
Company of 1812. Patriotic War (briefly)

The Patriotic War of 1812, the reasons for which were Napoleon’s desire to dominate the whole world by capturing all states, became a significant milestone in the history of our country. At that time, of all the countries of Europe, only Russia and England continued to maintain independence. Napoleon felt particular irritation towards the Russian state, which continued to oppose the expansion of its aggression and systematically violate

Entering into confrontation with the French, Russia acted as the intercessor of the monarchical states of Europe.

They had been preparing for war since 1810. Russia and France understood that military action was inevitable.

The French emperor sent troops to create weapons depots there. Russia felt threatened and began to increase the size of the army in the western provinces.

The Patriotic War of 1812 began with Napoleon's invasion on June 12. The 600,000-strong French army crossed the Neman.

At the same time, the Russian government developed a plan to confront the invaders. It was created by the theoretician Ful. According to the plan, the entire Russian army was composed of three parts. Bagration, Tormasov, and Barclay de Tolly were chosen as commanders. According to Fuhl's assumption, the Russian troops were supposed to retreat to fortified positions systematically and, having united, repulse the onslaught of the French. However, the Patriotic War of 1812 began to develop differently. The Russian army was retreating, and Napoleon was approaching Moscow. Despite Russian resistance, the French soon found themselves close to the capital.

The situation that began to develop required immediate action. Kutuzov took over the post of commander-in-chief of the Russian troops on August 20.

The general battle took place on August 26 near the village of Battle). This battle was the bloodiest one-day battle in the entire history of the country. There was no winner in this battle. But there were no losers either. However, after assessing the situation, Kutuzov decides to retreat after the battle. It was decided to give up Moscow without a fight. All residents were removed from the capital, and the city itself was burned.

On September 2, Napoleonic soldiers entered Moscow. The French commander-in-chief assumed that the Muscovites would bring him the keys to the city. But the city was burned, all the barns with ammunition and provisions burned down.

The next battle took place near Maloyaroslavets. There were fierce battles, during which the French army wavered. Napoleon had to retreat along the same road along which he came (along Old Smolenskaya).

The next battles took place near Krasnoye, Vyazma, near the crossing of the Berezina. The Russian army drove the French out of their land. Thus, the Napoleonic invasion of Russia ended.

The Patriotic War of 1812 ended on December 23, about which Alexander 1 signed a manifesto. However, the Napoleonic campaign continued. The battles continued until 1814.

Patriotic War of 1812. Results

Military operations at that time began in Russia. This war caused a surge in the national consciousness of the Russian people. Absolutely the entire population, regardless of age, took part in the battle with Napoleon.

Victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 confirmed Russian heroism and courage. This battle gave birth to the stories of great people: Kutuzov, Raevsky, Bagration, Tormasov and others whose names will forever be remembered in history. The war with the Napoleonic army was a striking example of the self-sacrifice of the people in the name of saving their Motherland.

The main battles of the Patriotic War of 1812 determined the victory of Russian troops over the enemy. The course of the campaign on the part of the Russian forces was determined at the first stage by the strategy of Commander-in-Chief Barclay de Tolly, and at the second stage by Kutuzov’s plan to lure the enemy deep into the country in order to weaken his forces. At first, Napoleon's army was favored by success: in June of the year in question, his troops unexpectedly began an invasion of Russian soil. However, the very first major battle demonstrated the enormous potential of the Russian army, which, although initially retreating, managed to greatly weaken the enemy.

Battle near Smolensk

The list of “Main Battles of the Patriotic War of 1812” should begin with the first serious clash of opponents near this old and strategically important city. On August 4, the first French corps approached the walls and tried to attack them on the move, but soon retreated with considerable losses. In the middle of the day, the main forces of the French arrived and began shelling the fortifications, which, however, were not too badly damaged.

By the end of the day, additional forces approached the city. The commander set out to exhaust the enemy in battle and not allow him to cut off the Moscow road. On the first day of the battle, the Russians achieved victory, but on the second day the French began a massive bombardment of the walls, and the city caught fire. The enemy captured the suburb. Under these conditions, Barclay de Tolly gave the order to retreat in order to preserve the army. So, the main battles of the Patriotic War of 1812 began with the defense of Smolensk. Society and the authorities were dissatisfied with the withdrawal of Russian troops. After this battle, Emperor Alexander I appointed Kutuzov, who was very popular in the army, as commander.

Beginning of the Battle of Borodino

This was the most famous battle during the Russian war with Napoleon. It happened on August 26, in a village located 125 km from Moscow. The battle lasted 12 hours with varying success, and is therefore considered one of the bloodiest in history.

When studying the topic “The Main Battles of the Patriotic War of 1812” at school, one should dwell in particular detail on this event, since it determined the further course of the confrontation. The main attack of the French fell on the left flank and center. They managed to take possession of the village, but were unable to completely break through the defenses here.

Battle for flushes

The second strong onslaught came against Bagration’s earthworks. During the first attacks, the French were forced to retreat for some time due to heavy losses. After receiving reinforcements, they began a massive bombardment. Raevsky's battery took the brunt of the attack. The Russians launched a series of counterattacks, during one of which Marshal Murat himself was almost captured. There was a fierce struggle for flushes; they constantly changed hands. The Patriotic War of 1812, the main battles of which are the subject of this review, showed the boundless heroism and courage of Russian soldiers. During the eighth attack on the flashes, hand-to-hand combat ensued. Despite the fact that the French units were reinforced with artillery and guns, the advantage tilted towards the Russians. A tragic incident did not allow this success to be developed. At the height of the battle, Bagration, who led the counterattack, was wounded by a cannonball fragment. He was carried off the field, news of this quickly spread among the Russian soldiers, and this demoralized them, after which they began to retreat. After this, General Konovnitsyn gave the order to leave the flushes.

Battle for the mound

Of great importance for understanding the reasons for the victory of the Russian army is the study of how the main battles developed. Speaking about the main events, we should dwell in more detail on the battle of Borodino. After retreating from the flushes, fierce battles broke out for the Utitsky Kurgan. In this area, Kutuzov positioned an ambush regiment, which was supposed to attack the enemy from the rear during his attack on Bagration’s fortifications. However, the plan could not be implemented. However, after numerous attacks, the Russians still held the mound, but the commander of the army, Tuchkov, was killed.

Further course of the battle and result

The main battles of the Patriotic War of 1812, the results of which ultimately ensured the success of the Russian army, must be studied in particular detail. During the Battle of Borodino, the Cossack raid of Uvarov and Platov behind enemy lines played a great role. This was a very skillful maneuver that delayed the French attack by about two hours.

A particularly fierce battle ensued. Despite heavy fire and the continuous advance, the center maintained its position, and Napoleon was forced to abandon further advance. In Western European historiography, the opinion has been established that the French won the Battle of Borodino, although this statement is accepted with reservations. In modern Russian science, it is generally accepted that the battle ended in a draw, since neither side achieved its goal.

and on the Berezina

The skill of the Russian army was demonstrated by the main battles of the Patriotic War of 1812. The table of main battles is presented in this review in chronological order. On October 12, a new battle took place near Maloyaroslavets, which showed the readiness of the Russian army for a general battle.

Several times the small town fell to the enemy, but in the end Napoleon decided to retreat, since he himself was almost captured.

The significance of this maneuver by Kutuzov is difficult to overestimate: he did not allow the enemy to enter the southern provinces, forcing him to retreat along the devastated Smolensk road. The last major clash occurred at the end of November, when Napoleon was forced to hastily retreat from the country across the river.

During this retreat, the French suffered huge losses, and yet the emperor managed to preserve combat-ready parts of his army.


In two lessons, it is advisable to study the topic “The main battles of the Patriotic War of 1812.” Briefly (the table below mentions some battles that were not listed in this work), it is better to present this material in a condensed form by date.

Date (1812) Event
August 2The battle near the village of Krasny, the connection of Russian armies near Smolensk
August 4-6Battle of Smolensk, retreat of Russian troops to Moscow
24 AugustShevardinsky battle, defense of the redoubt
August, 26thBattle of Borodino, no winner
October 6Tarutino battle, the transition of the Russian army to the offensive
October 12Battle of Maloyaroslavets, French withdrawal
22 of OctoberBattle of Vyazma, further retreat of the French army
November 3-6The battle led to the defeat of the French troops
November 26-29Retreat battle of Napoleon's army

So, the battles of the Patriotic War of 1812 prove the strategic skill of the commanders of the Russian army and the courage of ordinary soldiers who achieved victory over Napoleon’s army, which was considered invincible.

Patriotic War (briefly)

Patriotic War of 1812 (briefly)

The official reason for the declaration of war was the violation of the so-called Peace of Tilsit concluded between France and Russia. The latter, despite the blockade of England, continued to receive its ships in its ports under neutral flags. At the same time, France managed to annex the Duchy of Oldenburg, and Napoleon considered the demand of the Russian Emperor Alexander to withdraw troops from Prussia and the Duchy of Warsaw offensive.

On June 12, 1812, Napoleon crossed the Neman with a large army of six hundred thousand. Russian troops, which numbered no more than two hundred and fifty thousand people, were forced to retreat deeper into the state. In the battles near Smolensk, Napoleon failed to win a final victory and defeat the first and second Russian armies.

Already in August of the same year, M. Kutuzov was appointed to the role of commander-in-chief, who stood out not only for his talent as a strategist, but also was a respected person both among the officers and among the soldiers. According to his decision, the general battle was to take place near the village of Borodino. At the same time, the positions of the Russian army were chosen very well. The right flank was protected by the Koloch River, and the left by earthen fortifications (fleshes). In the very center there was artillery, as well as N. Raevsky’s troops.

During the battle, both sides fought desperately and fiercely. So, a salvo of four hundred guns was sent to the flashes guarded by Bagration’s troops. The result of eight attacks was huge losses of Napoleonic troops. However, they still managed to capture Raevsky’s batteries located in the center in the morning (four o’clock in the morning), but not for long.

The subsequent French attack was held back by the lancers of the 1st Cavalry Corps. At the same time, Napoleon did not dare to bring the proven elite guard into battle. The battle ended only late in the evening. There were heavy losses on both sides. The Russians lost forty-four thousand people, and the French fifty-eight. Paradoxically, both Napoleon and Kutuzov declared victory for their army.

On September 1, at a council in Fili, Kutuzov decides to leave Moscow. Thus, he was able to keep the army in full combat readiness. And the very next day Napoleon’s army entered the city, remaining there until the beginning of October. The result of this was the burning of most of the city, but peace with the Russian Tsar was never achieved.

· Kutuzov covers Kaluga, which had Tula’s arsenals and fodder reserves;

· Russian partisan detachments deliver effective attacks on the French army;

· after leaving Moscow, Napoleon’s army was unable to get to Kaluga and was forced to retreat without forage along the Smolensk road;

· the final battle took place on November 14-16 near the Berezina River and was issued by the Russian Tsar on December 25. Manifesto on the victorious end of the Patriotic War.

Patriotic War June 12-December 24, 1812.
1. Napoleon I’s desire to establish world hegemony;
2. aggravation of contradictions between Russia and France;
3. Russia’s loss of previous influence in the Center. Europe;
4. increasing personal hostility between Alexander I and Napoleon I;
5. the growth of dissatisfaction of the Russian nobility with the results of external affairs. the king's policies;
6. Russia's plans to restore monarchical regimes in countries captured by Napoleon I.
7. creation of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw - a springboard for diplomatic pressure on Russia.
Main events of the Patriotic War of 1812: June 4- in Koenigsberg, French Foreign Minister de Bassano signed a note on the severance of diplomatic relations with Russia.12 June- the main forces of the French began to cross the Neman.June 16- The French entered Vilna.June 17- Kulnev’s detachment repelled the attacks of Marshal Oudinot’s troops on the town of Vilkomir.July 6- Alexander I signed a manifesto on “arming the entire state.”the 14 th of July- near the village of Saltanovka Bagration dealt a serious blow to Davout’s troops.July 19- Wittgenstein withstood the battle near the village of Klyastitsy, repelling Oudinot’s attacks.July 22- The 1st and 2nd Russian armies united near Smolensk.July 27- Ataman M.I. Platov fought at the Molevo Swamp with the French troops of Sebastiani, who were defeated.July 31- Schwarzenberg's Austrian corps attacked Russian troops near the town of Gorodechna. Tormasov retreated to Kobrin.August 4 - 6- the battle for Smolensk took place between the troops of Barclay de Tolly and the main forces of Napoleon. The Russians abandoned Smolensk.August 17- a new commander-in-chief, M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, arrived in the army and occupied a convenient defensive line near the village of Borodino.24 August- a battle took place between the troops of Lieutenant General M.D. Gorchakov 2nd and the main forces of Napoleon for Shevardino.August, 26th- The Battle of Borodino took place. The losses on both sides were enormous. Kutuzov gave the order to retreat.August 27- Cossacks of Ataman Platov repulsed all attempts by Murat to capture Mozhaisk.September 1- at the council in Fili, Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow without a fight in order to preserve the army.September 3- the vanguard of Murat’s corps was forced to release the rearguard of General M.A. Miloradovich from Moscow. On the same day, Murat occupied Moscow, and in the evening Napoleon arrived in the Kremlin.16 of September- a partisan detachment of Colonel D.V. Davydov defeated an enemy unit covering transport with forage and artillery equipment near Vyazma.September 20- Russian troops entered the Tarutino camp. From that moment on, guerrilla warfare began.September 28- the partisans of General I.S. Dorokhov took Vereya by storm.October 3 - 5- Sick and wounded Frenchmen set out from Moscow under the cover of Claparede’s division and Nansouty’s detachment.October 6- L.L. Bennigsen attacked isolated parts of Murat and defeated them. On the same day, a three-day battle for Polotsk began between the troops of P. X. Wittgenstein and the French of Saint-Cyr. Polotsk was stormed by columns of Major General Vlasov, Major General Dibich and Colonel Ridiger.1October 0- The last units of Napoleonic army left Moscow.October 12- the battle for Maloyaroslavets took place.17 October- Napoleon came out onto the Smolensk road.October 26- Miloradovich’s troops took Dorogobuzh, defeating Ney.27th October- Napoleon entered Smolensk.October 31- Napoleon left Smolensk and moved to Orsha.Nov. 1- French troops attacked the corps of General Alekseev.November 4, 5 and 6- Kutuzov defeated the corps of Davout and Ney near the city of Krasny.November 7- Napoleon transferred his army from Orsha across thin ice across the Dnieper.November 22- Victor’s rearguard on the road to the city of Molodechno was defeated by the troops of Platov and Chaplitsa.November 23- Napoleon abandoned the remnants of his army and fled to France.
Result: Almost complete destruction of Napoleon's army
Ended with the almost complete destruction of Napoleonic army and the transfer of hostilities to the territory of Poland and Germany in 1813
The destruction of an army of 550 thousand is still baffling to historians. Most often, several reasons are given for the death of the army - among them the main one is an unprecedentedly cold winter, as well as a poor harvest in 1812, which led to poor supplies for the army.
The Russian campaign (in Western names) received the name Patriotic in Russia, which explains the defeat of Napoleon. A combination of factors led to his defeat: popular participation in the war, mass heroism of soldiers and officers, the leadership talent of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army Kutuzov and other generals, skillful use of natural factors. The victory in the Patriotic War caused not only a rise in national spirit, but also a desire to modernize the country, which ultimately led to the Decembrist uprising in 1825.

June 12, 1812 - the date of the beginning of the Russian-French war. Napoleon's army crossed the border of the Russian Empire, which marked the beginning of hostilities. In the five years preceding this event, French troops marched in triumph throughout Europe. Bonaparte's army was deservedly considered the best, and it was led by talented commanders and, as many believe, a brilliant commander in chief. This allowed Napoleon to count on his quick victory. But six months later, the last French troops were expelled from the territory of the Russian Empire. This is how one can describe the Patriotic War of 1812.

Briefly about the causes of the conflict

The history of the relationship between Napoleon and Alexander I is very confusing. When Bonaparte came to power, relations between Russia and France were very friendly. However, contradictions gradually accumulated, which led to the invasion of the territory of the Russian Empire.

Table of the causes of the Patriotic War of 1812

Reasons from France Reasons from the Russian Empire
Violation of the blockade of England by the Russian side. Financial losses of Russia due to the blockade of England
Alexander I's refusal to marry Napoleon and Princess Catherine, and later Princess Anna. Napoleon intended to restore the Polish state within the ancient borders, which was unacceptable for the Russian Empire.
Transfer of Russian troops to the border with Poland. This was done due to fear of an uprising. However, the French side perceived the redeployment as aggression. France's violation of the Tilsit Peace Treaty, which envisaged the withdrawal of Napoleonic army from Prussia.

At the time of the entry of Napoleonic armed forces into Russian territory, their number reached 450 thousand soldiers. Over the next month, reinforcements numbering 200 thousand arrived. It should be borne in mind that Napoleon’s army consisted not only of the French. The emperor's troops united representatives of almost all European countries: Austrians, Poles, Swiss, Italians, Prussians, Spaniards, Dutch and others. It was a victorious army.

The Russian army consisted of 227 thousand soldiers in three directions. Brief list:

Later, mobilization was carried out, which increased the size of the army to 600 thousand. Partisans also took an active part. How many were there last? According to some sources, 400 thousand.

First period of the war (southern and northern front)

The start date of the war is considered to be June 12, 1812, when Napoleonic armed forces crossed the Neman. The main attack was directed towards Moscow. Russian troops were fragmented over a vast territory - this is the answer to the question: “why did they retreat deeper into the country?” During the retreat, everything was destroyed. The invaders were left with only scorched earth. The beginning of the War of 1812 was filled more with maneuvers than with battles.

The French army is in the north numbering 32 thousand, headed for the capital of the Russian Empire, on the way to which Riga was to be captured. To defend the latter, the defenders burned out the surrounding areas and fortified the city itself. However, after the counterattack of Russian troops on Oudinot, balance was established in the north. There were no active hostilities.

In the south, the French were surrounded and defeated, which forced them to retreat (in one day of battle, almost a quarter of Napoleonic's southern army was destroyed - 5 thousand French died). After the arrival of reinforcements, a balance of forces was also established in the southern direction.

First period of the war (central direction)

The most significant events took place in the central direction. Napoleon's army was significantly superior to the troops of Alexander I in the number of bayonets. To compensate for the difference, the formation of a militia was announced. However, time was needed to organize the defense. Only on July 22, near Smolensk, it was possible to concentrate a significant military contingent - 130 thousand people. While the French had a vanguard of 150 thousand people.

In Smolensk on July 25, immediate plans were discussed. Ideas about a general battle were put forward. However, it is difficult to call such proposals real, since they were adventurous in nature and could lead to defeat in the war. The next day, the Russian army continued its retreat to the east, while exhausting the enemy's manpower. However, the emperor considered that the retreat could not last any longer.

On August 17, Suvorov’s student, M.I. Kutuzov, took command of the central front. But, according to eyewitnesses, it also took him a long time to make a decision. However, in the end the plan was developed and adopted. On August 26, a general battle takes place on a field called Borodino. It was difficult for Russian troops to win this battle. Kutuzov's goal was to exhaust the French army. The Russian commander achieved his goal. Napoleon also achieved his goal - the capture of Moscow. But in the old capital, three-quarters of the buildings were burned and all food supplies were destroyed. Instead of rest, Napoleonic troops received ruins.

The French emperor hoped that the loss of Moscow would break Russian resistance. The Russian commander, in turn, knew about the deplorable state of the French supply services. Therefore, he assumed that maintaining a huge number of people in a destroyed city was impossible. Therefore, the weakening of the enemy army and subsequent retreat must begin. Kutuzov with his army was stationed at a point near Tarutin (80 km from Moscow), waiting for an opportune moment.

Napoleon gradually realized the situation into which he had driven himself. Therefore, on September 18, the French emperor sends Alexander I a letter with a peace proposal, according to which Russia gives up Lithuania and resumes the blockade of England. Napoleon received no answer. Twice more he sent a proposal for peace, but the result was the same.

After a month in Moscow, the French army lost 30 thousand soldiers due to partisan actions. A winter campaign against St. Petersburg would be suicide. It was impossible to spend the winter in destroyed Moscow. Therefore, on October 7, preparations for retreat began. The order was given to blow up the Kremlin, but due to damp gunpowder or wet fuses, no explosion occurred.

On October 19, the French left the destroyed city. Napoleon wanted to change the route in order to move through lands not devastated by the war. However, Kutuzov, at the head of an army that was already superior to the enemy, stopped all attempts to turn away. The French were forced to retreat through the scorched territories along which they entered Moscow.

The losses of Napoleon's army grew like an avalanche. The partisans showed particular effectiveness. The recapture of Smolensk did not justify hopes of replenishing supplies. By mid-November, the French approached the Berezina River and were preparing to cross it. But the city of Borisov is captured by Russian troops - Napoleonic army is under threat of encirclement. At the cost of enormous losses, the French managed to cross the river and avoid destruction. It was after these events that abnormally severe frosts struck, which the emperor himself, and later many historians, used to justify the defeat in the Russian campaign.

December 5, the Emperor leaves the troops and goes to the capital of France. And on December 16, the border of the Russian Empire was crossed by a French army, the number of which was 1,600 people.

Outcome of the War of 1812

The death of Napoleon's army is the main result of the War of 1812. This event also marked the collapse of France's ambitions for hegemony in Europe, and for Napoleon personally it was the reason for the loss of the throne. For Russia, the Franco-Russian war also had important consequences:

However, it should be noted that the war caused enormous damage to the country's economy. There was a production decline, agricultural harvests were lost over vast territories, and it is impossible to estimate the losses from the destruction of Moscow. Many lost all their property, and specialists left Russia . It took many years to recover.