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Journal of registration of local regulations. Familiarization with local regulations: sample magazine. Why do we need a journal of familiarization with local regulations

Employees of enterprises and organizations must necessarily get acquainted with all the regulatory legal acts issued within the company.


What are regulations

Normative acts include any documents that are developed at the enterprise and which are aimed at organizing relations between the employer and the subordinate, the formation of the workflow, the creation of internal and external relations, etc.

In particular, the regulations are:

  • orders and directives of the management;
  • rules of labor protection and safety at work;
  • other similar documents.

It should be noted that regulations may be temporary or permanent, but they always operate strictly only in the company in which they are issued and go on behalf of the director or administration of the company.

All internal regulations must be developed strictly in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and take into account the interests of both the employer and his subordinates.

Why acquaint employees with local regulations

Each employee of the enterprise is obliged to read all the internal regulations in force in the organization.

This is necessary so that the employee clearly knows the rules of work in the company, working conditions, rights, duties and powers of himself and the employer.

If there are any questions or suspicions of violation of labor rights, the employee has the right to consult the organization's legal adviser or a third-party lawyer.

What is a local regulations familiarization sheet

Information that an employee of the company has read a particular regulatory act is entered in special information sheet.

This document is very important, because, if any disagreements and conflicts reach the labor inspectorate or court, it can become proof of the rightness, both on the part of the employer and on the part of the subordinate (depending on how the events).

That is why signatures on the familiarization sheet should be collected carefully and scrupulously. It is unacceptable to let any of the employees of the enterprise pass, and even more so to forge their autographs. If for some reason one of the employees did not sign the familiarization sheet with the normative act (for example, due to illness, vacation or business trip), you must wait for his return and take a signature.

At what stage does the introduction take place?

Usually, acquaintance with most of the local regulatory legal acts occurs at the stage of employment of an employee. But sometimes documents are developed during the current activity of the enterprise, and then familiarization occurs after the act is approved by the company's management.

What happens if you don't sign the document

Each employee has the right to sign this or that normative act or to refuse it.

The employer cannot force the subordinate to familiarize himself with the document, nor can he impose any disciplinary sanction for refusing to do so.

The only thing that an employee should take into account if he does not want to read a normative act and sign a sheet on familiarization with it is that at some point a situation may arise in which the information contained in the document can be very useful.

Who draws up the act of familiarization with the normative act

Regulations are usually developed by specialists of legal departments or personnel officers, but familiarization with them can fall on the shoulders of any employee of the organization. Usually, the person responsible for this is appointed by a special order of the director of the enterprise, who, among other things, approves the act itself.

How to generate a document

The unified forms of primary personnel and accounting documents have been canceled since 2013 (with some exceptions), so the sheet on familiarization with local regulations can be drawn up by employees of the organization in any form or according to an internal template.

The only thing is that when forming the form, it is necessary to observe a certain structure and rules of the Russian language.

AT " cap» sheet should be designated:

  • company name;
  • Title of the document;
  • number, date and essence of the normative act, the reading of which the employee signs.
  • the employee's serial number;
  • surname-name-patronymic of the employee;
  • position;
  • date of acquaintance with the act;
  • signature.

If necessary, other columns can be added here (for example, about the structural unit in which the employee works or some notes).

If there are many employees who are affected by the normative act, then several sheets may be required for their signatures. All of them need to be fastened (you can use a stapler, but it is better with a harsh thread) and numbered.

How to draw up a document

The familiarization sheet can be written on a simple sheet of A4 format or on the letterhead of the enterprise - this does not play a role, just like that, it will be drawn up by hand or on a computer.

It is important that the document contains the original signatures of those employees of the enterprise whom it concerns.

It is not necessary to certify the form with the seal of the organization, since starting from 2016 legal entities have the right not to use stamp products to certify their papers (unless otherwise specified in the company's constituent documentation).

After creating the sheet, it is necessary to approve it in the register of internal documents.

Form storage

The familiarization sheet with the normative act must be kept in the personnel department of the enterprise in a separate folder along with the document to which it relates. The period of its storage is not limited by law, but at least for the entire period of validity of the act it must be intact and unharmed.

The register of acts registration exists to fix the fact of the presence of a specific type of documentation. For government agencies, it is mandatory to fill out. Private companies conduct it only when necessary. Their attitude to this kind of magazines is much simpler. Nevertheless, these marks can be useful when defending the company's position in courts, during various kinds of checks.


Usually, the act registration log is introduced into the company's document management system when a large number of acts are drawn up. If later it will be necessary to find a specific act, then with the journal this can be done quickly.


Since there are many varieties of acts, there are also a lot of journals for their registration. If a large number of acts of one type, for example, labor protection inspections, are drawn up in an organization, then it would be logical to introduce a special journal for them. And so with all varieties. There are times when many different types of acts are placed in one journal. This practice is common in small and micro-organizations.

There are the following types of acts:

  • Test something. Systems, samples, technologies.
  • Delivery and acceptance of something. Material values, documents, any important work for the company can be given and accepted.
  • Registration.
  • Transfers. For temporary use or between divisions of the same company.
  • Destruction of material resources or documents.
  • allowing any action.
  • Prohibitive.
  • Revisions.
  • The services provided and the work performed, they list the specific actions of the contractor's organization.
  • Violations of any rules adopted in the country, region or company.
  • Inventory. This type of acts are drawn up by a specially convened commission.
  • Constituent.
  • Reconciliation acts.
  • Papers about the recognition of something.
  • Regulatory and specifying.
  • Acts to investigate the causes of accidents and accidents.
  • Company liquidations.
  • Prosecutor's response.


In addition to the fact that the existence and maintenance of a journal can minimize unpleasant situations for an organization in court, it can come in handy when a quick search is needed.

In work, the importance of the human factor can never be ruled out. If the details of an important paper are lost or incorrectly indicated, this data can always be viewed in the journal. Thus, you can quickly check the correctness of the specified information.

Terms of Use

Each organization chooses the form of the journal that is most applicable to specific conditions. In order not to “reinvent the wheel” every time, there are several standard forms. One of them assumes that the main table should contain information of a certain plan. If we take as an example the log of registration of acts of inspections on labor protection, then it will have the following columns to fill out:

  • Sequence number of the entry.
  • Date of the inspection (if we are talking about acts of any inspection). In the case of any other types of acts, an action is recorded, which is fixed by the act.
  • The number of the registered document.
  • Name and position of the person who conducted the inspection.
  • Responsible executor of orders.

There are also more complex, but also more universal magazines. They do not require individualization for a specific case.

Universal register of acts

If the book is intended to register all types of documents, and not specifically one type, then you can place columns with the following names in the main table:

  • Serial number.
  • The date.
  • Act type.
  • Brief content of the document.
  • Name and position of the drafter of the act. The column can be either single or divided into two parts.
  • Who was present at the drawing up of the act. This column lists the chairman and members of the commission who put their signatures.
  • Actions performed on the basis of the act.
  • Note. This may contain, for example, a dissenting opinion of one of the members of the commission or notes on the presence of a manager's visa in the document being registered.

There is no unified form of such a journal. Therefore, if the organization decided to apply it, then it must be entered into the accounting policy of the organization.

In addition to the main table, the paper must describe the details of the organization that maintains it (they are indicated at the very top of each registration log), the period of maintenance and full name, positions and signatures of the employees responsible for maintaining it.


The magazine consists of a cover and the main part. The cover can be either from regular A4 sheets or hardcover. The second one is more convenient to use. The document can only be kept in printed form, as it requires the signatures of responsible persons. A mandatory requirement is to indicate the timing of the journal. These data are indicated on the cover immediately after the title.

By convention, the end date may remain blank until a new journal is started. Typically, this kind of documentation is calculated for 1 year of use. This is convenient, since it is this period that separates two reporting periods in accounting. Yes, and it is more convenient to store and archive logs with such a period.

The organization has the right to enter in the journal not all documentation. The exceptions are papers that are important for inspection organizations, state generally accepted documents, etc. In other cases, the decision to register the act or not is made by the person responsible for the company's document flow. In any case, the scheme of actions on this issue should be reflected in the accounting policy of the organization.

Shelf life

In accordance with existing standards, the period of storage of the register of acts is 5 years. If we are talking about any incoming documentation, then it can be reduced to 3 years. Everything will depend on the nature and type of registered acts, their validity period and storage. After the period of storage of the journal of registration of acts has expired, a special commission is convened on the issue of disposal of documents, draws up a supporting paper and destroys it.

When hiring an employee, he must be familiarized with the local acts of the enterprise, which will directly regulate his labor activity. The fact of familiarization with the documents must be confirmed by the signature of the employee. In practice, there are several ways to do this. One of the options for collecting and storing signatures of employees at the disposal of a personnel specialist is a journal of familiarization with local regulations. We offer a completed sample magazine prepared by our staff. You can download our sample and you do not need to buy it.

What new employees need to know

Hiring an employee is a strictly regulated procedure, consisting of several stages:

  • requesting the necessary documents from the future employee;
  • familiarization with local acts related to his future work;
  • signing an employment contract;
  • issuing an order from the head to hire a new employee;
  • filling out an employee's personal card;
  • making an entry in the work book.

The staffing table of the company does not apply to local documents, which must be introduced to employees on a mandatory basis. The fact is that it does not regulate the labor activity of employees (letter of Rostrud dated May 15, 2014 No. PG / 4653-6-1).

Acquaintance information recording option - journal

One of the available options for documentary familiarization with internal regulatory documents is to keep a journal of familiarization with the internal labor regulations.

If a decision is made to start a journal, then all local regulations of the organization must be included in it. Including, the Internal Labor Regulations, the Regulations on business trips, the Regulations on overtime work, etc.

The legislation has not established a single form of the journal for familiarization with regulatory documents. Therefore, it can be issued in any form. Of course, you can buy an acquaintance magazine. However, in our opinion, the point in buying is only that the "paper" magazine will be stitched and have a good printing design. For the convenience of our readers, our experts have prepared a form of the familiarization log, which can be downloaded.

The journal of familiarization with local regulations is an internal document of the organization; it is not mandatory, but its use will help the employer to comply with the requirements of the Labor Code, according to which it is necessary to acquaint employees with internal regulations.

Why do we need a journal of familiarization with local regulations

norms Art. 68 Labor Code of the Russian Federation the obligation of the employer to familiarize the employees of the enterprise with all local regulations (LNA) that are related to his labor activity is provided. Such familiarization must necessarily take place under the signature of the employee. Ignoring this requirement entails administrative liability for failure to comply with the requirements of labor legislation. No one wants to pay fines, so the familiarization process has to be formalized somehow. There are several ways to do this:

  • draw up separate familiarization sheets and attach them to all Regulations, orders, contracts and other documents;
  • put murals directly on the LNA;
  • start a special journal.

With orders for hiring, vacations, dismissals and other personalized personnel documents, they are usually introduced "under signature" - with the receipt of a person's confirming signature on the document itself. But with internal regulations that apply to many people at once, the situation is more complicated, because if each person directly signs for them, there will be no free space very quickly. Therefore, employers either create special additional sheets for signatures (which is inconvenient), or create one magazine for familiarizing employees with LNA. At the same time, in a large company with various departments and other structural divisions, where there is a constant movement of personnel, it is possible to issue such a book-type form separately both for each type of document and for departments or branches. Then all local acts will be in order and you will not have to attach additional sheets to them.

Sample Local Regulations Familiarization Log

There is no approved form for such a journal. Since it is not mandatory or even recommended, legislators have bypassed it with their attention. The introduction of an organization of this form into the workflow is aimed solely at simplifying the fulfillment of the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws. Therefore, it depends only on the employer how he decides this issue. You will have to develop the necessary form yourself. The main thing is that it contains all local regulations that new employees should get acquainted with. The form must be approved by the head of the organization by order.

Nothing complicated in filling out such a document should not be. For example, it might look like this:

Also, it is not necessary to give it a book form. It can also be individual sheets placed in a binder folder. You do not need to put any approval visas on the title page, you can only put down the start date and end date of the entries.

The structure of the journal and its retention period

From the above example, you can see that the log form is quite simple. Since there are usually a lot of LNAs that must be introduced to in organizations, it is necessary to allocate several pages for each of them. At the same time, the structure of these pages will not differ and will contain columns:

  • employee data (full name);
  • position and department in the organization;
  • date of sighting (if necessary - time);
  • personal signature of each employee.

If desired, the sheets can be numbered and stitched, but this is not necessary. The person responsible for maintaining such a log is usually a human resources specialist or the manager himself, if the organization is small.

Separately, it is necessary to note the order and terms of storage of this document. This issue is also not regulated by law, so the organization itself must establish it. Most often, employers want to make it small, for example, 5 years. This is a mistake, and in practice it is better to set higher retention periods. After all, many local acts have a permanent shelf life or they are stored for at least 10 years. It is desirable that these periods do not differ from the period of storage of documents on familiarization with them. In addition, employees familiar with the LNA more than 5 years ago may continue to work in this organization and raise the issue of familiarizing them with certain norms. Without this document, it will be quite difficult to prove the fact that the requirements have been met.

Also, one should not forget about Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of 25.08.2010 N 558, which explicitly states that all local regulations (regulations, instructions) on the personal data of employees are documents of a permanent storage period. Therefore, it is advisable to establish the same requirements for the familiarization log if it concerns personal data. In particular, local documents such as:

  • Regulations on the structural divisions of the organization;
  • Pay Regulations.

Therefore, if employees put their signatures and get acquainted with these LNA personally, the shelf life of the form confirming this fact should be similar.

Current labor legislation implies the obligation of employees who have just joined the work to familiarize themselves with local regulations in force on the territory of the enterprise. Absolutely every employee must go through the procedure of familiarization with the main documents related to his work activity.

Such documents include next set of papers:

  • vacation schedule;
  • staffing schedule;
  • collective agreement;
  • job briefing;
  • social Security;
  • trade secret and confidentiality of information;
  • award position.

All these acts, in accordance with the current legislation, the employer undertakes to provide the employee for familiarization.

Within the framework of this documentation, only those provisions that are directly related to the activities of the newly hired employee are taken into account. Such an introduction is bound to take place. under painting.

And this is not just a formality: if this requirement is ignored, there is a possibility of inflicting an administrative penalty under an article related to non-compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

Nobody wants to pay fines, so the familiarization process must be documented and confirmed with a signature. There is several ways doing this event:

  • drawing up separate sheets for review, and then attaching them to separate provisions, contracts, orders, instructions and other papers;
  • putting down paintings directly on the sheet;
  • creation of a special journal, which regulates the procedure for familiarizing employees with certain regulations and other forms of documentation.

As for writ documents related to hiring, vacations and other personalized elements, familiarization with them takes place “under signature”, that is, confirmation is put on the document itself. As for internal regulations relating to several persons at the same time, the situation is much more complicated, because if each staff member signs on paper, as a result, there will simply be no free space left on it.

Therefore, employers have to special sheets and magazines, which includes all of this informational information. Such documents are especially relevant for large enterprises with a large average headcount.

As for regulations and documents related to the safety of personal information, they must be drawn up strictly in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 FZ “On Personal Data”. Familiarization sheets are designed in the form of a plate, this is necessary for ease of filling. The journal must be laced.

In order for a larger number of employees to familiarize themselves with local documents, it is necessary to maintain magazine, which is drawn up by analogy with sheets and other papers.

What is it for

Knowledge by the employee of internal regulations and documents is the key to successful and fruitful work. In addition, the possession of such information guarantees safety at work and in other working areas. There is a few reasons, for which you should not neglect to familiarize yourself with this type of documentation:

  1. Guarantee of safety in production, in trade, in the service sector.
  2. Possession of information about the features of work
  3. Gain insight into the work process.
  4. Normalization of relationships in the team.
  5. Building relationships between employees and management.
  6. Structuring the activities of all departments.
  7. The sequence of work of all links.

As for the need for the journal itself, it is compiled in order to systematize all the information and integrate them into one picture. The principle of operation of such a document simple and understandable: the employee gets acquainted with the rules and local documents, and then confirms this fact in a special journal, putting down his full name, date, and then his signature. The magazine is convenient because it contains a large number of pages, several employees can sign in it. This document will last for several years.

What is LNA? The answer to the question is in the video.

Structure and composition

If we pay attention to the classic sample of this document, we can conclude that the structure, composition and form are as simple as possible. Traditionally, there are a lot of local regulations (LNA) with which the staff needs to be familiarized, so several pages should be allocated for each of them.

At the same time, the structure will remain the same and will include the following important materials:

  • the position to which the newly minted employee entered;
  • surname, as well as the name and patronymic of the newcomer;
  • the date and time at which the document is approved;
  • personal signature of each employee.

If desired, sheets may be numbered and stitched, but this aspect is not strictly necessary. The person responsible for maintaining such a document is usually a personnel specialist. If the organization is small, this person may be directly the head himself.

Terms and procedures of storage

Separately, it is worth mentioning such points as the features and terms of storage of the type of documentation in question. This issue does not have any regulation from the point of view of legislation, therefore it is decided solely by the organization itself.

Most often, employers set short storage periods for such journals and sheets, which, for example, are 5 years. This is a big mistake, because in practice a longer storage time should be set, because most LNA are stored for a long period of time, so they must lie in the enterprise minimum 10 years.

In addition, the lion's share of employees who have familiarized themselves with the rules many years ago may require re-familiarization. And without such a document, it is problematic to provide proof of the fact of their compliance.

You should also remember the Order issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, No. 558, which contains data that all LNA, as well as orders, orders, instructions on the personal data of employees, are documents that have a continuous storage period.

Therefore, it is best to set similar requirements and for a journal of familiarization with them. This is especially true of the provisions on the structural divisions of the organization, on remuneration. Therefore, if employees sign personally, the retention period must be appropriate.

Sample document

To get an idea of ​​what this normative act is, you need to familiarize yourself with type of this paper. There is no legally approved form of the journal and sheet. Moreover, the paper is not mandatory and even recommended, so the legislators decided to bypass it with their attention.

The fact that the organization introduces this form into the workflow is strictly voluntary. Therefore, it depends on the employer how exactly this issue will be resolved.

In any case, you will have to develop the desired form yourself. The main thing is that it includes all the necessary information and regulations to be familiarized by all employees. The generated form must be approved by the head of the company. There is absolutely nothing complicated about this.

Traditionally, the template looks like tables. Above the table, the name of the normative act is written, which is subject to review, and then data on employees is entered in the columns - serial number, position, full name, signature. Below the table are data on the originator of the document, as well as his signature.

In legislation no mandatory item and that the document should be given a paper look. The magazine can also be a set of separate sheets, which are placed in a binder folder. There is no need to put any visa and other data that the paper has been approved, neither on the title page, nor in the text of the document itself. The only thing that is recommended to be taken into account is the start and end dates of the entries.

Thus, a sheet or journal of familiarization with the LNA is a special document that is drawn up within the framework of an individual procedure and is determined directly by the management of the organization.

There is another form of this document's table template that looks something like in the following way:

  1. The first column is the serial number of the employee who is being familiarized with working conditions.
  2. The second column suggests the indication of the full name.
  3. The third column shows the position.
  4. This is followed by a structural unit in which the employee performs his direct job duties.
  5. A note that familiarization with the internal labor regulations has been completed.
  6. Confirmation of familiarization with the provisions on attestation.
  7. Mark of understanding of the provisions of trade secrets.
  8. Confirmation of the fact of verification of the processing of personal data.
  9. A note on reading the norms for remuneration of employees and their bonuses.

In addition to these points, there may be some additional provisions that depend on the individual situation.

How to get acquainted with the LNA and orders against signature? The answer to the question is in the video.