
Touch the energy with your hands - sixth sense. Inner vision. Conquering inner vision - developing foresight How to develop etheric vision

The development of etheric and astral vision is justified in many cases. Ghost hunters or those who believe they have some psychic abilities seek to expand their vision and develop clairvoyance. Massage therapists, psychics and healers may want to take their work to the next level, or improve their practice, or perhaps develop new methods. Others are simply interested and curious about such abilities.

There are many different theories, terms and techniques associated with etheric and astral vision. In this article I will use terminology found in various sources to describe the experience and phenomenon of astral vision and clairvoyance. For example, if I use the term aura, then you are not offered anything standard at all, like from the theory found in New Agers.

I am also not promoting any belief system - I encourage anyone interested in this area to study widely, experiment, and come to their own conclusions, ideas, or discoveries. The idea of ​​developing astral vision and clairvoyance came to me gradually, after many years of independent practice, and I am convinced that communication with invisible fields and energies is a natural by-product of intense paranormal work.

Some people (born healers) can quickly examine the patient’s body and immediately correctly identify the problem organs, without even being able to formulate the cause and name of the disease in medical language. Some can see aura colors and energy fields moving. These abilities can be a matter of scientific experience and study, and not at all of magic or sorcery.

If I (and many other people) are not mistaken and these energy fields do exist objectively, then people who study them may eventually develop the ability to work with these fields and even see them. This is my personal experience, which has greatly deepened my practice.

Because of this, I decided to develop this gift and in the process I found many methods and exercises that helped me develop my etheric and astral vision as well as possible. Below are some of these simple methods that I have discovered.


This is the simplest of the initial methods and precedes any deliberate effort in this direction. The technique is to mentally imagine or visualize everything that you come into contact with. When you hear some movement in the distance, a conversation outside the window, or smell a cooking dinner, or the sound of a car on the street, try in your imagination to imagine a visual continuation of these impressions. Namely, what kind of sound is this and where does it come from, who is talking outside the window, what kind of car passed by? etc…

“You need to imagine a picture that would complete the sound image coming from far away or the smell you caught. You must learn to create within yourself something like an interactive video that continues your auditory and other impressions.”

Also try to look from your back, try to imagine in your imagination what exactly is behind you, from the sides, etc. try to see the world where it is not accessible to ordinary vision. This method is suitable not only for the development of etheric and astral vision, but also works wonders at the moment when you need to get out of deep depression. To take advantage of this therapeutic effect, imagine a flower tied to your ankles and point its roots down through the floor, through the ground, to the very center of the Earth.


This method does not take much time at all. For this exercise, you need to learn to be aware of which eye you see each specific object with. Usually, we prefer either the left or the right eye when looking at something, although we do not notice it.

Try to focus on one thing without closing your eyes. First, look at it for a few seconds only through your left eye, and then, for a few seconds (without closing your eyes), try to look at the object only through your right eye. All this happens only at the level of your attention - focus. In this case, you do not need to squint or close your eyes, but only switch your vision (attention) from the right to the left eye, using the focus of your attention.

Once you have mastered shifting your dominant eye, choose any simple object (crystal, other hand, lit candle, etc.) to use as a meditation tool. This object should be approximately an arm's length from your eyes, at eye level. Cover one eye with your palm. Now look at the meditation object with your closed eye. This takes some practice because it seems very counterintuitive and it's a very subtle effect. But you will immediately understand when the experience of such vision comes.

Every person has the ability to see an object not in the usual way, but to see it with our astral vision. This is also called clairvoyance. You will have the unusual experience of seeing through a closed eye. Once this feeling is achieved, try to keep your focus in that direction for as long as possible. After much practice and constant attention, visual phenomena such as the aura, astral plane, spirits and much more will be subject to your vision.


This is the most effective and simple method in developing etheric and astral vision. The dynamics involved in peripheral vision are also involved in etheric and astral vision. This may be due to the use of components in the retina of your eye.

The technique is simple and can be modified in any way that suits you. To begin, choose an object or spot that you can find right in front of you. Take this as a starting point. Spread your arms out to the sides (your body forms a 'T' shape), and begin wiggling your fingers. Keep your vision focused on the selected reference area in front of you, but turn your attention to seeing the fingers of your hand with your peripheral vision. Your task is to learn to see both hands at once, with your peripheral vision.

Some ideas and options

Use a candle flame to capture your attention. Keeping your attention on the movements of your fingers, keep your gaze fixed on the candle flame. Pay attention to how the candle flame moves and at the same time look at the changes in the movements of your fingers, with your arms apart. With each hand, try to move your fingers not synchronously, but differently. This will help develop both hemispheres of the brain, which also helps develop astral vision.

Contemplating a candle flame is a wonderful meditative exercise even after you have adjusted your peripheral vision, but without stretching your arms out to the sides.

Try to keep your peripheral vision on different objects or fingers. Try to distinguish different objects or the number of your fingers using your peripheral vision. Developing your peripheral vision skills does not require much time from you, and even within one session you can significantly improve your skill.


This technique consists of simply relaxing, closing your eyes and looking at the pictures that appear in front of your closed eyes on the back of your eyelids. This way you can see a lot of interesting things. This is one of the best techniques for developing clairvoyance.

Lying on the sofa or in bed with your eyes closed, try to get away from all the vain thoughts of the day and keep the focus only on your observation. It is similar to how you would look at paintings in a museum or watch a movie in a cinema. However, in this experience you are looking at exactly the pictures that appear on the back of your eyelids.

After some training (from 15 to 30 minutes), open your eyes and look not directly at the ceiling, but as if in front of it, in the air. So you will see a lot of astral visual effects.

These techniques have had mixed results. You can see real astral visions, as well as pictures that come from your subconscious or brain. This effect develops in you the skill of looking inside yourself and seeing your inner world.

3-09-2012, 21:21


Does vision depend on mental state?

Does your state of mind affect your vision?? To answer this question, we need to abandon the traditional medical approach. Try to look at the situation differently. Test the ideas below in practice. Be patient. Be open. Consider this quote from Helen Keller:

« Beauty cannot be seen or touched. You need to feel it with your heart

While still in school, you stood in line at the ophthalmologist's office to have your eyesight checked. If you failed an eye test, you were told about poor vision, farsightedness, myopia, and increased intraocular pressure. The description of your diagnosis may have included medical terms such as blur, double vision, cataracts, and glaucoma.

In this case, your mother, father, or other family members probably reassured you by telling you that you inherited their “weak” eyes. Have you become convinced that you have vision problems? For most patients, another visit to the ophthalmologist means bad news. It turns out that the eyes need even stronger lenses, medication, or even surgery. Every year more and more patients makes sure his eyes are bad, and thereby only aggravates the situation.

Let's go back to our native friend the Bushman. There are no ophthalmologists in deserts and jungles. If a Bushman discovers that his eyes are not in order, he goes to the local healer - the shaman. In a sense, this healer acts as a spiritual teacher - he encourages his patients to engage in self-exploration. For example, a puffy eye may be recognized as an expression of repressed anger or resentment. The patient is offered a brew made from some plants, animal secretions and soil (we would call it a compress), and some kind of ritual is performed. However, that's not all. The patient has to take a direct part in the treatment process, he must make very specific efforts. This treatment strategy goes far beyond simply suppressing symptoms through self-hypnosis.

Try to think about the state of your eyes as a consequence of what is happening in your soul. There, deep down in the soul, there are prejudices, fear, irritation. This is where the ways of thinking received from parents, loved ones, and teachers originate. Every person's eye condition is different because each person's mental state is unique. And so you, being such a unique person, come to the doctor - an ophthalmologist. The doctor studies your symptoms, compares them with some norm known to him, and then, with the help of certain corrective actions (from prescribing glasses and contact lenses to medication and surgery), tries to return you within this norm.

How effective is the classical medical approach to eye treatment? And isn’t it better to interpret the symptoms of the eyes? as an expression of the state of inner spiritual vision? I think we need a combination of Western and shamanic worldviews: use the training lenses and at the same time try to understand ourselves.

I will explain my idea using the example of several clinical cases.

Annie (41 years old) said she was “bored with life.” She took refuge in a small cabin in the Oregon woods to “explore the other side of my being.” I was not surprised to hear her talk about illnesses. For many years she suffered from diabetes because she lived by the principle: “Am I “sweet” enough for others?” It started some time ago retinal detachment, which led to a significant narrowing of peripheral vision. One might say that in this way Annie unconsciously expressed her reluctance to see and be present in life.

I helped Annie realize this problem. After visiting me, she went for surgery. New knowledge helped Annie change her attitude towards life. She learned to accept reality as it is, and thus helped her eyes.

In Annie's case, I didn't expect any progress. However she coped with despair (she believed that she was going blind) and took care of herself. This allowed her to return to the city and successfully continue the family business. Her vision improved and became quite stable.

A study of the medical history, as well as a personality study, showed that one of the main reasons for Annie’s vision deterioration was destructive subconscious psychological attitude.

Like the Bushman patient, Annie was able to change herself to change the condition of her eyes. After that, she went for surgery. Surgery was not the root cause of the positive changes. I'm sure - awareness of the connection between vision and attitude to life, with a view of the world helped her get on the path to recovery.

Abe is thirty-one years old. When Abe was sixteen years old, an optometrist told him that he would wear glasses when he was thirty. At thirty, Abe changed his profession and became a programmer. At the same time, he first noticed a decrease in visual acuity and blurred visible images. A medical examination confirmed Abe's suspicions - he became myopic. Over the next year, Abe changed his glasses twice, and each time he was prescribed stronger lenses. When the need arose to change glasses for the third time, he came to me for a consultation.

Abe said that a year and a half before he was prescribed his first glasses, he divorced his wife after eight years of marriage. He admitted that he was afraid of the future and did not know how to provide for himself financially. His deep internal insecurity was the cause of failures in career and personal life. Intensive work on the computer, the words of the ophthalmologist stuck in my memory (“At thirty you will have to wear glasses!”), fear of the future - all this negatively affected my vision.

Abe constantly used the expressions “I can’t” and “I don’t know.” The first thing I did was help him change the way he spoke. For example, I asked him: “ Where would you like to work?? or " What kind of relationships with people do you miss?? Because Abe was psychologically blind, he could not imagine any goals and answered, “I don’t know.” Several sessions helped Abe regain his inner vision. There was clarity in his answers: “ I would like to work in a company related to high technology. I would like to meet a woman who loves being outdoors" Abe asked his friends to point out situations in which he began to speak vaguely. He I used the training glasses and started doing exercises me to balance “being” and “doing” in my life.

Soon he only put on glasses if he got behind the wheel of a car. Abe became more open in communication, found a good job and met a wonderful woman. And all this in just seven months.

The condition of a person’s eyes is largely determined by what is happening in his soul. Eye problems can be called life-threatening! the lesson that has been given to us. The following directions will help you do! conclusions and make the most of this lesson.

The state of the eyes as an expression of the state of the soul

Whether you are relaxing with friends or sitting behind the wheel of a car, whether you are standing in line or about to go to bed, imagine your eyes healthy. Don't be passive. Live by the principle of “I’m doing this”, whether it’s getting rid of addiction to glasses or looking for a new high-paying job. Having a positive and responsible attitude towards your own life will greatly improve your vision.

Vision and life experience

Let's imagine again that you are a bushman. Your view of the world is limited to a few miles around the cabin. Since childhood, you have been taught to move correctly and react properly to poisonous snakes, hungry lions and an antelope running away from you, which you intended for dinner. Savannah, relatives and a hut - that's all you see every day. Your inner world remains just as simple.

And suddenly, one day, while walking in the bushes, you see something strange - people in clothes. Dressed people drive jeeps and hold guns. Your eyes send new information to your brain, but this information is processed in the context of previous experience. What do you see when you see a gun? You have not dealt with it, and do not even assume that it is dangerous. At a minimum, your idea of ​​this subject is naive. You're not afraid of a gun because you don't know what one is. The gun needs to go off, the victim needs to be seen to be scared. Then the next time you see a gun through the lens of fear.

I think most of you have no experience of surviving in the savannah. However, you have undoubtedly encountered situations that inspire fear. And I assume that your “inner eye,” at least out of self-preservation instinct, does everything to protect itself from many things. Unlike the Bushmen, you watch TV and read newspapers. You are drowning in reports of urban problems, never-ending financial crises, lost children, alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDS, terrorism and the threat of nuclear annihilation. But you also need to somehow live among all this. It's no wonder your eyes adapt over time to not being able to see..

To understand how such attitudes can affect vision, it is necessary to understand what life experience is. We accumulate impressions from the moment of conception, if not earlier.. For example, during pregnancy your mother consumed large amounts of sugar. You have inevitably experienced this yourself. Your brain has remembered and generalized all such facts.

From the moment you were born, you had the opportunity to explore the world through your senses. The brain's library contains data about everything you have ever felt, heard and seen. Your visual experience is like a videotape.

Imagine that you are now fourteen months old. Your attention is drawn to the bright orange-red flames in the fireplace. You reach for the fire and try to play with it. Very soon you will burn your hands and cry. This is how an association arises: Orange-red color is associated with pain and crying.

Later, you will see a bright orange-red piece of paper. You will instinctively recoil and not want to touch him. A reflex occurs, - in the future, your eyes will react by contracting the pupils to the appearance of any orange and red objects. Chronic tension appears in the eye muscles.

The fact that our actions are determined by previous experience becomes obvious when observing the reactions of the eyes and facial muscles in recordings on videotape. Test questions may stimulate memories of events that once frightened you. You again experience tension and fear, you see the present through the prism of past emotions, and this is reflected in your facial expressions.

Think about the fact that your past influences your vision just as much as your genetic predisposition, dietary habits, and environmental conditions. Think about what events in the past may have caused reactions that are worsening your vision today.. To illustrate this idea, I will give several cases.

1. Nancy, forty-three years old. Her mother gave up her career as a pianist to devote herself to her family. When Nancy was three years old, the family moved from the city to the countryside. Six months after the move, their second child was born. Nancy always felt that her mother paid more attention to her younger brother.

In first grade, Nancy's eyes were thoroughly checked, and doctors found no abnormalities. Nancy saw that her mother was depressed about her isolation on the farm. Over the next year, Nancy began to look like a tomboy. Her father jokingly called her “Billy.” In second grade, she needed glasses for the first time.

Nancy was annoyed by the close relationship between her mother and brother. She was jealous, felt abandoned, unwanted, and constantly fought with her brother. When she was twelve years old, her mother decided to leave her father. This event left Nancy in turmoil. During this period, she was prescribed stronger and stronger glasses.

At the age of twenty-five, Nancy married a man whom her mother did not accept, and so she saw her mother only twice over the next thirteen years. When Nancy turned forty-two, her left eye began to see much more blurry than her right. When I first met Nancy, she was depressed, scared and withdrawn. During the first sessions she became aware of the connection between her reactions to her parents' behavior and the development of myopia. Nancy perceived her parents, especially her mother, as failed people and projected this feeling onto my own life.

Several weeks passed and Nancy changed her approach to life. She set new goals for herself and now dreamed of new achievements. Nancy began wearing training lenses and stimulating her eyes with exercises.

When Nancy felt the need for internal changes, her vision began to improve. At first, the improvements were short-lived and almost imperceptible. Then periods of clear vision began to be measured in minutes. At times her vision was up to ninety-five percent of normal. When she returned to the past, her vision rapidly deteriorated. Nancy's example clearly shows how the condition of a person's eyes can depend on his past negative life experiences. Nancy is currently on her way to full vision without glasses and uses training lenses and exercises.

2. Brenda didn't wear glasses until she was nineteen. Then her brother got cancer and died six months later. Three months after her brother's death, Brenda was diagnosed with nearsightedness. and the first glasses were written out. Soon her right eye began to squint. Brenda put on new glasses in hopes of improving her vision. The attending physician advised surgery on the squinting eye, but Brenda decided to wait. At the age of twenty-one, she found a new job, which turned out to be very stressful. Her right eye was getting tired and squinting even more.

Two years later, Brenda learned about the research I was doing at the time. She complained to me that she was depressed by the jokes her colleagues made about her “funny” eye. The first step was to convince Brenda to use training lenses (by that time she basically did not wear glasses). After two months of exercise, Brenda began to sometimes see in both eyes for short periods of time. One day, while doing the exercise, she screamed. Then she looked at the test chart and screamed even louder. Her vision increased by forty percent! After this, she sought advice from a psychologist with whom I collaborated during the study. Brenda realized that her problem was that she had withdrawn into herself after the death of her brother. After this, episodes of both eyes working together became more frequent, self-esteem increased, and along with it, success in work appeared. However, psychological pressure also increased. Colleagues' jokes about strabismus became unbearable. Brenda refused to participate in the vision restoration program.

A year later I met Brenda again. She had surgery to “straighten” her right eye. Her eyes didn't lose coordination as she resumed her training. When we parted, she loudly announced: “ And I'm getting married in a month

To your vision, as well as to Nancy and Brenda's, influenced by past events, the memory of which is accompanied by a feeling of fear. However, you can remove this “filter” from your eyes. Close your eyes. Relax. Breathe deeply. Travel back in time as if you were replaying a video of your memory. It is good to do this exercise before bed. Let your dreams tell you what is preventing you from seeing. Go back to the part of your life experience that makes you not look. It is advisable to “scroll” in memory the period from twelve to eighteen months preceding the appearance of the first symptoms of visual impairment. As you open your eyes, consider how significant what you have now realized was. How are images of past experiences related to today’s state of vision?

Now you are ready for new experiences. What should you do at home, in your family and at work to make life satisfying? Tell yourself: I have to give up my glasses! If your vision is too weak, wear training lenses. Perhaps you should call your parents and tell them you love them, or meet up with an old friend, watch a good movie, go to a ski resort, learn to sail a yacht, think about a vacation, go bookstore shopping, or go dancing.

Try to see every event in life as a gift.. Learn from everything you see. Monitor your vision. Accept and love the “blur” of vision.

Fear, irritation and their effect on vision

We have found that past experience, to one degree or another, can negatively affect vision. I believe that the active "reagent" of this experience is the repressed emotions of fear and irritation. I didn't understand exactly how this happened until optometrist Robert Pepper suggested I use a large trampoline with my patients.

Let's imagine that you are in a session with me in a large room with a vaulted ceiling. You are wearing comfortable clothes and have taken off your glasses or contact lenses. In front of you is a large trampoline. You climb onto the trampoline and jump up and down, making circles in front of you with your arms. I remind you to watch your breathing. At some point you notice that your eyes are focused on one point. Eyes, neck, shoulders tense. You feel fear and tightness in your chest and stomach.

Very soon you get the hang of it, master the trampoline and relax, giving yourself up to jumping. You look around and notice that your vision has improved. You smile, and at this moment a new command sounds: “Now jump, landing alternately on your “fifth point” and your knees. Again the first reaction of the body is tension. You imagine falling on your butt, and fear appears. You are probably feeling irritated: “He’s gone crazy. There is no way I will do this." I suggest you analyze the way you react.

So, our imaginary training continues. The fear/irritation reaction is repeated with each new step:

  • Count out loud the trampoline jumps from one to ten, landing on your knees every second count and on the “fifth point” every eighth count.
  • Continue in this manner, clapping your hands every fifth count and saying, “Relax!”
  • Now count down from ten to one. In this case, instead of saying “two”, say “eight”, instead of “eight” - “five”, and instead of “five” - “two”.

Perhaps while doing the exercise, you experienced irritation and underlying fear. This is the fear of the unknown, the fear of failure. Usually you are not aware of such reactions, but even if they go unnoticed, they still reach the muscles of the eyes. And tension or spasm occurs in these muscles.

Experimenting with a trampoline is a good way to feel how experiences and thoughts affect the state of the body, especially the eyes. Now you can train your vision using the method described in Chapter Twelve. Your vision will improve as you master this technique. If you were to actually jump on a trampoline, following the instructions described (count out loud; on the count of “two” - land on your knees; on the count of “five” - clap your hands; on the count of “eight” - land on the “fifth point”; remember to breathe deeply and blink at all times), you would find that you have no time to think about anything other than what is happening in the present, here and now. Being present here and now is very important. If you think about the past, or worry about the future, the state of “being” disappears. At the same time, the effect of the exercise is lost. A kind of feedback is disrupted, reminding you to return to the present. Your reaction to such “glitches” will allow you to become aware of your fears and hidden irritation.

After four hours on the trampoline, Gil, a sixteen-year-old who is farsighted, said: “I'm surprised at how annoying and frustrating it is that I can't do something as simple as jumping up and down while saying words. When you reminded me to breathe and invited me to feel what was happening inside me, I suddenly screamed, just as I sometimes scream at my mother. At the end of the session I felt relief. The body and eyes relaxed. After the session, I could bring both eyes closer to my nose, and it became easier for me to read.”

My clinical observations and personal experience show:

  • If you are nearsighted, it means that you most likely spend a lot of time going over the events and experiences of the past in your mind.
  • Accordingly, if you are farsighted, you are likely to spend most of your time dreaming about the future.

And you just can't see now. You need to learn to stay in the present, while at the same time not losing sight of the past and future. By relaxing, getting rid of tension, you are more involved in the present. As a result, eye coordination is restored, vision and memory improve.

Another way to achieve this goal- use what Robert Pepper calls “visual representation.” You develop a plan - a strategy for what needs to be done. Let's say you need to jump on a trampoline, be in a state of "vision" and say the word "Louisiana" out loud. If you try to do this without rehearsing, you won't succeed. You will feel stressed and spend too much mental energy.

You need to create a visual image in advance. Try mentally breaking the word into three parts:

  • 1) LU,
  • 2) IZI
  • 3) AHA.
With your eyes closed, imagine LU, then ISI, and then AHA. When you have a clear picture in front of your eyes, imagine jumping on the trampoline again. Now imagine ISI, then LU and AHA. Are you good at manipulating all three word fragments in the space of your inner vision? Notice if you strain to see these fragments. By using visual images of words and, at the same time, saying these words out loud, you will maintain internal balance while doing two things at once.

You can use the same method when working with any objects, without glasses or with training lenses. Test visual tables can be used in the same way. The images that appear before your “inner eye” must be clear. For example, imagine a store where you usually buy vegetables and fruits. Your refrigerator is empty, so you walk around the store, read the price tags and select juicy green apples, red tomatoes, green celery and orange carrots. Or, while driving a car along the highway, clearly imagine the sign indicating your turn. What size, color, what shape is it? Repeat the same procedure with the letters on the visual chart. Look, without straining, at the edges of the letters, at the white spaces between the letters. After this, close your eyes and imagine a clear visual image of what you just saw. Developing visual imagination, you will develop confidence in your own vision and be able to be in the present.

It is quite interesting that a person with multiple personality disorder needs different glasses for each of his personalities. In essence, this means that A person's vision is determined by his internal state.

With this in mind, you can consider training lenses as a means of switching yourself into a state of “different personality”. Slight blurriness in some cases can upset you, an already forgotten fear or irritation revolves. Sometimes it seems to you that you have ceased to be yourself, that you are a different person. My patients say that training lenses allow you to mentally see past traumatic experiences I. For example:

When George was twelve years old, he witnessed the death of his brother in a car accident. This incident became a source of horror for him for a long time. About a year later, George was diagnosed with nearsightedness.

At the age of twenty-five, George began training in vision restoration techniques. Thanks to exercise his eyes got rid of constant tension. After several sessions, after physical exercise and subsequent relaxation, glimpses of clear vision began to appear. During this period, the fear of accidents and anger at the driver, who was to blame for the death of his brother, returned. George felt the old feelings again. Today he drives a car without wearing corrective lenses; in addition, he learned to accept the past and learn from it.

Becoming aware of suppressed fear and irritation can actually improve your vision. At this stage It is very important to have an experienced assistant next to you- psychologist, psychotherapist, specialist who knows the Bates method or the technique described here. Ask a close friend for help. Keep a diary. This diary will document your progress.

In the book “Love - Deliverance from Fear” Gerald Yampolsky wrote: “ Seeing means looking with love».

Right eye, left eye

I am more than sure that you and your eye doctor believe that the eyes will work in harmony if a clear image is obtained in the area of ​​​​the central fovea (fovea) of the retina of each eye.

My experience shows- this is true, but only if you are a bushman living in the savannah, which we talked about above. Otherwise, the moment you start using foveal (central) vision, your eyes become stressed. You no longer use your eyes the way a native does. It turns out that each of your eyes has a different level of vision.

In traditional Chinese medicine the right side of the body is associated with action(controlled by the left hemisphere). The left side of the body is more associated with perception(controlled by the right hemisphere). Taking this concept further, the right eye (which I think of as a channel) “expands” your vision of the outside world. The left eye “absorbs” visual information. The following fact can be cited as private evidence: the right and left sides of the face are not symmetrical, they are different, just like the eyes. Showing images of eyes and faces on video helps me explain to patients the dynamics of the relationship between the left and right eyes.

Before performing the following exercise, remove your glasses or contact lenses. Look out the window at some distant object. If you see it blurry, that's okay. Cover your eyes with your palm one at a time - first one eye, then the other. Repeat this procedure until you notice that one eye is receiving more than the other. Don't judge your eyes as "good" or "bad". Imagine that the eyes are energy channels, as if a laser beam leaves the right eye and returns back through the left eye.

If your eyes perceive the visible world to varying degrees, you can begin to find out the reasons for the weakening of the flow of perception in one of these two channels.

Knowing more can help you with this several principles of oriental medicine. The left half of the body is connected to the right hemisphere, the left eye (channel) can be considered female. Therefore, the way you use your left eye is an expression of your creativity, feelings, and ability to receive love. The right eye (channel) is the expression of the masculine principle. The way you see with your right eye speaks volumes about your perception of your own self-expression, logic, analytical skills, intelligence and verbal ability.

This leads to great conclusions. What happens if you cover your dominant eye for several hours a day? Can you feel the emotions described in chapter nine? Could this improve your “seeing” and “looking”? If the vision of one or the other eye is restored, can we talk about the progress of the abilities for which the corresponding hemisphere of the brain is responsible? Or, on the other hand, will the development of qualities associated with the corresponding hemisphere lead to improved vision? It may turn out that in order to improve the condition of the eyes, you will first have to change the way of thinking associated with the left- or right-hemisphere activity of the brain.

Beth, thirty-two years old, is a good lawyer. While still a student, she noticed that the vision in her left eye became blurry. Six years later, she was prescribed glasses, but she only used them when going to the cinema and for night driving. After some time, Beth came for a consultation with an ophthalmologist, and he diagnosed her: astigmatism (uneven curvature of the cornea) of the left eye. Permanent glasses were prescribed.

By the time Beth consulted with me (several years later), the astigmatism had worsened. Considering astigmatism an expression of a distorted attitude towards life, I brought Beth's attention to her perception of her own femininity. While studying at the Faculty of Law, she was one of three girls among forty male students. Beth felt as if she, like a lawyer, was preparing for a man's role. Now she realized that she simply did not see an example of a real woman who would succeed in her profession, and therefore, due to the lack of a better behavioral model, she copied her fellow male students.

Sessions to restore Beth's vision began with an eye patch on her right eye. Beth learned to perceive the world through the left channel and, as a result, express herself and her feminine qualities. Over time, her vision improved. Beth no longer needed to wear glasses all the time and stated that she felt more balanced.

Let's look a little deeper relationship between gender role and vision. Our culture is dominated by the “left-hemisphere” male behavioral model - aggressiveness, intelligence, clarity of statements. If you, as a man, block or do not perceive your primary male role model, your right eye may respond by deteriorating vision. Thus, vision can reflect the balance of masculine and feminine in your personality.

Angela was five years old when she and her mother first came to see me. Her father left the family when she was two years old. At the age of three, her right eye began to squint. Doctors diagnosed: visual fatigue (asthenopia), complicated by farsightedness. After Angela was prescribed glasses, the squint became invisible. When the glasses were removed a few weeks later, Angela's right eye began to squint even more. This continued throughout the next year. Angela's mother became worried: The daughter has become dependent on glasses, her vision is deteriorating.

What I discovered confirmed my mother's suspicions. To free Angela from her dependence on glasses, I ordered her one-third power training lenses. With the help of exercises, Angela learned to activate the fovea of ​​both eyes.

Over the next two years, Angela and her mother consulted with me periodically. During this period, we discovered the girl's deep resentment at her father's departure. In addition, she had no place to learn how to express the masculine side of her personality - she had no corresponding example before her eyes. Her soft, shy and fearful behavior- an indicator of such an imbalance.

Now Angela's mother and teachers contributed to the development of this part of her personality. Angela continued to do visual exercises. By the time she was seven years old, she could see without glasses with both eyes at any distance. Her right eye has almost stopped squinting. She did well in school and had a relaxed demeanor. The mother said that Angela became much more balanced.

Discuss with your attending physician - ophthalmologist the ability to cover your more developed eye with a patch(but first read the section on bandages in chapter twelve). You can wear a temporary bandage (or attach a flap to the lens of your training glasses). My research shows that it is best to wear the bandage continuously for four hours. Choose the time that suits you, increasing it half an hour at a time. Of course, you should only wear a bandage in safe situations. Wear it at home first- when you wash the dishes, read, etc. After a while, get outside. Many of my patients have tried playing ball or playing other sports with their more developed eye closed. If you have 100% vision, you can still wear an eye patch to stimulate the other side of your brain.

Some of my patients have an eye patch. helped in their professional activities:

Sylvia, forty-four years old, pianist. Her natural vision is one hundred percent, however she tends to use her right eye more than her left. When Sylvia plays the piano, the right hand is dominant; The left hand does not press the keys hard enough.

Sylvia began wearing a patch over her right eye (daily, for four hours a day). Twenty-one days later, her game had changed noticeably. By restoring the balance of her eye activity, she achieved better hand coordination while playing. Sylvia still uses the bandage as needed.

When removing the bandage, do it slowly. At first the light will seem too bright. Pay attention to the colors. Feel how pleasant it is to open both eyes at once. Now you can fully evaluate the performance of both eyes! Without a doubt, you feel more balanced. You can see that your vision improves at work, when reading, and while playing sports. Check how the condition of each eye has changed. How are you feeling? Memorize or record your emotional and eye reactions while wearing the patch. Tell someone about your results.

And remember: your eyes are wonderful!

Holistic Awareness

Holistic Awareness- this is the harmony of “looking” with the eyes and “seeing” with the inner gaze. This is the balance of the perception channels of the left and right eyes. Finally, this is an opportunity to know and accept yourself. Looking back, you see yesterday as a preparation for today and understand: what you see now is, to some extent, a reflection of your past. Your tomorrow will be whatever you want it to be.

Remember that you are perfect and let your eyes see.

In previous chapters, you learned how the eyes work individually. You have learned to monitor the condition and reactions of each eye. The next step is to train your brain to coordinate these two channels of perception. This is the highest level - coordination of vision and mind. Like the exercises described above, holistic awareness exercises lead not only to improved vision and eye health, but also to changes in subjective views of the world.

As you perform the visual exercises described in this chapter, you will feel that your eyes begin to work together - in harmony with each other. Remember, you need to practice the exercises with minimal effort, without tension.; do not forget to breathe correctly, blink and periodically warm up your eye muscles. Don't "try" to do these exercises. Let them lead you to what needs to happen. Does your subjective perception really depend on your posture, time of day, or glasses? Do the exercises, if only to get to know yourself and your type of vision better. There is no way to do these exercises “right” or “wrong.” This is simply a way to understand what a state of holistic awareness is.

Thumb exercise

Sit comfortably on a chair with a backrest. You can take off your glasses, but you don’t have to take them off. Extend your hand in front of you, just below your line of sight, with your thumb raised. Look at your finger. Your eyes are slanted inward (closed). Have you forgotten about breathing? Do you look at your finger without blinking? Blink and breathe deeply. Focusing your gaze on your thumb, pay attention to the objects around you. The thumb is visible quite clearly (foveal, or central, vision), distant objects are blurred (peripheral vision).

Now, without lowering your hand, move your gaze to a distant object. Please note that the visible image of the finger has probably split into two. If not, blink and close your eyes several times in turn until you see two thumbs instead of one - this means that holistic perception has “turned on.” (If you have blurred vision, your attempts may not be successful. Sometimes the brain rejects the image coming from the right or left eye.) Check how clear both visible finger images are. Are they different sizes? Experiment by zooming in and out. By changing the focal length, can you ensure that both visible finger images are the same size? What happens if you put a patch on the eye that sees your finger better for a while? After removing the bandage, try looking at the finger with both eyes again. Have the visible finger images become the same? How does your breathing, changing posture (for example, standing, or standing on one leg, or lying down) affect what you see? Notice whether the visible finger images are at the same level horizontally or are one higher than the other? What happens if you tilt your head to a cool shoulder? The position of the head determines how much information from each eye is perceived by the brain. If you read in bed or lying on your side, your binocular vision will drop and holistic perception will become less effective.

When you can maintain two clear visible images of a finger, pick up the book. Place your finger midway between the book and your eyes. While reading the text, move your finger in front of your eyes. Make sure that when using both eyes (two fingers visible), you can see all the text on the page. Try closing one eye. Notice how some of the text disappears because the remaining visible finger image obscures part of the field of view. Let the finger that corresponds to the weaker channel of perception cover the text being read. Remember, if both eyes work together, you will see two fingers. If one of the fingers disappears, blink, take a deep breath and look into the distance - the second finger should appear. Continue to blink, breathe deeply, and cover your eyes with your palms from time to time.

If you return to the "action" state, you find that one of the fingers has disappeared and the other is covering the words you want to read. This indicates a loss of balance and a shift to the right or left side of perception. As a result, information from one of the visual channels is not perceived by the brain.

Repeat this thumb exercise several times a day. Breathe deeply, blink, and sometimes cover your eyes with your palms to remain in a state of holistic perception.

Exercise with circles

Remember the sensation that occurs when your eyes “cross” each other. Place this book so that the circles in the illustration are about forty centimeters from your eyes. Slowly close your eyes until you see three circles. They can be quite blurry. Breathe evenly and close your eyes a little more. Is the blur increasing or decreasing? Repeat this exercise. Move your gaze from distant objects to the illustration until the picture becomes clear. What do you see?

Depending on your vision, you may see the picture like this:

  • Outer and inner circles
  • The word "VISION"
  • The word "VISION" but some letters disappear or overlap each other
  • The word “VISION” with the letter L at the top and P at the bottom, on the same vertical.
  • The letters L and P are shifted from the center, moving in different directions
  • The inner circle moves towards you

Your perception will change as your vision changes. With optimal binocular (holistic) vision, you will see an absolutely clear picture. At the same time, you should see clear letters L and P and the word “VISION”; the letters don't move. It is easy for you to shift the focus of your gaze to any distance and return it to the illustration and see all three pictures at the same time.

Once you have mastered the eye crossing movement, you will be ready to perform this reverse exercise. This time, look far ahead and position the book so that the illustration is just below your line of sight. Try to look into the distance and not shift your gaze to the illustration. Find the point where three circles appear. Answer yourself the same questions as before, and as they say, “feel the difference.”

With this exercise you learn to coordinate the work of the extraocular muscles and ciliary muscles of the eyes. If the tone of the extraocular muscles is weakened, you have to focus your gaze due to excessive tension of the ciliary muscles, which ultimately leads to the development of myopia and astigmatism.

Can you change your vision by force of will? Can you create a picture of three circles by first moving your eyes together and then looking into the distance? Try doing this exercise in reverse. Don't forget about deep breathing, blinking, yawning and warming up your eye muscles. After five or ten minutes of exercise, cover your eyes with your palms.

Exercise for the “inner eye”

If you have access to a trampoline, try using it to perform the jumping exercises described in Chapter Nine. This will develop your inner vision. Instead of a large trampoline, you can use thick stretched fabric or a mini trampoline. Of course, don't land on your butt or knees if the trampoline is too small!

Exercise with arrows

Copy the drawing shown in the illustration onto a piece of paper or whatman paper and hang it on the wall. Stand or sit (without corrective lenses) so that you can see the direction of the arrows. You are now in an area I call the "blur zone." For some, this zone is at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from the drawing or even less, for others - at a distance of three or even six meters. If you perform the exercise in a standing position, distribute your body weight evenly on both legs. Take three deep breaths.

  • Step 1. Say out loud the direction of each arrow, starting from the upper left corner. Are you moving your arms? Head? Is your speech speeding up? Do you remember to breathe? Do you strain to see the arrows? Perhaps you involuntarily leaned forward? (Note: Ask yourself these questions at each next step of the exercise.)
  • Step 2. Now name the directions of the arrows and at the same time show them with your hand.

    Do the exercise by listing the arrows starting from the bottom right corner.

  • Step 3. When listing arrows, point to the right with your right hand; left hand - to the left; right hand - up; and with your left hand - down.
  • Step 4. Follow step 3 in reverse order.
  • Step 5. Visualize yourself turning each hand a quarter circle clockwise. Name the directions of the arrows obtained in this way without pointing them with your hands. Pay attention to changes in the rhythm of speech. Later, ask a friend or family member to beat the rhythm by clapping your hands.
  • Step 6. Repeat step 5, using your hands to point in the direction of the arrows.
  • Step 7. Repeat step 6, but now point your hands in the actual direction of each arrow. Remember the sensations that arise in your body. What is your reaction? Do you start to get nervous, are you ready to give up doing the exercise, or do you perceive the exercise as just another problem that needs to be solved?

Arrow exercises are especially useful for people who have been diagnosed with "learning disability" or "dyslexia". The better a person masters each step of the exercise, the more the brain is stimulated. Patients often complain of a headache after exercising with arrows. I remember a teenage girl who said that the entire right side of her head was burning from the exercise. If you experience such sensations, cover your eyes with your palms and rest.

When you let go of yourself, allowing yourself to simply “be,” your level of holistic perception increases. Stop analyzing what is happening, at least for a while. Trust your inner vision and intuition. Let the exercise take over you. Visual exercises can be done any time you want. Practice for at least five minutes, but no more than an hour. You will find that it has become easier for you to communicate with people, your well-being will improve, and your dependence on glasses will decrease. Maybe the state of holistic perception will change your life?

Enjoy your new vision!

Article from the book: .

Dense physical forms are an illusion because they are the reaction of the eye to the forces of which we have spoken. Etheric vision, or the ability to see energy-substance, is the true vision for a human being, just as the true form is etheric. However, while the race is not sufficiently developed, the eye is aware and responsive only to heavier vibration. Gradually it will free itself from lower and harsh reactions and become the organ of true vision. It is interesting to remember the occult fact that as the atoms of the physical body of a human being evolve, they pass into ever more perfect forms and ultimately find their place in the eyes - first of animals, and then of man. The eye is the highest dense form into which atoms are embedded, it is the top dense matter. In the occult understanding, the eye is formed by the interaction of certain force currents - three in an animal and five in a human being. As a result of their fusion and interaction, the so-called “triple hole” or “quinary door” is formed, from which the animal soul or human spirit can “look outward, observing the world illusion.”

The final reason why the spheroidal true form of everything is not visible on this planet can only be expressed at the present stage by quoting from an ancient esoteric manuscript from the archives of the Masters:

“The vision of a higher sphere is hidden in the destiny of the fourth form of substance. The eye looks down and, lo! - the atom disappears from view. The eye looks to the side and the dimensions merge, and again the atom disappears.

He looks out, but sees the atom out of proportion. When the eye abandons the downward gaze and sees everything from the inside out, the spheres will become visible again.”

General development of etheric vision. This will happen for two reasons :

  • First, through the scientific recognition of the existence of etheric levels, which will free many people from the weight of hostile public opinion and allow them to make known what they have individually long ago realized. Ethereal vision is quite common now. However, some people still rarely comment on its disclosure due to fear of criticism.
  • Secondly, due to the increased activity of the deva ethers, which involves the matter of the etheric levels into a more energetic vibration with a subsequent reverse effect on human vision.

It must be recalled again that the term “unmanifest” has only a relative meaning and reflects human perception everything that is. For the Solar Logos, the plans of the unmanifested are objective. Man has not yet achieved etheric vision, and the etheric subplanes are not yet manifested for him. The Solar Logos has a fully developed cosmic etheric vision, and since He is on the cosmic Path, within the Solar system everything is known and completely revealed to Him.

On the physical etheric levels there are devas of all kinds and colors, but the predominant hue is purple, hence the so often used term “devas of shadows.” Because of the coming of the ceremonial violet Ray there is an intensification of the violet vibration which is always present at these levels; therefore there is a great possibility of contact between both kingdoms. It is with the development of etheric vision (which is a latent faculty of the physical human eye), and not clairvoyance, that this mutual perception will become possible. With the arrival of this Ray, those who belong to it and have the natural gift of etheric vision will also arrive. Children will often be born who will see etherically as well as the average human being sees physically, and with the gradual development of harmonious conditions out of the present chaos of the world, devas and human beings will begin to meet as friends.

Ethereal Sight. The rapidly developing faculty of the human eye, which will ultimately reveal the aura of vitality in all forms of the four kingdoms of nature, will bring recognition of the pranic emanations of all vital centers and reveal their condition.

The intensification of light on earth continues continuously, and it began approximately in the years when man learned to use electricity, and the discovery of the latter was a direct consequence of this intensification. The electrification of the planet through the widespread use of electricity is one of the factors that symbolizes the beginning of a new century and will contribute to the coming of the revelation of the presence of a soul. Soon this intensification of light will become so great that it will actually cause the veil separating the astral plane from the physical to be torn apart. The dividing etheric fabric will also soon dissolve, due to which the influx of the third aspect of light will also accelerate. The interpenetration of the light of the astral plane (radiant radiation) and the light of the planet itself will increase, and their joint impact on humanity and on the other three kingdoms of nature will be difficult to overestimate. In particular, this will have a profound effect on human eyes, and instead of the present isolated cases, etheric vision will become a universal property. The color spectrum we perceive will include infrared and ultraviolet gamuts, and we will be able to see what is now hidden from us. All this will destroy the platform on which the materialists stand, and will prepare the ground, firstly, for admitting the existence of the soul as a reasonable hypothesis, and secondly, for visual confirmation of its existence. To see the soul, we, in the esoteric sense, only need more light. This Light will soon be available, and we will understand the meaning of the words: “In Your Light we see Light.”

The intensification of light will continue until 2025, when a cycle of relative stability and even illumination will begin without significant increments. In the second decanate of Aquarius, to these three aspects will be added an increased influx of light of the fourth kind, light from the sphere of the soul, coming to us through the universal "chitta" or mental stuff. This light will fill the whole world. But by that time the soul will have received actual recognition, and as a result our entire civilization will have changed so radically that we cannot now even imagine what forms it will take...


Each of us has five senses. They are given to a person by nature for the most complete perception of the surrounding world.

By consciously and purposefully training them, we can develop in ourselves sixth Sense, which will allow for timely, fairly accurate diagnosis of various diseases without the use of special medical equipment.

Touch the energy with your hands

BEFORE engaging in non-contact diagnostics, you must learn to determine the size of the biofield. Put one of your loved ones or friends in front of you. Have him close his eyes and stand quietly in a relaxed state for some time. Shake your hands to increase sensitivity and bring your palms closer to your patient's body in the chest area. Begin to slowly move them away, all the time paying attention to the sensations that arise.

They will be different. Near the body, at a distance of 5-6 cm, sensations of warmth and fullness increase, and the further you move your arms, the less significant they become. At some point, a feeling of coolness will appear, and this means that you have gone beyond the biofield. Bring your hands back again and feel the warmth and fullness between your palms and your body. Determine the boundary where the strongest, concentrated accumulation of energy is observed and past which these sensations subside. This is the contour of your patient’s biofield.

Explore the biofield completely. When our hands come into direct contact with the energy of another person, they begin to read not only the fullness of the biofield, but also possible anomalies caused by disturbances in the physical body. This is most often expressed in a feeling of excessive warmth, or, conversely, coldness within the biofield, or the absence of any sensations at all. It is not necessary to indicate the exact diseases at this stage. It is enough to detect changes in your sensations and conclude that excessive tension or pain is possible in a given place. But the more often such sessions take place, the stronger the sensitivity of the hands to energy radiation will become. Over time, this ability will develop, and thus you will be able to actually identify diseases when studying the biofield. In general, non-contact diagnostics are based on this principle, which requires not so much great abilities as constant training.

Illness in a mirror image

IN THE PRACTICE of non-contact diagnostics the method “ mirror reflection" Here is its main essence. Imagine that you are a healer, and the person you want to diagnose is your patient. The healer (that is, you) stands facing the patient (your partner) at a certain distance (from 0.5 to 1.5 meters depending on the level of your sensitivity) and begins to mirror the patient, copying his posture, the position of his body, hands, legs, adjust to his breathing and heartbeat.

In the process of such attunement, the healer begins to experience the same sensations that the patient experiences. For example, if a patient has heart pain, the healer will also feel pain in his body on the right side at the level of the heart. If the patient has (or had) a fracture in his right arm, the healer will feel pain in his left arm, and so on. Knowing anatomy, it is easy to figure out what exactly hurts a person and in what area he experiences pain. You just need to remember that all the signals received will be mirror opposite.

Inner vision

In addition, such diagnostics allow you to instantly feel the patient’s mood, state of mind, and fortitude. Experienced specialists only need 30-40 seconds to fully diagnose a patient and determine where and what hurts.

Another of the most common diagnostic methods is highly developed tactile sensitivity of the hands. If your palms have increased susceptibility to energy impulses from the outside, then this will allow you to instantly pick up light vibrations and signals that will come from the person you are examining, and from them draw a conclusion about his internal state. In this case, acting as a healer, you will feel energy flows not with your entire physical body, but only with your hands, passing them throughout your patient’s entire biofield and reading the initial signals.

The ability to perceive information through sensations is developed through constant practice.. To increase the tactile sensitivity of your hands, you need to constantly come into contact with the energy of another person and carefully listen to your feelings. As soon as a person tunes in to such a perception, his body will automatically switch to developing tactile sensitivity, and over time it will become sharper and sharper.

Inner vision

EXCEPT clairsentience the source of information reading is clairvoyance- increased sensitivity of the eyes to the vision of the energy shell, or internal vision. This ability can be either innate or acquired. To learn to concentrate your gaze in such a way that it can distinguish between energetic radiations, seeing them in a range of colors, you need to train your third eye quite strongly.

Surely many of us were fond of looking at stereo images of the “Third Eye”. In fact, this activity is not only entertaining, but also useful. Having seen the image in the picture, try to slowly, without changing the focus of your eyes, turn your gaze to the person and see his energy shell. If on a stereo picture a three-dimensional image emerges from a chaotic view, then, turning our gaze to another person, we, on the contrary, see that the clear image disappears, becomes blurry and is replaced by an energy shell, or aura. It is this kind of vision that is able to see what is not visible with ordinary eyes.

Try this experiment. Sit opposite each other (it is advisable to work in pairs), relax, cover your partner’s face with an absent-minded gaze, as if peering through him into the space behind, and take a closer look at what will happen. The usual facial features will begin to slowly disappear, as if being covered with a veil, and soon a completely different person will appear before your eyes. Sometimes the image becomes strange or even barely recognizable. As a rule, such visions reveal the true essence of the person you are looking at and his characteristics. If you learn to look at the biofield correctly (as if you were looking at a stereo picture), then gradually your inner vision will begin to develop, capturing energy flows of different wavelengths and, accordingly, different color gamuts.

You have probably noticed that every time we close our eyes, our vision is able to retain for some time on the mental screen the outlines of objects and people with whom we have just come into contact. Knowing this feature, you can train your inner vision by viewing the biofields of other people with your eyes closed. If the integrity of the energy shell (aura) of another person is damaged in some place, it means that there are certain pathologies in the place of deformation. This will be clearly visible on the mental screen.

In addition to the information that inner vision gives us, it will tell us a lot and visual image of a person, which we perceive with external vision. Nonverbal behavior, gestures, views, the patient’s appearance, as well as his clothing, skin condition, complexion and other external signs will help determine not only the person’s health status, including specific diseases, but also his outlook on life, level of material well-being, and mood.

In addition to visual and sensory sensations, you can capture those emanating from a person smells or taste. Agree, newborns, adults, and older people are felt differently by us. Our senses of touch react differently to the people around us, so our sensations will be different. The same can be said about the odors emanating from a person. From them we can also determine the presence of certain diseases.

For example, if a person smells like a rotten egg, then he has stomach problems (gastritis) or caries. The smell of acetone indicates that a person has high blood sugar. Therefore, by listening to your senses of touch and smell, you can obtain reliable information about the health status of your interlocutor or patient.

The coordinated and accurate work of all five senses is the sixth sense, or clairvoyance. If you constantly develop it, then over time clairvoyance will become your reliable assistant and advisor. Having a sixth sense will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from the most serious diseases, since you will be able to learn about them in the initial period of their development.

The first level of clairvoyance is associated with “etheric vision” or the ability to perceive subtle (etheric) entities and beings. At the same time, according to Leadbeater, etheric vision allows one to perceive “various orders of beings, elementals and others, whose bodies are incapable of reflecting rays within the ordinary visible spectrum. Among these beings are some of the lower spirits of nature, whose bodies are composed of denser etheric matter. To this class belong almost all the fairies, gnomes, brownies, about whom so many stories have been preserved in the mountains of Scotland and Ireland and in secluded country places around the world.”

“Ethereal vision” also includes the ability to see through dense barriers, screens, as well as the ability to see the internal organs of a person. Typical examples of ethereal vision are the Chinese woman Zheng Xianling and her brother, who have a unique gift inherited from their grandfather. So, Zheng is engaged in diagnostics - she is able to see internal organs. Her brother helps the police by watching criminals through the walls.

A similar “inner vision” was possessed by the Yoshkar-Ola healer A. Bezdenezhnykh, who was able to “see” internal organs, as well as the Bulgarian clairvoyant M. Pencheva and the Spanish healer M. Tejada. At the same time, the manifestation of the latter’s gift was witnessed by Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Azhazha, known in our country for his ufological research. It should be noted that such an ability is by no means uncommon among healers.

For example, Yu. Vorobyova from Donetsk also possessed a similar gift, in whom these abilities were discovered after a state of clinical death resulting from an electric shock.

The fact that this type of perception has nothing to do with physical vision is indicated by the ability of many clairvoyants to perfectly see their surroundings blindfolded. And D. Savkin from Rostov-on-Don sees even better blindfolded than with physical vision. This fact was fully confirmed during research in France. And such abilities are not isolated. Back in the 19th century in the United States, Andrew Jackson Davis was very famous for his ability to “see through walls” and observe human energy bodies.

“Astral vision” is already associated with the perception of other parallel realities and creatures belonging to them. It was this type of clairvoyance that Swedenborg initially discovered when he became able to communicate with “angels and demons.” Astral vision allows not only to see internal organs, but also to conduct energy diagnostics and perceive the aura - the energetic shell of people. Based on the shape, color and intensity of the glow of this aura, one can draw definite conclusions about the health, inclinations and character of a person.

Tibetan Lama Lobsang Rampa described this ability as follows: “The aura surrounding the body, regardless of who manages to see it and how, is nothing more than the life force burning inside a living being. We believe that this force, like lightning, is of electrical origin... Subsequently, I learned to diagnose a person’s health status by the color and intensity of the aura. In the same way - by changing the colors in the aura - I could accurately determine whether a person was telling the truth or lying.”

Indian magicians also have a similar gift. This is how K. Castaneda described him:
“...To the one who sees, people look like luminous beings, consisting of something similar to fibers of light, which, wrapping from front to back, form a spatial structure shaped like an egg.”(“Separate Reality”).

“Don Juan explained that the luminosities of people are filled with formations, which can be desires, problems, sorrows, worries, and so on. He said that only a very powerful magician could decipher the meaning of these formations and that I should be content to simply see the general outlines of people.”(“Tales of Power”).

According to Charles Leadbeater, the perception of the etheric double allows us to judge a person’s health. The perception of the astral body allows us to judge the emotions, passions, desires and inclinations of a person. The development of astral vision allows a person to make conscious “astral travel” during sleep. Magicians call this practice the “art of dreaming.”

This is how Vanga described the manifestation of such a gift in herself: “When a person comes to me, I have the feeling that a window opens in my head through which I observe pictures, and the life of this person passes before my eyes, like a film, and above me I hear a “voice” that tells me “What exactly needs to be conveyed to the visitor.”

As we see in this case, the clairvoyant receives information in the form of a “voice”. But it also happens that the information received by a clairvoyant comes visually in the form of certain pictures. The Indian magician Don Juan repeatedly demonstrated this type of simple clairvoyance to C. Castaneda.

Meanwhile, some clairvoyants are able to consciously use their gift, while for others this gift manifests itself spontaneously. Temporary clairvoyance also includes the manifestation of this gift under the influence of psychotropic substances and certain ceremonies. This is the degree of clairvoyance of sorcerers and shamans, and unlike a developed gift, it is the initial stage of the manifestation of clairvoyance.

Glimpses of clairvoyance can also appear in people with an unbalanced psyche and poor physical health. Such people find themselves “open” to the negative influence of entities of the astral world on them. Similar phenomena include the perception of entities of the lower subplanes of the astral world by an alcoholic in a state of “delirium tremens.” It is the vulnerability of an alcoholic or drug addict to these entities and the destruction of their energetic “framework” that makes these entities visible to them.

Often, phenomena associated with clairvoyance are associated with the development of “astral vision and hearing.” What does this mean? As we have already noted, a clairvoyant receives information in visual or audio form at the energy level and at the same time perceives it not with the physical, but with his energy bodies (etheric, astral, etc.). This precisely explains the fact that ordinary, “physical” senses do not receive such information.

Leadbeater points out the large role of “energy centers” in the development of energy shells, and, consequently, the abilities corresponding to them. So, we again come across chakras - these spiral-shaped vortexes of human energy, which are a kind of “communication channels” with all sorts of worlds of multidimensional reality of the space-time continuum. Thus, by developing energy centers, one can travel consciousness into the past and future, which is precisely a type of travel of consciousness in time or clairvoyance in time.

Shamanism researcher K. Meadows also shares this opinion: “Subtle energies are drawn into the energy body through a system of rotating disk-shaped energy funnels located vertically along its center. These spiraling discs are more commonly known as chakras. In the Sanskrit language of ancient India, the word chakrum meant "spiral wheel", although the retracting motion of the chakra is more similar to a whirlpool than a spinning disk. However, chakras are more than energy centers; it is the gateway to new levels of awareness. The initiation rituals that marked the passage of neophytes through the “gate” in the Western esoteric tradition (schools of mysticism) were in fact attempts to gain access through the chakras to other levels of awareness. This ultimately entitled the initiate to the title of seer or adept.”(“Where eagles fly”)

To apply clairvoyance directly to our physical world, it is necessary to develop the coarsest of energy bodies - the etheric double, which is sometimes also called the terms “double”, “magician’s body”, “dream body”. Dreaming is precisely one of the effective magical techniques that helps “teach” the etheric body all kinds of phenomena that are inaccessible to us in the physical body. It is no coincidence that many prophets received their revelations during sleep, people of art found the intent of their works, and famous scientists came to fundamental decisions. The phenomenon of “prophetic dreams” is also interesting in this aspect as one of the ways to obtain information about the future.

Of course, the attitude of the orthodox part of scientists towards the phenomenon of clairvoyance is strictly negative and skeptical. But this is just a weak attempt to cover up one’s fear of the unknown, one’s powerlessness to explain the phenomenon within traditional “scientific” frameworks, and a confession of one’s own incompetence caused by lagging behind advanced scientific thought, which has never been afraid to “break” the outdated framework of generally accepted scientific dogmas.

Here is what V.I. Safonov wrote about this: “Can every person believe in the reality of the experiments and observations I describe? No, there can be no illusions on this score. And if we are talking about the scientific world, then the absolute majority of its representatives “know,” alas, a priori, what can be and what cannot be.
The skepticism of many people that arises when reading such messages is usually based on an assessment of their own capabilities. But skeptics do not take into account that their personal abilities do not reflect, and cannot reflect, all the capabilities of both humanity as a whole and individuals. But self-confidence in the infallibility of one’s point of view leads to marking time.

On the other hand, there are phenomena that are not so easy to understand. The formation of man is far from complete, and it is a mistake to think that it proceeds evenly, without taking into account the individual characteristics of each. An avalanche of facts from the past and present convincingly indicates that in the human psyche lies the ability of so-called spiritual vision, or, as they more often say, clairvoyance.”

The famous clairvoyant A. Vul considers the two main ways to achieve clairvoyance to be phantom visualization of an event or object in one’s consciousness and traveling in space and time of our energy body, “double,” energy “double,” which is also called the “dream body.”

Here's what he writes in one of his works: “So, you can build an image of an event or object in your mind, in the space next to you, or you can “simply” send your double to the desired point in space-time. How can this be done and when is it advisable to choose a specific option?

Often an image appears before us by chance. In a dream, usually half asleep at the moment of falling asleep or before waking up. When very tired. At a moment of severe stress, shock, illness. Finally, very often, during clinical death. It is believed that in the latter case, an astral exit always occurs...

Any of the options can be implemented deliberately and purposefully. But then the person must either already have the appropriate abilities, or specially study. To receive information, he must enter an altered state of consciousness, characterized by relaxation and a certain focus of attention, or into meditation, which is practically the same thing.”

So, despite the considered ways and methods of achieving clairvoyance, its types are united by one thing - altered states of consciousness, without which the manifestation of this phenomenon is impossible at all. But it is meditation and similar techniques for turning off the “mental dialogue” that are the safest for health and contribute to the further development of this gift.