
Why does a little child dream? I dreamed of a child with Down syndrome. Childbirth disabled child

Down's child in a dream

Down's baby is a bad sign for your child. Spending as much time with him as possible will help protect your child from future dangers and worries. This will help you notice the threat in time and prevent it.

Down's child in a dream

Children of Down - personify your bad habits, which take a toll on your health, and also leave a mark on the souls of those close to you.

Down's child according to the dream book

Seeing Down's children in a dream means changes in life. But at the same time there will be grief and resentment.

Children of Down who do not pay any attention to you, but at the same time you turn to them - the dream predicts the beginning of an unfavorable period in life. Expect changes that will unfortunately upset you.

Down's child in a dream

Child of Down - tells you that you need to express yourself in full force. Show your best sides in your personal life. Throw your shyness aside.

interpretation of sleep child down

Child of Down means a compulsion to show your mental and creative abilities to the people around you. Be bold, express yourself. You will need this soon.

Down's child in a dream

Down girl - indicates a woman who will need urgent help. You have to meet this woman and show your best side.

what does it mean if a child downs in a dream

Down's child - show your abilities. Your talent, intelligence and resourcefulness will serve you well.

Down's child in a dream

Down's girl - the dream tells you about actions that should be expressed. Namely, you need to show all your art in communicating with your loved one, so that your other half does not lose interest in you. If you see a Down girl with someone else’s woman, this means concluding a deal that is profitable for you. Success guaranteed.

Dreams about children always evoke special interest and strong emotions. This is probably why there are so many detailed interpretations of these dreams.

I dreamed about a child: which one and under what circumstances?

What happens to the child. If you dropped a child in a dream, it means that your plans will fail in the near future. Rocking a baby means excessive gullibility of the subject, and walking with him by the hand means a quick resolution of the most troubling matters, provided there is no fear of taking even desperate measures.

Children starting to walk foreshadow progress in stagnant affairs, and a baby crawling on the bed warns of a situation that will require prompt action. A child learning to speak reflects the nature of the sleeping person: most likely, you subconsciously resist growing up.

If you see a baby that was given to you, you should listen especially carefully to the opinions of others - soon you will be given a really necessary idea. And an abandoned baby signals that the subject’s actions are capable of harming others, and an urgent need to reconsider the behavior. If you scold your own child in a dream, perhaps you are overly worried about him.

A peeing child means anxiety and feelings of guilt in reality. However, do not worry - in the end, the problematic situation will turn out to be successful. But the baby running away represents all the good things that just as quickly leave the sleeping person in reality.

What does the baby look like? You may dream about a dark-skinned baby before a person appears in your life who can change it for the better and make it happier. An angry child is a bad sign, foreshadowing imminent unpleasant news.

Oddly enough, many dream books claim that a child stained with something is a sign of good luck. Thus, children in the blood are harbingers of success in all matters and support of loved ones, and a baby smeared with his own excrement means quick profit.

A bald baby dreams of peace and prosperity, while a hairy baby reflects excessive self-obsession and detachment from the world. An overweight, heavy child personifies a problem that is difficult to cope with without the help of others.

Child's health. Some dream books claim that children with Down syndrome are dreamed of by people who need to demonstrate their own talents in front of loved ones. A wounded child indicates the forgetfulness of the sleeping person: you did not fulfill a promise or forgot about an important date.

National dream books

The American dream book considers children to be a symbol of playfulness, openness and the talent to enjoy life, while the English dream book, on the contrary, gives such dreams a negative connotation: nursing a baby means heartbreak, a sick child means the danger of death of one of your relatives.

The Muslim dream book calls a dreamed familiar child a symbol of happiness and fun, and a stranger - a harbinger of imminent sadness. In the Russian folk dream book, children symbolize the beginning of life and inevitable troubles. If you feed a baby in a dream, it means that a troublesome but successful task awaits you, and if you punish him, it means that in reality you have to do something that you don’t want to do subconsciously.

The French dream book considers a dreamed baby to be a symbol of good luck in all endeavors, a sign of a successful outcome of a troubling matter, of joy. But the Ukrainian dream book’s interpretation is no longer so clear. A plump child dreams of good things, a thin child means trouble. If a young woman dreams of a newborn, this is a good sign; if an elderly one, this is a harbinger of illness and even death.

The interpretations of the gypsy dream book are worthy of attention. A baby who cries bitterly predicts the need to soon solve many not very serious problems. And a crawling baby “hints” that the sleeping person in reality should increase the speed of his thought processes.

In the Chinese dream book, hugging a child, as well as the death of a child, foreshadows a verbal altercation, and seeing a newborn baby means that you will soon experience happiness in reality.

Author's dream books

Denise Lynn's dream book considers the dreamed baby to be the inner child that lives in every adult. Perhaps his appearance in a dream warns the sleeper: problems from childhood will soon make themselves felt. If a woman begins to see children in her dreams, most likely she subconsciously dreams of a baby, although on a conscious level she may deny this.

Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima in their dream book call children, if they cry, harbingers of trouble, and if they crowd and play, they are signals of the imminent emergence of problems in life that distract from the main task.

David Loff's dream book explains frequent dreams involving children in women by the instinct of motherhood inherent in them, and in men by fear of the responsibility of possible paternity.

Miller's dream book interprets such dreams in great detail. If:

    a child is clean and cheerful - this means reciprocal love and heartfelt friendship;

    a child walking alone is a sign of independence from others’ impartial opinions;

    a baby crying means poor health and disappointment;

    a woman is nursing a child - perhaps she will soon be deceived by a person who has earned her trust.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

This dream book states that a male child who smiles cheerfully portends happy events. If he cries or gets angry, expect unpleasant “surprises.”

Psychological dream book

A boy seen in a dream warns: soon labor-intensive work will appear in life that will not bring any benefit. If a young girl sees herself in a dream as a child-boy, it means that in reality she is upset by the words of those around her that it is time for her to get married.

Modern dream book

A male child always warns of surprises in a dream. If such a dream occurs to a pregnant woman, it means that childbirth is very close. And if this is a dream about a baby with whom you play cheerfully and with pleasure, it means that financial and family well-being awaits you. For creative people, this also portends a surge of inspiration.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

A dream involving a boy means financial well-being. The exception is a crying baby, such a dream indicates completely the opposite. A handsome, sweet boy is a sign of general well-being and prosperity. If the baby is aggressive and angry, expect immediate troubles, which may come from “friends”.

Dream interpretation of a sick child

The child represents present and future possibilities, simplicity and innocence. He is like a changed, primitive personality that was born for future improvement.

Dream symbolism

Having dreamed, the child symbolizes a project, an idea, which begins to acquire clear features. But this is what a sick child dreams about, we find out by looking at the interpreters.

Alternative interpretations

Previous dream books do not predict favorable events when deciphering dreams in which a child appeared who was overcome by illness.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing an unhealthy baby in a dream warns of future problems and very stressful days.

To see a dream where a girl cries because of elevated body temperature in the dreamer’s arms predicts the beginning of sad days, bringing mental anguish, suffering, and then disappointment. A crying boy with a fever indicates forced fussiness in family problems.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a sick child

Seeing a child in a dream whose body is covered in ulcers and scars indicates your mission in this world. You are meant to serve people. It is possible that your life will not turn out as successfully as you would like if you do not follow the path destined by the higher, heavenly powers.

Giving birth to a sick toddler encourages you not to start implementing the idea until everything has been thought out to the smallest detail.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing in a dream a dirty child, struck by an illness, in the arms of a representative of a socially disadvantaged segment of the population, this is a message not to a specific dreamer or his relatives, but to humanity as a whole. The dream prophesies infection with AIDS, and a large number of victims from this virus, according to the dream book.

Modern interpretations

Current dream books are less negative in their interpretations of dreams where a child is constrained by illness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a child with a fever in a dream means real discomfort, difficulties and inconveniences that the dreamer experiences while doing work against his soul, against his will.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing an ugly baby in a dream warns of the possibility of a negative attitude towards you from colleagues and friends escalating into open war.

To quarrels with colleagues

Loff's Dream Book

According to the pastor, seeing a baby in a dream who is overcome by illness, regardless of whether it was a boy or a girl, is a reflection of natural, natural concern for one’s children. This may be associated with the transitional age of children, their hobbies, and friendships.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A crippled child in a dream warns of an upcoming meeting with a person who will need serious help. Moreover, a girl points to a woman in trouble, and a boy can point to the boss.

Dream plots

All the details that determine the individual message of the dream will allow you to correctly decipher a dream about an unhealthy child. An unhealthy child in a dream may be a baby or a boy. They can be newborns or teenagers. Let's see what meaning the image of a sick child carries if the details are known:

  • boy or girl;
  • age;
  • whose child?

If you dreamed of a boy

If you dreamed of a boy who was seized by illness, for a woman this is an omen of troubles in the personal sphere, various kinds of friction in relations with her lover. And for a man, this is a warning sign of troubles among subordinates or lower-ranking colleagues in the work on an idea.

I dreamed of a girl who was not spared by illness, calling on the dreamer, both man and woman, to understand himself, to eradicate some character traits, such as rudeness and rigidity.

If in a dream a boy was born dead, this is a warning about some kind of threat.

If in a dream you happened to see the birth of a girl whose congenital disease did not give her a chance of survival, this is a warning about your wrong actions, wrong steps.

Such measures can bring major troubles to the sleeper.

To see a dream where a woman happened to give birth, and the baby was an ugly black girl, means you will be caught doing dirty things.

A disabled child can tell you a lot in a dream.

If you dream that a disabled child has been born, this is a warning about the appearance of impudent partners among those selected to participate in your new project. If you decide to keep them, at least keep an eye on them and don't let them take over.

To see that a disabled child was moving in a wheelchair in his dreams, you will probably get involved in volunteer activities.

A disabled child on crutches warns of financial difficulties that you alone cannot overcome.

If you dreamed that you were communicating with a teenager, and he was disabled, this is a call to be more merciful and compassionate towards others.

The likelihood of a health threat is indicated by a dream in which the sleeper saw that he was a disabled child. This may be associated with either hypothermia or injury.

If you dreamed of someone else's child - a disabled person, whom the sleeping person held in his arms, predicts your sympathy in the problem of a friend who has had the ground pulled out from under his feet. Moreover, you will be able to restore what he lost.

I was dreaming of someone else's child, a visually impaired child, urging me to take a closer look at my children's friends. There is a danger of getting them involved in bad companies.

When you dream that the dreamer has a baby - down, this is just a hint that in reality you will have to show extra skill in communicating with your lover so that he does not lose interest in you.

If a down is born to someone else's woman, it means a profitable, successful deal is coming.

The dreamer dreams that he is down, which means that you are quite competent in the matter that you want to do in reality. You can act confidently.

If you dreamed of a young man down, then you will receive very good news.

You happened to have a dream where your baby was struck down by some kind of illness and you saw him dying in your arms, promising him a carefree life.

Seeing a child who has lost a lot of weight as a result of illness and is dying in the arms of a stranger predicts unpleasant troubles that will be imposed by neighbors or acquaintances. This may be due to the carelessness of people - neighbors from the top floor may flood, or the event will be disrupted due to insufficient preparation of the organizers.

Seeing a dying baby in a hospital room indicates mental tension due to the preparation of some documents that can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Your mark:

Dreams about children always evoke special interest and strong emotions. This is probably why there are so many detailed interpretations of these dreams.

I dreamed about a child: which one and under what circumstances?

What happens to the child. If you dropped a child in a dream, it means that your plans will fail in the near future. Rocking a baby means excessive gullibility of the subject, and walking with him by the hand means a quick resolution of the most troubling matters, provided there is no fear of taking even desperate measures.

Children starting to walk foreshadow progress in stagnant affairs, and a baby crawling on the bed warns of a situation that will require prompt action. A child learning to speak reflects the nature of the sleeping person: most likely, you subconsciously resist growing up.

If you see a baby that was given to you, you should listen especially carefully to the opinions of others - soon you will be given a really necessary idea. And an abandoned baby signals that the subject’s actions are capable of harming others, and an urgent need to reconsider the behavior. If you scold your own child in a dream, perhaps you are overly worried about him.

A peeing child means anxiety and feelings of guilt in reality. However, do not worry - in the end, the problematic situation will turn out to be successful. But the baby running away represents all the good things that just as quickly leave the sleeping person in reality.

What does the baby look like? You may dream about a dark-skinned baby before a person appears in your life who can change it for the better and make it happier. An angry child is a bad sign, foreshadowing imminent unpleasant news.

Oddly enough, many dream books claim that a child stained with something is a sign of good luck. Thus, children in the blood are harbingers of success in all matters and support of loved ones, and a baby smeared with his own excrement means quick profit.

A bald baby dreams of peace and prosperity, while a hairy baby reflects excessive self-obsession and detachment from the world. An overweight, heavy child personifies a problem that is difficult to cope with without the help of others.

Child's health. Some dream books claim that children with Down syndrome are dreamed of by people who need to demonstrate their own talents in front of loved ones. A wounded child indicates the forgetfulness of the sleeping person: you did not fulfill a promise or forgot about an important date.

National dream books

The American dream book considers children to be a symbol of playfulness, openness and the talent to enjoy life, while the English dream book, on the contrary, gives such dreams a negative connotation: nursing a baby means heartbreak, a sick child means the danger of death of one of your relatives.

The Muslim dream book calls a dreamed familiar child a symbol of happiness and fun, and a stranger - a harbinger of imminent sadness. In the Russian folk dream book, children symbolize the beginning of life and inevitable troubles. If you feed a baby in a dream, it means that a troublesome but successful task awaits you, and if you punish him, it means that in reality you have to do something that you don’t want to do subconsciously.

The French dream book considers a dreamed baby to be a symbol of good luck in all endeavors, a sign of a successful outcome of a troubling matter, of joy. But the Ukrainian dream book’s interpretation is no longer so clear. A plump child dreams of good things, a thin child means trouble. If a young woman dreams of a newborn, this is a good sign; if an elderly one, this is a harbinger of illness and even death.

The interpretations of the gypsy dream book are worthy of attention. A baby who cries bitterly predicts the need to soon solve many not very serious problems. And a crawling baby “hints” that the sleeping person in reality should increase the speed of his thought processes.

In the Chinese dream book, hugging a child, as well as the death of a child, foreshadows a verbal altercation, and seeing a newborn baby means that you will soon experience happiness in reality.

Author's dream books

Denise Lynn's dream book considers the dreamed baby to be the inner child that lives in every adult. Perhaps his appearance in a dream warns the sleeper: problems from childhood will soon make themselves felt. If a woman begins to see children in her dreams, most likely she subconsciously dreams of a baby, although on a conscious level she may deny this.

Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima in their dream book call children, if they cry, harbingers of trouble, and if they crowd and play, they are signals of the imminent emergence of problems in life that distract from the main task.

David Loff's dream book explains frequent dreams involving children in women by the instinct of motherhood inherent in them, and in men by fear of the responsibility of possible paternity.

Miller's dream book interprets such dreams in great detail. If:

a child is clean and cheerful - this means reciprocal love and heartfelt friendship;

a child walking alone is a sign of independence from others’ impartial opinions;

a baby crying means poor health and disappointment;

a woman is nursing a child - perhaps she will soon be deceived by a person who has earned her trust.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

This dream book states that a male child who smiles cheerfully portends happy events. If he cries or gets angry, expect unpleasant “surprises.”

Psychological dream book

A boy seen in a dream warns: soon labor-intensive work will appear in life that will not bring any benefit. If a young girl sees herself in a dream as a child-boy, it means that in reality she is upset by the words of those around her that it is time for her to get married.

Modern dream book

A male child always warns of surprises in a dream. If such a dream occurs to a pregnant woman, it means that childbirth is very close. And if this is a dream about a baby with whom you play cheerfully and with pleasure, it means that financial and family well-being awaits you. For creative people, this also portends a surge of inspiration.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

A dream involving a boy means financial well-being. The exception is a crying baby, such a dream indicates completely the opposite. A handsome, sweet boy is a sign of general well-being and prosperity. If the baby is aggressive and angry, expect immediate troubles, which may come from “friends”.

I dreamed of a child with Down syndrome

Dream interpretation of a sick child

The child represents present and future possibilities, simplicity and innocence. He is like a changed, primitive personality that was born for future improvement.

Dream symbolism

Having dreamed, the child symbolizes a project, an idea, which begins to acquire clear features. But this is what a sick child dreams about, we find out by looking at the interpreters.

Alternative interpretations

Previous dream books do not predict favorable events when deciphering dreams in which a child appeared who was overcome by illness.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing an unhealthy baby in a dream warns of future problems and very stressful days.

To see a dream where a girl cries because of elevated body temperature in the dreamer’s arms predicts the beginning of sad days, bringing mental anguish, suffering, and then disappointment. A crying boy with a fever indicates forced fussiness in family problems.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a sick child

Seeing a child in a dream whose body is covered in ulcers and scars indicates your mission in this world. You are meant to serve people. It is possible that your life will not turn out as successfully as you would like if you do not follow the path destined by the higher, heavenly powers.

Giving birth to a sick toddler encourages you not to start implementing the idea until everything has been thought out to the smallest detail.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing in a dream a dirty child, struck by an illness, in the arms of a representative of a socially disadvantaged segment of the population, this is a message not to a specific dreamer or his relatives, but to humanity as a whole. The dream prophesies infection with AIDS, and a large number of victims from this virus, according to the dream book.

Modern interpretations

Current dream books are less negative in their interpretations of dreams where a child is constrained by illness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a child with a fever in a dream means real discomfort, difficulties and inconveniences that the dreamer experiences while doing work against his soul, against his will.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing an ugly baby in a dream warns of the possibility of a negative attitude towards you from colleagues and friends escalating into open war.

To quarrels with colleagues

Loff's Dream Book

According to the pastor, seeing a baby in a dream who is overcome by illness, regardless of whether it was a boy or a girl, is a reflection of natural, natural concern for one’s children. This may be associated with the transitional age of children, their hobbies, and friendships.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A crippled child in a dream warns of an upcoming meeting with a person who will need serious help. Moreover, a girl points to a woman in trouble, and a boy can point to the boss.

Dream plots

All the details that determine the individual message of the dream will allow you to correctly decipher a dream about an unhealthy child. An unhealthy child in a dream may be a baby or a boy. They can be newborns or teenagers. Let's see what meaning the image of a sick child carries if the details are known:

  • boy or girl;
  • age;
  • whose child?

If you dreamed of a boy

If you dreamed of a boy who was seized by illness, for a woman this is an omen of troubles in the personal sphere, various kinds of friction in relations with her lover. And for a man, this is a warning sign of troubles among subordinates or lower-ranking colleagues in the work on an idea.

I dreamed of a girl who was not spared by illness, calling on the dreamer, both man and woman, to understand himself, to eradicate some character traits, such as rudeness and rigidity.

If in a dream a boy was born dead, this is a warning about some kind of threat.

If in a dream you happened to see the birth of a girl whose congenital disease did not give her a chance of survival, this is a warning about your wrong actions, wrong steps.

Such measures can bring major troubles to the sleeper.

To see a dream where a woman happened to give birth, and the baby was an ugly black girl, means you will be caught doing dirty things.

A disabled child can tell a lot in a dream.

Dreaming that a disabled child was born is a warning about the appearance of impudent partners among those selected to participate in your new project. If you decide to keep them, at least keep an eye on them and don't let them take over.

To see that a disabled child was moving in a wheelchair in his dreams, you will probably get involved in volunteer activities.

A disabled child on crutches warns of financial difficulties that you alone cannot overcome.

If you dreamed that you were communicating with a teenager, and he was disabled, this is a call to be more merciful and compassionate towards others.

The likelihood of a health threat is indicated by a dream in which the sleeper saw that he was a disabled child. This may be associated with either hypothermia or injury.

If you dreamed of someone else's child - a disabled person, whom the sleeping person held in his arms, predicts your sympathy in the problem of a friend who has had the ground pulled out from under his feet. Moreover, you will be able to restore what he lost.

I was dreaming of someone else's child, a visually impaired child, urging me to take a closer look at my children's friends. There is a danger of getting them involved in bad companies.

When you dream that the dreamer has a baby - down, this is just a hint that in reality you will have to show extra skill in communicating with your lover so that he does not lose interest in you.

If a down is born to someone else's woman, it means a profitable, successful deal is coming.

The dreamer dreams that he is down, which means that you are quite competent in the matter that you want to do in reality. You can act confidently.

If you dreamed of a young man down, then you will receive very good news.

You happened to have a dream where your baby was struck down by some kind of illness and you saw him dying in your arms, promising him a carefree life.

Seeing a child who has lost a lot of weight as a result of illness and is dying in the arms of a stranger predicts unpleasant troubles that will be imposed by neighbors or acquaintances. This may be due to the carelessness of people - neighbors from the top floor may flood, or the event will be disrupted due to insufficient preparation of the organizers.

Seeing a dying baby in a hospital room indicates mental tension due to the preparation of some documents that can lead to a nervous breakdown.

“Why does Down dream in a dream? If you see Down in a dream, what does it mean?

Why does Down dream:
interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

Newest dream book

Down - show your intelligence and ingenuity in your personal life.

Did you dream about Down, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why Down dreams in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I dreamed that my husband and I had a child with Down syndrome, I refused to breastfeed him and we cried together in our sleep, why this terrible dream, I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday.

I dreamed of a child with Down syndrome. What is this for?

dream: I’m sorting books at home, standing at the top of the stairs. My dad is home. My beloved comes to us and brings with him a woman (with whom in reality he lives, but they are not married), shows her to me and I see that she has Down syndrome. She comes up to me and greets me sweetly. My beloved tells me: “I still love her and we will be together” and takes her hand. I'm silent.
I had a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday at 2 o’clock

WE WERE AT my friend's house WITH MY SON, he was 3 MONTHS OLD.
ANOTHER UNFAMILIAR FACE LIKE DOWN'S + a mouth full of teeth.

it all started when my mother brought a girl into the house who had Down syndrome, she ran after me and was very disobedient, she fought and bit. Even in this dream, I left the house and saw two huge puddles in my yard and ears of grain were growing in them, just golden in color! Even in the dream, they were building a huge gazebo in the yard and there were a lot of people in the house!

I dreamed that a stranger was asking me for something, it seemed he was asking for something and very strongly, at first I refused, but then I felt sorry, I came up (it was on the street) and hugged him. Then we travel together somewhere across the seas and oceans, having fun. Can you tell me what this dream is for?

I dreamed that a guy whom I did not love mutually became a downer.
But I told him that I still love him and would do anything for him.

We wrote about the family of the whole group
They let her go and she started to check it out, and it turned out that she told me that I was Down!

I'm moving to a new apartment in a month. I dreamed that when I moved into this apartment, there was a mentally retarded son of the landlady, dressed in a flesh-colored jumpsuit with holes for the eyes and mouth (the kind worn by burn victims). And I shake his hand, but I’m scared. Help me clear up this confusion... I dreamed about Thursday to Friday

I dreamed of children with Down syndrome who were brought by teachers to their parents' house.

in a dream, I met a man, handsome, kind and successful, who tried to make friends, after having fun, I began to love, and when I changed, I began to have fits of anger, then fits of inadequacy, and death If you are diagnosed with Down syndrome, you may be able to undergo surgery , otherwise it could end in death. end.

She was going somewhere. It turned out to be on the bridge. There were people below, among them a sister and a Down girl. I was talking to her about something fun.

From Thursday to Friday I had a dream: A child with Down syndrome was in the entrance. Somehow he climbed onto the battery and warmed himself. I took him home in my arms, wanted to feed him and call an ambulance. His head lay on his shoulder and his arms were poorly developed.

She gave birth to 3 children at once from the immaculate conception
One died, a daughter with Down syndrome and an absolutely healthy son.
I didn’t walk around pregnant in my sleep, somehow right away.
I remember that they decided to leave both their daughter and son. I woke up in a dream, I thought everyone was done, they entered my friend’s bedroom and started discussing my children.
And also, while talking to my mother in a dream, they tried to find out whose gene it was.

My baby was born down in my sleep, I refused to breastfeed him, it was a difficult dream. I dreamed about it from Saturday to Sunday. What could it mean?

Thanks in advance for your answer

I dreamed of a mentally retarded man, he was sitting on the sofa looking at me, I was wondering what he was reading, I took the book and looked at it,

I had a dream in which two women who looked like educators brought a group of children with Down syndrome into the room where I was with another girl. They smiled sweetly and tried to talk to me. Then they were sent for a walk outside. They did not appear for a long time, we began to worry and went to look for them. As a result, they were found playing peacefully on the playground.

Child with Down syndrome

Dream Interpretation Child with Down Syndrome dreamed of why you dream about a Child with Down Syndrome? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Child with Down syndrome in a dream by reading below for free dream interpretations from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Down

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children.

For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere.

For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger.

In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction.

But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat.

Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign.

A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world.

People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Child - dream: giving birth to a child means wealth.

When you dream of an overweight child, these are worries for the good; thin, whiny - worries for the bad.

Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle.

Child - argument, fight.

If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death.

If you dream that a child is suckling, then there will be poverty from which you cannot escape.

A child is an attack, a quarrel, troubles.

A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child.

Many children - anxiety.

A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) means a pregnant woman will give birth to a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child means poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who is nursing a child in a dream expects deception from the person she trusts most.

Nostradamus believed that a child dreams as a symbol of hope and the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

If you see a crying child, know that you are putting your future at risk.

If you were looking for your child in a dream, you will find lost hope.

Dreaming of a child picking flowers signifies spiritual enlightenment.

If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

And here is D. Loff’s interpretation: “As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be related to fear of the obligations of fatherhood.”

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety.

If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace.

A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result.

Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy.

A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.”

A child is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and as a signal of your state of mind in the dream it appears child.

If you dreamed of a crying child, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in your arms, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - in reality you will be required to work hard, because the path to success will be very difficult.

A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task that will end with benefit for you and will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you will experience inconvenience and discomfort, because you will be doing work that you do not like.

Seeing crying children in a dream means poor health and disappointment.

A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disregard for unworthy opinions. If a woman dreams that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most.

It is a bad sign to dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Crying children in a dream portend deterioration in health and disappointment.

A cheerful, cheerful child dreams of mutual love and many good friends.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence and contempt for everyday vulgarity.

If a woman sees in a dream how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts most.

It is a bad sign to take your sick, feverish child in your arms in a dream: such a dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Child, baby, boy

If this is an infant, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy reaching maturity is good news.

Seeing a healthy baby in a dream means getting rid of life's problems and happy love.

Seeing a sick baby means trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If a person has a child in a dream, then in reality he will have troubles and worries.

If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins.

If you feel worried and worried about your own child: in reality, nothing serious threatens your family happiness.

At the same time, if your child seems hopelessly ill or dead to you, this means that you anticipate a real threat and you should be on alert.

Such dreams usually call on you to take some urgent action.

Playing with children and enjoying it: a sign that all your plans can lead you to success.

A lot of frolicking children in your dream: portend some fuss and not very serious troubles. Perhaps something will distract you, interfering with your main activities.

Crying children in a dream: foreshadow troubles and annoying obstacles in business.

Seeing yourself as a small child: a sign of a problem that you cannot cope with.

Usually such dreams warn you not to take on any business in which you understand little.

Seeing someone you know as a small child: foretells that you will have to correct other people's mistakes or solve other people's problems.

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Did you dream about Down, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why Down dreams in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    • Alina, perhaps such a dream suggests that in reality you may come face to face with someone else’s misfortune.

      Hello!))) I dreamed that a down girl came into our parents’ house and hid somewhere! I returned to the house because... I saw her, but she was nowhere to be found! And then she... jumped out from around the corner at me with a terrifying scream and face... why would that be??!

      • Anna, the given in your dream is most likely a warning that you should be creative in your personal life.

        • Evelina, the fact that in your dream he looked like a Down probably means that you think that in his personal life he is not very original.

          Good afternoon,
          please help me interpret my strange dream
          I see in a dream that they brought a Down man to our house and said that he has nowhere to live, if you have a free room, well, we immediately say that we don’t have room, they respond by waiting for your mother and let her say that there is no space. Well, in short, he stands in the hallway and waits, plays on the computer.....then my mother came and said that there was no room either, at that time this man Down becomes very, very small in the shape of a fish, and wants to bite my fingers, then he he lies on the stool, and his mother, without noticing him, sits on him and he fry like a flounder, a strange end to the dream
          thank you very much in advance

          • Most likely, such a dream indicates that you will be forced to make non-standard decisions.

            Hello! I dreamed that my two-year-old son was down. I was terribly worried in my dream, I didn’t know what to do next, because he was absolutely healthy. I woke up and can’t forget this terrible dream. What does it mean? Thank you!

            Hello..) I had a dream: I got into a passing car with my friends, it was dark in the car, they took us home, I got out of the car, went to get money and started giving money to the train in which the man was taking us, as if he didn’t want to show himself! friends are gone! I went into the entrance, started calling the elevator…………I heard someone sneaking behind me…..I ran up the stairs….turned around….and there stood the woman who took us there…she’s down! and in her arms there is a small child...! I got scared, and she said something like “what? do you want to run away?” and just ran a couple of flights of stairs again and woke up!.....very =(

            • A dream of this kind most likely indicates that it will be difficult for you to come to a compromise with someone.

              I just woke up and I’m writing under the impression.
              I dreamed of a clinic, I had to go there on Friday. In general, we were leaving the reception with my mother, and behind us, or rather even just behind me, a girl was dragging along, giggling. We were somehow stupid and climbed up the stairs to the highest floor (i.e. there was nowhere to go, because we ran into the stairs leading to the roof) And then we see how this girl looks askance at me and rises, giggling evilly, in general She attacked me and for some reason bit me just behind the ear and on the neck. Before that, we had also seen a doctor and started shouting to the woman for help, but she didn’t have time.
              It’s very interesting to find out what kind of dream this is.)

              • Your dream, which contained these images, most likely indicates that you may experience a slowdown in the development of a business that is important to you.

                My brother sits at the computer almost all day and night.
                So I dreamed that he didn’t sleep for a very long time and was sitting at the computer. He went to bed, and when I wake him up in the morning (this is a dream), he wakes up with some kind of drowsiness. His mouth was drooling, he could barely speak and he squinted their eyes.
                What could this mean?

                Hello. Please help me solve the dream. I see in a dream that my older sister has a child - a girl..., very small, she’s about a year old... But she has Down syndrome.. I take her in my arms, play with her.. And she peed on me... What does that mean? this dream?

                molodoi paren s sindromom dauna ochen menya lubil, nesmotrya na balezn on ne bil poxoz na bolnogo, on bil ochen umnim i mog mnogoe sdelat. prisutstvovala vo sne i ego sestra, kotoraya ego ochen opekala.

                Hello, I’m 9 months pregnant, I had a dream that supposedly we were performing as a dance group in an orphanage and there I saw two boys who were left by their mother and they were down! I was very scared and in the dream I was worried, I felt sorry for these kids. Please explain this dream

                I found myself on some kind of object, like a big garbage dump, all around there were streams of something incomprehensible moving along a conveyor belt (like streams). I'm trying to get out of there. I ask the workers, and they answer: “We don’t know how to get out. They bring us here directly.” I'm moving on somewhere. I open the gate and there are some semi-processed animal bones - light, without blood - they flow in the water as if for processing. The thought flashed that this was some kind of processing plant (or factory). I step through these streams. And then they introduce a boy to me and say: “He will help you get out.” Only if you kiss him on the cheek as soon as he asks. And kiss him on some kind of adhesive plaster on his cheek.” I took a closer look - a boy with Down syndrome. I don’t remember further. But he eventually took me home...

                Hello, help me interpret the dream, otherwise I’m all exhausted. I had a dream in which I saw a child down with the grandmother of my friends. But the child is normal in real life. My grandmother gives me a toy plastic house, supposedly as a gift to my child, and I understand that the house is exactly like ours, but I take it. I go down the stairs to the street. My child is running around outside and doesn’t want to take the house. I already want to get up and give it back. But for some reason I don’t get up, but I think and wake up.

                Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was visiting friends. There is a down child (in real life, this child is normal) and his grandmother. Grandma gives me this child’s toy—a plastic little bright house. supposedly as a gift for my child. I understand that the house is exactly the same as we already have. I take the house and go down the stairs. I go outside. my child is running there. I give him the house, but he doesn’t take it. I decide to take it back. But something stops me and I think...And I wake up.

                Hello! I dreamed that I was visiting my friends and some man came to visit them and brought with him two children with Down syndrome and the little boy did not let me go, he climbed into my arms all the time, and wherever I went gone, he followed me everywhere.

                I dreamed that I was at the airport. I pass by a table, there are a lot of people sitting there, and the table is long and people are sitting along it on the other side. And a folded paper glass with the remains of cola flies at me. I pick up this glass to throw it back, but I see that this is a sick person (down), and I put the glass back on the table and a grandmother sits next to down and smiles at me, I smiled back at her and moved on... What is it for?

                I dreamed that I was walking along a bridge. And in a stroller I saw a newborn girl, Dauna, her parents stood nearby with their adult son and cried. They wanted to leave this girl forever and leave. I felt sorry for the child and I wanted to take this girl. But they said , it’s better than for her to suffer, we’ll kill her and her father strangled her with his hand, I ran away in tears from such horror

                Today I dreamed of a girl with Down syndrome, I was hanging laundry on a line in my yard, she came up, extended her brush and pointed to her finger, which had a thin gold ring on it. This is all. This girl is my housemate, but we don’t know each other and there’s nothing connecting us. Why do people with Down syndrome dream?


                Hello! I dreamed that I was going into a rich room (looks like a hotel room) to a man who, supposedly in the dream, was my husband, with whom we do not live. It seems like I left him my twin children and am going to pick them up (in reality I have 4 children, no twins and my husband is far from rich))). I walked into the room, my husband was sitting in a luxurious chair, there seemed to be a doctor next to him, and my twin boys (under one year old exactly) were sitting on the floor on a luxurious thick carpet. I took the face of one baby in my hands and looked carefully - this is a child with Down syndrome, not repulsive, pleasant, some kind of familiar face, and I know in a dream that these are MY children. I take the second one in my arms - he is shaking very much, either he has a temperature (but not hot), or he is simply frozen on the floor. What is this dream for? Thank you.

                I dream about my house, my family and my brother. I dream as if he is lying in a basement with jam up to the ceiling. He is not drowning, but he should soon drown. His mother says that his father has abandoned him... I cry and beg him to leave him, She agreed with her father. In the end, we left him... We were sitting and talking about illness, when suddenly a little cat caught a mouse.

                I can hardly remember this dream! I remember that sitting on the lawn on a blanket next to me, a girl with Down’s disease was sitting; I remembered her eyes, they had long eyelashes, the sensations in the dream were not ordinary. There seemed to be discomfort and I seemed to be calm.

                I dreamed that a new down girl came to our class. I began to be friends with her and go to visit her. And after a while I found out that she had died and when I came to their house to talk to my parents, they admitted that they shot her because they were tired! What does this mean)

                I dreamed a lot, just whole heaps of children, alive but very tiny with Down syndrome, I said why they were thrown out, I felt so sorry for them and they were moving in two piles and crying

                Hello! Today I dreamed that the guy I like came to the cafe where I always looked out for him in my life. He came up to me and began to show sympathy, but I was scared. I was scared because in the dream he was mentally retarded, his teeth stuck out somehow, his speech was not entirely understandable... For the last two days I haven’t thought about him at all. Why could this dream be happening? And why did he become unhealthy?

                in the dream there was a down boy, about 12 years old, whom I saw for the first time, I had to take him across the road. he was silent with everyone except me. when I approached him, he spoke to me and everyone was surprised. he was very kind. I took him across the road, but he didn’t want to let me go. seemed to have become attached. then I woke up

                Hello. I have a grandson, but in the dream it was my granddaughter, I took her in my arms, looked into her eyes, and they were sick (like Down’s) I wanted to cry, I was scared for my daughter... I wouldn’t have this dream who should I tell, but my daughter called and said that she had a dream in which she was at a session, there was a child with her and it was not a son, but also a sick girl who looked like Down...

                I love a man. it's mutual. he's divorced. I dreamed of his ex-wife. that she has a baby in her arms. and she laid out the children's things, torn and old, shabby, in my yard. These were the things of her child Down. in fact they do not have such a child. why the dream????

                I dreamed of a young guy with a beautiful physique, but Down’s lid and I asked him to peel the zucchini on the street so that I could bring them home peeled and he also wanted to water a dried bouquet of roses so that they would bloom again.

                Hello! From March 20 to 21 I had a dream. I look out the window, there is a tree, then I see a black crow. Here a white crow appears on the periphery. Black dissolves into air. White looks intently into my eyes and does not look away. And I call out to my friend to show it to him, but I can’t take my eyes off the deep black eyes of this white bird. The dream was remembered very well; this happens very rarely. Help me figure out what this dream means, it feels like something important is hidden in it.

                I saw in a dream that I was visiting a friend (a week ago we spent the night with them for several days) and there was a child there (most likely a boy), we (mother, older sister, me) had to look after him. The child spoke well. When he climbed onto the bed and was crawling, I noticed that he pooped in his tights, I felt disgusted and I asked someone to change his clothes. I also thought that the child was good and that it would be possible to introduce me to my younger sister (she is 2 years old, and the child from the dream is about the same age, but maybe half a year older)

                house. two rooms. mess. a girl with Down syndrome came to the house (I know her, but I haven’t seen her for more than 10 years and I don’t know anything about her fate), I was surprised, then I asked if she wanted to eat, she said yes, I felt very sorry for her and I began I was in a hurry to warm up the soup for her. The girl was calm and did not look sick.

                Hello! I had a strange dream today. After it, I woke up and couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. It was as if they took me to some office and said that now they would take me to children who would live only one day, only today, and then die. And I have to look after them. They have a disease - “syndrome 21”. Now I typed into a search engine what syndrome 21 is - Down's disease. I didn't know it was Down's disease. I only found out today. Then they took me to the children in another room. There were about 12 -15 children of different ages. Good kids. They played. There were 2 older girls, about 13 years old. One came up to me and said that she still didn’t have much time left to live. That she wants me to take her to the sea on a boat and she will throw herself into the sea. Then I immediately woke up. Such a painful dream. I woke up with sadness in my soul. I understand that it's a bad dream.

                I am pregnant. I dreamed that the doctor said that my baby was down. I was hysterical and immediately I see a baby, a girl, I look at her and she is healthy and beautiful. Why such a dream? I'm very afraid

                i dreamed that I was walking with a friend and her boyfriend, we climbed into some pipe near the store and she was sitting on the very edge and fell, the guy tried to hold her, but could not, there she inhaled some kind of gas, and then fell on the roof, I shouted to her: “Katya, breathe,” and she turned away and became down, I cried in my sleep (

                I dreamed of some kind of children's help center. I came there and there was a girl waiting for me, who was waiting for me. My responsibility was that I had to give her warmth. As a result, she sat in my arms, I hugged her, and did something. And at the same time I had a feeling of mercy and fear at the same time.

                It was as if I had given birth to a child, in the dream he seemed to be already 5 years old and had Down syndrome, I started crying and told my mother that I didn’t want such a sick child, my mother said that she would adopt him herself and it would be her son.

                I dreamed of a child Down, either a girl or a boy, the age of the child in the dream was 2-3 years. The child was next to me all the time in the dream and was very active. Why does a pregnant woman have such a dream?

                Good afternoon. Today I dreamed that I was pregnant and the doctor said that according to tests the child would have Down syndrome. I cried a lot. I was thinking about whether to keep the baby or not. What could this mean?

                I don’t remember exactly, but I’m at my old school, I walk into the corridor and feel something wrong, I look in the mirror and I have the face of a “down” (they all have similar faces) I go up to Mom and ask what is she “down” He answers yes, I start crying and the dream ends. What does it mean

                A child of about 13 years old was sitting next to me, he smiled, behaved appropriately, had a positive attitude, but looking at his face, I understood that he was down. They asked me if you were afraid to sit next to him, I answered no because he is not aggressive

                In a dream, I picked up the children from school; I dreamed of a warm, bright, velvety autumn day.
                My friend or nanny called and said that she had already left the house with her children and offered to pick up my children too. I said I was on my way. When I arrived at school, I was surprised that the children could be picked up earlier that day. For example, not at two days, but 15 minutes before. I was surprised that she showed responsibility to come earlier and that she offered me her service. While climbing the stairs to school, I saw a girl in a tight-fitting pink sports suit going up ahead of me, I thought, well done, he’s taking care of himself, then I noticed that there was something wrong with her neck, and after a little while I saw her face and realized that it was the same young woman Down.
                And I thought, do Downs have bodies like that, like they’re shapeless, blurry. And I felt so sad for her that everything was fine and only my head changed the picture

                Hello. I dreamed that I was sitting on a bench at the entrance of our house, and Down came up to me (he lives in our entrance) and asked (not in articulate speech) if he could sit next to me. I shook my head, like, yes. He sat down and then started hugging me, I broke free, took my bag from the bench and ran away

                Hello! I dreamed that I was dating a guy with whom we are not currently communicating. In the dream, as I managed to understand, we met for quite a long time, I was very surprised by this, because in the dream he was not the same as he is in life. Everything was fine, he showed concern, which is generally unusual for him. But in a dream, some stranger came up to me (I don’t even remember the gender of this person) and told me that this guy was seriously ill. He is sick with a disease that often makes people angry, unable to control their emotions, screaming, freaking out (I don’t know what kind of disease it is). And in the dream I was busy with some important matter, preparing for something. It was either some kind of project, or some kind of concert, in general, something grandiose, where there was a stage. I talk to people. And this guy comes into the hall, I, remembering the words of that man, begin to look wary, I feel some kind of fear, I don’t know how to behave around this guy and what to say. Then he begins to change before my eyes: he becomes angry, his face turns red, he starts shouting at me, hitting me in the face. I leave him, not understanding why he hit me, he follows me, apologizes, says he didn’t mean to... then screams again... then I don’t understand what’s happening, and the dream just ends.

                P.S. I sometimes have dreams with this person, even when I'm not thinking about him. He appears in my life sometimes, sometimes he’ll write, sometimes he’ll post something on VK. We used to communicate well, but he is a very difficult person by nature. What could my dream mean?

                Hello, I dreamed that I consoled and danced with a mentally retarded girl, it’s not clear whether at work or at school, but in the end it turned out that she was chasing me and it was very scary, I ran away from her at the speed of light and ended up at my grandmother’s house, explaining everything to that that I would not return there again, but she said I should, and then I woke up in wild horror, I remember the dream in all the smallest details, which has never happened before

                I dreamed that I was diagnosed with Down syndrome, that I was in the initial stage. I cried and told my mother, but now I’m conscious, that is, in perfect order, and I couldn’t clearly explain because everyone began to doubt me

                I dreamed that I came to a university meeting in another city, but I went there rather not for the conference, but for the sake of the guy who studies there. But when I arrived, I couldn’t find him anywhere, and when I saw him, he pushed me away and ran away. I was very upset and didn’t understand what caused this behavior, because we had long wanted to see him. I walked around the classrooms, talked with students, and came across a local professor, whom I asked about my friend’s behavior. He answered me that he usually behaves very well, but, probably, this could happen because, according to him, the guy has Down syndrome and it is hereditary, because his father has exactly the same problem. I ran out of the university, and seemed to run through the crowd after him, I ran out into the city, the trees were all in bloom, and the city itself was located as if on a mountain and was located in the form of a serpentine, I don’t remember the rest of the dream. The feeling from the dream is very difficult, probably also because this guy is a really familiar person to me, but in the dream he looked completely different than in life, although I felt that it was him.

                Hello. Today I dreamed of my deceased dear aunt with her crying little daughter, whom she could not calm down. I go into her room, offer to help and take the baby to my place and nurse her and she poops right in my hand. I go to wash my hand and see that the baby is happy and smiling, but it seemed to me that she had a strange, slanted look, like that of Down children. I felt some concern, but after looking more closely, my assumption was not confirmed.

                Snilsa vnuk s licom dauna slushal pesniu potom stalo normalnim cto eto ?ja seicas zivu v Anglii k nam v gosti nedavno prilital vnuk iz drugoi strani gde mi ranshe Zilli ja stoju vozle doma gde ranshe Zili stout vnuk slushaet medlenuju muziku I vdrug meniaetsa lico v dauna a potom opiat stanovitsa normalnim uvidev menja.

                I dreamed that I was having dinner with my husband and he drew my attention to a piece of chicken that I was about to eat. I extracted from it something like a light worm with a suction cup instead of a mouth, 15 cm long and 3 cm thick. I turned away to find a way to remove the filth and spoiled food from the table. Having come up with nothing, she returned to the table and saw that the worm had turned into an overweight boy with obvious signs of mental disability, sitting on the table. Instantly he grew up and became the height of an adult. My husband advised me to throw him out of the apartment. I took Down to the elevator, but returned, thinking that he would freeze (it was winter outside). I began to pick out clothes in the closet, managed to choose socks, but woke up.

                I dreamed that I was in a relationship with a mentally retarded person. He was tall, and his face looked like a groin. I realized that he was mentally retarded because he could show me his penis in front of my mother

                Hello! Last night I had a dream. At the beginning of it, spiders began to descend from the ceiling very close to me in my room. When I brushed aside one and turned to the other, there were already new ones. After I ran away, I ended up in some house where I had to look after a girl of about 6 years old. I was accompanied all the way by a young guy, the owner of the house. He told me that the girl has one friend. when we entered the room I noticed a girl who was sitting on the floor, then I turned and saw either a girl or a guy down without a nose and the look was as if it wanted to kill me. After that I woke up. The story about this house was all black white tones. I have been dreaming about spiders for several nights in a row after I killed one spider. Please explain the meaning of the dream.

                We turned on loud music on the outskirts of the city to encourage one young man I didn’t know, and I heard that the music was playing somewhere in the city center, I went to see where it was playing, came across a 3-story building, I went up to the third floor, and the music was playing very loudly from the kindergarten, and child down was very well etched in my memory, I ran to tell the others that the music was playing in the kindergarten, and they needed to turn it off. He informed us, we turned it off, and swam out to sea. The action takes place in some sunny city, on the seashore.

                In a dream, my relatives said that I had Downism disease. I know it sounds kind of stupid, but in my dream I was shocked by this news and didn’t understand why I felt like a normal person and not like a person suffering from this diagnosis. But my parents confirmed my diagnosis, I roared and screamed, I didn’t understand what was happening. After sleeping, I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. Please explain what this is for.

                Night. I’m not far from home with 2 men, we know each other, but I don’t remember who. I think one of them is my brother. There was also the late grandfather in a hot pink shirt. I also thought that this color suits him very well. Grandfather is so active and youthful.
                Two people approached us on the street: an older man, overweight, and with him a girl, about 15-16 years old. She and I went into some room. It's dark there, but visible. She tells me something, I understand that she is sick, I try to assent. For some reason it seems to me that she is dangerous to me. Then we find ourselves back with her on the street near her escort. They are gone. I don't remember a single conversation. I just remember when they approached, everyone pretended that they were transmitting information through a hidden microphone