
Biography of Evgeny Garanichev. Evgeniy Garanichev: back in December, he prepared himself for the fact that we would not go to the Olympics Garanichev biathlete biography personal life

Young Russian athlete, biathlete Evgeniy Garanichev born in the village of Novoilinsky, Perm region. Evgeny Garanichev’s date of birth is February 13, 1988.

Evgeiy Garanichev spent his childhood in the village of Novoilinsky, where of all the sports sections there was only skiing, where his parents took Zhenya. He was eight years old at the time, and Evgeniy Garanichev’s older brother was already training in the same section. He began his successful participation in cross-country skiing. At the World Championships in the Italian city of Malse, Evgeny Garanichev, together with his teammates (Peter Sedov, Andrey Feller, Raul Shakirzyanov), won first place in the four by five kilometer relay race. At the Junior World Championships, which was held in the Italian city of Tarvisio, Evgeny Garanichev won a silver medal in the four by five kilometer relay race (other relay participants were Dmitry Vasiliev, Ivan Ivanov, Andrey Parfenov). Swedish skiers beat our athletes by less than half a second.
In 2008, Evgeny Garanichev decided to switch to biathlon. This was advised to him by Vladimir Alikin. In Perm, biathlon was not well developed due to lack of proper funding. Zhenya turned to the coach of Tyumen biathletes, Maxim Kugaevsky, for help.

At the Izhevsk Rifle biathlon tournament Evgeniy Garanichev took fourth place in the individual twenty-kilometer race. He finished in the top ten in the sprint race. These results allowed Evgeny Garanichev to compete in the European Biathlon Cup. In 2010, at the Russian biathlon championship, which was held in the city of Uvat, Evgeny Garanichev took fourth place in the pursuit and sprint, and in the mass start he won a bronze medal. In the city of Anterselva Evgeniy Garanichev competed for the first time at the Biathlon World Cup. In the sprint he took thirteenth place. In January 2012, Evgeny Garanichev competed for our team in the relay race for the first time. At the second stage, Garanichev came after. At the first firing line, Evgeniy Garanichev missed twice, and at the second, once. Our biathletes took fourth place.

In 2011, at the Universiade competitions Evgeniy Garanichev received bronze medals in the pursuit and sprint and second place in the mixed relay.

The year 2012 started very successfully for Evgeny Garanichev. At the Biathlon World Cup (Oberhof) on January 5, he took second place in the relay. On the twentieth of the same month in Antholz, Garanichev earned a silver medal in the sprint race. On February 2, Evgeny Garanichev won his first gold. It was the Holmenkollen sprint. We hope that this “Groundhog Day” will repeat for Zhenya many more times!
After two days Evgeniy Garanichev took third place in the pursuit race, and the next day in the mass start.

In just a few years, Evgeny Garanichev has grown from a newcomer to the Russian national team into one of its leaders. At the Olympic Games in Sochi, he achieved the greatest personal success among our athletes - he became a bronze medalist in the individual race.

Evgeny Garanichev was born in the Perm region in the Nytvensky district in the village of Novoilinsky on February 13, 1988. Since childhood, Evgeniy has been interested in skiing; at the age of eight, his parents sent their son to the skiing section. And in skiing, Garanichev showed excellent results at the junior level. At the World Championships in Malse, Italy, Evgeniy won the 4x5 kilometer relay as part of the Russian team. Later, at another World Junior Championships, also in the relay race, Garanichev won silver.

However, in 2008, Evgeny Garanichev switched from cross-country skiing to biathlon. This happened largely due to the fact that skiing developed poorly in the Perm region: there were no conditions for growth at all for a promising athlete. In biathlon, things immediately went well for the hardworking athlete.

Evgeniy’s excellent ski training allowed him to quickly express himself in a new form. He learned not only to run, but also to shoot accurately. In his first start, “Izhevsk Rifle,” Garanichev took 4th place in the 20-kilometer individual race, after which he qualified for the European Cup.

The athlete’s results were on the rise and in 2011 Garanichev made his debut in Anterselva at the World Cup stage, taking 13th place in the sprint race. Also in 2011, Evgeniy Garanichev won two bronze medals and a silver medal at the Universiade. The following season, the Russian athlete’s first “gold” in biathlon appeared among the awards. In Holmenkollen, in the sprint, Garanichev rose to the highest step of the podium, ahead of Arnd Peiffer and Emil Hegle Svendsen.

In the 2012/13 season, Evgeniy proved himself to be a team fighter, winning his first victory in the relay. The Russian team, for which Alexei Volkov, Anton Shipulin and Dmitry Malyshko ran in addition to Garanichev, won the World Cup in Oberhof. At the same stage, Evgeniy climbed to the podium two more times - he became second in the sprint and pursuit race.

The Olympic season did not start very well for Evgeniy. The first victory came in December in the relay race, where Garanichev’s partners were Ivan Tcherezov, Alexander Loginov and Anton Shipulin. At the Olympics in Sochi, the sprint and pursuit race were unsuccessful for the athlete - 27th and 15th place. But in the individual race he came third, winning the only personal medal for the Russian men's team. In the mixed relay, Garanichev did not perform very well, and he did not make it into the relay four of the Russian team.

Evgeniy Garanichev is a physical education coach and teacher; he graduated from Tyumen State University. Evgeniy's hobbies include volleyball and football.

It is curious that Garanichev only tried alcohol once. Once the athlete admitted that he did not know the taste of vodka and beer. “In other people’s companies they often ask: “Are you coded? Did you drink too much?" no and no. I just don’t understand the taste or the benefits. I don’t want to drink and I won’t. Never,” declares the hope of Russian biathlon.


personal information
Date of Birth -
February 13, 1986
Place of birth - Novoilinsky
Citizenship - Russia
Marital status: Married
Education: higher, Institute of Physical Culture, Tyumen State University
Height - 169 cm
Weight - 68 kg

Bronze medalist at the 2014 Olympic Games

World Cup Awards
Gold - 3
Silver - 6
Bronze - 4

Firing accuracy
Overall - 78%
Lying down - 76%
Standing - 80%

Evgeny Garanichev was born on February 13, 1988 in the village of Novoilinsky, Perm Region. He came to biathlon only at the age of 20, and before that he made success in cross-country skiing. His parents brought him to the ski section when Zhenya was 8 years old. By the way, this was the only sports section in the village, and besides, his older brother was already involved in it.

It was from then on that Evgeny Garanichev became interested in skiing. In the future it will become clear that the choice was made correctly. As time has shown, the effort was not wasted. At the World Championships he won first place together with biathletes Andrei Feller, Pyotr Sedov and Raul Shakirzyanov. In Italy he became second at the World Junior and Youth Championships.

Garanichev came to biathlon in 2008. By this time, Evgeniy was convinced that skiing would not bring great achievements in the Perm region, where the conditions did not correspond to high-quality training. The section's skiers did not participate in the competitions because the region's budget did not have enough sponsorship funds. Evgeniy strove for heights, and the desire was so irresistible that the only way out was to go to a biathlete school, whose coach was Maxim Vladimirovich Kugaevsky.

In the single race, the athlete achieved a high result at the Russian Cup stage of the 2009/2010 biathlon season “Izhevsk Rifle”. The country's best biathletes traditionally took part in this race. Then Evgeniy won 4th place in the individual 20-kilometer race. At the 10-kilometer distance he entered the top ten. With this result, Evgeny Garanichev received a ticket to the European Cup.

At the Russian Championship in 2010, the biathlete showed fairly good results in the sprint and pursuit, the result of which brought Evgeni fourth place in the final standings. In the mass start, the young biathlete won a bronze medal.

For the first time, Evgeny Garanichev took part in the 2011 World Cup in Anterselva. The first sprint race was not easy for the athlete, and he took 13th place. As a member of the Russian national team, the biathlete competed in relay races in 2011.

The intense struggle led to Garanichev making 2 mistakes in the first shooting range. On the second, the biathlete used one additional cartridge. Evgeniy Garanichev passed the baton to Andrey Makoveev with a gap of 9.5 seconds over the famous biathlete Ole-Einar Bjoerndalen. On the last lap the difference increased by another 0.2 seconds. The results of the competition showed 4th place for the Russian biathlon team. Then Russian athletes lost the championship to German, Italian and Norwegian biathletes.

Evgeny Garanichev was included in the Russian biathlon team to take part in the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Already on February 8, 2014, Zhenya participated in the Olympic race for the first time in his career. In the sprint, Garanichev made an unfortunate mistake, which led him to 27th place.

The real success and finest hour of the biathlete came on February 13, 2015. Coming to the start of the individual race, Garanichev, to the surprise of many, came third, winning the only personal Olympic medal in the Russian biathlon team.

The coaches approved the candidacy of the young biathlete for the mixed relay, but Evgeniy entered the penalty loop, so the Russian team received fifth place. After the German team was disqualified, the final result of the Russian team was fourth place.

Zhenya combines active sports with studies at Tyumen State University. Studying to be a trainer. In addition to biathlon, he enjoys playing football or volleyball.

Evgeny Garanichev is a Russian biathlete who won third place at the 2014 Olympics at the individual stage. In addition to Olympic bronze, the athlete became the European champion three times and stood on the podium at World Cup stages many times.

Garanichev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich was born on February 13, 1988 in the small village of Novoilinsky, Nytvensky district of the Perm Territory. The boy's childhood was ordinary. Evgeniy was interested in the same things as his peers. But still, an example for him was his older brother, who attended the sports section, the only one in the village at that time. Following in the footsteps of their eldest son, parents sent eight-year-old Evgeniy to the same school. It was from then on that Evgeny Garanichev became interested in skiing. In the future it will become clear that the choice was made correctly.

The biography of Evgeny Garanichev has since been closely connected with cross-country skiing. As time has shown, the effort was not wasted. At the world championship, Evgeny Garanichev won first place along with biathletes Andrei Feller, Pyotr Sedov and Raul Shakirzyanov.

In Italy, Garanichev became second at the World Junior and Youth Championships. The race included Ivan Ivanov, Dmitry Vasiliev, Evgeny Garanichev and Andrey Parfenov. Then the Russian skiers lost to the Swiss by 0.3 seconds. The brightest moments of that period are captured in personal photographs of Evgeny Garanichev.


Garanichev came to biathlon in 2008. By this time, Evgeniy was convinced that skiing would not bring great achievements in the Perm region, where the conditions did not correspond to high-quality training. The section's skiers did not participate in the competitions because the region's budget did not have enough sponsorship funds. Evgeniy strove for heights, and the desire was so irresistible that the only way out was to go to a biathlete school, whose coach was Maxim Vladimirovich Kugaevsky.

In the single race, the athlete achieved a high result at the Russian Cup stage of the 2009/2010 biathlon season “Izhevsk Rifle”. The country's best biathletes traditionally took part in this race. Then Evgeniy won 4th place in the individual 20-kilometer race. At the 10-kilometer distance he entered the top ten. With this result, Evgeny Garanichev received a ticket to the European Cup.

In 2010, at the Russian Championships, the biathlete showed fairly good results in the sprint and pursuit, the result of which brought Evgeni 4th place in the final standings. In the mass start, the young biathlete won a bronze medal.

For the first time, Evgeny Garanichev took part in the 2011 World Cup in Anterselva. The first sprint race was not easy for the athlete, and he took 13th place. As a member of the Russian national team, the biathlete competed in relay races in 2011.

The intense struggle led to Garanichev making 2 mistakes in the first shooting range. On the second, the biathlete used one additional cartridge. Evgeny Garanichev passed the baton to Andrey Makoveev with a gap of 9.5 seconds over the famous biathlete. On the last lap the difference increased by another 0.2 seconds. The results of the competition showed 4th place for the Russian biathlon team. Then Russian athletes lost the championship to German, Italian and Norwegian biathletes.

Evgeny Garanichev was included in the Russian biathlon team to take part in the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Already on February 8, 2014, Zhenya participated in the Olympic race for the first time in his career. In the sprint, Garanichev made an unfortunate mistake, which led him to 27th place.

The real success and finest hour of the biathlete came on February 13th. Coming to the start of the individual race, Garanichev, to the surprise of many, came third, winning the only personal Olympic medal in the Russian biathlon team.

The coaches approved the candidacy of the young biathlete for the mixed relay, but Evgeniy entered the penalty loop, so the Russian team received fifth place. After the German team was disqualified, the final result of the Russian team was 4th place.

The Russian biathlete took sixth place in the sprint at the 2014/2015 Biathlon World Championships. The Russian national team biathlete claims that he showed everything he was capable of at that time. The athlete was confused by the weather conditions of Finnish Kontiolahti. During shooting, the wind appears and disappears. Following the Czech, I hoped that it would be easier to shoot, so I did not overtake him. But the wind, on the contrary, persistently blew in my face. On the whole, I was pleased with the progress; on the last lap I tried to overtake those in front. In an interview, the athlete said that sixth place is a good result and he, in principle, is happy with it.

In general, during this season at the World Cup stages the athlete won two gold, silver and bronze medals, which allowed him to take seventh place in the overall standings. The following season, the biathlete improved his position on points, while receiving one less silver medal. But further on at the World Cup competitions, Garanichev was haunted more often by failures than victories. Together with his colleagues, Evgeniy brought Russia only third place at the relay stage in Antholz.

Personal life

The personal life of Evgeny Garanichev developed romantically and predictably. In 2013, the athlete married his girlfriend Lyudmila Tyutikova. Luda was also born in the Perm region in 1986. By the time she met Evgeny, the girl was studying at the Perm State Institute of Art and Culture. The wedding took place in the pre-Olympic year in Tyumen, where Garanichev trained. Even the superstitions common in the sports community did not stop the newlyweds. The bride and groom arrived at the registry office during a break between Evgeniy’s training sessions. They only accompanied the couple. Photos of Evgeny Garanichev and his wife after the wedding scattered all over the Internet.

Evgeniy says that he met his betrothed back in 2007, when the athlete had been skiing for the last year. After getting ready, Evgeniy and his sister relaxed at a billiards club, where the guy first saw Lyudmila.

The athlete admits that every time he returned from training camp, he noticed new qualities of his beloved and seemed to recognize her anew. Lyudmila patiently waited for him from all the competitions. The first son was born on January 1, 2016. The newborn was named Eugene. Two years later, on January 2, 2018, Lyudmila gave her husband her second son, Andrei.

Now the family lives in Tyumen. Evgeny Garanichev likes to spend his free time with his wife and children. Touching pictures and videos appear on his account in “ Instagram" The athlete is open to communication with fans, therefore, on his behalf, “

Evgeny Garanichev is a famous Russian biathlete. He has three gold medals at the Russian Championships and bronze at the Olympic Games in 1914. He is a multiple World Cup medalist.

The champion was born on February 13, 1988 in the Perm region, in the village of Novoilinsky. He came to biathlon only at the age of 20, and before that he made success in cross-country skiing. His parents brought him to the ski section when Zhenya was 8 years old. By the way, this was the only sports section in the village, and besides, his older brother was already involved in it.

As a junior, Evgeniy made very good progress. In particular, at competitions in Italy, he took first place in the 4x5 km relay. Another World Junior Championship brought him silver.

Sports career of Evgeny Garanichev

And he got into biathlon thanks to the light hand of his fellow countryman Vladimir Alikin, who noticed the talent in the young man. He introduced Zhenya to the biathlon coach of the Tyumen team. In the Perm region there was no such thing, however, there were no conditions for the development of skiing.

With biathlon, things immediately went uphill for the promising athlete. He had already become an accomplished skier; now he had to learn how to shoot. And he did it perfectly, although not right away. Perfection in shooting had to be developed. He himself says that biathlon is closer to his spirit than ski racing, that biathlon has more dynamism and drive.

Already at the age of 23, he made his debut at the World Cup. The result is 13th place. But already in January 2012 he took silver at the World Championships. And then came victory after victory. True, there were also not very successful championships; it happened that the opponents were very strong. But Evgeny never gives up, he always goes forward and forward. At the Sochi Olympics he won silver on his own birthday! Evgeniy is an Honored Master of Sports.

Zhenya combines active sports with studies at Tyumen State University. Studying to be a trainer. True, he is not sure that he will work as a teacher in the future. More likely to get another profession.

In addition to biathlon, Evgeniy enjoys playing football or playing volleyball.

Evgeny Garanichev, personal life

Evgeniy recently married a girl, Lyudmila, whom he had previously dated for more than 5 years. He says to himself that he is a very family man. He loves to cook and is good at it. He even took part in the “Culinary Battle” show, which took place in Tyumen. In terms of taste preferences, it is completely unpretentious. Does not shirk from household duties, for example, washing dishes.

Wedding of Evgeny Garanichev and Lyudmila

And he doesn’t drink alcohol at all, even on holidays, he doesn’t even know the taste of it. I tried it once and decided that I would never drink it in my life. Never! This is such a principled person.

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