
How to recognize karmic relationships between a man and a woman? Signs of an energetic connection between a man and a woman Connection between a man and a woman

Emotion has a non-material nature of origin of human feelings from the entire gamut of psychological reactions. Strengthening the relationship between two living souls based on various subjective sensations is called an emotional connection, which often remains unexpressed.

The importance of emotional connection in building relationships:

Each of us is more or less potentially emotional and seeks to share love, happiness, sadness and many other vague emotions with someone else in a verbal or physical part of an emotional connection.

If you are a little observant, then you know that a relationship without emotions is like a journey, without a destination. Basically, it happens when two people of opposite sex form a relationship just to get some sexual pleasure. This, perhaps, can simply be called a compromise, which as a result only brings disappointment. And yet, how is an emotional connection created in a relationship?

Be methodical to create a lasting emotional connection:

The connection cannot be reliable enough if you cannot feel each other, this makes it possible to hide your emotional experiences. A connection is strong when both of you are connected and complement each other emotionally. You can never be emotionally connected to your partner if you don't understand half a word, half a glance. This perception needs to be developed; it is enough just to be attentive to the mood of your loved one, look into his eyes, which can usually tell you a lot, and watch his facial expressions. Your task is to find a way to make him/her feel, your inner state, which is dependent on her/him. There are a lot of clues - just be observant. But this is possible if you have sincere feelings for your loved one.

Make it your strength to listen to your partner:

Try to be a good listener. Let your partner tell you everything, expressing their feelings freely. Make him trust you with his deepest desires and fantasies, even if you are not very enthusiastic about them. Accept them with understanding and respect. Do not interrupt your partner with your questions, opinions that sometimes rage inside you. Do not indulge in any harsh advice. Accept everything gently, even if you don’t like something. Any harshness will give rise to closure and loss of trust in the dialogue. Be the best understanding listener - this is the best position for a good emotional connection between a man and a woman. Become the best friend for your loved one, and then he will discuss even his most extreme sexual fantasies not with friends or with his mistress, but with you, because you will become everything in one person to him at once.

Have unconditional faith in your partner:

Your trait of believing in the honesty and trustworthiness of others is a very important component of emotional connection, which is based on trusting communication. Honest communication leads to a high level of emotional connection between the two. It is difficult to trust someone who is not honest and fair in their dealings with you. Therefore, be mutual in your honesty and trust. This is a high level of relationship, but it is worth it - it is the key to the longevity of your emotional connection.

Create shared personal time for your partner on a regular basis and never stop, this journey has no end:

Everything seems new and exciting to you at the beginning of your romantic relationship, when you enjoy spending hours, days, weeks alone with your partner. You come up with more and more interesting things to try and enjoy together.

However, it often happens that as time passes, it gradually becomes quite difficult for you to find time to show the same amount of warmth as in the beginning, because you begin to spend a lot of time on your side processes in life associated with with your work, hobbies and other commitments.

It becomes very difficult to spend time together. But this is very important for your relationship. If you don't have time, the quality of your relationships, sensuality and affection will gradually wear off.

It is very important to spend time with your loved one in order to form an emotional connection - this is the first priority. And in this case, we are not talking about the time when you are in the process of dating. This is about your normal life together, you should have as many situations as possible to spend time together. It is best to spend time together in non-stressful situations, in a pleasant environment, under good circumstances, in order to enjoy spending time together, so that you can easily and openly talk about your feelings, about life, and share secret things.

Find common activities that can inspire both of you, or try to understand and love your partner's hobbies and you will be the first one he will do in this area. It's hard to connect on an emotional level if you don't show interest in what your partner is interested in. Sometimes this interest and curiosity can be developed if you want to have more common topics to discuss with your loved one. You yourself won’t even notice how this interest suddenly turned into your interest. This exchange of feelings and emotions can only bring you closer to each other. You will experience great pleasure presenting your partner with ample opportunities to reveal new facets of yours and common interests.

Be extremely frank and sincere:

Share everything with your loved one. The subject of discussion can be anything: something happened at work, the lives of your friends, you want to change jobs, any funny circumstances from your life, everything that happens to you every day, any dreams and ambitions. When you share with your loved one, you create an emotional connection. You can share your feelings about a specific danger or pain. But never try to artificially create a story to make your partner think about you the way you want. If a lie creeps into your communication, it will form the basis of misunderstanding and open the gates to mistrust in your relationship. Your mysterious stories can create confusion that will sooner or later come to light and ruin the emotional connection between you and your partner. The easiest way to have trust is to be extremely sincere and truthful.

Be kind to your lover:

Two hearts in the development of relationships have a trivial task - to express love. If your relationship has lost this ability, then you have a lot of daily work ahead of you, which will require you to constantly set aside time to show each other your love.

Gentle kisses, sweet good morning or good night words said to each other, holding your loved one's hand, hugging and evoking the flame of physical love can be very effective in revitalizing your love for each other. We all need tenderness, affection, attention, give it to each other, don’t be stingy. There is never too much love.

Scientists have proven that in the process of love, the body produces the hormones oxytocin, which in turn contributes to the formation of close personal relationships and emotional attachment, which is formed both between a man and a woman, and between a parent and a child.

Cast aside your doubts to overcome problems:

Sometimes your emotional connection cracks when faced with a simple problem that has a simple solution that you can agree on with your partner. It is important for you to openly discuss this problem (it could be a domestic problem, relationships with parents, anything) and find a solution together that will destroy it. Once the issues have been resolved, you can begin to reconstruct your confused emotional connection. There is nothing more important than your loving relationship and your task is to jointly find a solution to any difficult situation and not let it affect your emotional connection. It will even be better if you can use the solution to joint problems to grow your emotional connection, because, as a rule, harmonious joint processes greatly unite people. This is a great art of relationships that we learn and improve every day. Our happiness is in our hands.

Encourage the desire to understand each other:

Inaccessibility to relationships is not a travel companion. On the contrary, you should always let your partner know that you welcome his interest in yourself, your outlook on life, your hobbies, just as you yourself equally show the same interest in him. Create an atmosphere in your relationship in which he can easily trust you with his most intimate thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Create and create in your relationships, make them harmonious. And every year, only strengthen your emotional ties with your loved ones.

According to tantric teachings, when a man meets a woman, an exchange of energy begins between them.

It is natural for a man to be charged with energy from above (ideological), and for a woman - from below (energy of power). To bring an idea to life, a man needs to be “charged” with feminine power. And a woman, since she is a “bank” of energy, is not able to spend it for action, but only gives it away, because she receives the type of energy she needs only in the process of interaction with a man.

There is always an exchange of energies between the stronger and weaker sex. As soon as a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him, giving him her maternal love. Then he meets his first, second love, a pretty employee at work - in all representatives of the fair sex, a man strives to find that same source of energy, filled with strength from which he can successfully realize himself in life.

Then, when a love relationship begins between a man and a woman, the woman gives herself (not only physically, but also taking care of her loved one, morally and intellectually), and the man, receiving feminine power, is able to create and take active actions in life.

Everything is clear with this, but this is only the initial stage, during which energy does not flow yet, because the exchange itself does not occur. Having been filled with the necessary feminine power that allows him to embody his ideas, a man should return energy to the woman (in the form of gifts, financial care, physical assistance), in such an amount as to inspire his lady to further return.

And this interaction is constant.

Energy connection between a man and a woman

When people feel sympathy for each other, they actively exchange their energies and this process gives them mutual pleasure. When contact occurs between the biofields of two individuals, channels are formed through which energy circulates from one side to the other.

These streams can vary in color and shape (they can be seen by people with extrasensory abilities).

Partners are connected through these energy channels through one or another, based on the type of their communication:

  • by – family relations;
  • by – relationships like lovers, married couples or friends for easy pastime;
  • by - family ties, relationships between colleagues at work, bosses, friends in sports hobbies - those people with whom you are forced to compete;
  • By - this type of connection will tell about relationships in which objects interact with each other emotionally - these are the people towards whom we feel love. But for the relationship between a man and a woman to be harmonious, it is important that they have a well-developed channel of sexual energy;
  • by – relationships between like-minded people, work colleagues;
  • by - often communication through this channel speaks of copying one’s idols, leaders of sects and various organizations. The hypnotic channel is well developed; other people's thoughts and ideas are suggested. People are connected to each other by telepathic communication
  • according to – the connection is present only at the level of egregors (collective, family, religious and others).

And the more both partners show their interest in each other, the more extensive the energy channel is formed between them. And with the establishment of strong relationships, it is observed.

This is how love relationships are formed, over which neither time nor distance will have power. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, even if a lot of time has passed since their last meeting.

In a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, clean, bright, pulsating channels are formed. Then the partners trust each other, they are sincere, but at the same time maintain their personal living space. In this case, we can talk about equivalent energy metabolism, without disturbances.

And if the relationship is unhealthy, for example, one of the partners becomes dependent on the other, then the channels become dim and heavy. In such a relationship there is no freedom; lovers often show irritation, aggression and anger towards each other over time.

When one of the partners wants to take complete control of the other, the aura is observed to wrap around from all sides.

With the death of a relationship, the same thing happens with the channels - they become thinner, weaker. After a long period of time, the movement of energy through the channels stops and people become as if they were strangers, as if nothing had connected them before.

And if a separation occurs, but the energy channels are preserved, then people continue to be drawn to each other. This scenario may also happen when one of the former lovers breaks the energetic connection and closes off from subsequent influences, and the second continues to restore the relationship, breaking through his layer of energetic protection.

Energy connection between people during sexual contact

If there was a close relationship between people, the channels do not collapse for a long time after separation. This is especially pronounced during sexual contacts.

When we enter into sexual relations with a new partner, a new channel is formed along the sexual chakra. Such channels remain active for a very long time (for years, and sometimes they remain active even throughout life).

In this case, it does not play a significant role whether the sexual partners managed to get to know each other sufficiently or whether their connection was fleeting (at a party, at a graduation, etc.), the energy channel along the sexual chakra will still be formed and will be active for a very long time.

And if there is a channel, energy continues to circulate through it. And whether it will be positive or negative, you can only find out about this if you know both partners well.

An interesting feature is that people living together typically adjust their energy shells relative to each other. For harmonious intimate relationships, synchronization of biofields is necessary. That is why, often lovers, when they live together, over time acquire similarities with each other (often even physical).

When a person does not want to contact anyone, he closes the circuit of his own, as a result of which all energy flows emanating from those around him are reflected. Then other people feel like they are not being heard.

Features of male and female energy in a couple

As mentioned above, in the case of mutual feelings between lovers, a single energy field arises, which will be maintained in the future if the conditions of the partnership are met. A couple will become stronger if both partners fill their union with their energy, supporting both themselves and their beloved.

A very important point is that each of the partners must act based on their nature: the man - like a man, and the woman - like a woman.

For example, when a woman develops masculine energy in herself, manifesting herself in the physical world like a man, then if she lives alone, perhaps this will not affect her well-being. But, being in a couple’s environment, her man will be forced to develop a feminine demeanor (the same rule applies to men).

In general, in a couple, the man is responsible for the world of material wealth, and the woman is responsible for sensual manifestations and the atmosphere of the relationship as a whole. Therefore, a man gives energy through the material chakra, and a woman receives it, and she, in turn, gives energy through the heart chakra.

This was how nature intended it to be, and actions against it will negatively affect the condition of the partners individually and the couple as a whole.

Spontaneous telepathy between a man and a woman is often observed among lovers. A girl and a guy can “see” each other’s desires and thoughts. They always feel the pain and joy of their “other half” from a distance. In this case, it is customary to say that a man and a woman are soul mates and are certainly together.

Telepathy and Science

Scientists have not yet been able to establish the mechanisms of operation of this unusual phenomenon, even in the progressive 21st century. Experiments were conducted in many countries, the main goal of which was to identify the channel through which energy is transferred from one person to another.

Contrary to the opinion that telepathy between a man and a woman is possible only when they are mutually in love, there are cases of contacts at a distance and when the feeling does not touch the object of sighs, or there is no love at all. Women are more prone to telepathy than the stronger sex, which gives them the opportunity not only to perceive the thoughts of men, but also to control them. The intuitive connection between lovers is often explained by the fact that two people are constantly attuned to each other. As a result, they have something like a common channel through which they can exchange thoughts.

Telepathy: how to develop?

The ability to transmit and receive thoughts at a distance seems very tempting. It is not surprising that many would like to learn this art. Of course, you can contact one of the esoteric schools that offer training in occult sciences. However, not everyone has this opportunity and not always. You can try to develop telepathy on your own:

Do not confuse telepathy with ordinary fantasy. Don't just try to guess what the person you choose is thinking. Your goal is to “catch” the thought, to obtain information, and not to guess or invent. Telepathy between a man and a woman who love each other does not need any development. The magic channel appears without outside interference.

What is the most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman? Of course, this is the level of intimacy between them. There are three levels of intimacy - physical, emotional and spiritual. And only with a harmonious combination of these three aspects is a truly loving and long-term union possible.

Physical level of intimacy

This level of intimacy is familiar to many. It includes physical manifestations of relationships - kissing, hugging, sexual contact. Very often relationships begin just like this. People, without getting to know each other better, rush into a whirlpool of passions. And then it turns out that they don’t even have anything to talk about. Some people live like this for many years without really getting to know their spouse. If we talk about physical intimacy, we should remember that it includes energy exchange. In order for the relationship between a man and a woman to be harmonious and long-lasting, it is important that the energies of both partners have approximately equal potential. They must be healthy physically and emotionally, and their spiritual levels must be the same. And only if these conditions are met, being together, the energies of these two people unite into a single whole. If the couple is not equal in potential, then when combined, something like an overflow from larger to smaller occurs. However, a person with less potential runs the risk of becoming dependent on someone else who has more potential. And the second one can simply waste the existing reserve in this way. Therefore, it is very important that partners are equal. Physical intimacy is an important element of a relationship, but this is far from the first place to start on the path of getting to know each other. Moreover, if a person lacks emotional attraction, then there is no point in talking about physical attraction.

Emotional level of intimacy

Often, when a man and a woman meet for the first time, an inexplicable attraction to each other arises between them. The reason may be that at this time they both have high energy potential, as well as emotional and spiritual levels. They are drawn to each other, as if there is a great magnetic force between them. Intimacy on an emotional level is an integral part of a trusting relationship, openness and a favorable sexual atmosphere. Sometimes after marriage, due to family problems, children and the like, stress arises in the family. Then the couple’s energies are wasted and the magnetic forces are reduced so much that the attraction between them disappears. During this period, the man and woman seem lonely and strangers to each other. If the relationship of trust is well developed, this can be avoided. Working together, open communication and feedback from each other will help improve relationships and restore energy. Individual and joint practices also help with this, for example "microcosmic orbit" and others aimed at increasing energy. To increase the level of emotional intimacy, you should pay attention to the following aspects:
  • 1. Openness of feelings and emotions, intentions and plans, thoughts and considerations. This is an opportunity to openly share both good thoughts and bad. At the same time, your dialogue will proceed in a constructive direction, without fears and condemnations.
  • 2. Respect and acceptance of each other’s feelings, desires, thoughts, habits. This is the realization that another person is different from you and your ideas. This is the ability to accept and understand your differences.
  • 3. Personal psychological maturity of both partners.
By maintaining emotional intimacy, you maintain harmony within your couple. And with a good emotional level, fertile ground arises for the development of the next – spiritual level of intimacy.

Spiritual level of intimacy

This is probably the most important level of relationships. It develops in those people who have learned to listen and hear themselves and their partner. Who know how to accept each other as they are. This is the ability to feel each other, empathize, take care of each other and receive joy at the same time. This is honesty and openness, purity and trust. In such relationships, fidelity is not required, because fidelity will be natural. You could even call it devotion to each other. When relationships are built on a spiritual level, then harmony will reign in the sexual aspects, since everyone will be able to open up to each other, and if something is wrong, they will calmly report it, knowing that they will be understood. Such partners find time to meditate together. If they sit next to each other or touch each other palm-to-palm, then, having calmed down, they can feel each other's energy. You can exchange energy with your partner even if his energy level is low and he is unable to control it. You can extend your energy to him, and he can do the same to you.“The classic Taoist story tells of a woman who learned the process of sexual energy transformation and exchanged her yin energy with her lover’s yang energy, as a result of which she achieved Immortality. Therefore, she became an adviser to the ancient emperors in the field of love.” Mantak Jia. If your partner is in a bad mood, you can help him by sending him your “smiling” energy. You can absorb his negative emotions and melt them, and then give back good vitality back to him. He can do the same for you. The possibilities for truly loving people are endless. By learning all three levels of intimacy, revealing them in yourself, you can reach unprecedented heights in relationships, then the sexuality of such a couple will be exceptional and inexhaustible!