
Orenburg artists. L.V. Popov. Adolf Aleksandrovich Proskurovsky is an amazing artist and a wonderful person. He was born in Ukraine but grew up in

Artists of the Orenburg Region From the middle of the 19th century, painting began to develop in Orenburg. In 1856 the Society for the Encouragement of Artists operates in the city. Wealthy residents of the city provide material support to local painters and organize exhibitions. Karjakin Kirill 6 "G" class

Lukian Vasilievich Popov (1873 - 1914) A famous Russian artist, was born and worked in the Orenburg region. Graduated with honors from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, he not only glorified his native land with his works, but energetically helped local artists by organizing exhibitions, which included his works.

Lukian Vasilyevich Popov (short biography) "Taken", (1904), oil on canvas - State Russian Museum. Popov Lukian Vasilievich was born in the village of Arkhangelovka, Orenburg district, Orenburg province in a peasant family. In 1876, after the introduction of universal military service, the father of the future artist was called up to serve in the army and the family moved to Orenburg. He studied at a parish school, then at a city school in Orenburg.

Lukian Vasilievich Popov (short biography) Received his primary art education at the drawing school of the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of Arts. From 1896 to 1902 he studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts in the workshop of Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky, who had a significant impact on the entire work of the artist. After graduating from the Academy, having received the right to retirement, he visits Germany and France. Upon his return from a trip abroad in 1903, he returned to Orenburg, where he lived until the end of his life. Since 1900 he has been an exhibitor, since 1903 he has been a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. Since 1909, a member of the A.I.Kuindzhi Society of Artists. In 1912, the Imperial Academy of Arts awarded Popov the title of academician of painting.

Gallery of works Lukian Vasilievich Popov "Portrait of a wife in a colorful scarf", (1900s) "Groom", (1904)

Gallery of works Lukian Vasilievich Popov "The meadows flooded", (1908) "Walkers to new places", (1904)

Such famous painters as F.A.Malyavin (1869 - 1940), A.F. Chernyshev, P.M.Shmelkov were born in the Orenburg region. In 1926 a branch of the AHRR (Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia) was organized in the city. In 1946, the cooperative partnership "Artist" was created. The post-war years were difficult, there were no workshops, and we had to carry out random orders. There were almost no connections with the capital organizations, but the creative life did not stop.

The next stage was the creation in 1954 of the Orenburg branch of the Union of Soviet Artists. The Orenburg painter A.F. Stepanov (1893 - 1965) was an active participant in the creation of the art organization. A talented and original artist, he devoted a lot of time to the formation and improvement of the skills of local painters.

"Orenburg art school" - this term appeared in art criticism in the second half of the XX century. The richness of the city's artistic life, a busy schedule of exhibitions, openness of creative communication, attract artists from other cities and regions to Orenburg. L. Popov

The recent history of the artistic life of the Orenburg region can be divided into three stages. The end of the 40s and the beginning of the 60s is the period of the post-war formation and development of the local school of painting. At this time, local artists of the older generation, who are distinguished by love for their native land, dedication and respect for the best traditions of Russian art, are working hard to create a team. Painters A. I. Ovchinnikov (1929), Sh. G. Mukhametzyanov (1930), N. V. Bolodurin, who were born and raised in the countryside, who to this day glorify the beauty of their native land and ordinary workers.

The middle of the 60s and the beginning of the 80s, a period associated with the arrival in the 60s of a group of young artists graduates of the Moscow Institute. VI Surikov, who did not immediately, but managed to assess the originality and maintain a high level of skill, the established team. They gave a powerful impetus to the development of the Orenburg art life, became the most active part of the organization. Exhibition activity sharply revived, the culture of painting began to rise. The main thing at this time was the creation of plot-themed pictures. In 1975, the Orenburg Regional Art School was opened in the city.

At this time, the creative activity of such artists as the People's Artist of Russia N.P. Eryshev, V.F. Prosvirin, R.A.Yablokov, G.A. Later they were joined by Yu. A. Rysukhin, R. Ya. Asaev, Yu. Ya. Gilev, AV Maslovsky. R. A. Yablokov N. P. Eryshev "At the holiday of the Russian winter", 1986

The third period, from the mid-80s to the present, is associated with the formation and training of a large group of local artists under the influence of those who came in the 60s-70s. They creatively develop and enrich the artistic life of Orenburg with new ideas. These are established masters with extensive experience in exhibition activities V. Gazukin, L. Pronchenko, S. Bochkarev, R. Yusufbaev, A. Khanin, E. Erokhin. The younger ones, whose creativity develops more dynamically, they are recognizable and in demand, among them V. Eryshev, R. Ovchinnikov, I. Smekalov, A. Slepchenko, A. Kurilov, Ya. Cheskidova, M. Borisova. The following, are at the beginning of a promising path, but already have experience of foreign exhibitions A. Olikov, S. Chunikhina, I. Gafiyatullin, V. Bartenev, A. Kiselev.

Currently, there are about 80 members of the Union of Artists of Russia in Orenburg. Another interest in the Orenburg artists arose after three years (1991-1993) experts from France who came to the city selected works for exhibitions. During this period, more than 1000 works were exported to Paris alone, which were then sold at auctions in the "Hotel-Drouot" and had a secondary sale.

Orenburg artist.

Lukian Vasilievich


Prepared art teacher

MBOU "Kalikinskaya OOSh"

Elena Kovylnikova

Popov Lukian Vasilievich was born in the village of Arkhangelovka, Orenburg district, Orenburg province in a peasant family. In 1876, after the introduction universal compulsory military service , the father of the future artist was called up to serve in the army and the family moved to Orenburg. He studied at a parish school, then at a city school in Orenburg.

Received his initial art education at a drawing school Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts ... From 1896 to 1902 he studied at Imperial Academy of Arts In workshop Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky , which had a significant impact on the entire work of the artist. Upon graduation from the Academy, having received the right to retirement , visits Germany, France.

Upon returning from a trip abroad in 1903, he returns to Orenburg, where he lives until the end of his life. Exhibitor since 1900, member since 1903 Associations of Traveling Art Exhibitions ... Member since 1909 Society of Artists named after A. AND. Kuindzhi ... In 1912, the Imperial Academy of Arts awarded Popov the title of academician of painting.

« Strong sleep"

- I. D. Minchenkov "Memories of the Itinerants".

The exhibition "125 paintings by artists of the Orenburg region" is organized by the Government of the Orenburg region, the Orenburg organization VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia".

The organizers of the exhibition hope that acquaintance with the best works of artists will allow you to learn more about the Orenburg region, appreciate its beauty and make sure that the traditions laid down by famous artists Lukian Popov and Philip Malyavin find a worthy continuation in the work of contemporary painters.

The exhibition "125 paintings by artists of the Orenburg region" was shown in Moscow, in the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery, in Nizhny Novgorod. The acquaintance of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod viewers with the works of Orenburg authors became possible thanks to a grant from the Governor of the Orenburg Region. The works of Orenburg artists have an inherent interest in the invisible, hidden sides of nature and human existence. Possessing a special, deeply individual view of the world, they endow nature with its inherent animation and spirituality.

The history of the development of the fine arts of the Orenburg region has more than one decade. In Russian art of the late XIX - early XX centuries, the work of Lukian Vasilyevich Popov, an academician of painting, late Itinerant, artist, whose life was inextricably linked with the Orenburg region, became a significant phenomenon. The creative heritage of L. V. Popov became the basis for the creation of the Orenburg Museum of Fine Arts. Artists A. Chernyshev and P. Shmelkov were born in Orenburg, whose names have become part of the history of Russian art.

In 1918 S. Karpov came to his hometown. He promoted the creation in Orenburg of the organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR, and in 1926 - the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia.

The artistic life of the Orenburg region in the 1920s was eventful. It was at this time that a student of K. Malevich, the author of the project of the suprematist painting of the Orenburg Theater of the Red Army I. Kudryashov, came here.

The Orenburg region of the 1920s and 1930s appears before us in the graphic series of the talented draftsman S. Kalmykov.

In 1935, the graphic artist ND Prokhorov returned to Orenburg. The original graphic feeling of this artist gives the right to put his work on a par with the best draftsmen and graphic artists of the 20-30s.

Many Orenburg artists of the 30-50s contributed to the formation and development of painting in the region. Artists N.M. Ledyaev, A.F. Stepanov combined pre-revolutionary history with the Soviet period. For several decades, landscape has remained the main genre in the collective of Orenburg artists. It is in this genre that the creative successes of the painters F. Kozelkov, A. Lyashchenko, Sh. Mukhamedzyanov, A. Ovchinnikov are most noticeable.

A new round in the fine arts of the Orenburg region takes place in the 60s, when N. Eryshev, Y. Grigoriev, G. Glakhteev, V. Ni, V. Prosvirin, R. Yablokov come. It was these artists who gave a powerful impetus to the creative life of the city. For several decades a unique Union of Artists has been formed in Orenburg.

The "patriarch" of Orenburg art, People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Eryshev in his canvases, as it were, verifies the harmony of the world with algebra. The universe, understood by him as the work of hands, as the creation of a master, unfolds in his works, verified and accurate, like a hymn to labor, creativity, spiritual strength.

Vyacheslav Prosvirin is an artist for whom there is no concept of "the flour of creativity", but there is the joy of creativity, and for him this is the most important thing in art. The gaze of the artist, captivated by female beauty, his brush stops for us on the canvas amazing moments, full of admiration for life.

Yuri Grigoriev acts as a charmer of natural elements, an attentive observer in his landscape paintings. In the tension of natural forces, we recognize the passions and drama of our time.
A powerful influence on all of Yuri Rysukhin's work was made by his mastering of the complex, but surprisingly sonorous and bright technique of temperamental painting on gesso ground.

Each work of Gennady Glakhteev, the leader and founder of the Sadki Academy, is a small universe. The model of the world is created in his works at the intersection of several spaces that flow into one another.

"Sadki Academy" is the only association of artists formed in the Orenburg region, which arose in the early 70s. Artists who traveled for several years on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov to the village of Sadki, comprehended the mysteries of nature, painted nudity on a plein air, argued about the work of the greats. The composition of the travel participants was always updated, but the main "backbone" remained unchanged - G. Glakhteev and I. Makarova, V. Gazukin, A. Vlasenko and V. Eremenko, G. Rezanova and A. Khanin. The young members of the association M. Busalaeva and I. Smekalov continued the traditions of the Sadki Academy.

The work of A. Eskin, M. Borisova, A. Romanyuk, O. Kosheleva, V. Monakhov, S. Fazutov represents today one of the most interesting pages in the development of Orenburg painting, as well as the creative quest of young artists J. Cheskidova, V. Bartnev, E. Gafiyatullina.

Of the sculptors working in Orenburg, there are three members of the Union of Artists: N. Ishmukhametov, P. Surnachev, People's Artist of Russia N. Petina.

The monumental paintings and mosaics of the city's public buildings were made by the artists R. Asaev, Y. Gilev, A. Maslovsky.

Of no less interest is the work of Orenburg graphic artists: watercolors and pencil drawings by V. Bobrov, engravings by A. Presnov and Y. Krikunov, etchings by O. Okuneva.

A. Vasilchenko opened a new page in the development of decorative and applied art, taking the knitting technique of the Orenburg "cobwebs" as a basis for her decorative panels.

Silk painting technique, unconventional for Orenburg, was embodied in the works of Irina and Maria Eskin, Svetlana and Anatoly Shleyuk.

The Union of Orenburg Artists lives and works creatively with full dedication. Exhibitions of our artists are held not only in Orenburg, but also far beyond its borders.

Orenburg painters, graphic artists, sculptors, artists of monumental and decorative applied art are distinguished by high professionalism, deep knowledge of art history, philosophical depth of creative searches. They are the ones who create their own artistic system in the Orenburg region, being often theorists of their own work. Each of the artists has a bright individuality, has his own characteristic style, easily recognizable and different from others, his own creative "I".

Project content: Purpose: Learn about the artists of the native land and get acquainted with their work. 1. Information about the artists PROJECT CONTENT:

Information about the artists of the Orenburg region appears since
XIX century. The most significant phenomenon is creativity
Lucian Popov, academician of painting,
itinerant, his life is inextricably linked with
Orenburg region, collection of his works
takes a leading place in the Regional Museum
fine arts. Orenburg residents
birth were the artists Alexey Chernyshev (in
2008, the Museum of Fine Arts acquired his work), P.
Shmelkov, Philip Malyavin, their names are firmly
associated with the fine arts of Russia. Before
interest in Sergei's work still continues
Kalmykov, Sergei Sharshun (native
Buguruslan), a prominent Russian artist
abroad. Various communities are known and
collectives of Orenburg artists - "Union
artists and painters "," Association
artists of revolutionary Russia ", the creation
which was facilitated by the artists S.M. Karpov and
S. V. Ryangina.

Popov Lucian
born in the village
provinces in the family
peasant. IN
1876, after
introducing general
th military
duty, father
the future
call for
military service and
family is moving
to Orenburg.
Studied at
school, then in
school in

"Portrait of a wife in a colorful shawl" "Girl in a red sarafan"


Philip Malyavin
born on October 11
1869 in Samara
province (now -
Orenburg region)
in a large family
peasants. Paint
started early, at the age of four-five. Copied
iconographic images,
painted portraits
fellow villagers. In 1885.
together with Athos
monk went to
monastery, where, according to him
representations, he
will be able to learn
"Church painting".
Arrived in December
1891 to the Holy Mountain
sculptor V.
Beklemishev interested
oval works
young novice and
suggested that
To apply to
Academy of Arts.



Born on October 24, 1928 in the village of Baleyka, Novosergievsky District
Orenburg region.
Since 1952 he worked in the art fund of the RSFSR.
In 1964 he moved to Orenburg, where he studied in the studio of A.F. Stepanov.
The artist's first work, Still Life with Black Bread, dates back to 1946.
For the first time participates in the art exhibition of the Orenburg branch of the Union
artists of the RSFSR in 1948.
“The theme of the man of labor, the theme of the earth, bread were and remain the most
the main, the most exciting "
writes about himself in his autobiography.
Held 16 personal exhibitions.
In 1985 - participated in the zonal exhibition "Socialist Ural" and
republican "We defended the world - we will save the world", dedicated to the 40th anniversary
Great Victory. Their catalogs include large multi-figured compositions
"Seeing off" and "Victory Day". Twelve works were sent to foreign
exhibitions organized by the International Export Show.
Participant of exhibitions "India through the eyes of Russian artists" in the Tretyakovskaya
gallery in Moscow and "Around India" Orenburg (1997-1998).
In 2002, Alexander Ovchinnikov entered the personalities of the book “The most famous
painters of Russia ”- a story about the main paths of Russian painting.
Its compiler and author K.A.Koksheneva writes about Alexander Ovchinnikov:
“He is a singer of his native land. His works "Orenburg Bread", "Victory Day",
"Seeing off to the front", "Flowers of my homeland", landscapes of Baleika occupy a special
place in the school of Orenburg painting, allowing the author to be considered a real
folk artist "

Ovchinnikov's works


Adolf Aleksandrovich Proskurovsky is an amazing artist and a wonderful person. He was born in Ukraine but grew up in


Works of the Novotroitsk artist.


Conclusion: having got acquainted with the artists of our region, we concluded that our fellow countrymen are in no way inferior to the capital's masters.

Thanks for attention!