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Enzymes in bodybuilding. Digestive enzymes and muscle gain What is pancreatin

Pancreatin contains specific enzymes (amylase, lipase and peptide hydrolases) that promote better digestion of food. Thanks to their action, the small intestine more successfully absorbs proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This property of the drug is in demand when building muscle mass, when you have to consume food in large quantities to provide the body with sufficient energy resources.

When is it recommended to take pancreatin?

During mass-gaining cycles, the athlete has to use a high-calorie diet. If certain difficulties are observed that do not allow you to gain muscle, as well as increasing the volume of fat accumulation, then you have to resort to the help of enzymes that facilitate and normalize the digestion process.

An inexpensive and long-known drug called Pancreatin is available in any pharmacy, the instructions for which include indications for use. It is recommended to use the drug if:

  • the appearance of discomfort, heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • belching after eating;
  • a feeling that the stomach seems to be bursting from the inside for a long time, which in no way contributes to maintaining the usual rhythm of life;
  • that errors made during nutrition are poorly tolerated by the body;
  • that the pancreas does not produce enough juice, including in the presence of chronic pancreatitis;
  • the presence of various chronic diseases of inflammatory-dystrophic nature. Taking pancreatin will help normalize the functioning of various organs - the stomach, gallbladder, intestines and liver;
  • violation of chewing function;
  • any deviation in the process of digestion of food, such as boiling, bloating, diarrhea, etc.;
  • a problem with stool, when stool comes out with mucus, is not formed, has a strong smell or is strangely colored.

When faced with any of the above-mentioned deviations while using a high-calorie diet, you should resort to using pancreatin. However, before you start using supplemental digestive enzymes, it is worth checking to see if you need to see a doctor. By reducing caloric intake, the body's reaction is revealed. The disappearance of adverse symptoms will mean that the body, when using a high-calorie diet, really needs pancreatin. If the symptoms of malfunction of the digestive system persist even after reducing the calorie intake, then you should visit a doctor.

How to take pancreatin

The drug is fast-acting, having a beneficial effect on the body half an hour after use. The daily dosage of pancreatin (converted to lipase) is usually 150,000 units. Take the drug before meals with water. In three to six doses per day, up to 15,000-20,000 units can be taken per kilogram of body weight, depending on the complexity of the situation and the individual characteristics of the body. The use of the drug ensures the disappearance of painful sensations, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, which begins to work more efficiently.

The duration of treatment may be:

  • several days if errors were made in the high-calorie diet;
  • several months if adverse symptoms do not disappear when using a high-calorie diet. Stop taking it, as usual, to cope with your health;
  • several years if replacement therapy is carried out on an ongoing basis.
  • When taking pancreatin, it is advisable not to combine it with:
  • iron supplements, as their absorption may deteriorate;
  • antacids. If they contain magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate, the effectiveness of using pancreatin may decrease.

Contraindications for use and possible side effects

The drug should not be taken in the presence of individual intolerance and acute pancreatitis, as well as in case of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. If you take pancreatin in a therapeutic dosage, then the probability of adverse side effects will not be even 1%.

The unfavorable symptoms that appear are characteristic of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Why diarrhea, stomach discomfort, constipation, and nausea is possible after taking Pancreatin remains unclear. With prolonged use of significant dosages of pancreatin, the development of hyperuricosuria cannot be ruled out, which can cause the formation of stones in the urinary tract.

Anyone who is professionally involved in bodybuilding is well aware that achieving the desired result is impossible without a properly selected nutrition program. This includes not only a balanced menu that helps the body gain muscle mass, but also all kinds of nutritional supplements and medications. The popularity of drugs containing digestive enzymes among athletes is quite high.

In the line of drugs in this group, the most famous is “Pancreatin”. Will taking it help those who want to achieve results in bodybuilding? Let's try to answer this question below.

This medicine helps if a person’s pancreas does not work or does not work at full capacity. In this case, the “Pancreatin” tablet supplies the body with the missing portion of enzymes, thanks to which food is digested.

The dosage of Pancreatin is usually small and is prescribed when the need for enzymes is relatively small. Or it is used in rehabilitation therapy after a course of stronger medications.

"Pancreatin" is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the pancreas, including chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis;
  2. Chronic inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Resection or irradiation of the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder;
  4. A one-time dose when preparing the abdominal organs for examinations;
  5. One-time dose after eating too much heavy food.

Contraindications to taking the drug are an acute form of pancreatitis or an exacerbation of the chronic course of the disease. Children under three years of age should not take the drug; pregnant women should only take it after consulting a doctor. It is rare, but an allergy to one of the components of the drug occurs, in which case the dose is also interrupted and Pancreatin is replaced with an analogue.

The use of "Pancreatin" in bodybuilding

Digestion in a healthy person is a clearly functioning mechanism, where the pancreas produces exactly as many enzymes as necessary to digest and absorb the food eaten.

However, the diet of an athlete is very different from the diet of an ordinary person. The amount of calories consumed significantly exceeds the norm, and often the body is not able to “process” such a large volume of incoming proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In this case, enzyme-containing preparations come to the rescue, with the help of which the body safely breaks down and absorbs nutrients.

However, it should be noted that Pancreatin should not be taken by everyone who is in the process of gaining muscle mass. When is it advisable to take the medicine?

In what cases should the drug be taken?

Unfortunately, the only way to determine whether an athlete needs to take supplemental enzymes is through trial and error. To do this, experts offer the following plan - to sharply increase the calorie content of your diet through high-quality, healthy food.

If muscle mass does not begin to grow within two weeks, and the symptoms listed below are also observed, then the problem lies in digestion, and in this case the person is advised to take enzymes:

  • Heaviness and discomfort in the stomach after eating;
  • Belching;
  • Unpleasant bursting sensations in the stomach that do not go away for a long time after eating;
  • Stomach upset, both after a large meal and after small portions.
  • Constipation, diarrhea, gas;
  • One of the most characteristic signs of a lack of enzymes in the intestines is the unusual color of the stool, as well as the presence of mucus in it.

If some of these signs appear when switching to a new diet, then most likely the body cannot cope with the load and Pancreatin is required. To understand this more precisely, you should return to your usual diet. If all the symptoms have disappeared, then the athlete needs to take digestive enzymes to normalize digestion and, accordingly, build muscle mass.

However, you should not joke with your health. The above symptoms may indicate not only that the body lacks enzymes, but also some diseases of the digestive system and food allergies. In this case, especially if the symptoms do not disappear, you should consult a doctor and get tested.

Reasons for stopping muscle growth

Many people face this, and quite often the reason lies precisely in digestive problems, when the body simply does not have time to process all the incoming nutrients. However, there are other reasons why this happens. In this case, taking enzymes will not bring any benefit, rather the opposite. After all, the intake of excess substances from the outside always leads to the body ceasing to produce its own, “hoping” for help.

  1. Poor nutrition, when the body does not receive enough good quality calories from which the body could build muscle tissue;
  2. Wrong training intensity. Here, deviation in any direction is bad, both too low and too high intensity;
  3. Lack of rest. Recovery time is a very important factor in building an ideal body. If you train too often, it will stunt muscle growth.

We should not forget that Pancreatin is still a medicine. Uncontrolled, and especially long-term use can cause harm to the body. Therefore, before going to the pharmacy to buy the drug, it is worth weeding out other reasons why muscle mass does not want to grow.

If there is a suspicion that the reason lies in digestion, then you should check your body by first increasing and then sharply reducing the calorie intake. If the symptoms of enzyme deficiency disappear with a return to your usual diet, then you should take the drug during periods of weight gain. However, it is advisable to first consult with your doctor, who will help you choose the optimal dose and safe duration of taking the drug.

Athletes who need to gain muscle mass must consume sufficient nutrients. This, of course, sharply increases the level of load on the entire digestive system, and in some cases leads to its disorder.

The “disorder” is that the stomach and intestines are “offended” at you for overloading them so much. Even minor problems with the digestive system can lead to major health problems in the future. But fortunately, such problems can be prevented. First, let's figure out what enzymes in the body take part in the digestion process.

Basic digestive enzymes These are proteases, lipases and amylases. Proteases are designed to break down proteins into amino acids. Thanks to amylases, starch, glycogen and other types of carbohydrates are broken down. Lipases are involved in the breakdown of all types of fats.

Although the digestive processes begin to take place already during chewing of food, due to the action of salivary enzymes, the main work of breaking down food is performed by the small intestine. Often during muscle mass gain, when a person begins to consume much more food per day than usual, digestion becomes noticeably more difficult. The body lacks digestive enzymes, so it will only absorb some of the nutrients. Accordingly, you do not get the desired effect of gaining weight, and the money spent on products will be wasted.

In such cases, artificial digestive enzymes come to the rescue, helping to establish efficient functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You will begin to get maximum benefits and returns from the products you consume. Nowadays you can find many manufacturers of artificial enzymes on the market, and in this article we will present a list of proven and effective drugs.

However, you must be extremely careful with the dosage of such drugs. Remember that exceeding the dose can lead to problems with the digestive system. But there will definitely be no benefit from abusing artificial enzymes! Don’t forget that long-term use of artificial enzymes over time inhibits the body’s production of its own enzymes. As they say, why work if the enzymes come from outside? Therefore, once you are done gaining muscle mass, stop taking supplemental enzymes and return to your normal diet.

Preparations based on digestive enzymes:

Pancreatin– contains a complete set of enzymes needed by the body. This drug has the following feature: it contains much more protease compared to other drugs. It is for this reason that you can use pancreatin both when gaining weight and when cutting. The daily dosage is 3-8 tablets.

Mezim-Forte is another worthy drug that comes in the form of pills. Take 3 tablets per day, after meals.

Panzinom-forte– ideal for those on a high-carbohydrate diet. Take 1-6 tablets per day, with meals.

Festal– will help digest fatty foods. Take 3-9 tablets per day, after meals.

To improve digestion, you can use special substances - enzymes. Find out how to increase the efficiency of your digestive system during the period of mass gain.

The content of the article:

Every athlete understands the need to consume large amounts of food when gaining weight. But at a certain point, increasing the caloric content of the diet may simply become impossible due to the natural limitations of the body. It becomes difficult for the digestive system to process incoming food. To solve this problem, bodybuilders often use digestive enzymes to speed up the processing of food. Let's look at how enzymes should be used in bodybuilding.

Digestive enzymes - what are they?

If we abandon medical terms and speak in common language, then enzymes are substances that have the ability to accelerate chemical reactions. These are unique catalysts for all processes that occur in the body. They accelerate the breakdown of nutrients supplied with food.

Some of these substances are synthesized by the pancreas, and some are found in foods. Most enzymes are found in raw foods and it is under their influence that vegetables or fruits rot. After heat treatment, many enzymes lose their catalytic abilities.

If a deficiency of digestive enzymes is created in the body, then food is processed much more slowly and the stomach is overloaded. Today, various chemicals are used in large quantities in food production, which also often negatively affect the speed of food processing. At the same time, they reduce the amount of enzymes in foods, which increases the load on the pancreas. You can avoid digestive problems by consuming additional enzymes.

How to use enzymes in bodybuilding?

It should be said right away that enzymes should be taken additionally in the following cases:
  • In case of dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • If you have difficulty digesting, such as heartburn or bloating;
  • With a significant increase in the calorie content of the daily diet.
Digestive enzymes significantly speed up the processing of foods and increase the rate of absorption of nutrients. This in turn helps to increase the body's energy resources.

Today you can purchase a fairly large number of drugs containing enzymes. The most popular among them are Festal, Mezim and Pancreatin. All these drugs are sold in regular pharmacies, and finding them is not a problem.

Enzymes should be taken before meals or at the same time as them. Dosages of drugs must be determined individually. This is influenced by a fairly large number of factors, for example, the drug itself, the quality and quantity of food, etc.

Now Foods enzymes are very effective. They are not often found in pharmacies, but can be easily ordered online. Most often, one tablet is enough to restore normal digestion.

Also, some athletes should pay close attention to specialized enzymes. The drugs discussed above are complex. Individual enzymes are designed to speed up the processing of relevant substances. For example, lactase allows you to quickly process dairy products that contain a special type of sugar - lactose.

Very often, with age, the body begins to digest lactose less well and this causes certain problems. By using lactase this problem will be successfully solved. Of course, we can talk about digestive enzymes for a very long time, but this information is quite enough for the first time.

Learn more about enzymes and their role in the body here.


The expression “melting before our eyes” successfully characterizes the state of sudden weight loss that occurs with chronic pancreatitis. Kilograms can disappear quickly, and after the fat layer disappears, muscle mass begins to disappear. A person suffering from pancreatitis cannot control this process; he needs the help of an experienced gastroenterologist. Why is there a strong decrease in body weight with chronic pancreatitis and how to gain weight with pancreatitis, read on.

Why does pancreatitis cause weight loss?

The pancreas is located, as the name implies, in close proximity to the stomach - just below and to the left of the organ. Next to the gland is the spleen, gallbladder and duodenum. The work of the pancreas is associated with the last two organs. It produces a secretion that flows through the ducts into the duodenum. After combining with bile, the secretion of the pancreas enters an active form and participates in the processes of food digestion.

The secretion of the pancreas contains a number of enzymes important for digestion. If there is a shortage or absence of them, proteins, fats and carbohydrates supplied with food are not able to be absorbed by the body.

With pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas occurs. Against the background of the inflammatory process, the production of pancreatic secretion increases, and its outflow from the organ becomes more difficult. This complicates the process of digesting food entering the intestines. Its particles settle on the walls of the intestines, irritate them and provoke stool disorders. The body does not receive the micronutrients it needs:

  • proteins – building material for muscles;
  • fats – substances necessary for the absorption of vitamins, the process of cholesterol metabolism, optimal thermoregulation and protection of internal organs;
  • carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body.

It compensates for the lack of proteins, carbohydrates and fats using existing “reserves” - first, subcutaneous fat is consumed, and then glycogen from the liver and muscles. A person is rapidly losing weight. He is unable to take control of the situation, just as he is unable to gain weight due to pancreatitis of the pancreas.

Note: the processes occurring during chronic pancreatitis are called maldigestion and malabsorption. The first process is a digestive disorder associated with enzyme deficiency. Malabsorption is a failure in the absorption of nutrients.

How to stop the process of losing weight?

When kilograms disappear “before our eyes,” the most pressing question becomes whether it is possible to gain weight with pancreatitis. This is not only possible, but also vital. However, the process requires an integrated approach, the help of specialists and a course of treatment.

The process of weight loss stops when chronic pancreatitis goes into stable remission.

In addition to therapy, the doctor should refer the patient for examination of the gastrointestinal tract in order to detect other diseases, such as gastritis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, and dysbacteriosis. When diagnosing them, it is necessary to select the correct treatment, since gaining weight, say, with pancreatitis and gastritis, will be impossible if the inflammation of the stomach is not eliminated. Comorbidities can contribute to weight loss and interfere with digestion and nutrient absorption.


If the secretory function of the gland is impaired, replacement therapy is prescribed - the patient is prescribed drugs with pancreatin. The active substance includes digestive enzymes such as amylase, which is involved in the digestion of carbohydrates, lipase, necessary for the processing of fats, and protease, without which the digestion of proteins is impossible.

Pancreatin in medications is protected by a special enteric coating. This ensures its protection from the effects of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and entry into the intestines in optimal quantities. Enzymes are released and act in the intestines.

Available in the form of capsules or tablets. The most popular enzyme products are Creon, Festal, Mezim, Enzistal, Pancreatin, Panzinorm. The dosage of the drug is selected for each patient individually, based on the severity of symptoms and age.

Note: the enzymatic activity of drugs is observed on average 35 minutes after taking a tablet or capsule with pancreatin.

Enzyme preparations not only compensate for the lack of digestive enzymes, but also activate the functioning of the pancreas.

How to gain lost kilograms?

The patient should be patient, since it is not possible to recover from chronic pancreatitis in a short time. The fact is that with pancreatitis it is necessary to follow a diet that excludes the consumption of fatty foods, which ensure rapid weight gain. If the diet is not followed, an exacerbation of pancreatitis will occur, and all the results of therapy will be nullified. The main features of the diet for pancreatitis are as follows:

  • you need to eat often, 5-6 times a day;
  • food portions should be small in size so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract and not provoke digestive problems;
  • You should not eat foods that are difficult to digest: nuts, corn, beans, fatty meat, mushrooms;
  • You should not eat fresh fruits and berries, as the fiber they contain promotes increased gas formation and leads to abdominal pain;
  • food should have a neutral temperature that is comfortable for the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract - about 40 degrees (too hot and cold will irritate the inner lining of the organs and increase inflammation);
  • food must be thoroughly chewed (when it is processed by saliva, the amylase enzyme begins to break down carbohydrates, and high-quality mechanical grinding of foods facilitates their further digestion);
  • You should not drink food with water; it is recommended to drink it an hour after eating;
  • before eating (20-30 minutes) you can drink a glass of water (this can be Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan mineral water, from which gases are previously released);
  • the amount of salt in dishes should be reduced.

To gain weight, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of a nutritionist and follow the diet prepared by a specialist. Daily caloric intake is calculated for each patient individually, based on his initial weight, health status, and age. But the permitted products for pancreatitis are standard. The menu may include:

  • dietary meat: veal, chicken (without skin), rabbit, turkey;
  • low-fat fish: pollock, pike perch, haddock, pike, hake, sturgeon;
  • quail and chicken eggs;
  • sugar-free cookies, day-old bread, crackers (without seasonings);
  • durum pasta;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, semolina;
  • vegetables (not fresh, boiled, baked, stewed, steamed);
  • low-fat fermented milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream;
  • drinks: herbal tea, jelly, compote, water.

It is recommended to cook soups only with water or vegetable broth. Meat and fish broths increase the secretion of pancreatic secretions, increasing the load on the organ. Spicy, fatty, fried, smoked, salty, sour foods must be completely excluded from the diet. Even in small quantities, such food can lead to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

The menu for weight gain must contain a sufficient amount of protein. With low physical activity, the daily protein intake is calculated using the formula Ax1,2, where A is the person’s weight. With light physical activity, the coefficient increases to 1.5, with high physical activity - up to 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. On average, the daily protein intake for women ranges from 60 to 90 grams. For men, this figure will be higher, it ranges from 80 to 120 grams of protein per day.

Sources of protein can be meat, fish, cottage cheese, egg whites. After consultation with your doctor, you can use protein shakes. The doctor may also recommend amino acid supplements and multivitamin complexes.

Some nutritionists recommend that their patients include baby purees (vegetables, meats, fruits) in their diet when gaining weight. They have a balanced composition and are prepared from dietary products. Baby food is designed for the incompletely formed digestive system of small children, therefore it is safe for patients with pancreatitis.