
John green numerous catherines fb2. Numerous Catherines. Download the book “The Numerous Catherines” for free by John Green

John Green

Numerous Catherines

John Green

An Abundance of Katherines

Copyright © John Green, 2006 All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

This edition published by arrangement with Dutton Children’s Books, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company

© Translation. Zaitsev V. A., 2015

© Publication in Russian, translation into Russian, design. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL Classic", 2015

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To my wife, Sarah Urist Green, an acrostic poem:

Her Slavic smile
Diamond is more expensive and cleaner, it is like
Dawn among the mountain peaks.
An amulet that protects from sadness,
The luck of the catcher of a wild beast,
Dear and close, like a sister,
And fiery, like living speech.
Saves a broken heart with faith,
As if she was destined from above
It is humane to extend an immeasurable gift,
Allowing me freedom and courage.
And in rare attacks of melancholy -
A reliable balm for mental pain.

“Pleasure is not in owning.

The pleasure is this: he and she in a confined space are two irreconcilable rivals.”

Philip Roth, "Human Brand"

The morning after school graduation, prodigy Colin Odinets, who that day was abandoned by a girl named Katerina for the nineteenth time, decided to take a bath. Colin preferred to take a bath rather than a shower because he believed that what could be done lying down should never be done standing up. As soon as the water warmed up, he climbed into the bath and, with an impassive expression on his face, began to examine his crossed legs. He understood, although very vaguely, that the bath was already too small for him and that he could be mistaken for an adult pretending to be a child.

When Colin was four or so, he had read a book about the Greek philosopher Archimedes, and now, looking at his flat but frail belly, he suddenly remembered him. Archimedes discovered that the mass of a body immersed in water is equal to the volume of liquid displaced by it, and the Greek made this discovery while sitting in the bath. As soon as this bright thought came into his head, he shouted “Eureka!” and started running down the street naked. That book also said that great discoveries are often made in moments of insight. Colin then really wanted to make some great discovery, so when his mother returned from work in the evening, he asked her:

– Mom, will I ever have an epiphany?

Mom took his hand - she was excited:

“Did something happen, honey?”

- Nothing. I just... I want insight! - he said as another boy would ask his mother for a ninja turtle.

Mom touched his cheek and smiled. She leaned towards him and he could smell the faint scent of perfume and coffee.

- Well, of course. Of course, honey, you will have an epiphany,” she said.

But all mothers lie. This is their job.

Colin took a deep breath and slid down. I'm crying, he thought, opening his eyes in the acrid soapy water into which he plunged headlong. It seems to me that I’m crying, which means it’s probably true, although you can’t tell for sure under water. But he didn't cry. Oddly enough, he was too upset to cry. Too hurt. That part of him that was capable of tears, Katerina, the girl who abandoned him, obviously took with her.

He opened the drain hole, stood up, dried himself with a towel, got dressed and left the bathroom.

His parents were sitting on his bed.

When his parents were sitting in his room, it was a sign - don’t expect anything good.

At different times this meant:

1. Your grandmother/grandfather/aunt-Susie-who-you-never-met-but-she-was-nice-died-too-too-sorry.

2. This Katerina of yours is distracting you from your studies.

3. Children are born as a result of an act that you will later find quite interesting, but for now - creepy. And people sometimes use their reproductive organs in different ways that are not related to childbirth. For example, kisses are not only on the face.

But he would never have waited for anything else:

4. A girl named Katerina called while you were in the bathroom and wanted to apologize. She made a terrible mistake, but she still loves you and is waiting downstairs.

Still, he secretly hoped that his parents had come to tell him the latest news, number four. Colin was a rather pessimistic young man, but for Catherine, apparently, he made an exception: he always hoped that they would return. He was overcome by a feeling of mutual love, he felt the taste of adrenaline in his throat. Maybe it’s not all over, maybe he’ll take her hand again, and she, softening her loud, harsh voice, will whisper: “I love you” - quietly, quietly and quickly, as always. She said “I love you” as if it were a terrible secret.

Colin's dad stood up and approached him:

– Katerina called me. She's worried about you.

Colin felt his father's hand on his shoulder and they both leaned forward and embraced.

“We’re very excited too,” said Mom, a petite woman with thick, curly brown hair with one gray strand woven into it. “Moreover, we are dumbfounded,” she added. - What's happened?

“I don’t know,” Colin said quietly, burying his face in his father’s shoulder. “She’s just... just tired of me.” She is tired. That's what she said.

Mom stood up and hugged him tightly, then even tighter, again and again, and then burst into tears. Colin broke away from her suffocating embrace and sat down on the bed. He suddenly had an unbearable desire for his parents to leave, otherwise he would explode. Literally. He will spill his guts all over the walls and his magnificent brain all over the white sheet.

“Well, we need to sit down and evaluate your prospects,” Colin’s dad said. He loved to evaluate everything. “Don’t think I don’t sympathize with your grief, but it looks like you’ll have a lot of free time this summer.” Maybe you can sign up for summer courses at the university?

“I really need to be alone... at least today,” Colin answered with feigned calm, hoping that his parents would leave and he wouldn’t explode. – Maybe we can assess the prospects tomorrow?

“Of course, honey,” said mom. - We'll be at home all day. Come down whenever you want. We love you Colin, you are a special boy. Don't be upset about this girl - you are beautiful, brilliant and...

But then a special, beautiful, brilliant boy rushed to the toilet, where he vomited inside out. Come to think of it, it was a bit like an explosion.

- Colin! - Mom screamed.

“Leave me alone,” Colin shouted from the toilet. - Please.

When he came out, his parents had already left.

For the next fourteen hours, without stopping to eat, drink or empty his stomach again, he read and re-read his yearbook, which he had received only four days ago. Besides the usual nonsense that comes with yearbooks, there were one hundred and twenty-eight handwritten entries. Twelve of them were nothing special, fifty-six noted his intelligence, twenty-five said that the writers would like to know him better, eleven were confessions that it was fun to learn English with him, seven mentioned the “pupillary sphincter” and an incredible seventeen read "Stay Cool!" But Colin Odinets couldn't "stay cool" for the same reasons that a blue whale couldn't be weightless and Bangladesh couldn't be rich. These seventeen people were probably joking. He wondered why suddenly twenty-five of his classmates, with whom he had studied for twelve years, wrote that they wanted to “get to know him better.” You'd think they didn't have that opportunity.

But Colin spent most of those fourteen hours reading and re-reading Katherine XIX's entry:

We've been through a lot together. And there is still a lot ahead of us.

I whisper again and again and again:


Forever yours


In the end, he decided that it was not worth lying on the bed in his condition, because it was too comfortable, and moved to the floor. He lay down on his back, legs spread out on the carpet, and began to look for anagrams for the words “Forever yours” until he found one that he liked: “What am I new?” He lay there, wondering if it was new, and repeating to himself Katerina’s confession, which he had managed to memorize. He wanted to cry, but instead he felt pain in his solar plexus. What he felt now was much worse than tears. Tears, even the most bitter ones, complete you. And his feeling was devastating.

Forever yours... What am I, new?

He thought and thought about it, and the burning pain under his ribs kept growing. It hurt so much, as if he had been given the most severe beating of his life. But he had something to compare with.

John Green is a contemporary American writer, blogger and author of educational videos. He is considered the author of books for teenagers, because he manages to very accurately convey their experiences, talking about them in simple teenage language. The novel “The Numerous Catherines” will tell about the lives of three children, along with their difficulties and problems.

The central figure in the novel is Colin Odinets. When he was 2 years old, he learned to read. After this, his parents decided that their son was a child prodigy, and he could achieve unprecedented heights in life. They raised him with all diligence. Perhaps a high level of intelligence makes it easier to understand some things in life, but it rather worsens relationships with peers. Despite the fact that Colin is only 17 years old, he has already had a lot of failures in his personal life. On his way, he constantly meets Katerina's girls, whom he likes, but they leave him. Although many of these relationships cannot be called such, that does not prevent the guy from worrying and becoming depressed every time.

After graduating from school, Colin wants to take his mind off another breakup and earn some money. Together with his friend Hassan, they travel to another city, where they get a job. There they meet their boss's daughter, Lindsey. The three of them are relaxing, having fun, and joking. But Colin is haunted by thoughts about how to live up to his parents’ expectations, and about why he is constantly abandoned. He decides to create a unique formula that will allow him to calculate his relationships. This will help him understand his personal life, and at the same time become famous. The life of teenagers is filled with adventures, experiences, falling in love and a lot of jokes.

The novel is easy and pleasant to read, although it contains mathematical calculations of Colin's formula. This book will allow you to plunge into teenage life, get distracted, and someone may have to remember their youth. The novel leaves pleasant impressions and lightness on the soul.

The work belongs to the genre of Contemporary Foreign Literature. It was published in 2006 by Ripol Classic. On our website you can download the book “The Numerous Catherines” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.73 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

In 2005, John Green released his first novel, Looking for Alaska. At that time, the writer was 28 years old and in his homeland (we are talking about the United States) the book was recognized as the best among teenagers. Today, the name “John Green” is associated with most of the hopes of American readers and critics, tired of the endless dominance of magical fantasies about boy magicians and glamorous vampires. Realistic prose is now being used, telling about authentic characters who come from among real-life youth.

“The Numerous Catherines” is the second work from an author named John Green. And this book, immediately after its release, was awarded such epithets as “funny”, “witty”, “unpredictable”. However, the main character of the work, named Colin, is clearly not having fun. He's smart. So much so that he learned to read at the age of 2. Mainly due to the fact that his parents sought to raise him to be a real genius.

However, if intelligence does not help with anything, it is in relationships - at least for Colin. He is pathologically unlucky in love. Having lived in the world for only 17 years, Colin managed to meet nineteen girls. Don’t think anything bad: this was an ordinary conversation, since Colin never became the “hero of a novel” for any of the fair sex representatives he met. By the way, the book is called “The Numerous Catherines” for a reason: the main character created by the writer, named John Green, is attracted to girls who have exactly that name.

After a long series of failures on the personal front, smart Colin decides not to resign himself to fate, but to use his intellect. He begins to derive a formula that helps calculate the moment of the next parting with the next Katerina. In addition, the main character of the book does not lose hope of deducing a formula thanks to which his relationship can finally become successful.

After graduating from school, Colin goes on a trip with his friend Hassan to take his mind off things and earn some money. He does not suspect that this journey will become a turning point for him. The heroes of the work “The Numerous Catherines” will have to not only experience a whole series of funny events, but also really deduce the formula for successful relationships, solve the mystery of all these numerous Catherines and, for once, find happiness. How? We won't tell you this. You will have to read the work that John Green created for yourself.

The book “The Numerous Catherines” has everything for a non-boring pastime: a lot of intriguing events, a lot of interesting facts, a lot of subtle humor and wonderful dialogues. We recommend everyone read this work.

On our literary website you can download the book “The Numerous Catherines” (Fragment) by John Green in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

Numerous Catherines John Green

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Title: Numerous Catherines

About the book “The Numerous Catherines” by John Green

Already the first novel of 28-year-old John Green, “Looking for Alaska,” published in 2005, was recognized in his homeland, America, as “the best book of the year written for teenagers.” Now his name is associated with the formation of new realistic prose about authentic characters from the youth environment, which replaced the long-term dominance of fantasies about young wizards, vampires and magicians.

This is exactly the kind of funny, witty and unpredictable story that the writer’s second novel, “The Numerous Catherines,” became. John Green famously spun a plot about a smart young man Colin, who is amazingly unlucky in love. Having learned to read at the age of 2, he tried in every possible way to meet the expectations and efforts of his parents to raise him into a child prodigy. But if knowledge in some ways simplifies life, in relationships with peers it only complicated everything.

During the short 17-year life of the main character of the book, smart Colin was only attracted to girls named Katerina. And although there were as many as 19 of them (including those with whom he communicated only for a few days), for none of them he became the hero of the novel.

Smart guy Colin can't just come to terms with breakups and decides not only to calculate the moment of the next breakup, but also to derive a formula for successful relationships.

To earn some money and take a break from depression, after graduating from school, Colin and his close friend Hassan will go on a short trip. But it will change their lives forever. Along the way, the friends will have to plunge into a cascade of funny adventures, unravel the mystery of numerous Catherines, derive the formula for love and finally feel happy.

John Green truly made his novel “The Numerous Catherines” not boring: he let you feel the emotions of the characters throughout the story, filled it with a lot of intriguing events, seasoned it with interesting facts, subtle humor and amazing dialogues. The author's language is a weapon that is impossible to resist.

But the real charm of the novel “The Numerous Catherines” is in the love of life of the main characters - smart, searching, going beyond generally accepted boundaries. John Green knows how to subtly notice the aspirations, experiences, thoughts and subtleties of relationships between teenagers who are no longer children, but not yet very adults.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “The Numerous Catherines” by John Green in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from The Many Catherines by John Green

But books always remained with him. Books are real Abandoned: leave - and they will forever wait for you; Give them attention - and they will always reciprocate.

I don't think it's good to not care about others. It should not be. When people mean something to you, when you miss them, if they are not around, that’s good.

That's why people get tired of Jilted people's stories about their troubles so quickly: breakups are predictable and boring. They want to remain friends; want freedom; it's always about them and never about you; and then you feel pain, and they feel relief; For them it's all over, but for you it's just beginning.

You know what I was thinking about before you came. I thought about significance. In my opinion, your importance is determined by how important others are to you. But I mixed everything up and wanted to become significant only for him, although all this time I could take care of other, good people who care about me. It's so easy to get hung up on something: coolness, uniqueness, or whatever! Then you no longer understand why you need it, you just want it - that’s all.

He yearned for his imagined future. You can love very much, he thought. But you always grieve more.

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