
Wedding posters. DIY wedding posters Bridesmaids poster

Colorfully designed posters with a wedding slogan are a wonderful addition to the design of any banquet hall. Many wedding slogans were invented decades ago, but are still relevant, so why not continue to use these cool wedding inscriptions now. Also, an original idea would be to release a wedding wall newspaper consisting of several posters with funny photos of newlyweds and relatives. All this will help to quickly bring guests together and relieve the stiffness that is typical for the first minutes of the holiday.

cool wedding slogan text and mottos, drawings, photos and images on a handmade wedding poster guarantee smiles on the faces of guests and good mood from the first seconds of the wedding celebration.

Texts of slogans for a wedding in a banquet hall

If the wedding will be celebrated in the dining room, you can easily eliminate the defects of the hall with the help of posters - flooded walls, fallen off plaster, fallen bricks, cracked windows. Also, this is a great cheat sheet for a guest who really wants to make a toast, but is not able to come up with anything on their own.

  • And where can I get such a mother-in-law to buy - a Zhiguli. And so that no one would guess that this money is not mine.
  • And you! I submitted an application to the registry office.
  • Hey Cupid! One arrow pierced two hearts!
  • Ay, yes (name of the groom), well done! He took (name of the bride) down the aisle!
  • Beat your husband with a kettle, and the husband will be the boss.
  • Marriage means more than love. The most important thing here is respect. Just don't confuse it with admiration.
  • An ensemble of rattles will be heard louder than cannons!
  • Be your husband's lawyer, not his investigator.
  • Be gentle with your husband, wife, he does not need a grumble!
  • In women, only one mystery remained - where to get money for them.
  • In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome.
  • In the family, everything is equally - a tie for a husband, a fur coat for a wife!
  • In a family, the wife is the neck, and the husband is the head: where I want, I turn there!
  • That's just the point that not all whims for your money roll.
  • You are having fun today, you are getting married today! You won't get away from me anyway!
  • Marriage is a sign of consent!
  • Have fun, honest people, the Russian wedding is coming!
  • A merry feast and for the wedding.
  • He took his wife - forget the silence!
  • I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not a dozen!
  • Here (the name of the groom) and got married, (the name of the bride) in gentle hands and got caught!
  • I chose a young man - do not blame your father.
  • Married, dissuade girlfriends.
  • Where there is love, there is advice.
  • Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
  • Guests, beware! A wedding is not a series, it is not repeated in the morning!
  • Yes, the wife is not a mitten - you can’t shake off a white pen and you can’t plug it into your belt.
  • Let's get drunk in the smoke. So that happiness is young!
  • You give marriage, but with a sign of quality!
  • Children are flowers of life! Give me a whole bunch!
  • Children under 16 are not recommended to bring their own.
  • For a married man, a cell phone is not a means of communication, but a means of tethering.
  • For a man, work is a second home, and for a woman, it is a second job.
  • To seal the bonds of marriage, you need a plump little one!
  • Wait, the groom, the first night, wait for your daughter!
  • The house is kept not by a beauty, but by a clever wife.
  • Dear guests, do not be shy, gather at the table more often.
  • If there were no birches, there would be no grove, if there were no wife, there would be no mother-in-law.
  • If you sleep too long, you might not become a dad!
  • If the wife is not a gift, family life is full of surprises.
  • If a man gets married because it's time, then it's already too late.
  • If you consider your husband the head of the family, do not sit on his head.
  • If you want to live easier, you need to be friends with your mother-in-law!
  • We wish you as many daughters as there are buds on a birch tree, we wish you as many sons as there are stumps in the forest forest!
  • We wish the young couple to live until the golden wedding!
  • We wish happiness and kindness, children from dozens. Hooray!
  • The husband's wife feeds her so that she can carry her in her arms, the husband wears her wife in her arms so that she can feed her.
  • A wife should not ask her husband to wash the dishes. After all, when she fell in love with him, he was not standing near the sink.
  • A wife is not a mitten, you can’t plug it into a belt.
  • To marry is not to put on a bast shoe.
  • Marry! - not everyone has fun.
  • The bride and groom are a title, the husband and wife are a calling!
  • Grooms are not mammoths, everyone will not die out.
  • Bride and groom 200 years together!
  • A woman forgives only when she herself is to blame.
  • Legal marriage - a sign of love and consent!
  • Here honey and beer foam, here the bride and groom get married!
  • Here is the place of the bride and groom!
  • Son-in-law plus father-in-law, there is a bottle!
  • Closer to the mother-in-law - the stomach is fuller, further from the mother-in-law - love for her is stronger.
  • When there are not enough words in love, they make an offer.
  • Finger ring, collar around the neck.
  • A compliment doubles a wife's performance.
  • The family ship went to sea, so let the storm subside, grief pass by!
  • King naked? It is clear: everything went to the outfits of the queen.
  • Beauty to the crown, mind to the end.
  • Beauty will take a closer look, but cabbage soup will not sip.
  • Who will not have fun, we will not give you a hangover.
  • Who will not dance - do not pour wine for those!
  • All right, all right, let's give Grandma a job!
  • Do not look for an easy life, got married, not food!
  • It is best to give useful gifts. Wife to her husband - handkerchiefs, and he gave her a mink coat.
  • The son-in-law has a best friend, he is called father-in-law!
  • Love is a ring, and y rings have no beginning and no end.
  • Love inspires, then the winged one is ringed.
  • Love is a lilac mist, love is a reality, not a hoax!
  • Love is blind, but marriage is a brilliant eye doctor.
  • Love is patience, impatience is a divorce.
  • People get married, and our eyes light up.
  • It’s not enough to go to heaven, you also need to get settled there.
  • The honeymoon ends when the dog brings slippers to the husband, and the wife begins to bark.
  • The dream of many girls is to marry a rich sapper.
  • Dear parents, do you want grandchildren?
  • Hello newlyweds, love, consent and advice!
  • A husband with a car is nonsense, a husband in the kitchen is daaaaa! ..
  • The husband is good, the wife is beautiful, let everything be clear in the family!
  • The husband, though a crow, is still a defense!
  • A man in the house is needed not for furniture, but for its repair.
  • We are having fun today, we are drinking vodka today, because (name of the groom) is getting married, (name of the bride) is giving in marriage.
  • Rely on a stork, but don't make a mistake yourself.
  • At our wedding, the law is simple: drink, be merry, dance and sing.
  • Do not look at other people's wives, but look after your own.
  • Well, it was necessary to fall in love so much that they decided to get married.
  • Our order to the bride and groom is to be together everywhere from now on!
  • Pour some wine, brother, so that the soul jumps.
  • Our (name of the groom) well done, leads (name of the bride) down the aisle!
  • Our (name of the bride) berry, our (name of the bride) cherry, for whom she wanted, she married for that.
  • Don't take a dowry, take a sweet girl.
  • Do not speak rudely to me - lips are given for kisses!
  • Not fed, not watered, but kisses.
  • No need for a stork, no need for a bird, let our (name of the bride) finish her studies!
  • A treasure is not needed for someone who has a good relationship with her husband (wife).
  • Do not build a smart face friend, you will be married too.
  • Not the one who is happy with her father, but the one who is happy with her husband.
  • Do not boast of marriage on the third day, but boast of the third year.
  • An unfinished stack is a shame for the whole wedding!
  • Tenderness is the best proof of love than the most passionate vows.
  • Be gentle and patient, do not forget respect!
  • There is no such capital that the wife does not squander.
  • Newlyweds, try to reduce the level of marriage in your marriage.
  • Carry your wife in your arms until you sit on your neck.
  • Well, mother-in-law is not Julia, give (name of the groom) Zhiguli!
  • Women do not argue about tastes - they are paid.
  • The whole country knows about it, from now on you are husband and wife!
  • The wedding ring is the first link in the chain of married life.
  • From a kiss to a quarrel is one step, and from a quarrel to a kiss - a week, or even new boots!
  • From now on, only We are not I, and there will be a strong family!
  • Oh, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, do not command love. If you feel sorry for your son, tie it to the lasso.
  • It is very important for health to live without a mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and in order to maintain friendship, it is better to visit them!
  • The first year the wife is dear, the second year - the nail file, the third year - the sawmill.
  • Do not gather under the table for more than three!
  • Submission cools anger and gives scope to mutual feelings.
  • Lipstick is a seal of fidelity, and if you change it, you will be responsible!
  • Remember my dear lips, so that others do not become loved!
  • Why are they having fun here, why are they drinking vodka here? Because (the name of the groom) is getting married, (The name of the bride) is being given in marriage!
  • Truth and mutual trust are the first principles of love.
  • With a good woman, a man can become a man.
  • Come to the wedding, do not yawn, choose your bride!
  • We ask you not to forget, more often we cry bitterly.
  • We ask the mother-in-law and mother-in-law not to spoil the blood of the young!
  • Goodbye fishing, goodbye hockey! I love (Name of the bride), I will marry her!
  • Let you have as many children as you shouted - Bitter!
  • Let the whole world know - a wedding feast is taking place here!
  • Parents take care of their daughter to the crown, and the husband to the end.
  • With a good wife, grief is half grief, joy is double.
  • With a sweet paradise and in a hut, but it's better if the hut is in paradise.
  • Wedding - it is also in Africa - a wedding!
  • The father-in-law is a living piggy bank.
  • Bride hunting season is over. Stork fishing season is open!
  • Family is the first key to happiness.
  • A family without love is like a tree without roots.
  • The family has stepped on the threshold! Today the world is at your feet!
  • How many stumps in the forest - so many sons for you! How many bumps in the forest - so many daughters for you!
  • Advice and love, this is where the light stands.
  • The people advise - to continue the glorious family!
  • Consent and trust will open doors to happiness!
  • Resistance is a woman's tactic, surrender is a strategy.
  • Old age does not protect against love, but love protects against old age.
  • Stop stork, stop bird, let the bride finish her studies!
  • Managed to get together for the wedding, manage to get home later.
  • Happy you - happy the whole world!
  • Happiness - to you, vodka - to us.
  • Happiness is sought for years, but found only once.
  • A sober person at a wedding is a spy.
  • You and I are family now!
  • You! Submit an application to the registry office!
  • A good mother-in-law will not have a skinny son-in-law!
  • Bachelor, do not yawn - choose your own bride!
  • A good wife is like the Internet, she has an answer for everything!
  • Though in a forest hut to live, but to be loved.
  • Kiss your mother-in-law more often, then cabbage soup will be sweeter!
  • So that there is eternal peace in the family, drink not vodka, but kefir!
  • So that the family is always in harmony, drink only lemonade!
  • In order for the union to be strong, a peanut is urgently needed!
  • You have to fall in love so much that you decide to get married!

Slogan for a wedding car

Wedding slogan number plate stickers are the easiest way to decorate your wedding car. But remember: it will look spectacular only if you use some other accessories. On an undecorated car, sticker numbers will look poor and out of place.

  • Don't start without us!
  • Here is the place of the bride and groom!
  • To whom it is bitter, but to us it is sweet!
  • Who goes where, and we get married.
  • Caution - all-consuming Love!
  • Who has what, and we have a wedding!

wedding poster slogans for the ransom of the bride

To make the wedding fun, you need to devote a lot of time to preparation. Decorations play a big role in the design of the entrance, and the most popular are wedding posters with slogans selected specifically for the ransom of the bride.

  • Welcome to the beautiful land of love!
  • In this dungeon the bride languishes!
  • A green-eyed (brown-eyed, blue-eyed) girl languishes in this tower.
  • We sell the bride, we take it very expensive. Do not want as you want - we will always find a groom.
  • You can't protect yourself from the fire of love.
  • Stop, fiance! Not a step from the place, your bride lives here.
  • Tili-tili dough - the bride lives here.
  • Hee hee, ha ha! Let's rob the groom!

Banquet hall, car or home decoration, wedding posters with slogans became an integral part of the wedding celebration. Over the years, a stable set of slogans has been formed, which are often passed down from generation to generation and without which no one can imagine the celebration of a traditional wedding.

The ransom of the bride is a custom that has been preserved for many centuries. True, now it has lost its original meaning and has been preserved only as a beautiful, interesting tradition and a reason to have fun. Usually everything looks quite simple: at the entrance / entrance to the bride's house, the groom is greeted by guests, the entrance is decorated with balloons, ribbons, garlands.

However, despite the joyful emotions, a certain tension is felt, as if everyone is waiting for the command: “Start the fun!”. To give the holiday a relaxed, light atmosphere, you can use posters for the ransom of the bride. Various funny inscriptions and drawings on the wedding theme will create the desired mood of the guests and slightly divert their attention from the bride and groom, for whom being on public display can be somewhat burdensome.

How to issue

The bridesmaids are usually involved in the selection of posters - in such a way that the slogans complement the ransom scenario, prepared jokes, contests. Of course, comic posters should coexist with congratulations on your wedding day, sincere wishes for many years and a happy family life.

Drawings and inscriptions can be very different - it all depends on the imagination of the girlfriends. You should prepare several posters with tasks for the groom.

These can be either posters that indicate what the groom should do, or peculiar riddles (a large rebus poster, a colorful puzzle, etc.). A few posters with cartoons of young people, mixed with caricatures on the topic of marriage, family life, and raising children, will not interfere.

You should not be too zealous with posters, so that their excess does not turn the bride's entrance into an exhibition of folk art. In this case, a sense of proportion is important.

You can also use posters stylized as political slogans from the times of the USSR. For example, depicting a ruddy, athletic-looking young man with a girl with inscriptions:

  • “Give marriage with a sign of quality!”;
  • “Hail to the best builders of a happy family!”

Or the poster might have a comically stern man asking:

  • "Did you redeem the bride?"
  • “Have you prepared for family life?”

Photo collage is another way to decorate a wedding. It can be designed as a wedding wall newspaper, with photos from the life of the newlyweds and playful notes, in a news format below them. Making such a collage is quite simple. Beautiful photos of the bride and groom, witty remarks, a few funny cartoons - and attention to the "wall newspaper" is guaranteed.

After the wedding, you can leave it as a keepsake.

Posters can be supplemented with original leaflets on A4 paper. You can place humorous ads or parting words to the groom on them:

  • “We sell the bride - we take it very expensive, if you don’t want it - whatever you want. We will always find a groom!
  • “The bride is not subject to return and exchange!”;
  • "Never criticize your wife's choice, because she chose you!"

The easiest way to buy posters. In stores or on the market, a wide selection of printed materials dedicated to this topic. You can choose a set of posters, posters, printed phrases, made in the desired color scheme of the desired format, suitable for the style of the wedding and corresponding to the taste of the newlyweds and their guests.

Another option is to order posters from a printing company.

Of course, this will require certain financial costs, since each poster will require a separate layout, but these are justified expenses.

Designers and artists of the enterprise will offer a choice of typical poster layouts, which can be adjusted in accordance with your wishes or ordered an absolutely unique product.

And finally, you can make posters with your own hands. Of course, to implement such a project, you must at least be able to draw funny comical faces. However, most likely, among the girlfriends (friends) there is a person with similar skills.

When preparing decorations for the bride price, you should not stop at any one type of posters. Hand-drawn posters will organically complement those bought or made to order.

If everything is more or less clear with the purchase of ready-made posters, then those who decide to make posters with their own hands will not interfere with a few general tips. First of all, you need to prepare materials for work:

  • thick paper of various sizes (A0–A4), as well as paper for sketches, sketches;
  • multi-colored paper for applications;
  • photos of the bride and groom;
  • simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • gouache or watercolors;
  • decorations (bows, ribbons, balloons) to further decorate the posters.

Materials should be chosen of high quality so that the paper does not tear from the slightest breath of the wind, and the paint does not stain the participants in the celebration.

Choosing plots for pictures, you should focus on the style of the wedding.

So, for example, traditional images of the bride and groom, funny little ones and the like, are suitable for a traditional wedding and will be acceptable (more or less) on a stylized one. But still, if the ransom posters match the style of the wedding, then the impression of the holiday will become more complete.

So, at a biker wedding, traffic cops, of course, demand a ransom, and the posters are designed accordingly (traffic signs, jokes inherent in this particular subculture, etc.).

When making posters with your own hands, do not worry - any outstanding talents will not be needed here. The main thing is that the font is large, the inscriptions are easy to read, and the images are funny and catchy.

It is not necessary to achieve a portrait resemblance to the heroes of the celebration (there is a photo for this), however, just like with any characters. It is undesirable to assign responsibility for the design of posters for the bride price to one person. It is better if it will be a kind of "creative team".

One person draws well, another knows how to compose playful quatrains, the third is simply witty and creative, the fourth has access to photos of the bride and groom.

In this video - several options for wedding posters for the ransom of the bride:

By combining their efforts, they can achieve an excellent result in the end and add brightness and personality to the wedding.

Help in preparing for the wedding from loved ones, even in such an insignificant matter as the design of wedding posters, is a serious moral support for the bride and groom. After all, what could be more important than the sincere participation of friends and relatives?

The poster "Happy Wedding Day" with wonderful poems for photos will become a real decoration of the holiday.

Photos of husband and wife will be placed in golden frames and a pearl heart. Add to the poster the best photos from the moment you met, photos from ...

500 rub.

Photos of husband and wife will be placed in pearl frames on a pink background, decorated with flowers and rhinestones. Add your best photos to your poster...

400 rub.

The poster "Happy Wedding Day" with wonderful poems and magical wedding paraphernalia for photos will become a real decoration of the holiday.

Photos of husband and wife will be placed in pearl frames. Add the best photos since you met to your poster...

450 rub.

Poster "Happy Wedding Anniversary!" with poems and frames for the wishes of guests will become a real decoration of the holiday.

A poster with wishes is a great addition to the decoration of a wedding celebration! Thanks to the colorful juicy color schemes in which you...

300 rub.

The poster "50 years together" for the golden wedding will be a real decoration of the holiday.

Photos will be placed in large frames on a delicate background, decorated with roses and hearts. Add to the poster the best photos from the moment you met, photos from the wedding ...

400 rub.

Poster "Happy Wedding Day" in soft pink colors for photos will be a real decoration of the holiday.

Photos of husband and wife will be placed in frames and hearts on a pale pink background with flowers and corals. Add your best photos to your poster...

400 rub.

The poster "Happy Wedding Day" on a delicate background with magical wedding paraphernalia for photos will become a real decoration of the holiday.

Photos of husband and wife will be placed in round pearl frames and hearts. Add your best photos to your poster...

400 rub.

It was fun, you need to devote a lot of time to preparation. Decorations play a big role in the decoration of the hall, the organizers offer a lot of decor ideas. But wedding posters remain the most popular, they always guarantee a cheerful mood for guests from the very beginning of the holiday.

DIY wedding posters

There are many options for decorating a festive room where the newlyweds will spend time with guests: these are balloons, all kinds of garlands, fresh flowers, ribbons, fabrics. One of the decor elements of the hall is colorful, original posters. They can be congratulatory, funny, playful. It is easy to make wedding posters with your own hands - it will bring a lot of pleasure during production, will serve as a wonderful decoration for the hall for the celebration.

With the names of the newlyweds

A poster with a laconic text, where only the names of the spouses will be written, will be an excellent option for decorating the hall for a celebration. Take a rectangular sheet of paper, a pencil, with thin lines draw the outline of letters, flowers, hearts, rings - whatever you want to depict. After - paint the work with gouache or watercolor. If you're unsure of your artistic ability, use stencils that are easy to find online.

For the ransom of the bride

Do-it-yourself wedding posters for ransom will create an additional atmosphere. There may be girlfriends demanding money from the groom, as well as various funny tasks for the groom during the ransom, poems, jokes that fit the occasion. What can be thematic posters for ransom, see the photo below.

For a wedding photo shoot

You can make DIY wedding posters for a photo shoot. They should reflect the event, and most importantly, decorate the pictures. Make garlands that will hang in the background, or unusual props made of thick paper - arrows, signs: spouses will hold them. To make your photos look good, approach the work in an original way, because this wedding prop will forever capture the camera.

For the wishes of the young

Wish posters are a classic decoration. You can simply write all sorts of congratulations of happiness and love - they will not only please the eye, but will also help guests who are not masters of toasting, quickly navigate by looking at the poster. There is another option: hang an empty sheet of drawing paper, hang a marker on a thread next to it - let the guests decorate it with congratulations, and the newlyweds will take the poster as a keepsake after the holiday.

Advantages of decorating the hall with posters

Posters will keep guests from getting bored if they arrive a little earlier than planned. Studying the inscriptions and pictures, the time for the first guests will pass quickly and in a good mood.

For wedding anniversary

DIY wedding anniversary posters can be made in the form of a collage of photographs of a married couple together. This will be a wonderful surprise prepared by relatives, friends, and can also be an independent work of the spouses: the creation of a poster will surely bring the couple even closer.

Cool, comic options with photos

Wedding posters need to be made funny, cheerful, using classic undying jokes about the mother-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, the severity of the lawful a, future little ones - this topic will surely amuse the guests, dilute the solemn mood with a share of healthy humor. Color funny posters will decorate the restaurant hall, provide a pleasant relaxed atmosphere of the holiday.

In addition, posters can take on the role of scenery and help mask some of the flaws in the hall (stains on the walls, potholes, untidy plaster, etc.)

Posters with original captions can help that guest who has not prepared a toast for congratulations, or does not know how to do it.

The interesting content of the poster is always an occasion for conversation, easy acquaintance.

Beautiful poster design ideas. Where to download templates?

A classic wedding poster wishing the newlyweds advice and love is a beautiful design idea. You can find ready-made layouts of this simple decoration option on the Fantany.ru and Photofantasiya.ru websites.

On these sites you can see examples of posters, add photos to layouts and download them.

It is also necessary to follow the concept of the wedding, if any. At the maritime celebration, posters illustrating ships, the sea, spouses who are at the helm and go on a long voyage together will look interesting. If this is an oriental-style wedding, draw cherry blossoms, rose petals and a couple standing under them.

The original ideas shown in the video below will help you create beautiful DIY wedding posters:

How to make a bright, memorable poster

Give the newlyweds a poster that reflects their future life: draw a child, a beautiful house, a car, suitcases, symbolizing travel. This bright decision will touch the husband and wife, they will surely keep it. Make a wedding poster from the heart, then it will forever be remembered by the heroes of the occasion.

A poster created for a wedding celebration will be a pleasant highlight of the holiday. You can use ready-made ideas for jewelry or come up with your own, the main thing is to be guided by your taste.

What ideas did you like? Leave a comment.

DIY posters

Posters do not have to be bought ready-made. It is much more interesting to draw them yourself, choosing pictures and captions for the people who will be present at the wedding. What you need to properly design posters with your own hands:

  • take poster templates from the Internet and add your own ideas to them;
  • do not forget about the classics, use famous sayings about love and happiness;
  • you can design a poster in a special program on a computer and print it on a color printer. And you can arm yourself with whatman paper, paints and felt-tip pens and draw by hand;
  • draw some beautiful phrases in large letters, cut them out and connect them - you get a garland. For example, you can take the popular phrase: "Council yes!";
  • the font should be large and bright so that the phrases are easy to read;
  • you need to use good materials that will probably dry out by the day of the celebration and no one will get dirty on the paint;
  • the poster can be attached to the wall with adhesive tape, and on the curtains with pins.

Examples of phrases suitable for wedding posters:

  • “Are you getting married? Help a friend too
  • "Happy wedding!"
  • “Today everything is possible! But only for the last time."
  • “Everything should be equal in the family: a fur coat for a wife, a tie for a husband”
  • "Goodbye discos, hello kitchen"
  • "It is successful to marry - it is not in vain to be born"
  • "If you want to be happy - be it!"

The main thing to remember is that the purpose of wedding posters is to give guests and newlyweds a good mood, to be kind and cheerful. Examples of such posters can be seen in the photo.