Driving lessons

Drawing ships in kindergarten in the preparatory group step by step with a photo. Synopsis of direct educational activities in artistic creativity in the senior group topic "Ships" outline drawing lessons (preparatory group) n

Vera Zolotareva

Preliminary work: memorizing a poem by A. Barto « Ship» , considering educational pictures on the topic "Transport".


Strengthen the knowledge of children about water transport;

Learn draw a boat in two parts;

Educate accuracy;

Develop imagination, memory.

Material for classes: watercolors, brushes, glasses of water, album sheets.

Pictures with picture ships, Calm melody, notebook, presentation « The ships» .

GCD move:

1. Organizational part

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

The palace floats on the waves

People are lucky on themselves. (Ship)

Educator: Correctly, ship.

Please listen to the poem by S. Ya. Marshak « Ship» .

(The teacher shows the children a drawing and reads a poem).

Floats, floats boat,

Golden ship,

Lucky, lucky gifts

Gifts for you and me.

Sailors on deck

They whistle, scurry, hurry.

On deck the sailors -

Fourteen mice.

Floats, floats boat

To the west, to the east.

Ropes are cobwebs

And the sail is a petal.

Leads duck boat,

A tried and tested sailor.

Earth! said the duck. -

Dock! Crack!

Educator: and now we'll watch the presentation « The ships» ... Be careful when viewing.

What parts does it consist of boat?

Children's answers: deck, sail and ropes, etc.

Educator And now it's time for us to play, stretch our fingers. And the poem of Agnia Barto will help us with this « Ship» .

Finger gymnastics « Ship»

Floats down the river boat.

He floats from afar.

(Fold the boat out of your palms and imitate how it floats and sways)

On boat four

A very brave sailor.

(Show four fingers with one hand and swing the hand of this hand to the beat)

They have ears on the top of their heads

(Put your hands to your head, showing your ears)

They have long tails.

(Take one hand back behind the back, showing the tail in wave-like movements with the whole hand)

And only cats are afraid of them,

Only cats and cats!

(Make cat claws out of your fingers and imitate scratching)

Educator: Now let's get down to drawing a ship... Here so:

first we draw a boat, a mast, and then a sail. And at the end of the mast you can draw a checkbox.

Calm music sounds. Children get to work.

Assistance is provided as needed.


Educator: Guys, look how beautiful you have the boats turned out... Are you tired? Let's do a warm-up. Come to me and let's form a circle.

Children go out to the palace and stand in a circle.

Physical minute " Ship "

What is there in the fog? (Children stretch their arms forward.)

Waves splash in the ocean. (Children wave their hands in waves.)

These are the masts ships. (Children stretch their arms up.)

Let them sail here soon! (The children wave their hands in greeting.)

We walk along the shore

We are waiting for sailors (Walking in place.)

Looking for seashells in the sand (Bends.)

And clench it in a fist. (Children clench their fists.)

To collect more of them, -

Need to squat more often. (Squats.)

Educator: what a fine fellow you guys are! They did everything so wonderfully. Now sit down on the carpet and answer question: "Who is at the helm on ship

Children: Captain.

Educator: Let's remember and tell you a poem by A. Barto « Ship» .


Rope in hand

I pull boat

By the fast river

And the frogs are jumping

On my heels

And they ask me:

Take a ride, captain!

Educator: this is our class is over... You did a wonderful job today.

You can play.

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Abstract of a drawing lesson "Ship"

Middle group

Goal: promote the development of productive and creative activity through drawing.


Educational: to teach children to create a simple composition - a ship sailing in the sea; consolidate knowledge about modes of transport;

Developmental: development of fine motor skills, color perception, sense of form and composition;

Educational: to foster interest in visual activities.

Occupation type - introductory.

Integration of educational areas : "Cognition", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Activities : communicative, playful, productive, motor.

Methods - verbal, visual, game, practical.

Forms of cognitive activity of children:



Material and equipment: images of various transport, sea, sky, earth, mosaic, counting sticks, pencils, sheets of white paper, paints, brushes, projector, multimedia board, laptop.

Preliminary work: conversation about the types of transport, about the profession of a driver, pilot, ship captain, viewing illustrations.

The course of educational activities



Organizing time

Hello, children, I am glad to see you all again, you are very beautiful and joyful today, let's give our guests a piece of your good mood, all together we will say in chorus: "Hello!" and smile.

Didactic game "Types of transport"

Guys, go all the chairs and look at the pictures. What is depicted on them? I will show a picture with a pointer, and you tell me!

How can all this be called in one word?

Look, I still have three illustrations here - sea, sky and earth. Who can guess why we need them? How can they be related to transport?

That's right, there are air, water and land transport.

So let's divide our transport images into appropriate groups. Where should I put the bus? Why? And the balloon? Etc. with all the pictures.

Conversation about water transport.

Look, guys, Captain Vrungel has arrived to visit us today! What is he traveling on? What kind of transport is it? (Image on slide)

What other water transport do you know?

Where can you meet them?

What is the name of the place where the ships sail? Look at the picture of the port on the board.

What kind of ships are there? (Military, passenger, cruise, etc.)

What are the parts of the ship?

Laying out ships from counting sticks, pencils, mosaics.

Come in, children, at the tables, sit down. Try to lay out the ship from the items offered to you.

Okay, well done, now let's rest and play!

Physical education

Outdoor game "Modes of transport"

The teacher calls the transport, and the children if it is:

Water transport, imitate swimming with hands;

Air transport, simulate the flight of an airplane;

Ground transport, twist their hands in front of them, depicting a turntable.

Creation of a problematic situation.

Guys, Captain Vrungel told me very sad news, his comrades were wrecked at sea and stuck on a desert island. They now have nothing to get to the ground. He asks for help. Can we help them with you? How? That's right, we can draw boats with you!

Demonstration of techniques for drawing a boat.

Look carefully how we will draw them. (The teacher explains the techniques and sequence of drawing a boat.)

Independent activities of children

So, guys, you've seen how you can draw a boat, and now get down to independent work.


What beautiful boats you got!

Why did we draw them with you? We have coped with our task. Well done, travelers thank you all for your help!

Master class for older preschoolers with step-by-step photos "Ships of a fairyland"

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, educator, CRR MDOU №1 "Bear", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.
creation of creative or educational work
- to consolidate knowledge about warm and cold colors of the spectrum
- to acquaint with the device of sailing ships
- teach techniques for working with gouache without first drawing with a pencil
- develop fine motor skills
- educate curiosity, fantasy and imagination
- improve the eye and composition skills

- album sheets (A 4), gouache, palette, brushes No. 1-3

Age audience:
- preschoolers, primary school students

What is the skyline? This is where heaven and earth (in this case, water) meet. The horizon line in the picture can be high, low and medium. We have - today - a low horizon line. There will be more air than water. And why? Because our ship has high masts and large sails on them.

The hold of a ship is where the cargo is stored. It is always hidden under water. The waterline is the line along which the ship can safely dive into the water. As a rule, it is marked with red paint. If there is a lot of cargo and the waterline disappears under water, it will be difficult for the ship to sail.

What else do we know about sailboats? What words are familiar to us?
Deck, side, gangway, bow, stern, rudder. What else? Captain's bridge, anchor, cabins. In addition to the captain, there are sailors, boatswain, navigator, cook, cabin boy on the ship.

The sails are attached to the masts, or rather to the crossbeams (yards). You can see flags on the masts. Rope ladders - ladders are also attached to them.

These photographs show colorful ships with multicolored sails.

Today we will also depict a multi-colored flotilla. We will meet the Fleet of the Warm Paint Kingdom and the Fleet of the Cold Paint Kingdom.

There will be no battle, because our kingdoms are friends, their kings and queens treat each other well.

Literary accompaniment:
The boat is sailing on the blue sea.
On it is the captain that leads the boat.
And with him a canary to sing songs,
With him the boatswain is good, to whistle in tune.
An experienced navigator is with him to plot the course,
With him is a little cabin boy to wash the deck,
The doctor is with him at the infirmary: the team to treat.
The cook is in the galley to feed everyone.
The sailors are sailing - to raise the sails,
When we meet us loudly "Hurray!" shout out.
Yu. Lyubimov

My boat is arguing with the storm
A bullet rushes through the waves
Fills the board with water.
In a slender mast creak and rattle,
He cuts the foam with his nose
And soars over the wave.
Someone may not know-
And there is a storm on a puddle,
If the wind is stormy.
Mark A.

Information from the Internet
The word "sail" comes from the Greek "pharos", which means "canvas", "fabric"; in ancient Russia a different term was used - "sail". For centuries sails were made from linen or cotton fabric.
Sails are divided into straight and oblique. The sail is sewn from separate panels. When the wind increases, the sail is rolled up and tied to the yard to reduce its area.

Course of the lesson:

Option 1
Warm colors
We draw the hull of the ship with ocher. We have it made of wood, and ocher conveys the color of wood well.

First, draw the bottom line close to the edge of the sheet, then draw the deck a little higher. The deck line is longer.

Our ship will sail to the left. His sharp nose will be directed there.

Now draw the stern and stern superstructure (rectangle). There is a wardroom, a captain's cabin, a galley and other premises.

Coloring the entire body.

We set up three masts on the deck. Medium is the highest.

We cross out the masts with transverse yards. Sails are attached to the yards.

The wind blows the rectangular panels of the sails. And they bend forward under the pressure of the wind. Sailors call the inflated part of the sail a belly!

We draw the sides and bottom edge of the inflated sail with smoothly curved lines.

Coloring the sails. You can use orange, yellow, scarlet, pink.

We draw triangular or square flags on the masts. We paint them in a warm color. We have it red.

You can emphasize the edges of the sails with the same color.

Draw the boards on board in brown (side - side of the ship)
We draw portholes, windows, an anchor and ropes that hold the masts and fasten them together.

We draw a hot sun. We add rope ladders to the masts - ladders. Climbing up them, the sailors fold and unfold the sails.

Draw a line of water with blue paint. The sea is calm. Calm.

Add some ripples. It is conveyed by smooth brush movements.
The drawing is ready.

Option 2
Cool colors

The silhouette of the ship is similar to the previous picture.

Draw and paint it blue.

We also install three masts.

This time we depict the sails in a different, simpler way. Each sail is like the silhouette of the moon. First, draw all the sails, and then paint over them blue.

Draw purple flags and a purple shadow on the sails.

We outline blue clouds in the sky

Blue drops are flying from them. We print each drop with the entire brush.

Draw the lines on board the ship in purple.
Draw the anchor, portholes in the same color.
Ladders (ladders) and part of the portholes will be painted in green.

On the surface of the blue sea, large purple waves soar up.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type No. 35 of the municipal formation Kanevsky district

Theme "Ships"

Abstract of direct educational activities in artistic creation in the senior group

(Municipal competition for the best development of a lesson, lesson and educational event for military - patriotic work)

The abstract was prepared by:

Educator: Klochko N.V.

Educator Savran N.D.

Art. Chelbasskaya 2014

Educational area: "Artistic creation".
Integration of educational areas: "Socialization", "Communication", "Reading fiction," Labor "," Physical culture ".
Types of children's activities: productive, cognitive, communicative, play, perception of fiction.

form of organization: subgroup

Goal: To form children's ideas about the Russian army, about the soldiers who guard our Motherland. To teach how to create a semi-volumetric object on a plane - a "ship", combining different techniques of technology - "plasticineography".


To form the ability to freely use various techniques learned earlier to create images;

Convey the shape of the main body and other parts;

Develop a sense of composition, the ability to convey the proportions of objects, their ratio in size; to consolidate the skills and abilities in working with plasticine, to encourage the independent choice of plasticine colors and interior details of the picture;to consolidate knowledge about the Russian army, to activate speech, to develop creativity, attention, imagination, general and fine motor skills;foster independence, initiative, the ability to talk about their feelings and mood.

Preliminary work:

Conversation on the topic - profession - a sailor, reading works of fiction on the topic, viewing photo albums with photographs of sailors' dads, making boats using the origami technique, watching a multimedia presentation "Father's holiday is coming soon", drawing in the free activity of boats. Examination of illustrations of marine themes.

Materials and equipment:

Cardboard ship silhouettes (by number of children)







Ready-made sample of the ship in the style of "plasticine"

Rope for outdoor play

The course of direct educational activities

Organizing time.

The teacher reads a poem:

Today I asked my mother:

What a holiday has come to us

Why is everyone happy

And the solemn table is being prepared?

Daddy in a suit and shirt

Grandfather put on all the orders on his jacket,

You are in the kitchen yesterday

Carried out late.

Congratulations this morning

All men from all over the country

All for us to be

And so that there is no war!

IN. Guys, what holiday are these verses dedicated to?

IN ... And what is this holiday?

D. this is a holiday for all defenders of the Fatherland.

IN ... Well done boys.

2. The main part.


- The men's holiday arose in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army to commemorate the victory at Narva and Pskov over German troops. In 1922, February 23 was declared the "Day of the Red Army". Later, the holiday was renamed into “Day of the Soviet Army,” and nowadays, into “Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.” - And who are the defenders of the Fatherland? (Children's answers).

- Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who defend their people, their Motherland, and the Fatherland from enemies. This is the army. The word itself - the army comes from the Latin - "arma" - "weapon". The Russian Army is the armed forces of our Motherland that defend its independence and freedom. Your dads, grandfathers, great-grandfathers also served in the army, guarded and defended their homeland.
- What types of troops exist in the Russian army? (Children's answers).
- The armed forces of the Russian Federation include: the ground forces, the air force, the missile forces, the navy, the country's air defense forces.
- Name the military professions. (Pilots, tankmen, paratroopers, submariners, sappers, sailors, etc.)
- Guys, who guards the water borders of our Motherland?
the teacher listens to the answers of the children and makes riddles.

You, like a private in the infantry,

You serve as a private in the Morflot.

Boatswain ordered? Rather

Climb the ladder to the yard.

And don't be afraid, don't hang your nose!

You're in a vest! You are ... MATROS

He is a sea wolf, but a kind wolf,

He knows a lot about the blue sea.

Brought to many countries

Your ship .... CAPTAIN

If this fleet is military,

Then by all means

On ships, his sailors

It is worn with ribbons... SPLASH

I blow up from the wind

But I do not take offense at all

Let him cheat me

The yacht adds speed.ANCHOR

Who is on the ship? It does not yearn for land.
He is friends with the wind and the wave
After all, the sea is his home.

So who guys is he? SAILOR

IN. Yes guys. It is noticeable that you know very well all the secrets of the maritime professions, because you very quickly and correctly solved the riddles, But that's not all. Real sailors know how to pass exams quickly. So are you ready? ... Listen carefully!

Tell me the sea vessels on which you can sail (boats, ships, motor boats, etc.)

What is the name of the bridge through which you can board the ship? (Ladder)

The Navy includes formations of various warships, naval aviation, coastal bases where warships and aircraft are located. All armed vessels (including submarines, small missile boats, etc.) are called ships.

The game "Ship"

On the prepared site, the "trickle" is marked with ropes.

It can be either straight or have turns. Children stand up straight, put a boat made of paper on their heads, and say:

We are sailors strong

We are nimble sailors

We will swim to the shore

We will carry our boats

The child must reach the end of the "stream" without dropping the boat. The one who drops the boat is eliminated from the game.

(You can prepare several "streams" and compete which "boat" will swim faster.)

IN. Guys, today you have proved with your knowledge, your activity that you deserve to be real sailors - defenders of the Fatherland. And on the holiday they will give you gifts and congratulate you. And we will prepare together congratulations for your dads andtoday we will draw boats for them using the technique - plasticineography.

Practical part

The teacher distributes blanks with a drawn silhouette of a boat. Draws attention to the finished sample of the painting "Ship". Children are considering.

IN. Where do you think we start drawing the picture? (Children's answers) - first we will draw a background: sky and waves. What color is the sky? (Blue) and waves (blue, purple). You can choose the colors you want.
The teacher shows the finished workpiece and the children paint with paints.
IN. In order for us to draw the boat correctly, you must remember what parts it consists of. (Hull, mast, sail).
IN. Well, I see you all have a background ready, you very neatly and beautifully conveyed the sea mood. And we will paint over the sail with plasticine. What is the usual color of the sail? (White).

The teacher explains the principle of work in this technique and the children begin to work.

IN ... So that the sail is bright and does not merge with the background, we will decorate its edges with a pattern of small balls of blue plasticine or any shade that seems suitable to you.

Children with small balls of plasticine circle the contour of the sail.

IN. And to what part of the ship is the sail attached? (To the mast). And what material is it made of? (From wood). So what color should the mast be? (Brown). Let's draw a triangular mast in black or brown with plasticine.

The teacher makes a show, provides assistance.

IN. Well done guys, you are doing great. But what are we missing at the top of the sail (flag). That's right, because all warships sail under the flag of their country. Let's and we will try to make flags for our ships in the colors of our tricolor. To do this, we roll out the sausages of three colors of our Russian flag (specifies the colors and their sequence), flatten them along the edges to the base, and pull out the middle and thus get a flag fluttering in the wind.

The teacher shows the technique, helps if necessary. During the assignment, reads a verse.

The Russian flag flies proudly,

He will warm you in a foreign land

He will support and help,

Can give hope!

He is at sea, on a ship

Proudly soars in height

So that Russian ships

Recognized without difficulty!

Both in the capital and in the countryside,

As usual since ancient times,

Flags are flying on the houses

On the merry winds!

Finger gymnastics "Korablik"
I will press two palms, And I will float on the sea. (Press both palms together, without connecting your thumbs)

Two palms, friends, - This is my boat. (Do wavy movements with your hands - "the boat is sailing")

I will raise the sails, (Raise thumbs up at the hands joined together in the shape of a "boat")

I will float in the blue sea. (Continue wave-like movements with your hands - "boat")

And on the stormy waves fish swim here and there. (Fully connect two palms to each other to simulate fish and wave-like movements again - "fish swim")

IN. What color do ships usually come in? (Children express different options). You are right, ships come in different colors and it depends on what material they are made of and what their purpose is. Warships are often gray or black, because nowadays they are made of metal and painted in different colors, whereas before they were made of wood. Choose a color if you wish, paint over the ship's hull with plasticine. To do this, roll out the sausages of the required size and lay them horizontally and tightly to each other, starting from the top of the body.

The teacher accompanies the explanation with a show.

IN. You make great ships, and the boys just have real military tonnages. But we still lack a very necessary part that allows the ship to stand at sea. How do you know what this detail is? (Anchor). Correctly.An anchor is a specially shaped, forged structure designed to hold the ship in one place. With the help of an anchor chain, it is lowered to the ground. Let's make it for our boat from three black sausages. To do this, we put one sausage vertically, and the other two horizontally in the upper and lower parts of the first sausage. But what kind of ship is it without a life buoy? Let's make it like a real ship in white and red and attach it to the back of the hull.

Children, under the guidance of a teacher, draw an anchor and a lifebuoy with plasticine.

The teacher invites the children, if they wish, to decorate their picture with waves of white plasticine, flying seagulls, clouds and other details as desired. The guys can add military weapons to make them even more like warships.


IN. What beautiful and unusual pictures you got. Maybe you will come up with names for your paintings? Let's look at your paintings, and who wants to tell us about their paintings, what kind of ship they painted, which part turned out the most?

The teacher listens to the descriptions of children and their emotions from the activities performed.

IN. Now close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the sea, the honking of ships and imagine that you are young sailors sailing on your ships across the endless seas and oceans of our Motherland, which you will definitely protect and your painted ships will soon turn into real ones.

The teacher asks questions:

What emotions have you experienced? (Joy). What did you like the most? (Guess riddles, play sailors, paint a picture, etc.). Did anyone have a desire to become a sailor or captain? If so, why would they choose such a profession for themselves (to defend the Motherland ……).