
Funny script for 50 years. Scenario of the Golden Jubilee of a woman (50 years). Congratulations from colleagues and friends

Scenario ANNIVERSARY 50 years of a woman

1st speech:
Oh, you are the guests, gentlemen,
We called you here
So that you do not dare to be bored,
Allow me to begin.

I hope from the bottom of my heart
Let's have fun.
We will start our feast honestly
We ask everyone to sit down.

Good evening dear guests, ladies and gentlemen!
We are glad to see you all this evening at our festive table!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tanya (Although of course you all know me!). Today in this hall I will play the role of a host or simply toastmaster.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Since I was instructed to play the role of toastmaster today, I suggest that my sons Maxim and Pavel take on the duties of analysts! Ask what they will do in this role? The answer is simple:
They will check, WHETHER IS FILLED with everyone ...
Dear men, please take care of the guests!
And while the men took up the bottles in an organized manner, I will tell you a short anecdote:

Emergency call:
- Hello! Ambulance? Come urgently! Student hostel number 5, building 2, room 36!
- And what happened?
- Here we have an emergency! The company gathered... and one student swallowed a corkscrew!
- Okay, let's go.
After a while, another call to the ambulance:
- Hello! We called you about an emergency! Well... that our comrade swallowed a corkscrew. You don't have to come anymore! ... We opened the bottle like that!
And since the bottles are open, the glasses are filled and there is no need to call an ambulance, I suggest you take the glasses in your hands!

In January, when it's cold and hard frost,
There are different amazing demand for holidays.
Someone is happy for the Magician's Day, someone for the Day of Revival,
We are celebrating my mother's birthday today.
I sincerely welcome the assembled guests,
And I am happy to open my mother's anniversary!

May this day go down in history forever
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let them carelessly,
No one, I hope, will leave sad from the anniversary.
To start the celebration, as expected,
You are all invited to drink for Tanya

Drink and eat

2nd speech:
Dear guests! With all my heart I wish you bon appetit and good mood
There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to congratulate the hero of the day, I will give everyone the floor…………………………...

There is such a wonderful anecdote!
The child is asked:
Whom do you love more, dad or mom?
“I won’t tell you,” the child answers and adds: “Otherwise dad will be offended!”

Today, to our Anniversary, all guests will not only wish happiness and prosperity, but also confess their love from the bottom of their hearts! And don't let your husband get offended!

And now we're waiting for all the words
From native, dear,
From the one who has been around for years
Who is not afraid of any adversity.
Behind him, like behind a stone wall,
This is Tannin, my dear husband!

Listened and drank

3rd speech:
And now the sons
Warm words without regret
Hurry to congratulate mom in honor of the anniversary

Our dear mother,
These tender lines are for you.
The cutest and most beautiful
The best on this earth.

Let sorrows not enter your house,
Let sickness go away.
We would put the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.

But even that wouldn't be enough.
To repay your kindness
All our life, our dear mother,
Indebted to you.

Thank you, dear, for raising
For not asking for anything in return.
What grief and joy dividing in half,
In everything, you wished us the best.

Beautiful, caring, gently tender,
We need you every day and forever!

Listened and drank

4th speech:
We are our festive banquet
Further we continue
Refresh all guests
We are happy to offer.
Eat guests heartily
Dishes are very good

As a toastmaster and so far the only daughter-in-law, allow me to say solemn congratulations:

There are apt French
Gold words:
"If youth knew
If old age could."

But there is a plot
In the middle of the road
When experience and strength
They can walk side by side.

This age is happy
They combine
Two great words:
"more" and "already".

So live in this time
Easy and nice:
Everything is still available to you.
You already understand everything.

If life offers you
Difficult puzzles series,
Then solve them boldly -
You are already fifty!

If youth calls out
Get in line with her.
Stand up, don't be afraid
You have fifty more!

Listened and drank

5th speech:
Congratulations in verse, we hope to continue. I think that the sisters are ready to perform with a toast for the anniversary.

We listen to the sisters and drink

Five minutes later……………………

6th speech:
Dear birthday girl!
Let's not make long digressions,
Matchmakers cannot hold back the words of heartfelt congratulations.

We listen to matchmakers and drink

So that the feelings of the birthday girl are always overwhelmed,
I want the sisters-in-law to wish her a lot!

We listen to the hall and drink

This holiday is a birthday.
Just a great anniversary.
To keep the fun going
Lena with Sasha "Don't be shy!"
We listen to nephews and drink

Five minutes later………………………
And now it's time to play, but for now, too lazy to get up from the table, let's play sitting
Move away from the new washing machine

1. Bald head - male disgrace (braid - girlish beauty)
2. From courage, the back of the head is small (fear has large eyes)
3. Nailed down by the calm (gone with the wind)
4. Mouse in sandals (puss in boots)
5. Blue cap (red cap)

6. A worm modestly crawls under a young swamp hummock (a petrel proudly flies over the gray plain of the sea)
7. Think Seconds Down (Don't Think Down Minutes)
8. You forgot a terrible eternity (I remember a wonderful moment)
9. Cap of the French Republic (crown of the Russian Empire)
10. Black moon of the jungle (white sun of the desert)
11. Cat under the straw (dog hay)

12. awake freak (sleeping beauty)
13. 71 eternities of autumn (17 moments of spring)
14. all outside (home alone)
15. die after Wednesday (live until Monday)
16. short lesson (big break)
17. above the floor of his hut (under the roof of your house)
18. Myshkin barn (Cat's house)

Prize winner!

About congratulations, guests, I ask you not to forget.
Do you have a minute to eat?

Over time…

I choose 3 4 men, we dress them with a turban (dad, father-in-law, Misha, Sasha)

Dear guests!
In order for the hero of the day to feel wonderful moments,
We will continue our congratulations

Congratulations from the Sultans
to the motive of the song: "If I were a sultan, I would have three wives ..."

From the other side
From overseas countries
We have come to you
To the country of the Russians
Oh, Tatyana is beautiful,
Oh queen of the day
We dance, we sing
Only for you!
Tanya's today
big anniversary,
Well, sultans,
dance merrily!!!
50 is not a problem
only part of the way.
look at you -
Give me only 23.
Like the air is light
With sparkling eyes
How slender birch -
Oh go crazy!
And it is true,
Sultans don't lie
It's gratifying to look
On your spell!
Let's be honest with you
Oh, Tatyana - jean,
In my harem would you
Everyone took the Sultan!
Hands so golden
Not to be found in the world
Allow us for that
Kiss you!
At _Tanya__ today
big anniversary,
Well, sultans,
dance merrily!!!

My word:
Gifts, cards and congratulations -
It evokes a wonderful feeling.
To extend this joy to us,
Glasses to be poured

Over time:
Invitation to dance (I read and the hero of the day in quatrains)
And now we'll be together
Give you advice
Very bad advice
You better write them down

To do everything right
Missing nothing
Better not even write.
And turn on the voice recorder

Don't dance with us
Better eat a sandwich
Moving is very harmful.
Take care of the body

Let salads and sausage
Settle on the sides
To make you round
Just like a birthday cake

so that you don't lose weight
You need to eat in reserve
Don't try to move
Be better like a seal

Only very reckless
Get up and go dancing

We announce for the brave
First dance block

During the dance competition with toilet paper
(The dress must be only made of paper. Tears, knots are allowed, but paper clips, pins and other foreign objects are prohibited)

My word of code everyone will dance:
We ask guests to sit down at the tables of all,
After all, you need to drink and eat a little

And so that our analysts can analyze the amount of poured we will spend

Competition "Degree of sobriety"
This is a very simple and fun game! I will name various words, and you in chorus, quickly and without hesitation, call the diminutive form of this word.

Mom - (mommy)
Tanya - (Tanya)
Slipper - (slipper)
Bag - (handbag)
Lamp - (bulb)
Goat - (goat)
Rose - (rose)
Water - (vodichka), but mostly they shout "VODOCHKA"

Diagnosis "Increased botulism"

So everyone ate, now look at the hero of the day

A string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's take an honest look:
What were you before?
Walked - ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
Bones covered with flesh
Rounded features:
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to the bones.
And those sparkling eyes
At least someone will be driven crazy!

And who did Tatyana drive crazy?
Let's check how carefully the men looked at Tanya
We hold a contest "attentive knight"
1. What color are the eyes of the lady?
2. What color is the suit?
3. How many buttons does it have?
4. Is there a watch on your hand?
5. How long is the dress?
6. What jewelry is the lady wearing?
7. What is the lady wearing?
8. The most attentive gets a prize!

So that henceforth everyone is so lucky
Let's pour now all of a hundred grams.

Over time:
Eastern wisdom says:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses to fill up,
And he will not drink for a year,
that flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future
And the fuller and more often you drink,
The more years you can live!
We all congratulated separately, and now we congratulate all together! Let's sing!

(handed out a test to guests)

We didn't come in vain
It's clear to everyone
And sit down at this table.
happy anniversary
And leave a memory
This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you
In life, be in sight
Unfortunately, birthday
Only once a year!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same:
Modest, kind and sweet,
patient, beautiful...
We cannot count all your virtues.

Let the years not age you
In life, be in sight
Unfortunately, birthday
Only once a year!

(Applause to ourselves)

Over time:

Games love old and young
Who doesn't want to play
I call everyone to frolic
Play fun!

(TATYANA is written in a column on the sheets and the adjective T is written for each letter - mysterious ... etc. the hero of the day determines the winner)

Congratulatory telegrams came for Tanya, but all of them were unsigned. You have to guess the sender. These are people known to everyone, as well as guests. And even fairy tale characters!















(Dance of the spouses.)

Isn't it time, guests, to get up, to dance with the hero of the day.

(when everyone dances)
Blush on cheeks after dance
Warmed up and provoked the dance
It's not time to rest
Following the dancing fairy tale friends

After all, no celebration is complete without holiday performance, I invite all guests to take part in the performance, because each of you has hidden talents

Participants are invited, each of which is given roles (tablet with a character).
Actors: King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Robber, Bear, Sparrow, Cuckoo, Mouse, Horse, Oak, Throne, Sun, Window, Curtain.

If there are a lot of people, then you can add additional roles: Bees, Breeze, Trouble, Horizon, Barrel of Honey, Rays. Actors should play their roles, focusing on what the host will read. The most interesting thing is that the artists will not know the content of the production in advance, and all their actions will be complete improvisation at their discretion. The task of the leader is to enable the artists to take certain poses, depicting the actions that the leader calls. In the text, such necessary pauses will be indicated by three dots.

Act one
THE CURTAIN opens... A sprawling OAK stands on the stage... A light BREEZE blows over its leaves... Small birds - a SPARROW and a CUCKOO - flutter around the tree... birds chirp a little... occasionally they sit down on branches to clean their feathers... A BEAR walked past waddling... He was dragging a BARREL WITH HONEY and brushing aside the BEES… A gray vole burrowed a mink under the OAK… THE SUN slowly rose above the crown of the OAK, scattering its RAYS in different directions… THE CURTAIN closes…
Action two

THE CURTAIN opens... There is a THRONE on the stage... The KING enters... The KING stretches... walks to the WINDOW. Opening the WINDOW wide, he looks around... He wipes the traces left by the birds from the WINDOW... Sits down on the THRONE in thought... The PRINCESS appears with the gait of a light doe... She throws herself on the KING's neck..., kisses him... and together they fall on the THRONE... meanwhile, a ROBBER is prowling under the WINDOW… He is contemplating a plan to capture the PRINCESS… THE PRINCESS sits by the WINDOW… THE ROBBER grabs her and carries her away… THE CURTAIN closes…

Act Three
THE CURTAIN opens... THERE IS A COMMENT ON THE STAGE... THE QUEEN sobs on the KING'S shoulder... THE K-ROLE wipes away a miserly tear... and rushes about like a tiger in a cage... The PRINCE appears... THE KING and the QUEEN describe the kidnapping of the princess in colors... They stomp their feet... THE QUEEN falls at the feet of the PRINCE and begs to save his daughter... THE PRINCE vows to find his beloved... He whistles to his faithful HORSE... jumps on him... and flies away... THE CURTAIN closes...

act four
THE CURTAIN opens... A sprawling OAK stands on the stage... A light BREEZE blows over its leaves... Little birds - a SPARROW and a CUCKOO - sleep on a branch... Under the OAK, lounging, lies a BEAR... A BEAR sucks its paw... Occasionally dips it into a BARREL OF HONEY... Back paw... But then a terrible noise breaks the peace and quiet. This is the ROBBER dragging the PRINCE... The animals scatter in horror... THE ROBERT ties the PRINCESS to the OAK... SHE cries and begs for mercy... But then the PRINCE appears on his dashing HORSE... A fight breaks out between the PRINCE and the ROBBER... With one short blow, the PRINCE defeats the ROBBER- NIKA… THE ROBBER under the OAK gives the OAK… THE PRINCE unties his beloved from the OAK… Putting the PRINCESS on the HORSE… he jumps himself… And they rush to the palace… THE CURTAIN closes…

Act Five
THE CURTAIN opens... On stage, the KING and QUEEN are waiting for the return of the young at the open WINDOW... THE SUN has already set behind the HORIZON... And then PARENTS see in the WINDOW the familiar silhouettes of PRINCE and PRINCESS on a HORSE... PARENTS jump out into the yard... CHILDREN fall at the feet of PARENTS... and ask for blessings... They bless them and begin to prepare for the wedding ... THE CURTAIN closes ...

All artists are invited to bow.

Dear guests!
The table is so rich today
What attracts the eye.
Both appetizers and wine
All of you have been waiting for a long time.
(Guests take their places at the table.)

After a while the contests

2-3 people play. The host reads the text: I will tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately:

"Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but seven."
"When you want to memorize verses, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, but preferably 10."
“A hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the team: one, two, march!
"Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours..."

If they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it: “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it”

boxing match
Before the start of the competition, the host calls two real men who are ready for anything for the sake of the lady of the heart. The ladies of the heart are there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. Cavaliers wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The leader's task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask to have short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After the physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The host, who is also a judge, recalls the rules, such as: do not hit below the waist, do not leave bruises, fight to first blood, etc. After that, the presenter hands the fighters the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unfold, especially when they are stuck together), and asks for his lady of the heart to unroll this candy as soon as possible without removing boxing gloves. The winner is the one who fuses with the task before the opponent.

Two halves.
3-4 pairs are called, their hands are tied (the left hand of one partner to the right of the other partner) and the task for speed is to lace up and tie a shoelace on a bow)

After all congratulations
For all the golden words
Which sounded today!
They are the soul of each of us
They overfilled themselves.
Let's drink to
That the hero of the day brought us together.
During the period of life that we call
We are the golden mean.
Let's drink a cup to the brim for you for Tanya for love!

After a glass of
The dance needs a clockwork


The lights go out in the room.
Anniversary candles lit
Congratulations, hero of the day!
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift.
Let in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you...
Let me wish on a holiday -
Let happiness be only help.
Good luck, heat, heat,
We wish you good health again
And again we will say to the hero of the day
All in unison - CONGRATULATIONS!
So that luck awaits along the way,
And every evening was joyful,
And we will also ask you in addition -
Blow out these candles

Response word of the hero of the day:

Thank you all for your efforts
And for the kind words.
From care and attention
Head is spinning.

Everything that is said is nice
It's been a glorious day.
Scroll everything back
Repeat one more time.

Thank you all heartily
For smiles and words.
How nice that today
Head is spinning

Final word:
The anniversary has long come to an end, friends,
It's hard to say goodbye, but it's time.
I hope in a year on this day and hour
At the hostess's table I will meet you again.

maybe you will be interested:

Have you already figured out how to have fun on anniversaries and what to offer guests? After all, if you do not entertain them, then they will start to yawn and go home before the cake. A new and interesting script for a woman's 50th birthday with contests can be done at home. Take a look and choose the most interesting moments that are suitable for your holiday.

Anniversary meeting.
When all the guests have gathered, the celebration can begin. Have all the guests stand in a semicircle. And the leader will come forward a little. The hero of the day will stand in front of the leader. In the hands of the guests balloons and felt-tip pens. The facilitator reads the opening verse:

After that, the host invites all guests to write congratulations and wishes to the hero of the day on their balloon. And when it's ready, the balls are tied into one rope and handed over to the hero of the day.

Main holiday.

First toast.
We often look at our watches and say how fast time flies! And we want to stop it and turn the arrows in the opposite direction.
But, unfortunately, this cannot be done. But we can make good use of our time. For example, the way we are today - fun and with friends! I propose to drink for our hero of the day and for all the guests, her friends!

A game.
For the first game, you need three women with different hair colors. And what hair color do women have. That's what the team will be called.
The music starts to play and the women dance. After the dance, each woman recruits other participants for her team. When the teams are recruited, we begin the competition.
The music turns on and the first team performs. The team captain shows the movements, and the participants repeat. Then the second and third teams do the same. And each team has its own music.
When all teams have performed with a number, then a draw is announced and dances are held further.

Game block - admission to the club, who is over fifty.
Since the hero of the day is fifty years old, she must be solemnly accepted into the honorary club. And give me a certificate. Let's do it.
For the game block, you need to dress up three women as doctors. The host reads the main text, and the doctors say their words. So, here's the text:

After that, a certificate of an honorary member of the club is awarded to someone over fifty.

Download ID Template

game for guests.
Another game for guests. To play, you need to make cards that will say the following:
- beautiful underwear.
- blue shorts.
- fake mustache.
- the hopak dance is excellent.
- the most beautiful legs.
- the biggest ... tomatoes.
- the best brew.

And so on. Put all the cards in a bag. Approach the first guest. He says the following phrase: do you know what (hereinafter the name of any guest). And after the phrase, he takes out one card, and reads out what he has. And so each guest tells the whole “truth” about other guests.

Funny contest.
For the competition you need a flashlight. The host says:
- Friends! We have a magic flashlight that reads people's thoughts. Don't believe? Let's try.

Next, the light is turned off. The flashlight turns on and the presenter approaches any guest. We shine a flashlight on the head from above, and at this moment a pre-prepared cutting of the song turns on. For example:
- in the head of my sawdust is not a problem ...
Or like this:
- I'm bamboo, Moscow empty bamboo!

It is necessary to prepare funny cuts of songs in advance, which should be included at the right time. And then the competition will be held with a bang.

Scene with gifts.
It's time for joke gifts and pranks. Therefore, we will show a sketch - guests from China. The scene is fun and interesting. Therefore, dress up the guests so that they look like guests from under heaven.
And here is the scene itself.

Description: a ready-made script for the 50th anniversary of a woman with a large number of competitions for guests, the appearance of Stas Mikhailov with a comic song-alteration.


Stas Mikhailov

By the specified time, the guests gather in the banquet hall, the hero of the occasion meets them, and quietly leaves the table to leave when the host announces this.

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! Of course, this evening cannot be ordinary - after all, it is dedicated to a person who, in addition to kindness, has a whole list of virtues. She is energetic, talented, smart and beautiful - meet the heroine of tonight, respected and loved by everyone, cool "Name of the hero of the day."

Music plays, the birthday girl enters the hall, she is greeted with smiles and applause, and the presenter escorts her to a predetermined place at the head of the table.

Leading: Our heroine of the evening is a spectacular and beautiful woman who has a special holiday today. After all, 50 years is not just a number that indicates the number of years, it is a significant anniversary, which the closest people of our birthday girl have gathered to celebrate today - her whole family, friends, colleagues are here. And all of them prepared wonderful surprises and warm congratulations for her today. Thus, dear "Name", today you have to hear and learn a lot of interesting things about yourself. And for starters - the first toast, for you, dear and beloved birthday girl, for your holiday!

The guests raise their glasses to the health of "Name".

Leading: But really, dear friends, colleagues, relatives, do we know the hero of the day well? Who, for example, can list its main achievements and successes?

Light music plays, the guests list the achievements of the hero of the day - her husband, children, career, the ability to bake cupcakes perfectly, a great sense of humor that helps her in difficult life situations, a talent for writing poetry, etc.

To the one who named the most achievements, the presenter gives a small prize - a fridge magnet, sweets, alcohol in a mini format.

Cool congratulations to the hero of the day - a woman from her husband

Leading: There is a person in this hall who not only loves and respects the “Name of the hero of the day”, but is also sincerely sure that she is the Most Beautiful, Most Desirable, Most Wonderful Woman in the world - her closest person is her husband, “I.E. husband of the birthday girl ".

Husband: Colleagues and friends! I have known this lady for more than one year - and today, like many years ago, I never cease to admire her! And you know, by today's date I have compiled a whole list of qualities for which I love her. And here are just a few of them: charm, beauty, intelligence, optimism, love of life. As well as practicality, fidelity, thriftiness, delicacy, sense of humor, individuality and, most importantly, selfless love for one's family. Here such, I am not afraid of this word, the ideal woman has got to me! So I raise my glass to you my dear!

The husband gives his gift, hugs and kisses his wife, everyone drinks.

Congratulations to the hero of the day from children

Leading: without a doubt, everyone who has gathered today at this table is very dear to the birthday girl. But among those present there are those who simply cannot wait to personally congratulate our hero of the occasion, and we will give them this opportunity. Word to the children "Name of the Anniversary": "Names of children / child."

Children: Dear Mom! Thank you for giving us a wonderful childhood, and today, despite the fact that we have grown up a long time ago, you always help with kind words and useful advice. Smart, beautiful, charismatic and strong woman, the closest and dearest person, dear mother, happy birthday to you!

Children hug and congratulate the birthday girl, give her gifts.

Congratulations from relatives to the hero of the day

Now is the time to give the floor to the parents of the birthday girl, if they are present at the table, and be sure to note that Io is a fantastically happy woman who is surrounded by the closest and dearest people, and propose a toast in their honor. If for some reason they are absent, one of the closest relatives can take the floor: brother, sister, aunt, uncle, etc.

Game "Detectives"

Leading: The information reached me that now everyone can feel a little like a detective, because fragments of a photo of our dear “Name” and letters from which you can make a phrase are hidden in the hall. Guests must find and collect all the fragments, and the one who found the last fragment receives a prize (sweets, a small gift). The phrase "Congratulations on your anniversary."

Guests participate in the competition, the one who wins gets a small prize.

Leading: And now I invite you, dear guests, to plunge into the retrospective - the friends of our respected "Name" will remember exactly where and how they met our hero of the occasion. We are especially interested in the stories of old friends who are convinced that they know the “Name” a little less than all their lives.

To light music, close friends of the hero of the day talk about the moment they met, in the course of the stories they remember some details, communicate with each other.

Stas Mikhailov's exit with a reworked song


The host gets a short break, during which he can rest and have a snack.

Leading: And now it's time for the next congratulations - and the floor is given to the colleagues of the hero of the occasion.


It was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version, go to the shopping cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 149 R kill

Leading: We are glad to welcome you, dear guests, to such a significant event - the 50th Anniversary (IO of the hero of the day)! I suggest you meet our dear birthday girl with the most thunderous applause!

(music plays or fanfare sounds, the birthday girl enters)

Host: Dear guests, I hope everyone has their glasses filled, because now, according to the good old tradition, Our Birthday Girl will make the first toast of tonight!

(anniversary toast)

Presenter: Today is a very special holiday, because 50 years is not just an Anniversary, it is the most significant event in a person's life! And most importantly - not a figure indicating the number of years lived, but most importantly, what our dear Birthday Girl has acquired by these years. Which of the guests present will name all the most important achievements (IO of the hero of the day)? Let's find out which of you, dear guests, knows everything about our Birthday Girl! And, of course, remember that there are prizes waiting for you!

(guests name the achievements of the hero of the day, the presenter gives a prize to the one who names the most achievements)

Leading: There is a person in this hall who not only loves and respects our dear Birthday Girl, but also considers her the Most Beautiful, Most Dear and Most Beloved Woman in the world - this is the closest person (IO hero of the day) - husband (IO husband).

(husband toast to pleasant music)

Leading: Dear guests, everyone who has gathered today for this wonderful holiday is, without a doubt, very dear to the Birthday Girl. But among those present there are special people who can’t wait to personally congratulate (JO of the hero of the day) and tell about their love. These, of course, are the children of the Birthday Girl: (children's names).

(children toast)

Leading: And now, dear ladies and gentlemen, until you all started dancing, I bring to your attention a fascinating competition. I note that the prize will be no less interesting! So, attention! All of you know perfectly well the full name of the Culprit of our celebration. The winner will be the one who comes up with the most other rhymes for the name (Name of the hero of the day). Sheets of paper and pens can be borrowed from me. You have 15 minutes for this challenge!

(after 15 minutes)

Presenter: It's time to find out the name of the winner! Let's listen to the rhymes you came up with.

(guests call their rhymes, the guest who came up with the largest number of rhymes is selected)

Presenter: The winner of our competition is - (name of the winner). The prize for you is a ticket for the fulfillment of any of your desires by the birthday girl!


Leading: Our dear (IO hero of the day)! How many wonderful friends have gathered today to congratulate you on this significant event! Each of them, of course, will congratulate you personally, but now I invite all my friends to gather on stage and all together congratulate our Birthday Girl by singing her favorite song.

(the host gives the words to the guests, a melody plays, all the guests sing)

Host: And now I will ask those friends of the Birthday Girl who consider themselves the closest to go on stage.

(friends of the birthday girl come out)

Host: You girls are now one team. I give you 20 sheets of paper. On the first 10, you write the bad things that you would like to protect the Birthday Girl from. And on the other 10 sheets you write the best that you would like to wish the Hero of our occasion.

(friends doing the task)

Host: And now, in front of our Birthday Girl, we will make sure that these 10 bad things never happen to her. To do this, we lay out the sheets on the floor and under the active melody we trample all the bad things with our feet. It is advisable to tear the paper so that it is not clear what is written there! Friends, let's move to the music as actively as possible!

(fast music plays, the goal of the friends is to tear the paper)

Presenter: Well, now, all the good things that you wished to your girlfriend, you will need to sing! After all, you sincerely want what you wrote? And the guests will support you with thunderous applause!

(friends "sing" their wishes)

Leading: Well, (IO of the hero of the day), you have truly wonderful girlfriends! They are really ready for a lot for you - it's great! I propose to encourage them with sweet prizes - chocolates!

Host: Dear guests, I am sure (a) that you all wish our Birthday Girl financial well-being. But how badly do you want it? I have an impromptu tree that I present to the Hero of our occasion. But in order for the tree to become money, it needs to be “dressed”! Dress up with impromptu money. Candy wrappers will act as money. But in order to hang a candy wrapper, you have to eat the candy! So let's fill the money tree!

(guests “dress” the tree with candy wrappers)

Presenter: At the end of our wonderful evening, a Festive CAKE is brought into the hall to the thunderous applause of the guests!


Whose birthday is today?

Who is the cake for?

Who is excited today

Couldn't sleep until morning?

Who is so beautiful in the morning

And who are the gifts waiting for?

Guests, let's shout louder,

What is our birthday girl's name?

Dear Lucia!

Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,

After all, you direct the reflections of your star on them.

So let your rays continue to endow us with affection,

And it seems to us that life is a big fairy tale.

To extend this fairy tale to us,

At least for a little

You are not in a hurry, manage to pass

Star track.

Every star is just a mystery

You only need one clue.

Get up on the star track

And guess at least something!

This is what each of us dreams of

I think that including you

Get out of the hands of a man

Now beautiful ... (flowers) (Give a bouquet of flowers)

To remember later your biography.

We will do this now ... (photo)

From now on, pamper your husband more often,

After all, he gives you his ... (kiss) (Husband kisses the birthday girl)

For all the heroes of the occasion

At such moments,

To give, we are ready without end ... (applause.)

Miracles today we can not get around,

Let it rain from the sky now ... (confetti.)

(A star with confetti is attached to the ceiling. One of the guests pulls the string, confetti showers the birthday girl.)

To be always with friends together,

We all need to perform ... (song.)

(Guests sing “Happy birthday to you”.)

And it's time to honor these minutes

Hear us here the anniversary ... (salute.)

(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks).

Leading: You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly.

We want you to invite everyone to the table.

(Guests sit down to the music. Music Allegra Birthday)

Leading: It is with pleasure that I greet the assembled guests and open with joy a wonderful anniversary! (fanfare). Dear guests, I hope everyone has their glasses filled, because now, according to the good old tradition, Our Birthday Girl will make the first toast of this evening! (anniversary toast)

Birthday word:

me on my birthday

I give orders:

Don't fall asleep until the morning

drink alcohol,

Dance and don't be bored!

Everyone to the fullest

Celebrate birthdays!


A cloud has disappeared from the sky

But the angels are not at all angry.

They come down from heaven

They'll be here in a minute. (Angels appear. Calm music.)

First angel:

IN: 50 years ago, on the same beautiful summer day, a girl was born, weighing as small as an asterisk and as tall as Thumbelina, in the family of her parents, Mavlavi and Fatima. And they named her Lutsia. The name Lutsia means light.

Presenter: It's time for us to dress our newborn

We'll put on a bib so that we don't get our plate dirty,

So as not to cry, we will give a pacifier,

And so that she is not wet, she needs a diaper (Dress)

Now you can feed her (feed)

Oh-oh, you have to give it to drink - of course, holy water from the source (give a bottle)

And now, dear guests, try the water from the holy spring (drink)

Second angel: The folk tale is heard,

That we are great musicians

Have to show for you

Leading: There is a person in this hall who not only loves and respects our dear Birthday Girl, but also considers her the Most Beautiful, Dearest and Most Beloved Woman in the world - this is the closest person - husband Mars.

16 years ago two loving hearts met, remember how you called each other in those happy, unforgettable times (compliments to each other, winding a braid around your finger)

presenter: What would your loving husband wish for today? (toast)

Alina sings a song: "Let's drink for love"

Presenter: In this great love, wonderful children appeared - the word to them. (Toast)

Let's support the toasts.

Leading: And now our birthday girl is in for a surprise. Who is loved more than children? Who pleases with their small achievements and hugs tightly when they meet? Of course, our grandchildren - they also want to congratulate.

(song of Barbariki).

Safar dance.

Presenter: Many guests from different regions came to our holiday, they also dance wonderfully. Each district has its own business card - dance. Hearing the music, you will have to dance provocatively. We invite guests from the village of Nizhniye Tashly (dance). Let's drink to their perky dance.

- Ufa region (dance). Let's drink to the Ufa region.

- Tuimazy. Let's drink to the incendiary dance of the Tuymazins.

Q: Today at the celebration everyone will have their own responsibilities:

    Pollers and my assistants (6 people)

    Rashit Aby is very kind today and lends to everyone without interest.

    Invited for pancakes (3 women)

    Sex symbols of tonight. Your task is to go with a sexy gait to the birthday girl and kiss her.

    Lighters of the evening ...

    Bodyguard bouncers….

    By the end of the evening they will demand the continuation of the banquet ………

    The most original. A couple of evenings…..

    Will require a break…..

    Today, most of all will sing ____.

    Everyone will shout “Congratulations” ____ louder.

B: And now we will restore our strength, rest, have a snack. (10 min).



Today to the birthday girl with a low bow

The constellation turns

What belongs to family and friends. (Congratulations from relatives.)



Gifts, cards and congratulations -

It evokes a wonderful feeling.

To extend this joy to us,

Glasses must be poured.



Our birthday girl is a beautiful lady,

Today all men are ready for her

perform feats,

and to prove it

Now they will play the game

And entertain the lady of our hearts.

The men present are called. Everyone draws a phantom on which the task is written. Tasks are to accomplish a certain feat. 1. Push-ups (on the poster) 2 people.

    Birthday compliments.

    Kiss all the women present (2 people)

    The winner is determined by the birthday girl. The prize is a slow dance with her.

    Dance break, games

    “Pair on the contrary” (couples are tied with belts back to each other, they dance “waltz”, “lady”, “tango” to the music)

    Leading: The word for congratulations is given to relatives



    Sing "We are pioneers ..." 6 GIRLFRIENDS

    Now we will hold a solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of our hero of the day.

    Dear Lucia!

    Please accept our congratulations

    And guidance for life.

    Promise us not to get sick

    Get younger every year

    Don't be sad and don't be bored

    Every day is easy to meet!

    Get ready!

    Anniversary: ​​Always ready!

    Do physical exercises

    And in the garden to dig in the beds,

    Don't forget about friends

    Invite more often.

    Get ready!

    Anniversary: ​​Always ready!

    (drum roll, tie a tie to the hero of the day)

    Leading: Well, Lutsia, you have truly wonderful friends! They are really ready for a lot for you - it's great! I propose to encourage them with sweet prizes - chocolates!

    Host: Dear guests, I am sure that all of you wish our Birthday Girl financial well-being. But how badly do you want it? I have an impromptu tree that I present to the Hero of our occasion. But in order for the tree to become money, it needs to be “dressed”! How do you think this tree can be dressed? Candy can act as money! So let's fill the money tree! (guests “dress” the tree with candy wrappers and money)

    I propose to drink for the financial well-being of the hero of the day.



    The game "Doctors" are called 2 people. The task of doctors: to correctly diagnose.

    The task of the patients: remember the melody from the song and sing.

    1. "And my heart stopped,

    My heart stopped” (diagnosis: heart failure).

    3. We walked with you,

    I roared, oh, roared (diagnosis: hysteria).

    4. We honestly want to tell you:

    We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).

    5. In vain you scold the rain, in vain you scold him

    You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).

    6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,

    So, everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

    8. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want,

    I know for sure - you want it, you want it - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).

    13. I got drunk drunk,

    I won't get home (alcoholism)

    Dance break. Game "Hot Kiss"

    The word is given to friends



    Questions for the quiz: a gift - champagne

    1. When was the hero of the day born?

    2. Where was today's birthday boy born?

    3. What was the first toy of the hero of the day?

    4. In what year did the hero of the day go to first grade for the first time?

    5. What was the birthday boy's first assessment?

    6. Who was the birthday boy's school friend?

    7. Where did the hero of the day meet her future husband?

    8. Is there a house at the summer cottage of the hero of the day?

    9. Does the birthday girl like to drive a car that moves at breakneck speed?

    10. Does the birthday girl like to dance until she drops?

    11. Does the birthday girl like strong drinks?

    12. Does the birthday girl like to watch the TV show “Play, accordion!”?

    The word is given



    Q: Now we will play a game, your task is to take turns naming adjectives (positive and negative)

    "Merry Congratulation"

    In that ……………………………., ………………………. evening, when outside the window ………………….., …………………………….. the weather and the moon shines ………………………….. We hasten to congratulate our ……………………………. Lutsia with ……………………..anniversary. We wish ……………………, …………………….. and ……………………….happiness, ………………………. And ………………love, ……………………………and ………………………wealth, ………………………………joy, ……… ………………………well-being, …………………………………….good luck, ……………………….luck.

    With ……………………………wishes: ……………………………relatives, …………………………….friends, ……………………… ………..children.

    For such congratulations you need to drink

    Congratulations with candles. (Song from Alina)

    Moderator: Dear guests!

    To thunderous applause, I ask you to take out the birthday cake. And it is not simple with us, our hero of the day baked it with love …………………….,

    Tenderness ……………………………..,

    diligence …………………….……..,





    working capacity……………………………,

    Discipline………………………………..……, cheerfulness………………………,


    communication skills…………………..,



    Birthday word:

    me on my birthday

    I give orders:

    Don't fall asleep until the morning

    drink alcohol,

    Dance and don't be bored!

    Everyone to the fullest

    Celebrate birthdays!

    First angel:

    And here we are, curly angels

    Second angel: The folk tale is heard,

    That we are great musicians

    Have to show for you

    All hidden talents. (Sing a song in Tatar)


    Dear Lucia!