street, then it is necessary to install additional structures to protect the tank from dust, insects and small debris. Protective structures include shutters, awnings and enclosed pavilions. In most cases they are made of plastic. Saving on such facilities is not worth it: an uncovered pool gets dirty incredibly quickly. At the same time, the correct installation of the protective structure affects not only the cleanliness of the pool, it also increases the cost of the entire summer cottage (in case it is sold in the future).

Choosing the optimal configuration

In the arsenal of pool builders today there is everything that is necessary for effective work. This includes pool projects from various price categories. Equipment must be installed based on the financial capabilities of a particular customer.

The task of the entrepreneur is to offer the most optimal configuration within the specified budget. In some cases, the client's requests significantly exceed the budget, then it is necessary to provide him with a reasoned justification for the costs and encourage him to either reduce requests or increase the budget.

Search for customers

Clients can be found using various advertising resources: Internet space, own website, active promotion in the region, own connections. At the initial stage, you can work with a minimum margin, then it will be easier to attract the first customers. In the future, the construction of one swimming pool in a prestigious residential area can help attract customers from among the neighbors.

Swimming pools are also ordered by preschool institutions. A shallow design with a slide will appeal to parents who want to diversify their child's leisure time. To attract customers among the leaders of commercial kindergartens, you can shoot a good commercial. Private clinics with an orthopedic profile, gyms and saunas can also become clients.

For a business to flourish, a special approach to customers is necessary. A swimming pool is not a necessity, so one should be convinced of the need for its installation from the position of investing in one's own health. Swimming develops muscle strength, increases endurance and immunity. It is about these advantages that the client should repeatedly hear at the first meeting.


In the West, the pool is the third most important attribute of a successful person, after the house and personal transport. Americans have already experienced the link between swimming and good health. As the middle class forms in Russia, the demand for swimming pools will also grow.

Everyone loves to swim in the sea, but not every family will allow themselves such pleasure all year round. Of course, living near the sea has many pleasant advantages, but not everywhere there is a sea or other body of water. Yes, and you have to be a walrus to swim in the sea, river or lake in winter. Such extreme bathing will also affect health. But for lovers of water procedures, there is a way out of such a bad situation - a pool. Not only is it available at least every day of the year (if you build it not on the street, but inside), it will also help you maintain a healthy and athletic lifestyle! Thanks to the demand made for creating a kids swimming pool business plan, many entrepreneurs have their eyes set on the future of swimming pools - why not get into them.

There are not so many pools under the state wing, and they are ancient. In addition, their another disadvantage is the path to them. You need to get together, sculpt your will into a fist and go to the pool at the other end of the city. There is not always the strength and desire for this. Such a voyage will not have the highest percentage of quality, since you need to go back home. And after swimming, it is best to lie down and lie down - this is necessary for the spine. In addition, not everyone wants to be in a public pool because of their own complexes - it seems that everyone is considering you. And if you don’t know how to swim and are just starting to learn, then it becomes terribly ashamed. Yes, and a rather big subscription fee must be paid every month.

That is precisely why many people prefer to invest money in their pool once and never remember any difficulties again. But not everyone can afford it. What about those who live in apartments, for example? But if there is a small pool in the city or district - brand new and modern, and even with a small payment, then why not use this useful luxury.

For these reasons, any pool pays off. Of course, this can happen in a year, or maybe in 2-3, which is more likely. Swimming pools bring good profits to their owners. It will be enough 3 - 5 tracks 25 - 30 meters long. Both amateurs and athletes will be able to appreciate such a track. And the place will show high attendance, which will increase profits in the future.


It is very important before the construction of the pool to collect all the documents for the implementation of the finished pool business plan. First of all, this is a building permit from the local committee of architecture and construction. Often, paperwork takes even more time than construction work. But it is better to arrange everything first and be sure that there is permission.

Also, one should not forget to write in the example of a business plan for opening a pool such articles as concluding contracts with suppliers of water resources, heat and electricity. The plan will need to calculate and fix how much each meter will show per month.

It is quite possible to count on benefits and subsidies from government agencies. If the pool will have a direction in the development of physical education. Such advantages are very useful.


1000 square meters is the minimum required for an infant or adult pool. It's not worth regretting it. The room should have not only the king of everything himself - a pool, but also showers, a dressing room, and you can’t forget about a separate locker room for the floor.

The pool must meet the following criteria:

  • there must be pipes with a supply of cold and hot water; pipes must comply with standards;
  • the entire room must be treated so that the floor, ceiling and walls are water-repellent - so you do not have to do repairs too often, since moisture will not be absorbed into the walls, and they will not collapse quickly;
  • the room should be cozy and comfortable for visitors;
  • before arranging the installation of the pool itself, all additional (including decorative and finishing) work must be completed;
  • a sewer pipe is very necessary - you cannot forget about it.


Focusing on examples of a pool business plan, the cleanliness and comfort of the pool depends on the correctly selected and installed equipment. This is not just a pit with water, but a whole complex installation. The equipment should be on the issues of water circulation, its filtration and purification. These are the minimum requirements. Also, we must not forget about disinfection in the pool and in the room itself.

Such equipment for the pool will not affect the quality of the water, but will improve the quality of service and indoor comfort:

  • shower boxes;
  • equipment for determining water parameters;
  • bollards for jumping into the water;
  • separators on the water to separate the tracks;
  • air drying equipment;
  • ladders and handrails for the safety of customers, as the floor can be slippery from water;
  • lockers, shelves, benches and deck chairs for clients.


The premises should not be empty without supervisors. Staff is a very important item in a sample business plan with calculations. First, we need people who will monitor the quality of the water and clean the pool. Secondly, there must be a doctor or at least a nurse for any unforeseen dangerous case, since unpleasant situations often take place near the water. We also need different trainers: for beginners, for specialists, in aerobics and water gymnastics. We also need cloakroom attendants, cleaners, an accountant.

Additional services

The pool is not only for swimming. Here you can train in water yoga and aerobics. It will be necessary to negotiate with specialist trainers. You can also arrange a solarium, massage room, sauna. You can also arrange a cafe on the premises. Such additional services will require additional costs. We need people who will work there, a location, tools and equipment, additional financial resources. You will also need to do paperwork again, as some of these species require official permission. But it's worth it, because not only people will be pleased to be in such a recreation complex, they will invite their friends, and the entrepreneur's profit will grow steadily. The extra investment will quickly pay off.


By implementing the business plan of the pool, the revenue from it per month can be more than 200-300 thousand rubles. A subscription for a month costs an average of 6-10 thousand rubles.

A children's pool is a gold mine for an entrepreneur who aims not only to make fabulous profits, but also to provide services that are useful to the population. Statistics show that in almost every city in our country the demand for a swimming pool is twice the market supply.

  • Step-by-step plan for opening a children's pool
  • How much profit will the children's pool bring?
  • Room selection
  • To rent
  • Sublease of premises
  • Build your own swimming pool
  • New Opportunities - Leasing
  • What equipment to choose?
  • Repair work
  • Selection of employees for work
  • What documents are needed to open a children's pool?
  • How to choose OKVED for this business?
  • The choice of tax regime, taking into account the specifics of the business
  • Advertising
  • How much money do you need to start?

Before making the final decision to start a business, determine its overall focus. You need to understand exactly how to develop further and what steps to take. Questions to consider during the planning stage:

  • Will the pool be recreational or recreational? In the wellness center, they work with children, teach them swimming skills. The entertainment pool is slides, games in water, free swimming.
  • An independent swimming pool or an extension to an existing sports and recreation complex?

The pool can be a separate project of your own or an addition to an existing complex, with which you will need to enter into cooperation. Both options have their pros and cons.

If you are an independent figure, you do not need to coordinate your actions with someone and agree on something. However, you will have to increase the advertising budget in order to promote the “new place”. Also, let's not forget about the complex system for obtaining permits.

Step-by-step plan for opening a children's pool

Any successful business is first implemented on paper and then implemented. That is why it is worth paying close attention to compiling a step-by-step list of actions. Take this stage of development of your project especially seriously.

Let's highlight the main points that should not be overlooked:

  • The choice of premises for the device of the pool.
  • Furnishing equipment.
  • Equipment installation, repair work.
  • Selection of qualified personnel.
  • Obtaining permits.
  • Advertising.

As you can see, there is a lot of work to be done. Work through each item of the plan, then the business performance will pleasantly surprise you.

Let's analyze each point separately to make a full-fledged analysis.

How much profit will the children's pool bring?

There is no universal answer to the question of how much an entrepreneur who decides to open his own children's pool will earn. Its profit depends on a huge number of objective factors and the ability to organize a profitable business.

To answer the question about the potential income of the organizer of this area of ​​commercial activity, we take the following indicators:

  • The monthly attendance of the pool is 500-700 children.
  • The cost of a subscription for a month is 2500 rubles.
  • The cost of one lesson is 300 rubles.
  • 70% of clients buy subscriptions, 30% visit the pool not systematically.
  • In addition to the children's pool, additional services are provided on its material base (massage, sauna, manicure, solarium, etc.).

Based on the above indicators, it is not difficult to calculate the main economic results of this business. Small visitors with a monthly subscription will bring about 1 million rubles. Children who visit the pool from time to time will leave about 300 thousand at the box office. Additional sources of profit - this is another plus 800 thousand to the main revenue. The total gross income of your complex will be 2,200 thousand rubles. The sum of all costs, including mandatory payments to the country's budget, is 1.7-1.9 million, that is, your net profit is 300-500 thousand rubles. per month.