
Addressing a young girl in English. Affectionate and polite forms of address in English. Punctuation rules when addressing

Depending on the situation, we approach the people around us differently. An address is understood as an intonationally and grammatically isolated independent component, which is used to designate a person or (less often) an object acting as the addressee of speech. Here are some examples of addresses in English:

Excuse me Sir, could you tell me where the nearest bank is? Sorry, sir, can you tell me where the nearest bank is?
John , please tell my parents I will be late. John , please tell my parents that I will be late.
Mr. Adams , there is some important information for you. Mr Adams , there is important information for you.
Dear Ann ,

I was really happy when your letter arrived…

Dear Anne ,

I was really happy when your letter arrived...

As you can see from the above examples, the type of address depends on many factors, in particular, on how formal or, conversely, informal the communication situation is, on whether the form of communication chosen is oral or written, as well as on your and the interlocutor’s age, gender , social status, profession and relationships of subordination.

Formal forms of addressing one person in English

To address a person in a formal situation, the English language offers several polite forms. For example, to address a man, the following options are used:

Writing an appeal Transcription Translation of example
Mr. [ ˈmɪstə(r) ] Mr. Thompson, could you repeat your requests, please. Mr. Thompson, could you repeat your request please?
Sir I’m afraid, Sir, our headmaster is on holiday at the moment. I'm afraid, sir, our director is currently on vacation.
Esq. [ɪˈskwʌɪə] John S. Brown, Esq., come into the office, please! Mr. John S. Brown, please come to the office!

If we talk about each of the above forms, it is worth noting the following:

  • the treatment can be applied to any man, whatever his age, social status and marital status; such an address is placed before the addressee's surname, for example: Mr. Johnson - Mr. Johnson;
  • The address Sir should be chosen if the addressee’s last name remains unnamed or unknown; in rarer, but more honorable cases, Sir is an address to a person holding a knighthood (in the United Kingdom) and is placed either before the name, for example - Sir Richard / Sir Richard, or before the full name and surname, for example - Sir Elton John / Sir Elton John;
  • The address is placed after the full name. Message from Mr. in such cases it should no longer be used, since it will be redundant. This treatment has its roots in the medieval term Esquire, which first denoted the squire of a knight, and only later belonging to the lower strata of the nobility. The form is currently used quite rarely, more often in the written version.

To address a woman in an official setting, the following forms apply:

Writing an appeal Transcription An example of the use of address Translation of example
Mrs. [‘mɪsɪz] Mrs. Smith, can you have a speech during the meeting? Mrs. Smith, could you give a speech at the meeting?
Ms. [‘mɪz] Ms. Johns, our company are very sorry about this mistake and offer you some discounts on other goods you need for your business. Ms. Jones, our company regrets this error and is offering you some discounts on other items you need for your business.
Miss [‘mɪz] Miss Huston, you are a very promising young teacher! Miss Houston, you are a very promising young teacher!
Madam [ˈmadəm] I’m sorry, Madam, could you follow me, please! Excuse me, madam, could you follow me please?

The differences between the above forms of addressing a woman are sometimes quite significant, in particular:

  • appeal Mrs. is sometimes addressed to a married woman and requires after it her last name / first name and last name / first and last name of her husband, for example: Stevenson / Mrs. Jane Stevenson/Mrs. Paul Stevenson. The last option will seem rather unusual to a Russian person, but there is a simple explanation for this, because the form Mrs. – this is an address expressing belonging to a certain man (Mrs. as a form of the possessive case from Mr.);
  • the address Miss is applicable to an unmarried girl and requires a surname after it, for example - Miss Brown, less often - a name, for example Miss Alice;
  • appeal Ms. occurs more often in business correspondence, while in oral speech preference is given to one of the two forms indicated above. This treatment, which applies to any woman regardless of whether she is married, is the result of numerous campaigns for women's equality. After the address Ms., recommended in 1974 by the United Nations, it is necessary to use the surname, for example - J. Simpson;
  • Madam is used if the addressee's last name is not mentioned or is unknown, for example – Dear Madam / Dear Madam. In addition, the address Madam is also typical for use in relation to a high-ranking female person, and the post she occupies can be named after it, for example: Madam Managing Director / Madam General Director.

Formal address to several addressees

When speaking orally to a mixed-sex audience, the most typical and acceptable form becomes Ladies and gentlemen! – which is translated into Russian as "Ladies and Gentlemen!" . In a less formal situation, you can find formulations such as Dear friends! - "Dear friends!"; Dear colleagues! - "Dear Colleagues!" or Esteemed colleagues! - "Dear Colleagues!" .

In an official written address to several persons (presumably mostly male), whose surnames are unknown, the wording is used Sirs / Gentlemen , For example:

If there is a written appeal to a group of women whose names and surnames are unknown, the wording is used Mesdames () / Ladies , For example:

If the message in correspondence is aimed at several addressees, and their last names are known, you can use the wording Messrs ( [ˈmes.əz]) / Gentlemen , after which these surnames are indicated, for example: MessrsJohnson, Smith and Robinson - Messrs. Johnson, Smith and Robinson. However, this formulation is now considered somewhat outdated.

Unofficial appeal

Without going too far from the topic of addressing a letter, it should be noted that when addressing a friend or good acquaintance, it is enough to call him by name or address him using the wording Dear + name (Dear...) or Hello/Hi,+ name (Hello, ...) .

In oral speech, the most acceptable address is also considered to be addressed by name. In this case, a diminutive form of the name can also be used, as in Russian, for example:

Robert (Robert) Rob(Rob)Bob (Bean) , Bobby (Bobby), Robbie(Robbie)
Susan(Susan) Sue(Sue)

However, such forms do not exist for all names, and calling the full name is still more common.

Another question is that, unlike the Russian patronymic name, in English-speaking countries people sometimes have several names, which is associated with the Catholic tradition of “tying” the name of a patron saint or some relative to one name. However, there is no patronymic in English. But out of several names given to a person at baptism, the first one does not always become the one that the person perceives as the main thing and would like to be called that way. For example: William Bradley Pitt is better known as Brad Pitt.

But in order to avoid misunderstandings associated with calling by name, it is worth clarifying with your interlocutor: What should I call you ? - “What should I call you?” .

Be polite and friendly in your communication and the necessary forms of address will definitely serve you well.

From time immemorial, people in love have been accustomed to giving each other various affectionate nicknames. English speakers are also no exception to this tradition. Therefore, today we will look at the most affectionate words with translation. You can call them your loved one or your beloved. You will see that in addition to the banal dear And darling There are also other cute and gentle words.

This topic is of particular interest to English learners, as similar words often appear in touching romantic scenes or even regular British or American sitcoms. In addition, many people start relationships with foreigners, and knowing gentle words to address a partner takes on special importance.

The very concept of a diminutive name in English sounds like pet name . It’s a little funny, but in general, as you might have guessed, this expression is also translated as "pet name". But don't forget that pet may also matter “affectionate, beloved, pamper, darling” etc.

10 most popular affectionate nicknames for a partner in English

Babe(s) - baby, baby. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be literally small or younger than your partner; all the same, for him you will be just a “babe”. That is, this word does not have a specific translation, but in any case it expresses the tender attitude of a man towards his beloved or, conversely, a woman towards her beloved.

This is perhaps the most common affectionate nickname that is found everywhere. In almost every film, in every song in English (especially in the pop genre) you can hear this word. More modern version - babes. No it's not plural babe, but simply the same word, but slightly evolved in the process of colloquial speech.

Here, in fact, is an example on the topic from the English pop group Take That:

Note: Please do not confuse such a tender word babe with the name of a pig from the film of the same name.

Baby - baby, baby (same meaning as babe).

There are no comments here. Every sweet song in English is literally teeming with words baby in every sentence. Take the same Justin Bieber with his unrealistically promoted song, which, by the way, is called “Baby”. It makes absolutely no difference whether this word is said to a girl or a guy. Meanwhile, baby is considered a more intimate form of address to a partner, which, for example, can be used when you are alone.

Honey (abbr.hun) - sweetheart, dear, dear, darling (basic meaning honey- “honey”, so from here follows all the sweetness of this word when used in relation to a partner). A little old fashioned, but still works! Very often used when asking: “Hey hun, can you please get me a cup of tea while you’re up?” (Darling, please bring me a cup of tea before you go to bed.)

It should be noted that in a word honey it can also refer to some attractive person. (Hey! Look, that's one fine honey!)

Pun: a common phrase "Honey, I'm home" (Darling, I'm home) in this case it is translated literally.

Sweetheart, sweetie ( Also sweety) - dear, dear (there is also a direct connection with the literal meaning of the word sweet- sweet, sweetie ). Sweetheart- also important beloved .

These sweet words are suitable for the person you love and who is always sweet and kind to you. Usually they say about such people that they are easy to love.

Angel - everything is banal - angel, little angel, etc. The best pet name for someone who is pure like an angel and is always honest with you.

An example is a few lines from an Anita Baker song:

Let me remind you that listening to songs in English can be extremely useful for general development and more. You can see more details.

Princess, Prince - princess, prince

For all those who watched Disney cartoons as a child and dreamed that someday they would meet their only princess or prince. When your lover is someone special to you, he can easily be compared to such titled persons.

Love - that great word - “love”.

For example, there is such an appeal to a partner as my love (my love, my love) . Or you can translate this word into Russian as the adjective “beloved, beloved,” which is also quite justified. In general, it was worth starting to list affectionate words in English with this. This word is used when referring to partners who are connected by a really strong feeling.

Dear - dear, dear, beloved

A standard appeal to almost everyone, not just lovers. For example, your mother or grandmother can also address you this way. It is also often used at the beginning of letters addressed to friends, relatives and simply close people.

Note: You should not use “dear” in relation to unfamiliar people. This word is used only if you have a close or family relationship with this person.

Often confused by sound with the word deer- deer .

My Lover - my (my) beloved, lover, mistress

The possessive pronoun “my” gives the word the meaning of belonging to each other. That is, it characterizes your partner as the one and only. My lover- a deeper concept than previous affectionate names. Usually this is what people who have had intimate intimacy call each other.

Boo - not only a well-known interjection, but also a word denoting a girl or guy in a relationship (boyfriend, girlfriend) in colloquial American.

It's hard to explain the full meaning that this word conveys, so I just suggest you listen to the song by Usher and Alicia Keys - My boo. The words are included, so you can look at the text if you don't hear something.

That's probably all. Of course, there are many other affectionate words in English that you can use in relation to your loved one, and they are not limited to this list. But more on that later. In the meantime, you can practice on your other halves, practicing the words you just learned

The English language has long had its own speech etiquette. As you probably already know, there is no difference between the pronouns “you” and “you”, therefore, when addressing your interlocutor, it is important to choose not only intonation, but also the correct form; use the appropriate words and constructions correctly.

In a conversation, it is necessary to take into account the style of communication - for example, the official language requires strict adherence to all formulas of greeting and address, and a neutral style of communication (for example, with strangers, work colleagues, neighbors, etc.) may be simpler in expression.

With friends and relatives, a familiar style of communication can also be tolerated; in it, the forms of addressing the interlocutor will be completely different. Let's look at each style in more detail. Shall we?

How to address your interlocutor

We'll start with the safest option - ask how the recipient prefers to be addressed.

What should I call you?- What should I call you?
What should I call your sister / mother / the manager?- What should I call your sister/mother/manager?
Can I call you?- Can I call you [name]?
Is it okay if I call you?- Is it okay if I call you [friendly name]?
What's your name?- What is your name?

If you heard one of these questions addressed to you, then you can answer as follows:

Please call me.- Please call me [name].
You can call me.- You can call me [nickname or short name].

To attract the recipient's attention, use the following expressions:

Excuse me, Sir/Madam.- Excuse me, sir/madam.
"Pardon me, Sir/Madam."- I'm sorry, sir/madam.

We've sorted out the general points, now let's look at other forms of address.

To a woman

  • Madam- a polite way of addressing a woman by a man. Women usually do not address each other this way, unless, of course, you are a maid or servant and want to address the mistress of the house. In this case, this appeal will be appropriate.
  • Mrs(an abbreviation for the word “Missus”) is a form of polite address to a woman. After the word "Mrs" you need to give the woman's husband's last name. It is worth remembering that the words "Mr" and "Mrs" are not used without surnames in spoken English, as this will sound vulgar.
  • Miss- a form of address to an unmarried woman or girl. After the word, be sure to give your first or last name. “Miss” - no first name, no last name - is a form of address to a teacher, and it has also become a commonly used form of address to service personnel.

To a man

  • Sir- this form of address does not require naming the interlocutor’s first or last name after itself. This is how they address strangers, men who are equal or older in age, social status or position.
  • Mr(an abbreviation for the word Mister) - after this word you need to say the first or last name of the interlocutor.
  • Son! Sonny! Boy!- a form of address by older people to unfamiliar young people.
  • Young man, youth- this is how older people address young men.

To a group of people

When speaking orally to several addressees, the most appropriate form of address would be “ Ladies and gentlemen n!” - "Ladies and Gentlemen!". In a less formal atmosphere you may hear expressions such as “ Dear friends! - "Dear friends!" or " Dear colleagues! - "Dear Colleagues!", " Esteemed colleagues! - "Dear Colleagues!"

If you suddenly have the honor of meeting someone from the royal family or a high-ranking person, then you should definitely know the correct form of address.

  • Your Majesty- a form of address to the king or queen.
  • Your Highness- to a prince or duke.
  • Your Lordship- to a lord or judge of the Supreme Court.
  • Your Honor- to the lower court judge.
  • General/colonel/captain etc. - to a military man by rank: with or without last name.
  • Officer, constable, inspector- to the policeman.
  • Professor- with or without a surname, in the UK this is how a person with the title of professor is addressed. But in the United States, the address “Professor” is appropriate for any university teacher.

Speaking of informal communication, let's look at how you can approach friends and family members.

To friends

Of course, everyone knows the appeal “My dear friend!” - "My dear friend!" or “My friend” - “My friend!”, but not everyone knows that there are many synonyms for the word “friend”. For example:

In British English :

  • Сhap: “Dear old chap, I’ve missed you!” - “Old man, I missed you!”
  • Mate(also Australia, New Zealand): “Hey, mate, do you want to hit the pub?” - “Dude, would you like to visit the pub?”
  • Pal(also popular in the US): “My most useful acting tip came from my pal John Wayne. Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much." (c) Michael Caine - "The most useful acting advice was given to me by my friend John Wayne. Speak low, speak slowly and say little. (c) Michael Caine."
  • Crony: “I'm going to the pub with me cronies.” - “I went to the pub with my mates.”
  • Mucker(Ireland): “What about ye, mucker? Are you in or out? - “Well, buddy? Are you in?

In American English:

  • Homie: “Time to go, homie.” - “It’s time to set sail, buddy.”
  • Home slice: “You’re coming with us tonight, home slice? - Sure thing! - “Are you coming with us tonight, buddy? “The stump is clear!”
  • Amigo: “Hey, amigo, long time no see!” - “Hey, amigo, how many years, how many winters!”
  • Buddy: “I’m going to have some beer with my buddy tonight.” - “My friend and I are going to drink a couple of foam drinks this evening.”
  • Bestie: “You and I - we are besties for life!” - “You and I are best friends for life!”
  • Dawg: "Waddup, dawg? “Nothing, jus’ chillin.” - “What-how, buddy? “Nothing, I’m resting.”
  • Fella: “Good to see you, fella!” - “Glad to see you, guy!” Most often used in the meaning of “guy, person (male)”: “Who are these fellas?” - Who are these guys?
  • Dude: “Dude, where’s my car?” - “Where’s my car, dude?”
  • Girlfriend: “Hey, girlfriend!” - “Hello, queen!” This is how long-time close friends often address each other.

To family members and loved one

Affectionate addresses to loved ones are also very varied. In most cases, they are used regardless of gender. Here are some of them:

  • Sweetheart- beloved, beloved.
  • Dear/dearest- dear, dear / most dear, dear.
  • Darling- Dear beloved; dear, beloved.
  • Honey(abbreviated as " hon") - darling; darling/darling; Darling.
  • Muffin- cupcake/bun/pie/favorite/dear.
  • Sugar(Also sugarplum, sugar pie, sugar cake etc.) - sweet.
  • Love- beloved / beloved / my love.
  • Buttercup- buttercup
  • Sunshine- Sun.
  • Baby (babe, bae) - baby, baby.

To the guy

  • Handsome- Handsome.
  • Sweetie pie- darling, darling, lovely, sweetie, sunshine.
  • Tiger- tiger (a person in whom it is easy to ignite passion).
  • Hot stuff- sex bomb, hot thing.
  • Cuddle Cat- weasel. (cuddles - hugs in a lying position)
  • Prince Charming- a prince on a white horse, a handsome prince.
  • Mr. Perfect (Mr. Amazing etc.) - Mr. Perfect.
  • Honey bear(teddy bear) - bear cub.
  • Captain- captain, commander.
  • Lady-killer- Don Juan, womanizer, heartthrob.
  • Marshmallow- marshmallow.
  • Superman- superman.

To a girl

  • Sweetie- Expensive.
  • Baby doll (baby girl) - baby, doll.
  • Gorgeous- beauty, beauty.
  • Honey bun- bun.
  • Biscuit- cookie.
  • Cherry- cherry.
  • Cupcake- beauty, cutie.
  • Kitten- kitty.
  • Precious- dear, lovely.
  • Peanut- baby, baby.
  • Pumpkin- my good, lovely, cutie.
  • Sugar plum (sweet cheeks) - my sweet (the second phrase is said to emphasize the beauty of the girl’s figure, or rather her butt).
  • Dumpling- short (to an attractive girl of short stature and a seductive figure).

Punctuation rules when addressing

In English, just like in Russian, addresses are separated by commas. This is taught in schools in both countries. But, in fact, all English people completely ignore the comma in address if the name is at the end of the phrase. And they honestly observe it if the phrase begins with an address. For example:

Alice, I think you"ve had enough!
I think you"ve had enough Alice!


Now you have a whole set in your arsenal for addressing English-speaking comrades. By the way, the word " comrade"(comrade) you will only find in communist/socialist parties, as well as in Soviet English textbooks. In other cases, “comrad Ivanov” is not used. Be well-mannered and friendly in your communication, and the necessary forms of address will serve you well. Absorb English and be polite!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

A person learning a foreign language must realize that the beauty of a language lies in its diversity. Of course, this is primarily a tool that allows us to convey our thoughts to the listener or reader, but the form is no less important than the content. Moreover, native speakers, listening to your speech, will truly appreciate your rich vocabulary. And this, you see, is a significant reason to be proud of the results of your labors. This requirement applies not only to advanced English lovers, but also to those who are just starting to learn English for beginners and with silent horror are opening an English dictionary or grammar for the first time. Useful words and their synonyms need to be sought out, written down, memorized and used in speech whenever possible. With this, I hope the LINGVISTOV team will provide you with all possible assistance.

I don’t know about you, but I very often get tired of the hackneyed “dear”, “baby”, “bro” and other banalities. In calls in spoken English there is also room to expand in terms of vocabulary, which can be replenished with slang expressions heard in films in English or read in books and magazines.

But let’s first take a look at the polite addresses. The most common forms are Mr.(Mister) Mrs.(Missis) and Ms.(Miss - for a young girl or unmarried woman), to which the surname of this person is added. For example, “No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to DIE! If you do not know the last name of the person you are addressing, use Sir, Madame or Miss; however, the latter can cause trouble if the girl is married (tested by bitter experience). The use of Ma'am, short for Madam, is very controversial:

In the UK it is hardly used and is considered an obsolete form.

In the US, the use of "madam" is limited to very formal occasions, while "ma'am" is common in everyday speech when addressing an adult woman who you assume may already have a family and children, especially if she is older. you. In the South and Southwest of the United States, “ma’am” is an address to any woman or girl.

There are many friendly addresses, as well as affectionate ones, in the English language. Addressing friends varies depending on which version of English you prefer, however, it is not limited to them.

British English:

chap: “Dear old chap, I’ve missed you!” (Old man, I missed you!)

mate(also Australia, New Zealand): “Hey, mate, do you want to hit the pub?” (Mate, let's go to the pub?)

pal(also popular in the US): “My most useful acting tip came from my pal John Wayne. Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much.” - Michael Caine (The most useful acting advice was given to me by my friend John Wayne. Speak low, speak slowly and say little. - Michael Caine)

crony: “I"m going to the pub with me cronies” (I went to the pub with my friends.)

mucker(Ireland): “What about ye, mucker? Are you in or out?” (So, buddy? Are you in?)

American English:

homie: “Time to go, homie.” (Time to go, buddy.)

home slice: “You’re coming with us tonight, home slice?” - Sure.”

amigo: “Hey, amigo, long time no see.” (Hey, amigo, how many years, how many winters!)

buddy: “I"m going to have some beer with my buddy tonight.” (My friend and I will have a couple of drinks today.)

bestie: “You and I are besties for life!” (You and I are best friends for life!)

dawg: “Waddup, dawg? “Nothing, jus’ chillin.”

fella: “Good to see you, fella.” Most often used in the meaning of “guy, person (male)”: “Who are these fellas?” (Who are these people?)

dude: “Dude, where’s my car?” (classic)

Affectionate addresses to loved ones are also very varied. Here are some of them, in most cases used regardless of gender:

Honey (abbreviated as hon)

Sugar (also sugarplum, sugar pie, sugar cake, etc.)

And finally, some endearments divided by gender:

Nicknames for a Boyfriend

Nicknames for a Girlfriend

Handsome - Handsome
Sweetie Pie - Darling, Sun
Tiger - Tiger
Hot Stuff - Sex bomb
Cuddles (Cuddle Cakes, Cuddle Bunny etc.) - Cutie
Prince Charming - Prince on a white horse, handsome prince
Mr. Perfect (Mr. Amazing etc.) - Mr. Perfect
Honey Bear
Captain - Captain
Lady Killer - Heartbreaker
Marshmallow - Marshmallow
Stud - Stallion
Teddy Bear - Little Bear
Zeus - Zeus
Superman - Superman

Sweetie - Darling
Babe (Baby Doll, Baby Girl etc.)
Gorgeous - Beauty
Honey Bun - Bun
Cookie Monster - Cookie Monster (character from the series "Sesame Street")
Biscuit - Cookie
Cherry - Cherry
Cupcake - Cutie
Kitten - Kitten
Precious - Darling, Precious
Peanut - Baby
Pumpkin - Cutie, Lovely
Sexy Mama
Snowflake - Snowflake
Sugarplum - My Sweet
Sweet Cheeks - My Sweet
Dumpling - Cutie

Here it is important to avoid excessive familiarity, because, as one of my good friends says: “I"m not your honey, darling, sweetheart, dear, ducky, or any other diminutive creature.”

Every day we turn to someone for some purpose. At the same time, we use addresses in speech. How do people in England or the USA address each other? Do they coincide with our native language or do they carry some new information about a foreign culture?

Let's take a look at polite addresses first. The most common forms are Mr.(Mister) Mrs.(Missis) and Ms.(Miss - for a young girl or unmarried woman), to which the surname of this person is added. For example, “No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to DIE! » If you do not know the name of the person you are addressing, use Sir, Madam or Miss. Very inconsistent use Ma'am, abbreviations for Madam, here it is important to know the following:

  • Ma'am in the UK it is hardly used and is considered an obsolete form.
  • In the USA the use of “ madam” is limited to very formal occasions, while “ ma'am” is very often found in everyday speech when addressing an adult woman who, as you believe, may already have a family and children, especially if she is older than you. In the South and Southwest of the USA “ ma'am” is an appeal to any woman or girl.

There are many variations of friendly and affectionate addresses in English. Addressing friends varies depending on which version of English you prefer, however, it is not limited to them.

British English:

  1. chap:“Dear old chap, I’ve missed you!” (Old man, I missed you!)
  2. mate(also Australia, New Zealand): “Hey, mate, do you want to hit the pub?” (Mate, let's go to the pub?)
  3. pal(also popular in the US): “My most useful acting tip came from my pal John Wayne. Talk low, talk slow, and don’t say too much.” —Michael Caine (The most useful acting advice was given to me by my friend John Wayne. Speak low, speak slowly and say little. - Michael Caine)
  4. crony:“I’m going to the pub with me cronies” (I went to the pub with my buddies.)
  5. mucker(Ireland): “What about ye, mucker? Are you in or out?” (So, buddy? Are you in?)

American English:

  1. homie:“Time to go, homie.” (Time to go, buddy.)
  2. home slice:“You’re coming with us tonight, home slice? - Sure.”
  3. amigo:“Hey, amigo, long time no see.” (Hey, amigo, how many years, how many winters!)
  4. buddy:“I’m going to have some beer with my buddy tonight.” (My friend and I will have a couple of drinks today.)
  5. bestie:“You and I are besties for life!” (You and I are best friends for life!)
  6. fella:“Good to see you, fella.” Most often used in the meaning of “guy, person (male)”: “Who are these fellas?” (Who are these people?)
  7. dude:“Dude, where’s my car?” (classic)

Affectionate addresses to loved ones are also very varied. Here are some of them, in most cases used regardless of gender:

Honey (abbreviated as hon)

Sugar (also sugarplum, sugar pie, sugar cake, etc.)

And finally, some endearments divided by gender:

for a boyfriend for a girlfriend
Handsome - Handsome Sweetie - Darling
Sweetie Pie - Darling, Sun Babe (Baby Doll, Baby Girl etc.)
Tiger - Tiger Gorgeous - Beauty
Cuddles (Cuddle Cakes, Cuddle Bunny etc.) – Cutie Honey Bun - Bun
Prince Charming - Prince on a white horse, handsome prince Cookie Monster - Cookie Monster (character from the TV series "Sesame Street")
Mr. Perfect (Mr. Amazing etc.) - Mr. Perfect Biscuit
Honey Bear Cupcake - Cutie
Captain - Captain Kitten - Kitten
Lady Killer - Heartbreaker Precious - Darling, Precious
Marshmallow Peanut - Baby
Stud - Stallion Pumpkin - Cutie, Lovely
Teddy Bear Snowflake - Snowflake
Zeus - Zeus Sugarplum - My sweet one
Sweet Cheeks - My sweet one
Superman - Superman Dumpling - Cutie

When choosing this or that affectionate address, it is important to avoid excessive familiarity.