
Department of Biology. Department of Biology EGP BSU Cell Biology and Bioengineering

Finding your calling is not an easy task. Maybe because for many people it is considered a fad. “How many, how many jobs have you changed? You studied philosophy, and now you're laying bricks? And what's the point?

Finding something you love means finding yourself. And it’s almost impossible to do this offhand. But it's worth a try. At least that's what I think.

Hello. My name is Ksenia. I am 25 years old.

Place of birth - the small town of Glubokoe, not far from the border with Latvia. Quiet, cozy and peaceful place. The birthplace of the aircraft designer Sukhoi, the founder of the Belarusian theater Buynitsky, the region where, according to legend, Napoleon, retreating from Russia, buried his treasures. There is also a prison here - according to some sources, it ranks second in terms of severity in the entire CIS. That's it. That, however, does not prevent the local youth from walking without fear until the very morning.

To school - no problem

The north of Belarus is a lake-like place. There are about 80 of them in the generally small area, and two in the city. One is located in the very center of the city, and on its shore is school No. 1, from which I graduated.

I liked studying at school. Either in those years, teachers were not as overwhelmed with paperwork as they are today, or because since childhood I was interested in everything - from the cause of ball lightning to the issue of the movement of lithospheric plates, but I attended classes without problems. Plus I really enjoyed reading books. When in your free time you can easily get through a book of 300-400 pages, then reading the paragraph and homework literature in the original is a simple matter. In addition, reading improved overall literacy. My favorite school subjects were mathematics (although I didn’t have enough stars in it), geography, chemistry (again, it was not easy, but remained an unusually mysterious science until the 11th grade), partly literature, biology (high school program - anatomy, genetics, ecology). The German language was also quite good.

I think that I was very lucky with my classmates: some of them were simply extraordinary people, the vast majority were interesting to communicate with. Almost all the teachers taught their subjects well (and with soul, but without fanaticism), which also attracted people to the school. In addition, a significant part of my life was occupied with music.

Extracurricular hobbies can also be very important

In addition to the music school, I also attended a pop studio. She performed a lot. For some time, my parents took me to study vocals at a music school. In short, I studied music quite a lot. But in the future I didn’t connect my life with her, which I regret to this day.

There were two reasons for this. Firstly, for further vocal training, I had to be sent to study in another city (this opportunity was available from the 7th grade), which my parents did not dare to do. From this follows conclusion No. 1: children need to be taught to be independent from childhood, so as not to be afraid to let them go later. Now, having my own children, I understand that this is incredibly difficult, but... Everyone has the right to make their own mistakes.

Secondly, I was very embarrassed about this extracurricular activity. Which leads to conclusion No. 2: you are just you, no more and no less. And if you are not burning with a secret desire to kill someone for nothing (exaggeratedly speaking), then everything else is absolutely unimportant.

Choosing a direction and preparing

As a result, by the 11th grade, having left (as I thought temporarily) the musical direction, I decided that there were several ways for me to further continue my studies. The options were the following: Faculty of Journalism, Linguistic University, as an option, some direction in the chemical profile was considered. Whether or not to go to university was not a question. It was somehow just in the air: at home, at school, and among my friends and classmates.

Faculty of Journalism was my little dream. I was interested in everything, and I liked collecting information from different sources. In addition, working as a journalist, as my professional development progressed, meant for me meeting new interesting people from different fields and traveling to new places. But... at that moment I didn’t have the courage to at least try my hand. For some reason, it seemed like nothing would work out for me. It seems to me now that I was mistaken then. And years later I made the following conclusion - in general, trivial (conclusion No. 3): if you want, try at least once now, so as not to regret it a thousand times later.

The linguistic one somehow immediately disappeared. Even at school I had problems with my German teacher. I won’t go into details, but she even somehow blackmailed me that if I didn’t go to the Olympics, I wouldn’t get a “9” for the quarter. The approach, of course, is simply non-negotiable.

My parents somehow found me a tutor in Minsk. I don’t remember exactly, but he was, it seems, the head of some department at the same university. I went to his classes a couple of times and realized that I wouldn’t study with him. Apart from the absolutely boring classes (probably it was my parents’ mistake to hire a university teacher), he didn’t inspire me with a single drop of respect. As a result, having returned from Minsk once again, I told my parents the option I had already thought about along the way - I was going to study biology at BSU (Belarusian State University). The statement had the effect of a bomb exploding, so to speak...

In this option, I liked the following: a chemical bias (which I liked initially, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to take the chemistry department), the opportunity to study “higher biology” (my own designation for anatomy, ecology and genetics combined). My opinion was also influenced by a very respected person who is already at the same faculty. There was another factor. It was already the end of December, and there were only six months left before the entrance exams. “As a last resort, I’ll figure it out later,” I decided.

I had two tutors - in chemistry and biology. The Russian language was studied at school as an elective without any problems, and on testing it was passed without problems with a “9”. Regarding tutors. In my opinion, if you don’t have problems at school, a biology tutor is only needed for coaching on solving problems. It’s possible to pass today’s testing with 7-8 points without problems, studying on your own. There are a lot of examples of solving tests - both in books and on the Internet. There would be a desire. For me, a biology tutor was just throwing money away.

Chemistry is another matter. A great tutor, after an hour of lessons with whom you leave like a squeezed lemon - that’s what I was lucky with. And it’s only her merit ─ my “9” on the university exam.

The shortened (2 weeks) courses at BSU helped a lot. Especially in terms of biology. Over the course of several lessons, complete order was restored in my head, all topics were sorted into shelves.

Exams for the Faculty of Biology of BSU

I submitted my documents to the Faculty of Biology of BSU (biology, major in “biotechnology” - due to my love for genetics). In 2004, the competition there was high.

As mentioned above, there were no problems with the exams. I was worried, of course, and studied at night. I understood that the passing score was high - 26 out of 30. I imagined the Olympiad participants who had already taken probably half of the places.

But all the excitement is normal. I had two moral support factors, in addition to the common ones (friends, parents, etc.). Firstly, I was already imbued with the atmosphere of the upcoming entrance campaign to the course - and it no longer had such a frightening effect on me, secondly, my young man, who was already studying in Minsk at that time, relieved me of all organizational issues regarding finding audiences, etc. ., which was also important.

The arrival went without any problems. The rest of that summer I worked in my city, helping my mother’s friend. At the end of the summer I called my friend from biology: “We’ll meet soon!” “How do you draw in general, okay?” ─ a question was asked that I did not immediately understand...

Training at the Faculty of Biology of BSU

I remember my studies at the Biology Faculty of BSU with kind words. The first thing that struck me was the amazingly respectful attitude of the teachers towards you, the calm atmosphere, very friendly. Students ─ mostly have girlfriends, 30-40 percent are guys. And everyone is normal, interesting people. No arrogance, cronyism, rudeness (this is important to me). The setting is a new, bright building located outside the city near a forest. The birds sing in the morning so hard that you will sway. However, this is probably all simple for those who live nearby in a dorm, but for others, at first it’s not easy to get used to going to the outskirts of the city every day.

But these are minor things. The main thing is that that autumn, on weekdays, every morning with undisguised pleasure I cheerfully walked to classes, where new knowledge and my new pleasant acquaintances were waiting for me.

About the Faculty of Biology itself

Let me make a reservation right away that my studies took place not only here. We often studied in the nearby building of the Faculty of Radiophysics, where the old laboratories of the Faculty of Biology remained. Also, during the first and second years, we visited the Chemistry Faculty of BSU for six months once or twice a week.

But, in my opinion, many people loved their biology department. Spacious, clean, bright classrooms (1st floor), laboratories and classrooms of several departments (2nd, 3rd and 4th floors). New equipment, knowledgeable, friendly teachers - what else is needed for excellent studies?

The guys who mastered a foreign language very well in the first 2 years, as promised, were able to go for an internship in EU countries for six months. One of them was a boy from my group.

Training - what is it?

It was not for nothing that my friend asked me after admission whether I was a good drawer. Although what matters is not that you draw well. You will draw. The first two courses are general education, as elsewhere. Various departments of the plant and animal world are studied, as well as higher mathematics, philosophy, languages ​​(including Latin), etc. The main emphasis is on classes in basic subjects, where new students, with the help of a teacher, study preparations of living objects. But if necessary, they open them (yes, they cut them). And then they sketch. In biological science, this is part of future reports. The second year is the choice of specialization. Departments – Anatomy and Physiology of Humans and Animals, Department of Biochemistry, Department of Genetics, Department of Plant Physiology, Department of Microbiology…

You need to decide on the choice of the department where you will do your first scientific work at the end of the second year. A month is given to decide. By the way, some of my classmates have been attending the department since their first year. To do this, all you had to do was go to the department and find a scientific supervisor who is ready to work with you, such green ones. But since the teachers at the Faculty of Biology are mostly warm-hearted, non-conflict people (albeit strict), then, as far as I know, no one had any problems with the early start of their scientific career. The first thing you need to be prepared for is studying literature. A lot.

Well, after such a historic decision - the choice of a department - the entire biology department leaves for the summer... for a walk. Yes, yes, you heard right. Directly with the teachers.

The fact is that, like all natural science faculties, the Faculty of Biology provides for summer internships. And if in the first year it proceeds peacefully in classrooms over keys and with a microscope, including frequent excursions to obtain material for a herbarium or collection of insects, then in the second year it is carried out at a summer base in the city of Volozhin.

For two whole weeks you have the opportunity to go with your fellow students to nature. The base is located outside the city, there is a river nearby, i.e. You can swim at any time of the day. Of course, there is no curfew. But if you have an excursion scheduled for 5 am, where you will have to walk 6 kilometers, or even more, then it would be wiser not to go to bed at 2 am.

Of course, don't forget about studying. It flows very actively here too. Studying the local fauna and forest ecosystem is what you have to do.

From the third year, “true” studies begin. Subjects are becoming more highly specialized, and specific courses are appearing. Selection of producers, for example. An active study of the bacterial genome and its features ─ sequences, various methods of regulating the production of biologically active substances begins.

From experience I can say that course 3 is the most difficult. The bulk of the students from our group flew out on it. Unlike the first two courses, where studying does not take so much time (it took me on average 2-3, rarely 4 hours a day to prepare), for 3 you need to study almost around the clock. And be sure to attend lectures. The problem is not only that you need to master a large amount of previously unknown information. Most biotechnological research, its history and results have not been translated into Russian. There are simply no textbooks as such that would provide the necessary information. This means that the Internet and the library will not be able to help you if you do not understand something in a lecture.

I remember the picture from 3rd year very well. I sit on the bed and study, a colloquium is a day later. There are notes on my knees, and the whole bed is covered in open books. I especially liked one, with an A4 sheet, 400-500 pages in volume, written by foreign authors. Large, but very necessary...

In the 3rd year, the study of biotechnology, biologically active substances, principles of working with microorganisms and callus cultures, and genome features continues. Then a new subject appears, which continues until the 5th year. It’s called a “special workshop on specialization”. It teaches highly specialized techniques in the department you have chosen. For example, the content of enzymes in the liver of rats and their activity are being studied. By the way, to conduct experiments ─ alas and ah ─ they use animals (you have to learn from something). Usually these are rats. They are beheaded (don’t worry, no one will force you to do this), dissected, the required material is crushed (for example, the same liver) and examined. Not very pleasant, but necessary. And you quickly get used to it.

After the 3rd year, the main studies move to the laboratory, where students study in their free time. They communicate there at the same time. Preparations for coursework are underway (in the 3rd and 4th years they are taken in 2 parts - theoretical and practical).

This relaxed and focused pace is maintained until the end of the 5th course. Usually there are no classes for the last six months.

And one more thing: at the end of the 4th year, you have the opportunity to take an exam in chemistry to receive a diploma in the corresponding specialty. I highly recommend it if your future plans after university involve working in a laboratory of a large industrial enterprise.

In general, education at the Faculty of Biology is good for those who want to receive it. The prerequisites are all there. Another thing is work. Even from course 3, the teachers openly told us that they were “raising us as general specialists.” And although the “biotechnology” direction has been available at the university for several years, the first biotechnological enterprise in Belarus opened only in 2010. The bulk of students are assigned to work in laboratories of industrial enterprises, where everything is done the old fashioned way and the knowledge that you have received is practically not needed. I think in 10 years the situation will change. But it’s too early to talk about anything.

In my deep conviction, if you want to devote your life to science or after graduating from university you decide to go work in a laboratory, then the Faculty of Biology is what you need.

Studying at BSU and my life: parallels

As you probably understand, I really enjoyed studying. It was a new, mysterious, high-tech world of a new trend developing in the world.

Since my third year, I became interested in studying the beneficial properties of plants, more precisely, their antimicrobial effects. Another girl from my group had a similar job, and we worked together. We had the only thesis in two departments (biochemistry ─ microbiology), i.e. general practical skills were given so that any student from the Department of Biochemistry, for example, had good skills in working with bacterial cultures (as was the case in our case) and calli. The work was creative. Since we chose the topic ourselves, the return was appropriate. We had tremendous fun! By the way, the result of the study was positive.

After graduating from university, this girl (she is now my close friend) went to work in her specialty, but I did not. The main reason for this was probably that after the 3rd “combat” course I got married. Priorities shifted somewhat, plus after graduation I had to go on assignment with my husband (he was assigned before me) to the small town of Smolevichi, where at that time there was no work in my specialty. The only job was as a school teacher.

A little later, we moved to another city, where I worked first in the quality laboratory at the local epidemiology center, and then in the ZhES - as an environmental engineer. But neither one nor the second job was interesting to me. Static, repeated actions day after day, constant reporting ─ this is not for me. Therefore, it seems to me that it was not in vain that I did not go to work in my specialty. Firstly, I am a theorist and it’s hard for me to practice, despite the fact that I have excellent practical skills. Secondly, I can't stand monotony. A job in my specialty, where you can get a more or less normal salary (500-700 dollars), is work, roughly speaking, in a factory. Monotonous and uninteresting. Working in research institutes is a different matter. But... Here I already had to choose between family and work. In this case, it requires a certain dedication. And time.

That’s why I’ve been enjoying being on maternity leave for quite some time now. And I'm looking for her. Your favorite job. And it seems that I’m already starting to find it.

While still at the Faculty of Biology, in addition to my passion for pharmacognosy, I was attracted to another area - human anatomy and biochemistry. I enjoy writing articles about medicine, which often require highly specialized knowledge. There is already an assumption that this will be my main source of income after leaving maternity leave. Well, let's see.

I can say one thing. Those of my acquaintances and friends who were looking for their calling, having changed more than one job, eventually found it. Even if they did not always follow the right path.

Biological Faculty of BSU

This term has other meanings, see Faculty of Biology.

Department of Biology
Belarusian State University
English name Faculty of biology.
Year of foundation 1931
Dean Lysak Vladimir Vasilievich
Location Belarus, Minsk, st. Kurchatova, 10

Faculty of Biology, Belarusian State University– a leading scientific and educational center for training biological specialists in the Republic of Belarus. Every year, more than 2,100 students, 60 graduate students and undergraduates study at the faculty.

The teaching staff includes 89 full-time teachers, of which 2 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 21 doctors of science, 65 candidates of science, 12 professors, 52 associate professors. More than 60 researchers also take part in the implementation of research projects.

Dean - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Vladimir Vasilievich Lysak.

Photo of the faculty building


The Faculty of Biology was opened in 1931. Prior to this, since 1922, biological training of students was carried out at the natural science department of the Faculty of Education. The first dean (from 08/16/1931) was associate professor Olga Dmitrievna Akimova, who worked as dean from 1931 to 1932 and from 1944 to 1948. In the 30s. The position of dean was considered a social burden, and it was occupied alternately for relatively short periods by faculty teachers: F. I. Derbentsov, E. M. Zubkovich, T. N. Godnev, M. E. Makushok. Enrollment of students at the Faculty of Biology in 1931–1940. were relatively small - 25 - 45 people each.

The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War interrupted the work of the university for 2 years (1941–1942). By resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of May 15, 1943, BSU resumed its activities in evacuation, at the Skhodnya station near Moscow. Among others, 25 students from the Faculty of Biology began their studies. The university returned to Minsk in 1944. The faculty was located in a small two-story house on the street. Vitebsk. Classes alternated with work on dismantling ruins and building new buildings. By 1947, the work of 5 departments was fully restored, in which 21 teachers worked, including 6 professors. During the same period, the creation of a stock herbarium at the Department of Botany began, and the Zoological Museum was restored. Already in 1946, a biological station began operating on Lake Naroch.

From 1948 to 1953, the dean of the faculty was Associate Professor S. V. Kalishevich. During this period, student enrollments increased significantly, and the level of professional staff of the teaching corps increased noticeably (in 1953 alone, 2 doctoral and 9 candidate dissertations were defended).

From 1953 to 1971, Associate Professor P. G. Petrovich worked as the dean of the Faculty of Biology. During this period, new departments were created: Darwinism and genetics (1947), microbiology (1960), biochemistry (1964). Prominent scientists worked at the faculty - academicians N.V. Turbin, P.F. Rokitsky, A.S. Vecher, professors G.G. Vinberg, B.Ya. Elbert, P.A. Bulanov, A.P. Kesoreva and etc. The number of graduates of the faculty has increased due to the development of forms of full-time, evening and correspondence education.

In 1971–1973, the dean of the faculty was Professor Yu. K. Fomichev, who made significant efforts to improve the level of scientific research and expand its topics.

From 1973 to 1980, the position of dean was held by Professor A. T. Pikulev. During this period, the department of general ecology was created at the faculty (1974), several new areas of scientific research were developed, the faculty was relocated to a new academic building on the street. Kurchatova.

In 1980–1996, the dean of the Faculty of Biology was Professor A. S. Shukanov. During this period, the preparation of students in the specialty “Bioecology” and the direction “Biotechnology” began. In addition to the continuously functioning Naroch Biological Station, from 1987 to 1992, the Vileika Biological Station worked as a base for student internships.

Since December 1996, the dean of the faculty is Associate Professor V.V. Lysak. During this period, the curricula for training specialists are being improved and new courses are being introduced. Since 2011, training of students in the specialties “Biochemistry” and “Microbiology” has been opened.


  • Department of Biochemistry
  • Department of Botany
  • Department of Genetics
  • Department of Zoology
  • Department of Microbiology
  • Department of Molecular Biology
  • Department of General Ecology and Methods of Teaching Biology
  • Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Department of Human and Animal Physiology

Research laboratories

  • biotechnology
  • biochemistry and pharmacology of biologically active substances
  • biochemistry of metabolism
  • hydroecology
  • molecular genetics and biotechnology
  • applied problems of biochemistry
  • transgenic plants
  • physiology
  • plant physiology and biotechnology

Student research laboratories

  • molecular biotechnology
  • applied problems of biology and biotechnology of plant cells
  • conservation and dynamics of biodiversity

Zoo museum

Hall of Vertebrates

Hall of Vertebrates

The Zoological Museum of the Faculty of Biology of BSU was created in 1921 on the initiative of the head of the Department of Zoology, Professor A.V. Fedyushin. Currently, the museum's collection fund is the largest collection of zoological objects in the republic (stuffed animals, clutches of birds, preparations, osteological material and other vertebrate and invertebrate animals) with a total number of over 102 thousand storage units. The museum's scientific collections are stored in special modern premises with a total area of ​​980 m2. The zoological collections include 260 species listed in the Red Books of the CIS countries and the world. Over the past decade, the exhibition fund has been replenished with such rare species as the red wolf, wandering albatross, ostriches, hyacinth macaw, chimpanzee, as well as numerous tropical insects and a number of other exhibits that are not available in natural history museums of Belarus. In addition, the museum has a significant number of long-extinct fossil animals, for example, fragments of the skeleton of a fossil elephant (the only discovery in Belarus), discovered in 2006 during the construction of the Minsk Metro. Also, a series of species new to science are concentrated here, unique zoological exhibits of the 19th–20th centuries are stored, as well as albinos and chromists with unnatural coloring of the integument, which have no analogues in the republic. The main fund of the museum is annually replenished with new acquisitions (average annual growth rate of 1100 storage units). Throughout its existence, the Zoological Museum has been doing a lot of work to popularize the ideas of nature conservation and as a center of education in the environmental field. The museum enjoys well-deserved popularity among the population not only of city residents, but also of guests of the capital. About 10 thousand people visit it annually. Among the visitors are not only students, but also researchers from a number of foreign countries.

Botanical Garden

Succulents in the greenhouse

The Botanical Garden of BSU was organized at the Department of Plant Systematics of the Faculty of Biology in 1930. Its founder was Professor S. M. Melnik. From the time of its formation until 1956, the botanical garden with an area of ​​2 hectares was located on the territory of the university campus. The collection included 37 species of woody plants, 19 species of shrub plants and numerous herbaceous plants. In 1956, the botanical garden was moved to Krasnoe tract (south-eastern outskirts of Minsk). The botanical garden was planned according to geographical principles. Plant taxonomy areas, useful plants and an arboretum were created there. The collection consisted of more than 800 species. In 1965, the botanical garden was moved to Shchemyslitsa on the territory of the educational and experimental farm of the BSU. Since 2002, the botanical garden has been located near the Faculty of Biology at the address: Minsk, st. Kurchatova, 10. The botanical garden also includes a greenhouse, an arboretum and a natural monument of republican significance “Dubrava”. The open ground area of ​​the botanical garden is represented by collections of useful, spicy-flavoring medicinal, ornamental annuals and perennials, rare and endangered plants. There is also a plant taxonomy department, an orchard, and a section of ornamental tree and shrub species. The collection includes more than 900 species, varieties and forms. The collection of tropical and subtropical plants contains about 400 species and varieties belonging to 190 genera from 69 families. The main species composition of tropical and subtropical plants is located in the greenhouse, as well as in the winter garden and on the floors of the biology faculty building. The arboretum of the Botanical Garden of the BSU was founded in 1928 on the basis of the stronghold of the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing (VIR) “Schemyslitsa” on the initiative of Academician N. I. Vavilov. Currently, it includes about 250 species and forms from 96 genera and 38 families.

Educational and Scientific Center “Narochan Biological Station named after. G. G. Vinberg"

The building of the Naroch Biological Station

The Naroch Biological Station (NBS) was created in 1947 and in 2002 it received the status of the Narochan Biological Station Educational and Scientific Center. In 2006, the biological station was named after the outstanding hydrobiologist G. G. Vinberg. The first director (from 1948 to 1960) was Candidate of Biological Sciences P. S. Nevyadomskaya, then the biological station was led by A. I. Sergeev, I. A. Zhuk, G. P. Shleshinsky, then L. P. Kashevarov, A. F. Orlovsky, since 2002 - Doctor of Biological Sciences Tatyana Vasilievna Zhukova. In 2002, a new multi-storey building was put into operation, including 14 modern laboratories, as well as classrooms, a conference room, a library and a dormitory. The NBS staff consists of 18 people who provide technical support and assist in conducting student internships and research. The biological station has motor and rowing boats, a car, special hydrobiological equipment for field work and the necessary instruments for experimental research. As part of the educational process, NBS provides educational and practical training, laboratory classes, organization of coursework, diploma, master's and postgraduate theses; promotes the training of highly qualified personnel (execution of master's and doctoral dissertations). On the basis of the NBS, research is carried out aimed at studying the patterns of functioning of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, the mechanisms of formation of water quality and the productivity of reservoirs in order to preserve their natural features and sustainable use of resources, conducting long-term routine observations (ecological monitoring) on ​​the lakes of the Naroch group. The basic unit ensuring the implementation of scientific research work of the NBS is the Research Laboratory of Hydroecology of the Faculty of Biology. The biostation facilitates research by departments, scientific departments of BSU and the scientific department of the Narochansky National Park, and takes part in the development and implementation of scientifically based recommendations for preserving the natural potential of the Narochansky region. As part of its scientific and educational activities, the biological station ensures the organization and conduct of scientific conferences, meetings and seminars, promotes environmental knowledge among the local population and vacationers, and provides scientific and methodological assistance to schools in the region in the field of environmental education and nature conservation.


  • Biology (research and production activities); qualification “Biologist”
  • Biology (scientific and pedagogical activities); qualification “Biologist.” Teacher of Biology and Chemistry”
  • Biology (biotechnology); qualification “Biologist-biotechnologist”. Biology teacher"
  • Biochemistry; qualification “Biologist.” Biochemist"
  • Microbiology; qualification “Biologist-Microbiologist”
  • Bioecology; qualification “Biologist-ecologist. Teacher of biology and ecology”

Scientific research

Main directions of scientific research
  • Biological diversity, problems of ecology and xenobiology
  • Genetic, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of vital activity of living organisms
  • Scientific basis of biotechnological processes and biological safety
  • Physico-chemical biology and regulatory mechanisms of functioning of biosystems
Main directions of applied developments
  • Biotechnology: drugs, genetic engineering, food and feed additives, plant protection products
  • Molecular biochemical and molecular genetic testing of genomes
  • Assessment of the quality and comparative bioavailability of drugs and pharmaceutical substances
  • Technologies for the isolation and purification of recombinant proteins, the creation on their basis of highly effective and biologically safe medicines and food additives of a new generation
  • Xenobiotics and biosafety


Over 80 years of operation, the faculty has trained more than 11 thousand highly qualified biologists. Among the graduates are 3 academicians, 13 corresponding members, 8 laureates of state prizes, more than 85 doctors of science, more than 600 candidates of science.

Academicians and corresponding members Astapovich Natalia Ivanovna Gorin Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Davydenko Oleg Georgievich Dzyatkovskaya Elena Nikolaevna Kuchuk Nikolay Viktorovich Nikiforov Mikhail Efimovich Ostapenya Alexander Pavlovich Semenchenko Vitaly Pavlovich Serzhanin Ivan Nikolaevich Slobozhanina Ekaterina Ivanovna Smeyan Nikolay Ivanovich Stelmakh Adolf Fomich Sushchenya Leonid Mikhailovich Usanov Sergei Alexandrovich Chaika Maria Tikhonovna Yakushev Boris Ivanovich Laureates of state prizes Belyavsky Vladimir Martinovich Kaminskaya Larisa Nikolaevna Kucher Aksana Nikolaevna Litvinko Natalya Mikhailovna Prosnyak Mikhail Ivanovich Slobozhanina Ekaterina Ivanovna Smeyan Nikolay Ivanovich Finenko Zosim Zosimovich


  1. Procedure for admission to the Faculty of Biology.
  2. Honored Workers of the Belarusian State University
  3. The oldest herbarium in Belarus turns 85 years old
  4. Pavel Grigorievich Petrovich.
  5. Belarusian State University named after V.I. Lenin / A.I. Kozhushkov, V.P. Vorobyov, O.A. Yanovsky. Minsk, 1991
  6. Belarusian State University - 85 years old. Illustrated edition. Minsk: “Riftur”, 2006
  7. BSU plans to begin admission to new specialties
  8. TOP 15 most unusual museums in Belarus
  9. Zoological Museum of BSU
  10. Natural monument of republican significance "Dubrava"
  11. The season of spring educational practices for BSU students has ended
  12. The IV International Conference “Lake Ecosystems” is being held in Naroch
  13. Educational and Research Center "Narochan Biological Station named after G.G. Vinberg." / A.P. Ostapenya, T.V. Zhukova, R.Z. Kovalevskaya, T.M. Mikheeva - Minsk: BSU, 2008.
  14. V.V. Lysak, T.I. Ditchenko, V.V. Grichik, I.M. Popinachenko. “Graduates of the Faculty of Biology”, Minsk: BSU, 2011. - 327 p. ISBN 978-985-518-517-9
  15. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:: Corresponding Member ASTAPOVICH Natalia Ivanovna (1940-2005)
  16. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:: Corresponding Member Oleg Georgievich DAVYDENKO
  17. Dzyatkovskaya Elena Nikolaevna - Scientists of Russia
  18. Kuchuk Nikolay Viktorovich - IKBGI

The faculty was created on October 1, 1995 on the basis of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. There are 39 full-time teachers working in 3 departments of the faculty, including 1 doctor of science, 2 professors, 19 candidates of science. Over 800 students study, there are full-time and part-time departments. 19 equipped classrooms and a biological museum are provided for their education. Ample opportunities are provided for teachers and students of the department by the University Ecology Center, which has a department of Agrobiology, a Winter Garden, a garden of continuous flowering, and an arboretum.

Contact Information

Dean's office work schedule

Monday - Friday: 8.30 - 17.00

Saturday: 8.30 - 13.30

Sunday is a day off

Dean's office

Nichishina Tatyana Viktorovna

Dean, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
tel. 21-69-49
Reception time: Tuesday 15.00 - 17.00

Kovalenko Viktor Viktorovich

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Senior Lecturer,
tel. 21-70-78

Tolkach Galina Vladimirovna

Deputy Dean for Educational Work, Art. teacher, tel. 21-70-78

Lenivko Svetlana Mikhailovna

Deputy Dean for Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Severin Natalya Vladimirovna

specialist in organization and support of the educational process, tel. 21-70-78

Ogievich Yulia Viktorovna

secretary, tel. 21-70-78





  • 1-31 01-02 01 “Zoology”
  • 1-31 01-02 02 “Botany”
  • 1-31 01-02 07 “Genetics”

Specialist qualification: Biologist. Teacher of biology and chemistry.

Duration of training: 4 years

  • Biologist


  • 1-33 01 01 01 General ecology

Duration of training: 4 years

List of primary specialist positions:

  • Trainee teacher
  • Ecologist
  • Biologist
  • Teacher
  • Junior Researcher Trainee

Specialist qualification: Teacher

Duration of training: 4 years

List of primary specialist positions:

  • Teacher
  • Teacher



  • 1-31 01-02 01 “Zoology”
  • 1-31 01-02 02 “Botany”
  • 1-31 01-02 07 “Genetics”

Specialist qualification: Biologist. Biology and Chemistry Teacher

Duration of study: 5 years

List of primary specialist positions:

  • Biologist
  • Junior Researcher Trainee


1-33 01 01 01 General ecology

Specialist qualification: Biologist-ecologist. Teacher of biology and ecology

Duration of study: 5 years

List of primary specialist positions:

  • Trainee teacher
  • Ecologist
  • Biologist
  • Teacher
  • Junior Researcher Trainee

Scientific activity

The departments of the Faculty of Biology work on the following scientific topics:

  • Research work on the topic “Assessment of the morphophysiological and genetic activity of brassinosteroids and steroid glycosides to expand the spectrum of action of plant bioregulators of steroid nature” (scientific supervisor - Karoza S.E., associate professor of the department of zoology and genetics, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor);
  • Research work on the topic “Establishing the role of programmed cell death in the response of wheat root to the influence of copper nanoparticles” (scientific supervisor - teacher of the Department of Zoology and Genetics Kirisyuk Yu.V.);
  • Research work on the topic "Methodological support of ecological and botanical disciplines" (scientific supervisor - head of the department of botany and ecology N.M. Matusevich, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor);
  • Research work on the topic "Greenization of the content of biological education for students" (scientific supervisor - Martysyuk I.A., associate professor of the department of zoology and genetics, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor);
  • Research work on the topic “Formation of professional competencies in students when studying disciplines of the chemical cycle” (scientific supervisor - head of the department of chemistry Stage N.S., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor).



Specialty (direction) Daily budget Daily paid Absentee budget Absentee paid
Biology (research and production activities) 20 40 25 40
Biology (scientific and pedagogical activities) 25 5 10 5
Biology (biotechnology) 45 30 - -
Biochemistry 25 20 10 15
Microbiology 30 20 10 15
Bioecology 15 10 10 10
Total 160 125 65 85


Biology (CT)
Chemistry (CT)
Russian/Belarusian language (CT)


For full-time and part-time forms of education:
- at the expense of the budget - from July 12 to July 17, 2019;
- on payment terms - from July 12 to August 4, 2019.


To receive education using budget funds:
- full-time and part-time forms - from July 18 to July 28, 2019.

To receive education on payment terms:
- full-time and part-time forms - from August 5 to 6, 2019.


1. Winners (diplomas of І, ІІ, ІІІ degrees) of the international Olympiad (in accordance with the list approved by the Ministry of Education) and the Republican Olympiad in Biology, conducted by the Ministry of Education in the academic year that ended in the year of admission.
2. Persons who have been awarded during the last two years at the time of receiving general secondary, secondary specialized education the badge “Laureate of the Special Foundation of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the National Patrimonians of the High School and Students” for high achievements in certain subject areas corresponding to the chosen profile (direction) education.
3. Upon admission to the specialty, the winners (diplomas of І, ІІ, ІІІ degrees) of the third (regional, Minsk city) stage of the Republican Olympiad in Biology, conducted by the Ministry of Education in the academic year that ended in the year of admission, as well as persons awarded gold, silver medal or graduated from an institution of secondary specialized education with a diploma with honors (if there is a recommendation from the pedagogical council of the educational institution from which they graduated).

4. Upon admission to a specialty 1-31 01 01-02 Biology (scientific and pedagogical activities) persons who have completed training in specialized classes (groups) of a pedagogical orientation in institutions of general secondary education, if their educational document contains marks of at least 7 (seven) points in all academic subjects and marks of at least 8 (eight) points in academic subjects corresponding to the subjects profile tests (subject to the recommendation of the pedagogical council of the educational institution from which they graduated, and based on the results of an interview conducted by the educational institution in the manner established by the Ministry of Education), subject to subsequent mandatory work on distribution after receiving higher education full-time at the expense of budget funds of at least five years.

Graduates of specialized classes of pedagogical orientation must submit documents from July 12 to July 14, 2019

List of positions, professions, types of business activities, specialties of vocational and secondary special education that give the right to participate in the competition for higher education of the first level in correspondence or evening forms at the expense of the republican budget

The list was compiled by educational and methodological associations in the field of higher education in accordance with parts one and two of paragraph 4 of the Rules for the admission of persons for higher education of the first stage, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 02/07/2006 No. 80.

Approved by the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus V.A. Bogush May 06, 2015

Features of accounting for the average score of an education document

For admission of applicants who have received secondary specialized education, the average score of the diploma of secondary specialized education is taken into account in the total score.

To enroll applicants who have received vocational education on the basis of general secondary education, the total score takes into account the average score, defined as the arithmetic mean when summing up all marks in educational documents (certificate of general secondary education and diploma of vocational education).