
Stuffed cabbage rolls with minced chicken calorie content per 100 grams. How many kcal are in cabbage rolls with meat and rice

It's hard to find a person who doesn't love the oriental dish called cabbage rolls. Appetizing cabbage envelopes stuffed with meat are surprisingly similar to their close “relatives” - dolma and sarma, wrapped in grape leaves. However, the high calorie content of pork and beef cabbage rolls stewed in tomato-sour cream sauce does not allow people who are watching their figure or losing weight to enjoy this popular dish.

How not to deny yourself the pleasure of tasting delicious cabbage rolls at least sometimes and not harm your waistline?

The benefits of cabbage rolls

All the ingredients from which cabbage rolls are prepared are beneficial for our body: vegetable fiber stimulates intestinal function and normalizes cholesterol levels; vitamin C, which cabbage is rich in, folic acid and potassium salts, are important components of the diet; amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates are building materials for cells, the source of which is meat, and when ground it is easily absorbed; rice is a mega-supplier of B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system; they also help restore the healthy appearance of nails and hair.

What determines the nutritional value of cabbage rolls? Their types

It is no secret that the calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced pork and beef is noticeably higher than their “brothers” prepared with ground poultry, mushrooms or assorted vegetables inside. Therefore, nutritionists always recommend calculating not only the energy value of the products included in the recipe for your favorite dish, but also the calorie content of the sauce in which delicious cabbage “rolls” are stewed. It is necessary to take into account even the method of preparing the dish.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with minced chicken breast, stewed in a slow cooker or cooked in the oven, will be more dietary than high-calorie pork “rolls” from a frying pan. Mushroom “relatives” are not far behind them: the calorie content of stuffed cabbage rolls with porcini mushrooms without a rich sauce is approximately 55-80 kcal, and with cheese, sour cream and eggs - 160 kcal.

How many calories are in meat cabbage rolls?

In traditional recipes, the calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice can be 110-120 kcal, or can reach 295-313 or more kilocalories. For 1 kg of pork and beef, usually take 1.5-2 cups of raw rice and one head of cabbage weighing approximately 1.5-2 kg. The sauce, which contains the following ingredients, also adds nutritional value to the cabbage rolls: 500 g of sour cream, 75-100 g of tomato paste and spices. The only component without calories is water - 500 ml. The calorie content of the sauce significantly increases the overall energy value of the dish, but it is difficult to accurately calculate how much of it will penetrate into each cabbage roll.

Therefore, they take the total calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat and rice, sum it up with the energy value of the sauce ingredients and divide the result by the number of finished envelopes. Classic cabbage rolls without sauce can contain 100-110 kcal per 100 g of semi-finished product, and with sauce - 220-300 kcal. If you add more beef to cabbage rolls and reduce the pork content, the proportion of protein in them will increase, and the energy value will decrease. The calorie content of meat cabbage rolls will also noticeably decrease if you prepare them from chicken breast. Experienced housewives can boil the envelopes, drain the primary broth and add boiling water to the dish being prepared. This significantly reduces the energy value of cabbage rolls and makes them more dietary.

How not to exceed the calorie content of a meal with cabbage rolls?

In order to maintain a slim waist or stay within the daily caloric intake range for weight loss, you need to use several secrets when preparing cabbage rolls. As already noted, the calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat becomes less if you use secondary broth. Minced chicken breast instead of pork and beef will help reduce the energy intensity of the dish by 40-50%.

Classic lazy cabbage rolls contain 145-155 kcal per 100 g of delicious assortment. But the version of beef lazy cabbage rolls can “cost” the body only 120 kcal. If you eat small portions of 250-300g three times a day, and for snacks - eat an apple or drink unsweetened green tea with something dietary, then the daily calorie intake will fit within the range of 1200-1500 kcal. In this case, you won’t have to go hungry at all. If you eat pork lazy cabbage rolls, the calorie content of which will immediately increase by 50 kcal, then it can amount to 180-200 kcal per 100 g of your favorite dish. In this case, you will have to reduce the portion size and the number of meals consisting of cabbage rolls, replacing them with lighter options.

Lazy cabbage rolls: calorie content

Lazy cabbage rolls are considered a separate type of everyone’s favorite dish. Housewives like the convenience of preparing them, when they do not have to wrap each envelope, but simply mix delicious ingredients and bring them to readiness in a slow cooker or oven, in a regular frying pan or even in a saucepan (with a thick bottom). Mothers with babies like lazy cabbage rolls because they don’t have to spend a long time in the kitchen. Having quickly mixed the prepared ingredients, you can then pay attention to your child while the future dish is stewed in the oven.

At the same time, the energy value of such a dish can be adjusted by selecting dietary products. The calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls with chicken breast and without sour cream from a multicooker is 145-154 kcal per 100 g of dish, from the oven - 117 kcal. In a frying pan, cabbage lasagna can be obtained with an energy value of 170 kcal per 100 g of delicious assortment. The cabbage in lazy cabbage rolls can be finely chopped and blanched (scalded with boiling water) or you can surprise your household with an improvisation...

Cabbage lasagna

You can prepare your favorite dish in the form of cabbage lasagna: vegetable leaves, after softening them in boiling water, are arranged in layers. Leaves are placed on the bottom of a saucepan, multicooker or frying pan, then a layer of fried minced meat mixed with vegetables and half-boiled rice is placed. The top of the dish is covered with the remaining cabbage leaves. Next, it is covered with the remaining fried onions, bell peppers, chopped tomatoes and carrots. For those who count calories, you can fill lazy cabbage rolls with tomato paste diluted with boiling water and spices. You need to serve the dish, grabbing all the layers like cabbage lasagna.

Mushroom cabbage rolls

Diet cabbage rolls with mushrooms, unlike the classic recipe with meat, do not pose a threat to your waistline. Despite the various fillings: with rice, potatoes or eggs, mushroom cabbage rolls allow people on a low-calorie diet not to exceed the daily nutritional allowance. For example, cabbage rolls with mushrooms (champignons, honey mushrooms and others), vegetables and rice contain (without sour cream) 55-60 kcal, with sour cream - up to 85 kcal.

Their counterparts with potatoes and mushrooms can provide the body with up to 90-120 kcal per 100 g of dish. Lazy cabbage rolls with mushrooms, loved by many, contain from 120 to 140 kcal. The energy value of a lean mushroom dish can vary depending on the calorie content of the ingredients, the amount of food and the nutritional value of the sauce. A simple recipe for lazy cabbage rolls with mushrooms from products includes: 500 g of cabbage (you can take Chinese cabbage), 1 kilogram of any mushrooms, 200 g each of rice, carrots and onions, a little vegetable oil for frying and spices to taste. Heat the oil in a saucepan or cauldron, fry the onion, cut into half rings. Boil the diced mushrooms for 2-3 minutes, then drain in a colander to drain. Next, fry the mushrooms (10 minutes) along with onions, shredded cabbage, and carrots. Then salt the mushrooms and vegetables and pour boiling water over them until completely covered. Lazy mushroom cabbage rolls are stewed for about 10 minutes. Half-boiled rice is laid out in a layer on top and boiling water is added so that it covers the grains by 2-3 cm. Next, you need to increase the heat and cook the dish until the rice completely absorbs the liquid. Then reduce the cooking temperature, pierce the mixture to the bottom in several places, close the lid and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Before serving, stir the lazy cabbage rolls with mushrooms. Giving them the appearance of a delicious dietary platter, the dish is sprinkled with herbs.

Vegetable cabbage rolls

A vegetarian dish - cabbage rolls with vegetable filling - is the most acceptable delicacy option for those who want to enjoy their favorite food, but not gain excess weight.

The calorie content of cabbage envelopes with vegetables is the lowest of all types of cabbage rolls. It is 55-65 kcal. Sauce without sour cream can add 23-28 kcal to these values.

Marinated cabbage rolls

Marinated vegetable cabbage rolls are considered the most vegetarian; their calorie content is three times lower than the calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice, which are prepared using pork and beef, white rice and sour cream and tomato sauce. The energy value of a side dish of marinated cabbage rolls for a meat dish is two times lower than that of the same envelopes with minced poultry. The only drawback for those losing weight in this dish may be the presence of hidden sugar and salt.

Difficult choice

When giving preference to tasty, high-calorie cabbage rolls, you need to take into account the amount of food eaten, as well as “work off” calories in time in the gym or in the fresh air. The caloric content of dietary cabbage rolls with vegetables or mushrooms allows you to use your usual physical activity without gaining weight.

Many will agree that the best combination of foods is vegetables and meat: it is nourishing and tasty. A striking example is cabbage rolls. This dish has many fans, but does it harm your figure? To find out whether you can use it if you want to lose (not gain) extra pounds, let’s see how many calories are in cabbage rolls with meat and rice.

Stuffed cabbage rolls and slimness: is it possible to lose weight in a tasty way?

The classic recipe for preparing such a delicious dish involves combining chopped and boiled cabbage leaves with minced meat, rice, seasonings and salt. It is generously flavored with sauce. Of all these components, cabbage is the most dietary. Its calorie content is minimal - 28 kcal, and its composition is ideal for those who are struggling with obesity: 67% comes from slow carbohydrates, 26% from proteins and only 3% from fats. This vegetable is approved for frequent use.

Another component is rice. The calorie content of polished round grain is 335 kcal for dry cereals and 111 for boiled cereals. Carrots and onions will add 35 and 41 kcal to the dish, respectively. This is not much, but after frying in oil they will become more “heavy”: carrots - 64 kcal, onions - 163 kcal. We must not forget about the gravy, which includes sour cream, tomato paste, spices, and herbs.

One of the required components is minced meat. Usually they choose pork or combine it with beef in a ratio of 1 to 3. Its calorie content is quite high - 221 kcal. How many calories are in cabbage rolls with meat and rice directly depends on this ingredient. After all, it is the filling that can make them a product that is strictly prohibited for those losing weight. Here is the number of calories contained in this dish (per 100 g), prepared with different types of minced meat:

  • with pork – 300 kcal. If you first fry them in oil and serve them in sour cream and tomato sauce, the energy value will increase to 400 kcal;
  • with veal or beef – 170 kcal;
  • with chicken – 140 kcal. If you cook them in the oven (without frying in oil), the caloric content will decrease by almost a third and amount to no more than 100 kcal;
  • with turkey meat – 150 kcal.

Important! On average, a dish contains 140-300 kcal, but the calorie content can be higher or lower, as it is determined by the weight of each ingredient.

Should I give up cabbage rolls “without clothes”?

Young housewives, as well as busy ladies, often use a simplified version of preparing such a dish - without wrapping the filling. In this case, the cabbage is chopped and mixed with minced meat. But the calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls with rice and meat is practically no different from cabbage “rolls” prepared according to a traditional recipe, because they contain the same ingredients.

How to reduce their calorie content? Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice can become an almost dietary dish if you cook them in a double boiler or slow cooker and use minced chicken. Their energy reserve will not exceed 80-85 kcal per 100 gram serving. The same amount of calories will be present in the dish you cook in the oven.

Lazy cabbage rolls, made from minced pork and white cabbage (without rice), will also not be too “heavy” in terms of calories: their amount will not exceed 120 kcal.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a meat dish, during the preparation of which you can combine the ingredients in its composition. This allows adherents of proper nutrition and people losing weight to reduce the energy value of the food they consume. The least amount of calories is contained in cabbage rolls made from chicken or turkey meat without adding rice. Instead of rice, you can add white cabbage, spinach, champignons and other plants and vegetables to the minced meat.

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The highest calorie content is in cabbage rolls made from minced pork with rice. Therefore, you need to eat them in moderation so as not to harm your figure and not provoke digestive disorders.

Calorie content and BZHU

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a dish that is present in various variations in the cuisines of many peoples of the world. It is not only tasty, but also healthy, as it contains nutrients necessary for the body to function normally. The meat from which they are prepared is a valuable source of protein - a building material for the human body. Cabbage is rich in ascorbic acid and fiber, and rice is rich in carbohydrates. Together, all these ingredients satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time and saturate the body with energy.

For people who are on a weight loss diet or adhere to the principles of proper nutrition (PN), nutritionists recommend eating cabbage rolls in moderation. Preference should be given to cabbage rolls made from low-calorie, low-fat meats.

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account the weight of a portion in order to correctly determine its energy value.

One cabbage roll (1 piece) contains on average from 150 to 350 calories. The weight of one serving is 150–200 grams.

The table shows the energy and nutritional value (KBJU) of cabbage rolls per 100 grams, depending on the type of meat included in their composition.

Cooking recipes

There are many recipes for making cabbage rolls. They are baked in the oven, fried in a frying pan, stewed in tomato sauce, etc. The uniqueness of the dish lies in the fact that each person can create a recipe based on their gastronomic preferences.

Below are delicious recipes for every taste.

Classic recipe

List of necessary ingredients for preparing the classic recipe:

  • white cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • rice - 1.5 tbsp;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt pepper.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. 1. Chop the cabbage and add hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. 2. Finely chop a small onion.
  3. 3. Squeeze the cabbage or place in a colander to drain the water. In a bowl, mix the minced meat, cabbage, onion and rice. Season the minced meat with salt and mix all ingredients thoroughly. Form cutlets of the same size from the resulting mixture so that they cook evenly during frying and baking.
  4. 4. Roll the cutlets in breading and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.
  5. 5. Prepare the sauce: add 0.5 cups of clean water, salt and ground black pepper to the sour cream and tomato paste.
  6. 6. Place the fried cutlets on a baking tray and pour the resulting sauce over them. The sauce should completely cover the meat so that it is tender and does not dry out during baking.
  7. 7. Bake lazy cabbage rolls for 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Diet option

Required ingredients:

  • turkey or chicken fillet - 600 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • spinach - 150 g;
  • tomato juice - 700 ml;
  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • white cabbage - 100 g;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • salt, spices.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. 1. Chop white cabbage, spinach and fresh herbs, grate carrots. Add the prepared ingredients to the prepared minced meat. Salt and pepper it. You can add dry or chopped garlic. It will add flavor to the dish.
  2. 2. Boil Chinese cabbage in water for 15 minutes or microwave for 7-10 minutes to soften. Cut off the thick part at the base of the boiled cabbage leaf and wrap the minced meat in it.
  3. 3. Place the cabbage rolls in even rows in the pan. To prevent them from burning, you need to take a pan with a thick bottom or put 3-4 leaves of Chinese cabbage on its bottom. Pour homemade tomato juice over the dish and add water. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the cabbage rolls for 25-30 minutes until fully cooked. If you let the cooked cabbage rolls sit under a closed lid for 30–40 minutes, their taste will be richer.

Garnish the finished dish with fresh herbs. You can serve it with diet yogurt as a sauce.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Stuffed cabbage rolls are one of those dishes that are easy to prepare, but the end result is incredibly tasty. Almost every housewife knows how to cook cabbage rolls and periodically pleases their family and friends with them. Despite the fact that the caloric content of cabbage rolls prepared according to the traditional recipe is quite high, it is always possible to adjust this indicator by adding less high-calorie ingredients to the dish.

Since cabbage rolls are a familiar dish for most of us, many are sure that this is a traditional Russian dish that our great-grandmothers have been preparing for centuries. But that's not true. Stuffed cabbage rolls, like many other dishes, were borrowed by our ancestors, and somewhat modified in accordance with what ingredients they could use to prepare this dish.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a dish of oriental cuisine. Probably, each of us has had the opportunity to try Armenian or Turkish dolma. It is essentially the same cabbage rolls wrapped in grape leaves. Another difference between dolma is that it mainly uses minced lamb. This makes the calorie content of cabbage rolls, or more precisely, the calorie content of dolma, quite high.

There is evidence that already in the 14th century. cabbage rolls began to be prepared in Europe. In particular, they appeared on the menu of Lithuanian and Belarusian housewives, who, in the absence of minced lamb, replaced it with beef, and grape leaves, respectively, with cabbage. But the name of the dish remained unchanged for some time. It was still the same dolma.

But cabbage rolls got their original name thanks to the craze for French cuisine in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. At that time, it was considered especially chic to cook a couple of pigeons on a grill. It is unknown who came up with the idea of ​​​​cooking dolma as well, but this became the birth of cabbage rolls. At first they were called “false pigeons”, and then they changed this name to the simpler “cabbage rolls”.

Today cabbage rolls are prepared in almost every home. And there are many variations on the theme of this dish. Housewives choose different minced meat for it, experiment with fillings, or prepare vegetarian cabbage rolls that are not inferior in taste to meat ones. You can easily find a recipe for cabbage rolls in cookbooks, but it is better to turn to your grandmother for it, who certainly knows many little secrets that can make this dish especially tasty, and which certainly will not be written about in any cookbook.

How to cook cabbage rolls

Cabbage leaves are traditionally used for cabbage rolls. It must be said that some people prefer to cook cabbage rolls using sauerkraut, others prefer fresh cabbage. The calorie content of cabbage rolls practically does not change, but the taste characteristics change significantly. We can say that using sauerkraut is somewhat easier because its leaves are already softened in brine, and it is easy to wrap cabbage rolls in them. But fresh cabbage will have to be prepared first. In order for the leaves to become soft, a head of cabbage, after the stalk has been removed, should be placed in boiling water and gradually separated leaf by leaf as they soften. It is also recommended to remove thick veins so that the leaves roll easily.

Cooking minced meat will not take much time. Onions are sautéed with carrots in vegetable oil. The rice is boiled until half cooked or poured with boiling water and infused a little. Then all the ingredients are mixed with minced meat and the stuffing for cabbage rolls is ready. The calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat will depend on the type of minced meat used. If it is pork, then the calorie content of cabbage rolls will be high, and if you choose, for example, dietary chicken breast, then the calorie content of cabbage rolls will be significantly lower.

After the cabbage rolls are wrapped and placed in a bowl, they need to be filled with water or sauce and simmered over medium heat until cooked. Stuffed cabbage rolls are served with sour cream, which further increases the calorie content of the cabbage rolls, especially if the sour cream is high in fat. It is not surprising that the question of how many calories are in cabbage rolls is especially troubling for adherents of a healthy diet who carefully count calories.

A variety of cabbage rolls called “lazy cabbage rolls” is also popular. Making lazy cabbage rolls is a pleasure. There is no need to wrap the cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves for a long time and then carefully place them in a bowl. The difference in preparation is that the cabbage is finely chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Then small cutlets are formed from the resulting minced meat, which are poured with sauce and brought to readiness. The calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls is practically no different from the calorie content of traditional cabbage rolls.

How many calories are in cabbage rolls

However, cabbage rolls cannot be classified as high-calorie dishes, since all other ingredients, except minced meat, contain few calories. The calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat, in which pork was used, will be 311 kcal per 100 g, cabbage rolls with beef will contain 170 kcal, and the calorie content of cabbage rolls with minced chicken will be 140 kcal. As you can see, if you cook cabbage rolls with minced chicken, the dish will turn out to be quite dietary. In addition, if you do without sour cream, it will remain that way.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls, of course, contain the least amount of calories. To prepare this dish, mushrooms are used instead of meat. They are first sautéed together with onions and carrots, and then added to rice. It must be said that vegetarian cabbage rolls are no less tasty than meat cabbage rolls, and their calorie content is significantly lower. It is approximately 58 kcal per 100 g. This is significantly lower than the calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls, or the calorie content of traditional cabbage rolls. Therefore, this recipe is suitable for those who adhere to a diet aimed at losing weight. If you are concerned about how many calories are in cabbage rolls, then you should choose vegetarian cabbage rolls for yourself.

It must be said that a dish like cabbage rolls gives a lot of scope for imagination. Housewives can easily experiment with the filling, changing not only the type of meat, but also the type of cereal. There are recipes that use buckwheat rather than rice. You can find variations on the theme of cabbage rolls in other cuisines of the world. There this dish is prepared in accordance with national traditions, using special spices and sometimes adding unexpected ingredients. If you have never cooked cabbage rolls before and are afraid to take the first step, then start with lazy cabbage rolls. The calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls can also be varied, and even made vegetarian. But preparing this dish is very simple, and even an inexperienced housewife can do it.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are the most famous dish made from cabbage. Each housewife has her own recipe for preparing them, but traditionally cabbage rolls are prepared with minced meat.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of stuffed cabbage rolls with meat filling is:

  • proteins about 7 grams;
  • fat 16.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates 7 grams.

The ratio of nutrients in the finished dish may vary slightly, and it depends on the amount of products added to the stuffing of cabbage rolls.

The calorie content of cabbage rolls also depends on the products used, but it is quite low. Since only meat has high energy value, and the rest of the ingredients are low in calories.

Cabbage rolls made from pork will have the highest calorie content, since this type of meat is the fattest.

A 100 gram portion of minced pork cabbage rolls will add about 300 kcal to the body.

Beef meat has less fat; if it replaces pork, the filling will be less high in calories.

100 grams of cabbage rolls prepared with the addition of veal will contain about 170 kcal.

You can also use other types of meat that are low in calories. It could be chicken fillet.

Stuffed cabbage rolls, which contain minced chicken, contain about 140 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The traditional recipe calls for pre-frying the cabbage rolls before stewing. This gives the cabbage a beautiful crust, and also adds extra calories, since the cabbage rolls are fried in vegetable oil.

The finished dish is served with various additives and sauces, but most often cabbage rolls are consumed with sour cream. People who do not have problems with excess weight can afford this combination.

Calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat and rice (steamed)

The most traditional filling for cabbage rolls is minced meat, to which rice is added. Using cereals can significantly reduce the calorie content of a dish, while increasing its beneficial properties. .

Rice enriches the body with the fiber it needs, and vegetables, which are also added to the minced meat, serve as a source of vitamins.

100 grams of cabbage rolls stuffed with beef and rice contain:

  • proteins 5 grams;
  • fat 6 grams;
  • carbohydrates 7 grams.

The calorie content of this dish can be varied by changing the ratio of ingredients.

If you use 500 grams of beef and half a glass of rice for the filling with a small addition of onions and carrots, then

The calorie content of such cabbage rolls will be 97 calories per 100 grams of product.

Many housewives love to experiment. Often other cereals are put into cabbage rolls instead of rice, it could be buckwheat or pearl barley.

Recipes for vegetarian cabbage rolls are also known. In this case, rice or other cereals will be combined with various vegetables. Stuffed cabbage rolls turn out delicious if you use mushrooms for their filling.

All products that are part of such a dish as cabbage rolls have a set of beneficial properties. Their combination allows us to talk about the great benefits of cabbage rolls for our body.

Meat is a source of protein, which serves as the main building component of the human body. Rice supplies fiber, which ensures good intestinal function; carrots and other vegetables contain many vitamins and other valuable microelements.

In our country, ordinary white cabbage is used to prepare cabbage rolls. But recently, many housewives prefer to use Chinese cabbage. Its leaves are more delicate, and in terms of benefits it even surpasses its white-headed relative.

There are also dishes from other countries that are similar to Slavic cabbage rolls. Dolma is the most popular. The principle of preparing this dish is similar to the traditional recipe for cabbage rolls, but instead of cabbage, young grape leaves are used. They are also pre-processed. And to prepare dolma in winter, young grape leaves are pickled in jars.

Energy value of lazy cabbage rolls

Stuffed cabbage rolls are quite easy to prepare, but it requires a lot of time. The most difficult thing for young housewives is the process of disassembling a head of cabbage into separate leaves, in which the filling is then wrapped. It is necessary to have some experience in cooking so that the cabbage does not overcook, but becomes quite elastic.

In this case, the best solution would be to cook lazy cabbage rolls. For this dish, the same products are used as for regular cabbage rolls. The difference lies in the way the dish is formed. For the lazy variety of cabbage rolls, cabbage, along with onions and carrots, are chopped and lightly stewed. Then the vegetable mixture is combined with the meat component.

From the resulting minced meat, small cutlets are formed, which, after preliminary frying, are stewed in sour cream and tomato sauce.

The calorie content of lazy cabbage rolls can vary from 80 to 170 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Fat content and the amount of meat and sour cream used have a great influence on the calorie content.

Lazy cabbage rolls steamed without pre-frying with the addition of a large amount of vegetables will have the lowest calorie content.

100 grams of this dish will contain only 83 kcal.

How to reduce the calorie content of cabbage rolls

The calorie content of any variety of cabbage rolls is not constant. Especially if you cook them at home. Housewives rarely accurately measure the amount of products used, preferring to put the ingredients “by eye”.

If you adhere to a strict diet or simply monitor your calorie intake, then it is better to use dietary ingredients when preparing cabbage rolls. These include rice, carrots, mushrooms and lean meats such as young veal or chicken.

The way they are processed affects the calorie content and preservation of the beneficial properties of products. The least beneficial option would be to fry cabbage rolls in vegetable oil.. To prepare a dietary dish, it is better to abandon this stage in preparing cabbage rolls.

Steamed dishes can bring the greatest benefit to the body.. But many people consider them not very appetizing. For those who love the beautiful golden color of cabbage rolls, we recommend baking them in the oven. In this case, the benefits will be preserved, and the dish will have an appetizing appearance.

Stuffed cabbage rolls can be prepared quickly in a slow cooker. Using this modern kitchen appliance will significantly save time, and the finished dish will be extremely tasty and aromatic.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are an independent dish that is eaten with various sauces. Adding sour cream or mayonnaise to a plate will change not only the taste, but also the extra calories. As a dietary option, it is better to use vegetable sauces when eating cabbage rolls.

Stuffed cabbage rolls, which are filled with vegetables and rice, will become an excellent dietary dish after cooking in a double boiler. It can be included in the diet of people watching their weight.