
The meaning of field abbreviations when paying. What does mm yy mean? What does dd mm yy mean?

format DD.MM.YY

How and where is the date written correctly in documents?

Tell me what the next set of letters means - DD. MM. GG; DD.MM.YYYY; MM.YY?

This set of letters is a different format for writing a calendar date. As a rule, 4 types of date writing formats are used. Using one of the set of letters you specified, various enterprises and organizations in Russia usually show their clients in sample documents how many numbers need to be filled in for a calendar date in a specific document.

Let's take a closer look at what the DD.MM.YYYY (DD.MM.YYi MM.YY) format is, what law is it regulated by, where is it applied and in what variants is it written?

Format DD.MM.YYYY; DD. MM. YY or MM.YY- this is a letter indication of how in specific documents it is necessary to fill in the calendar date of the day with numbers. Let me immediately emphasize that the date format in documents must be filled out as the specific organization indicated in the specific sample.

In Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2011 N 107-FZ “On the Calculation of Time,” the concept of a calendar date is defined as follows:

calendar date - serial number of the calendar day, serial number or name of the calendar month and serial number of the calendar year

That is, using the format, the requirement to fill out a calendar date in the document being compiled, or the date of issue or expiration of the document, or the date of payment for a certain document, is indicated. These sets of calendar date formats are also used in banking, for example, when filling out a payment document, when filling out a loan application, in signed agreements and on bank cards.

On practice full or abbreviated calendar date formats are used.
So, DD.MM.YYYY is the full format, and DD.MM.YY or MM.YY or MM.YYYY or DD.MM are abbreviated formats. The completeness of filling out the date depends on the requirements for a particular document, that is, it depends on the seriousness of the document. The more serious the document, the more fully the dates are filled in.

Calendar dates are displayed in the following formats:

  • Format DD .MM .YY, in which the letters indicate the following: DD – number, MM – month, YY – last two digits of the year. (For example – 01/20/14; 12/08/14)
  • Format DD .MM .YYYY, in which the letters indicate the following: DD - date, MM - month, YYYY - year (For example - 01/20/2014; 12/08/2014)
  • Format MM.YY, in which the letters indicate the following: MM – month, YY – last two digits of the year (For example - 01.14; 12.14)
  • Format DD .MM, in which the letters indicate the following: DD – number, MM – month without indicating the year (For example - 01.11; 15.05). This format is used extremely rarely.

When filling out a calendar date according to the format - dots must be placed between numbers (letters). Other characters (commas, colons...) are not used in the format. This must be taken into account when filling out dates in standard forms of documents/forms on the websites of government agencies and banks. In the settings of programs that require filling in dates, dots are entered, but when other characters are entered, the programs do not work - they “swear”. This means that the date was entered incorrectly, i.e. the calendar date is filled in with a deviation from the program requirements.

But when formatting dates according to formats, there is an exception. Thus, when extruding or stamping on bank cards the calendar date of the card's validity period according to the format (MM.YY), a separating sign (/) is used rather than a dot (.). For example, if the expiration date of the card is “January 2018”, then the card will indicate “01/18”.

In all of the above formats, the date of the month must be indicated with two digits - therefore, when filling out the date of the first nine months, the first digit will be zero (0). So, for example, “03” means “March”, “09” means “September”.

When filling out documents in the formats DD MM YY and MM.YY, the year is indicated using the last two digits, for example, “16” can be 1916 or 2016, and “18” can be 1918 or 2018.

In addition to the above formats for writing the date, according to the Federal Law of June 3, 2011 N 107-FZ, the calendar date can be filled in instead of a digital indication of the month - the name of the month, for example: February 28, 2015; March 15, 2014, etc.

Where and how the date is written using formats - examples

Where and in what form is the DD format used? MM. GG; DD.MM.YYYY or MM.YY in banking practice? Let's look at examples of how the date is written and what format is used in banks:

Where else is the date written in a certain format? One of the following formats (DD.MM.YY; DD MM; DD.MM.YYYY or MM.YY) may indicate requirements for filling out a person’s date of birth in various documents (including a passport), in various reports, requests and applications and forms.

Here are a few examples of filling out the date format outside the banking sector:

Format management

Microinvest uses a standard mechanism for setting date formats. Using Regional Settings from the Windows Control Panel, you can determine which localization and format will be used by the program. Thus, there is no specialized configuration mechanism, everything comes down to standard operating system management principles.

Setup Requirements

There are no specialized requirements for setting the date format. One of the most important restrictions is the ban on the use of Cyrillic characters or special characters. This only confuses the product and leads to misinterpretation of dates. In general, the performance of the product does not depend on the selected date type. Only if configured incorrectly can the correct display and behavior of the calendar be disrupted.

  •– European and Russian standard;
  • mm/dd/yyyy– American standard;
  • dd-mm-yyyy– a common variant of writing dates.

Using another type of format is allowed, but sometimes it confuses operators because they are not oriented in settings and may not correctly determine operations.


When working on the network, it is possible to use different date formats, for example, one workplace displays the date as 12/31/2012, another shows 12/31/2012, and the next has the format 12-31-2012, etc. Despite this, all data is saved and processed correctly, because workstations are connected to a common network and exchange data. When determining the date format, you need to pay attention to the localization settings of the SQL server. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the documentation that is published on the website Microinvest .

Some Helpful Resources

  • Documentation for all products;
  • Microinvest technical support forum, where you can quickly get an answer to your question;
  • Examples of automation of restaurants and trade based on Microinvest in Russia and the CIS countries;
  • Schedule of upcoming trainings in Russia and CIS countries;
  • Programs for automation of restaurants and cafes free full-featured demo versions of Microinvest products for the restaurant business;
The "Date" request is redirected here; see also other meanings.

Calendar date- serial number of the calendar day, serial number or name of the calendar month and serial number of the calendar year (Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2011 No. 107-FZ “On the calculation of time”).

date- a record that includes the day of the month, month and year, sometimes the day of the week, the number of the week in the year and the chronology system. Sometimes only the day of the month is incorrectly referred to as the “date”.

Date recording forms

No. Format Example of date entry
"May 30, 2006" Notes
1 Year-month-date 2006-05-30 Complies with ISO 8601 (GOST ISO 8601)
2 day month Year 30.05.2006 Corresponds to GOST R 6.30-2003 (clause 3.11).
3 month/date/year 5/30/2006 Used in the USA and some other countries, may be confused with method 2.
4 2006.30.05 Used in Kazakhstan in documents in the Kazakh language.
5 year(day/month)year 20 30 V 06 (\displaystyle 20(\frac (30)(V))06) Widely used in the USSR until the 1960s; now found on tombstones and railway equipment.
6 year week 0619
Used for marking various products (electrical equipment, telephones, microcircuits, tires, etc.). May be ambiguous due to differences in the definition of week among different manufacturing companies.


Year - 4 digits year year - 2 digits year

The format for recording dates (both short - in numbers only, and full - in numbers and words) differs in different countries and regions. To read the date correctly, especially if the year is indicated in only two digits, you need to know which region the date belongs to.

Most common formats

Format Example of date entry
"May 30, 2006" Countries
yyyy.MM.dd 2006.05.30 Hungary
yyyy-MM-dd 2006-05-30 Poland, Sweden, Lithuania, Canada
yyyy/MM/dd 2006/05/30 Iran, Japan
yyyy-M-d 2006-5-30 China
yyyy/M/d 2006/5/30 Hong Kong, Taiwan 2006.30.05 Kazakhstan (used in documents in Kazakh language)
d.M.yyyy 30.5.2006 Finland, Czech Republic
d-M-yyyy 30-5-2006 Netherlands
d/m/yyyy 30/5/2006 Brazil, Greece, Thailand
dd.MM.yyyy 30.05.2006 Bulgaria, Germany, Norway, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine
dd-MM-yyyy 30-05-2006 Denmark, Portugal
dd/MM/yyyy 30/05/2006 UK, Vietnam, Israel, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, France
M/d/yyyy 5/30/2006 USA


D - day, M - month (without a leading zero) dd, MM - day and month with a leading zero for values ​​from 1 to 9 yyyy - 4-character designation of the year (the year is written in full)

In practice, a shortened form of recording the year is often used: yy - the last 2 digits of the year’s serial number. This was associated with the expectation of computer failures when the year 2000 arrived.

International date/time formats

  • ISO 8601 - yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffff.

Includes the date, the Latin letter T, time, and fractions of a second separated by a dot or comma. The format also allows for incomplete representation.

  • UNIX time is an integer. The number of seconds that have passed since the beginning of January 1, 1970 UTC (the start date of the UNIX era).

mm this:

mm int. Used when someone finds it difficult to say, pronounce something. from indecision, doubt, bewilderment, etc. What an astonished face our boss made when he found out that I was leaving the service! And when I explained to him the purpose with which I was doing this, he simply opened his mouth. - For the love of art?.. Mm! Garshin, Artists. - How many staff places are there in a mobile hospital? “Mm... Two hundred, Your Excellency,” answered the pale Sultanov. Veresaev, During the Japanese War.

Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Evgenieva A.P.. 1957-1984.

How to correctly fill out the DD format. MM. YYYY?

How to correctly fill out the DD format. MM. YYYY when do you want to find out your debt from the bailiffs on the official website?


There is nothing difficult about filling out the DD.MM.YYYY format. You must first enter the number of your birthday, for example, 15, then enter the month, for example, 07, then enter the year of birth like this: 1956. If the site does not accept this version of the date, then it is not your fault, but problems in the operation of the site. Just try logging in from a different browser.


Fill out the DD format correctly. MM. YYYY needs to be done this way: first put the number, then the month and put the year in its field. Example: 05/03/1998. If you get an error, then the problem is most likely not in the date, but in something else, or an error in the site itself.

The date format must be filled in as indicated in the sample. If it is, then we write the date this way: 01/01/2016. If the date is October 6th, then we write it like this: 10/06/2015. The site system should respond adequately and let it pass.


The format for your date of birth on the bailiffs website should be filled out as follows: 11/12/1984, where 12 (the numbers are taken as an example) is the number of your birth, the 11th month (in our case November) and the year of birth 1984. It's simple.

Nikolai sosiura

If you need to fill out the format correctly, where the following DD record is indicated as an example. MM. YYYY - this means that the birthday should be written in place of two identical letters DD. For example, like mine - 25.

We must remember that numbers less than 10 are still indicated in two digits - 01, 02, 03, 04, etc.

The year of birth must be indicated in full - four-digit YYYY. For example, 1978.

It turns out: 10/25/1978.


For example, you were born on December 11, 1960. Enter DD - 11, then put a dot. December is the 12th month, so write MM - 12 and put a period. Next is the full year UUUU - it consists of 4 digits, not two. We get: 12/11/1960. There should be such logic.


In general, the correct set of this format should be typed according to the following rules:

1. Be sure to install periods are in this format, not commas otherwise the system will give an error. And set it according to the format and nothing extra.

2.DD-day, MM-month, YYYY-year, format 01/01/2013


DD format. MM. YYYY will be correctly filled out in this way: if it is October 14, 2015, then we write like this: 10/14/2015. That is, first there are two numbers for the day, then two numbers for the month, then 4 numbers for the year. If it is October 1, then the date looks like this: 10/01/2015.


On the website of the Federal Bailiff Service:

  • let's come here
  • choose a city
  • write your first and last name
  • date of birth in the specified format, for example, 11/11/1980
  • click "Search".

All; I just tested it, it works quickly and without failures.


You answered the question correctly. It is filled in like this: DD.MM.YYYY. That is, here is a visual example: 01/01/2015.

If you cannot get the information you need, then the problem is most likely not in the date - there are glitches on the site.

Tell me what it means here. Each designation and for what?

Garik Dobermanych

What, you don’t know how to use a tester? No problem! I'll try to explain: -A device with a pointer and scales - actually for indication, a handle at the bottom for switching measurement limits. Each measurement limit has its own scale. The limits for measurements on DC CURRENT/VOLTAGE - DCV - voltage measurements are marked in white at the switch knob. DCmA - current measurements in milliamperes. In red - the limits of AC voltage measurement. The numbers indicate the MAXIMUM LIMIT that can be measured. Green - Resistance measurements, by the way there should be a knob - "Setting zero" - before measuring resistances, you need to close the probes and, looking at the scale, set the arrow to zero. Well, in general terms it’s something like this, the MAIN MAIN thing is NOT to stick the device into the socket, at ALL LIMITS - EXCEPT ACV250 and ACV1000 - on these you can on the rest - IT WILL BURN THE FUCK! Well, be careful with electrical circuits!

white rabbit

The upper (green) scale is resistance. In ohms, multiplied by the green multiplier selected by the pen. That is, now in ohms * 1 K = in kilo-ohms.
Middle, black scale - for direct current, volts or milliamps (for convenience, there are two rows of numbers, up to 50 and up to 250) - depending on which limit (rightmost number) is SELECTED by the switch
Red scale - the same for alternating current, effective values

This is the cheapest multimeter or tester, as some say, in short, Green measures resistance (ohmmeter), on the right, White - constant voltage (voltmeter), on the bottom, Red - AC voltage (voltmeter), and on the left, White - current - only direct current (ammeter) . The scale corresponds to the colors and you can determine...


The top scale is circuit resistance, the next two scales are volts (voltage) and milliamps (current) DC, the red scale is 10v volts AC usually 50 Hz (mains), but can measure in an extended frequency range with greater accuracy. Lower decibel scale - the relative value of a logarithmic scale in relation to one volt

What is "pantragism"? We need a definition. What does the term mean in literature and art?

☆Name of names☆

Pantragism is an anti-democratic, reactionary worldview, which is expressed not only in its characteristic belief in the fundamental inequality of people, but also in the fact (and this is much more significant) that any attempt to overcome social conflicts, resolve the contradictions of human existence, or implement any ideals appear from the point of view of pantragism as a deliberate illusion, as a desire to close one’s eyes, not to notice the fundamental, initial insolubility, tragic hopelessness of social and human conflicts - a desire stemming from cowardice and weak character *.
Another feature of pantragism is closely related to this socio-political position - its moral indifference. Absolute tragedy, as Jaspers emphasizes, places a person
*It is no coincidence that thinkers prone to pantragism, in particular the neo-Hegelians in Germany and Italy, were among those who either remained indifferent to the fascist regime, or even - in one form or another - collaborated with the fascists (in Germany - A. Bäumler, in Italy - D. Gentile).
beyond good and evil; being elevated to a philosophical principle, it turns moral categories into subjective illusions, shared only by those who do not dare to face the reality that frightens them - that is, again, the “weak”, “mediocre”, “cowardly”. Not without the influence of this type of worldview in Germany in the 20-30s. (and not only in it) a special kind of mood spread, which largely paralyzed the political and moral activity of wide circles of the intelligentsia: its most intense note was absolute pantragism, insolubility and hopelessness as lying at the very basis of existence; weakening, this tension resulted in ordinary nihilism, in a conversation about the frailty of existence and the futility of human endeavors. This mentality made it easier for the National Socialists to gain power.

Explain what this means? what is this based on?

Flattening of the lid of both acetabulums, the contour is thickened and blurred. heads of the hip bones without features

Conclusion, arthrosis of the hip joints

Sergey Vorobyov

this means that due to metallization (deposition of salts, most likely NaCl), deformation occurred due to the reaction of salts with the surface of the depressions. everything is correct - arthrosis, but complicated by uterine osteoporosis of the upper cervix

Just a mirage

Arthrosis of the hip joint (Coxarthrosis) is characterized by a progressive course and disruption of the static-dynamic function of the musculoskeletal system. It occupies one of the first places among degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The degenerative process begins with the articular cartilage - its thinning, fiber disintegration, fragmentation occur, and shock-absorbing properties are lost. As a compensatory reaction of the articular surfaces of the hip joint, marginal bone growths are formed. Subsequently, sclerosis develops and cysts form (see Bone cyst) in the articulating parts of the femoral head and acetabulum.

There are primary arthrosis of the hip joint or arthrosis of the hip joint of unknown etiology, and secondary arthrosis of the hip joint, which occurs against the background of hip dysplasia or congenital dislocation of the hip, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, Perthes disease, previous trauma (bruise, fracture, dislocation, microtrauma), inflammatory process (coxitis).

One or both hip joints may be affected. With primary arthrosis of the hip joint, other joints (usually the knees) and the spine are often simultaneously affected.

There is no unified theory of the pathogenesis of hip arthrosis. Most scientists believe that the trigger is a violation of blood circulation in the joint due to both deterioration of venous outflow and disruption of arterial inflow. As a result of tissue hypoxia, underoxidized metabolic products accumulate, activating proteolytic enzymes and hyaluronidase in the synovial fluid, which destroy cartilage proteoglycans. One cannot but take into account the mechanical factors that cause overload of the joint, the incongruence of articular damage, leading to a redistribution of the load per unit area of ​​the articular surface of the cartilage, as well as biochemical changes in the cartilage itself.

Clinical picture. The main complaint of patients is pain, the nature, intensity, duration and localization of which depend on the severity of the dystrophic process, i.e. on the stage of arthrosis of the hip joint. There are three stages of arthrosis of the hip joint.

In stage I, periodically after physical activity (long walking, running), pain occurs in the hip joint, less often in the hip or knee joint. As a rule, the pain goes away after rest. The range of motion in the joint is not limited, muscle strength is not changed, and gait is not impaired. Radiographs show minor bone growths that do not extend beyond the labrum. They are usually located around the outer or inner edge of the articular surface of the acetabulum. The head and neck of the femur are practically unchanged. The joint gap is unevenly slightly narrowed.

In stage II, the pain is more intense, radiates to the thigh, groin area, and occurs at rest. After a long walk, lameness appears. The function of the joint is impaired. First of all, internal rotation and abduction of the hip are limited, i.e., a flexion and adduction contracture is formed. The strength of the muscles that abduct and extend the hip decreases, and their hypotonia and hypotrophy are determined. The radiograph shows significant bone growths along the outer and inner edges of the acetabulum, extending beyond the cartilaginous lip. Deformation of the femoral head, its enlargement and uneven contour are noted. Cysts can form in the most loaded part of the head and acetabulum. The neck of the femur is thickened and widened. The joint space is unevenly narrowed (up to 1/3-1/4 of the original height). There is a tendency towards upward displacement of the femoral head.

In stage I, the pain is constant and occurs even at night. When walking, patients are forced to use a cane. A sharp limitation of all movements in the joint (flexion-adduction contracture) and hypotrophy of the gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles of the thigh and lower leg are noted.

A custom format is a value display format specified by the user. For example, the date 01/13/2010 can be displayed as: 01/13/2010 or 2010_01_13 or 13-January-10.

A custom format can be applied via Cell Format or define it in the TEXT() function. This article provides some examples of a custom date and time format (see example file).

Date formats (using the example of the value 02/01/2010 12:05)



Result for 01.02.2010 12:05

Month (capital M)

shortened day of the week

day of the week


yy (or g)

yyyy (or yyy)

dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm

full date format

01.02.2010 12:05




Custom Format

DDD, DD|MM|YY Custom Format Mon, 01|02|10


Custom Format

Time formats (using the example of 12:05 pm)



Result for 12:05 day

counting the number of hours

counting minutes

When using the TEXT() function, use the following syntax: =TEXT(TODAY();"enter the required format here"). For example, =TEXT(TODAY();"dd.MM.yyyy")

Naturally, instead of the TODAY() function, you can use either a date, or a formula that, when calculated, produces a numeric value that represents the date, or a reference to a cell containing the date. You can read about how EXCEL stores date and time in the article of the same name.

Another example: the number 1300 can be displayed as Time (13:00) using the format 00\:00 (the backslash is needed to correctly interpret the colon). Result 13:00. But EXCEL will continue to perform calculations with 1300 as with a regular number (only the display of the number 1300 changes). By adding 65 instead of 14:05 we get 13:65. Similar function with custom format: =TEXT(1300;" 00\:00")