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Belyaevo gallery exhibition of leonardo da vinci. The multimedia exhibition Leonardo da Vinci. The event has already passed

Do not miss the opportunity to learn secret predictions about the future, having visited the amazing multimedia world of the great creator, at the excursion exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci. The story of a genius who changed the world. " We invite you to plunge into the world of secrets and mysteries of the great artist, inventor, anatomist, botanist, genius of his time!

A unique immersive exhibition will allow you to see, hear and touch:

  • Flying car model prototype
  • The most famous and mysterious life-size reproductions such as Mona Lisa (La Gioconda), John the Baptist, Madonna of the Rocks and many others.
  • Amazing predictions encrypted in riddles
  • Leonardo's inventions and creations will come to life on huge screens

The exhibition is supported by the castle of the Clos-Luce museum (France).

Who is it for

For children and adults interested in the works of Leonardo da Vinci.

Why go

  • Unusual exhibition format with full immersion
  • Many interesting exhibits
  • Amazing inventions and creations of Leonardo da Vinci
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The event has already passed

On September 12, the Moscow cultural center ZIL is expected to open the multimedia exhibition Leonardo da Vinci. The story of a genius who changed the world ”, which will run until November 12, 2017.

An exhibition dedicated to the work of the great Leonardo da Vinci in a unique format of a multimedia tour in Russia is being held for the first time.
A pearl of Renaissance classics at the pace of modern times is offered for your viewing. The multimedia project conveys the story of a genius in a bright and non-standard format, the paintings come to life before your eyes, revealing their hidden meaning inherent in each of them by the great Leonardo Da Vinci.

It is known that only about 20 paintings have survived to our time, as well as drawings and notes by Leonardo. The originals of his works are very fragile. They are stored all over the world, but rarely travel to exhibition grounds. Therefore, a multimedia exhibition in the format of an excursion is a unique opportunity to see all the artist's masterpieces in one place, on large screens, feeling the full scale of his works.

The projection image in Full HD format combined with 3D animation and surround sound will provide viewers with a bright perception and full immersion in the atmosphere of mystery. Allow yourself to enjoy watching the works of the maestro come to life before your eyes on comfortable chairs, plunging into the distant times of the 9th century, learn interesting facts from the life of Leonardo da Vinci and his creations.

The guests of the exhibition will see such masterpieces as Madonna Benoit, Annunciation, Portrait of Ginevra Benchi, Adoration of the Magi, Madonna of the Rocks, Lady with an Ermine, Madonna Litta, Mona Lisa, etc.

The multimedia tour takes 35 minutes.

Exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci. The story of the genius who changed the world ”will be of interest to everyone - young and old. This interactive exhibit will leave an unforgettable experience for the whole family.

You are expected daily from 11:00 to 21:00 in the cultural center "ZIL" at the address Moscow, st. Vostochnaya, 4, building 1.

The exhibition provides a social program for free admission:

  • For war veterans
  • Disabled
  • Children from large families (for a family with 4 or more children)
  • Children under 7 years old

Exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci. The story of the genius who changed the world "and" Space: from Galileo to Elon Musk "will be held on January 31, 2019 at 21:00, Multimedia Gallery Kvadrats. On our website you can find all the information about this event: description, date, photos. Add the Exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci. The story of the genius who changed the world "and" Space: from Galileo to Elon Musk "in the calendar, so as not to lose an important event.

Image caption "Beautiful Ferroniera". The portrait was painted in the first Milanese period by Leonardo

The grandiose exhibition dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci in the Louvre has been preparing for over 10 years. At some point allalmost ripped offelk because ofdiplomaticwow scandala... But today, October 24, is one of the most awaited and dearstanding in the world of exhibitions opens to the public at the Parisian Louvre.

The curators of the exhibition managed to collect more than 160 works by Leonardo da Vinci - some were donated to the Louvre for the duration of the exhibition by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, as well as by Bill Gates and his wife Melinda. The permanent exhibition of the Louvre contains perhaps the most famous painting of the artist - "Mona Lisa".

Image copyright Royal collection trust Image caption Leonardo da Vinci's drawing "The Star of Bethlehem and Other Plants" was donated to the Louvre by Elizabeth II

The Louvre exhibition will last four months. During this time, more than half a million people are expected to visit it. The curators say they want to help visitors gain a deeper understanding of the artist's working methods. Therefore, the exhibition presents da Vinci's notes, his drawings, as well as the results of studies of his paintings, including in infrared radiation. Virtual reality technologies will help visitors to see the details of the artist's works that are invisible to the naked eye.

Recent infrared studies of some of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings have revealed several layers of images hidden behind the final painting.

Image caption "Madonna with a Spindle". Research using infrared radiation. Using this method, you can see how the picture changed during the work.

In August, experts using hyperspectral imaging discovered that the image of the angel and the baby Christ in the original versions of Madonna of the Rocks was different from the final version. Macro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy maps show that an angel embraces the baby Jesus Christ.

Leonardo da Vinci was an engineer, inventor, scientist and artist who was interested and admired the beauty of the human body, the behavior of animals and the life of plants.

He was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bflight and designed an aircraft with wings that were propelled by a special mechanism. The machine invented by the artist was supposed to imitate the flight of a bird. Leonardo himself performed the calculations and made the drawings. Some of them are presented at the exhibition.

Image caption Drawing of a dog's head in one of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks

The artist also came up with new weapons, various tools, devices. In his notebooks you can find notes and sketches concerning various ideas in construction and architecture.

Image caption

One of the most famous drawings by Leonardo da Vinci - "Vitruvian Man" - will be presented at the exhibition, but only for two months. The drawing was brought from the Accademia Gallery in Venice to the Louvre in Paris just before the opening of the exhibition.

In Italy, the Italia Nostra association tried to ban the export of the famous drawing, insisting that this work of the artist must constantly be in special conditions, and transportation and lighting at the exhibition could cause irreparable harm to it. However, a court in Italy decided that the "Vitruvian Man" could still be presented at an exhibition in Paris.

Image copyright Reuters Image caption The dispute over the dispatch of the "Vitruvian Man" to Paris was resolved only a week before the opening of the exhibition

"It [the Vitruvian Man drawing] shows the beauty of the [human] body," says exhibition curator Vincent Deluvin.

“We hope that we can show how he [Leonardo da Vinci] was an artist, why he was so important. He used a special and unusual method of work, based on a scientific approach,” adds Deluvin.

Image caption A copy of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" is presented at the Louvre exhibition

"Mona Lisa" - perhaps the most famous work of Leonardo da Vinci - will be presented at the exhibition using virtual reality technologies. The painting itself will remain in the same place in the permanent exhibition of the Louvre, where it is located behind bullet-proof glass. This decision was made due to the fact that the throughput of the exhibition halls is several times lower than the throughput of the permanent exhibition hall.

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Curators promise to use virtual reality to acquaint visitors with some of the secrets of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpieces

However, visitors to the exhibition will be able to look at the portrait thanks to virtual reality technology and get acquainted with the results of the painting's research. As the authors of the Vive Arts project promise, visitors will be able to see such details of the portrait that cannot be seen without the use of special technologies.

Image copyright Courtesy HTC Vive Arts Image caption Visitors to the exhibition will be able to look at the painting "Mona Lisa" thanks to virtual reality technology

The exhibition features paintings donated by Queen Elizabeth II to the Louvre during the exhibition. Usually these works of Leonardo da Vinci are kept in Windsor Castle and are not available to the public.

Among them are sketches of Leda's head and arms (for the lost painting "Leda and the Swan").

“Queen Elizabeth II was very generous in donating 24 works from her collection. Thanks to her, we were able to prepare a good selection of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings,” says Deluvin.

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The exhibition at the Louvre features works by other Renaissance artists, as well as sculpture. The exhibition's curators say it was necessary to show Leonardo's work in the context of the era.

Image caption "Head of a Woman" (La Scapigliata) by Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo was born in the city of Vinci, Tuscany, in 1452. His interests were not limited to painting, he was also a sculptor, architect, mathematician. He spent several years before his death in May 1519 in France at the invitation of King Francis I.

This circumstance became one of the arguments in the recent dispute between Italy and France.

The exhibition, which the Louvre has been preparing for many years, came into question at the end of last year, when the Italian right-wing party "League of the North" opposed the granting of several of the artist's works to France, saying that Italy, having given the work, would be "on the sidelines of a big political event." ...

Last November, Italian Deputy Minister of Culture Lucia Borgonzoni said: "Leonardo was Italian. He just died in France. France cannot get everything."

The dispute came to an end only last week, when the Italian Administrative Court ruled that the Vitruvian Man, which is kept in a gallery in Venice in a room that maintains a constant temperature, could be brought to an exhibition in the Louvre.

At the same time, the court referred to the exceptional significance of the exhibition in the Louvre for the whole world.

"Now two wonderful Italian-French exhibitions can start their work - Leonardo in Paris and Raphael in Rome", - the Minister of Culture of Italy Dario Franceschini wrote on Twitter.