
Play "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" at the theater in the Southwest. The play "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" at the theater in the Southwest Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs of the play

It's finished! The child recognized the actors whom he had already seen in another performance.

I'm already used to the fact that my son does not recognize anyone. Well, actually. I am silent about performances in large theaters - there, indeed, people are often not visible. Still, make-up and a decent distance to the stage. But he doesn't see the connection between Legolas and Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean. Why Orlando Bloom. Jack Sparrow, Hatter and Willy Wonka are three different people, not one actor Johnny Depp.

And then, at the play “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” he whispers to me: “Saturday is Hagrid. But this doctor was playing. ”

Then, since we are respectable spectators, and we know that it is impossible to talk during the performance, we also identified Snow White - this is Louise from the play “In Search of Treasures ..”. And gnome Monday is Captain Taylor. And the gnome Sunday. Well, the performer of royal desires, actor Andrei Sannikov, we noted and fell in love with in the role of Dr. Clark.

This is how they become fans of the theater in the Southwest. Whether you are sitting in the sixth, last row, or on the very first, or even on the steps, the effect of recognition and immersion is guaranteed. But what are they luring with? The absence of a curtain and a minimum of items on the stage. Overturned carts of dwarfs, some kind of barrel, opening hatch. That's all the simple special effects. And the sense of reality is much greater than with a hall with an interactive backdrop and luxurious decorations.

Seven gnomes

The performance is intended for viewers younger than my 12-year-old child. He was the oldest child in the hall. As soon as Gleb found out that we were going to “Snow White”, he immediately found the performance on the Internet and pointedly showed me - “here, look, from 6 years old, this is for little ones”. Well, he doesn't like snow white, Cinderella, any princesses.

“Gleb,” I tell him, “as far as I know theater in the South-West, they will show you so that you will be satisfied. You have nothing against the gnomes, do you? And they are the main characters there ”.

And for sure. The gnomes are absolutely beautiful. If this epithet applies to a group of seven charismatic adult actors. On stage, a real extravaganza of seven different characters. By the way, in the text of the play the moment is ridiculously played up that the gnomes from Monday to Sunday (these are their names) are adult men, and not little gnomes. Among them there is one craftsman, Tuesday, who can invent a bomb, and an increasing potion, and much more.

And then there is the poet - Thursday, the Musician - Sunday. But our favorite with Gleb is the eternally grumbling and unhappy Saturday. He is played by Denis Nagredinov (the same Hagrid)

The Seven Dwarfs play a comic role in the play. In terms of energy, it resembles the unforgettable artisans from the play “A Midsummer Night's Dream”. They seem to be on stage for the entertainment of the viewer, but sometimes they balance on the verge of the funny and the sad. Remember the touching verse of the blacksmith of the Basics after he was disenchanted by the forest spirits? There is such a moment in “Snow White” too. All gnomes from Monday to harmful Saturday confess their love for their guest.

The scenes with the gnomes are definitely the best. If not for Snow White and the evil Stepmother. If not for the Executor of royal desires.

Let the two remaining characters forgive me - Chamomile and Cactus. I can’t put them on the “best” list. But all the questions are for the costume designer. From what children's matinee did they take these petals and something that should represent the green thorns of a cactus?

Snow White and the Evil Queen

To be honest, I, like Gleb, do not like Snow White, nastenki from "Frost" and Cinderellas. Recently, in my audience sympathies, I always find myself on the side of evil. Agree, it always looks more attractive, besides, bad actors are usually played by wonderful actors and actresses. And these good characters are so weak-willed in their goodness that the evil ones simply itch them a little or a lot of trolling.

In this performance, my sympathies were exactly 50 to 50. Both Snow White and the Queen are ladies with an active lifestyle. Just before meeting the prince, the kind girl's attention was focused on studying botany. But as soon as the significant acquaintance took place, the girl remembered that she was the heir to the throne, and thought about many other things. From now on, her goal is world peace and a ring on her finger.

Snow White is played by actress Lyubov Yarlykova. As I understand it, she is now one of the leading Southwest actresses. I really like this feature of the theater - the fact that the same troupe is involved in both children's and adult performances. And if during the day Lyubov Yarlykova is Snow White, then in the evening she is Hermia from A Midsummer Night's Dream, or the witch Hella, or Ophelia from the famous Shakespearean tragedy.

The characteristic role of the Stepmother is very suitable for the young actress Olga Avilova. She plays with infectious enthusiasm. With what pleasure she makes plans to conquer the neighbors.

Eh, the kingdom is not enough, there is nowhere to turn around.

Or when he interrogates the Prince. Or when he figured out how to get rid of Snow White, and put this plan into practice. When she, disguised as an old grandmother, comes to Snow White and treats her to a poisoned apple, it just becomes a little scary.


If it departed in one place, it arrived in another. If in a pair one is the blacksmith of his love, then the second only has to wait for happiness to fall into his hands. Snow White and Prince are just the perfect duet. The prince sits in captivity from the very beginning of the performance to the very end. And at this time a girl in love is moving mountains. And when she falls, lifeless, on the floor, then the seven dwarfs take up the cause of her happiness.

How to get the Prince to Snow White, so that he kisses her and everything ends well ?! The gnomes, and they are not that very brave, go to the Evil Queen in the palace to rescue the Prince from prison. Of course everything will end well. It's a children's fairy tale.

Natalia Makarkina
Theatrical performance for children of the senior, preparatory group "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Heroes of the fairy tale: storyteller; king; Snow White; stepmother is a queen; prince; fairy; courtiers; maid; mushrooms -2; squirrel; bunny; a fox; gnomes-7;

Storyteller: A long time ago, in a distant kingdom Once upon a time there was a king and a queen. They lived peacefully, they did not grieve, they raised their beautiful daughter. Snow White her name was not expected

SCENE 1 Minuet sounds, children "Courtiers" dance in pairs. The King, Queen and Snow White, the music stops, the courtiers stop.

King. We welcome you, friends!

I'll tell you the news.

Queen: The castle is hustle and bustle,

All, of course, for a reason.

The table is set and candles are shining

A wonderful evening awaits today.

King and queen together: We cannot overcome joy,

Introducing ... our daughter.

Snow White makes curtsies to the courtier

COURT 1 What a crumb?

Courtier 2 So sweet!

Courtier 3 Like the sun came in!

King. Fairy kind, hurry up!

Say your wish.

A fairy enters to the music, holds a shiny ball in her hand

Fairy May kindness live in your heart

Never offend anyone

Bring joy and happiness to people,

The surrounding world will be beautiful.

Here he is! It sparkles wonderfully in my hand!

Fairy passes a shiny ball Snow White, Snow White curtsy to Fairy, thanks.

Everyone goes behind the screen to the music of the minuet


Only soon it happened.

Joy quickly darkened:

After the third.

The queen is dead.

The king grieved for a long time.

Time has healed the pain.

And the King married again.

Too bad ... but he hurried.

SCENE 2 A room in the palace. The Queen-stepmother comes out, goes to the mirror


The stepmother was beautiful

Self-willed, proud.

She looked every day.

Spinning in front of the mirror

I admired myself

Constantly speaking:


Who can compare with me

Beauty white skin?

There is no lady like this anywhere

All the neighbors will say it!


She was given a dowry,

There was one mirror

The mirror property had

It speaks skillfully

The queen comes up to "Mirror"


Well! Tell me without melting!

Is there anyone nicer than me?

Mirror: (recording)

I'll look to the right

I'll look to the left….

There is no more beautiful you

Our queen!


As time went…

And again, morning!

The queen is no longer sleeping

Looks in the mirror again

Queen: Mirror, mirror,

Tell me soon:

Who is the most beautiful in the world,

Better and smarter?

Mirror: (recording)

I'm sorry, but it happened so ...

Snow White has changed

Your affairs are bad here ...

Snow White"Blossomed!"

Queen: Oh, you vile glass!

I know you're lying to spite me!

Ta-a-ak! And what ... how should I be?

How to destroy a damsel!

Speaks to the incoming maid (A maid appears.)

Come on! You! Come here!

I'll give you a task!

Snow White in the wilderness

Start, tie, live

Leave you there under the pine tree

To be devoured by the wolves.

Don't do it for trouble!

And I will wear you out!

(Queen Stepmother exits. Enters Snow Whitedancing. The maid turns to her)


Honey ... come with me!

Along the forest path!

I know mushroom places

And we collect mushrooms!

SCENE 3 Forest (Servant turns on Snow White in the wilderness, swings, but cannot kill).


Here is a terrible assignment!

What is my punishment:

Ruin, you have no urine,

After all, you are like a daughter to me!

You go ahead to yourself

God will keep you safe.

I will pray for you

I will never forget you!

(The maid runs away Snow White remains alone in the forest.)

Snow White: How beautiful in the meadow

I will pick mushrooms

In my empty box ...

Oh ... mushrooms on a hemp!

(notices the mushroom boys).

Mushroom 1:

We are funny mushrooms, very friendly guys.

We grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose.

Mushroom 2: Don't rip us off,

Better play blind man's buff.

Blindfolded Snow white bandage, unwind and scatter.

Girl trying to catch them.

Snow White: How I want to catch you

It's fun to play with you

And our game is simple

Here! I'll catch you now!

Near Snow white forest animals gather (Squirrel, Hare and Fox, Snow White touches the squirrel

Snow White: (opens eyes)

Here is a squirrel, dexterous, fast

In a red-haired, fluffy fur coat.

Squirrel: I jump skillfully from branch to branch

Red back, ponytail, head. (Snow White stroking a squirrel)

Snow White: Oh, what a funny animal,

Fast, dexterous, mischievous.

(Bunny jumps, spins, Snow White strokes him and begins to cry)


Snow Whitedon't you cry

Do not hide bitter tears.

Believe that kindness

Your best feature.

A fox:

Together we live in the forest

We dance and we sing.

"Dance Snow White and the Beasts"

(After the dance, the Squirrel, Hare, Fox run away to the "forest", on their stumps)

Leading: Wandering in the forest until dawn,

Snow White walked and walked

She went where, without knowing herself

And I came across a house.

(Snow White rings the bell, walks around and stops in the room Gnomes)

SCENE 4 Room gnomes

Snow White:

Oh! What a sweet home here!

And everything is small in it

The table is set on seven persons

Rubs eyes

No! And this is not a dream!

Chairs seven and seven cups!

I'm really hungry!

I'm tired of the road

I'll sit here and eat a little

(sits down at the table, eats, drinks, gets up, walks further across the room)

I'll get some water in the river!

Oh! A shoe in a cast iron

Terrible mud all around!

I'll clean up this house!

Hey animals, come in

Help snow white.

(Squirrel, Hare, Fox run into the room and help Snow White clean up)

Snow White: Sweeps with a broom, straightens, wipes his forehead

All! Enough, tired.

While sweeping the trash

Appeals to the animals, treats them with berries

I give you berries

And I say thank you

(Squirrel, Hare, Fox run back into the forest)

I'll take a sip of water now

And I'll lie down and rest. (goes behind the screen)


Dinner hour was approaching

There was a stomp across the yard.

They go out and walk to the music gnomes

1 gnome:

we gnomes, gnomes, gnomes,

We are a small people.

Everybody wants to be big

And we are the opposite.

2 gnome:

We are the keepers of fairy tales

Buddies children,

And even big

Lovers of ventures.

3 gnome:

we gnomes, gnomes, gnomes

We are a small people

Large are very important

And we are on the contrary.

4 gnome:

We are friends with butterflies

With frogs in harmony,

And even tadpoles

Everyone is happy to see us in the pond.

5 gnome:

we gnomes, we gnomes,

We are in different caps

Funny boots

Flashlights in hand

6 gnome:

Us, gnomes, very important!

We know how to be friends

And please, of course

We cherish friendship

7 gnome:

And to those who are lost

We'll show everyone the way

Where can you go straight

Where can I turn.

SCENE 5 Gnomes in the room

1st gnome:

Something in our house ...

Too clean - just class!

2nd gnome: (notices the hiding Snow White)

What a miracle is this?

I will not hide from you

3rd gnome: (laughs)

This girl is simple ...

Not easy! I know that!

4th gnome:

Look at it! Friends!

This is the king's daughter!

5th gnome: (judiciously)

Stop talking uselessly

Look! will not stop!

And let's better we -

Let's get to know her!

Snow White: Hello gnomes... My name is Snow White.

Gnomes bow and introduce themselves in turn.

1st gnome: Very nice! My name is Smart!

2nd gnome: And me - Strong!

3rd gnome: Surprised!

4th gnome: Hardworking!

5th gnome: Happy!

6th gnome: Curious!

7th gnome: Fair!

2 Gnome: What are you doing in the forest?

Snow White: Queen, in the middle of the day

He wants to harass me.

All Gnomes: Oh, you poor child!

Snow White: Let me stay!

Household managed

I can cook food

Bread oven, sewing clothes.

And to the river constantly

Go for water

Dwarfs whisper

Gnome: We decided to stay.

Manage the household.

Snow White:

Was waiting for you here today

I baked pies

Distributes pies to everyone. Eat, praise

Snow White:

Let's dance!

We won't get bored with you!

Everyone is dancing

Snow White: And now it's time to go to bed.

All Gnomes: Good night! Snow White

everyone goes behind the screen

Storyteller: In the morning Snow White accompanied the Dwarfs to work.

(Snow White hands out shoulder blades to the Dwarfs)

Snow White: Goodbye, my good friends!

1 Gnome: Snow White, be careful, don't let anyone into the house.

everyone leaves

Storyteller: So they lived together

And the other is not needed

Gnomes to the mountains for wealth,

Snow White on the farm.

SCENE 6 The Queen's Stepmother's Room. The queen looks in the mirror and smiles

Queen: Is there anyone dearer to me?

Do not regret compliments!

Mirror: (recording)

Queen you are beautiful

I will remark rightly!

Snow White is the sweetest!

You cannot compare with her!

Queen: irritated

My head ached!

What! Again! She's alive!

How outraged I am!

She would have failed!

I'll take it myself now!

AND pretend to be an old woman!

The queen puts a scarf over her head, takes a stick and a basket of apples

and leaves behind the screen.

SCENE 7 At the house gnomes

Old woman(rings the bell): Great apples, sweet apples, solid vitamins! Fly in!

Snow White: goes to old woman

Good morning, kind woman, give me one apple.

Old woman: Try it, dear!

(Gives the apple Snow White, she takes a bite of an apple, goes to the bench and lies down on the bench, closing her eyes)

Old woman: Drops the handkerchief

Ha, ha, ha! No more Snow white!

Now I am more beautiful than anyone in the world.

The old woman runs away behind the screen... Fit gnomes

1 Gnome: What is this? Well done!

3 Gnome(sits down and listens):

Snow White is dead.

Gnomes cry and go behind the screen. Fairy enters

In our tale, sadness is sadness

Snow White is very sorry

Well, it's my turn

Joy will come to us soon!

To brighten up the anticipation

Let's remember the Fairies' wish ...

The fairy leaves. The music plays, the Prince appears

Prince: I heard in my edge

The princess is sleeping soundly.

The wind spoke about it

What is more beautiful in the world.

The moon spoke to me:

She needs help urgently

He will wake up the beauty

Who will love her forever.

The prince comes to the music Snow White

Here! heavenly creation!

Let the spell disappear!

Now wake up soon

Smile to the sun, to the sky.

Snow White wakes up Rises on one knee, hands her flowers.

Snow White:

The sun is shining high

How easy it is for me to breathe!

Just lie down!

How long have I slept!

Music sounds. All the heroes come out

Everything happens in fairy tales

There are miracles in fairy tales.

Fairy tale like a bird

In blue skies


A fairy tale will teach us

Believe and be friends

A fairy tale will tell us

How kinder to be!

Snow White:

A miracle will happen

If you want!

Believe it! And certainly

Dreams will come true!


A miracle will happen

I will say without melting!

If by your side

Faithful friends!


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs



Yana Dashtoyan

Nice dress


Maxim Kuzmin

Crown, robe, white shirt, harem pants tied with ribbons, stockings or knee-highs, boots or shoes

Snow White

Maria Yakimova

1.dirty dress with patches

2.beautiful dress

3.Red bow headband


Nikita Dudorov

Crown or beret with a feather, mantle, harem pants tied with ribbons, boots, 3 flowers

Evil queen

Olesya Zhukova

1. Elegant dress, crown, cape

2. black cloak, wig and mask of the old woman.



Anastasia Chistyakova

Hat, cloak, shirt, pants, boots. mustache, dagger, casket


Ekaterina Danshova

Caps, vests, shirts or sweaters, short pants, striped leggings or knee-highs, shoes, picks, hammers, bags of colored stones


Sophia Loginova


Ksenia Popova

smart ass

Ulyana Telegina


Olesya Bukina


Maria Kalinina


Victoria Gracheva


Anfisa Kornilova

Squirrel mask and tail, dress


Angelina Solovieva

Chanterelle mask and tail, dress


Daria Lapshina

Hat with long ears, tail, pants, jacket or overalls


Elizaveta Rodina

Headband with ears and horns, dress, tail



Karina Domnina

Large oval or square of foil with a slit for the face

1. House made of cardboard for gnomes, 2 benches, a table with dishes for 7 persons, a spider web, a number of children's things, a blanket, a pillow, a broom, a sponge for dishes

2.bushes and trees, birds

3.well, towels, washcloths, soap, watering can, rake, flowers

4.the queen's throne, table, potion cauldron, red poisoned apple

5.baby in diapers

List of used literature:

1. The fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Brothers Grimm
2. N. V. Litvinov - PesnyaSkazochnika (vkontakte)
3. Song "Winter's Tale" music: Alexander Pinegin lyrics: Andrey Usachev
4. Song of the Evil Queen "If the kingdom is without treachery"
5. Song of Snow White from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" "I know, my prince will come" from the repertoire (Sveta Eremeeva)
6. Song of the Prince from the Musical "Cinderella" author of the play: I. Uvarova, Y. Daniel; songwriter: L. Fadeeva-Moskaleva; arrangement: E. Isenin
7. "Morning" Edvard Grieg (Snow White wakes up)
8. "Scene of the Queen with Potion" A fragment of the play "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" muses. S. Usachev
9. "Gnomes-Lilliputik" (music and lyrics by E. Ilyichev)
10. Dovakin - tanecved "m belosnezhka.mp3

(The storyteller takes the stage)


Do you like fairy tales? If so, then we will probably make friends with you. I am the Storyteller. I have many of the most entertaining stories in my mind. Take Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, for example.

A long time ago, a princess was born in a kingdom. For her skin white as snow, she was given the name - Snow White. The princess grew up as a sweet, kind girl, and everyone loved her very much. But hard times have come. The queen, Snow White's mother, fell seriously ill and died. Her dad, the king, married a second time. The new queen did not like Snow White terribly. The stepmother was very beautiful and very angry. She was annoyed by the beauty of the Princess stepdaughter. And when …

But, however, let's see everything with our own eyes.

Do you agree? I can not hear! (YES) So, the FAIRY TALE starts ...

1 picture

The music is playing . Evil Queen and Mirror come out. The queen walks over to the mirror and begins to preen herself. (you can insert the Dance of Witchcraft Power)


Mirror, mirror on the wall

(music of magic)


You, O Queen, are the most beautiful of all in our country

Music sounds. angry queen


If the kingdom is without treachery, then the kingdom is failing.

Who is in the crown is in the law, let the crown hold fear,

Dark forces will always help me

Cunning and malice, deception and enmity.

I know my throne is inaccessible, and I decorate it.

I'm smarter than everyone, I'm more beautiful than everyone.
And I will be the queen always, always, always.

(Evil laughter sounds) The Queen hides behind a screen

2 picture

Snow White Dream Music. It turns out Snow White, taking water from a well, waters the flowers. Then she stops at a well

Snow White:

Want to know the secret? There is no secret at all. Leaning towards the well, whisper desire. If the echo answers - you're in luck. Get whatever you want.

I want the prince to take me away from here!(echoes after Snow White)

The song "Prince and Princess" is played


Hello lovely girl! What is your name?

Snow White:

Snow White


How beautiful you are! I've been looking for such a girl for a long time. Will you agree to become my princess?

Snow White:

Oh yeah! I dreamed about you!


Then wait for me, dear Snow White! I'm going to my kingdom to get ready for the wedding! See you!

Snow White waves after him

3 picture


Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in this country?

(music of magic)


Lips like roses, skin like snow, hair blacker at night.

You guessed it - it's about her. About your foster daughter.

The queen was furious


Call my huntsman to me!

A huntsman runs to the music

Take Snow White to the forest tomorrow and bring her Heart back to me. I want to be sure that she is not alive.


It will be done, my Queen!

(leaves with a bow)

4 picture


The next morning, the huntsman took Snow White into the forest. The girl was very happy with the unexpected walk. She sang, laughed, joked. Watching her, the Jaeger realized that he could not obey the queen's order. And then he told the girl the whole truth.


Snow White, I know and love you since childhood. But your stepmother hates you, and she ordered me to kill you.

Snow White:

OH! Darling! Let me go, please!


I cannot kill you. This is beyond my strength. Run, run away from these places, hide and never come back !!!

Snow White runs away in fright behind the screen.

And I will shoot the doe and put her heart in the box and give it to the Queen.

Escapes from the hall


And the Huntsman brought the box with the doe's heart to the Queen.

The queen calmed down for a while.

And poor Snow White, tired of running through the forest, lay down and fell asleep in a small green meadow.

5 photo

Music sounds. Snow White lies in the clearing. Forest animals approach her cautiously and wake her up. Snow White wakes up and stretches. The animals are scared, hiding behind trees and bushes. Then they peer out cautiously.

Snow White:

Hello little animals! Come on, don't be afraid! I won't hurt you.The animals come up to Snow White. She strokes them. Scratches behind the ear

Let's get acquainted. My name is Snow White!


I'm a squirrel, agile, fast

In a red-haired fur coat.

I jump deftly from branch to branch

Red back, ponytail, head

(Snow White strokes the squirrel)


I am the bravest beast in the forest

I'm not even afraid of the fox!

The fox sneezes, the hare hides behind a bush out of fear. Everybody laughs

A fox

And I am a red fox


The bunny runs up to Snow White and complains:

Scared me like me! ..

A fox:

Together we live and dance and sing in the forest.


Snow White, don't cry, don't hide the bitter tears.

Believe that kindness is your best feature.

Snow White

I was so scared and lonely! What do you do when you feel bad?

Animals sing a song to the tune "The sun came out"


When we feel bad, we play -

We forget about any grief in a moment!


Let's rather play hide and seek

A fox

Appeals to Snow White

You have to drive and search for Snow White!

Snow White covers her eyes with her palms and considers:

One, two, three, four, five, I'm already going to look!

He opens his eyes and starts looking. The animals periodically peek out from behind the trees, giggle and run away to another place as soon as Snow White approaches them.

Snow White:

Okay, dear friends, but I need to find a place to hide from the evil queen


We will help you, do not be sad

We'll hide where you can't be found!

The animals take Snow White by the hand and lead to the dwarfs' house to the music.

Snow White

Oh! I can't believe my eyes! What a small house. This is probably my dream.They go into the house or move the screen house... What a mess!Comes to the table, picks up a cup... And what strange names on the cups: Sonya, Grunt, Silent, Clever, Modest, Veselchak and Chihun. Well, we'll have to take care of them. Squirrel and chanterelle help wash the dishes. The fawn removes the cobweb. Bunny puts things together. I'll sweep the floor

Snow White and the animals clean up to the music

Snow White:

Oh, how tired I am, lie down, rest a little.

Snow White lie down on the bench. Beasts run away behind the screen

Dwarfs appear to the music "Hey-ho". They go through the whole hall and go up to the stage.

6 photo


Oh, look, our light is on ...


(yawning) Maybe this ghost ...


I've been telling you for 200 years, trouble is inevitable !!!

Smart ass:

Well, okay, Grumpy, well, we can't stand here all night. Let's go and see.They come closer to the table.


Are you sure this is our home? It was never so clean in our life.




(is silent)


Well, the dishes were stolen! I told you!

Smart ass:

They just washed it and put it in the cupboard. Oh oh oh. Someone washed my cup!


All this is suspicious!


Well, here, you know - right. But who is this, and where is this who?

Smart ass:

Logically speaking, it is not here. If he is not here, then he is not at all. Or he's upstairs.


(yawning) Oh, bedroom. Is he in my bed?


Let's check now.They go to the sleeping Snow White.


Oh, horror, this is a giant!


Quiet. He's sleeping. Now we will pounce on him and tie him up before he wakes up.

Snow White

stretches Oh!

Smart ass:

In my opinion, this is not a giant at all, but ... a young girl.


And how beautiful!

Snow White:

I'm sorry if I scared you. But I was so tired that I just took it and fell asleep. And you are gnomes. True? Wait, now I'll guess who's name. Sonya, Grumpy, Silent, Clever, Modest, Veselchak and Chihun.


A-a-a-a-a (grunt pokes his nose) how did you get here?(grumbler lets go of his nose) PCHI!

Snow White

I'll tell you now.Dwarfs sit in a circle

I'm Snow White. Daughter of King Charles. For my beauty, my stepmother disliked me and even ordered the huntsman to kill me. But he turned out to be a very kind person and let me go. I ran through the forest for a long time. And then kind forest animals led me to your house.


Well, if that's the case, stay with us for now.


Nobody will find you here.

Snow White:

Now, before dinner is cooked, you have enough time to change and wash up. Otherwise, there will be no dinner!


We will not!


I will never wash my face!


We haven't washed our face for 300 years!

Smart ass:

Nobody has ever been harmed by water!




Grab it! Lead!


Don't scratch!


Stop doing that!

Bathing gnomes to the music. First, everyone washes the grumbler together. He fights back. Then everyone rubbing each other in a circle with a washcloth, soaping their hands and face, splashing, drying themselves with towels.

Snow White

Knocks on the basin with a ladle Its time for dinner! To the table!

The dwarfs run and sit down at the table. They eat together with spoons from plates.


It's time to have some fun. Dwarfs for the tools! Music!

The dwarfs grab the tools. Everyone is dancing together. Gradually everyone is removed behind the screen

7 photo

Music sounds. Evil Queen and Mirror come out


Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in this country?

(music of magic)


is silent


Well! Who did I tell?


I will not say.


Speak, disgusting glass!


Snow White is the sweetest of all, all blush and whiter


Traitors. I was deceived! She had to die! Die, die! She will die, whatever the cost. I swear!

Music sounds. witchcraft. The light goes out. Special effects. Queen m eats with a ladle in the cauldron and says magic words. Then he takes out a large red apple.


When Snow White takes a bite of this apple, she's finished. She will fall asleep in a deep sleep, like death. And only flowers of faith, hope, love can wake her up. I'll take this apple to her myself!

And so that Snow White does not recognize me, I will turn into a harmless old woman. Ha ha ha!

The queen conjures, turns into an old woman, takes an apple and goes off to ominous laughter

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Morning has come. The gnomes gathered to work, get magic gems. And Snow White went out to see them off

Snow White:

Well, dear gnomes, go quietly to work

The gnomes are queuing up for a kiss. Each walks up to and presents Snow White's forehead. The Silent Man runs around the circle and puts his forehead for a kiss a second time. The turn comes to Grumpy


What are these new customs? Well, you, this - don't let anyone into the house. And then all sorts of "walk"! The queen is yours again.

Snow White:

She's not mine.

Smart ass:

Does not matter. Don't let it. Well, okay, we went.

Music sounds. Snow White waves after the dwarfs. Then she begins to roll out the dough. Animals come out. The bunny drags a bucket of water. The chanterelle and squirrel knead the dough. Olenukha takes a towel. There is a knock at the door. The animals get scared and hide.

Snow White

Who's there?


This is me, a harmless old woman. Can I go into the house and rest

Snow White

Of course! Hello grandma.


My heart, give the poor old woman a drink. The road, you know, is so long, but my years are no longer the same, I'm tired ...

Snow White sat her grandmother on a chair and brought her water


Thank you, respected the old lady. I would like to thank you, but I have nothing but this apple. Take it honey.

Snow White:

Thank you grandma. What a liquid, beautiful1 Probably tasty ?!

Beasts timidly lean out of their hiding places and whisper


Do not eat!

But Snow White bites the apple, sits down on the bed and falls asleep.

The Queen takes off her wig and cloak. Straightens up and laughs


That's right, beauty! And then you just hear from all sides, Snow White is, Snow White is. All! Enough! Now I will be the most beautiful in the world. Goodbye beauty! Peace of mind and eternal night.(Exit.)

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Dwarfs come out to the music. and become a semicircle.


I think Snow White will like this emerald the most.


Most of all, most of all. Why did she give up your emerald?


And then. What do you want to give her?

Animals come running and, out of breath, screaming


Trouble! Trouble! Hurry! Hurry!

smart ass

Something happened!


Only with Snow White!


Let's run!


B-e-g-m!Run in a circle to the music.

An evil queen runs across the path of the dwarfs


This is the evil Queen. Forward! For her!


For her! Grab her!(they catch up with her behind the screen or behind the scenes).

The dwarfs return to the house. Run up to Snow White. They gasp. Cover your face with your hands. They cry.


She never knew how I fell in love with her.


(in turn) And I, Oia, and we!


Snow White was still beautiful. They built a wonderful crib for their Snow White. We put it in a forest clearing. Both day and night were on duty around her, hoping that someday she would wake up. But Snow White did not wake up. The fame of a beauty sleeping in the most impassable thicket spread throughout the world

Everyone sings the song “The princess sleeps for a hundred years ...)

Music sounds. "Prince and Princess". The Prince enters. Bows. Goes to Snow White.


I've been looking for you for so long, Snow White! I brought you these magical flowers - faith, hope and love!(puts them in Snow White's arms. Moves away. Sits down on one knee, bowing her head as a sign of mourning.) Suddenly Snow White stirred and woke up

Snow White

What a wonderful smell! Oh, what flowers!


HURRAH! She is alive!

Snow White:

Oh, how long I slept ... Prince! You came back for me!


From now on, no trouble will touch you! I will take you to my castle. And you will finally become my princess!


Ah-ah-ah-ah (the grumbler presses his nose) there, in the Prince's castle, won't you forget us?(grumbler lets go of his nose) PCHI!

Snow White:

How can I forget you? I will come to visit you as often as I can.


And then it was time for fun. Happy hearts are always filled with music. And all the forest animals, gnomes, the Prince and, of course, Snow Whitesang a funny song