
Rotation schedule. What is personnel rotation? The main ones are considered

Terms and Definitions

Rotation is the movement of employees in positions within the Corporation xxx.
1. General principles
1.1. Any employee can make a career within XXX Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the Company), and the Company encourages this.

1.2. The Company's organizational structure is transparent to employees at any level of management.

1.3. An employee can start working in the Company either from a very junior position or from a senior management position.

1.4. All vacancies, except for a limited list approved by the Head of Administration, are filled through an open competition.

1.5. All employees have open access to vacancies put up for competition.

1.6. All employees participate in the competition on a general basis.

1.7. Employee rotation is carried out according to approved procedures.

1.8. All transfers are made subject to the availability of a vacancy for this position.

1.9. All employee movements are made subject to his/her application for filling a vacant position.

1.10. The rotation is carried out within the period determined by the employee’s former supervisor, the employee’s future supervisor and the Human Resources Management Service (hereinafter referred to as the HRMS), necessary to prepare a replacement.

1.11. A vacancy released as a result of rotation is filled according to general, established rules by competitively filling the vacancy, by targeted filling of the position based on the results of certification, or by direct appointment of the President or Vice-President of the relevant area.

2. Regulations for personnel rotation

2.1. If there is an open vacancy, the employee can submit an application (see Appendix 1) to fill the vacant position in the SUP - Recruitment Manager.

2.2. Within three working days from the date of receipt of the application, the SUP notifies the employee in writing or orally about his admission to participate in the competition.

2.3. The employee nominates his candidacy for an open competition and is interviewed by a potential manager.

2.4. Within two working days, the potential manager provides an answer based on the results of the interview. If the candidate is not suitable, the manager makes a corresponding note in the application for filling the vacant position (see Appendix 1), and the employee continues to work in the same place.

2.5. In case of successful completion of the competition, the Future Manager fills out the fields on the terms of the transfer and sends a signed application. The signed application serves as confirmation of the Manager’s readiness to hire an employee to his structural unit on fixed conditions.

2.6. The selection manager informs the former manager about the results of the competition and stipulates possible ways and deadlines for filling the vacancy that opens up as a result of the employee's relocation.

2.7. The former manager and employee outline the optimal time frame for transferring cases after finding a replacement.

2.8. The employee's former supervisor sends a formal application to the management system for personnel selection through rotation or.

2.9. After a replacement appears and the transfer of work at the previous place of work, the employee moves to a new unit. At the new place of work, a probationary period begins for the employee according to the general rules of the Company.

2.10. If the probationary period is not completed, the employee is entered into the internal database of employees who want to move to new vacancies for 1 week. The employee’s salary for this week is paid at the expense of the department that “lured” him away.

2.11. If there are no offers within a week, the employee who has not completed the probationary period is dismissed from the Company according to the standard procedure for dismissing employees who have not completed the probationary period.

3. Responsibility for the staff rotation process

The HR Director is responsible to the Head of Administration for the overall results of personnel rotation activities.

The recruiting manager is responsible for organizing personnel rotation activities to the HR Director.

The Head of Administration is responsible for creating a list of closed vacancies based on submission.

The employee's former Manager is responsible for the timely preparation of an Application for the selection of a specialist for the vacancy vacated as a result of the transfer.

The future manager of the employee is responsible for testing candidates in terms of professional skills, for making decisions about hiring and introducing the employee into the specialty.

The employee is responsible for the timely and proper handover of cases in the event of personnel changes.

Annex 1
Application for filling a vacant position.




Job title

Experience in the Company

Full name of the head

Desired position:


Job title

Full name of the head

I am attaching my resume.

Application completion date:


Full name of Potential Manager Signature Date

refuse agree to accept

Terms of transfer.

Vacant position_______________________________________________________________

Trial period ______month___ Release date____________________

Salary for a probationary period ________________(rub.)after__________________________(rub.)

I agree with the translation:
Full name of the Former Manager Signature Date

What are the features of managing the social development of personnel? What methods of staff training and development exist? How and why is personnel rotation carried out in an organization?

Dear friends, I, Alla Prosyukova, one of the authors of the publications, welcome you to the pages of the HeatherBober online magazine!

What do you know about personnel development? Are you lost in thought and can’t give an exact answer? Then my article today is for you!

After reading the material to the end, you will become familiar with the most common mistakes in personnel development in practice and learn how to minimize them.

So here I go! Join us!

1. What is personnel development and why is it necessary?

Personnel development is often equated with training, which is absolutely wrong. Training is just one of its components, implying the acquisition of new knowledge.

A definition will help clarify and answer the question of what personnel development is.

This is a complex of organizational and economic measures aimed at changing (improving) the material, spiritual, and professional qualities of workers.

System components:

  • education;
  • training;
  • creating an effective career building system;
  • rotation;
  • change in job responsibilities;
  • expansion of the area of ​​responsibility.

In many organizations, the social development of personnel is highlighted as a special area.

Social development of personnel- comprehensive development of social skills of employees, contributing to improving relationships in the organization, increasing the labor efficiency of each specialist.

The main tasks of social development of personnel:

  • creating a team of like-minded people;
  • self-development of employees;
  • development of social partnership;
  • increasing social protection of personnel;
  • improving the personnel growth mechanism;
  • formation of the company’s corporate culture;
  • creating comfortable working conditions;
  • building an effective employee motivation system.

This block is controlled using the following methods:

  1. Social (sociological). These include: social planning, sociological research, conflict management, influence on employee incentives.
  2. Socio-psychological. Toolkit: socio-psychological diagnostics, psychoconsulting, psychocorrection.
  3. Socio-economic. They imply: remuneration, planning, cost accounting, purchase of company securities by employees, which allows them to participate in the distribution and receipt of profits.

2. When personnel development may be needed - an overview of the main situations

Personnel development is important for any organization. There are a number of situations when this process is vital for her.

Let's look at the main ones.

Situation 1. Increased competition in the market

To remain competitive, a company needs to maintain staff professionalism at the proper level. This will allow us to carry out the necessary technological transformations in a timely manner, introduce innovations, modernize production, and therefore strengthen our competitive positions.

Situation 2. Development of new information technologies

The development of science, technology and information technology requires constant improvement from personnel, acquisition of new professional skills, and advanced training.

Good training and the availability of up-to-date practical skills in the field of information technology among employees contribute to the rapid adaptation of the company to all external changes with minimal losses.

Situation 3. High staff turnover

The lack of career growth, training and development of employees in the company is one of the reasons for high staff turnover. To retain employees, they create a personnel development system and then constantly improve it.

It is rare that an employee will leave a company if he is confident that it will help him grow professionally and move up the career ladder.

Situation 4. Low quality of employee work

The 21st century, with the latest technologies, complete computerization, and sophisticated equipment, places high demands on the professionalism of workers and the quality of their work.

If your employees do not reach the required level, organize, develop mentoring, etc. This approach will allow us to bring the quality of work to the required levels, which will certainly have a positive impact on the activities of the company as a whole.

Situation 5. Unfavorable microclimate in the team

The tense situation in the team requires immediate resolution. Know that the problem will not go away on its own.

Find out the reasons for this state of affairs. Perhaps the opposing sides should be divided into different departments. When selecting employees, consider their psychological compatibility. This will minimize interpersonal conflicts.

3. What are the methods of personnel development - 3 main methods

Any process evolves using certain methods. Personnel development is no exception.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the 3 main methods used for these purposes.

Method 1: Mentoring

This is a very popular method of staff development.

Mentoring- practical on-the-job training conducted by a more experienced, highly qualified employee (mentor).

This method is usually used in relation to young specialists re-entering the company. Its goal is to help newcomers adapt to the team, acquire practical skills necessary to perform work duties, and contribute to their comprehensive professional development.

Effective mentoring involves 4 stages:

  • Stage 1: mentor talks - student listens;
  • Stage 2: mentor shows - student looks;
  • Stage 3: the mentor does it together with the student;
  • Stage 4: the student does - the student tells how he does it - the mentor controls and prompts.

Want to know more? Read the article “” on our website.

Method 2: Delegation

The next method is delegation. Let's define this concept. This will immediately reveal the essence of the process.

Delegation- transfer of powers (or part thereof) of the manager to employees to achieve any specific company goals.

With the help of delegation, employees are involved in the process of making strategic decisions and achieve self-realization. They gain a sense of importance not only in the eyes of management, but also of the entire team.

Delegation allows you to:

  • identify the potential of subordinates;
  • reveal their abilities;
  • increase the work motivation of employees;
  • reduce the turnover of professional employees;
  • improve staff qualifications.

Method 3. Rotation

And finally, another frequently used method of personnel development is rotation. By tradition, I first give a definition.

Rotation- horizontal movement of employees from one position to another within the organization.

It may seem that this method is nothing more than career growth or. But that's not true.

During rotation, the employee does not rise up the service hierarchy. He remains at the same job level, acquiring only other official responsibilities, solving tasks that were not previously characteristic of him.


To expand the development opportunities for IT department specialists and retain the most valuable of them, MTS has developed five levels of positions for horizontal movement.

If a leading specialist wants to participate in such a rotation, he is transferred to another position. If you succeed and the assessment results are high, you are assigned the expert level (grade 10-12).

  • department expert (grades 11–13);
  • Department Advisor (grades 12–14);
  • block advisor (grade 15);
  • advisor "MTS" (grade 16).

Of course, wages increase with each grade.

Objectives of the method:

  • change of work environment;
  • acquisition of new professional skills;
  • increasing labor productivity;
  • reducing costs for selection, training and retention of employees;
  • training in related professions;
  • creation of a personnel reserve;
  • complete interchangeability of employees;
  • reducing the level of conflicts.

Rotation has a positive impact on business profitability. According to a study conducted by the HayGroup analytical group at the University of Michigan, USA, in companies with planned rotation the change in annual profitability from the planned one is +16%, and in organizations without it -7%.

4. Personnel development through personnel rotation - 7 main stages

Rotation is the most effective method of personnel development. However, its effectiveness largely depends on the correct organization of the process.

Using this method, companies are faced with various difficulties that can completely destroy all good initiatives.

To avoid this, read the step-by-step instructions.

Stage 1. Preliminary preparation for the implementation of the rotation system

Are you familiar with the 6P rule? “Proper Pre-Planning Prevents Poor Performance”.

It most accurately assesses the importance of preliminary preparation.

In order for the rotation to be effective, it is necessary to prepare for it properly:

  • study existing experience on this topic;
  • decide on the forms and methods of rotation;
  • identify employees willing to participate in the rotation;
  • determine the result that is planned to be achieved;
  • appoint responsible persons.

Stage 2. Preparation of documentary support for the rotation process

At this stage, local acts regulating the process of personnel rotation are developed and approved.

In this period:

  • rotation goals are formulated;
  • a list of positions participating in the process is compiled;
  • the frequency of the event is determined;
  • the criteria and level of material incentives for participating employees are determined;
  • the “Regulations on Rotation” and the order for its implementation are prepared and approved;
  • All interested parties familiarize themselves with these documents.

Stage 3. Drawing up a rotation plan

Depending on the type of rotation and its frequency, managers of the personnel management service draw up and approve a schedule of proposed movements.

All participants in the process get acquainted with the ready-made plan for signature.

Stage 4. Building communication with staff on rotation issues

Communications with personnel regarding rotation issues include a number of activities.

The main ones are:

  • Consultative working meetings with employees on rotation issues;
  • familiarization of rotation participants with the plan for its implementation;
  • summing up results and covering them at planning meetings, in corporate publications, etc.

Stage 5. Communications during the rotation process

During the rotation process, an important place is given to communications with personnel.

The main directions of such communications:

  • discussion with displaced employees about the state of affairs;
  • informing the team about the progress of the rotation, the successes and problems of the participants;
  • support for interpersonal communication with colleagues from previous places of work.

Stage 6. Analysis of the rotation process

The effectiveness and efficiency of rotation is analyzed through various methods.

Meet the most popular:

  • interviews with the mentor and the displaced specialist himself;
  • monitoring the employee’s work in a new place;
  • assessment using the “360 degree” method;
  • business games;
  • trainings.

Stage 7. Drawing up a rotation plan for the next period

After the end of one rotation, it is time to plan it for the next period.

The plan is drawn up taking into account the results received, comments and wishes of the participants of the previous rotation

5. Professional assistance in personnel development - review of the TOP-3 service companies

Is staff training and development your strong point? Are you a highly qualified specialist in this field? No?

Place these tasks in the hands of professionals and get guaranteed results!

The result of my monitoring of companies offering similar services will help you with this.

"Russian School of Management" (RSU) is one of the leaders in the Russian market of educational services for business.

Benefits of training:

  • the world's best techniques, adapted for Russian companies;
  • wide branch network;
  • state accreditation and international quality certificate;
  • expert teachers;
  • copyright;
  • wide selection of training programs;
  • own training loyalty program.

Seminars, trainings, and RSHU are chosen annually by more than 10 thousand employees of various companies from all over Russia.

2) Specialist

November 10, 1991 in Moscow at MSTU. Bauman, the Specialist Training Center was created - a non-profit organization of additional education. The company's catalog contains more than 1 thousand courses in various areas.

Types of training offered by the Center:

  • unlimited-online;
  • open;
  • part-time;
  • online.

Each of them has its pros and cons. I recommend taking a closer look at unlimited. Find out about its advantages at various tariffs from the table.

“Unlimited online training” - types and conditions of subscription:

Subscription typeCost for individuals (RUB)Cost for corporate clients (RUB)Subscription terms
1 "Unlimited"149 000 179 000 Term 365 days. from the moment of activation, payment is made in full in one lump sum before the start of the course, video recordings of courses are not provided
2 "Unlimited: light"90 000 114 990 365 days from the date of activation, payment before the start of courses 10% for each chosen course, video recordings of courses are available for 3 months.
3 "Unlimited: intensive"99 990 127 990 180 days after activation, any courses, but no more than 8 hours daily, video recordings of courses are not provided

To find out more details and get acquainted with all the offers of the Specialist Training Center, visit its website.

IGS Group has been helping client companies optimize business processes for more than 13 years. The company has 100 successful projects in various fields.

Main directions of IGS Group:

  • technical support for client business;
  • outsourcing of personnel processes (motivation, selection, its development);
  • accounting services;
  • marketing;
  • company management;
  • financial advisory;
  • legal support.

Among our regular clients, Russian companies vary in scale and type of activity: from small LLCs to giants such as Lukoil.

6. What are the mistakes of personnel development - the 4 main mistakes of a novice manager

No one is immune from mistakes. As practice shows, novice managers creating a personnel development system for their company also have some of them.

I'll tell you about the most common ones. Read carefully and remember: "Forewarned is forearmed".

Mistake 1. Investing in one-time rather than regular events

Personnel development is a systemic process. Scattered, sporadic events are of little use.

Identify the need, prepare regulatory documentation, draw up a plan (at least 6 months, preferably a year), determine the required budget based on the company’s capabilities.

Only such a systematic, integrated approach will give the desired result.

Mistake 2. Lack of control over the assimilation and application of new knowledge and skills

In many Russian companies, one can observe a lack of control over the assimilation and application of new knowledge and skills of employees. Practice proves that such control is necessary.

It allows:

  • establish that the results of personnel development make a real contribution to the achievement of the company’s strategic objectives;
  • identify process problems;
  • identify the relationship between the benefits of the activities carried out and the costs of them.

Mistake 3. Refusal to reward employee achievements after training

Often the employer does not provide any incentives for employees who achieve excellent results in professional training. And in vain!

The transfer of an employee from one position to another, the movement of personnel from one department of the company to another is called rotation. Basically, personnel rotation is carried out in the field of medium and large enterprises at a high stage of their development. The relocation of an employee can be carried out either at the request of management or on the initiative of the employee himself.

Personnel rotation is the transfer of an employee to another position or to another department of the company.

Depending on the pace of movement of full-time employees, planned rotation can be monthly or annual.

  • Employees of the highest category - once every 5-7 years.
  • Qualified personnel – once every 3-5 years.
  • Job positions – once a year or at the discretion of management.

Types of rotation:

  • Horizontal – a radical relocation of an employee to another department of the company with a possible change in his job responsibilities.
  • Vertical – moving an employee up or down the career ladder with the imposition (removal) of additional privileges.

Depending on the mechanism of movement, rotation is divided into the following types:

  • Castling - employees of the same job level change places. With this type of rotation, an employee is internally transferred between adjacent departments.
  • Circular - the employee returns to his place after passing through different positions in a circular manner.
  • Irrevocable - the movement is carried out without the right to return to its original place.

Transferring to another job is a difficult stage in an employee’s life and requires him to be ready for change. Therefore, organizations conducting rotations try in every possible way to encourage people moving up the career ladder.

Rotation goals

Rotation is a component of personnel policy and has clear goals. Transferring an employee to another position can take a long time and be beneficial for both the employee and the organization.

Benefits for the company:

  • Expanding the staff of small branches, creating new work teams.
  • Formation of new areas and directions of business, expansion of the organization’s activities.
  • Providing employees with new knowledge and experience.
  • Resolving or preventing conflict situations in a team.
  • Identification of management (innovative, creative) skills among employees.
  • Development of further careers of employees.
  • Creating friendly relationships between full-time employees for maximum development of business processes.
  • Increasing the interest and activity of employees in the development and life of the enterprise.

For example, a new person has arrived at the company for the position of warehouse worker. After effective performance, he was transferred to the position of purchasing manager. Having completed parallel training under a professional skills development program, he took the position of head of the warehouse department, whose responsibilities included work on goods turnover and warehouse management. The result of the rotation: the company received a qualified specialist, and the employee gained experience, career growth and a salary increase.

Benefits for staff during rotation:

  • Opportunity to grow and move up the career ladder.
  • Obtaining new contacts, creating friendly relations in the team.
  • Gaining experience in new areas of activity.
  • Avoiding professional fatigue and “burnout” in one workplace.
  • Improving your financial situation, receiving a more profitable social package.
  • A radical change in the standard of living, place of residence, field of activity.

Without the employee’s consent, rotation can be carried out temporarily and for a period of no more than 1 month.

According to Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, registration of rotation for a longer period is carried out exclusively with the consent of the employee in writing.

The employee must submit an application indicating his desire and consent to be transferred to another structural unit. The transfer must be agreed upon between the managers of the employee’s previous and new places. Only after this can the HR department employee start processing the transfer. He prepares an order in form No. T-5 and T-5(a) and submits it to the manager for approval. Based on it, an entry is made in the employee’s personal card and work book.

Personnel rotation contributes to the development of professional skills and improvement of the company's performance. As a manager, you must inform employees as accurately as possible about the expected results of the rotation, provide instructions and create the best conditions for fruitful work. But remember that any movements must be confirmed by order.


Section 1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation is a local regulatory act of ABC LLC (hereinafter referred to as the company), which regulates the rotation of personnel from among senior and middle management managers, whose responsibilities include the performance of organizational, administrative and economic functions, as well as specialists with career prospects. growth and those enrolled in the personnel reserve (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

1.2. Rotation under these Regulations means the transfer of an employee to a temporarily vacant position, replaced by a person who, in accordance with the legislation of Russia, retains a workplace (position), with the performance of the corresponding duties for this position, determined by the job description.

1.3. The purpose of the rotation is to identify the employee’s management skills, the ability to quickly understand and adapt to the situation in another structural unit, assess the employee’s business and personal qualities, identify his strengths and weaknesses for the purpose of further growth of his career, and acquire fundamentally different professional skills.

1.4. The result of rotation is also the optimal use of the company’s personnel, strengthening of interaction between the company’s structural divisions, optimization of joint solutions to future and current production tasks due to the staff’s understanding of the needs of other departments and increasing the efficiency of the organizational and economic structure of the company as a whole.

1.5. Personnel rotation is carried out with the written consent of the employee, obtained in the manner established by these Regulations.

1.6. The duration of the rotation period is established by agreement between the employee’s immediate supervisor and the head of the structural unit to which he is sent for rotation. The duration of the rotation cannot, as a rule, be less than four weeks, and in cases provided for by Russian legislation, it is established for a period specified by law.

1.7. The functions of rotation management in the company are assigned to the professional development department of the personnel service. The head of the professional development department of the personnel service bears personal responsibility.

1.8. These Regulations apply to all structural divisions of the company, including branches and other separate divisions located in other areas; for all persons who have entered into an employment contract with the company (hereinafter referred to as Employees), and is mandatory for application and compliance.

1.9. The regulations are approved, amended and canceled by the decision of the general director of the company on the basis of an issued order on the main activity. After making changes and (or) additions, the Regulations must be presented to employees against signature no later than 3 working days from the date of signing by the general director of the company.

1.10. The regulation comes into force on the date of its approval by the general director of the company. Changes and (or) additions come into force and become binding from the date of their approval by the General Director, unless the text of the document itself provides for other rules for their implementation.

1.11. The provision ceases to apply due to:

Approval of the new edition of the Regulations;

Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating labor and other closely related relations;

Cancellation (recognition as invalid).

Section 2. Procedure for preparing rotations

2.1. Employee rotation is part of the Personnel Development Program approved annually by the General Director in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2. The annual personnel rotation schedule is drawn up on the basis of applications from heads of structural divisions submitted no later than December 1 of the year preceding the year of implementation of the schedule.

2.3. Based on the annual rotation schedule, the personnel department clarifies the employee’s opinion regarding the replacement of a particular position.

2.4. The rotation schedule is coordinated with the heads of the structural units where the employee is sent for rotation and where he has a permanent place of work, and is also endorsed by the head of the personnel professional development department.

2.5. The rotation schedule is approved by the Deputy General Director for Personnel no later than December 20 of the year preceding the year of implementation of the schedule.

2.6. A preliminary conversation is held with employees included in the rotation schedule, during which the employee’s wishes regarding the conditions of future work are clarified. The employee expresses his consent to participate in the rotation by personally signing the rotation schedule. The head of the staff professional development department is responsible for this area of ​​work.

2.7. Personnel rotation is carried out taking into account the employee’s level of education, his qualifications and specialization, as well as his experience in the company and personal qualities. During rotation, the employee’s attitude to work, feedback (recommendations) from the immediate supervisor, the presence (absence) of disciplinary sanctions and other factors that may affect his inclusion in the rotation schedule are taken into account.

2.8. If an employee, for any criteria, cannot fully satisfy the rotation goals and position profile, he is sent for preliminary short-term training.

2.9. After completing all the necessary procedures, the personnel department makes changes to the employment contract of the employee subject to rotation and issues an order for his temporary transfer to another position. No entry is made into the work book. The fact that an employee is involved in rotation is confirmed by a letter of recommendation issued to the employee upon termination of the employment contract.

Section 3. Rotation procedure

3.1. After completing the procedures outlined in Sect. 2 of the Regulations, the personnel department controls the following stages of rotation:

Drawing up by an employee, who, in accordance with the legislation of Russia, retains his place of work (position), recommendations and tasks for the employee taking up his position on a rotation basis;

Study by an employee assigned for rotation of the documents specified in clause 3.1 of the Regulations;

Interview of the employee with the immediate manager of the structural unit designated as the place of rotation;

Acquisition by the employee of theoretical knowledge and development of practical skills within the time frame provided for by the rotation schedule;

Drawing up by the immediate manager of the structural unit determined as the place of rotation to the employee in respect of whom the decision on rotation was made, detailed recommendations based on his own vision of the place and significance of the corresponding position in the overall structure of the company;

An interview at the end of the rotation period of an employee who permanently occupies a position and an employee who temporarily performed duties in the order of rotation with the immediate head of the structural unit in which the rotation took place, with the participation of the head of the personnel professional development department.

3.2. Based on the interview results:

Company employees who took part in the rotation can be included in the personnel reserve and transferred, with their consent, permanently to another position that maximizes their professional and personal qualities.

Section 4. Procedure for preparing reports on rotation

4.1. The Deputy General Director for Personnel sends recommendations prepared based on the results of the rotation to the General Director of the company, as well as a report in the prescribed form on the results of the rotation.

4.2. An employee who filled a position on a rotation basis develops comments on the organization of the rotation applied to him and wishes for improving the rotation procedure. A report on filling a position by rotation must be prepared by him no later than 10 working days from the date of completion of the transfer carried out by rotation.

4.3. Based on all received materials, the personnel professional development department prepares recommendations for improving work with personnel in the company.


Section 1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation is a local regulatory act of ABC LLC (hereinafter referred to as the company), which regulates the rotation of personnel from among senior and middle management managers, whose responsibilities include the performance of organizational, administrative and economic functions, as well as specialists with career prospects. growth and those enrolled in the personnel reserve (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

1.2. Rotation under these Regulations means the transfer of an employee to a temporarily vacant position, replaced by a person who, in accordance with the legislation of Russia, retains a workplace (position), with the performance of the corresponding duties for this position, determined by the job description.

1.3. The purpose of the rotation is to identify the employee’s management skills, the ability to quickly understand and adapt to the situation in another structural unit, assess the employee’s business and personal qualities, identify his strengths and weaknesses for the purpose of further growth of his career, and acquire fundamentally different professional skills.

1.4. The result of rotation is also the optimal use of the company’s personnel, strengthening of interaction between the company’s structural divisions, optimization of joint solutions to future and current production tasks due to the staff’s understanding of the needs of other departments and increasing the efficiency of the organizational and economic structure of the company as a whole.

1.5. Personnel rotation is carried out with the written consent of the employee, obtained in the manner established by these Regulations.

1.6. The duration of the rotation period is established by agreement between the employee’s immediate supervisor and the head of the structural unit to which he is sent for rotation. The duration of the rotation cannot, as a rule, be less than four weeks, and in cases provided for by Russian legislation, it is established for a period specified by law.

1.7. The functions of rotation management in the company are assigned to the professional development department of the personnel service. The head of the professional development department of the personnel service bears personal responsibility.

1.8. These Regulations apply to all structural divisions of the company, including branches and other separate divisions located in other areas; for all persons who have entered into an employment contract with the company (hereinafter referred to as Employees), and is mandatory for application and compliance.

1.9. The regulations are approved, amended and canceled by the decision of the general director of the company on the basis of an issued order on the main activity. After making changes and (or) additions, the Regulations must be presented to employees against signature no later than 3 working days from the date of signing by the general director of the company.

1.10. The regulation comes into force on the date of its approval by the general director of the company. Changes and (or) additions come into force and become binding from the date of their approval by the General Director, unless the text of the document itself provides for other rules for their implementation.

1.11. The provision ceases to apply due to:

Approval of the new edition of the Regulations;

Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating labor and other closely related relations;

Cancellation (recognition as invalid).

Section 2. Procedure for preparing rotations

2.1. Employee rotation is part of the Personnel Development Program approved annually by the General Director in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2. The annual personnel rotation schedule is drawn up on the basis of applications from heads of structural divisions submitted no later than December 1 of the year preceding the year of implementation of the schedule.

2.3. Based on the annual rotation schedule, the personnel department clarifies the employee’s opinion regarding the replacement of a particular position.

2.4. The rotation schedule is coordinated with the heads of the structural units where the employee is sent for rotation and where he has a permanent place of work, and is also endorsed by the head of the personnel professional development department.

2.5. The rotation schedule is approved by the Deputy General Director for Personnel no later than December 20 of the year preceding the year of implementation of the schedule.

2.6. A preliminary conversation is held with employees included in the rotation schedule, during which the employee’s wishes regarding the conditions of future work are clarified. The employee expresses his consent to participate in the rotation by personally signing the rotation schedule. The head of the staff professional development department is responsible for this area of ​​work.

2.7. Personnel rotation is carried out taking into account the employee’s level of education, his qualifications and specialization, as well as his experience in the company and personal qualities. During rotation, the employee’s attitude to work, feedback (recommendations) from the immediate supervisor, the presence (absence) of disciplinary sanctions and other factors that may affect his inclusion in the rotation schedule are taken into account.

2.8. If an employee, for any criteria, cannot fully satisfy the rotation goals and position profile, he is sent for preliminary short-term training.

2.9. After completing all the necessary procedures, the personnel department makes changes to the employment contract of the employee subject to rotation and issues an order for his temporary transfer to another position. No entry is made into the work book. The fact that an employee is involved in rotation is confirmed by a letter of recommendation issued to the employee upon termination of the employment contract.

Section 3. Rotation procedure

3.1. After completing the procedures outlined in Sect. 2 of the Regulations, the personnel department controls the following stages of rotation:

Drawing up by an employee, who, in accordance with the legislation of Russia, retains his place of work (position), recommendations and tasks for the employee taking up his position on a rotation basis;

Study by an employee assigned for rotation of the documents specified in clause 3.1 of the Regulations;

Interview of the employee with the immediate manager of the structural unit designated as the place of rotation;

Acquisition by the employee of theoretical knowledge and development of practical skills within the time frame provided for by the rotation schedule;

Drawing up by the immediate manager of the structural unit determined as the place of rotation to the employee in respect of whom the decision on rotation was made, detailed recommendations based on his own vision of the place and significance of the corresponding position in the overall structure of the company;

An interview at the end of the rotation period of an employee who permanently occupies a position and an employee who temporarily performed duties in the order of rotation with the immediate head of the structural unit in which the rotation took place, with the participation of the head of the personnel professional development department.

3.2. Based on the interview results:

Company employees who took part in the rotation can be included in the personnel reserve and transferred, with their consent, permanently to another position that maximizes their professional and personal qualities.

Section 4. Procedure for preparing reports on rotation

4.1. The Deputy General Director for Personnel sends recommendations prepared based on the results of the rotation to the General Director of the company, as well as a report in the prescribed form on the results of the rotation.

4.2. An employee who filled a position on a rotation basis develops comments on the organization of the rotation applied to him and wishes for improving the rotation procedure. A report on filling a position by rotation must be prepared by him no later than 10 working days from the date of completion of the transfer carried out by rotation.

4.3. Based on all received materials, the personnel professional development department prepares recommendations for improving work with personnel in the company.