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Belarusian gdp growth rate. Gross domestic product of Belarus. Key groups of Belarusian goods

121.6 billion rubles

for 2018

The term " gross domestic product", or abbreviated - GDP, in use since 1934. It refers to the value of all goods and services produced in the country during one calendar year.

All countries in the world are calculating their GDP, and Belarus is no exception. This is the most important indicator of the level of economic development and its competitiveness. By observing the dynamics of this parameter, we can draw conclusions about the state of industry and the state service sector.

Belarus' GDP: what it consists of, who calculates it

The gross domestic product of the Republic of Belarus is calculated both in US dollars and in national currency. It includes the cost of all goods produced in our country without exception. The service sector is also analyzed most thoroughly. In particular, GDP includes services provided:

  • High Technology Park;
  • state design organizations;
  • consulting, legal companies, etc.

The calculation of GDP in Belarus is carried out by specialists from the National Statistical Committee, the Ministry of Economy and other government agencies. In addition, international organizations, for example, the IMF and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, also conduct their own independent calculations. They use their own counting methodologies, which may differ from those used in Belarus.

Because of this, data from international organizations and the Belarusian government sometimes differs. This is especially true for forecasts of GDP growth or decline in the near future.

What was the GDP of Belarus in 2017?

According to official data released at the beginning of 2018, in 2017 GDP in Belarus grew by 2.4% - up to 105 billion BYN rubles equivalent. This result turned out to be more optimistic than the initial forecast of Belarusian experts. Previously it was believed that GDP last year would not exceed 1.7 percent.

Interestingly, these data are at odds with the IMF's observations. In October 2017, specialists from the International Monetary Fund published a report according to which the growth of gross domestic product at the end of the year will not exceed 0.7%.

In the end, which result is reliable - 2.4% or 0.7%? It may well be both - they are simply based on different calculation methodologies that take into account some factors and do not take into account others.

You can find out what the GDP of Belarus was in 2016 and other years from the table below.

year billion Belarusian rub million $ equivalent
2018 121,6
2017 105,199 48126
2016 94,3 48126
2015 869701,7 54944,1
2014 778455,5 75921,9
2013 649110,7 72808,6
2012 530355,5 63470,9
2011 297157,7 58799
2010 164476,1 55086,5
2009 137442,2 49193,2
2008 129790,8 60797,7
2007 97165,3 45267,2
2006 79267 36970,6
2005 65067,1 30220,2
2004 49992 23133,3
2003 36564,8 17755,4
2002 26138,3 14571,8
2001 17173,2 12330,1
2000 9133,8 13088,4

Belarus GDP 2018: forecasts for the year

Economists believe that in 2018 the Belarusian economy will continue to gradually recover after the protracted crisis. Rapid growth is not expected, but further deterioration of the situation should not be expected either. Our country is favored by external conditions - prices for oil and potash fertilizers are rising, and demand for Belarusian engineering products is gradually increasing.

GDP forecasts among different experts again differ. Thus, the government of the Republic of Belarus is confident that this figure will grow, and by the end of 2018, the gross product will increase by at least 3.5%.

IMF representatives are traditionally more reserved. In their opinion, there will indeed be growth, but it will not exceed 0.8%. Time will tell which forecast will ultimately come true.

RUB 121,568.0 million

Recorded in 2018

Previous value: 105,748.2 million rubles.

in 2017 GDP is gross domestic product.

It is a summary indicator of all goods and services produced. This is a macroeconomic indicator characterized by the total cost, the market value of the total volume of goods and services produced in a given society in one year. The term was coined in 1934 by Simon Kuznets.

  1. GDP can be measured in two ways:
  2. Based on the total value of acquisition costs (based on “commodity flow”).

Based on the amount of income received from the fact that the product was sold (based on the “income stream”). It should be noted that the result calculated using the two methods remains the same.

GDP is one of the important indicators in the modern economic world. Each country calculates this indicator, thereby calculating its place in the ranking of the most economically successful countries.

The differences between GDP and GNP are incredibly small and in absolute terms differ within 2-3%. When calculating GDP, the so-called territorial principle is used, according to which GDP is created only by factors of production internal to a given country.

*Data are given in actual prices, from 2016 - on the price scale effective from July 1, 2016 (decrease by 10,000 times).

In 2015, Belarus' GDP fell by 3.9% after growing by 1.6% in 2014.

According to the forecast of socio-economic development of Belarus, in 2016 the republic's GDP was expected to grow by 0.3%. Despite the forecasts of the country's government, the republic's GDP went down, at the end of the year it decreased by 2.6% compared to 2015. In 2016, the volume of GDP in current prices amounted to 94,949.0 million rubles (at prices effective from July 1, 2016), or in comparable prices 97.4% of the 2015 level. The GDP deflator index in 2016 compared to the previous year was 107.8%. The main contribution to the negative dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicator was made by industry - production volume decreased by 0.4% over the year. There is also a significant drop in GDP in the construction sector.

The government of Belarus expected GDP growth and, at the end of 2017, an increase of 101.7% compared to 2016. According to Belarus's GDP in 2017, it grew by 102.4%.

At the end of 2018, GDP grew by 3%.

The GDP of Belarus in 2019, according to the Ministry of Economy, will amount to 61 billion US dollars.

According to the first estimate for January - November 2019, the volume of GDP in current prices amounted to 120.1 billion rubles, or in comparable prices 101.1% of the level of January - November 2018. The GDP deflator index in January - November 2019 compared to the same period of the previous year amounted to 106.5%.

Over the five-year period, the government forecasts the GDP growth rate to be in the range of 112.1-115%. This figure is more than twice as high as the previous five-year period. This indicator is indicated in the resolution of the Council of Ministers “On the implementation of the tasks of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus”, published on the National Legal Internet Portal.

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During 1990-2016. Belarus' GDP at current prices increased by $27.8 billion (2.4 times) to $47.4 billion; the change occurred by -$1.4 billion due to a drop in population by 0.74 million, as well as by $29.3 billion due to an increase in GDP per capita of $3,086.0. The average annual GDP growth in Belarus is 1.1 billion dollars or 3.5%. The average annual growth of Belarus' GDP in constant prices was 2.4%. The world share decreased by 0.022%. The share in Europe increased by 0.025%. The minimum GDP was in 2000 ($10.8 billion). The maximum GDP was in 2014 ($78.8 billion).

During 1990-2016 GDP per capita in Belarus increased by $3,086.0 (2.6 times) to $5,001.0. The average annual increase in GDP per capita at current prices was $118.7 or 3.8%.

The change in Belarus' GDP is described by a linear correlation-regression model: y=2.4x-4 722.6, where y - calculated value GDP of Belarus, x - year. Correlation coefficient = 0.846. Coefficient of determination = 0.716.

Belarus GDP, 1990-2000 (decline)

During 1990-2000 Belarus' GDP at current prices decreased by $8.8 billion (44.8%) to $10.8 billion; the change occurred by -$0.54 billion due to a drop in population by 0.28 million, as well as by -$8.2 billion due to a drop in GDP per capita by $828.0. The average annual GDP growth in Belarus is -0.88 billion dollars or -5.8%. The average annual GDP growth in Belarus in constant prices was -1.2%. The world share decreased by 0.053%. The share in Europe decreased by 0.11%.

For 1990-2000 GDP per capita in Belarus increased by $828.0 (43.2%) to $1,087.0. The average annual increase in GDP per capita at current prices was -$82.8 or -5.5%.

Belarus GDP, 2000-2016 (growth)

During 2000-2016 Belarus' GDP at current prices increased by $36.6 billion (4.4 times) to $47.4 billion; the change occurred by -$0.49 billion due to a drop in population by 0.45 million, as well as by $37.1 billion due to an increase in GDP per capita of $3,914.0. The average annual GDP growth in Belarus is 2.3 billion dollars or 9.7%. The average annual GDP growth in Belarus in constant prices is 4.8%. The world share increased by 0.031%. The share in Europe increased by 0.14%.

For the period 2000-2016. GDP per capita in Belarus increased by $3,914.0 (4.6 times) to $5,001.0. The average annual increase in GDP per capita at current prices was $244.6 or 10.0%.

Belarus GDP, 1990

Belarus GDP in 1990 was 19.6 billion dollars, ranked 65th in the world and was at the level of the GDP of Bulgaria (20.7 billion dollars), the GDP of Kuwait (18.5 billion dollars). The share of Belarus' GDP in the world was 0.085%.

In 1990, it was $1,915.0, ranked 103rd in the world and was at the level of GDP per capita in Namibia ($1,969.0), GDP per capita in Suriname ($1,848.0), GDP per capita in Fiji (1,838.0 dollars), GDP per capita in Ukraine ($1,819.0), GDP per capita in Kazakhstan ($1,797.0). GDP per capita in Belarus was less than GDP per capita in the world ($4,313.0) by $2,398.0.

Comparison of GDP of Belarus and its neighbors in 1990. The GDP of Belarus was greater than the GDP of Lithuania ($10.3 billion) by 90.7%, the GDP of Latvia ($9.7 billion) by 2.0 times, but was less than the GDP of Russia ($571.0 billion) by 96.6%, Ukraine's GDP ($93.6 billion) by 79.1%, Poland's GDP ($66.0 billion) by 70.3%. GDP per capita in Belarus was greater than GDP per capita in Ukraine ($1,819.0) by 5.3%, GDP per capita in Poland ($1,738.0) by 10.2%, but was less than GDP per capita in Russia ($3,869.0) by 50.5%, GDP per capita in Latvia ($3,631.0) by 47.3%, GDP per capita in Lithuania ($2,775.0) by 31%.

Comparison of GDP of Belarus and leaders in 1990. Belarus' GDP was less than the US GDP ($5,979.6 billion) by 99.7%, Japan's GDP ($3,140.0 billion) by 99.4%, Germany's GDP ($1,764.9 billion) by 98.9%, France's GDP ($1,275.3 billion) by 98.5%, Italian GDP ($1,177.4 billion) by 98.3%. GDP per capita in Belarus was less than GDP per capita in Japan ($25,218.0) by 92.4%, GDP per capita in the USA ($23,679.0) by 91.9%, and GDP per capita in Germany ($22,308.0). ) by 91.4%, GDP per capita in France ($21,789.0) by 91.2%, GDP per capita in Italy ($20,610.0) by 90.7%.

GDP potential of Belarus in 1990. With a GDP per capita at the same level as Japan's GDP per capita ($25,218.0), Belarus' GDP would be $257.6 billion, which is 13.2 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as Europe's GDP per capita ($12,073.0), Belarus' GDP would be $123.3 billion, which is 6.3 times the actual level. With per capita GDP at the same level as world GDP per capita ($4,313.0), Belarus' GDP would be $44.1 billion, which is 2.3 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as Russia's best neighbor ($3,869.0), Belarus' GDP would be $39.5 billion, 2.0 times its actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as the GDP per capita in Eastern Europe ($2,935.0), Belarus' GDP would be $30.0 billion, which is 53.3% more than the actual level.

Belarus GDP, 2000

Belarus GDP in 2000 was equal to 10.8 billion dollars, ranked 88th in the world and was at the level of the GDP of Lithuania (11.5 billion dollars), the GDP of Yemen (10.9 billion dollars), the GDP of Cote d'Ivoire (10.7 billion dollars) .), GDP of North Korea (10.6 billion dollars), GDP of Cameroon (10.0 billion dollars). The share of Belarus' GDP in the world was 0.032%.

GDP per capita in Belarus in 2000 was 1,087.0 dollars, ranked 136th in the world and was at the level of GDP per capita in Albania (1,117.0 dollars), GDP per capita in Honduras (1,102.0 dollars), GDP per capita in Turkmenistan (1,092.0 dollars), GDP per capita in the Philippines ($1,039.0), GDP per capita in Sri Lanka ($1,019.0), GDP per capita in Nicaragua ($1,013.0). GDP per capita in Belarus was less than GDP per capita in the world ($5,469.0) by $4,382.0.

Comparison of the GDP of Belarus and its neighbors in 2000. The GDP of Belarus was greater than the GDP of Latvia ($7.9 billion) by 36%, but was less than the GDP of Russia ($259.7 billion) by 95.8%, the GDP of Poland ($171.9 billion) by 93.7%, Ukraine's GDP ($32.4 billion) by 66.6%, Lithuania's GDP ($11.5 billion) by 6.4%. GDP per capita in Belarus was greater than GDP per capita in Ukraine ($663.0) by 64%, but was less than GDP per capita in Poland ($4,459.0) by 75.6%, GDP per capita in Latvia ($3,329.0) by 67.3%, GDP per capita in Lithuania ($3,295.0) by 67%, GDP per capita in Russia ($1,774.0) by 38.7%.

Comparison of GDP of Belarus and leaders in 2000. Belarus' GDP was less than the US GDP ($10,284.8 billion) by 99.9%, Japan's GDP ($4,887.5 billion) by 99.8%, Germany's GDP ($1,950.0 billion) by 99.4%, and UK GDP ($1,647.9 billion) by 99.3%, French GDP ($1,368.4 billion) by 99.2%. GDP per capita in Belarus was less than GDP per capita in Japan ($38,323.0) by 97.2%, GDP per capita in the USA ($36,473.0) by 97%, GDP per capita in the UK ($27,953.0) ) by 96.1%, GDP per capita in Germany ($23,929.0) by 95.5%, GDP per capita in France ($22,262.0) by 95.1%.

GDP potential of Belarus in 2000. With a GDP per capita at the same level as Japan's GDP per capita ($38,323.0), Belarus' GDP would be $380.7 billion, which is 35.3 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as Europe's GDP per capita ($13,289.0), Belarus' GDP would be $132.0 billion, which is 12.2 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as the world's GDP per capita ($5,469.0), Belarus' GDP would be $54.3 billion, which is 5.0 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as the GDP per capita of Poland ($4,459.0), its best neighbor, Belarus' GDP would be $44.3 billion, which is 4.1 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as the GDP per capita in Eastern Europe ($2,159.0), Belarus' GDP would be $21.4 billion, which is 98.6% more than the actual level.

Belarus GDP, 2016

Belarus GDP in 2016 was $47.4 billion, ranked 83rd in the world and was at the level of Lebanon’s GDP ($50.5 billion), Tanzania’s GDP ($48.9 billion), Macau’s GDP ($45.3 billion), GDP Slovenia ($44.7 billion). The share of Belarus' GDP in the world was 0.063%.

GDP per capita in Belarus in 2016 amounted to $5,001.0, ranked 113th in the world and was at the level of GDP per capita in Iran ($5,299.0), GDP per capita in South Africa ($5,274.0), GDP per capita in Fiji (5 $197.0), GDP per capita in Macedonia ($5,163.0), GDP per capita in Jamaica ($4,879.0), GDP per capita in Bosnia and Herzegovina ($4,808.0), GDP per capita in Belize ($4 $745.0). GDP per capita in Belarus was less than GDP per capita in the world ($10,134.0) by $5,133.0.

Comparison of GDP of Belarus and its neighbors in 2016. The GDP of Belarus was greater than the GDP of Lithuania ($42.8 billion) by 10.8%, the GDP of Latvia ($27.6 billion) by 71.9%, but was less than the GDP of Russia ($1,246.0 billion) by 96.2% , Poland's GDP ($471.4 billion) by 89.9%, Ukraine's GDP ($93.3 billion) by 49.2%. GDP per capita in Belarus was 2.4 times greater than GDP per capita in Ukraine ($2,099.0), but was less than GDP per capita in Lithuania ($14,707.0) by 66%, GDP per capita in Latvia ($13,993.0) by 64.3%, GDP per capita in Poland ($12,332.0) by 59.4%, GDP per capita in Russia ($8,655.0) by 42.2%.

Comparison of GDP of Belarus and leaders in 2016. Belarus' GDP was less than the US GDP ($18,624.5 billion) by 99.7%, China's GDP ($11,218.3 billion) by 99.6%, Japan's GDP ($4,936.2 billion) by 99%, Germany's GDP ($3,477.8 billion) by 98.6%, UK GDP ($2,647.9 billion) by 98.2%. GDP per capita in Belarus was less than GDP per capita in the USA ($57,808.0) by 91.3%, GDP per capita in Germany ($42,456.0) by 88.2%, and GDP per capita in the UK ($40,249.0). ) by 87.6%, GDP per capita in Japan ($38,640.0) by 87.1%, GDP per capita in China ($7,993.0) by 37.4%.

GDP potential of Belarus in 2016. With per capita GDP at the same level as the US per capita GDP ($57,808.0), Belarus' GDP would be $548.0 billion, which is 11.6 times its actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as the GDP per capita in Europe ($25,596.0), Belarus' GDP would be $242.6 billion, which is 5.1 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as the GDP per capita of Lithuania ($14,707.0), its best neighbor, Belarus' GDP would be $139.4 billion, which is 2.9 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as the world's GDP per capita ($10,134.0), Belarus' GDP would be $96.1 billion, which is 2.0 times the actual level. With a GDP per capita at the same level as the GDP per capita in Eastern Europe ($8,589.0), Belarus' GDP would be $81.4 billion, which is 71.7% more than the actual level.

Belarus GDP, 1990-2016
yearGDP, billion dollarsGDP per capita, dollarsGDP, billion dollarsGDP growth, %share of Belarus, %
current pricesconstant prices 1990in the worldin Europein Eastern Europe
1990 19.6 1 915.0 19.6 0.085 0.22 2.2
1991 19.9 1 949.0 19.3 -1.4 0.083 0.22 2.3
1992 18.4 1 803.0 17.4 -9.6 0.071 0.19 2.3
1993 17.4 1 709.0 16.1 -7.6 0.066 0.20 2.2
1994 15.7 1 546.0 14.2 -11.7 0.056 0.17 2.1
1995 14.4 1 416.0 12.7 -10.4 0.046 0.14 1.8
1996 15.0 1 487.0 13.1 2.8 0.047 0.14 1.9
1997 14.6 1 451.0 14.6 11.4 0.046 0.14 1.8
1998 15.8 1 572.0 15.8 8.4 0.050 0.15 2.3
1999 12.6 1 260.0 16.4 3.4 0.039 0.12 2.1
2000 10.8 1 087.0 17.3 5.8 0.032 0.11 1.6
2001 12.8 1 297.0 18.1 4.7 0.038 0.13 1.7
2002 15.1 1 542.0 19.0 5.0 0.044 0.14 1.8
2003 18.5 1 897.0 20.4 7.0 0.047 0.14 1.8
2004 24.0 2 479.0 22.7 11.4 0.055 0.16 1.8
2005 31.3 3 254.0 24.9 9.4 0.066 0.19 1.9
2006 38.3 4 001.0 27.3 10.0 0.074 0.22 1.9
2007 46.9 4 920.0 29.7 8.6 0.081 0.23 1.8
2008 63.0 6 623.0 32.7 10.2 0.099 0.28 2.0
2009 51.0 5 376.0 32.8 0.15 0.085 0.26 2.1
2010 57.2 6 042.0 35.3 7.7 0.087 0.29 2.0
2011 61.8 6 523.0 37.3 5.5 0.084 0.28 1.8
2012 65.7 6 935.0 37.9 1.7 0.088 0.31 1.8
2013 75.5 7 968.0 38.3 0.95 0.098 0.35 2.0
2014 78.8 8 309.0 38.9 1.7 0.100 0.36 2.3
2015 56.5 5 952.0 37.5 -3.8 0.076 0.30 2.2
2016 47.4 5 001.0 36.5 -2.6 0.063 0.25 1.9

Picture. Belarus GDP, 1990-2016

Picture. GDP per capita in Belarus, 1990-2016

Picture. GDP growth in Belarus, 1990-2016

Belarus GDP by expenditure

Belarusian GDP by expenditure, %, 1990-2016
Index1990 2000 2010 2016
Consumer spending70.8 76.6 71.7 70.7
incl.Household expenses48.3 58.1 55.6 54.6
Government spending22.7 18.6 16.0 16.0

Belarus is a country with almost 9.5 million people, a developed industry, which was preserved after the collapse of the USSR, and it is also the only country where such a structure as the KGB has been preserved. There is also a personality cult of the local president, whom Belarusians lovingly call Old Man. In this country they are developing the countryside, it is bad for currency speculators and small entrepreneurs, but large state-owned enterprises are thriving, the streets are very clean and the traffic cop is doing his job, and not feeding on the road with a stick like a robber. Roads in Belarus without potholes, how they did it, is Old Man’s secret.

Let's take a look at Belarus from an economic point of view, namely, analyze the size of Belarus' GDP by year and make a forecast of Belarus' GDP for 2017 in national currency and US dollars.

We calculate the size of Belarus' GDP for 2016

Belarus' GDP in January-November decreased by 2.7% compared to the same period last year, amounting to 85.9 billion rubles at current prices, Belstat reports. At the end of eleven months, the gap from the 2015 level was 2.8%.

The volume of industrial production decreased over the eleven months by 0.9%, amounting to 71.3 billion rubles. In November, compared to November 2015, the volume of industrial production increased by 5.1%, compared to October of this year - by 1.9%. Agricultural production in January-November increased by 3.4% compared to the same period last year - to 14.4 billion rubles.

Among the positive trends, he drew attention to the successes of industry, which is achieving positive growth rates with minimal stocks in warehouses, and the good development of agriculture.

As previously reported, the Eurasian Development Bank expects a slowdown in the rate of decline in Belarus' GDP to minus 2.6% in 2016, with a gradual recovery in growth rates in 2018 to 0.5%. The IMF predicts a decline in Belarus' GDP by 3% at the end of 2016, and by 0.5% in 2017, and by 3% and 1%, respectively, by the World Bank.

From these data we can find out the GDP of Belarus in national currency for 2016; for this we take data for 11 months, divide it by 11 and multiply by 12. Thus, we get the GDP of Belarus in national currency for 2016. These are of course not 100% accurate figures, but very close to the truth. Please also note that in 2016 there was a denomination of Belarusian rubles - four zeros were removed. Therefore, GDP for 2016 will be given both in old prices and in post-denominated prices.

85,9/11*12=937.091 trillion. white rubles(before 2016 denomination)
93.709 billion BYN rubles(after 2016 denomination)

According to IMF data, the size of Belarus' GDP for 2016

Nominal – $48.126 billion USA
PPP - $167.7 billion USA

We calculate the size of Belarus' GDP for 2017 in national currency

To forecast the GDP of Belarus for 2017, we need indicators such as GDP growth, inflation and the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble.

So for calculations we will take the following data: GDP decline in 2017 - 0.5%, inflation - 9%, rate - 2.165. We will not predict dollar exchange rates - for Belarus this is almost unrealistic. The inflation rate is taken from here. The government predicts that next year the dollar will be worth 2.12 – 2.21 Belarusian rubles. At the same time, the difference of 9 kopecks is justified by two different scenarios for the development of events in 2017, so let’s take the average value 2,165 .

In order to calculate GDP in Belarus for 2017 in its national currency us

GDP of Belarus 2017 in hryvnia = GDP of Belarus 2016 (white rubles) + (inflation rate 2017 + GDP growth 2017)

We count: 93.70907 +(-0.5+9)% = 93.70907+8.5% = 93.70907+7.96527 = 101.67434095 billion BYN rubles

GDP of Belarus in US dollars for 2017 (nominal + PPP)

In order to calculate GDP in Belarus for 2017 in US dollars (nominal) you need to apply the following formula:

GDP of Belarus 2017 (nominal) in dollars. USA = GDP of Belarus 2017 in hryvnia / exchange rate for 2017

We count: 101.674/2.165 = 46.963 billion US dollars

In order to calculate GDP in Belarus for 2017 in US dollars (PPP) you need to apply the following formula:

GDP of Belarus 2016 (PPP) in dollars. USA = GDP of Belarus 2016 (PPP) in dollars. USA + growth (fall) of GDP 2017

We count: 167.7 - 0.5% = 167.7-0.8385 = 166.8615 billion US dollars

GDP of Belarus for 2000 - 2017 (nominal, PPP, Belarusian ruble, dollar)

yeartrillion white rub.GDP billion $ nominalGDP billion $PPPGrowth rateInflation, %
2000 9,134 13,088 50,8 5,8 168,6
2001 17,173 12,330 54,4 4,7 61,1
2002 26,138 14,572 58,1 5,0 42,6
2003 36,565 17,755 63,5 7,0 28,4
2004 49,992 23,133 71,3 11,5 18,1
2005 65,067 30,220 83,5 9,4 10,3
2006 79,267 36,971 94,8 10,0 7,0
2007 97,165 45,267 106,0 8,6 8,4
2008 129,791 60,798 119,4 10,2 14,8
2009 137,442 49,193 120,9 0,2 13,0
2010 164,476 55,087 131,5 7,7 7,8
2011 297,158 58,799 140,9 5,5 53,3
2012 530,356 63,471 150,3 1,7 59,1
2013 649,111 72,809 150,4 1,0 18,3
2014 778,456 75,922 171,2 1,6 18,3
2015 869,702 54,944 168,2 -3,6 15,0
2016 937,091 48,126 167,7 -3,0 11,0
2017 (forecast)1016,743 46,963 166,9 -0,5 9,0
2017 (wiki) 53 176 1,7

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