
Black roses: what are they and how to plant such flowers? Are there black roses: varieties Blue and black roses

There are quite a few legends and fairy tales about the existence of the black rose. Many of us have heard about the existence of black roses from friends, relatives and just acquaintances. Others say that they saw an absolutely black rose in person. But is this true? Does a completely black rose really exist?

Briefly about pigments

The fact is that the color of any flower, including roses, is determined by biological pigments (biochromes) - colored substances that make up the tissues of organisms, and black pigment does not exist in nature. And this is a scientifically proven fact. Can't argue with that. So there cannot be a perfectly black flower in nature. Therefore, the existence of the black rose can be questioned.

So what? Are all the stories about the existence of black roses fiction? The answer to this question can be as follows: yes and no.

Varieties of black roses

There are varieties of so-called black roses, such as:

  • Black magic;
  • Black baccarat;
  • Norita is miniature;
  • Black Beauty;
  • Black Prince;
  • Black jade;
  • and so on.

All of them, in fact, are not completely black, but only have a black tint: dark burgundy, blue black and others like them.


But there is one variety that rightfully deserves to be called a black rose - this is Halfeti. Halfeti is a variety of black rose that grows in only one place on the planet, the Turkish village of Euphrates. Due to the peculiarities of the soil and the composition of groundwater, its shade is closest to absolutely black. Growing this variety in other places did not give such results.

Black roses may seem ideal for films that involve black magic, witches or the like. But it is impossible not to admit that such flowers have a special appeal and mysterious beauty. Some psychologists believe that black is a shade of mystery, while artists and fashion designers call it neutral and elegant. Almost all florists insist that blueberry roses will always be appropriate and can be given to people.

Many people associate the color black with sadness and mourning, so they treat it with a certain mistrust. And some say that black roses have the meaning of harmony, grace and elegance. But are there such unique plants as black roses in nature?

The existence of black roses in nature

At first, these flowers seem to be completely black, but if you look at them closer, you can see a dark crimson hue. These roses bloom only in the summer, and their natural habitat is a tiny Turkish village called Halfeti. Roses are actually a deep burgundy shade, but certain lighting can make them appear black.

Experts noted the fact that in nature there are roses of almost any color, with the only exceptions being blue and black flower crops. This can be explained by the fact that plants lack the pigment genes responsible for such shades.

Black Rose

Back in the early 70s of the 20th century, scientists began experiments on breeding blue and black plants. But the results of the work are still unsuccessful. Although on the shelves of flower shops you can see many varieties whose names contain the word “black”. Among these varieties are the following varieties:

  • Charles Austin;
  • Black Prince (rare variety);
  • Black magic;
  • Black jade;
  • Black beauty.

Note! The village of Halfeti has a special soil, and only thanks to the pH level of the groundwater is the unique shade of flowers achieved. With the onset of spring, roses bloom with dark red buds, and by the beginning of summer they become almost black.

Dark roses are an endangered variety because the villagers who grow them are gradually moving to other places, leaving Halfeti forever.

Main characteristics of black roses

All varieties of dark roses have high rates of frost resistance and resistance to various diseases. The culture is distinguished by a strong, unique smell, which contains notes of wine. Flowering is continuous and abundant.

If we consider the main characteristics of dark roses, then they include the following:

  • the height of the bushes is 1.5 m, and the width is at least 90 cm;
  • the density of thorns on the shoots is average;
  • the unremarkable leaves have a dark green color and also a slight reddish tint;
  • from 1 to 3 buds are formed on one shoot;
  • The diameter of the flowers is 10-15 cm, they have a densely filled core, and each flower contains up to 45 petals.

Buds that have not yet fully opened are dark or almost black in color. As the petals gradually open, you can notice that they become darker at the edges and, bending back, form something like a triangle.

Black roses

In a shaded bed, the flowers look almost black, but when exposed to direct sunlight, you can see the presence of a dark burgundy tint. Thanks to the velvety shimmer of the petals, a black color is created, which gives the rose a mystical appearance and unique attractiveness, and its “tart” and unique smell is vaguely reminiscent of wine.

In order to get a long, abundant and beautiful flowering of roses, it is necessary to take full responsibility when choosing a place to plant seedlings. If the area is shaded, the growth of the plant will be slowed down and the seedlings will quickly wither. But exposure to direct sunlight can also harm delicate petals. The inflorescences may get burned, and their unique and unique color will become faded. Experienced gardeners recommend planting seedlings in slightly shaded beds, especially in the afternoon.

Due to frequent drafts and strong cold winds, the plant will also suffer and stop growing, but air stagnation is extremely undesirable. The best option is to have a fence or building wall near the garden bed, which will serve as protection for the rose bushes from gusts of wind.

As for the soil, it should have good air and water permeability. It is strictly not recommended to plant a rose in clay and sandy soil, characterized by high groundwater levels, as its roots can be seriously damaged. Slightly acidic soil should be used, which will promote the formation of darker petals.

Important! If the soil is not fertile enough, it must be fertilized before planting. Before planting seedlings in the selected bed, the ground should be dug up and manure should be added to it (calculation - 2 buckets per 1 square meter).

In order to grow beautiful and rare flowers, you must first familiarize yourself with the rules of caring for the plant. Due to excess or lack of humidity, the general condition of rose bushes will deteriorate. If the weather is very dry in the summer, you need to water the crop every day, using 2-3 buckets of water per bush. In autumn and spring, watering should be reduced, and in winter it should be stopped altogether.

After each watering procedure, the soil must be loosened, and the root circle must be mulched, using fallen leaves, hay or straw for these purposes. This is necessary in order to protect the plant from pests and weeds and retain moisture. It is advisable to remove weeds carefully so that they do not take away nutrients and moisture from the rose.

Black rose in a flask

In order to “perpetuate” the beauty of such a rare plant, you can resort to several methods of stabilization. A black rose in a pot will not only serve as an interior decoration, but will also be an excellent gift for any occasion.

Obtaining an artificial rose in a flask is possible using wax, which must be melted in advance in a water bath. You need to pick up the peeled and dry flowers with tweezers, and then dip them into a container with melted liquid. Then the plant is cooled using a cold bath. The wax rose has good density, thanks to which it can be kept not only in a glass flask, but also in a beautiful vase.

Note! Flower arrangements made with wax must be protected from direct sunlight and high temperatures.

You can also make a rose in a flask using glycerin - this method is the most reliable. Glycerin helps maintain the natural appearance of the plant, as well as the elasticity of the foliage and flexibility. To prepare the solution you will need boiled drinking water and glycerin; the ingredients must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

Freshly cut flowers should be thoroughly dried for 2-3 hours and placed in a prepared glycerin solution, which is cooled in advance. During the first 7 days, the rose stem must be cut by no more than 0.5 cm. As for the period of keeping the plant in the substance, it should be 2 weeks.

The black rose is a flower that is loved for its intoxicating aroma and exquisite, unique color. Many people, both with and without experience, are engaged in its cultivation. If you provide the plant with proper care, it will delight you with abundant and long-lasting flowering.

The debate about whether black roses really exist has been going on for a long time. On sale you can see whole bouquets of completely black flowers. But in reality it is a white or scarlet inflorescence that has stood for some time in water with black paint. Blue color is also achieved artificially.

Black roses were first bred in England in honor of the queen's deceased husband. It was then, looking at the plant, that they saw that this color was not only the color of sadness. This color sounded new. They personified a strong spirit and exuded power. At the same time, they can be used to express admiration and respect. With its splendor and luxurious color, the rose confirms the title of the queen of flowers. For a long time, this flower was brought from distant Holland.

Modern varieties

Breeders have been trying to breed black roses for a long time. But it is not yet possible to obtain a pure black natural color. The varieties closest to dark colors are: “Black Baccarat”, “Schwartz Madonna”, “Black Magic”, “Black Tea”. These types belong to hybrids of tea varieties and have the closest shades to natural color.

Briefly about varieties

"Black tea"

The variety was developed by K. Okamoto in 1973. It is called "coffee rose". It is large, fully formed with a grey-brown tint. When the flowering period begins, the shade of the bud may change. Coral gray to dark, the color of freshly ground cinnamon.

"Black Baccarat"

It appeared in 2003 and immediately attracted attention. This tea rose hybrid was the darkest of all its predecessors. This flower has a goblet-shaped bud, the diameter of which reaches 12 cm and has about forty petals. The bush of the plant is powerful, reaches a height of over 95 cm, the bud has a pronounced dark tone. During flowering in summer, you will be pleasantly surprised by the dark burgundy, velvety inflorescences. The flower acquires its darkest tones in color (close to natural) in the fall. But the flowers become darker if grown in acidic soil or with constant exposure to sunlight. Emits a light aroma.

"Black magic"

A tea rose hybrid that loves dry climates. During ovary, the buds have an almost natural natural color. When the plant blooms, the black edging of the upper leaves around the red or crimson center creates a unique effect. This flower is velvety double. Rose "Black Magic" contains more than forty petals in its bud. The aroma is so light that it seems distant. Flowering on a powerful and spreading bush occurs profusely, with single flowers or clusters. When grown in acidic soil, the color becomes darker.

"Schwartz Madonna"

Vigorous hybrid of tea rose. It is believed that it has the darkest shade among the Buds, which are velvety-dark in tone and goblet-shaped. matte, has over 35 petals, up to 12 cm in diameter, large and tall (90 cm), very abundant, and bad weather will not spoil its appearance. With good care it can bloom twice. But the smell is almost undetectable, and it is believed that it is a black, odorless rose.

Making a Black Rose

It is difficult to imagine more “Gothic” and mystical flowers than black roses. In their beauty, probably only orchids or lilies of the same color can be compared with them. For many years, the world's best breeders have strived to create black roses. This color has always been associated with everything mysterious and elegant, so many people wanted to produce such flowers. Scientists in Holland and France, striving for this, were faced with a still unresolved problem: the lack of black pigment in roses. Only through many years of crossing the darkest burgundy varieties was it possible to achieve a color that was closest to the desired one.

Who are these flowers suitable for?

Black roses are given only on special occasions and not to everyone. Many people are wary of such gifts, because, despite all the beauty of such a bouquet, its color involuntarily evokes strange thoughts associated with something gloomy. Many florists recommend presenting black roses in combination with other flowers, brighter and lighter. Such bouquets are preferred by strong-willed people who love everything unusual and exotic. A young girl or older relatives are unlikely to like such a gift. In the minds of most people, this color evokes thoughts of mourning, which is why black roses have not yet become widespread.

Varieties of black rose

What are they really like? Black roses that are commercially available come in two types. The first is flowers that acquired this color using special coloring agents. The second type is dark burgundy roses, which were bred by breeders in greenhouses. These flowers appeared with us quite recently. They are not a product of genetic engineering. Black rose is the product of long and hard work by experienced flower growers to create truly dark shades of burgundy roses. There are several varieties of these flowers with spectacular buds. One of the most popular and widespread is the “Black Magic” rose. It belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses. The height of its bush is about 1 m. The diameter of the flowers is 11-12 cm. This rose is characterized by repeated flowering. Planting material for such shrubs can be purchased at special nurseries. If you have certain skills in floriculture, anyone can grow these beautiful flowers on their plot.

There are a number of varieties whose names contain the word “black”, for example, “Black Baccara”. But there are also dark-colored roses without this word: “Barcarolle”, “Stromboli”, “Prince”, “Tradescant”, “Falstaff”, “Baron Girod de Line”. Most of them are hybrid teas or scrubs. Only a few of these roses are classified as floribundas. The famous breeder David Austin is doing a lot of work on breeding the darkest-colored varieties. Nurseries Kordes and Tantau are not far behind him. All varieties of black roses differ from each other in the height of the bush, the shape and size of the flowers, and their aroma. The general rule for growing all dark-colored roses is that the most intense color of the buds can only be obtained when growing them in the shade, away from direct sunlight. This circumstance significantly reduces the ability of ordinary gardeners to grow black roses in open garden plots. The best results in their cultivation can be achieved in greenhouses or conservatories.

In fact, roses are not pure black. Neither black nor blue. Although work on breeding the black rose has been going on since the century before last. The fact is that these beauties do not have the pigment genes responsible for this color. Therefore, a positive result in breeding black petals is still unattainable.

All roses that appear black or have the word Black in their name are actually not black, but very dark red, crimson, and lilac. Some of them are so dark that the nuances of the shade can only be distinguished in direct sunlight. It is possible to obtain a black rose artificially. To do this, you need to take a white rose and immerse it in black ink for a while. The petals will absorb the black color - and the black rose is ready. Gardeners are very fond of this dark color group. There are many varieties.

Varieties of “black” roses

Black Baccarra is a representative of the dark red color of roses. When unopened, they are almost black. The flowers are double, dense, and have a faint scent. The bush is erect. The peduncles are long, so the variety is ideal for cutting. In order for this rose to please lovers with its black velvet color, it needs to be planted in partial shade.

Mildred Scheel is a dark crimson hybrid tea rose. The diameter of the round, goblet-shaped flowers reaches 11 cm. The petals are velvety with a rich aroma. They open slowly, but stay on a tall, erect bush for a long time. Suitable for cutting.

Burgundy Ice - this rose is the color of rich Burgundy wine with a black coating on velvety petals. The bush is erect, powerful, literally strewn with medium-sized double flowers with a diameter of 6 to 8 cm. The color intensity intensifies towards the edges of the petals. The advantages of this rose are its light aroma and almost thornless shoots. But the strength of the parental genes can manifest itself as white spots, or even whole petals of white or pink flowers.

Lavaglut - medium-sized roses of dark red color. The diameter of the flower is 5-7 cm. The petals are terry, velvety, collected in brushes of 5-15 pieces. The rose blooms all summer. The lush bush is strewn with flowers, which, when fully opened, reveal golden-yellow stamens. This rose tolerates both sunny and rainy weather. This variety has no smell, which may appeal to people suffering from allergies.

Fisherman's Friend is one of the most fragrant dark roses. It has a rich sweetish smell. The flowers are large, dark crimson, reaching a diameter of 15 cm. At the beginning of flowering, they are shaped like a bowl, and as the petals open, they turn into rosettes. The bush is tall and very thorny. The young shoots, distinguished by bright red thorns, make it especially decorative.