
Why did noise ms's mother die? Noize MC (Noise MC) - biography of a rap artist. Debut album Noize MC and further work

Childhood Noize MC

Vanya was born in the Smolensk region. The boy's mother was a chemist by profession, and his father was a musician. When he turned nine, his parents separated. Around this period, he began to write his first poems, and a year later he “fell ill” with the guitar. Moreover, he went to music school in the middle of the year and was accepted. Ivan began to study and made progress in playing the classical guitar.

In 1997, he and his mother went to Belgorod, where he continued his studies. There Vanya twice participated in the regional performing competition. In 1998 he managed to take first place, and in 2000 - second. Since 2000, the aspiring musician tried his hand at various musical groups in the city, including the group “Levers of Machines.” He himself first assembled a rock band at the age of thirteen.

Beginning of career Noize MC

Vanya was fond of both Nirvana and The Prodigy. Soon he began to try to write rap, but did not stop playing in a rock band. At school, the young musician studied with Arkady, who also performed in musical groups under the name “Adik”. For some time, classmates played together in the group “V.I.P,” which was very famous within the city due to its frequent performances.

Ivan took the pseudonym MC Noize, but later modified it slightly and became known as Noize MC. After a while, classmates created their own group and gave it the name “Face2Face”. They began to participate in regional festivals, perform at concerts, and take part in competitions. “Face2Face” also tried its hand at the international festival, which took place in Kharkov, where it was a success. Ivan Alekseev graduated from music school in 2001, and a year later became a graduate of a secondary school.

Ivan Alekseev's move to Moscow

In 2002, Vanya went to Moscow, where he began studying at the State Humanitarian University. He had to leave the group in Belgorod. Like many nonresident students of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Ivan settled in a dormitory. He decided to do solo work. A year later, from students like him, the young man created the group “Protivo Gunz”. The musician constantly became a participant in various metropolitan hip-hop competitions and freestyle battles, where he performed successfully and was often among the winners.

Together with Protivo Gunz, Ivan traveled to many cities in the Moscow region, giving concerts. From time to time, he introduced his work to the residents of the capital, going out onto the city streets. Noize MC first gained popularity after he began posting his tracks on the Internet, which he recorded during his student years.

The rise of Noize MC

The musician spent the summers of 2005 and 2006 traveling around the country, where the team of the Snickers Urbania street festival and Ivan gave joint concerts. Noize MC collected the proceeds to record his first album. "Respect Production" is the name of the rap label with which he signed a contract. Around the same period, the group with “Protivo Gunz” became a participant in the Russian competition “Urban Sound”, where they won. The prize was the opportunity to record a video, although the budget was very small. This was the reason that the guys recorded a video for their old track, the name of which is “Song for Radio”. The clip was considered provocative, but it still entered the rotation. A year later, it was decided to change the plot of the video, which made it more provocative.

Noize MC Freestyle on the train

In the spring of 2007, participating in the seventh Battle of Hip-Hop.Ru, the talented musician became the winner, which became his next success in his career. At the same time, he signed a contract with Universal Music Group, which in itself was already a significant event.

Pavel Lungin invited Ivan to his film “The Prank”, where he got his first experience of filming. He also composed the soundtrack for the film. His hero's name was Igor Glushko. He was a high school student, an aspiring musician, who moved to the capital after the death of his parents.

“Behind a Closed Door” is the title of the hip-hop artist’s second video. The video was filled with black humor and Noize MC's signature irony. This work was in 2007 in tenth place among the hundred best songs of MTV-2007. Latest achievements in creativity

Noize MC -- Freestyle at Moscow State University

A year passed, and the hip-hopper decided to terminate his contract with Universal Music Group. And soon admirers of his work saw his first debut album. Its title is “The Greatest Hits vol.1”. The golden collection of new Russian rock included many of the singles from this record. In 2010, the musician’s second album was released. Its title is “The Last Album”.

Noize MC today

The next album was released in 2011. At the same time, many clips were shot, but the year 2011 set a record for the clips shot. In the spring of 2012, an album called “New Album” appeared.

In 2013, the Protivo Gunz group celebrated its tenth anniversary with an anniversary concert. It is known that a full-length film is expected to be released in 2014, in which the full group will star.

Personal life of Noize MC

The hip-hopper is not particularly willing to talk about his personal life, believing that that is why it is private, so as not to be the property of society. However, in one of his interviews, he talked about his beautiful wife and two beautiful children.

Ivan and Anna met in 2008 at a concert. Their views on life were similar, in addition, Anya really liked the musician’s work. He made every effort, and after a while she agreed to become his wife. In 2010, Vasily was born to them, and in 2012, Mikhail appeared. Despite his busy schedule, Ivan always strives to be with his family more.

Noize MC's new album "Hard Reboot" has been released - a "rock" record, compared to the previous "hip-hop" "Confusion". The Flow listened to the album first and asked Ivan all the questions that came up during listening.

This is what surprised me. I turned on the song “Come Some All” when it came out - there’s trap, electronic beat, dance. I turn on the album - there is a group called Nirvana.

Well, yes, “Come Some All” is practically the only completely rap song here. Everything else is either guitar music or eclectic electronics. There are also things like “Save My Speech” and “Talking Heads” - a borderline Everlast. Well, we can conditionally call them rap. Well, and the song “Hard Reboot”, actually.

Why wasn't Fred Durst here in the end?

Durst has some problems - as I understand, quite serious ones. They are once again postponing the album, left Cash Money and can’t finish recording their record. As he writes to me, our joint track is in his “pool” for vocal recording, but he still has a lot of his own acapellas - and for him this is a priority task. From our side, the track is completely ready, and sooner or later it will see the light of day. In general, the story is very strange, because it was his idea: he himself came to us, he suggested it himself. Well, good luck to him. I liked “Endless Slaughter”, I’m waiting for an album from Limp Bizkit.

Did you think the track would be in English?

Initially there were different thoughts on this matter, but in the end - yes, it is completely English-language.

Is it even difficult to write texts in a foreign language?

Easier than I thought, let's put it that way. I made attempts for a long time, it was such a deliberately Russian English - I tried to create texts with a universal message, not tied to some newfangled slang. I write in the language of the world. Not in some specific, momentary newspeak that will only be understood by the dudes from Fifth to Eighteenth streets in New York and no one else. Yes, I still have a pretty strong Eastern European accent. And for some it is Jamaican, Irish, South African, Swedish, German or Latin American. Native speakers understand me freely, I can formulate and convey my thoughts - this is the main thing. And I'm working hard on the rest.

The song "Come Some All", which also has the subtitle "Totalitarian trap"

I was also very surprised by Polozkova’s cameo here...

Yes, there are three fits in total - Vera Polozkova, Marina Katsuba and Astronautalis. Marina Katsuba is a poet from St. Petersburg, she will now battle with Drago on “Versus”. She is a friend of our family, Anya and I will go to cheer. She has been writing poetry for a long time, but only now started trying to record hip-hop. We met her in Thailand this winter, a big St. Petersburg crowd was vacationing there: Alina Pyazok, Usachev, Dimon from the group Alai Oli, and somehow we all found each other. I showed Marina this song, I only had a verse and a chorus, she said that she had a poem that could fit here. It was in an improvisation format: I played music, she read a poem, and it became clear that this was a single whole. Initially, she simply recited it, but then I came up with the idea of ​​breaking it down rhythmically. It turned out to be such a strange rap “M” with a constantly moving stanza.

Do you like Polozkova's poems?

Yes, sure. I'm a big fan of Vera. She and I first met at the Steppenwolf award back in 2007 - she was the presenter together with Artemy Troitsky. We started communicating last fall.

I noticed that there are a lot of songs about death on the album. What inspired this?

My mother died at the very beginning of 2010 from cancer. It was a blow of fate, extended over time, inevitable, so strong that I am only now beginning to try to accept it. So much has happened: Anya gave birth to two beautiful children, I made a huge amount of mistakes, gave a bunch of concerts, recorded a mountain of songs, came a long way - and still haven’t come to terms with it completely. This album simply reflects in different forms what has been happening to me and my psyche over the past four years. There are different themes here, but a sense of loss permeates almost all the texts. There are only three exceptions: “Robots”, “Come $ome All” and “Master of the Forest”. That's the whole ironic "social media". If the album “Confusion” was aimed at the outside world, then “Hard Reboot” is a very personal record.

There's a song about a blind sniper who shoots people. It is clear that if desired, it is easy to draw her into the events in Ukraine.

There is also a song “Old Scars” - about karma, about the fact that any pain caused necessarily returns, and this pendulum swings endlessly, once it is launched. These songs can be associated with anything - and first of all, for sure, they will really be associated with some current, “fried” news and horror happening in the South-East of Ukraine. But I didn’t set such a goal.

Are you probably tired of questions about Ukraine already?

Well, yes. What do you want to ask?

I’m wondering if these statements of yours did not harm your concert activities? Well, you come to the city, and they tell you: “Sorry, the concert is cancelled.”

This has not happened yet, but some movements and seethings, of course, are happening. On September 6 we were supposed to take part in an event for the Metro newspaper. They have a festival of young talents, Metro On Stage. They made an advance payment, printed posters, and then made me promise that there would be no public near-political statements at the concert. I said, okay, it won't. And after that it suddenly turned out that for some technical reasons we and the Anacondaz group would not be able to perform. And the Cockroaches group can accordingly. Our backline is almost identical, with the exception of DJs and samplers, it does not seem to be due to technical reasons.

Aren't you afraid that there will be even more such cases?

Maybe it will. You see, I don’t view the situation as if I had any alternative other than refusing the concert in Lviv. The only thing I could do to avoid problems in Russia was not to go to the people who were waiting for me there. Whatever the official reason for canceling this concert, the real reason would be fear that something would go wrong. The fact that, while performing a Russian-Ukrainian song, I took into my hands the yellow-blue banner handed to me from the first row, only somewhat simplified the task for our media. We would still be lumped together with shit, just with slightly different headlines and photos.

I wrote a long, detailed post on my site. on the VKontakte page, I clearly and unambiguously formulated everything I wanted to say. But the vast majority don’t want to delve into anything, they simply don’t read it before throwing another piece of crap under it in the comments. Being for the world and for people is not a trend, it is now called “both ours and yours.” You can only be for Maidan or for Putin. For Novorossiya or for the “Kyiv junta”. Only for Russia or only for Ukraine. For dad or for mom - which one would you like to kill? “Supported the punitive operation” - you are completely ......... (fucked up), friends, and are afraid to even try to understand what is happening. “If she floats than she is not a witch like we had thought” (quote from Nirvana’s song dedicated to “witch hunts” - note by The Flow).

Was the “peace” festival in Donbass canceled as a result?

Yes. Apparently, Joseph Kobzon made this statement without realizing what enormous organizational work is required to hold this event. So it all died out, unfortunately. But it would be very interesting and important for me to perform there - it’s a pity that this did not happen.

Isn't it a bummer to perform on the same stage with Kobzon?

Well, you know, I was very surprised by his position on this issue, and it gave me a lot of respect. Well, apparently it was just such a not entirely thought-out statement.

Are there any artists, or politicians, with whom you would never perform on the same stage?

There are a whole bunch of politicians. To put it mildly, almost everything - I don’t even know what exception can be made. We performed at the “March of Millions,” and a variety of people spoke from the stage there, and it was a very controversial experience. But there was not an action organized by any one party, but a civil act. If I make exceptions, they look like this - when there are no specific political banners at the event.

And as for the musicians... Well, I don’t know, there are crazy, completely hodgepodges. On City Day, for example. If suddenly such musicians perform on the same stage with us and cause us some irritation, we would rather reflect this in our performance than refuse to perform. We started playing on the street, and the greatest happiness was always the opportunity to play for people with good loud sound. We adhere to this concept. We are avoiding any political scandals, but in musical terms - well, will the Butyrka group perform on the same stage with us and we will play the same songs? No, we won't.

Tell me about “Cubana” then. The situation is completely illogical: you came to the festival for free, but they started putting spokes in your wheels.

Yes, this is illogical! I just don’t know how else to comment on this, but you understand my indignation! I went to all the “Kubans” from the first to the last, we always met Ilya halfway - and this year we met halfway in a way we have not done before. But in the end it all turned out to be some kind of idiocy. This was what prompted my emotional response.

How does a person who strips naked in a public place feel?

I don’t know... it was funny! It's like our first video (clip "Song for the Radio", in which Ivan is filmed naked - approx. The Flow).

The same performance at "Kuban"

It turns out that you won’t have time to finish the film “Hard Reboot” before the release of the album?

It turns out that a film is a more labor-intensive production endeavor. And it will be ready a little later. We just discussed the voice acting, we are now filming a large number of additional scenes, and soon the final cut will appear, which we will be dubbing.

As far as I understand, you liked the movie “Gasgolder”?

Overall, yes, I had a fun time. It is clear that this is not completely cinematic, but considering that people who do not have cinematic experience took it and made it, this is generally very cool. There is some kind of originality, authenticity in this. You know, all the time when people ask you: “So, did you like “Gas Holder”?”, you feel like a little idiot. As if you shouldn’t like him and you should sit there and trash him like a person with good taste. Well, apparently I'm a person with bad taste. "I'm scum and a bastard - sorry and sorry."

Are you happy with the reaction to “Confusion”? Did people understand your message?

Yes, I'm happy. The reaction was smooth and positive. Among our fans there was a noticeable percentage of people who were disappointed by the lack of rock, but I set myself the goal of recording a rap record, and that’s what I did. If anyone wants something heavy, here's “Hard Reboot”.

Do you even feel like you belong to the Russian rap scene? There is just a feeling that you have your own listener, who, for the most part, are not particularly interested in Russian rap.

Well, I know and communicate with many figures of Russian hip-hop. Do I feel part of the party? I don’t know, I don’t really hang out, I don’t have time. It seems to me that groups that are too installed in some kind of “parties”, they begin to slowly lose their own identity. There is a conventional “Our Radio” party - there is a common denominator that everyone gradually comes to. This probably happens in Russian rap too. But we make very different music that brings together very different people, united not by subcultural preferences, but by the songs that we composed. This is the most valuable thing for any group.

A huge number of groups exist due to the fact that they are “like these.” “These ones haven’t released an album, but these ones-that-how-they released them, let’s listen to it for now.” And this is definitely not about us.

For so many years you haven’t even got any imitators.

There are groups using a similar setup. Anacondaz, for example. Sampler base and “live” on top.

At the same time, you are completely different.

Yes, we play completely different music. And that's cool, in my opinion. Well, it’s just that we ourselves were initially recorded as imitators of the Bricks, at any opportunity. But it seems that it ended quite a long time ago.

Do you generally follow the “heavy” scene in Russia now? Tell me what's happening there.

The heavy goods industry in Russia as a whole is stagnating. After the rise of “mazafaka”, the same groups remained in the zero groups, and the new artists who appear are completely marginalized in subgenres for me. Perhaps I overlooked everything - I'm not an A&R person (laughs). But there seemed to be no big events. There are no new large groups on this topic appearing in the world.

In my opinion, everything new is now happening in some kind of electronics. Conventionally, what can be stuffed into a “trap”. Well, who's there? Hudson Mohawke, this TNGHT. New electronic producers are appearing, who, to one degree or another, are hired by rappers to write beats. This is what really happens in music, and everything else is not integrated into world show business. Plus, a huge number of small niches have appeared - and this seems to suit everyone. Superstars “for everyone” have not appeared for a very long time.

Controversial statement.

Well, tell me, what is the latest global music epidemic? Advise me, I’ll at least listen. For me, here it is (points to his T-shirt with the Die Antwoord logo). There is no comparable phenomenon. I've been to the concert several times. I really like their live performances - this is the most cheerful thing I've seen with a backing track. And I am very pleased with the concept of the project. They understand that modern music is measured by videos, not albums. Well, their irony about their DJ is very amusing. Well, in the video there are always different people in his role and what he actually does during the live set is not very clear. But very funny! It's like The Lonely Island video about the DJ.

Another personal discovery is Astronautalis. I really liked his live performance at Picnic. I found out about him from “Afisha”, which invited us to make a feature. I listened and was surprised that I missed such cool music. It’s also very close to my spirit; I like melodic thinking. In general, I don’t have time to monitor what’s happening in detail.

The title song of the album is an English-language track with American indie rapper Astronautalis

Weren't you invited to the new season of Versus?

I generally realized that this format is not interesting to me. There are more important things to do than sit and look for the scum of a performer little known to me. Why do I need this? He understands why - he doesn’t need to look for anything about me.

Internet battles - were they a different story?

Absolutely different. The most interesting thing about the battle was the opportunity to write a song. “Behind a Closed Door” is a battle track. There was a song competition. When people, completely ignoring the given topic, delved into criticism of their opponent, it was less interesting, in my opinion. Only a few managed to make it cool. And so, just teasing someone for something - well, I’m tired of this negativity, really. There are really bad things in life, friends! Really bad! And this is not a bad rap from the guy next door!

When we have a debate in our editorial office about whether a battle rapper can become a cool artist, you are the first example.

Let's just say I just came out of a lot of places at once. At some point I was involved in battle rap - and it gave a powerful impetus to my career. But you can't go far with just a starter. No matter how much people who hate our group scold me, we have been doing what we are doing for almost 12 years now. And they achieved what they achieved through their own labor. And whether someone likes it or not, we are here for a long time! And the reason is not battle rap after all. This forces you to grow in terms of dexterity, in terms of some technical things. This stimulates your ability to improvise. Although I eventually realized that freestyle is not for me. It's cool when you can spontaneously play up some situation. And when you need to insult another person, about whose life you have a superficial idea, it no longer inspires me.

What could possibly cause the breakup of the Noize MC group?

Protracted creative crisis. Personal conflicts. If cruel persecution against us really begins. But I wouldn’t like to think about the bad things that don’t exist. Because thought is material.

A week later, in the St. Petersburg "GlavClub" the song was performed without the help of a telephone and to the accompaniment of live musicians - but not only himself managed to learn it during this week Noise MC. The track, based on an accident involving Lukoil vice-president Anatoly Barkov, caused a lot of noise in the RuNet and the media, raising many questions. Ivan answered FUZZ to the main ones.

FUZZ: First of all, the main question that is asked in connection with the song: why did you immediately blame Barkov for everything, if the investigation had not even begun yet, there was no indisputable evidence of the Mercedes’ guilt in the accident, and there was even a driver behind the wheel?
Noize MC: If decisive action had not been taken immediately, there would have been no investigation. There is clearly a cover-up of evidence. The version that was originally heard on the radio was replaced within a few hours by the infamous “official” version, radically different from the first one - frankly speaking, much more plausible. Brazen, clumsy attempts to cover up their tracks. Lack of any timely, intelligible comments from Barkov himself. A soulless press release from Lukoil, striking in its cynicism. All this does not speak in favor of the Mercedes crew. They are trying to blame everything on the driver, but, in fact, his real participation in this accident is generally questionable. It is quite strange that the driver was not injured at all, while Barkov himself, who was supposedly sitting behind him - that is, in the safest place - suffered a bruised leg. In any case, in such situations, the decision to enter the oncoming lane is made by the One Who is Being Driven, and not by the person driving. In addition, the traces are certainly not covered by the driver himself, and clearly not out of a desire to “get him off.” One way or another, Barkov is a key figure in this story.

FUZZ: What will you do if it suddenly turns out that in fact he is not guilty of anything?
Noize MC: I will release another song. I already have the first two lines: “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Anatoly Barkov/I have a halo above my head - can’t you see it?”

FUZZ: Now your opinion about what happened is the same as at the time of recording the song? Don't you admit, for example, the possibility of mutual violation?
Noize MC: I have repeatedly observed in person how such cars with special license plates cynically and brazenly violate the rules. Driving into oncoming traffic is not yet “aerobatics”; it can be even cooler. There was a traffic jam in the Mercedes lane, but there was absolutely no need for Citroen to break. Therefore, I think that the girl driving the Citroen has nothing to do with it. My clear opinion both at the time of recording and now is fully reflected in the track. They are the same, these opinions.

FUZZ: If it’s obvious that the case is being “hushed up,” but the details are not all clear, then wouldn’t it be better to write a song specifically about covering up tracks, and not about all the mortal sins at once?
Noize MC: We are dealing with the classic formula “it’s a thief and the cap is on fire.” Why hush up the case if you are innocent? Why not contact the relatives of the victims in person to at least express your condolences in a humane and timely manner? The correct song about sweeping did not work out for various reasons. The main one is that close relatives of my friend, Nastya Alexandrina, died, this hurt me very much, I was incredibly angry with the behavior of Barkov himself, Lukoil and the traffic police in relation to this case.

FUZZ: Your fans learned that you are friends with Anastasia Aleksadrina (known in the hip-hop world as Staisha) this year when you recorded a joint track “Ctrl+Alt+Delete” - but in fact you have known each other for a long time ?
Noize MC: We have known each other for about 5 years, recorded at the same studio and still work there to this day. I heard her song, I really liked it, I wanted to make a remix of it, I asked our common sound engineer to introduce me to Nastya about this, which he, in fact, did. Since then we have been friends, periodically perform and record together, well, I don’t know, we give each other gifts for the holidays - ordinary human relationships.

FUZZ: Some publications claim that the song was written at the request of Anastastia. Do I understand correctly that in fact she only told about what happened?
Noize MC: You understand correctly. A tearful girl who had just lost close relatives asked me through her tears, “Vanya, write a song about this” - that’s how they imagine it, interesting? Nobody asked me for anything.

FUZZ: Some accuse you of “coming to defend your own”, but would not give a damn about strangers. How do you think personal encounters with injustice influence creativity? Behind those “protest songs” of yours, in which there are no specific names, are there also any real-life incidents behind them, or just general observations from the outside?
Noize MC: If I wrote a song, it means that I was somehow inspired by a specific incident. You need to smell life, and not read press releases from “perfumers” about its smell. Personal encounters with injustice make the songs honest and grounded. You can also be inspired by a news release, but only when what is said there turns out to be somehow related to what you yourself have experienced.

FUZZ: When you wrote the song, did you rely only on publicly available materials, or did Anastasia provide some details that are not on the Internet? Was she already sure of Barkov’s complete guilt then, or did she admit other options?
Noize MC: I relied on what Nastya herself told me, our mutual friends who visited the scene of the incident with her, and, last but not least, on Internet materials. Nobody allowed any other options. I have already said a lot on this topic, I will not repeat myself.

FUZZ: For you, is this a song about a specific Barkov, or about all people like him?
Noize MC: Initially, the song was written about this specific case, but, unfortunately, it is tendentious. Therefore, it so happened that the “barks” as a class ended up getting screwed.

FUZZ: Accusations of “blood PR” are difficult to take seriously - but do you have any desire to say anything to those putting them forward?
Noize MC: This tragedy affected me personally. And I know very well what it’s like to lose a loved one. This year began for me with the death of my mother. She died long and painfully from cancer. All doctors refused her. I injected her with painkillers for six months, lied that everything would be fine, distracted her as best I could from dark thoughts and looked for any methods of unconventional treatment. We celebrated the New Year together, and it was a terrible holiday. And on January 3 she was no longer there. If it were not the disease, but a specific person, who was to blame for her death, I would simply trample this nit.
When I found out what happened to Nastya’s sister and her mother-in-law, I took it very seriously. And he did what he did in a fit of emotion, completely missing this situation through himself.
As an artist, no matter what you do, no matter how sincere and honest it is, if your actions cause a powerful public outcry, you are immediately accused of indecent and inappropriate PR. The most convenient way is to shut up and sing p****suffering songs a la BEASTS and others like them, without allowing yourself any decisive, socially significant actions. They won't blame you for PR. It's probably cool. That's how it should be. Forgive me, guys, that I’m sticking my head out here with my pain, responsibility, sense of violated justice and other ostentatious bullshit.

FUZZ: Aren't you afraid that Barkov will somehow get to you?
Noize MC: If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest. I’ll have time to get scared in the trunk of a car or on the edge of the pine trees. Now is not the time to be afraid - we need to act.

FUZZ: With the help of the song, did you only want to help justice be done at the state level, or also to punish Barkov yourself in the only possible way?
Noize MC: Both. Whatever the outcome of the case (there are reasons to doubt the fairness of the trial, of course), Barkov’s name has already become a household name, and that’s worth something.

FUZZ: Can you somehow comment on the situation with Troitsky’s removal from the air of “Echo of Moscow” because of his desire to play your song?
Noize MC: To be fair, it should be noted that I personally did not give any discs to Artemy (I could not have done this purely physically), it was a bluff to “push” the program director. I am not surprised by this reaction - many were afraid to cover this incident in this way. We were refused at Radio Mayak and in several other places. Troitsky is a great fellow, it’s very good that he took this matter so seriously, the participation of the Public Chamber in this process is, in principle, his merit.

FUZZ: Was the song recorded “in a hotel room on a dead laptop,” or were you able to arrange quite decent conditions for recording?
Noize MC: Familiar rappers from Vladivostok helped me - Dima MC Graf, a locally famous hip-hop artist and radio presenter, and Kostya Zur, who wrote the instrumental for the song. The recording was made at their home studio, "Shtrikh Code Records". Although I always have my laptop with me, and if I had not been able to record better, the song would still have been released in the same time frame.

FUZZ: In the song you compared Barkov with Evsyukov, and then lawyer Igor Trunov, who had previously worked on Evsyukov’s case, took up this case. Is this a coincidence or not?
Noize MC: It's more of a pattern. It’s just that Igor Trunov is one of the few lawyers in our country who are not afraid to take on such complex cases.

FUZZ: Are you satisfied with the way things are developing now, or did you want to achieve more when composing the song?
Noize MC: Overall, I'm satisfied. The song fulfills its mission. The world press has already taken notice - an extensive report will soon be released on National Public Radio in the USA, including, among other things, a full translation of the text into English. CNN and a popular German radio station also called. Igor Trunov has already said that if the truth cannot be achieved here, then the matter will be resolved at the global level.

FUZZ: Do you think that the song can change the situation with “barques on the roads” in general, or the maximum that can be achieved is an honest investigation of one specific case?
Noize MC: I sincerely hope that this case will become sufficiently indicative to really change the situation. It's difficult and unlikely, but I'm very hopeful.

FUZZ: Now, more than a week after recording the song, do you think that you did everything right?

Evgeniy Trifonov

Noise MC is not only one of the most popular artists of the domestic hip-hop scene and a singer in the mainstream branch of punk rock and alternative music, but also a composer, public figure (very fragmentarily, however) and even a film actor.
Initially Noise MC gained fame thanks to numerous compositions posted on the Internet (especially the works “Summer in the Capital”, “Song for the Radio” and “Behind a Closed Door”, which were in circulation on radio and music channels) and freestyles.

Noise MC
Full name: Ivan Aleksandrovich Alekseev
Date of birth: March 9, 1985
Place of birth: Yartsevo.
Country Russia
Genres: rap, grunge, punk rock, reggae, rock
Nicknames: Noize MC, Mumba.
Teams: V.I.P., Face2Face, Protivo Gunz, Levers of Machines

Music and songs Noise MC combine several styles. Himself Noise MC making an attempt to describe my creative style, I came to the following wise formulation: “modern urban music at the intersection of hip-hop, punk, grunge, reggae and breakbeat.”!!!

But to state biography of Ivan Alekseev We'll start with Noise's childhood and adolescence. Our hero was born on March 9, 1985 in the city of Yartsevo, Smolensk province.
Noize MC's mother is a chemist by training, but father of Noize MC- a musician, what else will make itself known. In 1994, they divorced. Ivan remained with his mother. At the age of 8-9 years Noise MC(who at that time still responded exclusively to the simple Russian name Vanya) began to write poetry - mainly in trochee and iambic pentameter, and at the age of 10 his interest was attracted by music.

At the age of 11 Noise MC entered a music school to study classical guitar. In 1997, he and his mother moved to Belgorod, where he became a twice laureate at a regional guitar playing competition: in the crisis year of 1998 and the turning point of 2000...
At the age of 13, being a fan of guitar rock music, Noise MC organized his first group - his idols were members of the group Nirvana, led by the unforgettable Kurt Cobain. And the wave of popularity of The Prodigy did not leave him indifferent. Continuing to play in a rock band, but being influenced by “Diesel Power” and other electronic anthems - Noise MC trying to try to write rap.
Together with friend and classmate Arkady, known as Adik 228 (aka "", aka "mini Noyzik"), Noise MC participated in the local group V.I.P., which, thanks to performances at venues in the Belgorod region, quickly gained local popularity.

Later Buddies Noise MC and Adik organized a rap duet Face 2 Face. The group performed with great success at the Kharkov regional show of amateur performances, as well as at many concerts and competitions in the Belgorod province.

In 2001 Noise MC He graduated from a music school, and in 2002 from a general education school with a gold medal.
Summer 2002 Noise MC was forced to leave the group and move to Moscow in connection with admission to the rather prestigious Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU).
Having settled in a hostel, the musician Noise MC took up solo work. And already Noise MC in 2003 he organized a rock band called Protivo Gunz, all of whose members were out-of-town students.
As Ivan says, it was in the hostel that he honed his freestyle skills, reading at student parties with a guitar. It was in the hostel that most of the demo tracks of Protivo Gunz and Noise MC, made popular by the Internet.

in 2003-05 Noise MC shows a fair amount of persistence, participating in all kinds of club and hip-hop competitions (and along the way taking prizes - the portal site inserts its two cents), as well as corporate, anniversary and wedding celebrations and freestyle battles.

Despite being busy Noiza in solo works, the Protivo Gunz group performed in clubs, basements, bars, recreation centers and outdoor venues - touring the capital and the Moscow region. By the way, few people know that at this time he also showed himself as a DJ, spinning records at concerts of the funk rap group Sixtynine (then the project of the great rap rebel Vis Vitalis).

In 2005, in the finals of the ball, which took place as part of the Snickers Guru Klan festival, Noize MC defeated the well-known (now deceased) MC Molodoy (who soon fell into drug addiction and died under unclear circumstances) and received from the organizers an offer to become a judge and host of the “Chel- out" (Snickers Urbania). Thereby - Noise MC I was able to move from the hostel to a rented apartment right on Old Arbat.

The entire summer season of 2005, and then 2006 Noise MC travels around the country with a landing party of chocolate marketing “Snickers Urbania” and with the proceeds decides to record studio material, some of which is published on various hip-hop compilations of that time.

Summer 2006 Noise MC signed a contract with the rap label Respect Production (as a solo artist), but this did not affect the Protivo Gunz group. In 2006, namely on September 9, the group became the winner of the Urban Sound competition.
As the main prize, a video was shot for an old composition from the solo repertoire Noise MC- “Song for the radio.” The clip went into circulation on the Muz-TV channel. In November 2006, the track was played on DFM radio. In March 2007, the “hot” one was “replaced” by a re-shot (at the initiative of the Muz-TV channel) video for the same song.

On April 13, 2007, a contract was signed between Noise MC, Respect Production and the Russian division of Universal Music Group. Initially release debut album Noise MC was planned by the joint efforts of Respect Production and Universal Music Russia, but a little later the previous label completely transferred the artist Noise MC at the disposal of the transnational music corporation Universal, having received substantial compensation from foreigners.

At the same time Noise MC wins a resounding victory in the largest Russian-language Internet competition - the “7th official hip-hop battle of the Hip-Hop.Ru portal.” More than 3,000 Russian-speaking rappers from all over the world took part in the competition.
Then to the composition Noise MC A video clip was shot from the battle “Behind a Closed Door” and appeared before the public in September 2007. In the autumn of the same year, the specified composition Noise MC hit the radio and music channels, taking 10th place in the “100 Best MTV Songs-2007”.

In the wake of the popularity of this tasty release Ivan Noize MC actively gives concerts, reaching the most remote corners of our country, and writes a second album with a working title that is not inferior in originality to the already released debut rap-punk record - Greatest Hits 2. True, the new series of these same Greatest Hits later turned out to be nothing more than a re-release of the debut with the addition of some bonus tracks.

Summer 2007 Noise MC starred in one of the main roles in the film “Practice”.
Noise MC played Igor Glushko, a high school student, a young musician who moved to the capital after the tragic death of his parents. Also Noise acted as a composer, writing the soundtrack for the film.
The premiere of "The Draw" took place on May 22, 2008. A video clip for the song was shot based on the film. Noise MC"My sea".

Debut album Noize MC and further work

At the end of May 2008 Noise MC announces termination of contract with Universal Music. At the corresponding press conference, a representative of the musician’s management (with whom, together Noise MC studied at the institute) explained:
“A good artist must be independent from the major labels, and Noize MC has gone from being the youngest new artist to being an artist who can directly handle distribution without going through all the labels in a very short time.”
However, the rap portal site dares to claim that these are all beautiful words and another spectacular PR move, but in reality - he himself Noise MC he let slip on one of the radio broadcasts that the real reason for this “severance of relations” was unjustified expectations of how effectively the international label would undertake his promotion.
The guys (and Noize MC often emphasizes that people’s democracy operates in his team) decided that at this stage they would cope with the monetization of the increased popularity themselves without any transnational companies like Universal.

The debut official album of Noize MC under the ambitious title “The Greatest Hits vol.1” was released on the Mystery of Sound label and went on sale on June 17, 2008.
In December 2008 Noise MC participated in the concert of the group “Naiv” (with the leader of this hastily disbanded punk band, Chacha, will also sing on the next album Noise MC- the site hastens to remind you). Also in 2008 Noise MC singer Tanya Tereshina’s main hit “Wrecks of Feelings” was written - but, apparently, nothing particularly significant came of this production. How long have you heard this singer? The editors of the site don’t have the slightest idea who she is or what she’s doing.

“Last Album” Noize MC

In 2010, May 28 Noise MC releases the long-awaited “Last Album” - while the fan base went hysterical about the title of the release - because the management of Noize MC tried to hint in the PR release that it was not a matter of the dissolution of the group, but a conceptual approach associated with the apocalypse. We don’t know how to look into the future - but “The Last Album” did not get its name because of this (the reasons can be found in the audiobook attached to it, recorded by the band’s musicians).

"New album" Noize MC

On April 1, 2012, the third official release of Noize MC was released - called briefly and clearly (but without frills) - “New Album”.

Civil position of Noize MC

February 28, 2010 Noise MC created and published a video clip “Mercedes S666. Make way for the chariot”, dedicated to the fatal accident involving the relatives of the singer Stacia (a good friend of Ivan) and the owner of the illegal flashing light, the vice-president of the Lukoil oil corporation, Mr. Anatoly Barkov.
Around this Noize MC video there was a powerful stir - and some well-wishers hinted that the appearance of the Mercedes S666 was not so much a cry from the heart as a spectacular PR for what came out immediately after it "Last Album" (download) Noize MC.
A video was also released later Noise MC to the environmental hit "Misanthrope Rap", which also contains an unambiguous allusion to the modesty of life and lifestyle of the "celestials" from Lukoil.
However Noise MC He also allowed himself to settle small accounts. The track “Who Killed Nikolai Fandeev?” was also published as a kind of revenge for a negative review by a music critic suffering from extreme misanthropy.

In addition to evil journalists among admirers Noise MC It turned out to be the leadership of the pro-Kremlin Nashi movement. who asked to record an anthem for them, promising the musician a hefty sum of budgetary donations as a fee (at least that’s what the legend says, from which Noise MC does not deny it at all - he recalls the Noize MC himself refused this, composing the ironic song “Our Movement” in response.

For the rapper's bold freestyle rhymes Noise MC I had to answer even in court. So in 2009, the State Drug Control Service initiated an administrative case against Ivan Alekseev. The manufacturer of alcoholic energy drinks Jaguar organized the Yaga Fest festival at that time. The invited musicians had to improvise the drink's anthem from the stage. Rising onto the stage with a pack of syringes, Noise MC sang sarcastically:

Finally, it's time to shut all these guys up.

The Jaguar company is firmly convinced of this!

After the chorus (“Yes-Yes! What a cool batch! Welcome to the heroin fest!”) Noise MC I filled the syringes with a drink and threw it into the crowd. In addition to the FSNK claims Noise MC The producer of the energy drink also filed a complaint, accusing him of failure to fulfill agreements and causing image damage to the elite drink.

May 22, 2010, in the “Culture Shock” program, on the air of “Echo of Moscow” Noise MC spoke out about the inadmissibility of bans on concerts of certain groups using the example of the Belgorod region.

July 31, 2010 Noise MC after his concert in Volgograd he was detained by police officers. He was charged with insulting police officers under the article “Petty hooliganism.” A conflict with the police arose during the concert: while performing the composition “Grandma in a Hat,” one of the group members Noise MC, drummer Pavel Teterin traditionally went into the hall with a headdress, where, according to the plan of the concert, the audience was supposed to throw change (this is an element of the show). During this action, law enforcement officers who took this element of the show seriously turned to Noise MC with the demand “Stop begging.”
In response to this action by the police Noise MC said from the stage:
- I am proud to tell you that Volgograd is the first city where there are so many of these beautiful animals with red cockades. I am glad to tell you that this is the first city where animals with red cockades tell us during the singing of the song “Grandma in a Hat” that we are begging. I am glad to tell you that this is one of the few cities where we remember the song “Smoke Bamboo”.

On August 2, the court sentenced the musician, this element of the show, to administrative arrest for 10 days. The reason for the arrest was statements made at the concert to the police. In the cell Noise MC recorded a video apology to police officers, which later became the chorus of the song “10 Days in Paradise,” which describes the time the rap artist spent under arrest and contains very serious criticism of the police.

In an interview Noise MC When asked about the recorded video apology, he answered this way:
“Well, actually, apologizing in the cell is rude sarcasm. I was initially surprised that even the police themselves took them literally. I found myself in such a complicated situation. I was not allowed to contact either the lawyer or the producer - I had no opportunity to discuss this moment with anyone.
The fact is that during the court hearing, my lawyer stated on my behalf that I was ready to apologize through the media if some kind of leniency was shown to me. He thought it was a very good idea and insisted on it in every possible way. Accordingly, no leniency was shown to me, but I was later reminded of this point. At the same time, they transparently hinted that a criminal case could be initiated under Article 319 of the Criminal Code, which, of course, is much more sad than 10 days in the future. And I decided to get out of the situation in this way and write such an ironic apology and read it on camera.”

Because of arrest of Noize MC was unable to perform at the Dobrofest and Snickers Urbania festivals.

The concert on August 13 was canceled Noise MC in Cheboksary. According to the artist’s press service, performance by Noize MC at the Coffee Grinder hip-hop festival in Cheboksary has been cancelled. The organizers called the producer Noise MC, and asked not to come to Cheboksary. They referred to some kind of “instruction from above”, refusing to reveal the source of the ban.
To the songs “Masters of the Universe” by the group “Cockroaches!” and “Capital” of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group, the main content of which is a protest against the excessive enrichment of the oligarchs and criticism of the capitalist class, Noise MC There are our own cover versions with the addition of our own topical lyrics.

Composition of the group Noize MC

Currently the group Noise MC has the following composition:
Ivan " Noise MC
Alexander "Kisly" Kislinsky - bass guitar
Pavel "Pa$hock" Teterin - drums
Maxim “Healthy lifestyle inspector” Kramar - keyboards, electric guitar
Stas "DJ Mos" Ammosov - DJ

Merits, achievements and awards of Noize MC

Noise MC- laureate of the RAMP 2009 award of the A-ONE channel in the “Respect RUnet” category.
In 2010 Noise MC took 41st place in the Forbes 50 Stars ranking. Income for the indicated year amounted to $0.9 million. Number of mentions in paper media: 8. Requests in Yandex: 1,753,214.
According to the results of the research project of the magazine Russian Reporter “The Most Authoritative People of Russia - 2010”, he was included in the top 10 cultural figures.
Noise MC was nominated in the category “Best Russian Artist” at MTV EMA 2010.
Noise MC became the laureate of the “Rain Man” award, awarded annually by the “Silver Rain” radio station, for “public protest against the arbitrariness of power.”

In 2010 Noise MC, a modest performer of songs filled and even overwhelmed with social protest, debuted in 41st place in the “Stars and Money” ranking of the Russian version of Forbes, due to earnings of $0.9 million in 2009 and a large number of queries in Yandex search.

Concert group Noize MC

Most appearances Noise MC are accompanied by the alternative group Protivo Gunz, created by him in 2003. When Noise MC was not yet signed to the label, the Protivo Gunz group existed as a parallel project. After signing the contract, in order not to confuse the audience, everything was united under a single brand...
Currently Noize MC group has the following composition:
* Ivan " Noise MC» Alekseev - vocals, electric guitar
* Alexander “Kisly” Kislinsky - bass guitar
* Pavel “Pa$hock” Teterin - drums
* Maxim “Healthy lifestyle inspector” Kramar - keyboards, electric guitar

Also at some major concerts Noise MC there is a violinist, cellist, saxophonist, trombonist and trumpet player and friendly MCs and youthful older punk singers, of course.

Discography of Noize MC (download new album)

Studio albums Noize MC

* 2008 - Greatest Hits Vol. 1
* 2010 - Greatest Hits Vol. 2 (reissue)
* 2010 - Latest new album (download)

Soundtracks Noize MC

* 2009 - OST Prank

Video Live Noize MC

2009 - Noise MC:Live

Filmography Noize MC

2008 - “Raffle” - Igor Glushko.
2012 - “Baby” - plays himself.

Video clips Noize MC (download)

* Song for radio
* Song for radio (alternative version)
*Behind a closed door
* My sea
* From the window
* Palevo
* Kantemirovskaya
* Exhale
* Mercedes S666 (Make way for the chariot)
* Misanthrope rap

Noise MC at concerts he uses Gibson SG Special and Gibson Explorer guitars, but recently Noise MC started playing the Yamaha SLG130NW guitar. Myself Noise MC commented it like this:
“I bought myself a new guitar! With nylon strings, the guitar is generally inexpensive for this class - it costs 25 thousand rubles. I bought it by accident - I was looking for gifts for the eighth of March in the shopping center and came across this thing. It has nylon strings and at the same time it can be plugged into a lotion. Apparently this is my new concert instrument because I'm a classical guitarist and am used to playing with my fingernails on nylon. But electric guitars - they all have metal strings and a narrower neck. I suddenly discovered that all my classical skills were not lost and now they can be very easily used in all my music.”

Personal life of Noize MC

To the chagrin of his fans, Noize MC is married. His wife is Spouse: Anna Alekseeva. The couple has two children. Noize MC is the father of young sons Mikhail (born in 2009) and Vasily (born in 2011).

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Noise MC clips

Debut album and further work (2008–2011)
At the end of May 2008, Ivan Alekseev announced the termination of his contract with Universal Music. At a corresponding press conference, a representative of the musician’s management explained: “A good artist must be independent of major labels, and Vanya in a very short time has gone from being the youngest new artist to an artist who can work directly with distribution, bypassing all labels.”

Noize MC's debut album entitled “The Greatest Hits vol. 1" was released on the Mystery of Sound label and went on sale on June 17, 2008.
In December 2008, he took part in a concert of the group “NAIV”. Also in 2008, he wrote the main hit of singer Tanya Tereshina, “Wrecks of Feelings.” In 2009 he again performs on Arbat and actively tours around the country.

Noize MC at the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the News Block program on MTV Russia April 12, 2011
On May 28, 2010, he released “The Last Album.” In the same year, Noize MC took part in Urbania 2010 for the second time in a row, but as a headliner. In support of his “Last Album,” he sang new songs and his already familiar hits in 11 cities of Russia.

In 2010, Ivan Alekseev, thanks to the songs “Mercedes S666”, “10 Days” and the sharp social orientation of his lyrics, began to be often mentioned on the air of political radio stations of the Russian News Service and Echo of Moscow, thus gaining fame among the older generation.

In 2010, he parodied Sergei Shnurov by recording the song “Shave the Star.” Around the same time, the court ruled that Anatoly Barkov was innocent of the accident that claimed the lives of Vera Sidelnikova and Olga Alexandrina, to which the rapper responded with the song “Mercedes 777,” where Barkov this time appears as an angel in the flesh, in contrast to the song “ Mercedes S666”, recorded immediately after the above-mentioned accident.

On November 10, 2010, Ivan was invited to a concert by Yuri Shevchuk and the DDT group, where he sang the songs “Smoke Bamboo” and “It’s Cool on Mars.” The concert was held with a focus on the “last day of the police,” since next year the organs will be called differently.

Expectation and release of the “New Album”
Exit “New album” Noize MC was scheduled for spring 2012, with a later release date on was named April 1st. But the release took place a day earlier. On the first day of the album's release, the page was overloaded due to the large number of fans wanting to hear and download the album.

In June 2012, the group successfully performed in the city of Arkhangelsk at the Ostrov rock festival.

At the end of 2012, Noize MC announced the release of two albums in 2013: Protivo Gunz - a rock album with rewritten old songs performed by the group Protivo Gunz, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the group (April 11), and a rap album (autumn). On April 9, the first track from the rock album “Rock is Kal”, recorded together with Vasya Vasin (group “Bricks”), was posted, on April 10, a video for the song “Pool” was posted, and on April 11, everyone could purchase the album Protivo Gunz on iTunes. The album was also released in limited quantities on compact cassette.

In April 2013, Ivan gave concerts in a number of cities in Russia and the CIS. On May 28, as part of a student project at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, I visited students, where I sang songs and answered questions. The meeting took place without the use of profanity.

On October 16, the cover was published on the website album "Confusion" and its release date is October 28. On the Yandex. Music" album appeared earlier - on October 24.
At the beginning of November 2013 Noise MC was a special guest of the Slovo battle, in which he participated in a freestyle duel. At the end of the same month Noise MC took part in the Versus battle against St. Petersburg rap artist Harry Topor, who successfully lost (this event was attributed to health reasons).

Director Andrei Kudinenko is planning to release a thriller film “Hard Reboot” with the band members in the lead roles. However, raising money through crowdfunding for the release of the film did not bring the desired results.

On New Year's Eve, January 1, 2014, starting at 00:00, the MTV channel showed a 40-minute part of the concert “10 years of the Noize MC group,” which took place in the spring of 2013.

On September 10, 2014, Noize MC released his sixth studio album, Hard Reboot. The album contains a joint track “Hard Reboot” with American rapper Astronautalis (English) Russian, as well as joint tracks with poetesses Vera Polozkova (track “abv&eyuya”) and Marina Katsuba (track “M”).

In September 2014, the MTV-Russia channel included Noise MC among five contenders for the title “Best Russian Performer”.

Since November 2014, Noize MC has been taking part in the premiere of the 3D musical “Juliet & Romeo,” which describes the action of the tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” in the 22nd century. In the musical Noise MC played the role of a drug dealer, “praising a certain elixir that brings eternal happiness.” The director of the musical, Janusz Yuzefovich, noted that he chose Ivan Alekseev to participate in the musical because he attended his concert and realized that Noize MC is an “amazing world-class artist.”
According to him, although Noise MC has no acting education, but he is “very talented, capable,” and he also has very good texture and ability to work on set. Yuzefovich also noted that Noize MC will soon take on the role of Mercutio, for which he could not yet be fully prepared due to the artist’s busy schedule.

2015 - present[edit | edit wiki text]
On January 12, 2015, the Noize MC group ended their eight-year collaboration with the Universam Kultury label.

On January 20, the premiere of the video for the song “Breaking the Leash,” recorded specifically for the film “Shaggy Christmas Trees,” took place. All funds raised from online sales of the single are transferred to the Sunflower charity foundation.

The band's touring activities in 2015 began in February with the international Norwegian festival Barents Spectakel.
In March, Ivan Alekseev loudly celebrated his 30th birthday with two anniversary concerts: March 15 in St. Petersburg at the A2 club and March 20 in Moscow at the Stadium Live club.
On March 10, the premiere of the “Robots” video took place.

On March 20, a limited re-release of the album with the symbolic name “Hard Reboot 3.0” was released. The album includes new tracks, such as “Jordan,” recorded together with the Atlantida Project group, and the single “Breaking the Leash,” as well as several new remixes; the remaining tracks from the original album were remixed.

In April 2015, the video for the song “Yes Future!” becomes the first Russian-language panoramic video on YouTube; Only 2 years after the release, Youtube began to support the “360-degree” function, thanks to which “Yes Future!” found a second life.

Due to the cancellation of the first concert of the Russian tour in Krasnodar for reasons beyond the group’s control, Noize MC decided to hold an online broadcast of the concert from a Moscow studio especially for Krasnodar fans. Further spring concerts took place without incident.

On April 18, Noize MC took part in the all-Russian annual event “Total Dictation” as a announcer. The place for the dictation was the artist’s home university - Russian State University for the Humanities.
On June 5, the A-One TV channel premiered the “Talking Heads” video filmed at the “Change House” museum at the All-Russian Exhibition Center.
On August 8, Noize MC presented a new concert format, “Noise in the Museum.” An exclusive open-air acoustic concert took place on the territory of the MUZEON Park of Arts in Moscow. The group's resident DJ Stufford also took part in the performance.

On September 9, the premiere of the video for the song “Jordan”, recorded together with the St. Petersburg group Atlantida Project, took place.
On September 22, Noize MC takes part in the charity concert “Note of Support” of the Sunflower Foundation. The concert was broadcast online on the website

On October 12, the premiere of Roman Liberov’s film “Save My Speech Forever” about the Silver Age poet Osip Mandelstam took place in Moscow. The title musical composition of the film was the Noize MC track “Save My Speech,” which included both Mandelstam’s poems and the original text Noize MC.

On November 1, Noize MC will present the first single in the history of the group, “Make Sam Noise,” at concerts with an orchestra with a concert program of the same name in St. Petersburg (November 1 at the A2 club) and Moscow (November 13 at the Ray Just Arena club).

On November 13, a collection of the best Noize MC songs in an acoustic performance “*bush*” will be released. The Noize MC group's fan community of thousands was involved in creating the track list for this album: over the course of a month, voting was held on social networks for the favorite song from each album. In addition to the songs selected by fans, Noize MC included the rare track “18-30” in the set list, and the song “Gelding” was also officially published for the first time.

On November 14, he performed as part of the warm-up band at the Limp Bizkit concert in Orenburg.
On November 19, on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace, Noize MC becomes the winner of the “Hip-Hop of the Year” nomination at the “Music Box 2015” award.
Noize MC opens 2016 with the premiere of a new video “Save My Speech” based on the title theme song from the film of the same name.

On April 11, 2016, a video for the song “MakeSomeNoize”, the first single from the upcoming numbered album, was released.
On May 1, the day when the holidays of Peace and Labor and Orthodox Easter coincided, the first English-language video “Lenin Has Risen” was released on the VEVO YouTube channel.
The concert spring of 2016 takes place outside the territory of the Russian Federation: the group gives concerts in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as in Germany and the Netherlands. In his free time from concerts, Ivan Alekseev spends time in the studio recording a new numbered album, as well as the hip-hop opera “Orpheus and Eurydice,” a new project for which the artist writes the entire musical part and in which he plays the main role. The premiere of the opera in Moscow is scheduled for July 2016.

civil position
Noise MC at a live concert broadcast on the O2TV channel on August 8, 2008 (the show “Brother Live”), where he sharply condemned the outbreak of the War in South Ossetia (War 8-8-8), which began that day.
Noize MC has recorded joint tracks with the group “Cockroaches!” - “Masters of the Universe” and “Lyapis Trubetskoy” - “Capital”, “Bolt”, the main content of which is a protest against the excessive enrichment of the oligarchs and a criticism of modern Russian capitalism.

According to Ivan, the Nashi movement asked to record an anthem for them. The rap artist refused this, composing the ironic song “Our Movement” in response.

The rapper had to answer in court for his freestyle rhymes. Thus, in 2009, the State Drug Control Service initiated an administrative case against Ivan Alekseev. The manufacturer of alcoholic energy drinks Jaguar organized the Yaga Fest festival at that time. The invited musicians had to improvise the drink's anthem from the stage. Rising onto the stage with a pack of syringes, Noize MC sang:

Everyone tells you that heroin is poison
It's finally time to shut these guys up.
He's useful, he's useful, he's useful, period,
The Jaguar company is firmly convinced of this!

After the chorus (“Yes-Yes! What a cool batch! Welcome to the heroin fest!”), the rapper filled syringes with a drink and threw it into the crowd. In addition to the Federal Drug Control Service, the energy producer also filed a claim against Alekseev, accusing him of failure to fulfill agreements and causing image damage.

Noize MC has several anti-fascist songs in its repertoire: “Pushkin Rap”, “Black/White”, “Eden 14/88” and “Skinhead Girl”. In an interview with Novaya Gazeta Noise MC noted that after the release of the “New Album” in 2012, he lost “right-wing” fans who did not like the anti-fascist tracks of the album, which they very actively and aggressively commented on on the Internet. To the question “Is it a pity to lose them?” Noize MC replied: “Good riddance!” .

On February 28, 2010, Noize MC published the track “Mercedes S666”, dedicated to an accident on Leninsky Prospect with the participation of Lukoil vice-president Anatoly Barkov. According to media estimates, the song received wide resonance on the Internet and society. The specialized website “” in a material about the results of 2010 noted: “It is difficult to remember at least one other rap video that caused a similar public response.”

On May 22, 2010, in the “Culture Shock” program, on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, Ivan Alekseev spoke about the inadmissibility of bans on concerts of certain groups using the example of the Belgorod region.

On July 31, 2010, Ivan Alekseev was detained by police after his concert in Volgograd. He was charged with insulting police officers under the article “Petty hooliganism.” A conflict with the police arose during the concert: during the performance of the song “Babki in a Hat,” one of the band members, drummer Pavel Teterin, traditionally went into the hall with a headdress, where, according to the plan of the concert, the audience was supposed to throw change (this is an element of the show).
During this show, employees turned to Alekseev with the demand “Stop begging.” In response to this action of the police, Ivan Alekseev said from the stage:
I am proud to tell you that Volgograd is the first city where there are so many of these beautiful animals with red cockades. I am glad to tell you that this is the first city where animals with red cockades tell us that while singing the song “Grandma in a Hat” we are begging. I am glad to tell you that this is one of the few cities where we remember the song “Smoke Bamboo”.

On August 2, the court sentenced the musician to administrative arrest for 10 days. The reason for the arrest was statements made at the concert to the police. In his cell, Ivan Alekseev recorded a video apology to the police officers, which later became the chorus of the song “10 Days in Paradise,” which describes the time the performer spent under arrest and contains very serious criticism of the police.
In an interview, the rapper, when asked about the recorded video apology, replied: “Well, actually, apologizing on camera is rude sarcasm. I was initially surprised that even the police themselves took them literally. I found myself in such a complicated situation. I was not allowed to contact either the lawyer or the producer - I had no opportunity to discuss this moment with anyone. The fact is that during the court hearing, my lawyer stated on my behalf that I was ready to apologize through the media if some kind of leniency was shown to me. He thought it was a very good idea and insisted on it in every possible way. Accordingly, no leniency was shown to me, but I was later reminded of this point. At the same time, they transparently hinted that a criminal case could be initiated under Article 319 of the Criminal Code, which, of course, is much more sad than 10 days in the future. And I decided to get out of the situation in this way and write such an ironic apology and read it on camera.” Due to the arrest, Noize MC was unable to perform at the Dobrofest and Snickers Urbania festivals.

Noize MC at the “#RockPrisoner” concert in support of the “prisoners of May 6” at the Mir TKZ on September 22, 2013.

On August 13, 2010, the concert in Cheboksary was canceled. According to the artist’s press service, Noize MC’s performance at the Coffee Grinder hip-hop festival in Cheboksary has been cancelled. The organizers called the producer Noise MC Grigory Zorin, and asked not to come to Cheboksary. They referred to some kind of “instruction from above”, refusing to reveal the source of the ban.

On November 10, 2011, on the day of the professional holiday of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Noize MC released a video in English “Bring me your money”, in which he plays the role of a Russian police officer collecting bribes. The chorus of the song contains the words: “Give me your money in the name of the law! It's time to empty your pocket - give me your money! (“Bring me your money in the name of the law // It’s time to make your pocket clean // Bring me your money - bring, bring, bring”).

On December 24, 2011, Ivan took part in the rally “For Fair Elections,” which took place in Kazan, and performed the response song “The Mr. Himself!” to Vladimir Putin’s statement about contraceptives. also in interview Noize MC noted that he also sympathized with the later “March of Millions,” although he could not take part in it due to family circumstances.

On September 12, 2012, the Moscow Department of Culture canceled the Noize MC concert at the Green Theater, scheduled for September 15, due to the fact that the group’s repertoire “does not fit into the concept of the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. Gorky as a park of culture and recreation,” and the park’s management “is not interested in holding the event” due to “indignant feedback from the public regarding performances in the park by groups performing songs containing profanity.” However, after the management meeting Noise MC and representatives of the Department of Culture, it was decided that the concert at the Green Theater would still take place without the use of profanity.

On August 14, 2014, Noize MC performed at the Lviv festival with the flag of Ukraine on his waist. Noize MC commented on this episode as follows:
In our repertoire there is
ь remix of the hit of the Ukrainian group “Vopli Vidoplyasova” - “Dance”. Half of the lyrics of the song are original, in Ukrainian, half are added by me, in Russian.
At concerts, we always organize a flash mob to this song: we invite a huge number of people onto the stage, learn with them a simple dance of four movements, and everyone dances with us - both the audience in the hall and those on stage. Getting ready to demonstrate these movements, I walked to the edge of the stage, and some girl standing below handed me a flag. As a sign of friendship between our peoples, I took it and decided to use it in a performance, considering it absolutely logical and appropriate, especially in the context of the song I was going to perform.

In August 2014 Noise MC performed at the Kubana festival. Immediately after the words of Noize MC “Let’s talk to you about Ukrainian Nazism. Who of you has been to Lviv, raise your hands?” the live Internet broadcast of the festival was stopped by the organizers. Noize MC’s further words were: “Well, is there Ukrainian Nazism there? Who wasn’t, what do you think? So, I was there - there is no Nazism. There are people who are tired of enduring all this, and there is a president who has stolen so much that it is no longer possible to count.” Subsequently, Noize MC noted that “during the performance of the Russian-Ukrainian song “Tantsi,” they simply turned off the sound in the middle of the track.” In protest Noise MC performed a joint track with “Anacondaz” naked. The performance took place after one in the morning on a small stage.

In August 2014, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation put forward a proposal to ban speeches in Russia by Andrei Makarevich and Noise MC due to the fact that, according to the party, they “essentially support the punitive operation of the Kyiv junta in the Donbass.” Noise MC responded to this proposal with a new song “Come $ome All” (Totalitarian trap).

In the first half of October 2014, Noize MC had concerts canceled in Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Kursk and a charity concert in Belgorod. Poor ticket sales and a "lack of venues" were cited as reasons for the cancellation. The organizer of the concert in Belgorod indicated the following reason: “The Security Council of the Belgorod city administration did not allow the concert to take place due to “possible provocations.” Unfortunately, none of our guarantees could change this decision.” According to calculations Noise MC, shortly after the performance in Ukraine, more than 60% of the group’s concerts were canceled.
Ivan Alekseev notes that the reasons for the cancellation were “pressure from the authorities,” as well as inspections of concerts by sappers and representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service. As a clear example of pressure Noise MC cites the fact that government officials “even met the group in hotels and train stations” in order to prevent concerts from being held in any alternative venues.

In April 2015, after a meeting in the Krasnodar administration, the city prosecutor’s office expressed its fear that before the upcoming concert Noize MC and during it, incidents provoked by the musician’s opponents (“unregistered Cossacks”) are possible. The organizers of the Krasnodar concert decided to cancel the event. Subsequent concerts in the artist’s spring tour schedule were held without incident.

Concert group
Most appearances Noise MC are accompanied by the alternative group Protivo Gunz, created by him in 2003. The current state of the group is reflected in the comments of the administration of the official Noize MC forum:

When Noise MC was not yet signed to the label, the Protivo Gunz group existed as a parallel project. After signing the contract, in order not to confuse users, everything was united under the brand “ Noize MC"
Some major concerts also feature a violinist, cellist, saxophonist, trombonist and trumpet player.

Currently, the Noize MC group has the following composition:

Ivan "Noize MC" Alekseev - vocals, guitar, keyboards (2003 - present)
Alexander "Kisly" Kislinsky - bass guitar, backing vocals (2003 - present)
Maxim Kramar - keyboards, guitar, backing vocals (2005 - present)
Shot aka “DJ Stafford” - scratching, sampling, beatboxing (2013 - present)
Mikhail Kozodaev - drums (2014 - present)

Former members of the Noize MC team:

Andrey Pikh - drums (2003-2005)
Stanislav "DJ Mos" Ammosov - scratching, sampling (2012-2013)
Pavel "Pa$hock" Teterin - guitar (2004-2005), drums, guitar, vocals (2005-2014)