
Interesting for the anniversary of 70 years. Scenarios. Contest "Correct saying"

Anniversary of a woman. 70th anniversary. Program (script)

Good evening, dear friends!

Good evening dear guests. According to the old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of the mother, grandmother and beautiful woman Anna-Maria Petrovna in a solemn, festive atmosphere!

We start our banquet

We transgress to gluttony

For the glory of all the coming years

Btkaly together we fill

We drink our cups to the bottom

We clink them together

And we will glorify you with full

The hero of the occasion Anna-Maria Petrovna!

Dear Anna-Maria Petrovna!

You can't get away from anniversaries in life

They will hit everyone like birds

But the main thing is to carry through the years

The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth

You have an anniversary today

We sincerely congratulate you

And in life we ​​wish the main thing

Health, happiness, joy

And up to 100 years without old age!

(music related to the anniversary plays......

Today, people closest to you have gathered in this hall, these are your children, grandchildren, friends... And everyone wants to congratulate you. I give the floor to your children.

Dear Anna-Maria Petrovna!

Accept in the color of years

Our warm welcome

And without hiding our feelings

We raise our cups to you!

and another hundred years!

Congratulations from the grandchildren:

Grandpa's birthday. Who is he with us?

Our beloved grandfather is simply the highest class!

What to please him? How to give thanks?

On the birthday of a grandfather, with whom would we compare?

If our grandfather was completely gray-haired,

With a long, very long white beard,

If he had been in a dressing gown and a turban, then

We would call him "Grandfather Hottabych"!

If our grandfather was in a white robe,

With a bag of medicines and vaccinations

People and animals - who hurts,

We would call him "Doctor Aibolit"!

If our grandfather was gray-haired, with a big nose,

With a white beard, in a cotton wig,

If he brought us a bag of gifts, -

We would call him "Grandfather Frost"!

Grandpa can do everything - work miracles,

Fairy tale - if something hurts - the pain to speak,

And gifts from him often appear, -

For three wizards, he alone copes!

So, our grandfather is the most beautiful!

We love you very much - this is also clear!

There is no better grandfather in the world - this is beyond a doubt!

Be healthy! Live a hundred years! In a word, happy birthday!

Congratulations from the Pioneers:

(A team of five people is given bundles. They have a tie and cap. After changing clothes, the participants are given cards with words.)

Host: And now the floor for congratulations is given to honored guests. (Pioneers enter.)

We, the pioneers of our country's children!

There is no one happier than us in the world.

To be with you again today

We came to congratulate the hero of the day!

His whole life serves as an example for children

Both Octoberists and pioneers.

We came to you to learn from the elders,

How to drink, so as not to get drunk at all,

How to eat to keep a figure

We came to congratulate Vitaly's grandfather!

We say without despondency and laziness:

We don't know generational conflict.

You, grandfather Vitaly, are younger than we are,

We should take an example from you in this.

We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.

We have been in love with you, grandfather Vitaly, for a long time.

We can't find a better friend

We came to congratulate you today!

(Sing a song.)

Fly like fires blue nights!

We, the pioneers, want a glass of wine.

It's high time for adults to pour:

We came to congratulate Vitaly's grandfather!

Leading: Now we will hold a solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of our anniversaries.

Dear grandfather!

Please accept our congratulations

And guidance for life.

Promise us not to get sick

Get younger every year

Don't be sad and don't be bored

Every day is easy to meet.

Be ready!

Anniversary: ​​Always ready!

Host: Exercise

And in the garden to dig in the beds,

Don't forget about grandchildren

Invite more often.

Be ready!

Anniversary: ​​Always ready!

(Drum roll, tie a tie to the hero of the day.)

Matryoshka performance:

Dear guests! Hit your palms.

To us for the anniversary

Matryoshkas have arrived.

Wooden spoons, ruddy nesting dolls.

They want to congratulate the hero of the day,

Give a gift and play on spoons.

Nested dolls: We brought you bagels, bought for rubles.

The first bagel - for business!

The second - that my mother gave birth!

The third - that they got married and had children!

And the fourth - for the success that is present, but not for everyone.

Fifth bagel - for the Lyceum!

And the sixth - for the anniversary! And the seventh - pour it soon!

Don't lose our gift, put it on everyone for the holiday.

(Each bagel is on a ribbon. Bagels are handed to the hero of the day.)

Ditties competition

Presenter: Well, dear guests, are you tired of having fun? No? Then we continue our holiday! The next contest is the most fun. This is a ditty contest. To do this, you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. In response, she should hear a funny ditty, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.

At the end of the competition, you need to take stock: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (it can be sweets, fruits, souvenirs, etc.) and medals "For the best performance of ditties." The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal "For resourcefulness and fun."

Song our grandfather, young!

To the tune of "Junior Lieutenant"

Our dear grandfather, sit and listen,

Well, as young you are the best.

Something you don't dance, something you don't dance. Ooo

Our dear grandfather with a strange smile,

Could easily become a screen star

You are already a star, and there are only show-offs on TV. Ooo

And don't hide your smile from your face.

Our dear grandfather in honor of the round date,

Everyone came to you, your guys, grandchildren gathered,

And great-grandchildren are still a car, but then.

You called us all, and thank God

We don't have many holidays.

And anyone here will say who will respect us all - he, only HE.

Our dear grandfather, you are like a young one,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years do not matter, and you are always with us, even if far away.

Our young grandfather, we live without end,

And don't hide your smile from your face.

After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Our dear grandfather, you are like a young one,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years do not matter, and you are always with us, even if far away.

Our young grandfather, we live without end,

And don't hide your smile from your face.

After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Our young grandfather, we live without end,

And don't hide your smile from your face.

After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Moderator: Let me take the floor today!
We're here for the anniversary
You are a dear person!
The age of wisdom is seventy years
It came, as always, unexpectedly.
There are many more victories ahead.
The book of life has not yet been read.
May this world be for you again and again
Gives everything only the best!
May love live in your heart
Kindness, generosity, generosity!

You are not tired of being kind and gentle, you remained beautiful even at 70,
You have achieved everything, raised children,
And we wish you further victories.
May your sunset be brighter than the dawn, and autumn warm more reliably than summer.
A little seventy at all -
I affirm for a reason:
After all, if you count from a hundred -
You get only 0.7.
And life, inside and out,
Can give you a lot.
Missing 0.3
You still need to catch up.
In short, the goal is clear - forward
The way is open and direct.
And what then, after a hundred, awaits ...
There will be a hundred - we'll see!
So, friends, for the Anniversary,
So that everything comes true, and everything happens!
Years make us wiser -
To spite the enemies, to the mercy of friends!
Well, now that everyone is sitting at the table,
We'll pour more stacks.
And the first toast is ready:
We drink for the birthday boy!
Well, what about the Guests, they stood up together, raising their glasses cheerfully! Let's wish the hero of the day happiness, shout together three times: "Congratulations!". Let's drink a healthy toast to the bottom!
Name (...) - triple: Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray! Birthday toast!
Host: Dear friends! As you know, between the first and second ...
Well, while you are eating and drinking, of course, there are those among you who adhere to the principle "between the 1st and 2nd interval is not large", I would like to report the forecast of today's celebration:
Cloudy expected today, anniversary hurricane with wine and vodka
The temperature above the table is 40, the air is filled with fun.
My head is foggy at night, clearing is possible in the morning.

They also say that they don’t go to a strange monastery with their own rules, and therefore I want to read out the rules of conduct for today’s celebration for some guests.
1. Uncle ..., we ask you to have fun, otherwise we will not let you get drunk.
2. ..., you must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go without an invitation.
3. .., after the 10th glass it is desirable to sing, but it is undesirable to get your elbow into the neighbor's plate.
4. Aunt ..., I ask you not to lose heart, to dance until you drop.
5. …, you can't dance standing up, dance sitting down.
6. .. put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in the neighbor's pocket
7. ... remember: drink to the bottom, but do not lie down on the bottom.
8. Aunt ... undertakes to sing until tired
9. ... it is strictly forbidden to meet under the table or on the roof.
So while we were drinking, our pigeon mail brought us NEWS from the KREMLIN (a scroll with a message in it):
Anniversary Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
For great services to the Fatherland in the field of human relations, give (Protskaya Larisa Nikolaevna) a valuable gift in the form of a gold bar weighing 70 g from the country's gold reserves. Concerned about the safety of the hero of the day, I order:
1. Transfer the gift to a Swiss bank for a period of 30 years.
2. Give the hero of the day the key to the vault of the Swiss bank.
3.Admission to the bank is allowed only personally to the hero of the day on the day of his centenary.
4. Gift by inheritance is not transferable.
5. In view of the foregoing, to oblige (Prtskaya Larisa Sergeevna) to live to be a hundred years old and in good health to come to a Swiss bank without the help of accompanying persons.
(Date of). Kremlin. The president.
(a drawn key is taken out and given to the hero of the day on a string)
Host: Thank you Mr. President for his congratulations, and I propose to drink for the last paragraph of the decree: live to be a hundred years old in good health. Toast.
Telegrams arrived today for the Jubilee. Read out.
Dear guests! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were many congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him.
I announce the anniversary roll call, friends. You are only allowed to shout "no, no, no" and "yes, yes, yes"
We gathered for the anniversary ... (Yes, yes, yes). Shut up and mourn ... no, no, no. To drink, to eat……(Yes, yes, yes). We will all have fun ... ... (Yes, yes, yes) We will try to get drunk ... no, no, no. Let's show off a little ... ... (Yes, yes, yes). Are there many funny people among you? ……(Yes Yes Yes). We will congratulate Nina ... ... ... (Yes, yes, yes). And who will start? .... (me, me, me).


The host writes congratulations on a sheet in advance and cuts this sheet into pieces before the start of the competition. If the hero of the occasion is a man, then the "pieces"

How we love you
How We Appreciate You
And about that we sing
At this wonderful hour!

Gypsies and a bear to the appropriate music approach the hero of the occasion and bring him a glass and bread and salt.

Gypsy. Ah, gray-winged dove, my clear falcon. Please us and your guests with a gypsy with an exit. And you, precious guests, clap louder, but do not forget to fill your glasses!
The birthday boy is dancing a gypsy girl. Then the leader involves the rest of the guests in this dance.

Gypsy. And now, dear guests, look how our little bear is dancing. And let everyone put some little thing in his hat and treat him, no matter what.
A bear with a hat goes around the guests and begs for something tasty: vodka, cucumber. And if it works, then money. Guests put various little things in a hat: watches, pens, rings, and so on.
After that, a game of forfeits is played.

Gypsy. And I also have a hat, but not a simple one, but a magic one: it knows what your guests think about you, it will read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!
The guests pull the prepared papers from the gypsy, and the gypsy "voices thoughts."

1. You want, you want, I know for sure, you want, you want, but you are silent
2. The spool is small, but expensive.

9. You are my fallen maple ...

13. Old age is not joy.
14. My bunny!
15. I will never forget you.
16. Sim-sim, open, sim-sim, surrender.
17. I will take you to the tundra.

Other similar variants of thoughts can be found in the paragraph advice and predictions.

The host thanks the gypsies for all the predictions, invites the camp to join the company and announces a competition for the best toast in honor of the birthday man. They can be found in the "birthday toasts" section.
Competition "Sing a song"
The guests are divided into 2 teams, the task is given to perform a song, whose team starts and sings faster, that one is the winner.
Start the children's song...
Start the war song...
Russian folk song start...
Pioneer song start ...
Komsomol song start ...
Start the song with a female name...
New Year's song start ...
Start a song about your birthday ...
Host: So that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle,
We want you to refresh yourself a little!
Leading: Usually on such a big day,
Which is called a birthday.
Friends with an open mind
You are congratulated.
You will be congratulated……….
Host: And now a question for the birthday girl: What was your childhood dream?
To be in a fairy tale? I think that we will help you realize your dream and show you our fairy tale.
TALE (Instant performance)
King, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken
In a certain kingdom-state there lived a positive optimistic king. Once the king was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms, generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a multi-colored butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. And the butterfly will show his tongue to him. That will make a face. In general, the word indecent will shout. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and she flew away into the thicket of the forest.
And the king laughed and galloped on. Suddenly, a little hare jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the pose of an ostrich, that is, head down. The bunny was surprised at such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. The bunny's paws shook. And the hare screamed in an inhuman voice.
And just then the fox was returning from the night shift from the poultry farm. Brought a chicken home. The fox saw what was happening on the path, but in surprise she let go of the chicken. And the chicken turned out to be insolent. She cackled with delight, gave the fox a crack, so much so that she clutched her head in pain.
And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked at his soft spot. The king jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, out of fear of such a fox, jumped on its paws and grabbed it by the ears. The fox here abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.
And the king and the brave hen also jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then. Holding hands. They rode off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken? Well, I don’t know this, but I think that he will definitely pour it for her. As well as all the guests present.
Host: So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened ... pours it !!!
Dances, games, competitions. Competition: Monkeys.
When the party is in full swing, you can move on to more daring contests. For the "Monkeys" contest, 2 participants are called. Their hands are tied behind their backs, and an unpeeled banana is placed on a plate in front of them. The task of the players is to peel and eat a banana without the help of hands.

How many parrots do you have?
A man measures a woman's height with "five" or "fingers". It is most likely not worth multiplying the result obtained by the length of the finger: this fuss was not started for this. Moreover, a woman can both stand and lie down during the measurement.
Those who want to receive a big prize lie down on the sofa and cover themselves with a blanket. The rest think of an object that the player will have to remove from himself. He tries to guess what is hidden, and if he is mistaken, he takes off the very thing that he called. In the end, there is practically nothing left on it, because it was made up - a bedspread! At the initiative of the host, this word is written down on paper even before the start of the game.
The couple is offered a glass of juice and a banana. The man should drink the juice, and the woman should eat the banana. Moreover, the glass at the same time is clamped by the knees of a seated woman, and the banana is clamped by the knees of a seated man.
Make a wish
This is probably the most fun and joyful
contest. He prepares in advance. We take the most
regular balloons. We write on paper
tasks. Tasks can be different. First the first bursts
ball, a piece of paper is poured on it
task. The participant completes the task. Then
The guests are seated at the tables.
Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished desires. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The host walks around the guests with a bag in which there are fish cut out of cardboard. One of them is golden, and offers to choose any without looking into the bag. The owner of the "goldfish" has the right to voice his three desires by choosing them among the cards offered by the host But before that, he names any "performer" among the guests.)

1. I want a toast to be made in honor of the hero of the day, in which the word "Birthday" would appear three times.
2. I want any item on the table to be given to the birthday man as a memorable gift with meaning.
3. I want your neighbors on the right and left to recite a children's poem in chorus.
4. I want you to shake hands with the hero of the day and jump on one leg to your place.
5. I want you to sing the motive of a familiar song to the guests, and they guess its name.

Happy birthday, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
You are an honest and wonderful boss!
We wish you a lot of joy in life
Never be sad in vain.

Let your ideas succeed
May wishes and dreams come true!
May your career only go uphill
Life will be wonderful
like flowers!
1. You want, you want, I know for sure, you want, you want, but you are silent.
2. The spool is small, but expensive.
3. Drink, drink, but understand the measure.
4. I like that you are not sick of me.
5. Do I love you, I don't know, but it seems that I do.
6. And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean.
7. What can I give you, my dear man?
8. I got drunk drunk, I won’t get home ....
9. You are my fallen maple ...
10. We have already played the first half.
11. It's not evening yet, it's not evening yet, the road is still bright and eyes are clear.
12. I don't sleep well at night because I love you.
13. Old age is not joy.
14. My bunny!
15. I will never forget you.
16. Sim-sim, open, sim-sim, give up.
17. I will take you to the tundra.
18. An old friend is better than two new ones.

Song for the birthday girl
Talent and beauty do not meet so often!
Oh, God, how your spring suits you now!
Let winter be in the yard
But you are in February
Still beautiful and slim!

We are watching Anna's life,
And we read with fascination
Beautiful, unfinished novel about love, no change.
May your happiness never end!
We want to wish you now
So that it is clear and cloudless in your family!

Today is your birthday, which one is hard for us to say!
We know you did great on this part of the journey!
There is a friendly family
Colleagues and friends
You look no older than thirty!

We congratulate you today
And from the bottom of our hearts we give you
Beautiful symbolic envelope
From friends as a token of love!
For you to choose a gift
And at the same time you remembered us,
All our meetings, our holidays,
And our Se La Vie!

My years are my wealth

The script of the festive evening, in honor of the anniversary of the woman, to the 70th anniversary. The script is designed for an audience of 70-100 people. (The hero of the day is a veteran of labor, has awards, raised several children with her husband)

Hall decoration: congratulatory posters, wall newspapers, balloons, flowers. In the most prominent place - a poster for wishes as a keepsake. Everyone can write their wish, subscribe.

Necessary equipment: musical equipment, microphones, laptop, video projector.

There are two hosts, but some of the heroes of the evening are guests.

Pleasant music sounds, the hostess greets guests and invites them to the table.

(fanfare sounds)
Presenter1: Good evening, dear guests, today the council of the general meeting took place in the family ………. At this meeting, an order was created: this evening everyone should give smiles to each other free of charge, several decisions were also made:
it is forbidden to be sad
eat more and drink more
songs to sing and dance,
and not get tired at all!

Host 2: Whoever agrees with these decisions, who is in favor, we raise our right hand high, higher. Well, all unanimously “for”, where we lowered our hands, we raise them back, now we fill the glasses with these hands and listen to the first toast

Vedas. 1: We propose to announce the first toast to the head of the family - the husband of the hero of the day
(approximate text) Husband: “My wife is just a miracle, I once could not even believe that such a woman could love me, because she is the most beautiful, smart, hardworking, caring, thrifty, economic, well, just a miracle. I am infinitely glad that this is a miracle with me, and now she is not only wonderful, she is the most beloved! So let's drink to the fact that miracles are with us and turn life into love.

(while the guests are eating, the video projector is turned on, a video about the life of the hero of the day, her family, her hobbies is played for 10 minutes, the presentation video introduces the hero of the day in detail: favorite color, dish, flowers, song, etc.)

Vedas. 2: And now her most beloved guests want to congratulate the hero of the day, do not be jealous - these are great-grandchildren (grandchildren).
(Grandchildren read a poem and perform ditties with great-grandchildren)
Poem: Our grandmother is beautiful
The kindest person!
We won't be in vain
Grieve her forever.
We congratulate grandma
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!
We wish her good health
Let's get stronger. Don't grieve
What older children
That the years go by.
You are the most beautiful in the world
Be forever young!

Chastushki: We love granny
We often help at home.
Washed all the dishes
So, the fragments are everywhere!
Grandpa loved grandma
He gave her a bouquet.
Grandma - run to the window,
There are no flower beds! Well well!
To grandma, grandma
I'm in a hurry for pancakes.
I lived for a week
The blouse has become small!
Our grandmother is angry:
We trampled the garden.
Angry, smiled
And she took us in an armful!
(grandchildren hug their grandmother, give their gifts, great-grandchildren can give crafts)

(a block of congratulations to the guests, the presenters announce a poster for wishes, they offer to write something later to remember the hostess about this evening)

(gypsy music sounds, the children of the hero of the day come in, gone to change clothes, in gypsy costumes, the baron is the eldest son of the heroine of the evening)
Baron: Ladies and gentlemen, let me predict tonight and tomorrow morning. Today will be fun
There will be dancing today
The feast will be satisfying
Everyone will hug.
And tomorrow there will be tinnitus
Lie down a little
With a smile, remember all the buzz
You want to come here!

Gypsy: And let me tell you. So, look at each other, and now look at yourself. Then we look in front of us, check whether the glasses are full, if not, we fill, we do all this slowly, carefully, and now I will say - here are the full glasses, and now, they will become empty. By the time I count to ten, the glasses will be completely empty. This is a correct prediction! 1, 2, 3….
Well, I'll tell you more, everyone who is not 30 years old here will be very lucky today. Let's see how many lucky people are here. They, who are under 30, will be physically tired today, doing unusual exercises to cheerful music, but their soul will rest, recharge with new strength.
And for those over 30, we raise our hands, how many of them are there, they will be doubly lucky. They will be lucky today to remember their youth, to plunge into youth. They will have interesting conversations with friends and family about how you are and how we are.
And the most pleasant surprise awaits those who will shout more cheerfully today: “Congratulations to the hero of the day.” It's who's more fun. And so we compete, make the most cheerful look, smile from the top of our mouths and shout in unison. Those who are under 30. And now those who are over 30. Wow, everyone here is funny.
(The Baron congratulates the hero of the day, the whole team is presented with a gift)
(dance block: competitions are held for the best dancer in the oriental style, for the best dancer in the rock and roll style, for the best dancer of Russian folk dance)

Presenter1: We are all very interested in what kind of baby our heroine was, today, and only today there is such an opportunity.
(The hero of the day sits on a chair behind the screen, the husband behind her. A cutout is made in the screen for the face of the hero of the day, she sticks her head into the neckline, with a cap on her head, and a dummy in her mouth. The screen also has holes for the hands of the husband and the hero of the day, the hands of the hero of the day will be legs, and the husband's hands will be handles. The arms and legs of the baby will be dressed in children's overalls. That is, the audience will see the head of the hero of the day and dangling arms and legs under the overalls).

Host 2: But what she was like. In the mornings, she did gymnastics, once or twice, once or twice (while the spouses make movements resembling exercises with their hands), did not forget about running and walking. Be sure the heroine washed her face, washed her face, hands, feet well, and did not forget about her ears. Then, of course, she ate (porridge, it turns out, the husband feeds). Sometimes our baby was capricious and cried loudly (the hero of the day pretends to be crying), and sometimes she laughed (the hero of the day laughs). Well, when she heard the music, she immediately started dancing. That's what our Maria Ivanovna was like.
(the screen is taken away, the dance block, after the dance marathon everyone sits down at the table again)

Presenter 1: And now the most important moment has come - the family choir performs. (Children, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren come out, perform a reworked song to the tune “We wish you happiness”).
It's always warm in our house
The soul is calm and light.
Because in life we ​​are very lucky.
Take care and love us dearly,
You can do everything and you won't betray
And you will never let discord and evil into the house.

We want you to become more beautiful every day.
Like the sun in the morning, it warmed us with warmth.
We wish you luck, so that all your dreams come true!
Good health and no trouble!

In a world where sometimes there is no peace,
Where the light of the sun is dim,
That's when the parent often dream of the house,
We need a thunderstorm and snowfall,
To see our mother's kind look,
Also to see the look of the father, to remember their lesson.

(Children congratulate mother and give gifts)
(block of congratulations of relatives, friends)

Competition 1. The hosts ask questions about the hero of the day, as discussed earlier in the videos.
Competition 2. They close their eyes to the hero of the day, the guests congratulate her, the hero of the day must guess by his voice who it is.
Game 1. Theater game. The guests are given the roles that are in the text. As the text is read, the actors perform their roles.
Game 2. The game is called "Signal of Friendship", everyone stands in a circle and holds hands, one leader squeezes the neighbor's hand, the neighbor squeezes the next one, and so on in a circle, when the signal starts to reach the beginner very quickly, a friendship dance is announced - lambada.

At the end of the festive evening, a jubilee salute is held - everyone takes 1 inflated balloon, on command, everyone starts to burst them. When there are a lot of guests, more than 50 people, a real feeling of fireworks will be created.

If your relative turns 70, this should be noted. Most of all, older people need the love and attention of loved ones. Therefore, any family gatherings at which several generations gather are already a huge holiday for any grandmother. In order for the event to be liked by a company of different ages and not turn into a banal feast, it is important to think over the scenario of the anniversary for a 70-year-old woman in advance.

Celebration organization

Usually the 70th anniversary is celebrated in a close circle of close people. The hero of the occasion is pleased to see beloved relatives and true friends at the table, with whom many happy and sad moments have been experienced.

Most often, the scenario of the anniversary without the toastmaster is taken as the basis. For a 70-year-old woman, sincerity and sincerity are extremely important. A professional presenter has vast experience in holding such events, but he does not know the birthday girl the way her relatives know.

The role of toastmaster is better to take on one of the relatives. So it will be easier to collect information about the childhood and youth of the birthday girl, the touching moments of her life, tastes and hobbies. You should not thoroughly follow the developed anniversary scenarios for a 70-year-old woman. New or old, they do not take into account the personality of your mother, grandmother, girlfriend. This is the case when a personal approach is required.


Creativity is welcome at any holiday. The hero of the day will be pleased if the children and grandchildren decorate the room with homemade posters, balloons, flowers. A place of honor should be given to photographs. Elderly people carefully keep them as a reminder of past times. Beautifully arrange a photo exhibition. Some of the photos may need to be restored.

The next task is to choose an interesting anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman and adjust it to suit your situation. Behind each person is a unique life path. It's nice to remember him. Touching surprises will be appropriate. For example, a presentation of photographs from different years accompanied by excerpts from songs, or a video in which relatives, friends, colleagues of the birthday girl share their memories. Or maybe it will be a romantic love story of grandparents.

In the scenario of the anniversary for a woman of 70 years old, you can safely include song congratulations performed by the family choir. Memorize beautiful poems with children. Grandmother is moved to tears when she hears the speech of her younger grandchildren. A great gift would be an old friend. It is difficult for some of them to get to the neighboring area, so the help of the younger generation is needed.

Holiday start

It is important from the first minutes to set the right tone for the entire event. This will help you familiarize yourself with ready-made scripts for anniversaries. Scenarios for a 70-year-old woman most often begin with beautiful poems. Choose those lines that most closely match the character of the birthday girl. You can please her with fresh flowers, presented to the loud applause of the audience.

The scenario of a happy anniversary for a woman of 70 years old can begin with a solemn oath. The presenter reads out her text, and the audience confirms with a timely “I swear”. Ask the guests to stand and place their hand over their hearts as a sign of sincerity.

Read the following lines: "In this we solemnly swear:

  • have fun and joke;
  • do not be sad for a minute;
  • with appetite to eat and drink;
  • love the birthday girl;
  • carry it in your arms;
  • congratulations to say;
  • kiss and hug;
  • fulfill all desires;
  • sing and dance loudly;
  • and never get tired."

The hero of the day is introduced to her jubilee duties. As a hospitable hostess at a holiday, she promises:

  • do not forget loved ones;
  • invite them to visit;
  • accept gifts from them;
  • set a rich table;
  • smile cheerfully;
  • always remain beautiful;
  • live up to 100 years;
  • Say "no" to pain!

Official part

An anniversary is unthinkable without compliments, congratulations and wishes. The host gives the floor to the guests, who delight the birthday girl with sincere words, sincere poems, songs, ditties. It is appropriate to present diplomas for high achievements in the field of gardening, cooking, raising grandchildren, guiding children on the true path.

Guests share their memories of the hero of the occasion, accompanying them with a display of photographs. It is best to choose an anniversary scenario with contests. Woman 70 years old? So what! Even so, people do not refuse to have fun. Both the hero of the occasion and those present will surely enjoy the "Laudatory Auction" competition. The host invites those present to name as many positive qualities of the birthday girl as possible. At the same time, the words should not be unfounded. It is necessary to recall the case when the hero of the day clearly demonstrated the named quality. Each praise is followed by a count to three. If during this time no one has remembered a new quality, a winner is appointed. He is given the right to make a toast.

Young guests full of enthusiasm can prepare costumed congratulations. The latter will successfully fit into the scenario of the anniversary. For a woman of 70 years old with humor, this will be an excellent gift.

Scene "Visit of Little Red Riding Hood"

Young people love for a woman of 70 years old, it may well become so if children and grandchildren show imagination.

The scene described below involves two people: a young girl playing the role of Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf. The last one needs a mask. To the song from the film of the same name, Little Red Riding Hood runs into the room, waving a basket.

She says that she has come. Then the guest asks a series of questions, to which she herself answers. "Grandma, why do you have such big eyes? Is it because you were delighted with me? Why are you so old? Probably so that no one would guess that you are young at heart. Otherwise they will force you to go to work! Why do you so many guests? To give a lot of gifts, right?"

Then Little Red Riding Hood invites Grandma to take any pie out of the basket. If he is with cabbage, the hero of the day will receive an increase in pension. If with potatoes - garden work. Jam symbolizes the increased attention of men, rice - a trip to China, meat - life in abundance.

Suddenly, a wolf runs in and demands to see his grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood tries to block her, offers the predator pies from the basket, sausage from the table. The wolf stands his ground and eventually finds the hero of the day by smell. He says that he was not going to eat her, but wanted to congratulate her. Shakes hands, wishes health and the absence of wolves on the roads of fate. The scene may end with a dance or song of the characters.

Congratulations "Italian guest"

A home jubilee scenario for a 70-year-old woman may include visits from foreign guests. The scene described below involves an Italian and his translator, who came to congratulate the dear birthday girl.

Italian (I): Chao cocoa, golden anniversary!

Translator (P): Hello, dear hero of the day!

And: Chao cocoa, it's drunk at home!

P: Hello, dear guests!

I: I didn’t get a damn thing especially hard worker.

P: My respect for the workers.

I: And the lords of lodyrento.

P: As well as children, students and pensioners.

And: Italian Senor the sun is shining.

P: I came to you from sunny Italy.

And: Crawled saboteur document lost.

P: Arrived on a special flight.

And: Organizmo umotato suitcase confiscated.

P: I am full of energy and brought a whole suitcase of gifts for the hero of the day!

And: Congratulations, brilliantly beautiful, lovingly delighted (name of the hero of the day).

P: Congratulations on your anniversary (name of the birthday girl).

And: In love with the feet of the subject.

P: I respect you.

I: Be energetic and colorful!

P: I wish you to remain as energetic and beautiful!

And: The back is not bolento, the mouth is not coughed, the eyes are looked, the legs are begento.

P: Stay healthy!

And: Tuscanto bags, brought up grandchildren, copanto garden, in a tidy room.

P: Young optimism, longevity!

And: All sorts of unnecessary junk dragged from Italiano!

A: I brought you very necessary things from Italy!

The Italian gives gifts to the hero of the day, which can also be played in an interesting way, kisses her hand and raises a toast to her.

Scene "Inspector"

The arrival of the inspector can easily fit into any cool anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman. A new interpretation of the famous work of Gogol will amuse the assembled guests. The main characters are the auditor and 2-3 assistants who come to the holiday with a check.

Strict Commission:

  • Measures the height of the table and determines that it meets the standards: three people can easily fit under it.
  • Construction angle checks the evenness of the floor. The results are announced: you can dance, it is not recommended to fall, it is forbidden to fly according to SanPin.
  • Measures the room temperature and states that the room is very hot.
  • He dips the thermometer into a glass of alcohol. His strength is increased.
  • Conducts examinations of guests using various medical instruments. A verdict is passed: the degree of happiness, joy and fun is significantly overestimated.

As a result, an order is issued:

  • keep having fun
  • destroy strong drinks in the first place;
  • do not gather under the table;
  • eat and praise salads, it is strictly forbidden to sleep in them;
  • congratulate the hero of the day every 5 minutes;
  • to pronounce solemn speeches loudly, clearly, with expression;
  • go home on both legs, in unforeseen cases it is allowed to turn on the autopilot;
  • keep the memory of the anniversary carefully until the next holiday.

Table entertainment

A fun company will surely like the anniversary script for a 70-year-old woman with contests. They are held in between congratulations.

Here are some games that will bring people of all ages together:

  • "Sweet Nothing". Pieces of paper with the letters of the Russian alphabet are put into the bag. The guests take them out and say affectionate words to the birthday girl, starting with a pulled out letter.
  • "Blind Artist" The players draw a portrait of the hero of the day with their eyes closed.
  • "The most knowledgeable". Guests are asked various questions about the biography and hobbies of the birthday girl. A candy is awarded for each correct answer. The guest who has accumulated more sweets by the end of the game is given the "Most Aware" medal, as well as a pass to the hero of the day at any time of the day or night with her signature.
  • "Guess the Prize" Small items are placed in the bag. There are as many of them as there are letters in the name of the hero of the day. Each gift begins with one of the letters of the name. For example, the name of the hero of the occasion is Marina. The bag contains a fridge magnet, an orange, a pen, a toy, scissors and an ascorbic acid. Who guessed the next gift, he takes it.
  • "Feel." The participants in the game are blindfolded. With the help of two forks, you need to determine what lies in front of you. Use well-known items: fruit from the table, candy, pencil, comb, toothbrush. If the guest is confused, let him ask questions that can be answered "yes" or "no".

Musical and song entertainment

Not all elderly people are ready to dance until they drop. Nevertheless, the scenario of an anniversary for a 70-year-old woman is unthinkable without musical accompaniment. The selection of compositions should be approached with special responsibility. The older generation sometimes does not understand modern music. Let melodies from the past sound on the anniversary, as well as the favorite performers of the birthday girl. Perhaps she will again want to dance with her husband to the song that connected them half a century ago.

The traditions of table gatherings with choral singing are still alive in the circle of the older generation. You can organize karaoke. Or fun games that make guests be smart. For example, "Musical forfeits". You will need cases of chocolate eggs in which tasks are hidden. They are lowered into a bag and passed from guest to guest to the music. The one on whom the song falls silent pulls out a task at random and completes it. It is acceptable to ask for friendly help.

Tasks can be very diverse. Let the guests guess the melodies, remember songs about a birthday or New Year's holidays. Invite them to perform one verse from any children's, military, folk, Komsomol song. You can give a more difficult task - to guess the name of the composition by reading its third line. Showing a song with gestures evokes a lot of emotions.

Joke lottery

Elderly people get tired quickly, and this must be taken into account when writing an anniversary script for a 70-year-old woman. A cool scenario may involve the presentation of final gifts to guests. It is convenient to arrange this part in the form of a comic lottery. Those gathered take turns drawing numbers and receiving a prize. Gifts are accompanied by poetic comments:

  • Life is sometimes full of miracles. Get a Mercedes. (Toy car).
  • Your memory won't let you down as long as you have a notebook with you.
  • Here's some luck! Get your egg! (Kinder Surprise).
  • There is no more need to win. Keep a trash bag.
  • Go through life laughing! Let the candle light the way!
  • To run a hundred meters, eat a delicious carrot.
  • You are great today! Your gift is a lollipop.
  • Do not be sad by chance, it is better to drink this tea.
  • In order not to age at all, get a miracle cream. (Hand cream).
  • Go through life more fun! Something does not stick - here is the glue!
  • Fate has generously rewarded you! Keep imported soap!
  • For squiggles, get these pens. (Set of colored pens).
  • Optimism will charge a magnet for the refrigerator. (A magnet with a life-affirming inscription).
  • Forget about strict diets! Life will become sweet like candy! (Pack with sweets).
  • For you, nothing is a pity! I'm tearing a washcloth from my heart!
  • What a joy, what a prize! Get your service! (Set of disposable tableware).
  • Useful to everyone, however, toilet paper.
  • To pass the evening, you need to click the seeds.

An anniversary script for a 70-year-old woman should be well thought out. Elderly people are sometimes capricious, but they all need care and attention. Show your imagination, try to create a cozy atmosphere at the holiday. If this is done from the heart, the woman you love will feel needed and loved. For her, this feeling is much more important than a mountain of expensive gifts.

This scenario is intended for holding a holiday in a close circle, although it is also suitable for those who decide to celebrate their grandmother's 70th birthday in a big way. Warm congratulations, interesting, not at all vulgar, competitions and an unusual atmosphere - all this carries the script.

The program will make the grandmother's anniversary a real family holiday!

Before the event, everyone's favorite songs that are enjoyed by all family members should be played to create a festive atmosphere.

When the table is already set, you can meet your grandmother in the room to loud applause and cheerful Irina Allegrova's song - "Happy Birthday!"

All relatives create a living corridor and everyone, embracing, says a compliment to grandmother.

Approximate compliments:

  • Grandmother, dear, the best with us! We give you congratulations at this hour!
  • There is no tastier than your pies, But the anniversary cake is ready!
  • You are beautiful with us, the best with us, And so we will say together: just class!

The leader can be a grandson or granddaughter of a grandmother who has sufficient charisma.


Dear guests, hello! Grandma dear, hello!

Everyone knows that we are not gathered here by chance?

Then it's time to call the reason! Our dearest and most beloved grandmother has a birthday today!

Not just a day, but an anniversary! Therefore, today we are waiting for a lot of the most beautiful and kind congratulations and the most useful gifts for our beloved grandmother!

And let's raise the first toast to ensure that our grandmother is always healthy and cheerful! We love you very much and are always there, and you please us with your activity and optimism, do you agree?

Pour, drink.


And now we will hold a mini-quiz, let's see who knows the most about our dear birthday girl.

So my questions are:

  • In what year was the birthday girl born? Well done, everyone knows how to count!
  • How many grades did our grandmother complete?
  • What is the education of our grandmother?
  • What was our grandmother's job?
  • Grandma's favorite color?
  • Grandma's favorite flowers?
  • What dish does our grandmother make the most delicious? Of course, everyone! And what is the brand name?
  • Who does Grandma talk to the longest on the phone?
  • Well, the last question: what songs does grandma like and does she like music?

Of course, our grandmother loves to sing and songs very much, so right now we will all sing a remade song to granny together!

All relatives sing a song to their grandmother to the tune “You are so beautiful”:

Every centimeter of the pie - I'll eat it boldly,
Whatever you want - choose
Everything that I wanted!
Grandchildren for a week, phone
Ile TV
And of course we will give a super spirit quickly!


You are so beautiful, unbearable
Our granny to be unloved,
We congratulate you on your anniversary
We wish you happiness and health forever!


And songs are pouring, wines are pouring. Without a glass, there is no vocal!

And we sang so well that we simply have to raise our glasses again to our granny!


And now the most pleasant time has come when everyone has the opportunity to congratulate grandmother personally!

And the first word - to the children of our hero of the day! I give the word for congratulations ...

Names the children in turn. Everyone says congratulations and toasts.


And now I propose to play a little!

Does everyone have a fork?? And who is ready to win the competition with her help?

So here's the lucky one! Right now we will blindfold, and the task of our player is not very simple. We will put dishes from the table in front of you, and you will have to feel and name what is in front of you.


We heartily congratulate you, grandmother!
Patience, longevity we only wish you!
You smile a little, wink at your neighbor!
You are young with us, even grandfathers know!

Let's drink to your youth, which, despite the summer, you carried and give to everyone around you! For you!

Pour, drink, eat


We pretty much sat, it's time to dance!

The dance break is on! But first, let's warm up!

The competition is called "Seated Dancing". We will turn on different music, and you, without getting up from your seat, must dance to it!

Ready? Go!

Dance break - 15 minutes.


Hungry? And, I suppose, did you miss the toasts?

Then the time has come to congratulate the grandmother and our friend

(name of relative)


Grandma, you are the smartest, most beautiful, but there are many more compliments that we will give you!

The contest is called "The Most-Most". Everyone at the table must say what our grandmother is the most.

Are the conditions clear?

Then let's go!


And now - a toast from the smallest participants of the anniversary, from the grandchildren of our grandmother, who prepared a surprise for the hero of the occasion.

Congratulations from the grandchildren:

And our granny has a real anniversary,
Many wonderful guests gathered in the apartment (in the house / cafe)!
We sang for grandmother, danced from the heart!
And now you hurry to remember the poems from your grandchildren!
We only wish you good health!
And good luck, earthly blessings,
To please the grandchildren
Their most mischievous!
You are beautiful and wonderful, let's say in spirit!
Our grandmother is wonderful. That's why I love it!