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How to make fruit drink from strawberry jam. How to make fruit drink from frozen cherries. Other fruit drink recipes

In chapter Food, Cooking to the question How to make fruit drink from jam? given by the author Single the best answer is Actually, ideally, fruit juice is the juice of fresh berries diluted in half with water, where the berry cake from which the juice was squeezed was boiled. Plus a little sugar. But when there are no fresh berries, but there is jam, it will also work out just fine! 🙂

Answer from Drinking[guru]
Dilute with water!

Answer from Live[guru]
Boil semolina and whisk with water and jam! There will be mousse!

Answer from Devastating[newbie]
dissolve the jam in boiled water and then cool it in the refrigerator

Answer from manager[guru]
Why is it so complicated? Place a sieve with jam in boiling water so that any grains do not fall in, add citric acid and sugar if necessary. And turn it off.

Answer from Domino[active]
To begin, wash your hands and find jam, you can use any jam (but preferably raspberry jam, it’s tastier and healthier). If it is closed, then open it. Prepare a mug and add jam with a tablespoon (depending on the sweetness) and fill with water. Then stir it all and you can use it like a juice drink, drink it to your health!

Answer from Lack of rights[guru]
Pretty, it looks like the fantasy part of your brain has been completely knocked out by too much writing in the freezer! No offense! Stir boiling water, add jam, let it boil, taste, if it’s too sweet, add some water and lemon juice. We taste it again, filter it, pour it into containers and into the refrigerator! And so we recycle the bins of our homeland for the year 2006!

They say that constantly drinking tea and coffee drinks is very harmful. What to do then? It is not advisable to drive after this. Fermented milk liquids are also not good for everyone. But I really want to refresh myself and quench my thirst.

You won’t drink just water all the time either. And you don’t have to run to the store to buy juices. But in the summer heat and winter cold, recipes for making vitamin juice will always come to the rescue.

The flavor palette of this life-giving moisture is quite rich. How many berries - so many flavors you can get. You can also please yourself and your loved ones with their combinations.

This natural and healthy drink can be prepared in a matter of minutes, either from fresh ingredients or from jam. It can be boiled or consumed in its original form without heat treatment.

So what is required to prepare fruit juice? Believe it or not, only 3 ingredients are enough! Water, berries and sugar (or honey)!

To begin with, the berries are usually prepared. Fresh ones are sorted and cleaned of all kinds of leaves and stalks, then washed under cool water.

With frozen ones you will have to tinker a little.

To bring them to a melted state, the preparations are usually taken out of the refrigerator and poured into a colander, and it is placed on top of a deep cup so that the precious juice does not flow out in vain as it thaws. At room temperature, the raw material will reach the desired state in just an hour.

But if you are planning to cook in the morning, then it is better to leave this structure in the common chamber of the refrigeration unit, and overnight you will get beautiful tender berries from the ice.

Under no circumstances should you use boiling water to speed up defrosting. It will not only damage them, but will also instantly destroy beneficial vitamins.

Also, to avoid oxidation, it is advisable to use only enamel cookware and non-metal cooking tools. It is better to take a wooden rolling pin or a plastic pestle.

However, no one forbids you to work with whatever is more convenient for you. This is a personal matter for everyone.

To get more benefits and get a rich concentration, it is best to chop the berries. You can crush them by hand or use a blender, mixer or juicer. And some people use a good old meat grinder for this.

Then the crushed raw material should be separated from the cake; to do this, it is ground through a sieve or squeezed through cheesecloth. And then it is advisable to sweeten the squeezed puree. This can be the usual sugar, but many people add honey - it is much healthier and gives the drink a completely different amazing taste.

The resulting mass is mixed well and diluted with cool water to your liking. That's all - the fruit drink is ready!

Many people prefer to bring the crushed sweet mixture to a boil with a small amount of liquid, and only then dilute it with boiled water. In a sense, this will be correct - after all, not all berries can be accepted by the body with a bang.

A slight heat treatment will allow you to get more flavor from the cake and eliminate unwanted components that disturb the stomach when used raw.

However, if there are no berries, you can always do the same with jam. You just don’t need to add sugar anymore – it’s already sweet enough.

This liquid delicacy can be stored for up to three days, provided that you keep it covered in the refrigerator.

If you don’t like small inclusions of pulp and skin, you can always filter the raw material more thoroughly through a strainer or cheesecloth before pouring it into a container.

Lingonberry juice without boiling the berries (step-by-step recipe)

Lingonberries are incredibly useful, especially in the winter season! Not only is it a natural antioxidant and antibiotic, it is also an excellent remedy for fatigue and vitamin deficiency.

Many people prefer to make fruit juice from it, but for me it turns out more like a compote, so I do it a little differently.

We will need:

  • Water – 2 l.
  • Lingonberries - 1.5 cups.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 cup.


1. Put a pan of water on the fire, add sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. After waiting until all the crystals have completely dissolved, you can remove from the heat. Then cool to room temperature.

While the syrup is cooling, remove debris from the lingonberries and rinse under running cool water. Place in a colander so that excess water can drain without any obstruction.

2. As soon as the sweet liquid has cooled, pour the berries into a special flask or into a jar. Add a little sugar water so that it is level with the lingonberries.

This needs to be done to make it easier to chop the berries. By itself, it is quite tough, so some water will help it with this.

3. Beat everything well with a blender until smooth. You should get a homogeneous, aromatic porridge. It is slightly similar to a smoothie and has its own unique aroma.

4. Strain the resulting puree through a sieve to remove solid pulp. To do this, you can use a spoon or a potato masher to prepare mashed potatoes. If you don’t have it on hand, you can take a clean piece of gauze and fold it in two or three layers. The effect will be exactly the same.

You can squeeze the lingonberry puree directly into a pan with cooled syrup so as not to dirty a lot of dishes.

5. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and you can pour the precious nectar into the decanter. It is advisable to cool the drink in the refrigerator before serving.

It tastes with a slight pleasant bitterness, which only adds extra points to it.

How to prepare sea buckthorn juice at home

Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of vitamins. To avoid losing them, it is best not to boil the berries during cooking, and under no circumstances pour boiling water over them. It is best to simply dilute the prepared raw materials with cool, purified water.

As a last resort, use warm liquid to retain all the beneficial microelements.

We will need:

  • Sea buckthorn berries – 150 gr.
  • Sugar – ½ cup.
  • Water - to taste.


1. First you need to rinse the sea buckthorn, remove debris and twigs. Picking berries is difficult, and therefore there is always a lot of this goodness among the harvest.

2. Mash clean orange berries to a puree. It is better to do this in a tall bowl so that the squeezed out oily juice does not stain everything around. Besides, it’s completely inappropriate to splash yourself with precious drops.)

A blender is quite suitable for grinding. Although I would recommend you an ordinary masher, because it will not crush the hard seeds and will not add bitterness to our drink. The taste will be more “clean” and natural.

3. Pour sugar into the crushed raw materials and mix well. Dilute with water to the desired consistency and serve.

4. Some people like to eat the remaining pieces of berries, so you don’t have to strain the finished mixture.

But if small children drink fruit juice, it is better to first pass the sweet puree through a sieve or squeeze it through cheesecloth. And only then dilute the resulting thick juice with water.

And in this case, it is better to add sugar after the skins and seeds have been removed.

It is better to serve the drink slightly chilled, but this is a matter of taste.

If you don’t have fresh or frozen berries, then feel free to cook them, it will also be very tasty.

Video on how to prepare delicious and healthy sea buckthorn juice

We also recorded a short video on our channel so that everyone could see the entire cooking process. You will be surprised how easy and simple everything will be.

Do you know how delicious sea buckthorn fruit juice turns out to be?!!! Words simply cannot describe. Be sure to cook and blow through. And write in the comments about your feelings.

By the way, you can use this same recipe as a basis for preparing a drink with absolutely all other berries, and even fruits, if desired.

How to make juice from fresh cranberries

To avoid colds in the cool season and boost immunity, it is useful to include cranberries in your diet. Not only is it refreshing, but it also contains substances that promote a positive mood.

So we can say that it is a natural cure for depression. And this is no joke!!!

We will need:

  • Cranberries – 0.7 kg.
  • Water – 3 liters.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.35 kg.


1. Grind the berries, well washed and cleared of unnecessary debris, to a puree. You shouldn’t chop it too much, although large pieces will be completely useless. The main thing is to achieve such a state that more liquid can be released from it.

You can choose the grinding method yourself. It is convenient to use a food processor for these purposes; you can adjust the consistency of the berries in it.

2. Prepare clean, ironed gauze and transfer the resulting pulp into it. Carefully collect the ends of the matter and use it to squeeze out the precious juice.

To make it easier to squeeze the berries, do not put them all in cheesecloth at once. It is better to do this in parts, so we will lose fewer useful particles of ruby ​​raw materials.

3. By the way, the resulting cake can also be used - why waste it! It should be poured into a saucepan and, after adding water, mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat.

4. Strain the resulting colored broth through the previously used gauze and now the unnecessary skins and seeds can be thrown away with peace of mind. We have already taken everything that could be taken from them.

5. While the liquid is still hot, dissolve sugar in it. If you delay, it will be more difficult for the crystals to dissolve later.

And as soon as the resulting syrup has cooled to room temperature, pour in the previously squeezed cranberry juice.

7. Then you can pour it into a beautiful container and serve it as a drink, either at the table or just for drinking instead of water.

It's so quick and easy! How useful!

Step-by-step recipe for making cranberry juice from frozen berries

Frozen cranberries are no less useful. True, first you need to warm it up to at least room temperature and only then start preparing a healthy and tasty drink.

This fruit drink is very tasty, so everyone has a bag or two of this wonderful berry in their freezer.

We will need:

  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Frozen cranberries – 250 gr.
  • Sugar – 200 gr.


1. Remove the berries from the freezer in advance and let them thaw in a tall bowl. Remember that they must reach the desired state without any additional intervention in the form of water or any heating.

Then crush them using a wooden or plastic masher.

It is better not to use iron utensils in such cases, so that the berries do not oxidize and receive an unnecessary additional flavor.

2. Add granulated sugar and dilute the ruby ​​aromatic puree with water. The amount of sugar in the recipe is what I usually add myself.

You can taste the diluted liquid and adjust the taste yourself.

3. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and heat to a boil.

If you bought frozen cranberries in a store or market, you can even cook them for just a couple of minutes. You should not cook any more, so as not to lose precious nutrients.

Close the lid and let the fruit drink become saturated with the aroma and color of the berries. From infusion it becomes more saturated, both in terms of taste and color.

4. Cool the finished drink, strain through a fine sieve, or through gauze, if you have what you have on hand, and can be served for consumption.

Fruit drink made from frozen berries is in no way inferior in taste to a drink made from fresh ones.

Therefore, be sure to prepare cranberries by storing them in the freezer.

How to make fruit drink from frozen currants

Oh, and I like currants, rich in vitamin C! The whole family eats it with great pleasure. Naturally, we prepare it in huge quantities for the winter, and at any time we can take it out of the freezer to enjoy the amazing sweet and sour taste!

And what a fruit drink you get from it! Even coffee sometimes cannot replace this amazing drink, especially on a frosty winter morning.

We will need:

  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Frozen currants – 300 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 100 gr.


1. Remove black berries from the freezer and pour into a saucepan. Allow them to sit in a warm place for 20 minutes so that they have time to thaw. There will be enough time for this.

2. Add sugar and mix well. Again, you can add a sweet flavoring additive according to your taste, or maybe someone will prefer adding honey to the berries.

Have you ever tried the combination of currants and honey?!

3. Grind the aromatic berries using one of the known methods - either using a masher or a blender. The state we need is maximum grinding, preferably to a pulp state.

In this case, of course, a blender will be more useful.

4. Pour in warm water and shake so that the sugar does not stick to the bottom, but dissolves. To do this, let the mixture stand for a while on the kitchen table, and at the same time periodically stir our preparation.

5. Then put the pan with the contents on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Immediately remove it from the stove, not just turn off the gas, but remove it from the hot surface.

Prolonged heating will destroy all the vitamins, then it will be simply delicious. But we also want it to be useful!

Cool the resulting nectar to room temperature, leaving it simply on a regular kitchen table.

6. Strain using one of the methods known to us, we have already talked a lot about this today. Namely, through a sieve or cheesecloth, and put it in the refrigerator to cool.

7. You can drink this amazing drink at any time. And how good it is for any holiday table! If there is store-bought juice and our fruit drink on the table, then they will start with it and end with it!!!

By the way, it is equally good both cold and warm.

8. Sugar may not be added during cooking. Instead, it is enough to add 3 tbsp to the already cooled broth. l. honey and fruit juice will sparkle with new flavor colors.

If you have never tried this combination, then try it, you can surprise your taste buds!

Video on how to make homemade fruit juice from a mixture of berries

Today we looked at several different recipes for making berry fruit drinks. And they were all prepared from the same type of berries.

Do you know how delicious they turn out from a mixture of berries? Moreover, they can be very different, but the more diverse the composition of ingredients, the richer the taste will be.

And here is one of such recipes. The delicious ingredients include frozen black and red currants, as well as blackberries and strawberries. Even when you just read the ingredients, it becomes delicious! Can you imagine what it will be like if you cook such splendor!!!

By the way, the composition can be whatever you want every time. It all depends on your imagination and the raw materials that you have prepared in your freezer.

These are such delicious fruit drinks! If anyone, before starting to read, still had doubts about whether to cook them or not, then now it has probably become clear to everyone that you can please yourself and your loved ones not only with juices and compotes. But also aromatic homemade drinks.

By the way, they contain much more vitamins than packaged juices and juice-containing drinks that have been pasteurized at the factory.

You can drink them at almost any time of the day, but you should not overuse them. After all, you add sugar to them. Drinks that are too sweet are bad for your health. Even if you dilute jam in water and enjoy the life-giving moisture, the sweetness content will still be high.

The less sugar the better! And it is much healthier to drink your favorite drink with a teaspoon of honey.

Bon appetit and be healthy, getting vitamins from wonderful berry fruit drinks!

If all the fresh berries are gone and there is not the slightest handful of frozen fruits left, this does not mean that you will have to give up making a delicious drink. Today in the article we will tell you how to make fruit drink from jam at home, and it is quite possible that your family will like this option many times more than the usual preparation.

The advantages of this method are speed and the ability to make your favorite drink at any time of the year, without losing its vitamins and time for long cooking.


  • Jam - 1 cup (200 ml) + -
  • - 1 liter + -
  • 1 PC. or 50 ml lemon juice + -

How to make fruit drink with jam

Surely, every housewife prepares a single jar of delicious homemade jam from fresh berries for the winter. It can be absolutely any variety (currant, strawberry, raspberry, cherry, apricot, cranberry, sea buckthorn, etc.), it all depends on the taste preferences of your family members.

But no matter what delicacy you have stored in the basement or refrigerator, you can always take it out of winter storage and use it to prepare fruit juice.

Absolutely any jam is suitable for making homemade fruit juice, even if it has fermented a little. The recipe uses boiling water, and boiling water, as you know, kills all microbes.

  1. We dilute the portion of jam required for cooking in boiling water. You can first boil it a little, this will maximally protect you and your loved ones from poisoning.
  2. After mixing boiling water with jam, cool the portion and add lemon juice to it (citrus can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of citric acid).
  3. Finally, filter the drink and you can serve it to the table. Cold or hot - it's up to you. It is recommended to decorate a glass with jam juice with a slice of lemon. In the cold season, this will serve as an additional means of vitaminization and strengthening the body's defenses.

This amount of ingredients yields about 5 servings of a healthy drink. If you want to get more fruit drink (3-5 liters or more), then the number of main ingredients must be increased several times. However, we do not recommend preparing a lot of the drink; even in the cold season it is not recommended to store it for a long time - the last vitamins are lost.

Before the onset of autumn, and in general during the cold season, black currants will benefit your body as much as possible. That is why recipes for making fruit juice from blackcurrant jam are especially popular in the autumn-winter period. Black berries can be replaced with a red variety, the benefits and value of the product will not become worse.


  • Currant jam – 150-200 g;
  • Honey - to taste;
  • Lemon juice - to taste;
  • Water – 1 l.

How to make juice from currant jam:

  1. Dilute the jam with boiling water and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Let the drink cool and add natural honey to taste.
  3. If you like sweet drinks, then you can finish the preparation here. If you find the resulting fruit drink too sweet, then add lemon juice (to taste). As a rule, to obtain a harmonious taste, you need to add juice from 1 lemon to 150-200 g of jam.

To obtain a more refined taste, you can combine different types of jam in fruit juice, for example:

  • lingonberry with cranberry;
  • raspberry (it must be strained before use so that raspberry grains do not get into the drink) with currant;
  • orange with lemon;
  • apple and pear, etc.

That's probably all you need to know about how to make a fruit drink from jam. And even though in the classical sense, fruit drink is a drink made from fresh berries, and not from processed ones, nevertheless, in terms of taste and benefits, a cocktail with jam is in no way inferior to fruit drink made from fresh or frozen berries. Prepare your body for the cold correctly and don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy a summer treat during the non-summer period.

Bon appetit!

Among the huge number of berries, raspberries are considered one of the most useful, especially during the development of colds. It helps strengthen the immune system and increases the body's resistance to various types of viruses. Fruit juice made from berries has the same qualities.


The drink can be prepared from either frozen or fresh berries. There is a recipe for making it from jam, but such a product has fewer beneficial properties. Fruit juice is much better than any compote, since during its preparation there is no exposure to high temperature, and accordingly, all the beneficial properties of the drink are preserved.

Additional ingredients you can add:

  • cinnamon;
  • cloves;
  • lemon balm;
  • citrus zest.

When drinking fruit juice during a cold, you should not drink it cold, it is better to warm it up a little. Some housewives freeze the product; even after thawing, it does not lose its benefits for the human body.

Preparing a refreshing drink

To prepare a drink at home you will need the following ingredients:

  • raspberries in the amount of 300 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • a couple of mint leaves;
  • liter of water.

You can make fruit juice from frozen and fresh berries. In any case, they are ground in a sieve to separate the juice from the pulp. The squeezed fruits are poured with water, mint or spices are added, sugar to taste, and put on fire.

As soon as the fruit drink starts to boil, it is turned off. The broth is drained through cheesecloth and placed in the refrigerator to infuse.

The fruit drink will be even more useful if you add a little black currant to the raspberries. Sugar can be replaced with honey, then the benefits of consuming the product will be much greater. For the winter, this recipe is simply irreplaceable because it is simple and does not require much expense.

Recipe with jam

No matter how strange it may sound, you can also make a wonderful fruit drink from jam, which is good for both children and adults to drink at any time of the year. Of all the options, this is the simplest, since there is no pre-treatment of the berries and no other ingredients are required.

There is already enough sugar in the jam; you just need to add water and put it on fire. Without bringing it to a boil, remove the pan with the fruit juice from the heat and strain. After the drink has already been poured into the container, you can add fresh mint and lemon to it. During cooking, some housewives add spices to the broth, as they not only give the finished product a special aroma, but also make it even more healthy.

Any doctor will tell you that this cold remedy has no contraindications. The drink can be drunk by children and adults; for pregnant women, raspberry juice is one of the most gentle ways to support the body if it is weakened. Simplicity has made the product one of the most popular among modern housewives. In the summer heat, raspberry juice can quench your thirst like nothing else.

Both fresh berries and frozen ones, which are sold in most supermarkets today, are suitable for preparation. Thus, you can brew wonderful fruit juice at any time of the year, even without your own garden.

To learn how to prepare raspberry juice and other berries in a slow cooker, watch the video below.

cranberry drink

Cranberry jelly

Fresh berry compote

Berries (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, cloudberries, etc.)- 1.5 cups, stevia to taste, water- 3 glasses.

Sort the berries, remove the stems, rinse in cold water, then place in serving bowls, pour in warm stevioside syrup and let steep. You can add a little lemon juice to the syrup.

Cranberry- 200 g, potato starch- 2 tbsp. spoons, water-/ l, stevia and cloves to taste.

Sort the cranberries, rinse, rub through a sieve, squeeze out the juice. Pour the marc with four or five times the amount of water, bring to a boil, strain. Cool part of the broth and dilute potato starch in it. Put stevia in the remaining broth, boil it, then pour in the diluted starch, squeezed juice and bring to a boil. Pour into glasses and cool.

Cranberry- / glass, honey- 100 g, boiled water- 1l, stevia to taste.

Sort the cranberries, pour boiling water over them, grind and strain. Pour water over the pulp (squeeze), stir and strain. Grind honey with stevia, pour in cranberry juice, add the rest of the water and stir. Cool the drink and drink immediately.

Jam (cranberry, lingonberry, blackcurrant)- 100-150 g, water- 1l, stevia to taste.

Dissolve the jam in hot water, bring to a boil, strain. Rub the berries. Fruit juice can be acidified with lemon juice or sour berries if desired. You can add stevia.

Ice cream "Peach"

Peach puree- 150 g, boiled water- 100 ml, stevia to taste.

Separate the pits from the peach fruits and rub the pulp through a sieve. Pour water over the pomace, add stevia, stir thoroughly and combine with mashed peaches. Mix, pour into molds, insert sticks, freeze.

When serving, place the ramekins in warm water. Place the ice cream that has separated from the mold into a vase.

Apricot ice cream

Apricot puree- 150 g, boiled water- 100 ml, stevia to taste.

Ice cream "Cherry"

Cherry puree- 140 g, boiled water- 100 ml, stevia to taste.

The preparation technology is the same as for Peach ice cream.

Ice cream "Cherry"

Cherry puree- 160 g, boiled water- 100 ml, stevia to taste.

The preparation technology is the same as for Peach ice cream.

Ice cream "Malinka"

Raspberry puree- 100 g, boiled water- 100 ml, stevia to taste.

The preparation technology is the same as for Peach ice cream.

Morning dewormer No. 1. It contains: wormwood, tansy, oak bark, buckthorn bark in equal parts. After morning breathing exercises, our listeners drink a warm infusion of broad-spectrum deworming herbs.

Listeners with a large degree of damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, glands and valves take a gentle version of the infusion of oak bark and buckthorn bark.

PectoTM drink is a pectin product with the addition of glucosamine. It “repairs” the periosteum destroyed by viruses, connective fibers, and articular surfaces.

We use honey from Japanese chestnut and linden flowers.