
What to do if the radius is fractured. Fractures of the radius in a typical location: description, symptoms and treatment features. Radius fracture

Judging by the practice of doctors in the field of surgery and traumatology, a fracture of the radial bone of the arm is the most common type of fracture. This pathology accounts for about 45 percent of the main number of bone integrity disorders. This number is explained not only by anatomical features, but also by the conditions of injury. In most cases, when a person falls, he involuntarily puts his hand forward.

Anatomically speaking, the radius is supported by a large number of ligaments, but is not strong. The fragility of this joint also increases due to age-related changes, so among the total number of people with this diagnosis there are many pensioners.

The paired radius bone, together with the ulna, forms two joints: the wrist and the ulna. It is located in the bones of the forearm. Most often in the practice of traumatologists, fractures of the radius occur in a typical location. This is what experts call damage to the area closest to the joint.

Causes of fractures

The number of such injuries increases significantly in the winter season. Ice and melted snow cause people to fall. At the moment he puts his hands forward, as a result of which the main blow falls on them.

Active sports, for example, skiing, skating, cycling, rollerblading, etc., can provoke such a fracture.

Ambulance paramedics record a large number of fractures of the radius in car accidents: when hit, people try to find support by stretching their arms forward.

The tissue becomes thinner, as a result of which older people belong to the “risk group” for fractures of this joint.

Types of bone changes after injury

Fractures can be divided into several main categories, which also have their own subgroups.

  1. Non-displaced fractures of the radius of the arm.
  2. Displaced fractures of the radius.

The second type is divided depending on the direction of the fragment (broken piece of bone).

  • Colles fracture (flexion type). In this case, the fragment moves closer to the back of the forearm. Such options are possible after the open palm rests on the ground during landing.
  • Smith's fracture (extensor type). In this case, the fragment moves closer to the side of the palm. Such options are possible after influencing the back surface of the wrist.

Depending on the area affected by the injury, the following fractures are distinguished.

  1. In the area of ​​the head or neck of the bone. This is a traditional type of injury when a fall occurs on your arms outstretched in front of you.
  2. In the neck, central area of ​​the radius or ulna. This diagnosis is made mainly after a direct blow or fall.
  3. In the area of ​​the styloid process (located at the junction of the neck and radius). Such injuries occur when falling on an arm extended in front of you. In this situation, the wrist is pushed first outward and then back. As a result, the bone is damaged and requires immobilization in a plaster cast for 5 weeks. When the styloid process is displaced, it is necessary to “reduce” the bone fragments. This procedure is called reposition. The purpose of its implementation is to fix the articular surface without flaws.

Damage classification

Due to the wide variety, injuries of this type are grouped into blocks.

The first block includes:

  • open type - a fracture with damage to the skin (in some cases, fragments of broken bone protrude in such places);
  • closed type - without damage to the skin (in such cases, the damaged area is determined using x-ray examination and local symptoms: swelling and pain when touched).

The second block includes:

  • fractures without displacement of fragments (in such cases, a crack-type damage forms on the bone, and injuries of this type are the most common and do not require additional interventions other than fixation);
  • fractures of the radial bone of the arm with displacement (this pathology is a complicated injury and after reposition there is a high probability of repeated displacement).

The third block includes:

  • intra-articular fractures (as a result of such damage, the area of ​​the wrist and neck is covered);
  • extra-articular fractures.

Signs of pathological trauma

Sometimes a fracture of the radius of the arm has to be diagnosed based on indirect symptoms, since there are no clear signs.

Complaints may occur:

  • sharp pain in the wrist area;
  • general malaise, nausea, weakness of the patient and even loss of consciousness;
  • difficulty or complete loss of movement in the hand and fingers - due to severe pain;
  • formation of hematoma, swelling in the bend of the arm and in the hand: such symptoms are the result of hemorrhage inside the muscles;
  • the occurrence of a “crunch” when trying to move the wrist.

In difficult cases, it can be determined by visual deformation of the bone. Such signs are accompanied by a fracture of the distal metaepiphysis. The deformation can be bayonet-shaped or fork-shaped.

A fracture should be suspected if several symptoms are present. The main ones are pain and swelling. To identify an accurate diagnosis, a visit to a traumatologist or surgeon is necessary. If the radius bone of the arm is fractured, treatment is prescribed immediately.

First aid for a fracture of the radius

The main action that needs to be performed after receiving an injury is to rest the hand. This is done using a homemade splint, which is applied from the elbow joint to the forearm. To reduce pain, you can also fix the hand. Any flat hard object can be used as a tire: a piece of plywood, boards, cardboard, etc.

Before being examined by a doctor, your hand should be kept at waist level or raised up - this will reduce swelling and pain. It is necessary to put cold on the injured area through the fabric: ice, a bottle of water and other similar things.


An accurate diagnosis of a fracture of the radius of the arm occurs after an X-ray examination. From the image you can determine the presence of damage, its type and type. Also, after the examination, the doctor suggests the approximate time of wearing plaster immobilization.

In difficult situations, additional MRI or CT diagnostics are required. Such studies are carried out to determine the nature and extent of associated injury.

Treatment of damage

The duration of treatment for a fracture of the radius of the arm depends entirely on the method. Among them are:

  • conservative;
  • surgical intervention.

Conservative methods

This type of assistance consists of fixing the injured arm using a plaster splint. The conservative method is used for non-displaced joint fractures. Gypsum can be made from standard materials or polymer. The second type of dressing is expensive, but can be exposed to water.

After application, you must visit the clinic several times a week for further examination. The traumatologist will monitor the condition of the bandage and arm. After the swelling subsides (approximately 7-12 days after the injury), a repeat X-ray examination is performed. Such diagnostics prevents accidental displacement of the bone and makes it possible to more accurately determine the time of wearing the fixation.

Surgical methods

Treatment for a displaced fracture of the radius of the arm is performed surgically. Also, multi-fragmented and complex intra-articular injuries require such intervention. Traumatologists, under local or local anesthesia, meticulously restore the bone and reduce fragments.

In medicine, repositions are divided into 2 groups.

  1. Closed. This method is considered more conservative, because the reduction of fragments does not require surgery and is carried out manually by specialists under local anesthesia. By performing the necessary movements, traumatologists install the bone in the correct position. This manipulation requires high concentration and precision. Returning the radius to its anatomical position is a very important process, the incorrect implementation of which can lead to serious complications.
  2. Open. This manipulation is performed surgically under general anesthesia. Traumatologists make an incision over the damaged area to gain direct access to the fragments. The goal of the process is to eliminate displacement and fix the fragments in the correct position using a specific structure. This action is called osteosynthesis. After this procedure, swelling and pain in the damaged area are reduced, and the rehabilitation process after a fracture of the radius bone of the arm is accelerated.

Osteosynthesis methods

Depending on the location of the injury, the time that has passed since the injury and the degree of displacement, doctors distinguish several methods of osteosynthesis.

  1. Using knitting needles.
  2. By applying a plate. This method is suitable for the wrist joint area.
  3. Using the Ilizarov apparatus (distraction apparatus). This method is used for multiple small fragments and severe bone fragmentation.

After providing assistance and applying a plaster splint, some patients experience pain at the site of the fracture of the radius bone of the arm. The timing of fusion depends on the correctness of the doctor’s recommendations, the severity of the damage and the individual characteristics of the body. Often the joint swells at first. Doctors recommend holding your arm in an elevated position and using painkillers.

Rehabilitation measures

Treatment of a fracture of the radius of the arm and the timing of healing after removal of the cast depend on the correct implementation of rehabilitation measures. It involves developing the elbow and wrist joints. If rehabilitation is carried out incorrectly, ignoring the advice of the attending physician, you may lose the full functionality of your arm.

Each specific injury requires a specific, individual series of exercises and activities. In most cases, when the radius bone of the arm is fractured, physical therapy, therapeutic exercises and massage on the damaged area are prescribed.

Complications and possible consequences

After a fall with support on your hands, you should pay attention to the symptoms that appear. If there is pain, swelling of the impact site, crepitus of the bones and impaired movement, you should think about a fracture and consult a doctor to make a diagnosis. In the absence of a timely response, complications can occur. Moreover, some of them lead to disability.

Complications of a radius fracture include the following.

  • Nerve rupture. These elements in the human body are responsible for sensitivity (heat, cold, sensation of objects) and movement.
  • Tendon damage. They carry out flexion and extension movements and a grasping reflex.
  • Muscle rupture. After such damage, contractures and shortening of limb length may form.
  • With open fractures, the wound may become infected, which subsequently leads to osteomyelitis.
  • Change in the appearance of the hand (with improper fusion of bones).

To prevent any of these situations, you should promptly consult a doctor to diagnose the damage.

When falling on a straight arm, a fracture of the radius often occurs (treatment and healing time are determined by the doctor).

For such an injury, provide timely treatment, often surgically.

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How long does it take to grow together?

Any injury received takes a long time to heal and brings unpleasant sensations, a fracture is no exception. It is necessary, which is aimed at developing and restoring motor functions. Development should be carried out after the doctor’s permission.

In order for the limb to regain its mobility, it is necessary to carry out physical therapy:

  1. Claps both in front of you and behind your back.
  2. Pour water into a basin and place your hands there, straightening and bending your palm.
  3. You need to stretch your fingers, but don't overdo it.
  4. Raising your arms in different directions.
  5. Raising your shoulders up.
  6. Exercises should be done from simple to complex.
  7. First, move your fingers, bend and straighten them.
  8. Then move to your wrists.
  9. At the end, the load should be distributed over the entire arm.

As soon as the cast is removed from your hand, you will feel as if the hand is someone else’s. This is not surprising, because the hand was immobile for a long time and the muscles weakened, the blood supply was insufficient, so swelling appears.

To make the swelling disappear, you need to do some things:

  1. To check if there is any strength left in your hand, squeeze your palm. Don't take on everything at once. First, on ordinary plasticine, warm it up in your hand.
  2. To make the blood move faster, stretch your arms in front of you, clench your palms and turn right and left. After some time, the hand will begin to function. But you shouldn’t rotate the limb too often.
  3. An ordinary tennis ball will help relieve swelling; you need to throw it at the wall and catch it, but you shouldn’t do this too quickly. You can move the ball into your palm and roll your fingers over it.

Open and closed

Displaced fractures can be either open or closed.

They are dangerous because they cause bone movement that affects tissue. In cases where nerve tissue or blood vessels are damaged, after healing the limb cannot function fully.

Doctors call this type of injury “typical,” and often the radius bone is damaged in the lower third (at the site of impact).

If the bone does not heal properly, arm movement will be limited. If the fall lands on a straight arm, a double fracture may occur.


Signs of a fracture depend on the type of injury.

Main features:

  1. The upper limb begins to swell.
  2. Painful sensations when touched.
  3. The elbow joint is damaged, which means the pain intensifies.
  4. Increasing pain.
  5. The bones crunch when you move the radial carpus.
  6. Bruises appear.
  7. Joint pain.

Another symptom that a limb is broken will be its coldness, this happens due to the fact that the blood supply is disrupted. When a fracture occurs, there is a large loss of blood, which leads to loss of consciousness.

Useful video

The essence of a broken diaphysis

This type of damage is rare. But it happens because a blow was made to the radial left or right side of the forearm. The symptoms are different: pain, swelling.

If the fracture is displaced, then reposition is carried out and fixed for 8-12 weeks, carrying out X-ray control.

Surgical and conservative methods

To provide first aid, specialist intervention is not required. The main task of a person, he provides assistance to the victim, is to ensure the rest of the limb and prevent damage to nearby tissues (near the fracture).

If the fracture is not open, then fix the limb in a position that is more comfortable, stop the bleeding at the fracture and apply a special bandage. Take the victim to a medical facility.

At the hospital, the doctor will give you first aid. If a medical professional is on the scene, even better. Upon arrival, the doctor assesses the patient's condition and determines what measures need to be taken at this moment.

After examining the patient, the doctor secures and prevents damage to the limb. If the patient's location is a hospital, then the doctor determines whether hospitalization is necessary or not.

Conservative therapy

There is one of the old but effective treatment methods. The secret of this method is that the traumatologist restores bone fragments with his hands so that their position coincides with what it was before the injury.

The bones are fixed in this position and they need to remain like this until a bone callus is formed. This is the safest method, but surgery is still sometimes used. Sometimes urgent reduction is required.


Yes, there are cases when nothing will work without the intervention of doctors. If any complications occur, specialists will come to the rescue, because they will solve your problem better and more accurately.

Treatment with surgery is necessary in cases where:

  1. The fracture is open.
  2. Pathological fracture.
  3. The referral to specialists occurred much later after the injury.
  4. Displaced fracture.
  5. Fracture with compression of nerves.

Doctors compare bone fragments and use plates or knitting needles as fixators. The choice of what to fix depends on the fracture.

Open fractures require the intervention of surgeons, because the infection spreads quickly and can spread throughout the body, including tissues in the arm and other parts of the body.

The time it takes for the bone to heal depends on how badly it is damaged. A fracture that has healed incorrectly is difficult to heal.

Plaster for closed and open fractures of the radius must be worn:

  1. If the broken head of the radial bone is restored - 2-3 weeks.
  2. The diaphysis grows together in 8-10 weeks.
  3. “Typical place” – 10 weeks.
  4. The ulna heals in 10 weeks.

Wellness massage

In order for the blood in the arm to begin to circulate well again, you need to warm up the muscles and saturate the tissue with oxygen.

After removing the plaster, you need to learn how to massage, it’s not difficult:

  1. First, make (stroking) movements along the entire length of the limb.
  2. Then move on to rubbing.
  3. Knead your hand with your fingers, this helps tissue regeneration.
  4. Vibration, you need to gently press on the limb, alternating with stroking.

Once all the courses are completed, your hand will regain its previous appearance, if everything goes according to plan. But if the bone heals incorrectly, then you cannot avoid situations when the muscles become deformed and the hand becomes ugly.

Radiation diagnostic methods are the “gold standard” in the diagnosis of fractures. More often in routine practice, radiography of the limb in 2 projections is used.

An x-ray will show the presence of a fracture, its nature, the presence of fragments, the type of displacement, etc. These data play a key role in the choice of treatment tactics.

Sometimes traumatologists use computed tomography to diagnose complex injuries.

An experienced traumatologist will determine the necessary diagnostic methods depending on the general condition of the victim. The prognosis for recovery without consequences depends on the timeliness of contacting a doctor. Displaced bones are restored through repositioning.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy plays an important role in rehabilitation. With the help of procedures, the rehabilitation period is shortened and it becomes possible to avoid complications.

Procedures used:

  1. Electrophoresis with calcium preparations. The essence of electrophoresis is the slow directed movement of drug particles deep into the tissue. Calcium increases bone mineral density and accelerates the healing of bone fragments;
  2. Low frequency magnetic therapy. Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. UHF method. The chosen technique is aimed at warming up the soft tissues. As a result, local metabolism improves, which accelerates regeneration;
  4. Ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for better absorption of calcium.

Types of injury

General classification:

  • Intra-articular. An injury that damages the wrist joint.
  • Extra-articular. The joint remains unharmed;
  • Closed bone fractures. The breakdown is hidden under the skin. There is no visible rupture, the integrity of the muscles and ligaments is not compromised. A closed fracture of the radius is the safest type of fracture of the hand for the victim.
  • Open. Dangerous type of injury. The danger is that the skin and soft tissues are torn; contamination can enter the wound at any time, and as a result cause serious infection.
  • Comminuted fracture. The radius is damaged in more than 2 places. It occurs when a limb is strongly compressed on both sides. The bone breaks into many small fragments, which seriously damage nearby tissue.
  • Fracture with and without displacement (crack). Depending on the fracture line, the displacement can be horizontal or vertical. With a horizontal fracture, the bone is broken into 2 parts and shifted to the side. A longitudinal fracture occurs when one of the fragments has moved above and along another part of the bone. The displacement can be complete (the connection between the fragments is severely disrupted) and incomplete (the integrity of the bone is almost preserved or bone fragments are supported).

Depending on the position of the hand at the minute of injury, there are 2 types of fractures:

  • Extensor (wheel fracture). This is a common type of beam fracture in traumatology. With this injury, one of the bone fragments is displaced towards the dorsum of the hand.
  • Flexion (Smith's fracture). The main impact falls on the inside of the wrist. The fracture plane is from front to back to the outside of the palm and from bottom to top.

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If we take the statistics of forearm fractures for study, the radius bone (Latin name radius), with almost the same anatomy and structure, breaks much more often than the ulna. This is due to the psychological peculiarity of a person, when falling, to put his hands in front of the body, then the most powerful blow falls on the part of the surface where the bone comes out. Although it does not serve as a support for the body, like the lower limbs, the ability to move the arms depends on its proper functioning. In the event of an injury, it is important to quickly seek medical advice.

What is the radius bone

The forearm (the area of ​​the arm from the elbow to the beginning of the hand) consists of two bones of similar structure (in Latin, ulna - ulna, radius - radius). The bones of the human forearm often become a buffer during a blow or fall, so the likelihood of injury is very high. As practice shows, due to less dense bone tissue, women suffer from fractures in this area more often than men. Risk groups include menopausal women (over 50 years old) and children (under 10 years old).

Concomitant injuries in case of injury to the radius:

  • dislocations of adjacent bones;
  • ligament ruptures;
  • injuries to the ulna.

Where is the radius bone located?

In the forearm area, radius is the closest “neighbor” of the ulna. Therefore, they are interconnected and dependent on each other. If the palm is turned back when the arm is raised, they are both parallel, but when the palm is turned in the other direction, the bones “cross”. The beam partially rotates around the ulna, which provides rotation ability (pronation) and rotation ability (supination). In addition, where the radius bone is located in position can be determined by the thumb.

The structure of the radius

The radius consists of a long body (diaphysis) and two ends - distal and proximal. The distal epiphysis is more massive; it contains the articular surface of the wrist and the styloid process, which connects to the hand. The anatomy of the proximal end of the radius is as follows: it consists of a head and an articular circle, with the help of which the radius is connected to the bones of the shoulder. Below the head is the neck of the radius, even lower is the tuberosity, to which the biceps brachii muscle is attached. The development of the radius occurs due to the appearance of ossification points.

There are three types of edges:

  • front (edge ​​rounded);
  • back (edge ​​rounded);
  • lateral (the edge is pointed, the edge is directed towards the ulna).

Radius fracture

Any injury to the forearm does not pose a serious threat to the patient’s life, but can cause unpleasant consequences due to disruptions in the functioning of the nervous and vascular systems. Fractures of the radius are painful, and the functionality of the upper extremities is often impaired. With correct diagnosis and thoughtful treatment, the patient fully recovers within a quarter of a year. Depending on the method of injury, pathological and traumatic fractures are distinguished, and according to the degree of damage to the skin, closed or open are determined.

Consequences of radius damage:

  • damage to blood vessels and nerve endings of the hand;
  • poor circulation and the onset of tissue necrosis due to pinching;
  • loss of motor ability of the hand (complete or partial);
  • infection of connective tissues and epithelium, ulcers and other foci of inflammation, the wound heals slowly;
  • development of osteoporosis due to infection in an open fracture.

Common types of fractures are listed in the table:

In a typical place

Often the bone is susceptible to fractures at its thinnest point, so such injuries are referred to as a fracture of the radius in a typical place. This type of injury to the forearm is very common, accounting for 15% of all injuries to the human skeleton. Typical fractures occur approximately 3 cm from the wrist and are called the distal metaepiphysis. Statistics show that the left hand is more often broken than the right. Typical radial fractures in international practice are assigned ICD code S52.5.

Types of typical radial fracture:

  • Colles (flexion, the fragment is displaced towards the dorsal surface);
  • Smith (extensor, the fragment is displaced towards the palmar surface).

With offset

A situation in which fragments of the epimetaphysis, leaving their usual place, are displaced to the side is a displacement. With such damage, the hand hurts greatly, swelling increases, and even external signs show that the bones are placed incorrectly. A displaced fracture of the radius bone of the arm requires reposition and application of a splint, and in complex cases, surgery. For proper fusion, it is necessary to apply plaster for up to a month. It is better to get information on how to relieve swelling after a fracture of the radius from a doctor; self-medication can harm yourself.

Symptoms of a displaced fracture:

  • sharp severe pain;
  • crunching sound when trying to move your arm;
  • external signs of an irregularly shaped hand;
  • severe swelling that does not subside;
  • the appearance of a hematoma is quite possible;
  • impaired finger mobility.

Fracture of the styloid process

This type of injury is more common during the fall and winter months due to frequent falls on ice. There are 2 types of fractures of the styloid process of the radius - compression (a small crack appears, no displacement occurs) and avulsion (during a fall in the hand, the articular surface is dislocated inward, a tear occurs). The latter type is less common, but it is more painful and requires urgent reduction. Remember how long a cast is worn for this type of radius fracture. It will take at least 30 days from the date of application.

Impacted fracture

In a situation where a broken bone is forced into another, an impacted fracture of the radius is diagnosed. In practice, it occurs less frequently than other types of damage. If the radial joint is injured due to an impacted fracture, the arm often loses functionality. The hand heals slowly and requires constant monitoring. To apply the correct treatment methods, the doctor needs to have as much information as possible about the nature of the injury.

Treatment of a radius fracture

Restoring the functionality of the hand after an injury mainly depends on the choice of the correct method of combating the disease and the qualifications of the traumatologist. Treatment of a fracture of the radius is often carried out conservatively (application of an immobilization bandage) and surgically (for a displaced or impacted fracture) in ways. To achieve a good effect in case of a fragment fracture, open (manual reduction of fragments) or closed (skin incision at the site of impact) reduction is performed, and osteosynthesis methods are also used.

Osteosynthesis techniques:

  • knitting needles;
  • plates;
  • distraction devices.

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the radius

The doctor conducts an examination, removes the plaster and sends you for a control x-ray. If everything is in order, you need to start rehabilitation after a fracture of the radius:

  1. To quickly restore performance, various expanders are used, and physical therapy is recommended, especially exercises for the fingers and hands.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures, massage and proper nutrition are of great importance for the healing process, especially in combination with exercise therapy.
  3. Based on the patient's medical history, oral restorative medications are prescribed.

There are the following causes of fractures:

  • falling forward;
  • osteoporosis (especially in people aged 60+);
  • falling from a bicycle, moped, motorcycle;
  • negligent attitude towards safety at work.

Video: beam fracture in a typical location

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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​Turner's neuritis.​

The exercises begin with flexion and extension of the joints, then adduction and abduction, pronation and supination are done.

​One of the most common injuries to the forearm is a fracture of the radius in a typical location. Then the fracture area is localized in the lower part of the beam. This injury occurs as a result of a fall on an outstretched arm with the wrist joint bent or extended.​

​The diagnosis is made on the basis of a survey, examination, palpation, the presence of pathological syndromes (crepitus, pathological mobility), as well as a set of instrumental diagnostic results.​

​In a normal fracture, after local anesthesia, the arm is fixed at a right angle in the elbow joint. To do this, a posterior plaster splint is applied in the forearm position midway between flexion and extension. After two weeks, the splint is removed, and the development of the elbow joint is prescribed - dosed flexion, extension and rotational movements. The patient can return to work in five to six weeks.​

  • ​If you fall with emphasis on your outstretched hand, the head and neck of the radius usually break. These fractures can be simple or with displacement of the fragments, with fragmentation of the head (comminuted) or when the fragments are displaced inside the head.​
  • During conservative treatment with a plaster or polymer bandage, it is necessary to monitor the hand. Observe whether the fingers swell, whether the fingers turn pale, and whether the sensitivity of the hand is preserved.​

​Open reposition external osteosynthesis with a plate and screws. The operation involves a surgical incision, access to the broken bone by carefully retracting tendons, vessels and nerves, mobilization of bone fragments, elimination of displacement and fixation in the correct position. The progress of the operation is demonstrated in the video: ​

​The common concept among the average person is “reduction of a fracture”—​

  • ​massage;​
  • ​Next, plaster splints are applied to the forearm and hand. In this case, the hand is given palmar flexion and slight abduction to the ulnar side. The fixation period ranges from 4 to 6 weeks.​
  • A fracture of the radius of the arm is a fairly severe injury, which is associated with a large degree of dysfunction of the forearm. Most often, these injuries occur as a result of indirect trauma in the middle and distal (lower) third, less often - in the proximal (upper) third. This is explained by the anatomical and morphological structure.​
  • ​It is quite possible to supplement exercises in water with exercises with soft sponges and balls; subsequently, the size of the objects should decrease. To train fine motor skills, buttons are lowered into the water, which the patient must grab and catch.​
​Immobilization: from the metacarpophalangeal joint to the upper third of the forearm. Duration: from 1 month (fracture without displacement of bone fragments) to 1.5-2 months (with displacement of bone fragments).​
  1. ​The goal of treatment is to restore the anatomical integrity of the bone and the function of the damaged section.​
  2. If a fracture occurs with a displaced fragment of the head, then it needs to be set. To do this, the arm is extended at the elbow and placed in the desired position. By influencing the fragment, the head is set in its place. If the reduction could not be done at once, resort to surgical intervention. During the operation, open reduction of the head is performed. If it is fragmented, then it is simply removed. Children do not undergo such a resection, since the bone is still growing. Young people undergo endoprosthetics at the same time. After the operation, the forearm is again fixed for up to ten days, and after prosthetics - for a month. After removing the plaster cast, the elbow joint is vigorously developed in combination with thermal procedures.​
  3. ​This type of fracture is manifested by the following symptoms:​
  4. ​If the plaster presses, this may be a sign of compression of soft tissues, blood vessels, nerves and lead to irreversible consequences. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.​


​physical therapy exercises.​

​When the swelling subsides, the splints are strengthened with soft bandages or replaced with a circular plaster cast.​

  • ​Features of radius fractures​
  • ​Physical factors used in the post-immobilization period: paraffin baths, electrophoresis of lidase, potassium, ultraphonophoresis of lidase, electrical stimulation of muscles, salt baths.​
  • ​Therapeutic gymnastics: breathing exercises, gymnastics complexes for joints free from plaster casts with the obligatory involvement of the fingers.​

There are two types of treatment for fractures: operative and conservative. They try to resort to surgical interventions in extreme cases and in the presence of certain indications for this method of treatment.​

​An isolated fracture of the neck of the radius can rarely be reduced simultaneously using closed reduction. Therefore, an operation is performed in which the head of the bone is fixed with a bone pin.​

​sharp pain at the fracture site;​ ​Suppuration in the area of ​​metal structures (extremely rare);​

  • ​Broken bones are fixed with titanium plates, so the patient is allowed early development of movements in the wrist joint. In addition, it is not necessary to wear a plaster splint, because The metal structure holds the fragments in the correct position quite rigidly, which prevents displacement during movements. ​
  • ​. Elimination of displacement of fragments is correctly called -
  • ​Physical therapy exercises cover all free joints of the injured hand. Particular attention is paid to warming up the fingers. Some exercises should be performed in warm water to relieve stress.​

​To monitor secondary displacement, X-ray diagnostics are performed (5-7 days after reposition).​

With a closed fracture of the radius, the skin is not damaged. In the case of open fractures, injury to soft tissue and bone occurs under the influence of the same factor.​


Fracture of the radius of the arm in a typical location, with displacement | Ray fracture, recovery after

Diagnosis of fractures

​At the third stage, when fixation is not required, the load on the affected limb is not limited. When performing a complex of physical therapy, additional equipment for weights is used, as well as hanging and resistance exercises. During this period, the emphasis is on complete restoration of the limb and elimination of residual effects of the fracture.​

​Post-immobilization period: exercises are performed in front of a table with a smooth surface to facilitate sliding of the hand. Exercises in warm water, as well as everyday activities, in particular self-care, are useful. It is necessary to avoid carrying heavy objects and hanging. Massage of the affected limb is very useful.

​Fractures of the radius are classified depending on the traumatic factor and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.​

​During prolonged wearing of a plaster cast, the muscles atrophy and blood circulation is impaired. That is why it is necessary to develop the arm after a fracture of the radius by flexing and extending the elbow joint. Each patient should be prepared for the fact that after the cast is removed, the arm will still hurt for a long time, despite the fact that tissue regeneration has completed.​


​Damage to blood vessels, nerves, tendons (iatrogenic complication);​

Treatment of radius fractures

​External fixation devices​


​It takes 1.5 - 2 months to fully restore the functions of the hand.​

In some cases, osteosynthesis is performed - surgical connection of bone fragments. This intervention helps prevent displacement and malunion, and shortens the rehabilitation period.​

There are fractures of the radius without displacement (impacted fracture, crack) and fractures of the radius with displacement. The fracture plane may have a transverse or oblique direction. With direct trauma, fractures of the radius are more often transverse, less often - fragmentation.​

​Therapeutic exercise includes complexes of gymnastics, mechanotherapy and hydrokinesitherapy.​​Very often, a fracture of the radius in a typical location is combined with a separation of the styloid process. The diagnosis is made based on a survey, examination, palpation (fragment crepitation syndrome), as well as the results of an X-ray examination. Below we will consider some of them. ​Therefore, a massage is prescribed using pain-relieving ointments and gels.​​hemorrhage under the skin (but may not exist);​

​Most patients return to their daily activities after a distal radius fracture within 1.5 to 2 months. Of course, the terms of rehabilitation after a fracture of the radius depend on many factors: the nature of the injury, the method of treatment, the body’s reaction to the damage.​

​Most fractures of the distal radius are diagnosed by conventional radiography in 2 projections. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used in the diagnosis of complex fractures of the distal radius, to evaluate associated injuries, and for preoperative and postoperative management.​

Malunion of the radius fracture

​A typical displaced fracture of the radius, depending on the position of the hand at the time of injury, can be:​

​Hydrokinesitherapy: the lesson is carried out as in the previous stage, but is supplemented by performing household manipulations. They are designed to increase the range of motion in the joints and allow the patient to expand the scope of exercises: imitation of washing hands and dishes, washing and squeezing, etc.​

​Displacement of the styloid process during a fracture can be not only in the dorsal or palmar region, but also at various angles. Treatment tactics are selected strictly individually in each specific case after an X-ray examination, and in some cases, computed tomography.​

A fracture without displacement of fragments is most favorable for the patient, does not require surgical intervention and allows the patient to recover quickly. Occurs at different heights of the radius. With an isolated fracture (with the integrity of the ulna), its diagnosis can be difficult. Treatment consists of fixing the fracture site with a two-split plaster cast and then replacing it with a circular plaster cast.​

​A course of physiotherapy and physical therapy is also required.​

Open reduction of radius fracture

​bayonet-shaped deformation of the joint;

​Almost all patients have limited wrist movement after immobilization. And a lot depends on the patient, his persistence in restoring the range of motion after a fracture of the radius. If a patient is operated on using a plate, then as a rule the doctor prescribes exercise therapy for the wrist joint from the first week after surgery.​

​They are mainly used for open fractures of the radius, because the fracture is considered conditionally infected and there are contraindications for immersion osteosynthesis (i.e. using plates and screws). For any open radial fractures in a typical location, surgery should be performed as soon as possible (within 6-8 hours after injury). The soft tissues of the fracture area and bones should be thoroughly washed with antiseptic solutions. The wound is sutured and an external fixation device is installed.​

​After repositioning the bone fragments, the arm is fixed with a plaster splint in a certain position (depending on the type of fracture). A splint is usually used for the first few days as swelling increases. After this, it is possible to change the splint to a plaster circular bandage or a polymer bandage. Immobilization for radial fractures lasts an average of 4-5 weeks. Delay in diagnosis of distal radius fractures of the arm can result in significant morbidity.

​If the healing of the fracture occurs with a violation of the length of the arm and its axis, then such a fracture is improperly healed. In this case, functional impairment or deformation of the limb occurs.

​extensor - in which the displacement of bone fragments occurs to the radial side and to the rear;​

​Therapeutic physical education is supplemented with occupational therapy (restoration of everyday skills and self-care functions).​

​One of the types of treatment for this fracture is manual reposition of the fragments under local anesthesia, followed by plaster immobilization of the limb. However, this approach may result in secondary displacement of bone fragments, which will complicate further treatment of the fracture.​

​A fracture with displacement of fragments in certain cases requires osteosynthesis (extraosseous, transosseous or intraosseous) with plates, screws, screws or wire sutures.​

Recovery after a radius fracture

​Sometimes, to relieve muscle tension, exercises are done in warm water.​

​the hand hardly moves in the joint;​

​Do not self-medicate!​

​But there are doctors (ardent adherents of these methods) who use them for all types of fractures of the radial bone of the wrist.​

​Depending on the nature of the fracture, control radiographs may be needed 10, 21 and 30 days after reduction. This is necessary in order to timely identify secondary displacement in the plaster and take appropriate measures: re-elimination of the displacement or surgery.​

​Computed tomography (CT) is used to plan operative repair, providing increased accuracy in assessing articular alignment in intra-articular fractures. Also in the postoperative period, to determine whether the fracture has healed.​

  • The causes of malunion may be:
  • ​flexion - occurs when the hand is bent, the fragment moves towards the palm.
  • ​Complete recovery of the limb occurs after 4-5 months for an isolated fracture and after 6-7 months for a multiple fracture.​

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the radius of the arm

​Rehabilitation of forearm bone fractures for different types of fractures in a given anatomical region varies slightly. It is important to know the general directions of restoration measures and vary techniques depending on the characteristics of a particular fracture.​

In the presence of extra-articular, non-comminuted fractures, manual reposition of the fragments is performed under local anesthesia and a two-split plaster cast is applied. After the swelling subsides, it is changed to a circular plaster cast until the end of the immobilization period.​

​Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. During the rehabilitation period, bones need additional resources - calcium and collagen, and the immune system needs to be supported with vitamin complexes. There is no point in following a strict diet, but the diet should be rich in protein (fermented milk products, cottage cheese, poultry) and fiber (soft porridges), more vegetables and fruits.​

​There may be noticeable curvature of the bone.​ Only a doctor can determine the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. If you have any questions, you can call ​The device is installed for 4-6 weeks, during which time sufficient healing of the fracture occurs.​


Fracture of the radius of the arm - symptoms, treatment for fractures of the neck and head of the radius

​The bandage is removed 4-5 weeks after the fracture. Physical therapy of the wrist joint is prescribed for the best rehabilitation.​

​After a wrist injury, it is necessary to exclude a fracture, even if the pain is not very intense and there is no visible deformation, there is simply no emergency in this situation. You need to apply ice through a towel, give your arm an elevated position (bend at the elbow) and contact a traumatologist.​

​unsatisfactory reposition;​

​These fractures are more often intra-articular and are often accompanied by avulsion of the styloid process.​

What other types of radius fractures are there?

For poorly healing fractures and the formation of false joints, shock wave therapy is prescribed. This method is based on the targeted impact of an ultrasonic wave on the fracture area to stimulate tissue regeneration processes and accelerate the formation of callus. This type of therapy allows you to speed up rehabilitation time and in certain cases is an excellent alternative to surgical treatment.​

In case of a fracture of the radius, after comparing the bone fragments, a plaster cast is applied from the base of the fingers to the upper third of the shoulder. The arm should be bent at the elbow joint at an angle of 90 degrees and supported by a scarf. Immobilization time: for an isolated fracture of the radius - 1 month, for multiple fractures (radius and ulna) - 2 months.​

Symptoms of a radius fracture

In some situations, fractures of the radius are combined with dislocation of the head of the ulna. In this case, in addition to repositioning the fragments, it is necessary to realign the head of the ulna.​

  • ​Many victims complain of prolonged pain and not quite full mobility of the arm. But if a person carefully follows all the doctor’s recommendations and works on developing joints after a fracture, then such troubles usually do not happen. Regularly performing the exercises prescribed by a specialist will quickly restore hand mobility. Take care of yourself and be healthy.​
  • ​Such an injury can be of three types: a fracture or crack without displacement, marginal fractures with displacement, and a comminuted fracture of the head of the radius. Rarely, an isolated neck fracture occurs.
  • ​or ​
  • ​Pros: low trauma, speed, no large incision (performed through 2-3 mm punctures of the skin.​
  • ​Surgical treatment of radial fractures​
  • ​But if the injury is very painful, the wrist is deformed, there is numbness or the fingers are pale, it is necessary to urgently go to the emergency room or call an ambulance.​

Fracture of the head and neck of the radius of the arm

​prematurely terminated fixation;​

​Symptoms of a displaced radius fracture:​

Complications after fractures of the radius can be caused by the nature of the fracture, incorrect treatment tactics, or the actions of the patient. They are divided into early and late.​

How is a radius fracture treated?

​During this period, therapeutic gymnastics exercises are performed for joints free from plaster casts: active, passive and static, as well as imaginary movements (ideomotor) in the elbow joint.​

​Immobilization: fixation with a plaster cast from the base of the fingers to the upper third of the shoulder in a physiological position.​

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​The symptoms of such fractures are as follows: in the area of ​​the head of the radial bone there is severe pain, the area is swollen, with a hematoma. Any movement in the elbow causes sharp pain, especially rotational movement (turning in a circular path) is impossible. Comminuted fractures completely limit the movement of the arm in the joint. If the head is crushed with many fragments, then their crepitation may be heard.

Treatment for fractures of the head and neck of the radius

​ask a question by email.​

​Disadvantages: such devices are not cheap, the ends of the rods remain above the skin; risk of infection of the surrounding skin; inconvenience in dressing and treating wounds; the impossibility of starting early development of the wrist joint, resulting in the risk of irreversible contracture (lack of movement in the joint).​

​Sometimes the misalignment is so severe and unstable that it cannot be corrected or held in the correct position in the cast. In this case, percutaneous fixation with pins or surgery may be required: open reduction, external osteosynthesis with a plate and screws.​

Restoring the radius after a fracture: rehabilitation

To confirm the diagnosis, radiographs of the wrist joint are taken in 2 projections. X-rays are the most common and widely available diagnostic bone imaging method. ​


​Early complications:​

​Physiotherapy measures from the third day after injury: UHF therapy on the fracture area, magnetic therapy and ultraviolet irradiation. It must be taken into account that UHF therapy is contraindicated in the presence of metal structures in the area of ​​treatment. This factor is not a contraindication for magnetic therapy.​

How will the arm move after a fracture of the radius?

Fractures of the radius in the neck and head are of the following types:

Fractures are classified based on the number of bones affected:


​An X-ray taken in two projections helps confirm the diagnosis.​

  • ​At what age do people most often break bones? This is not typical for children, although, of course, it happens. Their bones are still elastic and flexible, and therefore suffer less. But old people are always at risk.​
  • ​Since the types of fractures of the distal radius are as varied as their treatment methods, rehabilitation is different for each patient.​
  • ​Closed reduction and percutaneous pin fixation​

​Treatment of fractures of any bones consists of assessing the nature of the fracture and choosing tactics.​

​Treatment of an improperly healed fracture of the radius is performed surgically. To correct the deformity, an osteotomy is performed - an orthopedic operation that involves cutting the bone (artificial fracture). Next, the defect is replaced by an artificial element and fixed with a special plate.​

Principles of treatment of radial fractures


​Attachment of infection with the development of a purulent process in an open fracture.​

​1.5 weeks after the fracture, magnetic stimulation of the muscles and affected nerves, pulsed UHF EP, infrared laser therapy (exposure directly through the plaster cast) or red laser therapy (holes for the emitter are cut out in the plaster) are used.

​without displacement of bone fragments;​

​isolated - one bone is injured;​

​First aid boils down to the fact that the victim’s arm must be secured by applying a splint (any available means). All actions must be very careful, since any manipulation causes suffering to the patient.​

​With age, not only does our appearance change, but our bones also wear out, and calcium loss increases in old age. Our skeleton becomes fragile, and if you just fall lightly and lean on your outstretched arm, the radius bone will immediately crack. But we put it forward mechanically, as if trying to protect ourselves from harm. But, alas, it turns out the other way around.​

​Eliminate pain​

​Has been popular for many years and continues to be one of the most popular methods internationally. ​

​The goal is to return the patient to a level of functioning. The doctor's role is to explain all treatment options to the patient; the patient's role is to choose the option that best suits his needs and wishes. ​

  • ​Recovery after a radius fracture​
  • ​limitation of movements in the joint;​
  • ​Sudek's syndrome.​

​Massage of the collar area, general ultraviolet irradiation.​

​comminuted fracture with displacement;​

​multiple - several bones are affected;

​If the fracture is open, then the situation becomes more complicated. If there is bleeding, apply a tourniquet above the wound. You can also pinch the bleeding vessel with your finger, but before doing this, be sure to wash your hands with alcohol! Only after the bleeding has stopped, apply an aseptic bandage to the wound and secure the victim’s hand. After this, immediately send him to the hospital. Further treatment should be carried out only in a hospital. It is not recommended to treat yourself, because the wound will fester, and the bones may not heal properly, and you will always be haunted by pain.​

​The upper extremities are often injured, and among this mass of injuries, more than a quarter are fractures of the radius.​

The intensity of pain during a fracture gradually subsides over several days. ​

​First, the doctor closes the displacement of the fragments, then wires are drilled through the fragments in certain (taking into account the nature of the fracture) directions.​

​There are many treatment options for a distal radius fracture. The choice depends on many factors, such as the nature of the fracture, the age and activity level of the patient. This is described in more detail in the treatment.​

It is advisable to begin rehabilitation measures after a fracture of the radius as soon as possible (as soon as the pain decreases). From the very first days, you should make active movements with your fingers, and you are allowed to do light self-care work. After​

General methods of rehabilitation after a fracture of the radius

​pain that gets worse when trying to move.​

First period: immobilization

​Blood circulation.​

​After the plaster cast has been replaced with a removable plaster orthosis, gymnastics should be aimed at preventing the occurrence of contracture in the joints: all joints are worked out sequentially from the fingers to the shoulder. Occupational therapy is added: restoration of self-care skills. During this period, the following are very useful: massage, thermal physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises in warm water (hydrokinesitherapy), mechanotherapy.​

​intra-articular fracture.​

​combined - damaged bones and internal organs.​

​When diagnosing, special attention is paid to rotational displacement, because it determines how to correctly straighten and fix the hand. To reduce pain, painkillers are administered (narcotics are not used, since the pain is not as severe as with other types of injuries). After anesthesia, it is necessary to set the fracture and apply a plaster fixing the forearm from the elbow joint to the hand. For adults, the period of use of a plaster splint is up to a month; for children, this period is much shorter, because their bones heal faster (up to 15 days).​

Second period: removable orthosis

Moreover, most often it breaks in a typical place, mainly in elderly women. This bone itself is quite thin, and its distal end has the thinnest cortical layer. There are two types of such a fracture: extension (Wheel fracture) and flexion (Smith’s fracture).​

​Local cold on the first day for 15 minutes every hour, rest, elevated position of the arm (bent at the elbow at the level of the heart) and NSAIDs largely eliminate the pain completely. But everyone’s pain threshold is different and some patients need strong painkillers, which can only be purchased with a prescription.​

​Pros: low trauma, speed, lightness, low cost, no incision and, as a consequence, a postoperative scar​

​Conservative treatment of radial fractures​

​After removing the bandage, the following recovery measures are prescribed:

​Treatment after a fracture of the radius​

Third period: no fixation

​Secondary displacement of bone fragments due to improper application of a plaster cast or incorrect reposition of fragments.​

​Thermal conditions when exercising in water should be mild. Water temperature: from 34 to 36 °C. Gymnastics is performed with the arm (forearm, hand) completely immersed in water. Hydrokinesitherapy is prescribed after removing the plaster cast.​

​First of all, it is necessary to diagnose a fracture and find out whether there is displacement of bone fragments. After this, treatment tactics are developed. If there is no displacement of the fragments, conservative treatment is prescribed, consisting of anesthesia and application of a plaster cast. In case of displacement of fragments or fragmentation of the bone head, surgical treatment is necessary, which consists of osteosynthesis.​

Fractures of the radius sharply reduce the ability of patients to work and are manifested by severe pain in the forearm and swelling. Depending on the type of fracture, the symptoms may be supplemented by the presence of a hematoma, tissue rupture with bone coming out into the wound, the presence of deformation in the area of ​​the fracture with intact skin, etc.

​A day after the reduction, gymnastics for the fingers of the affected hand can be prescribed. To reduce swelling, magnetic therapy is performed, and UHF is prescribed to accelerate tissue regeneration.​

Shock wave therapy

​Like any other, fractures of this bone can be open or closed. They can also be with or without displacement of bone fragments.​


​Possible complications​

​Disadvantages: the ends of the wires remain above the skin so that the wire can be removed after the fracture has healed; the risk of wound infection and penetration of infection into the fracture area; long-term wearing of a plaster cast for 1 month; the impossibility of starting early development of the wrist joint, resulting in the risk of irreversible contracture (lack of movement in the joint).​

  • Fractures of the radius in a typical location without displacement are usually fixed with a plaster or polymer bandage to avoid displacement. If the radius fracture is displaced, then the fragments must be returned to their correct anatomical position and fixed until the fracture heals. Otherwise, there is a risk of limited hand movements and rapid development of arthrosis of the damaged joint.​
  • ​thermal procedures;​
  • ​First of all, reposition is performed - a displaced fracture is reduced under local anesthesia manually, using special devices (Sokolovsky, Ivanov, Edelstein) or on a Kaplan table.​
  • ​Damage to tendons, ligaments with the formation of diastasis between bones or adhesions between tendons (the cause of stiffness in the joints).​
  • ​Attention is paid to all joints from fingers to elbows. In the initial stages, the patient helps himself to do exercises with his healthy arm. All movements should be performed before the pain syndrome, and not through it.​
  • If the head of the radial bone is crushed or comminuted, it can be removed. However, such measures are not practiced in children, so as not to affect the bone growth area.​