
Celebration of the 55th anniversary of the woman. Scenarios. Comic gifts from colleagues

So this day is coming when your friend turns exactly 55 years old. It is impossible not to notice such a date, and it should be celebrated in such a way that all guests gasp! Already know how you will do it? The new script for the anniversary of 55 years for a woman is a cool script that is already ready to be held. You can take it in its entirety or which parts you liked the most. Watch the scenario with contests and games, and spend it at work or at home with your family.

Anniversary meeting.

Dear friends! Dear guests!
I hasten to inform you that today you came not just for a holiday, but for the anniversary of your friend, girlfriend and relative - (name of the hero of the day).
Today she turned, you know, it’s not customary to talk about the age of women out loud, so let it be a little secret that is known to each of you.
And now I ask you to choose one balloon at a time, any color. Have you chosen? So, let's see. Well, what can I say - you all chose such bright, such iridescent colors that we have no right to postpone the start of the holiday. And so we begin!

The guests are seated at the tables.

Is everyone seated? Do you know why you came here and what you will do? Yes, that's right - we came to have fun and celebrate the wonderful date of our friend. And in order not to break the rules, let me read the bylaws for tonight. Pa after you each sign it and give it to the hero of the day for safekeeping.

Evening charter:

Well, once the charter is signed, it's time to start implementing it. Does everyone have glasses? Then the first toast to ... but first a small digression.
A princess lived in a castle. And three grooms came to woo her. Each of them had to spend the night with the princess. After the first night they ask the princess - how is it? She answers - so-so. And the first groom was put in jail. After the second night, they ask - how is the second one? Yes, so-so - the princess answers. And they threw him into the dungeon. After the third night they ask - well, now? Now it's divine! - said the princess and blossomed! But the third one was thrown into the dungeon anyway. For what - he was indignant - after all, everything was divine ?! And for the company - said the rest.
Well, guess what our toast is for? Yes, for our cheerful and friendly company at this table!

A game.
Friends! We communicate with you, it seems like we already drank, but we haven’t really met yet. Can we fix the situation? Great. Only I suggest you get acquainted in the Indian language. You know that Indians don't have names like we do. They have sort of nicknames. Here I have a table of Indian nicknames, let's try to get acquainted with it.

This table will help you here:

As you can see, it has nicknames that Indians usually give to each other. It is easy to use, and you will spend this block in such a way that all the guests will laugh heartily.

And so, we met in a comic form, laughed, and now let's get to know each other for real. And again we will do it in a playful way, only in a dance form.

Block - getting to know the guests.
For this block, you need to pre-cut the songs, where there are names. And turn them on in turn, and the guests, when they hear a song with their name, go to the center. So that they do not just go out, tell them that they will receive a gift for the best and most original exit.
Example songs with names:
- Pink roses to Svetka Sokolova.
- Natasha, Natasha, you are my heart and soul.
- Kolyan dances the best.
And so on. There are a huge number of songs with names, you just need to know the names of the guests in advance in order to prepare the necessary cuts.

After everyone left, we arrange a dance break, and play a little.

And so, we are all on the dance floor. And now is the time to show who dances and how. To do this, I will divide you into two teams: on the right is the older generation team (who are over 40 years old). And on the left is a new generation team (those under 40).

The music competition is a battle of generations.
First, music from the 80s is turned on and those who are over 40 are dancing to it. Then a modern song is turned on and those who are under 40 are dancing. This is done 3 times, after which a draw is announced and a groovy song (for example, lambada) is turned on and everyone dances together.

And now I have a surprise for you. I was informed that the postman Pechkin came to visit us! Let's meet him!

Pechkin comes out.

Hello Pechkin!

Good evening. I brought you a telegram from myself (points up), but I won’t give it to you. And not because you have no documents, but because you are all drunk!

So it's our anniversary, how can we not be drunk?

No, according to the instructions, I am not supposed to send telegrams from myself (again points up with his finger) to people like you.

Stop, Pechkin. Since you've come, sit down with us. Drink for the hero of the day. Look how beautiful she is!

It's possible, I'm a little tired from the road.

Pechkin sits down at the table and they pour him a drink and give him a snack.

Well, Pechkin, has it become more fun?

Yes, much better. Okay, I picked up something, I'll give you a telegram.

He hands the presenter the following telegram:

Thank you, Pechkin. Let me read it.

The host reads out a telegram from Putin and gives it to the hero of the day.

After such a gift, you must definitely drink!

All guests drink.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about the golden fish? Would you like to catch the same goldfish that will grant your three wishes? Then let's catch it.

The game block is a goldfish.
For this game, you need to make and cut out fish from cardboard in advance. They are all the same, you can make them different and color them. But only one fish will be gold (it must be yellow or stand out from the rest). We put all the fish in a bag. And each guest in turn takes out one fish. Whoever takes out the goldfish wins and has the right to three wishes. But since today is the anniversary, all three wishes will be dedicated to our hero of the day.
Wishes for the hero of the day.
Here you again need to make cards on which wishes will be written. The one who took out the goldfish takes out three wish cards.
Examples of wishes for cards:
- let the closest relative of the hero of the day say a beautiful toast.
- let (son. Daughter) of the hero of the day say a toast in honor of his mother, and in this toast the word - anniversary will appear three times!
- let the hero of the day choose any item from the table and leave it for herself as a keepsake of this holiday.
- let my neighbors on the left and right on the table sing a congratulatory song in unison.
- let each guest come up to the hero of the day and hug her.
- I want everyone to shout loudly: congratulations!

Something we missed. Isn't it time for us to sing?

The song is an alteration to the motive of the song - the blue carriage runs and sways.

And now I ask you to look at the hero of the day. Is she really good? Yes, and now we will see this again. I ask our hero of the day to go to the center. Look at her - beautiful, slender, unique and ... what am I saying, let the hero of the day herself say everything.

The hero of the day reads the text and shows it all artistically.

Great! Do you agree with what the hero of the day read? Then let's raise our glasses and drink to our hero of the day again!

Time flies fast and it's time to say goodbye. But we'll see you again soon. After all, a new anniversary is just around the corner! See you!

A birthday celebration is a solemn and fun event that can’t do without skits on a 55-year-old woman’s anniversary, and interesting and incendiary scenarios can be diversified by many contests in a humorous style. Older ladies understand humor and jokes, so they will appreciate the effort to make the holiday brighter and more fun. In addition, they have a self-irony that has formed over the years, they are distinguished by a humorous disposition. A biting joke will be appreciated.

Holiday Options

As many costumes as possible!

Anniversary of 55 years is a case when life gives the birthday girl a double "excellent" - for everything experienced and passed, for all the achievements and conquered peaks. I want to celebrate such a birthday as best and interesting as possible. Humor is indispensable here. And he is present just in scenes with dressing up, fairy tale scenes, competitions - drinking and dancing.

Women who have become grandmothers by the age of fifty-five love to listen and sing not only ditties and drinking songs to the accordion. Funny humorous numbers will make the hero of the day sincerely laugh heartily. It is good if the whole interesting and incendiary scenario is recorded on video, so that the birthday girl is surprised at the ingenuity of her friends and delights her heart every time she watches it. The warmest memories will be associated with the holiday.

Moderator: Hello dear guests! Hello, dear birthday girl, (Name)!

Why are there so many people?!
All friends gathered here
For a well-deserved rest
They came to congratulate you.

Today we, in a friendly cheerful company, decided to congratulate the hero of the day.

Fifty-five - but is that a lot?
Let them say "everything is lived" - do not believe
While we live, what was, is - everything is alive.
When else will life slam the door for us.
You still have a lot to do,
Live long, wisely and beautifully!
And I want to raise the first glass for our hero of the occasion.
You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light on earth that never goes out.

Leading: And now I want to give the floor for congratulations to the director of our team.

If you liked this scenario, then any of our toastmasters for the anniversary will hold your banquet in one of the restaurants in Moscow according to this scenario, and a professional photographer and videographer will gladly organize the photography of the anniversary and the video of the anniversary. Also at your service decoration of the hall , decoration of the hall and any artists . All these services will be provided to you by our "Banquet-Moscow", the main task of which is and.

Director: Dear Lyudmila Mironovna!

From the bottom of my heart with great respect
Please accept our congratulations today.
We are happy to congratulate you and wish you
All also to work, all also to dare.
Do not grow old in soul and outwardly
To be blooming as before.
Keep the spark of the soul, live, still love.
Be beautiful as always to you for many years.

(A memento is given.)

You cried when you were born
And everyone was laughing...

But indeed, we had a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have a little mind, therefore, so that they don’t puff out their ears, they don’t bake their heads, and also so that extra thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap. (The host puts a cap on the hero of the day.) And you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them, so that this does not happen, we give her an apron. (The host puts on an apron for the hero of the day.) And I also want to add to the above that little pensioners get upset for any reason, they have nothing to do, they worry about everyone, so their eyes are often wet. To prevent our pensioner from crying, we decided to give her a dummy. (The host gives a dummy on a scarlet ribbon. A cap is sewn in advance for an adult and an apron.)

Host: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot to do!
Presenter: (helping to take off the bonnet, apron and dummy): Well, she is fed, she doesn’t blow anywhere and most importantly she won’t cry. And now I propose to give colleagues the opportunity to congratulate Lyudmila Mironovna.

Congratulations from colleagues

We congratulate you on a significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And many sincere friends in life.
Anniversary is a special day
Where summed up mentally.
What could be wrong sometime,
What is expensive, certainly saved.
We congratulate you wholeheartedly
And we want to wish you happiness
Let in your home climate,
There will never be bad weather.
We do not give the birthday girl
No headsets, no rings,
Surely you will receive warmer,
Greetings from friendly hearts.

(Presenting a gift. Here it is possible for one of the colleagues to tell how he met the hero of the day, remember an interesting case at work, etc.) (The host announces a break, filling it with games, attractions. During the break, those present are given verses that are printed.)

Leading: "New" pensioners came to visit us for congratulations.

We came to this house
Wish you many years
You accept from us Lyudmila
Our pioneer greetings.

Just think,
Everyone is retiring
And now we will tell you
How do you live in retirement?

We wish you much happiness
This evening and forever.
Less clouds, rain, bad weather,
Luda is a nice person.

Worked a lot
All the hard work was not in vain,
That's for it dear
You have been given a pension.

We want more grandchildren
Don't age too long
If the son and daughter are not open,
Then you Luda will be a heroine grandmother.

You have become richer
Poverty does not return
Thank you very much Putin
Takes care of everyone.

You will sit at home
Will you miss, grow old,
When you sing in the choir
You will instantly look younger.

Don't be sad, don't be sad
There is no return to those past days,
Smile always and everywhere
And don't go to the doctors.

I would go to work
I'm tired of sitting
But I'm afraid of taxes
Better at home - I'll make a break.

God grant that everything is fine,
Always behave yourself
Do not get sick, do not lose heart
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly
Never grow old
All men like it.

Host: Since we are talking about men, I want to introduce you to a man who fell in love with our Lyudochka many years ago and is still a support and shoulder in family life for Lyuda. So, the word to the wife of the hero of the day.

congratulations from husband

heartily generously
You light up everyone
Cloudy smile
You endow the day.
So let it be with you
Occurs more often
Simple earthly
So necessary happiness.
Always young and
Be perky
About being a grandmother
Forget to think.
Fun and joy
Anytime and anywhere,
Best wishes
I wish you.

Thank you for finding words at the right moment that please, console, idolize me. I want to drink for what you are!

Host: And now comes the solemn moment. From all of the above, the council of pensioners allows you, Lyudmila Mironovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this, you must take an oath.

Birthday girl: I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues, husband and children, solemnly swear: fervently with the heat of my heart to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the obligations of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in spite of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

(The text of the oath must be printed in advance. Also here you can give a comic pass to the party of pensioners with a photo and a seal.)

Presenter: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with duties and rights.

Responsibilities: Get up, wash. Sit down, eat.
receive guests,
Don't forget friends.
Put the brazhonka for distillation.
Do sports this year.
Be ready for defense and work.

Rights: When I want - then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie down.
And if I want to, I'll drink it.
I will go where I want.
When I want - then I sleep.
Whoever I want, I love.

(You can propose a toast to the new "pass".)

Host: With all our hearts we wish you happiness
And let it be joyful every hour.
Let misfortunes pass you by,
May your children and grandchildren love you more.

So, I give the floor to the children of Lyudmila Mironovna.

On this day, dear mother,
Accept congratulations from us, from children.
For us, as before, you are the most important,
Although we have become a little older.
You are the kindest woman in the world
There is nowhere in the world more beautiful eyes,
And your hands are like huge wings,
Always protect us from harm.
Years have passed, the head has turned gray,
Many worries and worries behind
But what's the matter with age,
If a hot heart in the chest.

(A gift is given from the children.)

Host: And now I propose to move on to dancing, outdoor games.

(While the dances are going on, the host of the game brings in a large box, for example, from under the TV, which says "Package". And also brings in telegrams.)

Host: Now, while everyone was having fun, the postman Pechkin came. As you probably guess, telegrams and even a parcel came to the address of the hero of the day. He himself refused to come in, as he was afraid that the bicycle would be stolen and trusted me to read the telegrams.

Hello grandma, don't be sad
We're out of candy, mind you
I made a bow, I dry my socks,
I've been writing a letter to you for two days
And on the window there is a sparrow,
All right, I'm done.

Your grandson Sergei.

Moscow, Ministry of Finance.
Budget in deep deficit
Do not look for money in the Ministry of Finance,
Send me a translation
Yes, the Duma does not give money. Are you 55?
And you are fervent!
Happy birthday to you!

Saint Petersburg.
I send greetings from Petersburg,
I wish Luda many more years.
Here I would like your young age,
I would make a mess.
Love, Peace, Success
I wish you a happy anniversary.

USA, Washington.
All borders have been erased between us,
My words fly like birds.
Our States congratulate you,
You try to live richly,
Don't go for impeachment
Health to you, good luck and food!
I sip a glass for you. Happy anniversary to you.
Clinton Bill

Moscow, Headquarters of the LDPR.
Yes, definitely on this day.
Even the stump is obliged to love.
I wish you all the best,
Even though it won't be cheap.
Well, for starters, for example,
You all join the Liberal Democratic Party.
Sorry if the humor is flat.
Happy anniversary!

(Each gift must be accompanied by an instruction. The hero of the day opens the package, shows the gift and reads the instruction to everyone.)

So that there is happiness in the house,
So that you love all your relatives,
To make the house a full bowl,
Take a porridge pot as a souvenir.

Our hero of the day Luda,
Lived with her husband so that they would be in harmony
Take the frying pan from us.

To keep good, warm,
Lyuda, drink wine skillfully,
You know your limit
Don't grab an extra cup
The sobering-up station decided to help
He gave his gift
He will remind
How much should be taken. (Thimble.)

Throw an Orenburg downy shawl on your shoulders, dear. (A piece of gauze.)
To know everything in the world, newspapers should be read. (Newspaper.)

After a glass of snack
The matter is very important
Here, Lyuda, instead of a sleeve
Paper napkin.

(Colleagues can also bring the parcel and read the text for all the gifts themselves.)

Leading: Be beautiful all the time -
And soul and myself,
Be loved all the time -
Both winter and spring.
Do not bow rowan,
If there is trouble.
stay happy
On this day and always.

Host: And now I want to give the answer to the hero of the day.

(The hero of the day thanks the guests.)

Host: Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a few songs for the hero of the day.

(The lyrics are printed and reproduced in advance. Distribute to guests.)

to the tune of "Wonderful Neighbor"

We are gathered here today
All at the festive table.
We congratulate Lyudmila
Happy anniversary this day.
You, my dear, are so beautiful
Both today and always.
And most importantly, of course,
You are the kindest soul.

Chorus: Pam-pam, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pam-pam,

And we wish you
Be healthy forever
And don't know about hospitals -
Except sometimes.
Get hot, get wet
Morning, evening and afternoon.
And do not doubt in your family -
We will still come to you.

to the melody of V. Solovyov-Sedoy "It's time to hit the road"

Tonight, tonight, tonight
A pleasant duty fell on our shoulders.
We salute Lyudmila
At this festive table,
And now we will sing this song for her.

Chorus: Oh, dear Luda,
We can't, we can't help but love you.
Same as Ludmila

We like Luda, like, like,
And she is rightfully famous for her kindness.
And on this day, and at this hour
Any of us will confirm you
That our hero of the day is just a class!

Chorus: Oh, people's hands
They know how to wash the floor, cook soup, plant a garden.
Same as Ludmila
Nowhere and never can be.

We are brave guests, brave, brave,
We are very happy to congratulate you on your birthday.
Now for the people of the year we will drink once and drink two,
But not to have a headache tomorrow.

(The evening ends with songs, dances.)

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! According to the good old tradition, we have gathered here today to celebrate the anniversary of ______ in a solemn, festive atmosphere!

Everyone greets the hero of the occasion, who sits at the head of the table.


Anniversary - what a word!

It's a holiday, it's a celebration!

This is joy and warmth in your house!

Friends and employees, not sparing words,

They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!

You are full of light and joy, happiness,

Your advice is important and necessary to us.

Your family loves and appreciates you

Colleagues and true friends of yours.

We all wish you health and strength,

So that youth, happiness, luck, success

Fate has always given you without interference!

The girlfriends of the hero of the day come up to her, sing a congratulation to the motive of the song "Snowfall".

You haven't had time to drink your autumn yet,

And already your anniversary has crept up and is waiting.

He threw gray hair and wrinkles a little,

It will bring you more surprises!


Anniversary, anniversary, this is not old age at all,

This mature beauty is a grateful dawn!

So let's pour glasses and drink for joy,

And hours of fun will fly by like a moment!

Wishes today let them flow like a river.

Be a beloved wife and loved by children.

For friends and acquaintances, prepare a feast.

Everyone will come to the holiday, do not forget - invite!


And we also wish you, dear,

Many years and good luck big-very big.

So that there is joy and happiness in your house,

And the trouble would have bypassed him!


Leading. The word is given to the employees of the hero of the day.

Employee. It was a long time ago: ... years ago. No, no, I'm not starting to tell you a fairy tale. I want to tell you about our hero of the day! So, ... years ago, a young, very modest, very pretty girl, a graduate of ... an institute, crossed the threshold of our institution. This was our dear hero of the day. True, her name was then simply ... They hired her for a position ... And since then she has grown heart and soul to her beloved work. How much love you need to have for your profession, what kind of heart is it to carry this very difficult, difficult burden for so many years, never betraying yourself.

Leading. Dear...!

Accept in the color of years

Our warm, cordial greetings,

And without hiding our feelings,

We will raise our bowls for you!

Leading. Expensive...! Cheburashka came to our light and, having learned that it was an anniversary, he wanted to congratulate you.

A young man with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka's, sings a song to the tune of Gena's Crocodile Songs ("Let them run clumsily ...").

We didn't come in vain

It's clear to everyone

And sit down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave a memory

This song that we will sing!


Let the years not age you

In life, be in front of everyone

Sorry, birthday

Only once a year!

Anniversary, friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us stronger wine!

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

For your solemn anniversary!


We all congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay the same:

Modest, kind and sweet,

patient, beautiful...

We cannot count all your virtues.


Leading. There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to congratulate the hero of the day. And first we will give the floor to the director, our esteemed...

The Director reads out and presents a welcome address and a gift.



On your anniversary, we wish you prosperity.

And health for many years.

We wish you good luck on your anniversary

And great happiness to boot.

So that the sun always shines on you

So that the heart of the worthy loves,

So that grief, adversity and trouble

Turned into a coveted victory.

Leading. The staff of the institution where you have worked for so many years has always been distinguished by stability in personnel matters, it has always been and remains always a single, welded organism, friendly and efficient. And today he congratulates you!

The team sings a congratulation to the motive of the song "I'm standing at a half-station."

Friends and relatives sit

Sparkling wine flows

And there is a long way behind.

Greetings are spoken.

Where, are you cherished years?

What has passed cannot be returned.

As a token of our attention

Accept wishes,

To the joy of all live for many years.

Let the years, like a blizzard,

All gray hairs creep

And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness to you,

Unchanging success,

We wish you lots of luck.

Good health to you

Hope and personal happiness,

Let youth not leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten

And all wishes will come true

And may there never be grief!

Love if you love

Live the way you want

And always be cheerful!

Employees give the hero of the day a gift.

Leading. I give the floor to the rest of the guests for congratulations and presenting gifts. (After congratulations.) In honor of our celebration, a large gold medal was cast, let me present it to the hero of the occasion.

Gives a comic (chocolate or painted) medal.

Leading. Dear guests of our holiday! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to her. But not everyone present congratulated her. The floor is given to the husband.

The congratulations of the spouse sound. Then the host invites the guests to play, conducts a block of games (optional, see the appendix).



You can't get away from anniversaries in life,

They will overtake everyone like birds,

But the main thing is to carry through the years

The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth.

You have an anniversary today.

We sincerely congratulate you!

And in life we ​​wish the main thing:

Health, happiness, joy

And up to a hundred years without old age!

All guests sing the song "Great".


We had a nice walk at your holiday.

Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday.

So be healthy, live richly,

And we are leaving home, to the hut!



Guests are reminded of the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to compose and tell new versions - in the genre of detective story, love story, tragedy, thriller, etc.

The winner is determined by the guests with the help of applause.

Who is this?

Take each piece of paper and draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Bend the sheet so that the drawing is not visible - only the tip of the neck. And pass the drawing to a neighbor. Each participant in the game had a new sheet with an image that he had not seen. Everyone draws the upper part of the torso, again “hides” the drawing and passes it on to the neighbor in order to draw the limbs on the new sheet received. Now expand all the drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them.

Telephonist competition

Two groups of 10-12 people playing are seated in two parallel rows. The host selects an unpronounceable tongue twister and tells it (in secret) to the first in each team. At the signal of the leader, the first in the row begin to pass it to the ear of the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received a “telephone message”, must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that will quickly pass the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative will pronounce it more accurately and better.

Tongue Twisters

Tell me about the purchase. About what about the purchase? About the purchase, about the purchase, about your purchase.

Forty-forty ate cheese with a beautiful red crust, forty-forty flew together in a short time and sat down under a hill.

She traded Praskovya carp for three pairs of purebred piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

He reported, but did not report, but began to report - he reported.

Our chebotar is a chebotar for all chebotar, no one can change our chebotar.

Broken phone

Everyone sits in a row. The left extreme whispers something to his neighbor's ear, he goes further. The right extreme says aloud what has reached him. The one who started, reports what exactly he wanted to convey. Sometimes distortions are very funny. After each “call”, you need to change seats so that everyone can visit the ends of the “wire”.


Participants are invited to compose a story from the titles of newspaper articles, cut out and fixed on cards.


Each of the players chooses a name for themselves by the name of one of the kitchen items, for example, a plate, fork, knife, poker, etc. One of the players begins to ask about a variety of objects from their environment, about himself, about the interlocutor (his external appearance, habits, affections, etc.). For example: “What do you have instead of eyes?” Or: “Who do you kiss most often?” or: “What do you like to treat guests to?” or "What stimulates your appetite the most?" The main task of the driver is to put such a question, the answer to which involuntarily causes laughter both from a particular interlocutor and from all the players. The person answering the questions should resort, when answering, to only one word - to the name by which he introduced himself - fork, knife, etc. Additionally, only prepositions are allowed. The one who laughs is out of the game.

To hold this competition, it is necessary to record the soundtrack of the introductions to TV commercials in advance and invite the participants to continue the text, which, in their opinion, sounds after the musical intro. The most knowledgeable receive prizes - those things, objects, the advertisements of which they know by heart. For this competition, it is better to have soundtracks of those TV commercials that have already been forgotten a little.


Players are given tickets - cards with the names of cities - this is the destination. The “conductor” (leader) asks: “Do you know what country this city is in?” If the owner of the "ticket" with the named city answers correctly, his "ticket" is "composted". The winner is the one with the most "composted tickets".

Literary critics

Participants of the competition are read episodes or quotes, or individual phrases from some literary work. Participants must choose from a variety of books the one about which, in their opinion, is being discussed. The first one to give the correct answer wins the title.


This game will help to get to know all your guests. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of toilet paper in a circle. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.


All participants sit around the table, on sofas and armchairs. Each participant chooses a name for himself from two syllables, with an emphasis on the first (for example, Ka-tya, Sa-nya, Bird-ka, Ryb-ka). The leader (a person with a good sense of rhythm) sets the pace, everyone supports him by clapping his palms on the table, knees, etc. The initial pace is one clapping per second. The leader says his name twice, then twice the name of any other person (“Katya, Katya - Petya, Petya”) - one name for one clap. After that, the person whose name is called must also say his name twice, someone else's name twice. The pace gradually increases. There should be no pauses; a name should be pronounced for each clap. If someone goes astray, then some cool nickname is assigned to him - "Brake", "Chukcha", "Woodpecker" - and after that he can no longer be called Petya, Katya, but only a new name. For the third time, the wrong one is out of the game. It becomes more fun when the pace increases to just crazy, and all the participants have new interesting names.


The host distributes to everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pen (pencil, felt-tip pen, etc.). After that, writing begins. The facilitator asks the first question: “Who?”. The players write the answer to it in their sheets (the options may be different, to whom it comes into their heads). Then they fold the sheet so that the inscription is not visible and pass the sheet to their neighbor on the right. The facilitator asks a second question, for example: "Where?". The players again write an answer to it and again fold the sheet in the above way, and again pass the sheet. This is repeated as many times as desired, until the host runs out of imagination for questions. The meaning of the game is that each player, answering the last question, does not see the results of previous answers. After the end of the questions, the sheets are collected by the host, unfolded, and the resulting essays are read out. It turns out very funny stories, with the most unexpected characters (from all kinds of animals to close friends) and plot twists. The main thing for the facilitator is to successfully choose the sequence of questions so that the resulting story is coherent.

So this day is coming when your friend turns exactly 55 years old. It is impossible not to notice such a date, and it should be celebrated in such a way that all guests gasp! Already know how you will do it? The new script for the anniversary of 55 years for a woman is a cool script that is already ready to be held. You can take it in its entirety or which parts you liked the most. Watch the scenario with contests and games, and spend it at work or at home with your family.

Anniversary meeting.

Dear friends! Dear guests!
I hasten to inform you that today you came not just for a holiday, but for the anniversary of your friend, girlfriend and relative - (name of the hero of the day).
Today she turned, you know, it’s not customary to talk about the age of women out loud, so let it be a little secret that is known to each of you.
And now I ask you to choose one balloon at a time, any color. Have you chosen? So, let's see. Well, what can I say - you all chose such bright, such iridescent colors that we have no right to postpone the start of the holiday. And so we begin!

The guests are seated at the tables.

Is everyone seated? Do you know why you came here and what you will do? Yes, that's right - we came to have fun and celebrate the wonderful date of our friend. And in order not to break the rules, let me read the bylaws for tonight. Pa after you each sign it and give it to the hero of the day for safekeeping.

Evening charter:

Well, once the charter is signed, it's time to start implementing it. Does everyone have glasses? Then the first toast to ... but first a small digression.
A princess lived in a castle. And three grooms came to woo her. Each of them had to spend the night with the princess. After the first night they ask the princess - how is it? She answers - so-so. And the first groom was put in jail. After the second night, they ask - how is the second one? Yes, so-so - the princess answers. And they threw him into the dungeon. After the third night they ask - well, now? Now it's divine! - said the princess and blossomed! But the third one was thrown into the dungeon anyway. For what - he was indignant - after all, everything was divine ?! And for the company - said the rest.
Well, guess what our toast is for? Yes, for our cheerful and friendly company at this table!

A game.
Friends! We communicate with you, it seems like we already drank, but we haven’t really met yet. Can we fix the situation? Great. Only I suggest you get acquainted in the Indian language. You know that Indians don't have names like we do. They have sort of nicknames. Here I have a table of Indian nicknames, let's try to get acquainted with it.

This table will help you here:

As you can see, it has nicknames that Indians usually give to each other. It is easy to use, and you will spend this block in such a way that all the guests will laugh heartily.

And so, we met in a comic form, laughed, and now let's get to know each other for real. And again we will do it in a playful way, only in a dance form.

Block - getting to know the guests.
For this block, you need to pre-cut the songs, where there are names. And turn them on in turn, and the guests, when they hear a song with their name, go to the center. So that they do not just go out, tell them that they will receive a gift for the best and most original exit.
Example songs with names:
- Pink roses to Svetka Sokolova.
- Natasha, Natasha, you are my heart and soul.
- Kolyan dances the best.
And so on. There are a huge number of songs with names, you just need to know the names of the guests in advance in order to prepare the necessary cuts.

After everyone left, we arrange a dance break, and play a little.

And so, we are all on the dance floor. And now is the time to show who dances and how. To do this, I will divide you into two teams: on the right is the older generation team (who are over 40 years old). And on the left is a new generation team (those under 40).

The music competition is a battle of generations.
First, music from the 80s is turned on and those who are over 40 are dancing to it. Then a modern song is turned on and those who are under 40 are dancing. This is done 3 times, after which a draw is announced and a groovy song (for example, lambada) is turned on and everyone dances together.

And now I have a surprise for you. I was informed that the postman Pechkin came to visit us! Let's meet him!

Pechkin comes out.

Hello Pechkin!

Good evening. I brought you a telegram from myself (points up), but I won’t give it to you. And not because you have no documents, but because you are all drunk!

So it's our anniversary, how can we not be drunk?

No, according to the instructions, I am not supposed to send telegrams from myself (again points up with his finger) to people like you.

Stop, Pechkin. Since you've come, sit down with us. Drink for the hero of the day. Look how beautiful she is!

It's possible, I'm a little tired from the road.

Pechkin sits down at the table and they pour him a drink and give him a snack.

Well, Pechkin, has it become more fun?

Yes, much better. Okay, I picked up something, I'll give you a telegram.

He hands the presenter the following telegram:

Thank you, Pechkin. Let me read it.

The host reads out a telegram from Putin and gives it to the hero of the day.

After such a gift, you must definitely drink!

All guests drink.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about the golden fish? Would you like to catch the same goldfish that will grant your three wishes? Then let's catch it.

The game block is a goldfish.
For this game, you need to make and cut out fish from cardboard in advance. They are all the same, you can make them different and color them. But only one fish will be gold (it must be yellow or stand out from the rest). We put all the fish in a bag. And each guest in turn takes out one fish. Whoever takes out the goldfish wins and has the right to three wishes. But since today is the anniversary, all three wishes will be dedicated to our hero of the day.
Wishes for the hero of the day.
Here you again need to make cards on which wishes will be written. The one who took out the goldfish takes out three wish cards.
Examples of wishes for cards:
- let the closest relative of the hero of the day say a beautiful toast.
- let (son. Daughter) of the hero of the day say a toast in honor of his mother, and in this toast the word - anniversary will appear three times!
- let the hero of the day choose any item from the table and leave it for herself as a keepsake of this holiday.
- let my neighbors on the left and right on the table sing a congratulatory song in unison.
- let each guest come up to the hero of the day and hug her.
- I want everyone to shout loudly: congratulations!

Something we missed. Isn't it time for us to sing?

The song is an alteration to the motive of the song - the blue carriage runs and sways.

And now I ask you to look at the hero of the day. Is she really good? Yes, and now we will see this again. I ask our hero of the day to go to the center. Look at her - beautiful, slender, unique and ... what am I saying, let the hero of the day herself say everything.

The hero of the day reads the text and shows it all artistically.

Great! Do you agree with what the hero of the day read? Then let's raise our glasses and drink to our hero of the day again!

Time flies fast and it's time to say goodbye. But we'll see you again soon. After all, a new anniversary is just around the corner! See you!